DTR 2020 NFL Draft Live Stream Day Three (Raw Audio)

Jake Ellenbogen, Alexis Kraft, Devin Jackson, Blaine Grisak, Ben Larson and Mike Hrynyshyn bring you the final day of the draft in audio format. Listen to the full stream that went on after the draft and saw Jake, Ben and Devin start to break down not only the draft picks but also the UDFA frenzy that started seconds after.
Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2020

Jake Ellenbogen, Alexis Kraft, Devin Jackson, Blaine Grisak, Ben Larson and Mike Hrynyshyn bring you the final day of the draft in audio format. Listen to the full stream that went on after the draft and saw Jake, Ben and Devin start to break down not only the draft picks but also the UDFA frenzy that started seconds after.