Johnny's House

A Quick Stop in Johnny's House: Crazy Beauty Treatments

For a quick stop at Johnny's House... When did you sneak into an event? We talk about Kim K and her salmon sperm facial and ask the listeners what crazy beauty trends they have jumped on.

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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Around here, summertime brings a lot of this and sometimes a little bit of this. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at AdventHealth-Centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms, like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmer's ear. AdventHealth-Centricare's got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at AdventHealth-Centricare. We're better at all better. Had a great weekend. Thank you for tuning in with us. It's got a partly cloudy day, thunderstorms, 70% chance of rain. He didn't index again 103. It is 76 right now. Last night, I got myself prepared to watch the Copa Finals. Now, I knew that we weren't playing in it, but it was like Messi's last game and all the hype. And I turned on about 7th, 30, and they said it'll be on it 30 minutes. So I changed the channel and then at 8 o'clock, they said there was something that happened. It'll be on 8th. Well, the president was speaking. Yes, he did. A lot of people got upset going, "Come on, man, wrap it up. I'm going to come right now and watch us some soccer here. Come on, let's go." I'm like, "That's really cool today, the late time because the president, but that ain't happening." If they have 8 30, they said it'll be on at 9. And then at 9 o'clock, I said, "I'm going to bed." I'm like, "I got one." No reason what happened. Okay, so if you haven't even seen it, there is a ton of viral videos right now of just Miami people going wild and sleeping. It's over. Not Miami people. Not Miami people. You're not Miami people. Not Miami. Not Miami. Yeah, the hard rock stadium. It's in Miami. Yes. They were breaking through security. They were not Miami people. Sneaking in and trying to get into this game. Yes. Like, and it's almost like sad to see how like, they were pretty much breaking down and destroying like the environment. Yes. But like, yo, they just could not stop. His thing. You can hold him. I was telling Brian, like the headlines of the Miami Herald saying, "If you do not have a ticket, do not come to the stadium, but ain't nobody here that?" Yeah. You understand, we love soccer here. And if the US team was there, we'd all be out watching it somewhere wearing our colors and everything. Yes. We got knocked out first round. These countries, it's like your high school team. Yes. They support their team. A lot of them spent their money just to get here just to be in the same city as their team. Well, some people get killed. There's really nothing. Yes. I mean, there's really nothing like it. They like things in the stands. They like things on fire. Yeah. That's just the normal environment and a giant match. So they've gone to matches over there where they seem security. They came over here and they saw people watching the gate. Oh, yeah. They got riot police in other countries. Yes. Here they got dudes in a yellow windbreaker. Yes. That's it. That's it. And then they said, "Whoo-hoo!" They hit the gate. And then when they hit the gate, they went over the wall. But I have to give it to the stadium. They said, "Shut everything down. Nobody comes in." There were three different types of delays. Yes. And then they started going, "Well, you'll take it out." Get out! They were bringing ladders and climbing into AC Ducks and getting it to the club level. It was crazy. That is savage. The video you posted. My man was running. But you know how stadiums are. They have that little thing you have to run up. The Spyro. Yeah. The Spyro. On the corners. Oh, no. Yeah. Poor choice. There's another video I saw with a guy trying to climb the fence and he got hooked on the fence. Oh, no. No. They shut it down. It's so bad. It's so bad. The players who are playing in this game had to go get their family. And to top it on top of that, Shakira was performing there. Yeah. So it's even more of a reason why people just want to go and watch the game and the halftime show and all this. No, I went about half-time show. Hey, hold on. Shakira's been playing shows. We had Shakira here and nobody knocked down the middle to get in. These people are fanatic about their country's team. Yeah. A couple years ago, I don't know if it was an urban legend or not, but I think it was an Iran Iraq. They lost. They killed family members. There was a soccer player that actually scored on his own team against the United States and they killed him when he got back to his country. That's what I'm saying. They killed their players and they don't do well. They don't play like that here. We were like, oh man, USA lost again. We don't know what I like. Right. We're trying to treat it as humans. We're assets. I'm trying to equate it to something. Like if somebody, if my girls called me and they're like, hey, yo, we're going to hop the fence and we're going to make it in the pit at Justin Bieber. Like we're going to be so close to Justin Bieber. I'd be like, you can guarantee that yes and be like, all right, let's do it. You get that. Hey, there's one guy on gate eight. Yeah, we're going to do like a promise in this all day. They can't catch us all. No, stop us all. Let's go. We all go. You get caught on your own. Right. That's it. Okay. Someone's going down. Somebody can't stop us all. But it's like what you said. The who do who was out and they're like, we're going to do this. See, I would want to be in the second wave. The first wave is going to cause the problems. The fourth wave going to get busted. Yes. And they're going to shut it down. But in the middle, I'm getting in. So I want to find out when did you sneak into an event. I think it was, I think what we did, it was at the I Heart Music Festival. Somebody didn't have past to get up in the VIP and it's the, I can't tell you how to do it on the air. Oh, yeah. But, you know, yeah. That was so sad. Yeah. Yeah. He did that. Yeah. But hey, I had mine now, the person who we got up there, don't do anything to get yourself busted. Yeah. Cause if you get busted, they're going to toss you up out of there. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Same festival when we were at the daytime stage. Yes. That was on stage with Avril Lavigne, just like I just walked up there with her crew. Cause I was like, I'm just going to see how close I can get. Right. Primer and the tent eat nice cream. Yeah. They had a, they had an artist, they had an artist tent and then they had a DJ's tent. DJ tent was nothing. Nothing. Artist tent was that full of food. Yeah. So we went to the artist tent and then I said, where's Ray? I just came off stage. He didn't come off no stage. Yeah. Then they had a monitor. Yeah. And like I was right there with Avril Lavigne. How did you get in there? Yeah. I just, I just walked up with her crew. Like I just, I just joined the walking up the stage. Like crew. That's the privilege they talk about. Mm-hmm. If I had walked up there with that crew. Hey, hey, hey. What'd you do? I was blending it because they knew that they saw that I had some sort of badge on. Yeah. Yeah. That's a pretty girl letter go. Yeah. Let her go. Brian, will you ever snuck in a place? I don't sneak into places because I'm a rule follower. Ten items or less. I'm sticking with it. Can't come in without a ticket. I'm sticking with it. It's, that's how society works. Because you scoff laws that screw up society. Tell me what. Tell me once in high school, somebody opened the door or something. No. Now you're bringing up high school stuff. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes in high school. There's a mistake for you. You were a grown ass adult that you did it with. And I'll do it again. It was two years ago. I would do it again. Two years ago. Two years ago. Let's not hold against someone what they learned as a kid to not do. I think it was something we said, we were talking about sneaking in someplace and we all said we're too old to get, it would be really embarrassing if we got caught sneaking in somewhere and we didn't do it. That's right. Cause I don't, I follow rules. The reason I was thinking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a concert out in California to see Vance Joy. I went to my seat and I was like, I don't like this. I went down towards the gate entrance and I told the security is like, listen, my friends are in there. I don't got a pass. Some guy came behind me and he's like, Hey girl, you ready to go inside? And I just looked at him. Um, we got okay. And then the security like wasn't paying attention. We snuck into the pit, got in best concert ever. Now Ray, didn't you stick in a place you got hung up by a fence? What? Um, no, I was trying to actually do a shortcut. And so this, yeah, damn, you know, a lot of stones were coming at me from a glass house right across the, I was trying to find a shortcut. So it was a pop in a fence and got caught in a fence is involved. You weren't supposed to be there. Yeah. That's true. If the fence hopping was involved. Right. I was trying to get a shortcut. All right. I want to find out when did you sneak into a place? Uh, got four tickets to Disney on ice at the Kia Center Friday, August 30th, tickets on sale or right now, four oh seven nine one nine one six seven eight seven seven nine one nine one six seven XL mobile four one oh six seven live stream is one of you. Throw it up on social media. When did you sneak into an event or two a place for tickets to Disney on ice at the Kia Center? But we got to hear your, we got to hear your story first on Johnny Sells. This is Johnny's house where there's a 70% chance of rain today. Otherwise, partly cloudy, heat index of 103. It is 76 right now. Last night, the Copa championships and I guess Columbia, the Argentina one and I heard it was like in the extra points at the end of the game and messy was out because his, his ankle was trying. Oh my God. Did you see that? He was crying. It was so big. Yeah, but he wanted to play on man. So before the game, they had to stop the start of the game because so many people jumped the fence is no reset people from Miami, but with the colors that they were wearing. I ain't see nobody with hurricanes. I saw no one with a hurricane journey. Oh, they were either bright lime or the other teams. So I want to find out when did you sneak into an event? You're like, you know what? I need to be up in now and you did. What we're going to do is hook somebody up with four tickets to Disney on ice at the Kia Center on Friday, August 30th, tickets will sell right now. If you have a story, you still got time to get it in. 919-1067-8777-919-1067 from Leesburg Monique. Good morning. Good morning. All right. What did you sneak into? When I was a teenager, I used to sneak into the movies with my friends. They had a door that wouldn't quite close. We kind of just, you know, that's all we in there. Now did you have somebody work there? How did you know that that door didn't work? No, it's kind of like the known thing in the, in that local movie theater, like it didn't close all the way. So you can kind of just put your hand in there and open the door. Now we say, you say local, you mean local Central Florida or local, local somewhere else in the country? Yeah, local Central Florida and the era over by Melbourne. Okay. So how many of y'all were sneaking in? I don't just like two of us. We'll see that. That wouldn't work today. No. Because everybody got those assigned seats. Signs seats, yeah. You could get in and hope that, hope the theater wasn't full. Yeah. Because sometimes there's a seat available, but yeah, see, I mean, like I said, I'm about two or three years older than all the y'all. I used to go to a movie. There was one movie. It was one theater. That was it. There was no multiplex. Yeah. It was one and they had a ticket table. He was at every theater and at the end of the day, they emptied that bad boy out. Yeah. And then they let people back in. But now when they start, and even before when they had the multi theaters, they would have a ticket person at every, at every one, yeah, and then I remember when they stopped that. Yeah. That's when you could sneak in. Right. And you'd go to see you pay for one. Yeah. Like a Monique. Okay. Let's see. We're going to go Robbie. Yeah. All right. Excel. Good morning. Who's this? Hey, this is Dee. Dee, what did you sneak in? So when I was a teenager, me and my friend, we are snuck into like this pool party. So it was like, it was a lesbian pool party, actually. Now why is that important to the story? I think I know which one you're talking about. It was in Miami, so it's called the Aqua, I think it was Aqua Girl pool party. So it's important because we're both pretty gay in high school. So we took the train all the way down Miami, me and him, pretended to be like over 18 volunteers for this pool party. You never ID us. And then we spent the whole day partying with this group. I love that. You never did. You never did. You never did the volunteer work. Technically. No. All right, what did I say? Let's see here. We have a lot of people that do concerts, Formula One race. Yeah, that's a big one and then AMC Altman, they did some sneaking in over there a while ago. Yeah. And then backstage at a concert when I was 16 at a local venue downtown Orlando, same venue when I was 18. We just knew our way around. You went to that back door. XL Mobile powered by attorney Dan Newland in a wreck. Need a check. It's a no brainer. Just Google attorney Dan Newland. Someone said it was a taking back Sunday concert in New York. They all got together and decided to rush the floor barricades. And they did. They got all of them got through. They got through. They made the newspaper the next day because it was got so out of control. Nice. But you going in knowing somebody's going to get pop and the reason what this is a livestream. We got Sarah. She said a snuck into a Jonas brother and Demi Lovato concert years ago. Yeah. You didn't have to sneak in there. You could have just walked in. No. She said we pretended like we were photographers. Monique. We're going to hook you up with those four tickets to Disney on ice at the Kia Center Friday, August 30th. Take us on sale. Ray. What's up? We had a lot of big celebrities. Unfortunately. Kyle is partly cloudy. There is a 70% chance of rain. He didn't accept 103. It is 79 right now. And we're talking about this at the top of the hour and Ray was talking about celebrity news. If you missed it, make sure you listen to celebrity news every day so you're up to speed with what's going on now. But here, summertime brings a lot of this and sometimes a little bit of this. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at AdventHealth centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn, and swimmer's ear. AdventHealth centricares got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at AdventHealth centricare. They're better at all better. Kardashian is introducing a new product that's supposed to anti-age you. Is that the bottom line? Yeah. It's supposed to make sure or make you feel youthful or look youthful. Look youthful. Yep. And what is it again? It is the salmon sperm facial. The salmon sperm facial. And you get the salmon sperm and you inject it. You inject it into your face. And it's supposed to make you long and then Jennifer Aniston said I've done it. Yes. And I have an aged in 25 years. She has literally had Jennifer Aniston approved saying that they both said that they would try anything when it comes to trying to make themselves feel younger and look younger. So it's like Botoxie though, because you inject, because the facial you rub it on your face. Yes. Yeah. So that's why I was like, I don't know. I don't know if maybe they inject it and then they rub your face. So it's like, yeah, it's a mixture of both. But when they were filming the show or whatever, that's what she came out and told her mom that that's the latest thing that she's been doing. Now, and that's that's that's going to be the next big craze in the beauty industry, you think from what it says. Yes. So we want to find out what crazy beauty treatments that you had one that I've been fascinated with. And I hate to even tell this because I know that's just going to continue to perpetuate the storyline that I like feet, but that's not okay. I saw this one where you stick your feet in water and they bring out these little, oh yeah, little fish. Yes. And they eat the day. It's getting off your face. Yes. I remember wearing an old Vegas, they had like little bars and you go and sit and drink and then you sit there and the fish just nibble away at the dead skin on your feet. Yes. I just found that just utterly disgusting. Yes. But people were sitting there drunk just the feet, feeding the water. What's some crazy crazy ones you've heard about? Well, see, like I feel like I would try it. Why? And just because like, I mean, it's, it's harmless and it's, you know, it could be something that makes you glow and feel younger and if anything with self care, I am for like, if it is the benefit is self care and makes you're going to make, it's going to make you feel younger and look younger than yes. Here's the crazy thing. And again, I say this the second time today, I'm about three or four months older than y'all. That's it. You get to, I think you get to a point at least I am that I am what I am. Yeah. I mean, when you're blessed with, you know, skin, like yours, first of all, that's a privilege to be saying that, sir. I just not, I just, like I look in, I look in the mirror and I say, okay, I got a heart wrinkle around my smile line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just think also, like, because I am very like girly and feminine, like I like doing that stuff and it's like fun for me, you know, to like pamper myself and salmon semen in your face. It's fun to you. I mean, so one thing that I have been using and I've seen all over social media is this snail mucin. Please explain. I've heard about that. Snail, like, well, there's a treatment where they put a snail, let it crawl across your face. I'm guessing it's the same thing. But it's like it, they sell it and I say the snail I see outside. Yeah. That leaves the trail. Yes. Yeah. And so they take the trail and they sell it, I guess. I have been using that on my face. What's the snail mucin? Not snails. Not like actual snails. I'm not going to catch them on the side. No, but it's still the same thing. It's the same thing. So, but actually somebody's making it for me. It's snail mucin and you put it on your face and it's supposed to like boost your college in and moisturize your skin and it strengthens the skin barrier and protects it from like. It's expensive. Yeah. But, you know, I'm a Max and Easter, so I can find that stuff cheap. Hey, man, listen, if that makes you happy to put snail juice on your face, then I think that's awesome. Who am I the judge? Anything that you want to do if it makes you feel happy. Now, if you look at the camera, I know the weird look on my face, but that's just because I've never heard anybody take some snail juice and put it all over their face. I'll do it every day. No worries. What you got? I can't even like touch anything. That's right. Touching right now. I mean, for me, when I first learned about micro needling, have you heard about this right? It's like literally think of a pen with a bunch of little needles and it just like pokes at your face. And what does that do? So, it's supposed to like stimulate the skin so that more like estrogen kind of like. And collagen. And collagen comes up like naturally because for me, I have acne scars from growing up. And so I tried doing that to kind of like get rid of like all these scars that I had. And I did it for a little while. It's kind of scary because you bleed a little bit. Yeah. The one that blows me away, but it works, it's just acid peel on your face. You had a commission for about a month and a half because it's acid on your face. And it kills that. Out of the skin, but after a month when y'all burn marks on your face, you look like a new person who has a month and a half, not I guess if you work from home and yeah, but it's like look at a snake, a snake sheds its skin and underneath it's a beautiful like fresh lighter. You're right. But I know I put no acid on a snake. Put the shed in skin. You got to do it. It doesn't naturally. But you heard of anybody? I know. I mean, I just see what I see on social media. I know there's one where they light your face on fire. What? It's with alcohol. Like they do the like the challenge where you, but they put an alcohol soak towel on your face. They like the towel on fire and then the heat from that burns through. Yeah. I wouldn't do it. Y'all wild. I wouldn't do any of this stuff. Like Johnny. I am what I am. I am what I think that happens when you get to the point of your life. You are. You are. What am I going to do? I'm going to make myself just a little bit more average looking. That's the best I can do. It ain't because of any magic. Now I ain't going to lie. I did die to grace last night. I did do that. I did that. Would you get going? Oh, yeah. To date night. Yeah, but he didn't die it with bat venom. Hey, just for men, just for men men must have hit me. If I told you that that cause less than you know, look, that works for me. Nah, get a little brush in just for me and all done. It's all done. Good to go. So easy, man. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Five minutes thing. We're watching off. It's not that we do have it easy. We also don't care. Yeah. And the caring part is what makes it a lot harder. Not because you care for other people, but you care for yourselves, whatever. Yeah. We don't care. I don't care. You look. I just like feel. I like the feeling of doing something for myself. That's good. Yeah, whatever works for you, but we, we don't care. So we won't go through that. Tell me how that snail process goes though. Oh, yeah. I want to find out about some crazy beauty treatments that you've done or you've heard about. Fill us in. We have questions. 407. 919. 1067. 917. 1067. The XL mobile is 4.1.067. It's for texting. We're going to hear from you live streaming, social media, crazy beauty treatments. You heard about them. Share with us because we want to hear them on Johnny's house and it's of rain. I want to hear about some of those unusual beauty treatments. Now I looked up a couple. Here's, here's one that blows my mind. This is a nightingale facial bird poop. I saw that high in salon to get the nightingale bird poop and then they put it under ultraviolet rays to kill the bacteria and then they, they grind it into a powder and mix it and put it on your damn face for 225 on your damn face. 35. And your man come home and say, baby, look great. Let's this baby. No. I'm sorry. You're not putting that on my, I'm putting birth poop on my face. I'm sorry. From Orlando. Stephanie. Good morning. Good morning. All right. So what is it you? The crazy beauty treatment. So right after I gave birth actually, my friend asked me for my placenta to make a face mask. Yes. I've heard of that. I don't like our making their placentas into a pill and eating them or a smoothie. Yeah. No, no. I was like, yeah, no. That's nasty, baby. But you'll put it on your face, though. Baby, you're supposed to be good for you. No, baby. You mean your own, but not somebody else's. Yeah, that is weird. I'm making a smooth there. That's nasty. All right, Stephanie. That's definitely unusual. All right, girl. Wow. Okay. From Deltona. Banks. Good morning. And tell me about one of these unusual beauty treatments. Now, I don't recall the actual scientific words for the name, but be venom. Lots of people put the be venom. They get them injected into their face or it's put into like eye creams and face creams and it helps tighten your skin and all that. That's the Gwyneth Paltrow thing. She was actually pushing that for a while that was kind of a bee sting facial. Yeah. Wow. Okay. That's nasty. But cruel. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Because the bees die. Oh, really? Exactly. Stinky. They die. Oh my goodness. So you're basically taking their stuff out to rub on your face. Oh. Yeah. All right. Thank you. All right. Now, Reese, here's a new type of massage. What happens is they take a dozen non venom snakes and drape them all over your body and the small snakes such as milk snakes and they brush them over the skin and then it provides a deeper pressure. So a muscle. I just don't. It locks up on your. It's small though, but it locks up on your arm because it's trying to kill you, but it's not strong enough to. So I suffer too with the, no, no, you drop the snake on them. You're not. You're the masseuse. So you say, I lay down. Okay. Wait. I'm going to look tight. Drop this portion. This is not important. So you really don't do anything. You're not really a masseuse. You're just dropping a snake. But it's only $70. Okay. Perfect. I mean, you have a special license for that. I'm sure you do. I don't know. You're a snake handler? I don't know. Brad. Good morning. Oh, that's me. There you go. Hey, Brad. Hey, good morning. All right. What do you want to say? Hey, so I'm not as weird as those other things, obviously, but it's what I'd say. I want the ideal image, uh, contest from your website. Okay. Okay. All right. And what do you think? Yeah. So, uh, I, I'm doing laser hair removal on the back of my neck and it's, uh, it's working great. Good for you. Good for you. It's just, uh, you guys, uh, yeah, those contests are great. You, you win, uh, movie tickets every once in a while and this was a huge, um, you know, gift card thing. So thanks guys. It sounds like a planned phone call, but it really wasn't. It wasn't good for you, man. Yeah, I'm not doing these things in my face, so, so let's say that you never shaved your hair and neck. How hairy would it get? Oh my God. Oh, no. I mean, you do it with the haircut and stuff. I'm just saying that. Say that. Say that you just stopped. You let it go. All not your rap. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a king. I'm back there. Yeah. Turn on a Chewbacca overnight. Okay. Fine. Don't play Brad. Fine. Is it like you're wearing a furry turtleneck? Oh my goodness. This is not office appropriated. If you let it grow for like a year, could you break it? It just wouldn't look good. It's questionable. Not going to lie. Brad, thank you, man. Thanks for calling, bro. All right. Well, I never mind somebody's offering up their own salmon sperm facial on Facebook. So don't take it. Don't take it. Yeah. Don't take them up. I'm thinking they left the salmon part out. Oh, no. Well, in his profile picture, he is holding a fish. So I mean, great. He said, hey, Brian, I'm going to say, oh no, I'll be right back. That is disgusting. I'll be right back. Hold the salmon. Hold the salmon. I'll be right back. Hold on a second. Justin W. Be back. Be what they say. All right. I was inappropriate. I'm going to power by turned into an interacting to check it's a no brainer just call attorney Dan and a lot of people have done the fish thing on their feet. They say they do it in the floor tomorrow. Really? And Ray, there's a lot of people that do the snail thing. See the snail music. Let it glide all over your face. Hey, listen, if it makes you feel good and you're not hurting anybody and not hurt yourself, go ahead and do it. Around here, summertime brings a lot of this and sometimes a little bit of this. Thank you. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at Advent Health Centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmer's ear. Advent Health Centricare's got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at Advent Health Centricare. We're better at all better.