Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-19-24

Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about the closing speech of the Republican National Convention, from former president Donald Trump. Dominic mentioned celebrities that were invited and spoke at the RNC together with the Biden family thinking that it may be time for Joe to drop out of the presidential race.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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19 Jul 2024
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Today Dominic Carter started his show talking about the closing speech of the Republican National Convention, from former president Donald Trump. Dominic mentioned celebrities that were invited and spoke at the RNC together with the Biden family thinking that it may be time for Joe to drop out of the presidential race. 

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(fire crackling) Hi, and welcome to IKEA. How can I help? Oh, my schedule is crazy. I just want some me time. Maybe it's time to embrace the joy of staying in. With comfortable beds, pillow and decor, mood lighting, and so much more, you can turn your bedroom into the place to be. Oh, sounds like a dream. We've got you. Visit us in store or at to create your dream bedroom today. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. (audience applauding) So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for president of the United States. Thank you. (audience applauding) And Republicans wrapped up a well choreographed, orchestrated, and productive convention here in Milwaukee, as the Bidens are reportedly and talks to end the president's reelection campaign. Dominic Carter here with you still in Milwaukee through tomorrow evening, through Saturday evening, as with the convention over, at least for the Republicans, we still have the Democrats, the pivot soon switches to the general election. Last night, the former president declaring that after the Pennsylvania attempted assassination attempt, that he is not supposed to be here, but the crowd had quite the reaction for Mr. Trump. Take a listen. I'm not supposed to be here tonight. Not supposed to be here. (audience cheering) (audience applauding) Thank you. And let's go ahead and open up the phone lines right now. 808489222 on this Friday afternoon. 808489222, the energy in this place last night, it was remarkable. In fact, it's been that way all this week. And so I just heard a caller bring up the issue of security and what was it like here. At some point, we can discuss that because I can tell you security was tight as a drum, at least in this location. But the problem is, this is a self enclosed location. What happens when Mr. Trump has to speak at an outdoor rally? The energy in the place. First, some of the speakers from last night. I want you to listen first to Dana White on Mr. Trump. I'm in the tough guy business. And this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that I've ever met in my life. (audience cheering) The higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never ever gives up. And what was also interesting when Hulk Hogan took to the stage, his trademark ripping his T-shirt off. Indeed, that's what he did even though he's retired. But he ripped off the shirt, right? Ripped off the shirt, and we all know what he was going to have on underneath. A Trump Vance T-shirt. Listen to Hulk Hogan, folks. And I said, let Trumpomania run wild, brother. Let Trumpomania rule again. Let Trumpomania make America gray again. (audience cheering) And boy, did that go over well. So again, nobody knows when this is going to end the re-election campaign for Mr. Biden. If it ends, he's fighting with everything he has left to stay in the race, but it's over. As I told you folks before, not if, but when? From the night of debate, of the debate, I told you not if, but when he would be getting out. One of the folks I had the opportunity to talk to here at the convention happened to be Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio, who was a leading contender for number two on the ticket. And so I have the opportunity to speak to him here is part of that. Put on your hat to guess what's gonna happen with President Biden. Do you think he stays in the race, or is he gone? - I don't know. I mean, I don't know 'cause the Democrats haven't consulted me on it, you know? But I have a lot of questions about this. First of all, they knew that this guy's condition. Okay, they knew it. They've been exposed to it. It was not a mystery to anybody, and they covered it up. And I think there's a lot of tough questions to ask of people in this administration of senior Democrats of the media who knew this guy's condition and covered it up and hid it from the American people on the conspiracy of lies. That's the first thing. The second thing I would say is it seems highly undemocratic to have voters select someone in a primary and then have eight or 10 party insider elders just come in, parachute in, and force the guy off the ballot. Third, if he's not up to the job of being a candidate, how can he continue as president? Because the candidate is easier than president. - That's a good point, Senator. - And the fourth is if he's not up to the job of being a candidate of who's running the country? Who's running the country right now? If what they're saying is that this guy is not capable of handling a campaign, I think it's a legitimate question to ask who is making the decisions and running the country and who's been running the country for the last three years. These are all legitimate points that I hope the media will ask of senior Democrats if they carry out this plan, this internal Democratic coup d'etat. - And so you can call it what you want, but the Democrats are making apparently the president of the United States walk the plank. I have told you folks consistently. It doesn't matter who they put at the top of the ticket. Trump is the next president. In fact, well, we only have one president at a time, but he's the president in waiting. Eight hundred, eight four, eight nine, two, two, two. Dominic Carter here with you folks in Milwaukee. Let's begin with your telephone calls this hour, this hour, Janet Rockland County, New York, line five. Janet, welcome here to Milwaukee. What's on your mind? - Yes, and thank you very much. You're doing a good job. You know this too when you're loved one, when you're loved one passed on, especially your parents. And I think Trump parents was part of that divine intervention because I've been to several Trump rally and I've never seen him show a graph. So Ernie, and for him to do that, and you know, the split seconds just moving his head, that was very, very deeply, a deeply divine intervention. And I just all going forward, he would wear a bulletproof helmet on his head because they're not gonna stop. - Well, you can't run for president, Janet, and wear a bulletproof helmet. I mean, how would that work? - Put it on his head, just like an L that you put on before you get on a bike or a bicycle. - No, no, come on, Janet, that's ridiculous. You know, Mr. Trump is the next president of the United States. He has to send a signal of strength. Just like he did, thank you for the call. When he raised his fist in the air with his blood dripping down his face to say fight, fight, fight, and he meant it with every fiber of his being. Paula in New Jersey, line two, good afternoon Paula. Welcome here to Milwaukee. - Yes, good afternoon. I remember when you instructed us a day ago that there was material that it was bulletproof that was for shirts, a president, and a raincoat. - Absolutely, and this is going back 40 years. I'm telling you what I know. I used to watch the Secret Service, put it on the candidate, the shirts, looks like a regular dress shirt, and then they would put the bulletproof raincoat on the candidate, but go ahead. - Okay, so I have a suggestion because we are concerned, the whole nation is concerned about safety for future, you know, future of the various attendees that have to go on with President Trump. Why doesn't that material that he has the Make America Great Hats? Why doesn't he have one custom made with that material? For his head and the cover, some of his ear ears. - Well, I don't know Paula if that's possible. Again, these are things that I knew going back 40 years. And the only folks that would know this would be the folks that would be on the campaign aircraft as we would hit four or five different states a day. A day. But the Secret Service, when they're at their best, I mean, it is tough. So for example, the toughest thing for all of us was the bag call, right? So this is the traveling press with the candidates. And so if we had a 6 a.m. flight, let's say from New York City, and this actually happened, and we wouldn't stop until local time in Arizona at midnight. So it's really 3 a.m. New York time. The bag call might be 3 a.m. And this is going back 40 years, and the bombs sniffing dogs, only for the traveling press, we had special passes. We would have to set our bags out, and just like anybody else, and the dogs would go through it. And then, with our passes, we were allowed to get next to the candidate, and we were on the plane together, and having fun, and cracking jokes, and so on. But this is no laughing matter in terms of Mr. Trump's security. And I just don't know what's gonna happen, Paula, going forward. Because he's not gonna change who he is. He's not, that's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. He's gonna continue to be exactly who he is, and that is Mr. Trump. So I don't know what tricks that the Secret Service has now, in terms of personal protection of the candidates, but I'm sure they're gonna try their best to come up with something. Thank you, Paula, for the call. Al and Yonkers, welcome here to Milwaukee. Al, is that true? Someone mentioned to me that you were here in Milwaukee? - Oh, no, I wasn't, I would have liked to bend down there. Hopefully, one day, I'd like to get down there and do a convention. But no, but I was watching, and I thought you did a great job listening to you. - Thank you. - So Al Dominic, yeah, just my quick question. I mean, I wanna see if you agree. You know, there's no question that Joe Biden is gonna have to leave. I mean, if he doesn't, him and his wife down in the future by the establishment and the Democrats, they'll be looked at like pariahs. So the situation, as much as I like Donald Trump, and I think he's a great candidate and he's gonna win, I do think she's more polished than she was when she first became vice president. And I do-- - I don't think she's polished at all. I think what all do respect to the vice president, I think she's a complete joke in the laughing stock of the country. But go ahead. - Yeah, no, I agree with you. But the thing, the most important thing where President Trump has to make some inroads besides the African American community, which he will, and the Latino community, he does have to make inroads with women. So I do think that's a real important thing. And I do think he'll win the election. And I think Joe, like you said all along that Joe Biden is gonna be out soon. - Well, I thank you. I thank you for the call, Al, and I've got to take a break. But in tossing to the break, every father within the sound of my voice can relate to this. And this is what Donald Trump Jr. had to say on Fox. We all know that his 17 year old daughter, Kai, basically stole the convention praising her grandfather. So in tossing to the break here, I want you to listen to what Donald Trump Jr. has to say to all these boys now sniffing around his 17 year old daughter and I will be right back. - I'm being told by the way that your daughter has been just swarmed in this arena by teenage boys, all over one. - Get away, you little bastards. - Yeah, because you have unleashed the mail. - I mean, she has a big fan club. She's trending on the internet more than you. - I think she was punching your father at this point. - Like tens of millions by like 11 o'clock. - But literally they had to shut down a part of the arena because so many people were following herself. You've introduced her to the world now. - Perhaps I'll regret picking up that phone and saying, sure, you could speak there. But I had to do that for her because she needed to do that for her grandpa. - This is Dominic Carter. (dramatic music) - Sign up to The Economist for in-depth curated expert analysis of world events and topics ranging from business and culture to science and technology. You'll get the weekly digital edition, online only articles, curated newsletters on politics, the markets, science, culture and China and full access to The Economist podcast plus. The Economist is independent journalism for independent thinking. 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So finally, last Friday, before I left for Milwaukee, unexpectedly, Curtis Lee were, did a little bit of singing. Now, I want you folks to listen to this because it pertains to the location of this RNC convention. It was regarding a popular, popular television show that was based at a beer brewery in Milwaukee. Take a listen, folks. - He's going back to the 1950s. Happy days, Laverne and Shirley. Man, there ain't no happy days in Laverne and Shirley in Milwaukee anymore. - Wait, wait, wait, you want to sing with me? - No, no, no. - Wait, wait, wait, you said Laverne and Shirley, right? - Sorry, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How did they do it? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let's get it right. - I got the words all wrong. I'm going to incorporate it. - No, no, no, no, no. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, shlamile, shlamile, shlamile. - Yes. - Hot's and pepper, incorporate it, whatever. I finally got courtesy of a sing with me. - Well, remember, I'm so excited to hear it. ♪ We see any room, we'll break it ♪ ♪ We're gonna make our dreams come true ♪ ♪ Do it all the way ♪ ♪ Nothing's gonna turn us back now ♪ ♪ Straight ahead in all the tracks now ♪ ♪ We're gonna make our dreams come true ♪ ♪ Do it all the way ♪ ♪ There's nothing we won't try ♪ ♪ Never heard the work impossible ♪ ♪ This time, there's no stopping on ♪ ♪ We're gonna do it ♪ ♪ All your work is set ♪ - We hear this produce right now. Let's leave the music up. We are you, Curtis Leewa. ♪ Our dreams come true ♪ ♪ And we'll do it our way, yes, our way ♪ ♪ Make all our dreams come true ♪ ♪ Where are you, Curtis Leewa? ♪ ♪ Where are you, man? ♪ ♪ Make all our dreams come true ♪ ♪ For me and you ♪ - I don't think he'll ever sing with me again, but we got him to do that much. We see all your calls coming in. I see Jim and Dalton, Georgia, South Carolina, Long Island, Brooklyn, Yonkers. We are going to take a break. When we come back live to here and Milwaukee, we will continue with your calls. We will continue with the analysis of what happened over the last four days here at the RNC. Dominic Carter here with you. We will be right back. (upbeat rock music) - As a veteran, I live with health impacts from my service. VA health care means you're in 100% control of your own medical care, your own benefits, and it only takes minutes to set up. A veteran should enroll in VA health care because it ensures that they get quality, high level care for the rest of their lives. My service was then, my benefits are now. - Get what you earned, visit Not all veterans are eligible for the type or amount of benefits mentioned here. (upbeat rock music) - Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. - And we are back here live in Milwaukee. The RNC wrapped up four days, their conference last night. And I am here with you taking your telephone calls, 800-848-9222-800-848-9222. So, when you talk about the energy, the energy at the RNC, and here's why I am telling you, and I'm not just talking for the sake of talking, I don't do that. I'm not one of these hosts and don't know what they're talking about. When I say something that's well-thought-out, well-researched, Trump is going back to the White House. He's redefining modern-day politics. He's siphoning off pulling record numbers for a Republican candidate, black vote, Latino vote, appealing to unions. He's doing it all, and he's resonating. And perhaps this is one of the reasons why. So, one of the reverence that spoke, and spoke last night happened to be from Detroit. And he said that he could not get the Democrats, could not get Biden, could not get Obama to come to his church in a Detroit to a town hall meeting type event he was doing, but he says he reached out to Trump, and Trump came. He's what the pastor said on the floor last night. - To all my friends back in Detroit who are Democrats, I wanna ask you just one simple question. You can't deny the power of God on this man's life. You can't deny that God protected him. You cannot deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. Could it be that Jesus Christ preserved him for such a time his this? Could it be? (audience cheering) Could it be that when we prayed for him when he came to the round table in Detroit that Jesus asked and he received that we sought him, and then he found protection. Could it be that the king of glory, the Lord God strong in mighty, the God who is mighty and battle protected, Donald Trump, because he wants to use him for such a time. Is this, if you believe that? Come on, put your hands together and give a great God, great glory. - Folks, you can't beat that. The Democrats can't beat that. Sorry, game over, that's Pastor David Harris. You just heard how the crowd exploded delegates from all over the country, all over the country. So Trump's running mate. This guy is coming up roses, that is Trump. And I'm stating this objectively with almost everything he's doing. Look at the running mate selection. You don't beat the personal story of overcoming obstacles that everyone could relate to as in terms of the selection of Ohio Senator JD Vance. It almost scared me on a personal level how similar his background is to mine. His mother didn't raise him because of drug addiction. My mother didn't raise me because of mental illness. His grandmother raised him and stepped up in the twilight of her life. My grandmother stepped up in the twilight of her life to raise me. You don't think folks when JD Vance hits the campaign trail that that's not gonna resonate? So one of the guests that we had this week happened to be Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Bolbert. And we talked to her about JD Vance. Now in a moment, we're going right back to your calls. I'm gonna go to Jim and Dalton, Georgia, but this is what Congresswoman Bolbert had to say about Mr. Vance. - He is someone that I absolutely admire. He has a tremendous story, JD Vance, he served in our military as a Marine. He is someone who wants to end these forever wars and would come alongside President Trump with his foreign policies to create peace again throughout the world through the strength of their leadership. I think their combined leadership is going to be amazing. But JD Vance has just enough experience in the Senate to not be establishment, right? He hasn't been there too long. And I believe that he will be the John Adams of our generation, someone who will actually look at the Constitution and follow those constitutional duties laid out by our founding fathers for the Vice President and preside over the Senate. Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, y'all can make your calendar. I'm presiding over the Senate. This is where I work, this is what I do. And I believe that he has the constitutional know-how and integrity to accomplish that. - And so we between the lines, Republicans have pulled an Obama. Republicans with JD Vance have pulled an Obama. The Democrats reached in and pulled that Obama, first term Senator, where you could not hang a long racket around his neck and the Republicans are now beating the Democrats at their own game. All these years later, let's do an Obama. Get JD Vance, first term Senator from Ohio. Trump is coming up roses, folks. Let's go to Jim in Dalton, Georgia. Good afternoon, Jim. Welcome here to Milwaukee. - You're welcome. - Hey, good afternoon. Remember that flattery is like a fine perfume. It is okay to sniff it, but don't drink it. You're on my short list of podcasts of good, great podcasts, we appreciate you. - Thank you, I really appreciate that, Jim. Back up about Donald Trump not being a moral agent that's separate and so forth. Throw it in their face that Joe Biden took showers with his daughter, Ashley. It was in her diary, she lost some years back. And Joe Biden sent the FBI to look for it. - Now, Jim, I've heard that a million times. I find that repulsive. Is that true? - Well, yes, I probably can't list people I listen to on your program, but they were my top podcasters. And they're really credible people and you know them. So you might want to look it up. I heard that. - Right, right. - I heard, well, Jim, all I can say is ill, ill. I mean, I never felt comfortable. So let's say when my daughter's now grown woman, but when she was a little girl and she was alone with me, I'm taking her out. I didn't feel comfortable, you know, when I had to bring her into the men's room and daddy, I got to go to the bathroom. I didn't feel comfortable in that situation. And in that type of situation, you know, I'd ask a woman that looked pleasant going into the ladies room, "Could you please help my daughter?" And nine and a half out of 10 women, of course I will. You know, but all I can say, Jim, is that if that is true, ill, that is disgusting. Jim, thank you for the call. Go ahead, Jim. Go ahead, Jim. - I can tell you all, Pharaoh, who I heard it from. And two more quick points by Donald Trump did not call the military losers. And that is self-explanatory. That's a bomb wrap. And the other is when he was overseas, the D-day celebrations, he could not go to one cemetery because Marine One could not fly in the weather and the ground logistics for the Secret Service would have been too tremendous. It was bad weather. - That's just-- - You are correct, Jim. You are correct on both of those counts. You know, I don't respond to everything, every charge that's out there 'cause some things are just stupid. But Jim is correct calling from Georgia this afternoon, dolting Georgia with his assessment. I'm gonna say it a third time, ill, if that's true. I've heard that a million and one times, I've chosen to look the other way and don't believe that a grown man would take a shower with a little girl. - Well, Anthony Long Island, good afternoon, welcome live here to Milwaukee. - Thank you for gifting so much of your time to us, sir. You know, when you peel back the layers of the Trump presidency, from them spying on his campaign in 2016 and to where we find ourselves now, even General Mark Milley was in communication with the Communist Chinese Party behind the back of a commander-in-chief. I do believe we have a serious issue here and I do hope that Trump rises back to the presidency, but it would appear to me that the enemy is within. And if you-- - I hear you, Anthony, I want you to finish. There is no, hopefully, I'm telling you, he's marked my words, recorded, he's going back to the White House and it won't even be close, but go ahead, continue. - Well, it just seems as though that, that there was something malevolent at hand here. I mean, even to stand him back up, he got down on the ground and they should have just covered him on the ground, but the fact that they stood him back up and put a very short age in front of him, it was almost like they was setting them up for another headshot. - Okay, but see, that's why I have to stop, Anthony. I'm not a person that believes in conspiracies. So they're risking their lives to jump on top of him, and so how are they gonna get him off the stage then, Anthony? - Well, they needed to secure the perimeter first and cancel out the threat before he would-- - Anthony. - You cannot let the first rule of thumb for the secret services, you get them out of there as fast as possible. You're not gonna leave the former president of the United States are sitting duck on stage and the leading contender based on polling. You've got to get him out of there immediately. - I agree. - That's really training. - There was an active shooter and they stood him back up on his feet, his head was in full view-- - That's not, but no, they stood him up and they surrounded him with their own bodies. Now, at a couple of points, his head was exposed, but they even put their hands up to, I thank you for the call, Anthony. I appreciate what you're saying. They put their hands up and as Trump said, those agents on his personal detail, those folks are heroes, male and female, male and female, they're heroes. Don't believe me? Look at the video, the bullets are flying. One man has been shot in the head, the firefighter whose funeral is today in Pennsylvania and who Trump brought out his helmet and fire jacket and walked over to it on stage and kissed the helmet. And those eight, so the bullets are still literally flying and those agents are coming out of nowhere to dive on top of Trump to try to save his life. Just please don't forget that, folks. Judith Brooklyn, line three, welcome here to Milwaukee, Judith, what's on your mind? - Thank you, Dominic. I do not want Trump to do any open rallies without a see-through bulletproof incasement like the one that Pope did when they shot him or indoors rallies with airtight security, 'cause guess what? I know he's tough, doesn't need to prove it to any of us to risk his life for it. Let him put his toughness where it counts, okay, Dominic? Running for this country and the free world. That's where his toughness needs to be. I don't need him to risk his life anymore to prove to me that he's tough. I just-- - I hear you, Judith, and thank you for the call, but to know Trump is to know you're not, for lack of a better term, you're not gonna cage him. He's going to do it the way he wants to do it. That's the bottom line. Russ and white planes, good afternoon, welcome live to Milwaukee. - Hi, Dominic. Hi, Dominic. - I'm listening, go ahead, please. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. People would say God was divine intervention. I mean, does God not like that firefighter? I have a problem with people saying that, I mean, they're not bad people, but that's just not too bright. You know, I don't think that Trump is gonna be president yet, even though I'm voting for him, the writing is on the wall. This crowd strike being in the cyber attacks, they're setting the table. How many disrupted election results will cause the administration to cancel a corrupt election and have a one-year intervention? - So wait a minute, you lost me in the first three seconds. If it's not divine intervention, then what is it, Russ? - I don't know, what did the firefighter do to piss God off? - Excuse me, we're talking about the president of the United States right now. I'm sorry, tremendously sorry for what happened to that firefighter, he is a hero. But right now, I'm talking about the president of the United States. - I think that Trump is still a lot because the sniper who was supposed to kill Trump wasn't very competent, it wasn't God involved, okay, that's all I'm saying. And don't let you know. - No, no, no, no, I heard enough, I heard enough, I'm gonna get some aspirin, I'm gonna calm down, I've heard enough, Russ, I'll deal with you again on Monday should you decide to call. That will be my divine intervention to go get some aspirin after listening to the nonsense that you just articulated. Dominic Carter here with you, when we come back, I had a guest yesterday, a Tennessee congressman. Boy, did he get me pointing out that I don't have any hair, singing John Shaft, we're gonna deal with that, we're also gonna tell you about a seven foot, former wrestler that I interviewed. He's in the WWE Hall of Fame, Kane, I'm not messing with that dude, I'll be right back. - This is Dominic Carter. - And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Final thoughts. - And Tunnel to Towers, the foundation, they do remarkable work around the country folks. Dominic Carter back here live with you in Milwaukee. So I'm sitting at the table yesterday and I interview a congressman, Tim Burchard of Tennessee. And all of a sudden the congressman is looking at my head and he's telling me I don't have hair. And then in the middle of a live conversation, he switches gear from hair to John Shaft, the bad tough movie character, right? This is what that conversation sounded like. Were you trying to tell me something, Congressman, about the hair issue? - No, it's a great look for you, dude. I walked up here and I go, I said, "Man, Isaac Hayes is back, I'm new Isaac." Who's the cat that won't come out when there's danger all about? - Shaft, and I can dig it. - Wait a minute, Congressman, you're quoting Shaft to me in song here? - Yes, sir. - The man. - Wow, the man. - The guy's saying, "He's fine, man." - Risk is life for another man. Shaft! - Can you dig it? That cat Shaft, he's a bad man. - Shut your mouth. - I'm talking about Shaft. - Then we can dig it. 'Cause he's a complicated man. - Congressman Purgid, thank you so much for joining us live here. - God bless you brother, thank you. - Wow, I never thought the congressman was gonna come here live and quote John Shaft to me and Isaac Hayes, but it's happened. - No one can touch him but his woman, John Shaft. I never thought a congressman would do that, but it happened, or live radio. Then, I'm sitting at the table, right? And we're crashing, getting ready, and so on. This is Dominic, we have a guest for you. This is Glenn Jacobs. And I look up, and I'm like, "Oh my God." And I look up, and I keep looking up, and I look up, and I look up, and this man is seven feet tall. Looks like he's ready to start for the New York Jets or the Giants. And he's the mayor now of Knox County, Tennessee, known as Kane in the WWE, in the WWE Hall of Fame. He is part of the conversation I had with him on Biden. - Man, you're tall, Mr. Mayor. You look like an NFL linebacker. - So, I was actually gonna play for the Bears. - Makes sense. - 1991, I was a free agent just coming out of college, but I hurt my knee, and I couldn't pass the physical. But, yeah, I was at the Bears training camp. - So, Mr. Mayor, the same question that I just put to Larry Elders, what do you think first happens with Biden? Is he in and out? - That's hard to say. I actually, at this point, think that he's out, because Obama came out today questioning his viability as a candidate. So, that says a lot. Initially, after the debate, Obama said, "Hey, we all need to rally around Biden." It was kind of funny because they were like, "Everybody has a bad debate." And I was like, "Guys, that's the best it gets." Okay, he's not gonna do any better than that. But initially, he, Bill Clinton, were saying that he needs to stay in. Now, you have Adam Schiff, even Pelosi rumors are that she's saying he needs to step aside. So, I don't know what's gonna happen. They have a dilemma on their hands, because, I mean, I think, literally, unless he passes away, he can't be removed on some states. The laws don't allow that. So, it's gonna be very interesting to see what happens going forward, and who would take his place. - Bottom line, don't count on me messing with that guy. I will take on any politician, not that seven footer. Katie Merrick Long Island, line three. Katie has gotta be quick. Go right ahead, please. - This is real quick. The last caller that you had on said that he was wondering why they didn't get Trump out of there, I think, who quicker, specifically, they waited for the audio that said, "Shooters down." They tried on the audio. Once they got that, they picked them up and launched them out of there. - Katie, you know, you're making perfect sense, but you gotta understand, we're living in a world where people don't wanna be reasonable or make sense. Of course, they have their earpieces. Of course, they got the all clear sign from the agents up top. It is what it is, Katie, but I thank you for the correction. And Katie, do me a small favor, please. I want you to have a wonderful weekend, as well as to all of you folks that are listening to us right now. I do wanna thank the owners of the network for making all of this possible. That's John and Margot Catamatides. I would like to thank a lot of people, but we just don't have time for it. Our president, Chad Lopez, the program director, Kevin Groach, who was here in the trenches with me. I wanna thank Chris Libertini, Rich Radabali, also Diego, my man, the engineer that's on the board right now. And folks, I want you to have a great weekend and also remember, donate to Tunnel to Towers. They do wonderful work at, - At King Super's Pharmacy, care is what's most convenient for you. Care is being here when you need us. We're open evenings and weekends. Care is helping you save more. Most insurance plans and discount cards are accepted at your local King Super's Pharmacy. Care is saving you time by managing your prescriptions online. You can request free fills, check order status and more. Care is convenience that works for everyone. King Super's a world of care is in store. Services and availability vary by location, age and other restrictions may apply. For coverage, consult your health insurance company. Visit the Pharmacy or our site for details.