Honey Badger Radio

Trump Nearly Murdered, Men to Blame? | Maintaining Frame 111

Join us on the show as we look at something I think you saw coming.

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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Hello everybody, and welcome to honey badger radio. My name is Brian. I'm with Allison and this is maintaining frame number one one one Just so happens to be I don't know if you enter you guys are into numerology, but that might have a meaning I have no idea, but one 11 yeah, one 11 Trump nearly murdered meant to blame and Yeah, we're gonna be talking about recent events of which of our of no consequence. I can't really think of anything specific, but Maybe something impactful that happened recently, but yeah, maybe Probably not though probably not Just slightly but it seems to be on everybody's lips So let's talk about it and we're already starting to try out the usual suspects. So we have calls to ban guns We have calls to well the questions about the potential diversity inequity employment choices of Trump's security team and We also are starting to see the narrative of blaming in cell violence Starting to grope out of the depths of the human subconscious as it does in these times and as usual like in cell violence is simply men's violence. Let's be honest so Once again, we're moving towards blaming men instead of blaming an highly fraught political landscape That's just getting less and less civil and more violent the rhetoric that's going around by the day. Yeah So well, I think I think it's worth talking about because you know two people are dead now and In this assassination tempt and that's often overlooked when You know people make these kinds of political statements often there are bystanders that get caught in the crossfire I mean if we want we could also go over a very poorly timed triumphalist defense of Okay, it's basically another house of dragons thing But it has this very unfortunate theme that just just came out a couple like maybe a week before this happened in which One of the main female characters who according to this author is channeling Hillary Clinton Basically opens fire in a crowd and hits a whole bunch of civilians and now making a political statement about who is taking charge of The presidency, I mean the throne of Westeros, but anyway, I mean I thought Interesting all that all the connections right and we're all about connections here. So let's uh, let's take a look Let's take a look at where the the narrative is evolving and then all right So you sent me this Twitter thing And it is a video so we're going to look at it. I think if I hit play it should automatically switch Even though it's not a YouTube video. So we're gonna do that now. This is a tweet from Mario now fall Last mate of Trump alleged shooter He was a loner common kind of Is this common statement? Yeah, exactly. So let's let's give this a listen He was doing almost every day. There we go in what way can you explain? Um, I mean he would sit alone at lunch. I mean he was just a outcast and you know how kids are nowadays so They're gonna see someone like that and they're gonna target him because they think it's funny or whatever. So it's the best way I can describe it And it's honestly kind of sad like I don't want to say this is what provoked it But you never know Yeah, I want to say he was a loner or more because he was just He was quiet, but like he was just bullied like he was bullied so much so much It was high school. Yeah What do they do remember at all what they said to him or called him? No He was just made fun of I guess for the way he dressed though his appearance Mm-hmm Okay Yeah Well, I mean we've spoken about this before on honey badger radio about social exclusion and not just extreme forms of social exclusion like this kind of bullying but also just the whole idea that men don't have a legitimate positive identity pushing them towards extremism an extremist acts and That the encouragement of that is going to encourage extremism. I know you have your own opinions about that, but you know What what do you mean? Well? I mean like about what's going on here? But you know like we have talked about this like I mean you spoke about in the past What what I was bringing up was you spoke in the past about how a lot of these guys who are in extremist groups including Far right because it's almost a meaningless term but like white supremacist now real ones not just the proud boys who aren't but You talked about how men who get sucked into that will often just be part of Multiple types of almost self-contradicting Ideologies or bounce from ideology ideology Because they don't what what they're looking for is an identity, right and any yes Yes, and they can't like in our society We don't allow men to take a positive identity from like even any kind of productive participation in society because it's all making patriarchy apparently You know and if men earn from it then they are Oppressing women through the paid wage gap, but so this this whole construction like Michael McClellan said or Mike. Yeah, Michael. So Mitchell Michael You know when people don't have an identity they resort to violence and When when society doesn't provide people or men a sense of positive sense of participation in it Then the radicalization is is a symptom like there's a lot more symptoms suicide is that probably the biggest symptom? Living lives of quiet desperation Passive suicide like we see with George Floyd, you know stuff like that this is all symptoms of a society that's turned its back on its men in my opinion and I mean and I know that there's like a serious political context to this that I'm not touching on Because I just want to bring out the the the the way that we approach raising men and boys in our society lends its self to this kind of radicalization and And it also occurs in other cultures to Islam has its own Realization of young men from like a poor family and productive work as you know with poly polygon and somebody has to lose out Right, so they have these narratives in which you through violence. You can earn Extremely extremist Islam has these narratives that through violence. You can earn a place in heaven And you know that's sort of what's I think going on here I mean you have these narratives that through violence you can earn a place It's even even what one of the most stressful things about watching the Joker movie was how this guy who was bullied and ostracized and isolated and was a complete loner and He got nothing like no recognition from anyone until he was violent. Did you notice that? Yeah? Yeah, and then that that channeled him towards that particular identity was almost like he was fighting it every step of the way but the only way he was recognized even as a good person was by through Engaging in this kind of violence and it was interestingly enough. It was anarkines anarkistic kind of pushing or so-called punching up against the rich class kind of violence, right and It's just and then that's sort of an example Nala Kate's Who had a series of podcasts called the incel project? She spoke to several guys at work, you know for various sort of like organizations that track terrorist activity and what they revealed is that a lot of Men looking for direction looking for meaning they join extremist groups Just like you said and a lot and sometimes those extreme they'll go they'll go from being white supremacist to antifa to islamous terrorists Or you know part of an islamous group and it has nothing to do with the ideology They don't believe in it most of the time. They just want to be belong to something and a lot of times these groups give them that you know Other people like James Lindsey has written about James Lindsey has a series called the the New Discourses podcast and I remember one episode that I thought was particularly interesting where he talked about how Maoist communists had Three different circles and and it was like the outer school the inner school and the inner circle And the outer school is kind of where these guys are at the outer school is just people They don't know a lot about what the philosophy is they don't know much about the political stuff They just want to feel like they're a part of something bigger than themselves and so they join these groups This is where you get your you know, I we were talking a little bit on One of the news shows I think it was a while back about these protests going on on Colombia regarding Israel Palestine, right? and I was trying to get across that the people who are Engaging in those protests most of them do not actually know what is going on with Israel Palestine I'm not saying that they're wrong. I'm saying they're they are not operating under an educated position they are just joining the side that makes them feel like they're part of a larger whole now They may be on the right side because some people have accused me of like, you know, caping for Israel I know what that government is doing. I know that there's shady shit going on there My point is the Colombia students don't they're doing it It's like it's like getting a monkey to answer a mathematical mathematical question If it puts the right answer down that doesn't mean it knows what it's doing. So this is the same thing It's like I want to feel like I belong. So I joined antifa. So I joined Black Lives Matter So I joined the the pro Palestine thing. So I go to these pride marches, whatever and That's what these kids are doing. So if this is true, I don't know because there's a lot of there's a lot of fog around the assailant and Conveniently or inconveniently he was killed immediately after he fired his shots Yeah, this might be true and it wouldn't be surprising of course, you know, if you want to if you want like sort of if you want to have ripe access to People who can act as agents on your behalf if you are, you know recruiting for your extremist groups It's really it's not hard to find men that don't have a purpose because of the the what we have left them with and They don't even really have to be in cells per say, you know I know that in cells are like one of the ways but it could just be guys like this like this guy Maybe he's just somebody who gets bullied a lot. Maybe he's just somebody who Sees the daily market is trash. Maybe he's somebody who's having a hard time finding a job in this economy, you know And it's just men living in quiet desperation and there's someone that says hey, you know You want to be you want to have meaning you want to leave your mark on the world You know join us and BX has talked about this too I've had her on the show a couple of times and she talks about how there are You know groomers and I'm just not not just sexual groomers, but People agents that are looking for men Mostly men because they're gonna be the most useful to them to use in their cause to get them to commit acts of terror to get them to harm others to you know commit arson whatever and A lot of them that are satanic and I say that not as a as a religious person But like rather like they put it in the like it's what they believe like they are saying We are a satanic organization, you know, I'm just telling you what they are based on their description So I'm not saying anything about this particular incident. I'm just looking at the broader pattern. I'm saying, you know, there's lots of Fertile ground to do this and lots of people have talked about it. Mm-hmm. I mean and while you were speaking about I was thinking about Islam as sort of a cultural tradition and No, no offense and I'm not Actually, I am sort of singling them out because of the a lot of the the social situation that they tend to deal with and it's not necessarily because They themselves like the religion itself isn't necessarily like this, but the but this is what happens when you have A place with not a lot of agricultural resources Let's say is that you you end up with these kind of centralization or trying to centralization centralize resources harem kind of model and As a result of that there's a significant number of men who have no real likelihood of ever having a wife and family and ever really Participating productively in the social system. So you have this kind of ocean of this These these men who don't have prospects and so it is it's just a field that's rife for radicalization And it doesn't even really have as much to do with ideology It's just the circumstance and now we're seeing this like we're replicating it again in the West We're replicating this situation where we have what what they're terming self soft polygyny soft harem's and most men are don't really have a hope of prospects and they're also basically but The thing is that there's no framework and there's and then in conjunction with that We're also having these ideological attacks on men's identities just as they are right We're not even acknowledging the fact that men provide All kinds of things as a result of who they are as a result of being men being men means that they tolerate discomfort more than women they tolerate They tolerate risk more than women a lot of the jobs that men do are incredibly risky and stressful and that includes being a politician like I see right here. This is I mean honestly because Trump is a man I'm seeing a lot of people framing this act is almost like legitimate political discourse Would you do that? He wouldn't even even somebody going out and and and at a Hillary rally and saying Kant would be considered worse than this think about it Yeah, and that's the kind of discourse we're in in terms of the the recognition of relative harms where men versus women And you know and women don't want to take part in something like this because it's dangerous politics is dangerous You know and that's even being CEO is dangerous and it's not just dangerous physically It's dangerous in terms of risk taking it's dangerous in terms of social reputation It's dangerous in terms of the potential downfalls if you make the incorrect decision You know, that's why women self-select out of it and we have men doing these roles This is same reason like the same reason why men are drawn to politics to being a CEO is the same reason why they're drawn to Climbing up cell towers You know or even working in sewers because they have a higher tolerance of risk They have a higher tolerance of discomfort and stress and a higher tolerance of disgusting work like leadership can be some pretty disgusting work Sometimes, you know, so and and we don't recognize that instead of saying hey That's a wonderful quality of masculinity and of men and we need that and we value it and thank God We have it we say that it is oppression of women. We literally take something we rely on and Honestly women won't do these jobs. They don't do them now that when people ask them They say well, would you be would you work? Would you be a plumber would you would you work in a sewer for a hundred thousand a year and they say no and they say no Because it's not socially prestigious. It's risky dangerous uncomfortable work and a hundred thousand Wouldn't even do it like there's nothing you can do to incentivize women to take the jobs that men do Because they're just not inclined towards them, right and yeah, we don't recognize that it's masculinity That's keeping this going keeping this engine turning over day by day by day by day Instead we say that that is oppression of women women are excluded from these these jobs by men not by their own choice, but by men by men oppressing women and somehow that oppression is universal but not Necessarily a trait of masculinity. It's just men everywhere do it and throughout all of human time all of time It's the most consistent trait that the dominant narrative in our society will recognize about men is that they oppress women and They specifically they oppress women by doing the jobs that they're inclined to do So you see what I'm saying they take something that is a wonderful part of masculinity You know and they took it into oppression Something horrible something terrible the worst thing you can do and then doing that they strip men's identities they they give men a sense that they have no inherent worth or nothing to give the world and then that radicalizes and In conjunction with low prospects low upward mobility that radicalizes certain men and not all men because this is minimal like this the the amount of men who will ever take any kind of violence out on anyone else is Like one 20th the men who will put it on themselves Right mm-hmm and like one of the like I was brought up the Joker movie the one of the horrible parts of that is it really showed the kind of creeping destruction of this expectation of Well, you know as a as a vulnerable man you are irrelevant. You are invisible But as soon as you pick up a bat baseball bat and start getting aggressive Then people will either pay attention to you or value you in some way They'll use you as a tool of their ideology You know, they'll they'll they'll they'll see you they'll respect you and they'll see you as valuable because you've become a soldier or warrior in Defense or perpetuation or whatever thing that they think is the world should be so you know I'm saying and he and that the Joker movie was like the psyche breaking down under that pressure and At every step of the way he was fighting it because that's not what he wanted to be You know, he wanted to be healthy. He wanted to be valued. He wanted to have a relationship He didn't want to be a cipher for evil or cipher for violence and yet the pressure Was so great, you know, and it's like he had no hope and God damn I've never I have only watched that movie once Yeah, me too. It's you know some movies even if they're good ones. You can only watch them once. Yeah, it's like I don't know Yeah, I need I need to get a prescription for Prozac before I watch that movie again Yeah But anyway, so I think that I think there's some if you step way back. There's some Okay, I'm the nuance not new, but you know like there's context to all of this and The more you strip men of an identity and again most men will just be violent internally like they'll do suicide They'll they'll do passive destruction, right? you'll have you'll have the people who can the men who commit suicide and then you'll have the men who can admit like a Passive suicide like George Floyd, which nobody cared about prior to him being coming on ideological talking point but then you'll have the few men who become violent and As those men gain something in terms of a positive identity We start to normalize that kind of ideological violence and we get more of it and I think maybe what we're seeing in this in the Middle East is sort of the end end result of that kind of Normalizing young men taking an identity from becoming the tools of ideology So does that make sense? You know, that's nothing that we don't want to go down that path You know But you know we should probably gets it is it is a terrible thing to see because I think that You know the West we should do better because we are better We should do better. Yes So is this like okay, this this is a video. I don't think this is the is just like the official Narrative now like is this what we're what we're dealing with some people are saying that on Twitter. You couldn't hear You see I don't know why you couldn't hear it because I did have it. Hold on a second. I'm just checking No, it should have it should have been it should have been playing. We should like do like a pan out from from Brian so we can see like his his air control like NASA like Panel of buttons and things he has to keep control over. Yeah, you should it's it's a lot I'm like looking I have three look at legit. I have three I have three screens. I'm looking at three screens So it's like a it's like a fighter jet cockpit actually probably even worse like more like a airline cockpit Have you ever been in one of those? No, so Coron says there was no sound on the Twitter video I think you have to click in the video to watch it on Twitter. It's a little bit trickier. That's not me Yeah, it's just what it's not me Iggy thunders gave us two dollars and said Trump post rally. They didn't send their best. Thank you Iggy thunders No, anyway going back to this what I I Wonder is this the official narrative? So like a lot of people are trying to because the thing is when these things happen um, you get like You know people try to figure out like who is this person? Who is the shooter? What was their motive? Is there a manifesto, etc? And and there's always a lot of speculation and and some of the conspiracy theories I saw I don't even like to say it that way because that term is really overused but some of the cope on twitter I saw coming from You know the people with tds about this is just like mind-boggling interrupt you briefly The the the screen is stuck on him Oh, yeah, right. I gotta turn the macros back. Yeah, turn the macro Maybe we should have like one where it's just a little like icon of what we're responding to or something Yeah, there we go. There we go. That's good All right, good. Good. Good. Well, um, yeah So I just wanted to show it for a second while I, um, Got You know, well, well, just because I know that we're as fine to this specific video so Anyway, there is some there is some so there's a lot floating around there is some evidence that this Uh kid thomas matthew crooks. I'm not sure if this is like a hundred percent official That he is the guy it sounds like it I I don't know like it because it's he's dead now So it's kind of like dead men tell no tales kind of thing like we we may never learn why But apparently he was featured in an ad for black rock in 2023 So what does that mean? You know, so then and some people are saying you've mentioned to me that he's a registered republican again That's kind of meaningless too because also donated to vote blue. I believe yeah, and so it's like it's kind of like the people are grasping at something and I think that Um, it's it's obvious that there was an attempt on trump's life by this guy That's that's basically all it is like that's it doesn't matter what his politics are We know that trump wasn't popular republicans either. So that's irrelevant. We know that the the media has created uh tremendous hate campaign. It's like war time propaganda against him Inevitably and it was all I think with the in it's like um All you gotta do is say something bad about a group of people for enough times And do it like everywhere to the point where somebody is like, I think i'm gonna do something about this So that that could be the case. It could be any number of things some people are saying mk ultra That's also I mean, that's not that's not a lie like that existed it exists So it could be that too, but that again is getting into the weeds of this. I think that ultimately what we have to understand is that This what happened yesterday while i'm not surprised at all. I knew it was gonna somebody was gonna try something at some point And i'm really happy that it didn't Kill him although it still took it still put two people in the hospital and killed someone else I think one person or two people died and a couple were in the hospital in critical condition um Yeah, that that there's no I don't know where's the middle ground there like there's no there's no there's no nuance That was wrong. That was evil. That's it and the and the media and and people who have promoted You know this this rhetoric um, not just around trump but around Conservatives and general christians Men all of it it all like I said I said this in 2015 I said this in 2015 when he was running I said they're not going after him. They're going after what he symbolizes He is an avatar for everything they hate. He is a man. He is rich. He is straight. He is you know more or less like Christian, I suppose Um, I don't know. I don't measure people's worth based on that, but these are all the things that he hates These are all he is all of the black categories in one person and they had to destroy it like an effigy Because it symbolizes everything else, right? It's like why why is it when I remember um back when trump was running He was talking with Someone I can't remember who but there was some journalist and they were trying to Get him to essentially pander to women and women's needs politically and he said yeah You know he kind of gave them a bone and was like sure but men also have a lot of problems And just him saying that because they have to take the opposite position of everything He says you know Trevor Noah and all these people came out and they were like men They have it so bad and they were and but they were being really sarcastic because essentially he symbolizes what what they hate Which is men in part, right? So that's why um I think that this is what you're going to get like You know allison you've talked about the war time propaganda against men I mean, it's going to hurt. It's going to eventually someone is going to act on that And that's what you get like and this is what the bear meme is about. It is also Comparing men to animals or something more dangerous than animals. It is also war time propaganda, right? It's basically saying that men are defined by criminal violence And yeah, the funny thing about all of this is if you actually look at trump on a policy level he's he's Maybe a little left of bill clinton from a pure policy level This is what always baffled me about the hatred towards him from a pure policy level. He's not actually that Right, you know, I mean no, but that's that's doesn't matter though. He's saying his establishment more than anything Right. That's probably the more important thing in fact and you know and before everybody's like oh my god Allison, you're you're uh, you got um, what is it? You're a trumpster or something as I said multiple times on this channel I have criticisms of trump, you know, I don't I don't uncritically believe in him I don't think that he's necessarily going to solve problem all the problems that we have I think that Honestly, if I were could be completely honest at best I think he's going to slow the car down maybe put it into a pit stop and then we as soon as it's over We're just back on the on the pathway, right? I mean, but at the very least there is a pit stop, right? And then we're just back doing exactly the same thing So, I mean, I don't think that he's a solution necessarily I think maybe he's putting the brakes on what's happening and also I have criticism criticisms of him I'm not an unqualified fan at all and but I honestly don't Understand the level of hatred towards him at all And it's always baffled me like and um, I think it is because of these anti-establishment. He's outside of this And the level of vitriol that was directed towards him like it's almost to the point where the media really should Be an accessory to this. Can I say that? Absolutely. Absolutely. They are They've been really irresponsible for and look you can find clips of them saying like Really damning things like somebody should do something he has to be stopped Like like these kinds of this rhetoric like this where it's gonna go. That's what I'm saying like I don't think that there is any excuse for what happened full stop I don't care and a lot of people like these Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck Schumer's come out and they're like We don't condone violence shut the fuck up. Yes. You did you're just now that it's become a reality You have to cover your ass a lot of people a lot of people Have done that they have basically push push push push push and it's such a feminine thing They push push push push until somebody acts on it and all of a sudden they're like, oh, dude I wasn't I wasn't doing that. I'm not hey, that was him. It's like no motherfucker. That was you You did that nobody said and this is like I got into it with member wick tv I got into it with him online because wick tv has tds really bad and he's like we have to stop him He can't be allowed to be president and i'm like then he gets shot and he's like, oh, that wasn't cool It's like what the fuck bro? Like where were you when all this time when everybody was saying that he was a hitler and he was all of this other Shit and you didn't say anything you were just like yeah, it kind of is You know, he's gonna bring fascism, but then when somebody tries to stop him because of your rhetoric You're like, oh, no, I'm not promoting that. Fuck you, dude Fuck you you did promote this like what I would this is what I would respect I respect someone who said look The here are the things that I think he does well here the things I I think he doesn't do so great He's fine otherwise because that's generally the opinion of most people like I talk to people here in Virginia all the time About him and they nobody says oh my god writer die. He is my new jesus. Nobody says that everybody's like yeah I was I like paying two dollars a gallon for gas. I like being able to afford my groceries I do think we should build a wall in the border. There's nothing none of this is like crazy No, it's not you know what it's harder to get into Canada than it is the us Through the like Legally like it's harder like I had a friend who had to spend like 10 years getting ready Because he wanted to live in toronto and he did the work it caused a lot of money and a lot of time So for some reason it's hard to get into mexico But for some reason we have to be the ones that are burdened with the well if you don't open up the border you're racist That's I mean that's garbage. I'm sorry, but there's no excuse No excuse and every policy you can look at there is a reasonable way to discuss it and they they're just not reasonable Like it always comes down to like it's do it our way or the highway and every time by the way Every time the left gets something they they treat it like it's normal and then they go for the next thing Women are ready to vote to destroy the country because we won't let them get abortions That's what they're claiming when all he did was say do the way it's supposed to be he's like well I put it to the states and they're like that's not good enough because why because women want everything now free forever But here's the thing like trump put it to the states or at least yeah That's what you're supposed to do that the the supreme court that he helped elect put it to the states But he also he also when the republicans came to him and said let's make it Let's put a federal ban on abortion. He said no it's put let's put it to the states That's the way it should be okay. Yeah, so he's exactly on that issue He's acted out of principle and this is what sort of aggravates me about the bulk of women You you get this hair up your ass and you don't understand the importance of principles The importance of states rights and in the face of federal over overreach, right? They just don't see that they just get a hair up their ass about abortion Well, yep If you want abortion move to a state that has it or Get involved in your local legislative, you know, make make it a part of your local government that you you want it there But don't support more federal oversight over states power Like we're dealing with that in Canada. It's horrible. Mm-hmm. Right. We essentially what's happening in Canada Is the west the the resource producing west are becoming subsidiary colonies Of the the east and because they have in Canada. Yeah, the federal power and they have so much federal power It's almost impossible to stand up to them So they basically set the agenda like they set the agenda period Like the reason why we keep getting Trudeau is because Trudeau gets Elected by the time we hit a Quebec and then nobody else matters like literally the only the only Populations in Canada that matter for voting are in the east. That's it. And we everybody else is controlled by them Even like Ottawa Ontario Quebec So we're basically just resource colonies because we don't have that we have that incredible federal control And we're and honestly, Canada is basically just a corporate state. Anyway, like we're not we're not a real country We're just it's a bunch of bullshit pretending to be a real country which just basically run by corporations, but regardless that the The point is that the principle of Establishing local control because here's the thing If you want abortion rights going forward, it's better to put it to the state Then keep it federally because if you get somebody who's you know, even more right of Trump Then you lose them completely Well, let's let's let's let's back up on the No, no, let's let's let's look at this abortion thing really quick So because I think this is interesting So women are threatening to Essentially vote to destroy the country because they're not getting their way on abortion, but what percentage of women are actually Trying to get an abortion Like what like that is like because i'm what i'm what i'm asking is what i'm thinking about is is that I don't think this is about a woman that's like I want to get an abortion and Trump's not letting me I don't think that's what this is. I think this is maybe i'm wrong. You let me know, but I think this is women collectively saying That we will defy any man That dares to put any limits on anything we might want to do even though we don't plan on doing It because like with most women that are not Like you know running around with a pregnant belly trying to figure out how to solve their problem and they're worried about the election Most women are either getting abortions If they're if they're going to get them at all or they're just not getting pregnant because you know as adults You can do that you can choose not to get pregnant ladies. I know it's crazy So they're not voting based on a need that they have they're voting on something else. You know i'm saying Like it's not based on Them needing an abortion at the moment. It's a kind of We have to do this for the sisterhood Okay, I was muted but I was gonna say I think it's I think we've constructed this kind of Okay, this is gonna be complicated. So bear with me. Just be prepared. Brice yourself. We're gonna go deep Okay, I think they've constructed this political position uh out of this kind of feminist rhetoric around oppression That women are asserting themselves that they are only allowed to be if they if they are able to Basically at any point a board a man's child Like and and and that they can overcome that kind of physical colonialism of men And i'm pretty sure there's rhetoric. I I'm not taking this out of nowhere. There is rhetoric on this So they've constructed this kind of political position around complete Sovereignty complete female sovereignty and independence from men and that's not possible unless they have abortion at least That's what they think it is so they don't see it in terms of responsibility like oh Well, if you don't want to have an abortion don't have sex, right? They want to have complete sovereignty so they want to be able to Do anything they want and have complete freedom from the consequences of that and they they have constructed this political position that that is a moral good in and of itself So they're defending what they think is a moral good and again this political position is constructed out of the feminist rhetoric The feminist narrative about control about oppression of women They think that literally they're smashing patriarchy by standing up for abortion rights And they have been Sold this idea because they think that men oppress women that that is the most critical thing for our society to do So we've essentially constructed a political talking point that now controls politics Out of this out of feminist rhetoric And you can sort of see that like I was talking about the chimp church of women worsting like 10 years ago. No eight years ago and it's that Now the central topic in politics for women who are the the majority voter base Is based around Their freedom alleged freedom is a woman, which is freedom from consequences so they and it's not just that they're doing this because they um They they feel like it's it's it's almost like a holy calling that they destroy men and their influence or their ability to threaten women's freedom and it's like it's a It's a very interesting mentality and it's one that's going to continue to dominate politics And but it's it's more than just oh they want freedom. It's almost like it's become its own moral good To be free from consequence and responsibility And that is how you attain a truly moral society in their mind I know that sounds absolutely reserved, but it's because that's what feminist rhetoric has created politically So that's why they're doing Yeah, and they'll destroy the country to get that because the country Is this fallen state of patriarchy? Smashing patriarchy. I mean literally they're saying what they're doing Yep, okay Um Well, I mean that was mostly what I wanted to say. I mean it's you know It's a it's a dark day, but um I mean one thing that I guess helps is the fact that they don't value male life much to begin with So it's not a hard It's not like a hard leap to the next thing because imagine if they would have shot at that some female politician You know and almost killed. I would have been just as upset Because I don't think this is the way that you Is the way that you should be doing things in a first world country So just shouted can't see you next Tuesday. Yeah or just or just called her a cunt That more politically violent than this. Absolutely honest. That's the way we think And unfortunately that's going to have influence on politics as well Unfortunate influence that we well we basically coddle and infantilize female politicians more than male like um I mean if if if trump had acted with fear Instead of you know, I guess boldness He probably would have been deeply criticized and yet a female politician someone he just runs up out of the crowd and says CUNT and if she acts if she's just like What what if cat turd that tweeted at her? Yeah, what if cat here did tweet? I can't go Oh, we need to smash we need to smash the country in order to stop cat turd You know, like this is this is allowed y'all have to get your priorities together dude Like literally trump gets shot at and he's like, yeah I'm still alive still kicking and if and and again if like if somebody had yelled cunt at hillary clinton during a or any female politician during a rally And she just fainted dead away. No one would be like wow. What an incredible coward. Why would we want that as a leader? Right. Mm-hmm. And so this this level of expected toughness Expected is it's so different that it's insane And nobody wants to address that nobody wants to address the fact of what we will tolerate female politicians being victims of like at this point if a woman female politician complains about anything like twitter harassment Being called names at political rallies sternly worded letters to the editor if they they complain about anything like that and they say well This is this is misogyn are you this is misogynist abuse bullshit? That's just you being weak Because this is this is what male politicians face I mean, this is what all politicians face but in particular male politicians And the reason why male politicians uniquely face violence is because all men uniquely face violence like i'm I was looking at i've been Responding to a tweet from I think it was like a woman's refuge in in the uk And they were talking about how women are killed every I don't know one every five days or something And I've been in it just having this conversation and it's like people don't realize that the majority of murder victims are men When criminals choose a target They choose men And there was a study done or there was like a investigation I should say done by feminist critics It used to be a great blog back in the day and they looked at Who gets targeted when the when the the aggressor can choose their target? So in in war torn country so go back to the middle east in the middle east if a Aggressor can choose their target the more likely it is to be a man So for example Violence that is um, terroristic violence like um a bomb set in a marketplace 50 50 female and male victims, right? um If there's if it if you can actually target the violence it starts to become more and more male So it snipers well 90 of their targets will be male, right? When you get to kidnapping 95 is male And then when you get to kidnapping torture violence murder, it's almost 100 male because at each stage The person the the aggressor has more control or whether or not they're targeting a man or a woman And at each stage they prefer to target a man. So it's not just that trump got Got shot at it's that most likely trump got shot at and part of the reason why it was because he's a man Not just trump. Yeah, absolutely That that that that that they feel that we feel it is legitimate political speech to shoot male politicians Yeah, we they we wouldn't even consider calling a female politician a cunt legitimate political speech We would consider that a campaign of misogynistic terror that is perpetuated against women So I mean think about that and think about how that influences politics and what women are allowed to get away with and what we Standards, we don't hold them to when they become polity Paul You know politicians and then it's like and nobody's going to talk about that Nobody's going to talk about the fact that trump was likely targeted not just because he was right Not just because he was anti-establishment You know not because people think he's the second coming of hitler But also because he's a man and men are saying is expendable I think that I think that's the first That's like the foot in the door because once you once you see that once you're dealing with a man All the other stuff is a lot easier Because I think it's harder to prove that a woman is hitler for example Um, but yeah, if it's a man, that's like, you know a bonus a bonus to your starting Exactly. It's easier to see a man solely as a Puppet of his ideology a reflection a solely comprised of his ideological position Right, so you're not killing a human. You're killing an ideology, right? That's we strip men of their humanity It's why they get drawn to these ideologies necessarily extremist ideologies or just ideologies period or even drawn to just sacrificing themselves for Credit in a in a job, but it's also why we identify them With their their ideology or with their function and we think killing them isn't the same as killing a real person I mean, it was why criminals more more likely to target them People in war zones are more likely to target them, you know, and this is a conversation that nobody's having except us Yep, so I got some uh monetized content Some some super chat some super chats and stuff. Oh, I want to read through them really quick We got we got super chow's we got super chow's we got super chats and I got the rumble to show again guys I'm sorry for raising my voice there. I got the rumble working Um, so I can see your rumble rants. You don't have to tell me at least not for now But let's start with the super chow's because we always give the priorities the super chow So richard beer gives us five bucks today And says imagine the political fallout if someone happened to sprinkle hillary clinton with holy water Or would the effect be the same as what happened when dorothy extinguished the wicked witch with the water i'm melting Thank you for that richard. I can't speak to the mythology of Oronka or the uh the etymology of hillary clinton I don't know what she is what her weaknesses are whether it's garlic or holy water or silver, but You know or if she has like a portrait of herself slowly. Yeah Certain yeah like dorian gray that you have to show her Um, yeah, so but thank you. Thank you for that richard and then we got one from anonymous It looks like support, but there's no comment. Do you see it? Uh, let me see what's going on there. I think uh, we got $50 in terms of support. I can check i'll double check to make sure you got you didn't send a message there All right, I can see his name, but I don't think necessarily we want to uh, and he also pledged $15 per month As well, so he became a subscriber. Thank you for joining us. Yeah, thank you very much for joining us anonymous You know who you are. We won't we won't say Um very much appreciated and i'm looking at your option. Do mo arigato on on Yeah, I don't see any actual statements. So I don't think he did send a message So, but thank you very much. $50 is great and also the support the ongoing support is great as well So thank you, um anonymous All right, and then lastly we got $10 from great indoors and he says I wonder if jordan ohwin is disappointed I know he wanted everything done to stop trump from being elected again, including destroying the entire democratic system in the us By rigging the election, but of course no assassinations kids. That would be a step too far. We don't want to do that Um, that would go too far. Of course Still, I bet he is mostly troubled by the fact that this event probably has boosted the popularity of trump even more And that is what these people are most concerned of not the complete erosion of society Thank you great indoors like it's just I don't understand this level. Okay. Can somebody just explain there nobody knows alson. It's not logical. It's not they're just They think that if he gets in power The world's going to end like it won't just be like another four years of you know Some like managed decline or whatever you want to call it maybe even improvements Who knows? I mean like when he was in office for four years. There were no new wars He pulled some people out of of war-torn countries. He wanted to get out of various programs that we had no business in He doesn't he's like trying to get out of nato, which I think is a good idea. I think nato is shit I think the united nations is shit. I think that the whole climate thing is shit. The WHO is shit The world economic forum is shit. We shouldn't be involved with any of it And why are we funding paying for everybody else's mistakes? Those are all very fair things You know the united states was pretty isolationist right up until the first world war We got dragged into some shit. So and even world war two We didn't want anything to do with until we got bombed or you know the attack up pearl harbor um So I I mean I think jordan ohin just has tds Tachyon blue has tds with tv has tds destiny has like terminal tds And if they're not rational like For most of my life for as long as i've been voting I never thought a presidential election was the end of the world. Never. I I was through I went through carter Reagan bush senior clinton bush jr. Obama now this right? I mean, I think that things are worse now than they have been And but I even if I didn't want I think I'd survive the next four years. I'm not like gonna flip out I just hope he doesn't because I think things are pretty bad So, um, yeah, I don't I don't get it. I think that these people are all I they're probably all new to this stuff Because like we've had like the fear mongrel on reagan and and george w bush. We made it It's okay. It's gonna be fine. That's what I I say if trump wins. It's gonna be fine. No one's gonna die Nothing bad is gonna happen. There's not gonna be a handmaid's tail like nadie keeps saying it's not happening I'm not buying the fear mongrel. I frankly i'm disgusted by it frankly i'm disgusted by it if if if anything The worst thing that I think project 2025 does I don't even think it's bad is that essentially they're going to be slashing all kinds of government stuff You know kind of like how we are milliated In argentina if we did that here. Yeah, we'd be we'd be hurting but we're we're in so much debt It's the only way and so what what is it people are complaining because women can't get free shit anymore Well, I guess you're just gonna save money. I guess you're gonna have to change your standard of living You know, I mean I don't think that's gonna happen. Anyway, because even trump said he didn't really he didn't know what's when project 2025 was and he was like Yeah, I'm not I looked into it. I'm not really a fan. I got my own thing and that was it And you know again, it's like you said he's he's basically like bill clinton like I don't see the big deal. But of course These people they they're just completely irrational like they're just out to lunch man completely out to lunch Yeah, somebody in the chat just uh said wearing sunglasses indoors opinion disregarded So I'll explain again to those people who might be new. I get migraines In order to actually see my face. I have to have lights on me and that is actually very uncomfortable. So It because I don't want to go home with a massive headache. You're gonna just have to live with me wearing sunglasses. Sorry guys That's just that one person who cares. Yeah, I know I mean if you if you can't listen to an opinion No matter how good it might be no matter how informative it might be just because somebody's wearing sunglasses That sounds like a you problem in my opinion, but uh zero egg says for $5 super chat. Thank you zero eggs Brian sounding like chris komo a bit pretty sus Who says that riots have to be peaceful? Um, and let me see there was a rumble rant as well. I think it disappeared. No, it's right up here Nova fan 21 gives us a dollar and says next time a feminist claims women are being murdered by men Call her a racist and tell her she needs more cultural enrichment That's usually the kind of men they're talking about, but they don't want to say it. You know like um There was a gb news in the uk I'm sorry for the um digression, but there was a gb news thing. I think it was gb news or what are these uh BBC type channels and there was an anchor woman on there and she was talking about how how unsafe she feels on the streets And she's trying to to blame it on just men, but she's not talking about just men. She's talking specifically about Um, these migrant men that have come in, you know from like africa in the middle east But because you see this is the conflict that these like these women in these first world countries They're more concerned with being called racist than with being called misandrist So they'll just be misindressed and it lets them make the complaints they really want to make about men of color without actually having to Face the consequences of that because look i'm just talking about men You know mark lamont hill did the same thing. He said, I think all men are sexist. Does that mean I hate men? Of course, no, because we don't have a rule for that so you can be sexist and men all you want Anyway, you're muted alz Yes, i'm just trying to figure out what's going on with the the um The fundraiser Okay, so it is live at if you guys want to help out there we did get a support by someone But I think that they canceled it um for whatever reason so I don't have a thank you to give there uh, we for for a bit where i'm going to be taking like um uh people can put fun through and get a Poster a poster. Yes, we're working on a poster I'll give you more as more details like I might send out like an actual video that explains the whole thing because it's a little bit complicated It's new. I know everybody hates new things. So um, yeah like um That's uh Just trying to figure out the heck's going on here Uh, okay It's almost like the the fundraiser is having a glitch of some kind And we'll see we'll figure it out. Okay. Anyway, so if you want to help us out Um, if you want to send us a message, I think um Is there anything more that you wanted to say about this situation because I know that you were very fairly passionate about it Well, mostly like I just didn't want to get into I you know, I think that our audience knows that because I know that there are some like People suffering from tds in our chat sometimes I'm just you know, I think you guys know that um I don't care what you think about the man. It's just like what I said about bill Cosby and harvey wincy and other people. Okay Assassination. I don't know if you know this, but it's wrong. So I don't know if I had to tell you that But it's not really the way forward. So I'm just gonna say that it's shit. It should never have happened. It's not surprising. We know why Um, and that's it so All right. Well, you know, I just wanted to get these ideas out because I think that we're one of the few places that actually talks about These kinds of situations from the way that we do. I don't know if anybody is considering that Trump wasn't just targeted because he's right, you know, he's he's an anti-establishment Because of tds. He's he was targeted because he was a man too Let's let's face it. We think that men are disposable in service of political speech This is something that's very common. Yeah, and I think we're gonna be talking about this on Tuesday as well because there's some other things I did. I just remembered something Trump's Security detailed people were supposed to keep him alive Number one They were using DEI practices. That's why there were women there Um and number two. He wasn't he wasn't getting like he was asking for a certain amount of protection. He wasn't getting it He was denied this by the director who was also a woman and um, not saying that that's why but Just putting it out there might be it might be in detail. That's worthy of of some note Considering the rhetoric around again how much Trump hates women so that I don't think that's helpful and um I think though the other thing was uh, they were trying to take away secret service protections for a while He still managed to keep some so imagine if they if they and by they I mean the democrat party If they managed to take away his secret service protections, he probably would be gone today If he was still even going out and going to rallies so and also Because it's crazy That night after he got shot, he went to a UFC game or game the other games Or you have a UFC fight he went to a fight that same night. Yeah. Yeah, they're fights I don't I don't know why it's a game. I mean, they're kind of like games because they're our winners and losers, but yeah So there you go That that was all right. So thank you to that for for Tuesdays. Um, and uh, yeah, um, we're gonna go to my channel That is gender attic at gender attic on youtube. I think i'm if we can we might keep this up on twitter So you might still be seeing the twitter I'll leave it up on twitter and then i'll close it off everywhere else and then we'll just start it back up on And I will make the the the the show because I forgot to do that. Sorry But we're gonna be talking about is um Essentially, someone is making a defense of auntie war crimes That is the woman who took her dragon to a coronation event and started killing civilians as a political statement Um, and uh, they they they're basically saying that the actress who Did that scene said she was channeling hillary clinton Oh, yeah, that's so I think we go through that Have a little fun with that do something a little bit lighter and you can join us at gender attic that is uh, gender erratic so two r's one t Yes, not two t's not attic erratic. All right, and or typhon blue. You can also find me at typhon blue And uh, yeah, so hope to see you there actually I think I think there's a link to your channel in the description Oh, yeah, they're probably like uh, yeah at the bottom. There's a button. There's a list of Yeah, go go bar. You can find it there and can join us that there All right. So once again feed the slash just the tip to send us a message at any time after the show and we will respond to it the very next reasonable opportunity And uh, feed the slash report to continue to support this content because it's unique and it's a voice that needs to be heard because people are Having trouble with some of the concepts that we talk about. So Once again Thank you for joining and back to you brian All right. 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