Watch What Crappens

Oh Bow She Didn't!

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21 Jun 2012
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Oh Bow She Didn't!

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Acorns Advisors LLC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor view important disclosures at Hey everyone, it's Watch What Crap Inz, a weekly podcast devoted to all things Bravo, and I am Ben Mandelker from, and joining me as always are my trusty co-hosts, Matt Whitfield from Yahoo, hi Matt. Hello Ben. Hello, and also Ronnie Karam from Hey everybody, what's up? What's up? I'm feeling like a game show host today. I feel like I've got an extra kick in my speech a little bit, and maybe it's because there was so much stuff on TV, Bravo, specifically this week, and we have so much to cover. We're going to talk about OC, we're going to talk about New Jersey, New York, we'll touch on Tardy for the party, a million dollar listing, some gossip, and let's just- Hello, it's called Tardy for the wedding. I'm sorry. Well, we can talk about the song too, right? Well, we can two years later. I am, clearly I am amped up like crazy, which is funny because before the show started, I was very low energy, but I think somehow a switch turned on in me. And let's get right into the gossip. The gossip that I read just today is that there's a new Twitter account out there in the Twitterverse called Bring Back Jill Z. It's by Bobbi. And yeah, the question is this, it's supposedly by a fan who wishes to enact the boycott that Jill Zaren suggested last week. Do we think this is the man or Jill Zaren? I think the fan's name is Jill Zaren. She is her biggest fan, I think. She is. Here are some of the here are some of the tweets from Bring Back Jill Z from eight hours ago. Please follow me and spread the word. We want Jill Zaren back on R-H-O-N-Y. There's also, there are a bunch of retweets like, yes, this show is so lame these days. I miss Bethany, Crazy Kelly, Jill, and Alex. The new girls are just horrible, except the Viva. We like her. And it just goes on. You know, this is why this is why you should never have Twitter on during a show. I'm staring at this now obsessed and thinking how many freaking fake accounts does this bitch have? Because there is this Bring Back Jill Z. There's all these people writing the same tweets over like the same PR tweets over and over again. Jill Zaren. Thanks for the retweet, Jill. Love you, wants you back, exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point. And by the way, one of the followers of this, one of the 26 followers is, I believe it's Ginger, Jill's dog. So that's kind of, that's kind of a, that's kind of a tell. Is, is Zaren Fabrics following them too? I haven't looked, but the real Ginger Zaren is following and I'm sure, I'm sure Zaren Fabrics is following it too. Does Zaren Fabrics have a Twitter account? Don't look, stop looking. Look away from, look away from the Zaren Twitter tweets. It says, Oh my God, people are listening. Look at this website. Now I'm looking fan launch this Twitter campaign to bring Jill Zaren back to Real House's New York. Will it work? Oh God, they're falling for it. You know, we are, of course, just driving more traffic to that Twitter account right now. I'll be knowing my name. Maybe, maybe our people can go on and write some, some rude, hateful things. Go on people. We believe in you. Here's the other thing. Guess what? She's not coming back. Bravo hates her. Yeah, she is not coming back. Andy Cohen doesn't even follow her anymore. I know one person who will be more than happy to talk some shit to, we want Jill Zaren back. And I think that's probably blocked by Jill Zaren. That's what our account who was so lovely to give our podcast a whole bunch of Twitter love the other day. So, thanks guys. Yeah, I love her. I'm going to write, I'm going to write right now on her account is blocked by, wait, what is her name? Blocked by Jill Zaren. Yeah, but what's the new girl's name? Bring back Jill Zaren. Is blocked by bring back Jill Zaren too long of a Twitter handle? I want to be on the blocked by Ginger Zaren list. I didn't know you told me real bad if you made a fake dog angry. I think actually Ginger Zaren follows me. Don't quote me on that, though, even though I know you're dying too. Matt, you had a fun piece of gossip, didn't you? Well, I don't think miscarriage or miscarrying is fun. Sounds like the new Bravo show. It'll be the spin off to misadvised miscarriage. I'll see myself off. I'm cracking myself up. I will see you in hell. Anyway, I just wanted to bring up because, you know, I've been like so anti-bethany for the past few weeks, like, you know, falling from grace. You know, I was her biggest fan, and now I'm like a big ol' hater because of this stupid-ass talk show she has. I just wanted to mention that I think it's really kind of incredibly tacky that this week she started to talk about her miscarriage in depth on that show. Yes, I understand she's trying to connect with her viewers, but you know, in the era of Facebook and Twitter and talk shows and all this craziness, like, isn't there a line? Don't we just say like, "No, I'm sorry, Matt. I don't mean to interrupt you, but I'm sorry." Look, I know she's peed in a bucket on TV, but I'm sorry. That's what I'm telling you about. She crossed that line when she peed on TV and had no qualms about it. Yeah, Facebook and Twitter have officially obliterated that line. I have a friend who posted on Facebook about having a baby, like one of those miscarriages that you're actually pregnant outside of your egg or something, like you're pregnant inside of some tube. I don't know the vaginal wall, sorry, but she's pregnant, like, inside of some kind of tube and the baby starts growing in this tube and then the tube, yeah, those are bad. They'll kill you. She just talks about it over drinks like, "Oh my God, when I was pregnant in my tube outside of my thing, what a day." She's like, "My UTR." I'm just gonna say this. I think it's tacky when people post about death on Facebook and I think it's tacky to talk about miscarrying on a talk show. That's just my opinion move on. Speaking of Bethany, Amy Phillips, who is a comedian and an impersonator who was on House of Haudan with us back when we had House of Haudan and she loved her. She's beautiful and talented and hilarious. Yes, and we've been trying to get her onto this podcast. Our schedules have just not worked out. She was a guest bartender on Watch What Happens on Monday and I don't know if you guys watched it or not, but they showed a clip of her doing her Bethany impersonation and it was spot on. I think it was almost better than her famous Rachel Zoho impersonation. Do you guys see her? Yeah, of course. I'm obsessed and I actually do think that her Ramona singer impression is better than the Rachel Zoho. Yeah, her Ramona impersonation has gotten better. So, you know, just want to give Amy a shout out and good for her and good for her for bringing some true comedy to Watch What Happens. Yeah, I don't want it. I can't do that. Andy needs all the help he can get. And by the way, Andy was looking super fantastic. I saw in the, I guess I was watching real houses of Orange County last night and this will be a perfect segue when he was doing his interstitials for Watch What Happens. He looked like he had fallen asleep in a tanning bed. He looked like Paris Hilton's publicist who, if you've ever seen him, he was like, he was the carrot. That's what happens when you hook up with Madison from Million Dollar Listing LA and hang out by the pool and the boo. Yeah. Oh, really? I just assumed he was out at Fire Island all weekend. Or that. Yeah. And I don't even mean that as a joke. I just assume he's at Fire Island. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, ever since I said that last week, I don't know if that can be true because, you know, the famous saying to bottoms don't make a talk and just the whole week I've been trying to do the math on that couple. I literally just clutched my pearls. Well, yeah, maybe they had it. Maybe they had like a toy to help things out. I don't know. Oh, my God. You people are educated. Let's talk about miscarriages, miscarriages, double-end dildos and miscarriages. Welcome to the show. Excuse me. We would never say double-ended the D word. No. How dare you? Well, I'm just I'm just as bad as Bethany clearly. French class when you have a French count as a father. This is a famous. I mean, this is a very famous, nice show. All right. Like that. For all two women who are still listening to us, they haven't gone running for the hills. Let's go talk about real houses of Orange County, part one of the two-part finale. And we have to start with the great bow scandal of 2012. Was this to me? This is like the epitome of what's great about reality TV. Something totally petty yet it creates a huge drama and a drama that you sort of like feel yourself like getting involved in. Like you sort of are like, you know, like she did eat that bow and that's totally fucked up. I mean, I'm assuming you guys feel the same way. Oh, man, put it up over there, man. Jesus. God. Grow a pair, buddy. You were you you didn't you were caught up in in Bo Bogate. Here's why I was cheering. Finally, Heather earned her spot on the show. Yes. Are you kidding me? Oh, my no. And I knew that would make you furious, but come on. Give the woman some credit. She was so furious over that stupid, stupid thing. I mean, who cares? See, I would be I would be annoyed. I would not have confronted her though, but then again, I don't think she wanted to. I think it was Tamara who just of course Tamara white trash Tamara just pulled stupid white trash your Sarah into the mix and was like, did you read that bow? But well, what do you expect from Tama Sue? Tama Sue, all I got says, Heather had probably the best line of the season, which she delivered like I think is pretty much in the same style as the opening words in Baby Got Back, which she just goes, Sarah broke the bow off my cake. Like to me, that's like one of the greatest household quotes instantly. I thought the best line, but unfortunately, the editors kind of fucked up by putting a little music and sound effects over it. But the best part was when she said, here's an Oreo. She handed her because Sarah ate part of the focus. She has a sugar problem. She's got to have sugar. So Heather went and got her an Oreo. And she's like, here's an Oreo. And then Sarah actually started twisting it apart. Like she was going to eat the fucking Oreo. Like it was an Oreo. Why not? It was the perfect ad for Oreos. I mean, so if you have a psycho Bish who's claims she has a diabetes issue, just give her an Oreo. But I love how all of the wives surrounded her and just started rewriting her about class. That was the funniest part. Like you're all wearing fake furs and mini skirts. Yeah, me was like 90% probably. We get to the fur in one second. I want to talk about Sarah some more here, which is, first of all, like what type of RV do we think that she lives in? Okay, do we think it's a Winnebago? Do we think it's an Airstream? Because this girl is true trash. Am I wrong? Oh, yeah, she's total. Well, they're all total trash. She's but she's dating the 70 year old, right? So I don't think she's in a trailer home. I think she's she's living in a nice little studio apartment with a colostomy bag and a special, but she's that special brand of trash that's like a boozy trash. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but that let's be honest, that was a correction three years ago. Gretchen wasn't boozy though. Oh, yes, she was. Don't you remember when she almost fucked Tamara? Oh, yeah. And she was also a lot fatter too. Oh, well, there you go. Spoken like a true person on a paleo diet. She was fatter. That's good. Matt, have you lost so much weight that you now you see people on crosswalks and think to yourself, fat bitch? Pretty much like my goal by the end of this is to have the pony-like legs of Heather Dubrow. Well, one thing that that idiot girl Sarah or whatever had right was when she said, what is with Heather's face? I can't even tell what she's thinking. I mean, just because you can have Botox every day doesn't mean that you should. Well, you know, it must be so scary for Scarra because she's not only seeing one of Heathers. She's seeing two of them at any given time. That's twice the danger right there. Do we want to see more of Sarah or do we think she's just a drunken bitch? No, she's just she's just too much of a mess. There's no point in her being there. I mean, she can't look. Here's the thing like she's so dumb and don't get me wrong. Like they're all so dumb, especially Alexis, but like she's not going to be able to fight properly. Yeah, exactly. It's like with my mom at the end of a really long canasta game. Why'd you Hey, mom, why'd you call me? I didn't call you. What'd you call me? I didn't. What'd you call me? Hey, Ronnie, why'd you call me? Does your mom also like to break those off of very fancy cake? Well, one time we were at a restaurant and she got drunk and she didn't like her seat, so she threw it on the ground. So I guess she probably would be along those lines. She sounds like she fit right in with this cast. She needs to move. She's always wanted to be on TV. I liked. I was really frustrated by Sarah's defense. I mean, I enjoyed it as a fan because it was just making all the other women so mad. But when she's just like, it's just a bow. I mean, get over it. It's just a bow. It was awesome, which she goes, I'm sorry about the bow. Get over it. I knew a cake as if Sarah had the money to buy one tier of those. Let's give you my credit card number. Yeah, which means she would give her old boyfriend's chevron card. Here you go. Here's my diner's club card. Here's my rob's card. I want points on that cake. So let's talk about Gina, you guys. She's back. You guys? No, you know. She is my all-time favorite. Well, you're in luck because now they're two genas, because Kara looks exactly like Gina now. She got her lips and face and cheeks and hair and everything did. But when they showed up, I thought, we saw that they were going to show up in the preview from the previous week, but I really didn't realize that she didn't know Heather or Terry that she showed up as the guests of Gretchen and Slade. She totally gills down that. You know what I'm saying? She did. And then she also was trying to Sarah it by starting a fight with somebody and just not letting it drop. I was personally amused by the fact that they walked in as if they were going to the Oscars. They're wearing like floor length gowns. You know, I think they were like waiting for the paparazzi, looking for Angelina Jolie somewhere. Look, we have to admit, there is like the best part of OC. And sometimes, you know, these seasons run off the rails and they get kind of boring at times. Nobody does season-ending crazy motherfucking parties like Orange County. I agree 100% on that. I think I even tweeted that last night. More specifically, I said, no one knows how to close out a season like Tamara Barney because that bitch knows how to survive the challenge. She will next week, it looks like. I mean, the only thing that was missing was Laurie wearing Quinn in a busted wig, in a busted wig, and Tammy Knickerbacher doing lines off of like a picnic table. Okay, so we got to talk about some fashion things. Okay. First of all, Cara and her Pancho. Was that funny or was that just tacky and obnoxious? Um, I thought it was funny. It's Gina's daughter. The only one wearing a Pancho. You know, when I saw her, I just felt bad for straight people because you know how when you date and they say, be careful, the girl's going to turn into her mother. I was like, that girl, how do Vicki and Brianna find anyone to have sex with? Because every time I looked at her, I thought, ew, you're going to be driving and she's going to have her arm up on that hand rest thing and her the arm flap is going to hit you in the face and give you a black eye on the way, the way the freeway entrance. I'm sorry. Bueller is eating my shoe. Bueller is Ronnie's dog. Um, now, um, by the way, speaking of other fashion choices, what about Slade and his black turtle neck? I mean, look, as much as we had to bash Slade, he's a generally good looking guy, but this, he could not anymore. He could not. He entered Matlock territory a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, the, the hair is getting too long and poofy and stiff and it's just, I miss him from, yeah, I mean, he was good during, you know, season one and two with Joe when he was wearing like athletic gear, but his hair getting great. Like a lot of people look good with gray hair and you better think that I do, but he going gray, not good. Yeah. I think he sleeps on his face. I think he's one of those people that like maybe sleeps on his side. His half his face is kind of wonky now. Like, when I was always a little bit more close than the other, I have that is from sleeping on my side. Well, um, do you ever wear black turtle necks because that really only exacerbates my body? Nobody should wear a black turtle necks except for Mike Myers when he's being Deeter on Saturday Night Live. That's it. I think the only people who are allowed to wear black turtle necks are German assassins. Okay, which is similar to Deeter. Exactly. Like, like, you, and you should have like a black jacket, like a leather jacket over and maybe a little cap and then you should shoot someone and then you go away and before you comment, you're gone with a silencer with a silencer. Exactly, but Slade was just like, I think he was trying to look, um, maybe, um, intelligent because he's going to the Dubros house, which by the way, can I also like to mention everyone loves this house and they walk into it. To me, it looks like the coldest piece of real estate in Orange County. It looks so lacking in emotion. Um, hello, Heather is the ice queen. So what did you expect? I mean, there's probably a fucking frozen rink under those tiles and speaking of cold things, let's get back to Vicki's fur coat, which I'm pretty much convinced that she has not gotten out of it since she put it on. She was so proud of that thing around her. I love that everybody she showed it to called, the stinks that she bought it for herself. Yeah. And speaking of classless, how about Vicki going around telling everyone that Brooks bought it for her? I mean, really? Look what Brooks bought me. Look what Brooks bought me. And it was like, yeah, for California. All the women were like in sleevelish sleeveless dresses. I mean, Alexis had like one shoulder exposed and she's sitting there like an Eskimo and her. Have you guys ever seen that documentary called Pimp Up Ho Down? Yes, it's not. It was a very popular documentary that came out a few years ago, but they have a hookers ball. And it's the one year where all the hookers and pimps like, it's like hook or prom, you know, like they get really dressed up. And that's how they dress like these women. They're fake furs that are down to the floor with the little mini skirt and bikini top like, what the hell are these people doing? I wish I had a good answer for that. I just thought it was funny how she just prayed around that and that ugly black fur. I mean, look, I can we take a second though, because they all showed up in fur coats. And I don't know if I'm the only one here. Sorry to get all political for a second, but fur is fucking disgusting. And they should all die. Well, says the man on the paleo diet eating animals every single day. I only eat fish. I only eat fish because I could really then what are you doing on this podcast? Oh, that was really good. Well, I have to say, I think the other girls were actually in fake fur. And I think that Vicki was in real fur. And actually, I was thinking Vicki can afford to buy her own rail fur. Gretchen can't. Well, except that Vicki hasn't bought herself a fur yet. Oh, yeah, that was totally by Brooks. But Vicki's fur isn't like fashionable and fun. You know, the other girls first were at least fun. Hers is like that fur. That that cartoon old lady who hits people with her purse. It was very matronly. It was not doing her any favors. I think a fur coat you want. I like, I like like a long fur coat. Like, I think a woman in a long fur coat, that's like more like luxurious or sex or you do something funky like the other girls and their silly ones. But yeah, it was it was matronly. I take issue with that. It's only. Um, can we talk about Alexis for a second here? Um, and she made a big stink at almost every corner about the fact that the girls gang up on her and that everything that they said about her in Costa Rica, she went and spoke to her real friends and they said it wasn't true. They said that she wasn't phony. Do we think it's possible that just her friends might be phony also? Like birds with her. Only her only friends are Sarah, Jim, and Jesus. So I mean, come on. That's that's true. They're not gonna, they're not gonna tell her anything else. Yeah, there was kind of a throw way line there because she said, I called everybody. I know and asked him, am I like this? Am I like this? And Sarah goes, call. Here's your call. That was really funny. Well, Sarah is just learning about what a telephone is. She's like, I always, I always use a paper cup and a piece of string called a mom and the other trailer. Mom ready. Bring me a piece of fontan. And your three jelly beans hit up the side of your trailer. You know, it's time to come over for dinner. My didn't hear the triangle yet. When this sounds like she should be dating Brooks. Brooks, when did you get your teeth fixed? We don't have a dentist in this RV park. You guys, why is Briana so upset about this Brooks thing? Because she is set to inherit Vicki's fucking fortune. And I wouldn't want some white trash dude from the bio spending my inheritance either. Also, quite frankly, he's creepy. You know, even the way he went up to Gina, he's like, I'm a hugger. I'm a hugger. Let's hug. I mean, come on now. He is, but he's keeping your mom out of your apartment. That's true. And she's probably not anxious. And she's not calling you 20 times a day. I mean, you owe him you owe him something. Does that part about a thank you card in a hug instead of derision Briana? Do you think does Vicki have a leg to stand on when she talks about Eddie and Tamara running into marriage so quickly when she is, in fact, she is like the sugar mama to this. Are you trying to transition smoothly into New York to a Viva? No, although I would like to say that the Twitter account known as a Viva's leg started following me today. And I appreciate that greatly Viva's lip. Well, if we're going to start dropping names like that, well, I'll get to it at the end of the show. I'll save it as a little surprise a Twitter for our Twitter section. And by the way, the people who tweeted us questions, we will get to those at the end of the show. So you just have to sit and wait. Sorry. But of course, Vicki is being a hypocrite. Of course, she's a total hypocrite. She's always a hypocrite, right? It's going to be really good at the reunion when she's got everybody yelling at her. That's going to be great. I love. I did like when Vicki did have a very funny line. She said something to Sarah. I think Sarah either said that she has a sugar problem or she has a problem, ladies and gentlemen, because you don't have a sugar problem. You have a drinking problem. That was in the confessional. Yeah, she said, no, the problem is sugar. It's alcohol. Before we move on, I have to ask two more questions because we did bring up Gina briefly, but what do we think about her like foe, like apology with Tamara? Do we believe it's real? And more importantly, is there ever a chance of Gina coming back to the show? I think there's a chance that she would come back. And I think actually the apology was real, but as real as it can be with these sort of bitches, because right afterwards, Gina had that backhanded comment. She's like, well, I don't know if it's as real as any of the other stupid shit that comes out of her mouth. Well, because Tamara is the most awful mean, horrible bitch ever to walk the face of the earth. So I understand where that came from from Gina. I will say this. Yeah, but I was on Tamara's side with that fight. No, we're not even going there. This is what I will say, though. I just got an inkling. And I know that Bravo Andy was probably feeling it in his itty bitty man parts too. When Gina and Vicki had a moment there after not talking for a while, and we saw them reconnect. It's kind of what we always wanted for Jill and Beth. And he kind of what we've always wanted for Nini and Kim. Like the thought of those two teaming up for next season, delicious. Oh, I would love it. I mean, there and also when they were when they reconnected there in that moment, you sort of realize these two are like the real deal. Like these like, it's like you just realize that Vicki's hanging out with these crazy petty younger bitches. She needs to get with Gina, who's her own age, and they can get over their real estate problems, and then they can take the rest of these bitches out next year. That's my dream in life. I'm totally behind that. And on that note, let's awkwardly transition to let's let's go to New Jersey first because New Jersey had some major stuff going on as well. Do we not remember? Jersey had a leg up on Orange County and a leg up on Aviva. Oh snap. I thought I'd bring it back to the human jokes, miscarriages, miscarriages. So that was a miscarriage of justice. Let's can we talk about fight nine 2012? Yes. On which one? On Jersey. On Jersey. We're talking about. Yeah, we're talking about the beginning of the end. It's it's where, you know, last year when we watched that season finale and Jack one didn't show up. Like, yeah, it's all we're seeing where the beginning of the crumbling is happening. Yeah, the crumbling is starting. The cookie is crumbling. And that's the way it happens. If I may get metaphorical. So what was what? I have a question. Okay, let's set up this fight again. It's a little hazy in my mind. I don't know why it's hazy. I think it was so much that my mind blocked it out. But Jacqueline seemed to be really bothered by all this type of stuff, but in a different way drugs, drugs pills. She was like on the verge of tears. And because she was like, well, you know, Teresa, she doesn't come to me. She's supposed to be my best friend. Do we think she was just drunk during this entire fight? I kind of thought she was. No, I mean, yeah, she's always drunk. Like she hides it a little bit better than some of the other women on these shows. But I will say she just is a caring, sweet, dummy. I think that she was only doing that to embarrass Teresa because she knows Teresa does not want to talk about fucking bankruptcy on the show. Right. And she's bringing that up on purpose to like stab at Teresa and make Teresa go crazy and flip a fucking table, which she almost did. She's trying to play victim, you see, because now she's got a stupid Caroline making her believe that the whole world hates Teresa and they don't. I mean, the whole world is turning against these bitches and it's hilarious. No, I think the world is still against Teresa. I think there might be some backlash. No, Ben, you would be surprised. You know, Ronnie and I talked about this like secretly, America loves Teresa. Well, she's hilarious. Like she's a train wreck, but at least she's funny. Like, what's that show without her Jackie? Well, I think it's like, I think it's one of these like compartmentalized things where it's like, if you're in that situation, you look at your like, Oh, Teresa's awful. She's the worst. But then if you're looking at as a show, if you show people like, Oh, well, you got to have Teresa. She's like, okay, but will you admit that the hatred for Caroline is rising? Like, she's not like off limits anymore, because now she's just like a sour old bitch. Yeah, I would say so. But I have to say, there's still, I kind of really enjoy when Caroline gets into fights because she, her method of fighting is so refreshing compared to everyone else on all these shows who just gets shrill and screams and doesn't say she has a unique tactic. I will give her that quiet. And she's she's actually pretty articulate in these fights, which is like a crazy concept to be on a reality TV show. You know what I'm saying? Well, can we talk about her not so stealth slash staged entrance because it was the fucking funniest thing ever. It was amazing. They were all Teresa and Jacqueline were fighting. Jacqueline had gotten Teresa to the point where Teresa is screaming about. I don't even remember what was Teresa screaming about at that point about because Jacqueline just kept repeating herself. And Teresa was trying to make everybody believe that she would never say anything to a magazine. Like Teresa is screaming and it actually did sort of seem like they were about to hit a breakthrough. And then out of nowhere comes Miss Caroline Manzo. Well, she she had to return Jacqueline's kid swimsuits at 9 p.m. Yeah. And then she but the best thing is it's like they're so loud, so loud, so then all of a sudden Caroline walks and he goes, why are you yelling? Oh, it was. It's one of my favorite housewives moments ready to start shit. To me, that was like a countess the land sort of move. You know how countess the land always seems to appear once the yelling starts. Yes. And with her glasses on her on top of her cloth, I mean, she was ready to go. She was and she was like she looked like she had just walked through a car wash and she was she was like she's like it was she had just been in the most humid place on earth and she was now ready to fight. Her hair was flat with half the coffee. I like that too. It's like what? What are you yelling about? And then she sits down and starts calling Teresa fake. You know, fuck Caroline calling anybody fake and on her way out when Caroline's like, nice big. I like that. It was petty, but I liked it. Look, Caroline is just so bitter because Teresa has her sister, Dina. Well, she has Caroline's sister, Dina on her side and clearly it is making Caroline go fucking insane. But Teresa also got her sons in trouble with the law down in the Dominican Republic. I just think there's a lot more that's going on. I feel like I empathize with Caroline. I see where her anger is coming from because she has to deal with this moron. Teresa, I understand Teresa is like a more interesting reality TV character for sure, but I'm still on Team Caroline. I'm on. Yeah, but to watch season one, okay, to watch that at home that you've just all been through the season and then to come back on the show and be a hundred percent team Teresa after seeing what an asshole she is and how much she ruined everything and lied constantly. You get what you deserve, but you come back and you're sure to be as close to the most popular one as you can and then you turn on her when you think that you can get everybody else on the show on your side and no one cares. The camera is only caring about Teresa. Nothing else is working. I don't think it's bad. I don't think it's bad. I don't think it's bad in her stupid fucking daughter. You know, I don't think it's as, I don't think it's as as cut and dry as that because the truth is that Caroline was one of the most popular cast members originally and people really liked her, but then the Judas, all this Judas drama took over and then, and now Teresa is sort of like the hero, the villain that everyone sort of loves to hate, you know? Well, can we just... I don't know about that, but I think this is also, um, this was also being taped while the other last season was airing. I think there's a lot of, it's hard to say. There are a lot of weird things going on. They're okay. That's a good point because there, there is a lot of like overlap, I believe, with this one, which we've never really seen before. I feel like Bravo was like, we are onto some hot shit, keep those cameras rolling even if we have to pay them more. And I think that that is definitely making their interactions a hell of a lot more awkward this year. Um, but I will also say like, you know, as much as I love Kathy, I know it took me forever to get on board and like Melissa, and I want to party with her and like, Joe, they were not part of this episode whatsoever. So, is the only thing that this show needs to survive? Teresa? No, you know, I'm gonna say no to that because there was a time when we all thought that that, you know, when Danielle was off the show, we're like, how is this show gonna continue? You know what, these are a crazy bunch of MOOCs, okay? And there will always have some stupid drama, okay? You get rid of Teresa, there's a brand new idiot ready to grow in her place, okay? You put Kim D in there, you put Kim G, Kim P, Kim ABCDE, I'm right. Yeah, that's great. I'm like in a flow. Yeah, you are, you're totally crackering out over there. Yeah, that's great. Cracker rap. Cracker rap. They could probably sub in some of Melissa's sisters, you know, listening. Oh, they're all, I hate Melissa and her sisters. Oh, I like Melissa. See, this is what I'm confused about. They're, they're talking about Teresa, like the villain, and like you said, she's getting the villain edit, but Teresa obviously doesn't know it. And I feel like when they're getting the villain edit, you kind of know, because doesn't it always seem like everyone's defensive when they're the villain? And Teresa is still acting like she's Lucille Bull. I'm, we're like Lucille. Okay, but Ronnie, Ronnie, she's more retarded than anybody ever on the show. Even more than Alexis, you have to admit that. Yeah, she is probably the most. But I think, I think it's backfiring and she's actually becoming more entertaining because these women are talking about her, like she's Satan. And then she's like, wow. Well, she is entertaining, but she's awful. She's entertaining in her awfulness, which is perfect for a reality star. But it's like, I don't like her as a person though, at all. I don't like any of them. I mean, look at Melissa. Okay. They go to Melissa and she's like, Oh, it's a little loop. I'm in a house at the top, outside the house shaking my ass for the camera. That's what I'm doing. It's a natural day. It's what we do. Shut the fuck up. You whore. You're a whore. And then her sister with her bad ponytail weave to look just like Melissa and her new big little round boobs. They are pathetic. Those people are so disgusting. I thought it was really funny was that the sisters were like, we're gonna get dressed up because we're gonna be on camera. And that one sister did something to wear hair where it was like shiny and curly. It could not have looked any trashier, any more like that. That's that's fancy for them. I know it's very fancy. It's like they're gonna go. What men are fucking hideous. And then you've got midget Joe with his stone days completely wide, like he's just been in a bomb school. Like he just looks confused and bombed out all the time. Whatever. They're like, Hey, hey, you want to, yeah, go to therapy. Yeah, call Teresa. Text Teresa. Teresa Teresa. That poor guy doesn't know what are you. Are you seriously expecting something more high level than that on this show? Oh, and they're going big. What? They're going bankrupt. Oh, yeah. Have you heard about that? Supposedly, they owe $2.5 million on their mortgages. And that's why they're selling everything they own. And they're about to go bankrupt to suck us. Are you kidding me? That's what the current gossip mill that is going to make for the juiciest shit ever. I can't wait for Teresa to write them a card when she's like, Oh, enjoy your new house. And it's really like a cardboard box. Enjoy. Well, someone posted in the comments on Jersey a link to and I forget where this article was, but it was so vile and wonderful, but it was blind items before the season started. And it was Jersey, you know, you where you have to guess the person, but they didn't say it was for New Jersey. They just said, here's some blind items for the cast of an upcoming reality season. And it was like family members pretending they're rich, but in reality, one's a hairdresser and one pumps acid gas station, which is the Achilles. Yeah. And then one was sister in law comes on the show and there's a family feud between her and another cast member. The problem is it's because she slept with the cast member's husband, which would be Melissa. It was so juicy. I wish I had the link to tell you guys about it. But the other ones, I think we're pretty boring, but by the way, I don't think the wakiles pretend like they're rich. I think they always are portrayed as more like middle class upper middle. Yeah, their house has siding on the front. Yeah, and it's like, there's no marble columns. So don't get it twisted. Okay. Well, who knows? I mean, maybe Ronnie, Ronnie, please put down your other electronical devices. You're starting to sound like a robot robot. I wait, did anyone else? Was anyone else utterly amused every time Teresa said, hey, you know, once you do bankruptcy, you know, you start over do I don't think do bankruptcy is a proper expression. It is when you did when you're there a ton of time. So really happily have. I apologize. The listeners have to hear robot Ronnie right now. You need to edit that shit. Is it still bad? Say what you just said before. Ryan Reynolds here for Mint Mobile. With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. So to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing. Mint Mobile unlimited, premium wireless. Have it to get 30, 30, 30, but to get 20, 20, but to get 20, 20, but to get 20, 20, but to get 15, 15, 15, just 15 bucks a month. So give it a try at $45 up from payment equivalent to $15 per month, new customers on first three month plan only taxes and fees extra speeds lower above 40 gigabytes detail. Who even has a VCR anymore or a film projector? Legacy box allows you to revisit those memories without those antiquated machines as easy as 123. Send in your legacy box filled with old VHS tapes, camcorder tapes and pictures. Their team professionally digitizes everything by hand right here in the USA. You'll get it back on a thumb drive or the cloud along with your originals. It's so simple. It's like magic. For a limited time, get started preserving your past and save 50%. Go to legacy to revisit and share special memories from your past. That's legacy No, I forgot. We're going to do bankruptcy and have them. Am I still, am I still robotic? You're better now. You're back from your back from Skynet. Little Terminator humor for the podcast and see that one coming. Sorry everybody. Sorry. The future is now. Oh, you guys. Does anyone have any last thoughts on New Jersey before we go to New York City? No. The Gorgas are horrible people. Stop falling for it. I love the Gorgas and the what he lives. And I just can't wait for the return of Dina. Yeah, we're all excited. Okay. So New York City, it wasn't a lot of drama, but you are ringing. I hate it. I was, but I'm entertained. You know, the three new women aren't the best, but you know what though? I thought I really, I'm really enjoying this Aviva lady quite a bit. Even though she's a student, even though she serves the pot. I don't know. She says funny things. Like, I don't. She's not that funny. All she does is kiss everybody's ass. And I just kind of want her other leg to get chopped off. So be crawling around the streets of New York. Really still stirring shit up. So she'll be like, so I heard you know, you found my leg. I heard that Ramona took my leg. No, here's the thing with Aviva. She said some funny things. And I, I feel really bad saying this. Okay, I'm just going to, I'm just going to say this will sound very politically incorrect. Incorrect. I'm aware that she lost her leg. And it's a terrible thing that had to happen to her. And of course, it must be scarring. But I thought it was really funny when she said, well, having lost my leg and barebells, I now have a fear of being trapped in other machinery. That was a terrible, a terrible, such a bizarre thing to say. And it made total sense for her, you know, but like what a line. But it's kind of the same thing like we were talking about before on the miscarriage. Like we get it. Your leg was chopped off. We don't need to hear about it every fucking time we see you. Stop it. She must be very afraid to go onto farms now. Or what does she do when she's getting her groceries bagged? No, no, this freak out every time. She must run. She must run as far as she can. Hey, guys, I actually got my pinky finger caught in the grocery conveyor belt when I was a child and had to have the rescue squad bust up at the machine to save my pinky. This explains so much about you. Well, good. Now you can raise it every time you drink a damn Diet Coke. They sure did. That's the service. Can we talk about Sonya and her brand? Please, please. So I don't know where to even start. Let's talk about Sonya in the city, her new party planning. Right. How original is that? I'm how current? How long ago from the city canceled? Well, the last time Sonya could afford to go shop for things for her house or herself is when the second city started in 1998. Yeah, she hasn't paid the cable bill in 10 years. She has no idea what's on TV anymore. She doesn't realize that true blood's on and she could call it true Sonya. It was either that or murder. She's so good. So, yeah, it's so much. I'm in a pee. She's like, she's like, actually, I just pay the cable. I'm so excited to see what alph is up to these back. I hope you hasn't eaten that cat. You know, that cat is a lovely cat. Lucky. No, they're very nosy. Oh, my God. So what is her fucking brand? She's going to have toasters. She has an umbrella. Okay. There's the Sonya brand. Knowing her is probably to come out with umbrellas represent her umbrella. Okay, like the Sonya umbrella. So how do we cry? How do we envision? How do we envision a party that has been organized by Sonya in the city? How do we think a party will play out? What will it be like? It'll be her flashing her vag in a Marie Antoinette. It's on the side because she fucked some guy to get a free case of shams. Anything that goes wrong, she's going to be like, that would have been a prop of that. Hurricane Irene fucked it all up. She's going to book every party in someone's basement, okay, where there'll be some cobwebs everywhere. It's like, well, you know, after Hurricane Irene, all the spiders moved in. They need to run away from all the water. So they came here, you know, we got to fix it. Then she threw a burlap dance while eating a chicken skewer, and we'll call it a big deal. And by the way, and could her toaster not sound any more of like, like bizarre, she's like, well, and so like poorly formed. She's like, well, we're working on the toaster. We got, we got, we got a, we got a crumb tray now. Congratulations. You got a crumb tray. I got a three tier toaster. It's got three tears in a crumb tray. She's making the bird. When she said, when she said crumb tray, I shit my pants. She's making the birds do buy of toaster ovens right now. Okay, this thing's to be taller than anything you've ever seen, and it's going to have a crumb tray on every tier. That wasn't going to be able to crumb anything in there. How are you going to get a bread pizza in that goddamn thing. Definitely room for a blackberry. It's going to be the size. You know what? She's so dumb. It's going to be the size of like a regular oven. And then she doesn't, she's like, all the time she's going to realize she's actually designed another not a toaster oven. It's like, it's so big, you could fit two chickens in it. You just have to pre-do it for 10 minutes. That's all. That's okay. 10 minutes. You know what you could do? You could go and try to empty out one of the buckets of hurricane Irene water. That's that's wrong in your living room. No big deal. And I love it. Heather's going to design the entire thing. And he's going to make the money on it just like him and Target for the party and Candy gets screwed. Could you imagine? Could you imagine if the Sonya organized Heather's party? There would be no cake, first of all. I would like Sonya to have designed Heather's father's funeral. Oh my God. I know I wish you could just transfer all the plot lines from each show under the next one. Oh, that would be great. You know, you know, the it would just be like a bunch of little mini pizzettes, you know, that's all that. That's all that happening. Well, we got some pizzettes. And what are those people saying that other language, meatball, something like that? You know, cases. So, oh my God. So anyway, what is Sonya's thing? Because they're like, oh, you have an umbrella for all of your different brands. So she's going to have toaster ovens and then she's going to isn't her party planning thing something more than just party planning? Isn't it some kind of special consultation? I think she'll consult on like the the lighting and the decoration. Well, wait, I mean, she used to fuck doorman so she could eat free at fancy restaurants. So she is a food expert as a result. Here's my thing. I don't know if I want my my menu consultants to have her be claimed to fame is that she knows how to make some things in a toaster oven. Okay, like, I don't want French bread, pizza, and hot pockets on my at my party. That's probably what they said. I actually would like that quite a bit. Well, that coming that coming next week of showing Ramona finally losing it and saying that Sonya's a bimbo in an airhead and she's over it. Oh, wait, how juicy was it when Ramona made the dig and her confessional about like, well, I hope she didn't spend $7 million on it. Like, her stupid fucked up film business. Oh my God. She said, she says something about it being like a $7 million pad or something like that. Or I don't know. But I enjoyed watching both Ramona and Heather give Sonya business advice because I felt like you did get to hear them in like their professional hats, you know, and it seemed like they're legit. But it was funny watching Sonya attempting to absorb any of this information. And as she writes down like some basic words on a piece of newspaper, you know, yeah, she's basically just smiling cross-eyed like kind of tilting her head like in that drunken bobble headed way. Just like, you know, so do you know a lovely graphic designer? Oh, good. Good. She she is a drunk rooster. Yeah. I kind of like, I kind of like how her logo just looks like it says sewn. So remind me of like, you know, salange, which you know, so long. So long J Knowles. I think Sonya and Solange Knowles should go into business together. That's a business. That would that would be a whole lot of business that I'd want to get involved. That's a party I want planned. Um, will she be planning Luan's baby shower? Oh, oh my God. Okay, Luan, really, we get that you have children. Please talk trying to make us believe that you're a good mother. My cousin was visiting from out of town and I had she of course had to sit here and watch it with me. And she's kind of texting on her phone ignoring it rolling her eyes the whole time. And she looked up at the scene with the daughter and she goes, she looks like she doesn't even know that girl. She's supposed to be her mother because this is the worst acting I've ever seen. Well, she kept calling her Angie. And I thought her name was Victoria, but yeah, she probably doesn't remember her daughter's name. She's like, she's like, Noelle has grown up so much over the past few years. It's like, yeah, this is probably the first time she's seen him in the past four years. Yeah, yeah. You're on a skateboard. Oh, you're good. Oh, yeah, you've never seen him on a skateboard before. I did like her. I like the one she got on the skateboard. You know, she thought she was so hip when she did that, you know. Now let's skateboard on for on say. Okay, how old is she and do her eggs still work? No. First of all, she doesn't have eggs. She has croissants in there. Okay. And they're big fresh every single day in the French. I had a dry had a dry to say buried that looks more fertile than her eggs. Well, there's a to be fair, she did say that she she she believes that fertile Myrtle has gone out to pasture. So at least she's like not in total denial. Well, she can she can easily buy a baby with john's money with jocks money. Yeah. And and the counts money too. She can buy with everyone's money. She still got the crates leftover from her own kids. So feed it alcohol and put it in the bushes and then act like, you know, just knock it in there and then tell people that Ramona's blackmailing her when Ramona's telling the truth about her being a terrible mother. Got Ramona watching Ramona get sidelined by the new ladies is pretty wonderful, I have to say. What do you think about Carol? Carol hitting a mario? I wanted her to swipe the bread and the salt and pepper off that table and fuck Mario on that table right in front of Ramona. She would have. Yeah. And Ramona probably would have like taken pictures and tweeted them out there. Ramona looked like she was kind of trying to make that happen, right? Yeah, I think Ramona, I think I should remind myself. I share things. I'm honest and I share. I share. I like to share. I'm sorry if you don't like to hear it, but I like to share. I think that Ramona likes likes it when people think her husband is hot actually. I think she I think that I don't think she gets jealous or territorial. I think she actually feels proud. Yeah, that's just so gross. Look, we've grossed everybody. I know. Let's talk about miscarriage is again. Let's talk about Luann having a croissant miscarriage. I think Carol's a little disturbing, frankly, starting to creep me out. It's starting to. She had some funny lines, but seriously, the way she talks about the subway and downtown. I had I like crazy. I have aunts and uncles who were crazy. Like we're supposed to believe you're like 15 and your only frame of reference is the old people in your family. Shut up. I know. I mean, come on. She is the crypt keeper. She is. She is very like modern day. Weaved out. Oh, did you guys see the picture of her and Stephen Tyler next to each other? No, but at least she admitted that they look like twins, which is what I feel like would be what they really do. Seeing them next to each other like that, she makes Stephen Tyler look like young, fresh and fertile. Wow. Now there's a girl who can get pregnant. We'll be more impressive as if she could make Stephen Tyler look like a like a male again. That's wrong. Apparently, I've even as a fan of everybody. I mean, is this a strawberry milkshake? Yeah, I mean, do you think she smokes 10 cartons of cigarettes a day? I should have a beer. That's what they're doing. I'm not either jetting. I'm gonna have a hine again. Matt, when you did it, it sounded sexual. I can't do the impressions like you guys and it just came out. We're like, and you're like, oh no. I hate you both. I hate you. Well, I'm pressing isn't even good. It's really too bad. Our question is bad as creepy on its own. Hello, I'm Carol. I'm a friend of a father on top of the hotel. We're changing topics because I'm calling Chris now. I'm terribly just because there's an E at the end of my name. Don't come. I'm not like a Christmas, Carol, even though I'm sort of spelled like that. Even though I'm like the past and the future all world in the world. Even though I was born in a time of child's dickens. It's going to be my question impression. Hi, I'm Gretchen. Hi, I'm Gretchen. I'm Gretchen, I did slave. My favorite is when you do Marlowe. Come on. Marlowe is Arlo and Shiree in Africa. My Marlow and Shiree, my Marlow and Shiree is really weird. It always sounds strange, but I try to do it. It's always like a horror-rove sound. I don't know what's wrong with me. That's just like a good job. Okay, last note about New York. What do we think about Heather inviting some of the ladies, not all of the ladies, to a trip to London? Was this really going to happen? Or was Bravo like, we're already bored two episodes in. Somebody stir the pot. Well, I love that she didn't invite Luann or Ramona. It looks like next week she changes her mind and at least invites Luann, and I think that was probably producer driven. Because of course, Heather would be the fucking type to be like, "Oh, we're new, but let's take it over." Yeah, and by the way, and Aviva, once again, is turning the pot by looking to Ramona, being like, "You're invited, right?" To be fair, I have to say, they're a little like brunch/drinks on top of the hotel. That was like a super fun day. I'm not going to lie, I wish I was there. Because it was a brunch that started late and then it rolled into more cocktails. I mean, that is every gay boy's dream. It was not only that, like the sun set during their brunch. It was nighttime by a time brunch was over. And you know how Aviva's scared of being in planes and elevators and tall buildings, does she not sound like the biggest pain in the fucking ass ever? Well, she does, she does, she does. No, and while we're on her, let me just tell you this, I think it's also fucked up that some of these women show their naked babies in a bathtub on TV. Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like to see naked babies. I don't think I saw that. Yeah. I think it's just, I think it's wrong. We didn't see full frontal, we just saw like prepubescent girl nip. That's all. Here, I just think it's gross. I just don't think that parents should do that. I think it's just inappropriate. If you grew up and you were that child, you would be mortified. I would be uncomfortable with having family bath time being recorded by any TV cameras. And that's sort of what happened a little bit. And by the way, it sort of struck me as odd when she, when Aviva said that she was a full time mom, I hadn't really thought about it before, but it sort of shocked me. She doesn't seem like a full time mom. She seems actually like not like one of those annoying mommy types. You know, maybe like, she was another one that her kids did not seem to know who the fuck she was. She was like, Hey, come here. It's a bad look at the bubble. And he was like, Oh, who's this lady? Well, maybe that's what she's renamed them all like five times. Oh my God. How fucked up was that? Oh, yeah. What did she change their name? I forgot all about that. It was like, was it like from Harrison to Brandon to no, like, like, no, do, no, no, like, Hey, dude, get over here. Like Houston or Hudson or something. Hudson Hudson. Yeah, I went to Hudson. Well, and the daughter's name is Sienna and too bad that's locked in. And then she's almost gonna change that up. But she'd be no, again, she made like jokes about it. Like in the interviews, she like made self deprecating jokes sort of like acknowledging that she's a crazy woman. I do. I do like that she admits that she's crazy. I do enjoy. I appreciate that. That's like a really big step because there are a lot who don't don't truly understand that. No, she's not saying it like I'm fucking insane that I need help. She's saying it like crazy. Like in that, I'm just a wife of the party. You just turned her no bit. She crazy. You just turned her into Michigan J frog, by the way. Okay, so let's, let's move on to some odd, some bravo odds and ends. So we there's some other two, believe it or not, there are other TV shows aside from the housewives. Like gasps. It's shocking. Did you guys watch misadvised? You know, I reported it. I didn't get chance to watch it yet. Did you guys see it? No. Did you watch it, Matt? I am boycotting. I, you know, I I fell off like during lab the last season of Patty Stanger, like millionaire matchmaker and I just want bravo to stop trying. Like it's just a genre that they patty is fine, but like stop. Oh, sorry. I was just going to say I'm so sorry. I was just going to say I think it looks kind of cute. I just I just have to draw a line. I'm watching too much reality right now. I am. I was such thing. I had no plans really to watch it, but then I was watching Housewives of New York and then it caught like the first like two minutes of misadvised and I got sort of sucked in and I was like, oh, this looks like it actually could be kind of entertaining. So I recorded it. And by the way, Ronnie, you know that, um, NaaS was it NaaS or NaaS? NaaS? Yeah, NaaS. I was just going to say we should watch it because NaaS is one of the producers on that. So is a is a is she still writing for TV? Yeah, she still runs the news section. Yeah, so she runs runs that part of TV. So we'll we should watch it just to support her and her hard work. And it's also her birthday this week. Yeah, I eventually will watch it. I love my nads and she said this one's good. She's usually pretty, she's usually pretty honest about she said the first one was maybe a little slow, but then it picks up. Okay. And now Matt, speaking of how there are no Housewives, there are other shows other than Housewives shows, they are Housewives spinoff shows. You watched the charty for the party wedding? I really didn't wash it because I was crying the entire time crying because you're an adult man watching Kim Zulcek get married. What happens? Um, Ron, Ronnie, Ronnie pretty much just summed it up very well there. Like, um, yeah, that was my Thursday night. I'm an adult man sitting alone in my rented apartment in Hollywood. Um, yeah, yeah. Don't quit. Don't quit on the air. Save it till after. Save it. Um, anyway, I will just say this. It was an hour as opposed to a half hour. It was incredibly juicy. The ratings were through the roof. So Kim Zulcek will continue to not only be an Atlanta Housewife. She will definitely, well, for the hour special, I mean, the first half was really focusing on getting ready for the wedding. And then, you know, I, I bawled when Croix walked out with K Jana's arms. And then, you know, he cried when Kim walked out and it was an emotional moment. And I'm in totally embarrassed. But it really got juicy because her mom, Kim's mom, got drunk and crazy with her sister, meaning Kim's aunt at the wedding. And then Kim threw them out with security through her mother and father out of her own fucking wedding. So wait, she threw them out because they got in a fight. Wasn't it about the bathrooms or something? Okay. So there was a rule that nobody was allowed into the house, not one person except like Kim and Croix. And Kim's mom broke into the house with her aunt to pee. And then they started then they started screaming and that Kim's mom is such an idiot because let's be honest, Croix is paying for this whole shebang pretty much like if Kim loses Bravo and Croix stops paying, like Kim's parents are out of the money too. So she actually was telling Croix to go fuck himself. And then she forgot that she had a mic pack on and she's being all drunk with her sister and they're cursing both of them out. And then Kim had to kick them out of the wedding. But you know, Kim really shouldn't kick them out of the wedding because Kim should realize that's Kim. You know, Kim is the one who'll be drunk at weddings peeing in in prohibited areas, you know? No kidding. That's what makes me crazy about Kim Zolcek. When did she become so fucking classy? Yeah, she's the makes me crazy. Yeah, she's the queen of being inappropriate and all that crap. I don't approve Kim Z. I don't approve. Oh, and also who has a wedding and then makes her guests piss in porta potties. That's fucking disgusting. They were $5,000 porta potties. They were ever a shit box is a shit box. I don't have it. Don't have it in your backyard and then keep your house closed. That's just that's just cheap at that point. Yeah, exactly. She's like, I'm gonna get a huge mansion. But no one can come in here because God forbid I paid for a maid tomorrow. Jesus Christ, and so let's we're sort of running out of time. Does anyone want to talk about million dollar listing? Well, I think that our fans and our listeners out there, they are watching it this season. It is getting a little juicy. I will say that people should, you know, I think people should bother to check it out. I miss I will forever miss Chad and stop starly cakes. But Chad with the Beatles hair. I love this. Yes. Yes, Chad. The Beatles hair and his head has had looked like one of those guys on Super Mario Brothers with the shell, the black shell that you can't like, you can't like step on and kick. I don't know. Yeah, it's like one of the ones that suddenly port like they changed the rules and not mushroom poison to you. So here's the thing that really made me mad with Bravo this week. They've changed the name of million dollar listing to million dollar listing LA. So my Tivo didn't just automatically record it. I hate when they do that. And I'm the worst at programming that I'm never going to think. I mean, even after this, like once this is over, I'm not going to think, oh, I really need to go on there and search with the Tivo remote, male, young, dollar, I'm never going to watch it now. Well, no, I'm just gone. Just going to say this. It's getting really, really juicy because Madison is fighting with co-star Josh Altman because Madison's assistant Heather is now sleeping with him and it's getting like extra salacious. So I really do suggest people check it in. I will tune in. I haven't watched the show in a few seasons, but I'll tune in because that sounds juicy. Ben, from what Matt from what Matt from what you said before the show when I asked you about it, the big fight was that the girl is stealing information from Josh Altman and giving it to Madison, right? No other way around. She's stealing it from Madison giving it to Madison. I was going to say I'm so proud of her for staying a true hag, but fuck her. Yeah, fuck her. You know, it's everybody, everyone, she is being fucked. I do think that, you know, I'm team Madison in this case, but, you know, he still creeps me out, too, but I'm just kind of sitting there watching and everybody's gross. Yeah, I can't be on someone's team who wears shorts to work. I just can't do that. What if he was in Bermuda? What then? Well, but 20 million. He's like, here's a 20 million dollar house on the beach. We have to hurry because I'm in shorts and it's going to get cold in about an hour because we're in Malibu. Shut up. I don't have fucking clothes. You're getting me. Go to a speech therapist. You make a good living. Okay, so we're running out of time. So let's address some of the Twitter questions that have come into us on on Twitter. Can I tell you something really exciting? So like, this is not really exciting, but last night I went crazy and did a Amazon shopping spree and I ended up buying Mary McDonald's design book. She's one of the people on million dollar decorators, my favorite show in the history of television. And I tweeted her and I said, well, now that I bought your book, I should get like a free consult when I buy my house or whatever. And she retweeted me and she was like, maybe I'll buy you a drink, but that's it. Oh, that's fantastic. She's the she the Irish. No, no, she's the one that's like hyper, right? The she is the she is the raven haired Karen. I hope they bring that show back. I like that show actually. They are season two is coming back July, August. Fantastic. Okay, so let's do some Twitter questions. Okay, from Fat Camp, which is the best Twitter name ever. Bueller's Bueller. Don't eat that. So Fat Camp says, I wonder if any of the housewives know what an adverb is. No, it's not really a question. They don't know what an adverb is. They don't know what a verb is. They also don't know what the word ad means. Okay, vocabulary is very limited. Okay. Still like, why do verbs need an ad? What are they trying to sell? Fat Camp, why are you taking this so serious? Okay, why are you taking this so serious? Be careful. You're gonna have to do bankruptcy. Oh my god. Rexter Slade asks with the wit. This is a good one. With the way things stand now, how likely is Bravo to cut the Manzo family out of season five? Not going to happen. I say very. I think this is going to be a repeat of New York, where they all ganged up. Jill Saren got a team to go against the people she didn't like and she was the one who ended up getting kicked off. These people are still have way more likable qualities to them than than the lot of the women who were. I disagree with you, Ben. I kind of dislike all of them. But for some fucked up reason, Bravo can't get beyond the amazing saga known as Lauren Manzo's weight problem. And if that will forever be the arc of every season going forward, I love someone who struggles with their weight. Even I'm like, Oh, shut up, you fat bitch. You know, I so agree. By the way, I crazy. I'm just going to eat healthy. And who the fuck is Caroline to give you a dirty look for eating a fruit cup? Oh, yeah, all right. You're someone like that. And by the way, I could not have wanted pizza anymore than that scene when they were all seen their eating pizza. I felt like Lauren Manzo being deprived at that moment. Oh, I wanted pizza so badly. I felt jealous too, especially a big gay Greg for being this big self confident guy eating like that on TV and in a speedo. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm I'm mashing days up in my head. Sorry. No, it's my earphones fell out. So I I got lost. I got lost guys. Well, how about the next question? Just someone asking if we noticed that Sharon Osborne and Carolina are starting to look like that is that is mean to Sharon Osborne. Yeah, I'm like, I don't know. That's rough. She's had a rough week. We don't need to add insult injury. Sharon Osborne has? Yeah, because Jack, Jack revealed that he has MS. You know, the first thing I did was Google does marijuana cause MS. Isn't that terrible? But I suddenly got worried for my own health. It's like, Oh my God, did he get that from just smoking too much pot? But it turns out, no, it doesn't. I love that the housewives make us, you know, reassess our health issues. They make me reassess a lot of things. Let's be honest. My self worth, my finances, what pretty much is given up? Just given I just stopped assessing given up and asked me assessing makes an ass out of E and singing singing. Okay. Well, that that was a good one. Pass it along, you guys. Assess and ask out of the and say. So I'm didn't our didn't our biggest fan Tammy post something as well? Tammy Tammy. Oh, she did? Not a question though, right? It's more of a comment. Tammy knickerbocker? Not Tammy knickerbocker. Yeah, that Tammy's pretty cute. Let me see. Do do do do do do do. I think she just wanted us to just admit that Bo gate during OC was kind of. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Oh, yeah. That Tammy. Yeah. And she was right. Bo gate was pretty great. And I love that it's going to continue into next week. That's the Sarah chapter is over. Okay, I am bored with you. I love the way I honestly love the way that Heather handled it. She she was sort of like is a combination of condescending mother and bitchy prom queen. Right when she was like go sit in the corner and get ahold of yourself. Otherwise you can just leave. She does see really well. She sees well. I will give her that. Yeah, it helps that she has hamster face. Man, you don't want to piss off a hamster. No, Sarah's broke. You'll lose the pinky. Whoops, my cake and ate it. I have a question. It's not from Twitter. Are you guys still bothering with that piece of shit around the world and 80 plates? What a bomb that was. I was liking it and even I've stopped. Bravo's been a fortune on that show and it is not performing. They because you know what the format it could have been so great. He guys has Curtis. Don't ever have been honest. It's a successful show. Why do they keep putting him on TV shows? He's the worst. But he's directly the worst. He looks kind of like a muppet and he's an asshole. I'm sorry. Kat Kora is not that good. They don't give anything to do. Well, I'm sorry. Her personality is like that of a piece of hicama. I mean, come on. She is like a fondant bow that has been half broken off by a crazy white trash Roman. It's a diabetic problem. Here's an Oreo. Okay, so we need to wrap this up. We want to thank everyone for listening. Thanks everyone. Thanks for the questions. Tweeted us again throughout the week and we will try to address your questions next week too. Yep. Follow us at what crappins or you can follow us individually. I'm at Life on the Emwist. I'm I'm at TV. Gather. I'm I'm at B side blog and don't forget to check out some of our other uh fellow podcasts on the side show network. Thank you side show network dot tv. All right. So, um, thanks everyone for listening and I'm just gonna give a shout out to KLH Turner on Twitter who just tweeted seven minutes ago saying that she's very excited for the podcast. Well, here it is. I hope you enjoy it. Sweet. Enjoy. See you guys next time by two totals poodles. If you like Watch what crappins you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcast. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at Wondery dot com slash survey. Are you in trouble with the law? 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