Honey Badger Radio

Women liberated, women most affected | Maintaining Frame 109

Join us on the show as we look at a different clip from a conversation between Tim Pool, Alex Stein, Lilly Gaddis and Rachel Wilson. Are girl bosses good for society? Is it men's fault they exist?

2h 13m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

- Hello and welcome to Honey Badger Radio. I will be your host and my name is Allison. And with me today is Brian. And I believe we have resolved a great deal of our technical difficulties. So we shall be bringing you a show where you can hear us, even while you're looking at a still of the thing we're responding to, or you can see the still, even while you're listening to us. - No, they can't see the still with the, they can't see it. It's not doing as it should be doing. I mean, it's not, it is, it is moving exactly in the way it's supposed to be behaving. - It is behaving exactly the way it is supposed to be. The technical difficulties is that I am explaining it in a very poor way. But regardless of that, we have a new show for you. Women liberated, women most affected, in which we respond to some commentary by Tim Poole and Rachel Wilson on the nature of the changes in the workplace and how they've affected women and who is ultimately to blame for that. And again, this is maintaining frame 109 for all of you who are checking that off your list. So. - Yeah. - 'Cause there is someone, you know, there's somebody out there. - There are collectors there, they got the episode 109, still the plastic, don't open it up, don't put, don't break the blister pack on that. - As soon as you listen to it loses like three fourths of its value guys, so there you go. Maybe that's why most people don't listen to us. - Yeah, maybe. - All right. So before we get into it, please do send your comments at We get the full benefit of whatever funds you send and you get the benefit of sending your comment through something other than YouTube's comment thresher system. That's a euphemism. So once again, I am still working on getting everything ready so that we can do our very first HBR poster run. And yeah, and Jonathan is also doing it 'cause he's gonna be doing the silks screening. I will be doing all of the WooCommerce pressing to make it happen. But keep your eyes on We should have that out. And you should be able to purchase posters to help support the show. So you get a lovely poster and we get the ability to continue to bring you this content. So once again, to send us a tip and to support the show in near future. Probably be up by Friday. All right, shall we just dive into it? - Yeah, let's get into it. So this is another clip from the same show we covered. Let me see, "Tobe of Monday." Yesterday was Tuesday, today's Wednesday. Yeah, on Monday, we were going through a clip from Tim Cast, or I think it's Tim Poole's Tim Cast and they were discussing women and stuff. And this is another clip that I thought was, it's actually a little bit meatier. I think this is a meatier clip, a better one that we could be looking at. So let's just get into it from the beginning. And I'm gonna play it and just like speak up when you're ready to say something. So here we go. - Feminism is you get all the women out of the home and into the workforce. You have twice as many incomes to tax. You have kids that are in daycares and state run schools where you can give children the values and the history that you want to give them. - I don't think the tax thing, the double taxation thing is correct because if you have singular income homes, the buying power you're taxing is the same. And so it just led to rapid inflation. It strained the workforce. I love this, there's this graph that lefties like to show where it's like right around the end of the 70s, you see inflation keep going up, but wages stay the same. And they're like, what was this all about? This is 'cause they were going after unions and it's like nuts and women under the workforce. Competition among workers. - Yeah. - Okay. Well, I think he's got a point with pushing back a bit on the whole tax thing. I'm not so sure that inflation really is playing a big role in that that they wanted to get. I think when they bring in more of the increase in spending that two incomes, two households creates, I think that's where it lies. It creates, it creates, it increases the GDP. You know, how they'll say that if you break a window, you increase the GDP. Well, if you break a marriage, you increase the GDP. Significantly. - Yeah. - So I think that's more of where it comes in. It's not the tax revenue. It's the flow of money. They need to keep a high flow of money. They keep the money whipping around because that's what actually gives, I believe, the US dollar and all of the other subsidiary dollars tied to it, their actual value is the sheer volume at which they're used. So if you think about it, if basically what happens is you give other like emerging economies your money in exchange for their goods, if you are able to absorb whatever you send to them, like if you buy, I don't know, if you spend $10 for a sundress, that $10 is going to retain its value to the local economy because a sundress costs $1,000 in the US. That makes sense. Like there will always be a higher demand for US dollars in the US than anywhere else, which means that because of that higher demand, it will maintain the value everywhere else. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's the way I see it in my analysis. Please tell me if you understand what I'm saying. It is the volume of currency moving that gives fiat currency its value. So the more you've got in the air, the more balls you got juggling in the air, the more valuable it is. And if it slows down, it loses value. So the more you have people exchanging money for goods, instead of having a household in which all labor is, there is no exchange money, right? So if you pay a maid, the GDP goes up. If you have a stay-at-home wife, it goes down. Does that make sense? If you grow your own vegetables, the GDP goes down. If you buy them from Whole Foods, it goes up. - Well, then maybe GDP isn't really like the best measure of the quality of life. - Whole Foods is absolutely not. - No, I know, I know. - Absolutely not. - Yeah, so, and I don't know if like Tim Pull was, did he say GDP because I think that when women entered the workforce, it actually did lower the average across the board in terms of earnings. - Yeah, men's income lowered significantly while women's raised a bit, a relative income lowered. But that's not what matters. As long as they keep the money in motion, it doesn't matter that your spending power based on your income is like one half what it was 70 years ago, or it is 50 years ago. That doesn't matter. They don't care about the actual living standard of the average American. They care that you're moving money. So if you have to spend now $700 to get an orange, that's better and your income is only like 70,000 a month. That's better, you know, that you are, you're spending that, or 7,000 a month, you're spending $700 on an orange. Then in the 70s, you were making 700 bucks and spending seven cents on an orange. You know, it's like, even though the orange is now one 10% of your income, 'cause you're making seven grand a month, you're spending $700 on an orange, 10% of your income, it doesn't matter. And when you were in the 70s, it was only like 0.1% of your income. That doesn't matter the fact that you're moving $7,000 a month, it does. That's what matters to them. That's it. And so they will eat every bit of the real value of your income just to keep that money moving. And that's what we're seeing. And yeah, so the whole idea then, not only do, is it higher, does the GDP go up if you have a maid instead of say at home mom, the GDP goes up if you have to hire a carpenter instead of getting your husband to do it, right? The GDP goes up if you go to a mechanic instead of your husband fixing your car. So any of these tasks, these specific tasks that women and men were inclined towards, you know, like in the 50s and 60s, men would just generally know a little bit about mechanics, a bit about carpentry, a bit about roofing, a bit about, you know, all of this stuff and they would bring that expertise, not a complete expertise. You'd still probably want to go and get a carpenter for some things, right? But they would bring that so smaller jobs could get done within the home. And then women would have their own types of expertise that they would, they wanted to get rid of that. So they said, all of that is sexist, get rid of it. You, there should be no exchange of goods that doesn't involve the money, the fiat, you know? And then that just increases the GDP. So yeah, tax revenue is one thing. I think it's an element, but I think the bigger element is that they are trying to maintain the value of a fiat currency 'cause the U.S. dollar has done so. And all of the, and I'm not singling out the U.S. dollar. Someone was like, oh my God, you're always a Canadian complaining about the U.S. I 100% this applies to all of the currencies that are tied to the U.S. dollar. That includes the Canadian dollar, includes the pound, it includes the euro, all of them. This 100% includes every single country that parasitizes on the U.S. for its military budget. Every single one of those currencies rely on that kind of movement in order to have value. And yeah, I think that's the big thing here. And there's something even deeper. I could take you at another deeper level, but I don't know if you want me to. I could go deeper, we can go deeper. - Yeah, yeah, we can just keep, let's, I don't think that's the baseline of this discussion in this video clip. It's about whether-- - Let's take a deeper plan. - I know, but this is about girl bosses and why, like what is the point of them? So let's play some form. - Yeah, but girl bosses are just a tip of the iceberg. We need to dive into our, deep in our submarine, 100 leagues under the sea. See the full picture, okay, all right. - I'll grab my Xbox controller and we'll do that, but all right, I'm gonna play this now. - It's doubled and that's going to depress wages. Guaranteed. - Why do you think suddenly in the 1970s we saw this huge number of women enter the world? - Hold on, Alison, you made a noise. Okay, I'm gonna play it again. - I gotta mute, sorry guys. - No, no, you don't have to mute, just like try not to be told to squirly and like-- - Yeah, try not to be squirly, okay. - Let me try not to be me. - All right, I'm gonna play it now. - Workforce, like they just organically decided-- - I'm just going back a little bit so that we can hear her point 'cause I think it's a good one. Okay, just guaranteed. - Why do you think suddenly in the 1970s we saw this huge number of women enter the workforce? Like they just organically decided they loved careerism? Or do you think that's something to do with all the propaganda telling them that you need to have an education and have your own money because if you don't, you're vulnerable and your husband can abuse you. - But we have to get a bit more reductive 'cause while what you're saying is absolutely true, where does this come from? And I blame men, weak men, men are weak, men continually grow weak and an element of what's going on with the feminism. You know, I'll mention a lot of what we're seeing is really, really bad, like no fault divorce, just basically marriage is over. - Oh, what a surprise, look at it. - Yeah, go ahead, that's it. We're gonna blame men, guys. - I blame men, I have a unique and very novel approach to this. I know women are making a lot of really bad choices and I know women are tearing this country apart and I know that women are killing their babies and I know that women are voting for open borders to destroy everything because they're angry at like edgy boys on Twitter. But I think I'm gonna just, I'm gonna go with, I'm gonna go with blaming men, Bob. And I'll take what's behind door number, let's blame men and let's see what happens. I know up until this point, blaming men hasn't worked, but I feel like it's a trick and actually, this time it's gonna work, this time. - Okay, this time, oh man. Yeah, this is like the week, oh, I hate that saying now. It's become so, it's a thought terminating cliche. Strong men create strong system. Weak men, weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men. And then nowhere are women, because women just don't exist. I guess, except as rewards and measuring sticks to men's actions. You know, and it's like, the quote that I really like was from Mae West and she said when women go bad, men go right after them. And I think that's more honest to what's happening and what's going on. - Yeah, I think that makes more sense. - And she was smart. - She understood human nature, I think. - Yes, she did. She understood if human nature very well. And to quote the esteemable al Bundy, women understand women and they hate them. I don't want to understand women. Women understand women and they hate them. - Yes. - Mae West understood women. And she also understood men. And I think we've forgotten a lot of that. And it's unfortunate. And part of the reason why I forget it, 'cause we can't seem to get women to take responsibility for anything. We're immediately defaulting on women went into the workforce, who's to blame men? How? At what part of this is men's fault? The fact they hired women? What were they supposed to do? Continue to not hire women when it became illegal to discriminate against them? What the hell? Were men supposed to be like, ah, I'm not gonna marry any woman with a job? Men can't be responsible for all of the actions of a group of people who are now the majority electorate and have been since the '60s. It's just not possible. Even if you just replaced women with fem boys, men still couldn't be responsible for the actions of the fem boys. But possibly, Tim would be able to see that. - Yeah. - Possibly in the analysis of agency, fem boy ranks higher than women. - Sometimes I think he's playing devil's advocate a lot. Like he doesn't want it to turn into, I don't know, like a circle jerk. But at the same time, though, like, I mean, really? Like, how long have we been doing this? - You've been read? - Yeah, go ahead. I mean, he's had on guys from the, say, red pill space on his show. So I don't, you know, I don't wanna name names 'cause people get triggered. But like, he's had people on that have made explicitly clear what the problem is in our society with relationships, with marriage, divorce, family, fatherlessness, et cetera. And it just seems like there's just a hole in his mind right now because he's making this like, I blame men. And it's almost like, well, did you want men to just crack down on women, just crack down on them? Because I mean, like, oh, I'm sure. Like, I think that it could get to that point where there will be a class of men that is gonna be like done with the bullshit, we're cracking down, you are now officially oppressed here in your shackles. But when that happens, the women are gonna be like, look, see, this is what men are like. So it's like, you can't win, you can't win. Like, you just have to like hope. Basically, the only tool I think that we have at this stage is women shaming women. That's what we got. And I think it's working. I think that it's good, you know? And men just checking out and women basically telling other women to shape up. I think that's what it is. 'Cause like, what's the female version of failure to launch? What is that? Because like, failure to launch, when men are like, they're middle age and they're still at home with their parents and living their mom's basement and they, you know, they wash porn and play video games all day, let's say. And people are saying, look, you know, this isn't good for you. It's not just because you're not serving society, but it's also not good for you because it's gonna make you, you're not gonna get better. You have to like do something, right? We will engage in shaming in those guys to get them to change their lifestyle so that it is better, not just for the greater society but for themselves. And we call it something, we call it failure to launch, we call it man-children, whatever. And I think that it's, while I'm not generally in favor of judging a person for their interests or hobbies, I don't do that because I have nerdy hobbies too. I do think that in the long run, it's probably good for them because if they stay that way, they're just gonna self-destruct. But what we don't have is a version of that for women. And maybe we should. Maybe we should have something like that for women. Like we have cat lady, but like, it doesn't seem to have the same sting to it, you know? Plus I wouldn't wish that on cats, you know? - I just wanted to get in there. There's a, I think there's a slight technical difficulty for some reason it's just focusing on me instead of showing you while you talk. - Oh, I don't know why that is, but it's fine. It's probably the macro is a little bit unresponsive. Or maybe my volume isn't loud enough. - Yeah, well, it's switched over now. I don't know, did you actually switch it over or? - No, I think, let me just check here. - Switch over now, so it's working now. - Oh, I did that. That's why I switched it over. - Yeah, just maybe be careful with that 'cause it seems like it's loving me for some reason today and I don't know. - I want you at a higher priority. So you do, well, I mean, I can only do like one step so that either I'm the higher, so yeah. - Okay, so I just need to shut my mouth when you talk. - Well, let's play more of the video. - You're dating now, that's right. You're dating with a special placard from the government, but you can just leave it any moment. That's ridiculous. - Yes. - And these are bad things. However, you know, all these guys that are watching these anti-women channel, you know, I try not to be a dick to people who want to figure out about their lives. Like, if I see a guy going to the gym, I'm gonna tell, like, these fat knees up or wait or whatever, he's struggling. I'm gonna be like, "Bro, you got this, you know what I mean?" So I see these guys who are watching these channels and part of me is just like, that's stupid, but I'm not gonna hang on a guy who's actively investigating. They may not understand completely, but they're like, "Why is this thing happening?" But I'll just put it this way. Part of what we're saying, it's actually good. You know why? Weak men will fail and they deserve to fail. And... - Okay, but weak men, weak men apparently are Western men. Like in this analysis, they are the ones who are not being, apparently they're women are not finding them attractive. So what will happen when Western men fail? Western society will go with it. So I guess it was nice while it lasted. Like... - What is meant by that? What is meant by weak men will fail and they deserve to fail. Again, like what does that mean? Because if it just means women are picking them and those men are doing their best. 'Cause like, I think this is what I think Tim is doing. He's kind of like, he's finding the men who are, let's say the least ambitious. And he's saying that that's all the men who are not finding partners. But women are not picking from not only the least productive or the least successful men. They're also not picking like the ones who are reasonably successful. Even the ones who might own their own business, a small one, right? Or someone who's like solidly pursuing the middle class while women, by the way, vote to make the middle class vanish with their choices. But nonetheless, and those women are only selecting the top, top, top, top men. And so that means it all like, does that mean that 90% or 85% of men are just failures that deserve to fail? Because like we're moving towards a harem model right now where women are willing to share like, you know, a man amongst a number of them. Is that the kind of society that we wanna live in? Like, can we not? Can we not say that like women are being unreasonable? Like, I mean, there are plenty of people calling them out, femme sapien, says she has a problem about Western, modern Western women and it's the entitlement. And there's foiled and for whatever reason, Tim wants to do everything but say that. But maybe Rachel does. Can't remember, I think she does. Do you wanna say something else and I know you're trying to... I'm trying to stay muted when I'm not talking just because, well, again, the honest to God truth is that Western society is failing to make its men attractive. I mean, you can say it's because they're weak, but I mean, honestly, how much do men have to overcome? They have to overcome an institutionalized narrative that their existence is a net loss for women. Like that they are terrible partners that women are less happy with them, which is not true. They're actually more happy as married women are more happy than single. But what is the quora, the top quora answer? Oh, single women are more happy. Can complete defiance of the actual statistics. So we are actively lying to women about men's worth in partnerships. And he's saying that as a result, women are not choosing men because they've been lied to, honestly, in part, they're not choosing men because they've been told that, well, they've been told that men are terrible oppressors and what are they going and dating? They're going and going and dating who they've been told men are, who they've been told this is masculinity, this is manhood. It's the top 5% that can treat them as disposable, right? Well, that's what they're doing. It's all as a result of a whole bunch of lies and men aren't able to combat those lies. And he's saying that that makes them weak. Well, really, nothing has changed that much about men. They're now subject to a society-wide narrative that they're a worthless option and a society-wide lie about men. And women are not selecting men because they have bought into the lie. And it's almost like men have nothing to do with it. They were just trucking along, keeping society, running, doing the work, buying their wives a whole bunch of leisure time, which apparently women will never forgive men for in the '50s and '60s. And then suddenly there was this rise of this narrative, this sales pitch about how horrible they were and then suddenly they're undesirable as partners because women are buying into the sales pitch. At what point does this make men weak? Like, I don't understand that. I don't understand the idea that the weak men are gonna lose out when it was not something men did. It was society constructing this narrative. And now the only men who women will consider are men who have all of the social proof of being desired by other women and are in the top 10%. That's the only ones that they will allow because they think that men are such a detriment that they have to pile on all of the other stuff in the other side of the scale in order to be worth it. And we've raised the bar of what men have to be in order to be worth it. And not because the average man is less average than the average woman, but just because we've decided to embrace a society night wide and threat narrative about men and lie about their worth as partners. It's just, okay, and that's, I don't know what he means by weak men here. How is this bail weakness? I mean, okay, fair enough. Let's lean into the weakness. Let's not hide from it. And I apologize if this gets insulting. Yes, men are less powerful when it comes to creating a social maylu than women. Women set the emotional tenor. This is something that I have noticed constantly, right? Women will dominate informal discussions. They dominate social media. They dominate things based on their sensibilities. They are the dominant sex when it comes to the social atmosphere and also the social perception of the other sex. So they, in some ways, they don't necessarily dominate men's identity, but they dominate the perception of men's identity in the social sphere. So yeah, maybe men are weak because they're up against women who are strong in a particular way. And our society is now revolving around that, that, you know, like the, where is the big, where are the discussions taking place? Twitter, who dominates Twitter? Women, right? You know, there's no longer in the commons, yes. - Other than right after cat-turd is women. Is cat-turd than women? - Cat-turd than women. So women sort of dominate Facebook. It's all about these online social media areas. And they are indeed dominated by women. I guess YouTube is more dominated by men because women are dominant when it comes to these social factors. Period, the end, full stop. Can we just allow that acceptance of reality? But now that we understand that women are dominant in a particular way, they have power in a particular way, men's issues, advocates have said this. You know, we need women talking about these things because they get heard and 100%. I agree with that. I feel it's unfortunate, but it's true. And I mean, I can fight that reality or I can just lean into it. But we have this situation where women have a power. They have power of the social landscape that men don't. We can continue to call women men weak because of this patent reality that is existence at the dawn of time or we can say to women, what the hell are you doing? You have power. It's time to take responsibility for it. And just recognize that at this point in time, what are men supposed to do? Are they supposed to just slap women's smartphones out of their hands? Like, is that, I mean, what is non-weak in this context? Is it a guy just going down the street of like, I don't know, New York and just slapping cell phones and crushing them? I don't know, what are men supposed to do? Are they supposed to order women back to the kitchen? And what if they do, Tim? Are you okay with that? Are you okay with the necessity of what would need to happen in order for men to have the authority, commiser it with the responsibility you're putting on them? Would you be okay with that? Are you okay with a red pill bros saying, yeah, well, a husband should be able to determine when and where a woman gets on social media and fathers should be able to just cut off girls, social media and all this. Are you gonna accept men's authority or are you just giving them responsibility? And guess what? If you do not give men commiserate authority, when you say that everything is happening because of weak men, when you give them this responsibility, you're just blaming them to no avail. You're making mouth noises that make you feel better but do nothing. Okay. - Yep. - All right, let's watch some more a little bit. - I will mock their failure. - Well, what about acolyte, Star Wars socks? I mean, this does-- - I'll watch it. - And where are the strong men to lift the burdens and the heavy rocks to make good stuff? So here's what I'm saying. You got a bunch of guys that are sitting on the online overweight and again, I'm not making fun of everybody's overweight saying everybody's overweight is a failure. - Okay, so men alone are the problem. All right, so again, what is his solution here aside from blaming men, which is nonsense? It's just basically saying let's throw this entire problem into the whole of let's not do anything. That's what blaming men does at this point. It's just like, I don't like this problem. Framing this problem in a way is making me feel a little bit uncomfortable and tingly in a weird way. So I'm just gonna throw it into the chasm of men aren't the blame. And not so we don't have to think about it. But like seriously, now he's going after men online. Okay, well, who the hell else is going to deal with the problem of women being online, creating this social and social or reinforcing this landscape that men are worthless? You know what, I should shut up. Maybe he comes out of nowhere with like a huge solution. - No, I mean, I think Tim is, I think he makes a mistake that a lot of people make is they look at where there might be chinks in like their preconceived notion of what a healthy society is supposed to look like. They target those and then they criticize them because if Tim's issue is that there are people doing things online, Tim, you do things online. Like, you know, the, I don't know if they're gonna do this but can I just say that people who blame the internet for the world's problems or blame social media or blame Twitter, that's a boomer argument. I'm tired of it. It's a boomer argument. It's cringe, stop doing it. It's gay. I'm not a fan. Because if it weren't for the internet, like there's so much that we wouldn't have. In fact, it is a net positive full stop period and your problem with the internet and your problem with social media is actually a problem with people because what makes the social media are the people. So stop making the internet is bad argument. It's gay and lame and cringe. Okay, so let's play more. Who are not trying to better themselves. Who are not trying to exercise. Who are not cleaning the Cheetos off their mustache. Who aren't? Hey, Tim. That's around. I'm looking at you. Alex, they're not wiping their armpits. You know that I do eat a lot of Cheetos and stuff, yes. Tim knows that. What we're seeing right now is, for one, we can go back 100 years, 200 years and talk about suffrage and it was weak men across the board who kept bending the knee and could not maintain social order. They just gave up, but I look at that. Whoa, whoa. So, okay, well, I mean, it was mostly women who opposed the suffrage and then it was just male politicians. So, weak men who gave women the suffrage. That's a real, geez, that's one hell of a red pill. You're like, what? It is a bit of a red pill, it's true. But again, it's one of these like-- - As long as you blame men. - Come on, Tim, are you still blaming men at the end of the day, right? That's the end goal because you wouldn't want to sit there and say, well, frankly, I don't think we should have gave women the vote. But then now you are the bad guy, right? So, instead, you'd say, ah, it's the weakness and then the ladies are like leaning in like what are you gonna say of men? Ah, yes, that's right. It is men's fault. As long as it's men's fault, you can actually claim that women shouldn't have rights and then it's men's fault that they have them. You could just blame men, you know? As long as you're blaming men, everything else is okay. - Yeah, as long as you're blaming, well, what is Islam? I'm sorry, you know, women apparently, well, far fewer rights than the West, but I wouldn't say that it's necessarily woman hatred, but you know, you blame men, you give women no rights. There you go, this is gonna be the excuse. Like, I mean, honestly, did you notice that though? That's like, we're having this discussion and it's happening in the negative space of let's blame men. But he's essentially saying that women's suffrage is a bad thing. - He's kind of framing it that way. That's probably because he knows that some people, like Rachel Wilson would agree with him, but the thing is, is that it's the framing. The framing is, it's still putting it on men. And it's like, yeah, but now that women are in the position where they could say, you know, we should revisit this thing. Maybe the idea of universal suffrage, not just women's suffrage, the universal suffrage in general. Maybe that's a bad idea. And maybe we should like back off on that because there are people who don't have like a duty to do, to make a choice that is right for a given nation and vote in a way that is both good for, you know, the nation as a whole, as well as the future generations that will live here. No, instead the women are like, we should get younger people to vote. We should get like people who don't, who we've never lived here before, that just crossed the border to vote. I mean, like Keir Starmer, Keir Starmer, is that his name from the UK government, the new prime minister, they're like, we have a solution to the immigration problem, the mass migration problem. We're just gonna make them all citizens. Problem solved, great. And of course the women, they're not, they don't have a problem with that. I mean, they don't like getting cat called on the street or getting like followed by foreign men that don't speak their language. But, and they'll complain about that. But you see, that's not a problem of people with vastly different cultures and different religions and different ideologies that are not at all compatible with the West. No, no, no, the problem is that those are men. So like, so that's the problem, right? So we just gotta do something about all the men. Even, and then basically we're gonna treat the men from several countries the same way as we do our own native born men. They're all men at the end of the day. And that's literally what's happening in the UK. And will happen in France. So. - Okay. I just wanted to say, when you spoke about women just sort of extending the vote to more and more groups of people. Instead of thinking about how you need to use the vote in order to preserve and maintain society and serve the system that serves us, it just occurred to me that this is actually a very feminine quality. They get a resource like the vote and they want to bring it and distribute it to the people that they perceive who are in need. So if you think about it, the man brings home the mastodon and the woman cuts it up and gives it all to all the kids and the elderly, all the vulnerable groups, right? And that's the way that they're approaching the vote. When the vote is by definition a responsibility to make sure that society is run in the right way. Or in a way that is sustained. - Yeah, they just think it's like, they just got a bowl of candy. And they're like, well, I have all this candy to myself. I'm gonna share the candy. - Yeah, exactly. - But it's not candy. It's the future. (both laughing) - It's the future, but it's at the same time as it's like, you are, this is not a good idea. Honestly, there should be something, some kind of way of saying, well, this person should have a say in the state. This person maybe shouldn't have a say in the state. And they wanna get rid of all of the forms of merit or at least the forms of constructing, not necessarily a hierarchy, but finding out if the person actually is invested in the state or if they're gonna import their forms, like wars into the state. They're gonna see the state that we have as just another means for something else. Like a tool to keep perpetuating their own vision, right? And we don't have anything like it, but any kind of qualification, any kind of merit, any kind of expectation, any kind of standard that you had to be held to, they wanna break it all down and they wanna break it all down because they're thinking in terms of we need to provide for the kids and the elderly and the vulnerable. And that's not bad in and of itself. It's just not the place for it, it's not the... - It's not the sentiment, it's the action is irresponsible. And of course it is because again, the consequences, they're probably, they're very far removed from them in the immediate. Eventually there will be and they'll be like, "How did this happen?" But like, they don't know when, like in the moment, they're just like, "Oh, I'm just being nice, right?" So anyway, I got some things to read out that people shelled out their hard-earned cash for. So I'm gonna read those out, then we'll continue the video. Richard Bier gives us five bucks and says, "Having women police the moral behavior of other women "has more often than not had some undesirable outcomes. "It either becomes the extreme of the Salem witch trials "or in modern times that female HOA board member "who will find the most trivial things to declare "of violation of the HOA rules "that she can harass the neighborhood over "as an expression of her authority. "So if she becomes the female Eric Cartman, "going about saying respect my authority "and possibly whacking everyone in the shins "with her police baton." Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. I'm sorry, but you have to deal with those consequences. It seems to me that that's a worthy trade-off to preserve our civilization for at least another eight years. So, I mean, women could also stop being cunts and change their ways. That would be a solution. I am open to, like, we can table this discussion on women not being cunts, and then we'd be fine. But I mean, if they're gonna be, then we're gonna have to get women out here that are cuntier to be that way towards them so that they stop acting like cunts. - This video will not be monetized. I'm sorry, Elton. No of a fan, 21, gives us a dollar on double. - Can I respond to that? - Yeah, yeah, go ahead. - Okay, all right, well, there is that, but then there's also someone actually in our Discord, one of the patrons described this. There was a sort of a bus stop or a rest area where in his neighborhood, where a whole bunch of homeless people congregated. And because they'd really had nowhere else to go. And every week, I think it was like a, there was like a community center or something. There would be women complaining about it. Karen's complaining about this, the situation. And what ended up happening is one of the, I think I might've been, I don't know what particular denomination she was. She might've been maybe even united or something, but there was an older woman who every day would go and bring them soup and sandwiches, the homeless people. And just by doing that, she managed to shut up dozens of Karens. Like they went, like all the complaints disappeared, right? - Yeah. - The Karens were saying, we need bylaws against these homeless people. And then so I asked the guy, okay, so what happened? Did they have a bylaw against homeless people and men and I, women like feeding them? Or I don't know what she was, maybe she was united, who knows? Or Christian women feeding them? And she's like, no, this woman shut them all up. So depending on how it's done, it doesn't have to be cunty. It's like, you know, you can get men who use their greater physical strength, their focus on altruistic punishment, their higher level of risk tolerance for good things. And you can get them, men who do it for bad things. In different ways than women who do it for bad things, right? Same thing with women. You can get women who are judgmental, authoritarian. And then you can get women who understand things like using their service, their gratitude, and their compassion in ways that change the social landscape to the better. So it's just a situation where, yeah, it can be done badly, but I think it's, honestly, it's not even a situation where, well, we can't let women do it. It's like women will do it. We'll be women who do this, almost invariably. So the question is, do we have the means to make it less of column A, cunty, and more of column B compassion, you know? And how do we develop that? And constantly blaming men is just basically saying, I'm not going to deal with the problem, so. All right. All right, let's play more of the video. Here we go. And I'm like, well, look, it's interesting. Maybe what's happening needs to happen. This is natural selection. A society has emerged because men became weaker and weaker. They could not provide for what women wanted, and they could not provide stability in social order. Okay, but examples you're saying is men have not controlled women. So what you're saying is men were too weak. They did not control women. Women created this, that's men's fault. Are you prepared to give women men the authority to enact to their control? Are you prepared to support men? Like, I mean, I didn't realize that Tim Poole had become an extreme conservative. That doesn't sound like super, like, like super, like fuck. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? He's not even like, you know, a sort of a casual Muslim. He's like, he's going, he's going speed running into, like, fundamentalist, you know, center of the desert Islam. He's like, Tim Poole, peace be upon him. Yeah, what are you saying? Are you saying, if you're going to say men are responsible for not establishing these boundaries, are you saying that men should have the authority to do so? Right, should men claim the authority, like, this guy, if you think about it, if you look at the negative space that Tim Poole is constructing, he's like a super-angertate. Like, if you think, like, how is this different than then? I don't think agertate would even have said that, honestly. I don't, I think he, I haven't seen anything. So I think he's beyond that. He's beyond that. You understand, you understand this when you stop just hearing men are responsible and you start hearing, well, this is the authority that men should have. Because like, just hear it when he's saying these things. Let's keep going. All right, I forgot to read the rumble ramp from before. Oh, oh, no. Nova fan, yeah. I should do, I should do a shout out. Okay, yeah, Richard. Let me do the, let me do the, the rum, the Nova fan, because he sent it a while ago. So he gave us a dollar. Thank you, Nova fan. Says, the only men I blame are the ones who defend evil women's actions. When good men try to hold women accountable, I do not blame men for withdrawing from this dysfunctional side. Yeah, I mean, I think that Tim could, because I would agree that male weakness exists. And male weakness in positions of authority that bend the need of women is a problem. But the problem is that Tim is mis, he is getting, he's blaming the wrong group of men. I think the men who are online that are talking about this stuff, I think they're frustrated and angry, and they have every right to be. I think that people like panicking and getting all, like, getting all like in their feelings when they find that there are men who are, who have negative emotions because of the way they've been treated for like their entire life. I think they need to get a life and girls find those people, not the men. And maybe the men that you should be calling weak are these male feminists in tremendous positions of power that are basically like saying we should just give everything up. Maybe the men of the United Nations. Maybe the men at the World Economic Forum, right? Maybe the men who like run these universities. Maybe the men in media positions. Maybe the men who are who, you know, like the guy who directed the Ghostbusters remake or something like those men. I'm going to say something. All right, so I've been reading this book. It's called Manhood in the Main Gang, A Cultural Concepts of Masculinity. And one of the conclusions of this book is that a critical and almost universal quality of manhood is generosity, right? Big men, like the big men of Papua New Guinea, they're very generous. They are able to coordinate lots of things to give, have big generous parties and give things to the people who support them. So a man is seen as being a big man when he's able to give a lot. And he's able to produce a lot and give a lot. And I mean, and that's more like in the economic level, they also have them like a military component. But there's this quality of generosity and sacrifice to manhood throughout the world, right? Now, what Tim Poole is saying is that in our culture, well, first of all, let me frame that before I get into exactly what he's saying. In our cultural concept, rights are seen as things that men give women, rights and freedoms. So if you're going to be a generous man, you give women lots of rights and freedoms, you give women services, you give women all of these things. That's being a big man in our society is giving women everything they ask for, whether it be freedoms, whether it be welfare, whether it be services, because you have this very idea of lower-class men being brutish, whatever. That's being a big man in our society. So what Tim is saying is that the end result of all of these big men, being big men, is weakness. And it's like, no, the problem is our conception of what a big man is. In our society, a big man allows his woman to do whatever he wants. A big man is able to fund whatever lifestyle she desires. A big man pays the bill for her 18 friends when she goes out on her birthday. A big man gives women whatever rights they want. A big man steps up and champions all of this female-only scholarships and DIE initiatives. A big man advocates for all of the monolithic infant classes that women identify. That's what a big man is in our society. And he's saying that that's weak. Well, but women define, in many ways, women define what generosity is in men. And so, you know, it's like the fact that men are responding to how women have defined what a big man is and what generosity is in men, is that really on men? And the other thing is, is if he's going to say that a man who is generous in this way is a weak man, what is he saying a strong man is? As a strong man, a man who denies women their rights? As a strong man, a man who takes away welfare? As a strong man, a man who refuses to give women only bursaries and scholarships. As a strong man, a man who squelches all DIE. As a strong man, a man who punches smartphones out of the hands of women. And, you know, as he goes down New York Street, you know, is this a strong man? Like, because, okay, all right, I will, I'll step off my soapbox because I've said quite a bit. I just want to remind everyone to send your super chows through Because I know it's hump day and nobody wants to do anything or think. We just all want to sit here in a puddle of inert goo. But please do send those those super chows feed the badger home. Home day home day. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. Okay, I got into the super chow from Richard Bier for five dollars. And he says it is far easier to get a redneck to not keep looking at that bass boat with the glitter finish clear coat at the brass bass pro shop or cabela's than it would be to convince these modern enlightened women to not be abject. The words, I don't want to say it. See you next Tuesdays. See you next Tuesdays. Thank you. All right, let's, uh, let's play some more of this. My pointer, I lost it. I have these fractured systems where young men sit around complaining on the internet, removing themselves in the dating pool, complaining they can't get in. Meanwhile, I know dudes who are swimming in women and they're short and they're wealthy. Because these guys are like, here are the cards I'm holding in my hand. I am going to figure out how to maximize my capabilities with this. If, you know, you look at the, the, you read, it's funny. He's like, yeah, just be rich, just be rich, guys. What are you doing? Why are you so weak? Your problem, whatever all the men are rich, rich is the average. And then we're, we're back to square. Yeah, then we're back to women going, hmm, I think I can do better. Yes, so somehow men have to be able to slap the metaphorically, slap the smartphone out of the woman's hands. And that is the, uh, oh, I think I could do better somehow. And the funny thing is, is that a lot of this isn't even men. Like it isn't even really about men. I mean, he's really focused on it because he wants to blame them. And I think it's mostly because he just wants to deflect this problem. Yeah. I mean, like, well, I think that we're, so I'm looking, I'm trying to look at it in the context of the broader conversation. And so you have like, you have like Alex Stein, who's like super blue pill conservative guys. Like, well, I think women should be able to like do whatever, you know, like it's fine. And then you have like Rachel Wilson, who's like a hardcore patriarchist. That's what she calls herself. So she's like, we need a patriarchy, right? Not the feminist definition, but her definition. And then there's another woman who's kind of like, you know, middle ground. It doesn't really have a strong opinion by anything. And I think Tim is trying to match Rachel Wilson's energy in the opposite direction so that it fosters a more like, I don't know, energized discussion. But he seems to believe what he says a lot. So it's not like he's just making shit up to be contrarian. You know, that's what I think. So yeah, he's like fighting with like, kind of fighting with a straw man, honestly. Because that means Rachel's not making any of these claims either, you know. So, but were you, I'm sorry to say that women are to blame for everything. But can they be to blame for what they are to blame for? Yeah, right. The thing is that I'm like, um, I had this exchange. I don't even think it was a feminist. I think it might have been a conservative. And I was like, okay, so we have blamed men for how long can we blame women for something? And he's like, well, we get nothing out of blaming an entire sex. I'm like, so we'll just continue to blame men then. And he's like, yes, you know, so fucking awareness whatsoever. Oh man, all right, I got a super chat. Thank you to we can't blame. We can't blame a gender. That's why we have to continue to blame men. We can't. It's not fair to blame everybody in a gender. That's why we got to continue to blame men. Yeah, all right, the chaos one X gave us $2 and says women most affected women most affected. That's right. It's a self self perpetuating cycle when women are affected. They are in fact affected, which means that they are in due course affected. And it never ends. It's like, if you tie, if you take a slice of bread and you put butter on one side and you wrap it around a cat and you have the butter facing up and the cats standing and you throw it, it'll spin because cats always land on their feet and and buttered bread always lands face down. It'll spin, you know, yeah, it'll spin infinitely. This is what the effect of women most affected is it's a it's a never ending loop. All right, but anyway, let's play the video. A lot of these channels have to highlight these dating apps where women. They only want the top 20th percentile of attractive men. And so that means 80% of men are just out of the dating pool. And I look at that and I'm like, sucks for you, I guess, dude. I don't know how many times you got to read Jordan Peterson's book to figure out. You don't just get to exist and get a woman. Oh, good. But don't women just get to exist? Well, no, it's like 80 80% of men. And by the way, that playing a fish thing, that's just a percentage of men that get a date. That's not necessarily a percentage of men that get a relationship. Not that I think they should be doing it on dating sites. All right. So from my view of history, society's work when they get the most amount of their young men invested in them, usually by getting them prospects in terms of relationships. And when they start to fail is when young men cease to have prospects, because they don't have in place what is necessarily necessary to have families to feed their families, et cetera. So, for example, the economic changes in Rome in which the average man no longer really had any potential of having his own land and being a farmer, because he was competing against mega farms run by owned by very, very rich families and basically run by slaves. When that happens, the society starts to deteriorate. So when a society no longer is capable of making the average man attractive to the average woman, it's done for. And what he's saying is that he's just putting the blame on men. He's putting on the blame on men and not putting it on the fact that our system has no longer providing the one thing that keeps a society alive, which is young men's connection to it. And it's like, well, you can say, wow, men don't earn it because they're weak and whatever else. But it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, all of these men are going to eventually have to go somewhere else, right? They're going to have to go with whatever will make them attractive or we won't fix this problem and it'll be the death of the human race. And I mean, yes, I guess to some degree, men have to go out and figure out this new thing that's going to make them attractive. But at the same time is that blaming men for the destruction of everything that made them attractive. It's like society is a peacock's tail. Society is men invest in it because it gives them the peacock's tail, right? That's where they get. They invest in the work of building society because in exchange, they become attractive to women. And our society is a ceasing to do that. And eventually, it's going to crumble because of that. And we either figure out, once again, how to make men attractive to women as a people and we can start by getting rid of the nonsense and lies about men. That might be a good place like stops shooting ourselves in the foot. See what falls out then, you know? Get rid of the whole men oppressed women narrative. And the funny thing is that that whole narrative at its core, at its kernel, is the recognition that men have to bring something to the table. They have to have some power, some ability, some authority, something more than women or women are not interested in them. And if they're not getting it from the society, then the society is not long for the world. So you can say, you can point to all these men who are not living up to the standard, whatever that is, and say, well, you're weak. But how are they supposed to? Like we talked about how, if all these men become rich, well, the top 20% remains the top 20%. Women are going after the top 20%, and they're not doing so because the lower 80% is necessarily bad. They're going after the top 20% because that's what all the other women are going after. That's what has the social proof. And it's a function of intersectional competition among women. Again, like I said earlier, it doesn't really have anything to do with men because if we're in a situation where this is a problem with women, right? If Tim was poor or average in terms of his income, he would have the same problem. And the problem is that women want a man who will make her girlfriends jealous, right? And that is not the average man. Nor would it ever have been the average man because previous societies kept that in check. They kept the female, female, intersectional competition in check. And women weren't making decisions based on it. So now you have to be in the top 20%. And even if that 80% suddenly got to the same, got up above the bar of the top 20%, that wouldn't be good enough because immediately the bar would raise to the top 20% again, because what they're after isn't what the features of the top 20% of men, what they're after is the fact that the top 20% of men each have five women after them. And it's the social proof. It's the connect. It's the relationship between the women that they're after. It's the fact that they have other women after them that they're after. Well, how are you going to, how can that ever, how is it an average man supposed to do anything in that circumstance? Even if he becomes ripped, like Chris, Chris Williamson, or no, Chris, since pretty ripped. Okay, fair enough, fair. We'll go with that. I made a mistake, but he probably he straighted up like a Julian Sally. Like even if they even if the whole 80% of men that is subpar allegedly got ripped, got money, got the Bugatti, got all of this other shit, and became the same identical to the top 20%. Being ripped by Chris Williamson wouldn't be enough. You'd have to be a rip like Chris Helmsworth. You'd have to be as rich as Bill Gates. You'd have to, you know, it just goes up because again, it is not the objective standard. It is the subjective, how many other women are after this guy that these women are after. And that is always a moving target. And you can't build a society on a moving target like that. So there's nothing men can do. Oh, I hate saying that. Oh, God, I feel really bad. No, I mean, it's it's just that, um, you know, and the other thing too is that I'm saying that having a relationship, you have a relationship. Everybody here has relationships. And it's really difficult to say, this is not a situation that works. And it's not a situation that men can change because that means that they can't, like, and many guys are not going to be able to do anything. The only thing we can do is to shame women out of this situation. And we've and we've removed all of the pillars that prevented this kind of toxic, intersectional competition where women now want a partner who makes her friends jealous, want a partner who has five women after them, but only is invested in them somehow, you know, because everything is now about women's competition with each other. And honestly, I think that one of the one of the most destructive aspects of this is I think a lot of women would prefer to destroy like, if they're all going after the top men, those top men have women who are sort of roughly equivalent to their value generally, right? I think a lot of solid sixes actually take some shot in Freuda, some delight in ruining the perspective chances of the nines and tens by being a side piece. No. And I mean, there's, there's, there's a dark aspect to it. It's a dark, jealous, competitive aspect to the feminine. And we don't want to talk about it. And how are men, like, in certain aspects of women's sociality and their strength, it's not that men are weak or strong. They're just not playing the game at all. They're not even in the same dimension. Like, they just sort of exist elsewhere. And they don't even see, like a lot of men don't even see what's going on with women. They don't see it. So it's not that men are strong or weak when it comes to female intersectional competition. It's that they have no effect on it whatsoever, except being the objects of it. And we got rid of everything that kept it in check monogamy, shaming promiscuity, you know, shaming out of wedlet birth, not giving birth control. And we got rid of everything that controlled women's intersectional competition with each other, which incidentally, also ruins their relationships with each other, which is why you see those women remember that one girl, he was just like, I can't have. And she was, she was at the point of tears when she said this. Remember, we were taught, we responded to Hannah Cox. And there was this one woman. And she, she was talking about how she can't be friends with women, because they're they're constantly backstabbing. And everything is about a competition and all of this other stuff. And it's all very like passive aggressive and it's toxic. And she was almost at the point of tears. And Hannah Cox was like, just called her out as a pick maybe because she was not complaining about women in the way that Hannah Cox does. So, I mean, but that's, that's the thing. It ruins women's relationships with each other. And, and it ruins relation men women's relationships with men. And it's like, and no, and people get less and less happy. And again, it has nothing to do with men's strength or weakness. It's like, I don't know, I'll think of a proper analogy, but let's let's. Think we're, I think we follow. So I got a super child from greeting doors. I don't know if I missed one from before. And he gives us $10 and says economics is the reason why we have these so-called weak men. And their supposed failure to woo the women's and launch a new generation of toxic men, men, children with their men flu here have some rocks to throw at them. Money cannot buy female happiness. But with some hardship, you can sell right next to it or something. Oh, damn, I think your princess just sailed behind the horizon, sir. Hardship some more. All right, thanks. And I, well, I will say I don't appreciate Tim's framing of these men as like losers, because like most men have jobs, probably. And they may even have jobs that are good enough for them, but they're still not good enough for women. And I think that's important, because like men don't need anything really, they can live on the bare minimum and be happy. But they're not going to attract women. I know I know a guy goes to my church. He's like a huge guy, like six foot six, six foot eight. He could be in a football team, you know, just a giant man. And he's, he's a garbage man. And he's alone. He's single. Like, like garbage men make good money. And he's doing well. And he's tall. You know, he's not, he's not terrible to look at. He's still pretty young. But you see his job, despite how well it pays, it's not very high status. It's not very glamorous. So he doesn't do well with women. And he's struggling. Like, you know, he was like, he didn't confide in me or anything like that. But he did say, I remember asking him, like, Hey, how are you doing? Like, are you having a good day? And he's like, I guess I'm a garbage man. Like that was like his for opening line. I was like, dude, we need garbage men. Well, we'd be, we'd be standing in filth if it weren't for you. Like, what do you do? I was like, look, your job is really important. I know it doesn't get talked about a lot. It's not something that we celebrate. But dude, like, this is, this is the backbone of our society, like, can I be a garbage man, you know, Yeah, go ahead. Garbage man's job is more important than Tim's. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think it'd be, I think to a degree, I would say it's more important than ours, but we in, we are actually advocating for telling that to garbage men. Yeah, I'm advocating for the garbage man. I'm telling you. Yeah. So I mean, but I mean, ultimately, like the concept of what we do is less important. It will always will be like, there are certain jobs that are absolutely necessary for the comfort of humanity, and they get no respect, none whatsoever. And they certainly don't get any respect from women, unless, you know, you're a woman who does these kinds of things, then, for whatever reason, women who do those kinds of things tend to respect men who do them too. But yeah, it's, eh, okay, let's, let's, we're, we're, All right, let's play more of the video. I just, well, we're lagging, lagging. Yeah, we're lagging a bit. Okay, I'm going to play it now. Like, you know, there was one I was watching, I'm going to shout him out, home af, because this is credit goes to him despite the fact I'm being so right. I like his work. That's what I'm saying. He shows the 10 through one men and women, and how women go up, a woman who is a one wants a man who's a four. Right. And I'm like, well, first of all, I don't think only was a one is getting anybody. And like, I beg to, I beg to differ. Okay. There are, there are very, let's say, conventionally unattractive women that have men, like women could be a one and get a man. You tell me, Chad, do you think a one, if you're a woman and you're a one, could you find a man? Even if it's just like, I don't know, one night stand or something, you know, but I think, I think men are generally more open minded, let's say. There's men who are twos, who probably would take a one. Let's be frank. All right. So I don't know where, and are there no ones male ones in his analysis? Like, I think a whole math graph does include the men too. It has like the draws lines both ways. Men generally are more, like they're more reasonable, like they go for generally across or even a little down. They're okay with that. So but anyway, that's not true. Wait, I have to cut you out, Tim, because if you've watched, let me make this point. If you've ever watched my 600 pound life, there's literally 600 pound women, they always have a boyfriend on us. Yeah, 600 pound woman is like a four. Like a burn victim? Yeah, you mean as a boyfriend, though, still as a boyfriend. Gorlock is a 10. They told me so. Okay. I see people in the chat mentioned Gorlock. That's a 10. I want to say that like a burn victim, like the person that she just directed at. I love the look of utter skepticism and annoyance on her face. I don't know this woman, but I wish to know more of what she has to say. What did she have anything sensible to say? She's not really, she doesn't really have a strong position on much of anything. I think she's like an accidental influencer. I don't know, but I'll play. I'll play more of the video. Sure. Burn victims can be could be nines for real. Like being subjected to her. Okay. This is your value. Yeah, I know how much do they spend discussing this retarded element of I think they get past it pretty quick. Okay. All right. I think that's pretty much. Shut up. Let them get past it. All right. All right. That's why it's like, yeah, we're talking about. Look, aren't we? Oh, no, no, no, no. How do you rate your total value? Yeah, total marketing, total dating value. So, uh, women have babies. That means it's very, very hard to be a one woman. Oh, that's true. Right. So a one woman is like a barren, mentally deficient, limbless, autist in a nursing home. And, and, and to be fair, there are men who will abuse. Well, wait a second. You know what I mean? Like, okay, what? Yeah, but how, okay, Tim, the only way that men could conceivably be responsible for the women's choices is if they are supposed to have authority and enact support authority over women. But now you're saying the first thing you go to with the most vulnerable woman you can mention, you consider a one, is that men abuse their authority over him. Why does this level of fuck get so much attention? I don't know. Also worth putting out that I think this is why this matters. What Tim is saying is is that women are automatically above like a four because of the fact that they can bear children. Does that mean that all women? Well, but this points to this points is something that I don't know that he's going to acknowledge. He must acknowledge, which is that women do have value inherent to them because they are women, but men do not. And that's what he said earlier, you don't deserve to be given value, right? Because you don't have because you live in your mom's basement with Cheeto on your face or whatever. So what he's saying is is that women are worth more than men full stop. Because women have inherent value because they can bear children. Men only have value provided that they are, you know, useful to us essentially, which is like the oldest, you know, thing that we've been saying, like Chris Rock added in his routine, right? With men are only valuable provided they can provide something essentially. OK. What about when women go through menopause? Do they instantly become ones? They become men. No, I don't know. Suddenly around by the way, by the way, this again, I don't think this is going to come up, but they should probably be wondering, well, if we're saying all of this shit about men, why is it them that men are transitioning to become women? Why would they do that? Why would men suddenly find that they found the cheat code? And they're like, Oh, shit, if I do up, up, down, left, left, left, right, left, right, be a start and take some hormone blockers and cut off my penis, I can get some respect. And they do that. I just I'm I'm like, OK, so one of the big things that the red pill bros seemed and everybody gets offended at is they point out that women hit the wall. OK, but but Tim has just explained what the wall is. Even if you are a quote unquote one as a woman, as long as you're fertile, you go up a couple notches in attractiveness. When you hit menopause, suddenly you have you are in the male situation, right? Well, you're just a man with a bonus hole. Yeah, you're just a man with a bonus hole. Maybe the red pill borrows are just simply saying, Hey, you're about to have our experience in a few decades. Maybe you should listen to us. OK, but I'm guessing Tim Poole would reject that. And I honestly, I think his characterization of men. What was he saying? He's men watching women, hating women or something? Men who hate women watching men watching women get dunked on or something like that. They don't hate women, by the way. Yeah, but the thing is that they're not they're dunking on stupid people. That's always going to be funny who happened to be women who happened to be women and who are stupid in a particularly feminine way. So like, are you saying that people and not just that, like a lot of them choose to be stupid. I'm not talking about dunking on people who are, you know, like down syndrome people who are making the most of their God-given gifts. These women are not making the most of their brains. Down syndrome people are living their best life all the time. Yeah, they're there. If these women had the same devotion to doing as much as they could as somebody with down syndrome, they would be a hell of a lot smarter. So this is a chosen stupidity and believe and I believe that when somebody has chosen the path of stupidity, they should be mocked. All right. All right, let's play more of the video. So, you know, even that regard, but my point to home math was like men are not ranked based on appearance. If you're a guy and you think that your number rating is based on appearance, you've not done any of the reading, right? The science of sex documentary from a long time ago. All right, I'm going to pause it here. We know this bit already. We already know that women, they select on appearance if it makes other women jealous, but it's not the only factor. But I think that he's doing another misrepresentation though of more math. This is total shit. Women 100% select on appearance. They may, they may select on money if you're going to die in 10 years and they're going to get it. Like, um, does, does, does Tim pull? I know this might be a little bit personal, but does he have a girlfriend now? I think he does. Does it excuse anything though? Okay, let's just keep going. All right, let's keep going. They took 10 pictures of 10. No, no, I think it was like 100 men and 100 women. And then they had people come in a lab and rate them on a scale of one to 10 for attractiveness. They then took those pictures out into the streets and said, here's a picture, went to a woman said, here's a picture of a guy. How would you rate this guy on a scale of one to 10? Guess what? The tall guy in the flannel with the rugged, good looks in the wavy hair, they were like nine, 10, ooh, nine. And then, you know, they did, they showed this frumpy chubby guy with thin hair and glasses and, you know, ugly. And the women were like, ooh, five, you know, four. Then they added biographies. They made the guy in the flannel, a manager at a theater who made 35,000 a year. They made the fat guy, a software engineer who made half a million a year. And guess what happened? It flipped. Yeah, it evened out. Yeah, yeah. So now all of a sudden, the frumpy ugly guy is a six or a seven. And it's like, you got to be kidding me, that ugly got what he's rich. Well, yeah, Tim, women are materialistic. Shallow, what do you want? What do you want? Okay, somebody, our great indoors just sent a super child that we probably should address because he's saying that my echoing, am I echoing for everybody else? Because I just listened to myself. And I can't, I mean, I'm listening to my own audio. And I don't, I don't know why it would sound this way. So let me just test. I mean, there's my air conditioners on. And so there's like some background humming. People are saying they don't hear some people are saying they don't hear an echo. You have a weird hum. Yeah, it's the air conditioner. Let me hold on a second. Well, I'll, it's it look, we're going through a heat wave right now. I don't know if you know, it's like record. I heats here. We're talking 100 degree weather. I'm gonna no way. I'm just gonna change my noise gate a little bit and see if that helps. Maybe you won't hear it if I get it up to here. So how's this need to deal with the air conditioning? Otherwise, Brian will melt. The same, the volume is good. I just changed the noise gate. So what what it means is that you'll hear the humming anyway, when my voice comes on, but it won't be when I'm not talking. All right, I don't hear it. Hopefully that's okay. You don't hear it? Yeah, but I'm not like the sound autist. Yeah, we have to say I'm slightly I am slightly. Okay. All right. Let me know if this is better. I just changed something. All right. Let's play some more of the video. He can provide. And so men get mad at women for being gold diggers. And I'm just like, that's the stupidest thing in the world. Well, that's like what we were designed for. Like if you, these people, they always contradict themselves with their law. Yeah, but they want women to be a stay at home mom or whatever. But in order to go ahead. Well, I guess he's okay with just being valued for his money. Well, let's go back. Okay, so no, no, let's not go back. This is this is so shallow and boring. Let's just, let's just, you know what? I'm not going to go back. Let's just keep going. I, I table my question. I withdraw it, whatever. Let's just reclaiming my time. Okay. Do that. You got to have somebody who at least can bring in enough money to make that possible. You know, like I feel like women are mostly, women don't really care about like, I don't really care about looks so much. You're just looking more for somebody who's competent. You feel like, okay, you're going to be, you're somebody I can actually trust. Like you've got your, you know, you've got it together. You can lead the family. And then somebody who has the ability to angels, huh? You know, it seems strange, you know, like earlier, Tim Poole was saying all the problems was because men let women do things. And now we're finding out that women are just angels. Like goodness, why would men letting women do things make things worse when women are such angels? They don't want, they don't have any such shallow interests at all. They just want someone who's competent. Okay, this is, this is, this is not adding anything. Let's get through it. Sorry. Or will work. It's not really so much the money. It's the ability, will you go out and work? So I don't think throwing, I think throwing women under the bus for that is kind of stupid because it's ultimately like biology forcing them to choose somebody based on, you know, we think this person can allow me to stay at home and raise kids. Yeah, there are a lot of guys who anything is traditional, right? A lot of guys who aren't going to do the work. I saw you something. Let me tell you something, that is, this is, this is not traditional. Traditional homemaking was a seven or six day, a week, 12 hour day job. And it involved the actual, like a huge amount of the economic worth of a family. What you're describing is not traditional and nor is a modern stay at home wife unless she's herself, a homesteader, doing a traditional job. She's doing a job that's been made possible by in the industrial revolution and also her husband's labor. She's not even doing a job. It's basically a hobby. I'm sorry, that's what it is. And like, this whole idea of men being totally and completely valued for their material goods is also very new because women were expected to bring a dowry. They were expected to bring marketable skills to the relationship. We've only had this strange notion of a woman's being like basically not even a princess because a princess still had to bring something. She had to bring relations, diplomacy, some kind of skill. But we've only had this idea that women bring nothing but their wombs to a relationship. It's only been around since the 50s. Like our ancestors would look at this like what? The woman brings nothing to the marriage. Okay. So she doesn't even have the skills of a Duchess. She just, it is a big zero. They wouldn't, they would be baffled by that. And she would have no marriage prospects. Like this is the funny thing. They're talking about, oh, tradition, women, women wombs, they're all plus one. No, these women with no marriage, these would be women with no marriage prospects. The women today, if we sent them back in time, would be women with no marriage prospects. They'd have to go get an apprentice ship is like a metal smith or something, like a putter smith. And everybody's like, Oh, what is tradition? This isn't traditional. Okay. And that like the traditional that people are talking about is not traditional. This is not traditional. It is a construct from Hollywood and advertising from the 50s. This idea that men's generosity, that the way they express it is by giving women incredible leisure time, that itself is a very new concept. It's only like three generations old. Before then, our traditional ancestors would be like, bitch, please work. Go, go, go plow the field, go slop the hogs, go make some cloth, you know, go invade Brittany, shut up and do something. Because you're not sitting on your ass. You're a big fat fucking zero lady. Okay, let's keep going. All right. Let me know how this sounds. Okay, I just changed some settings around. So all right, playing the video for a viral four channel meme, green text memes, if you've ever seen them. And it was a picture of that. Was it Hey, Mitch and Andy? I think the comedians were I'm not sure. Remember that one, Alex, where they're like, are we the baddies? Yeah, it was that picture. And then he's like, my friend came and started complaining about this, this girl. He started saying like, you know, she has been like, she's like a gold digger. She's snooty. She's elitist. He asked her out and she refused. And she's instead she decided to date date some loser guy. And then he was like, oh, wow, he's like, yeah, I hear that a lot. So he says, I decided to look up who this guy was. And he's like, he's an athlete. He's fit. He's six feet tall. He works at a charity helping children. And then he was like, my friend is obese, lazy, doesn't want to go to work, won't wash himself. And he was like, I think we're the bad guys. Like, yeah, like, how is he supposed to change the six foot tall, or athletics? Because athletics has also got got a genetic component, too. I mean, also what's the use in bringing up like the most extreme examples, like the average guy, again, that he's not attracted to the average girl, has a job, probably drives a car, probably can afford to like sustain himself, probably bathes, like probably does all of those basic things. And he's still alone. So like, why are we like choosing the worst examples and saying, this is what's wrong with men, instead of looking at what the overwhelming majority of men are doing. Like, keeping things running and saying, gosh, women sure have high standards. Like, that's where the disconnect is at, dude. Garbage men can't find women. Guys who work in sewers can't find women. Guys who like, you know, and Brian means garbage men's as in the ones who pick up your trash, Tim. Yeah, like the guys who paid the roads, like the guys who work on the rail road, like the guys who drive the buses, you know, like, I mean, like regular guys, they work in retail, they work at Home Depot, they work at GameStop, whatever. We're not you're like using this extreme example. And even then I would, I would, I would table the question, okay, why have those men turned out that way? Where did they get like, where do men model their behavior when it comes to what their good decisions are bad decisions? Okay, who influenced that man's life to put him in that position? Like, I'm not saying it's not his fault. I'm saying, but these things don't happen in a vacuum, right? So like, what happened to that guy? What's his story? Did you know his father? Did he have siblings? Was his mother supportive? Was she overbearing? Was she devouring? Was she abusive? Like, what what happened? You know what happened? Like, it's not just like, why are they losers? I mean, like, this is like the oldest. But the other thing is, he's, he's even explaining in his own analysis, like, Tim, are all, if they are all of the, the peep, the men who are are like, one to four, while all women start at four, like, are they losers? Because of why? Because they just don't have a womb? Like, of course, you're already like, he's already starting women at four, basically. So every single woman is a four at bare minimum, bare minimum, every woman is a four. So all the men who are four are lower. Are they just automatically losers? Why? Because they're unattractive? Like, he's already saying that just by existing, women deserve better than the average man. And then he's saying, well, the average man isn't living up. Well, the average man is average, right? Like, what else is he supposed to be? What else? And what are those four are under supposed to do? Are they just weak men? Like, we should we have another freaking war and just throw them into a meat grinder? Yeah. This is just, like, it's, I mean, he's basically saying that, I mean, he doesn't even need to use this extreme example, he can just use his own thing that he said, because he's categorized every woman is a four or above, basically. And there is a good portion of men who are four or less who are complete have completely no prospects. And he's saying, well, get better, right? Yeah, but once they get up to the average, I mean, then the average goes up again. And the problem of the average man is not what he is, what he's earning, what he looks like, how athletic he is, or whether or not he's, he's exercises, or a slim, the problem with the average man is that he's average. And you can't change that. Nobody can change that. The problem with average men is that they are average. Okay. And what problem with blow average men is they're not even average. They're not even men. They're not even men. They're not even people. And this is infuriating. Like, he even recognizes that that dynamic exists. You know, and the thing is that a woman, okay, so because women are automatically four and above, they're always going to want to have men who are even more higher. They're going to look at look at an average man as being a one. So anyway, let's let's keep going. All right. Evolutionary biology and psychology. Women want to find a guy who's going to protect them from. That noise gate is really weird because I can really hear like a, I'm sorry. I'm out to, I don't know. It's just hot. I don't know what to tell you. All right. We're just going to have to deal with it, folks. Sorry. Okay. I'm going to hit play now. From a bear. Are you that guy? Well, the way we want to go back, go back. Now we can go back. Was that a reference to the bear meme? Let's listen to it again. I don't think we have the full context. No, women want to find a guy who's going to protect them from a bear. Are you that guy? Well, the, I think the problem we have now is great. Well, yeah, I mean, he has guns. So he's kind of, he probably could. But again, there is an expectation of male sacrifice there, right? Is there's an analysis of the dating situation or is this Tim Poole? Alpha on top of all reproductive hierarchies. The big lobster. The big, yeah, is this is this lobstering or is this discussion? All right. Okay. Let's play some more. I think the problem we have now is that's great if women do have, like Lily said, the intention of being moms, having kids, and they want a man to provide because they're going to have a family. But the issue we've run into now is that that's not what most women want to do. The average woman is having like 1.6 children now, the average first age, they have a baby is like 30 or 31. What's the average body count, right? Show you right now. It varies so much, depending on what surveys you look at, it could be like some of them say like eight, some of them say a lot higher. I think it's probably higher because it's higher. They're all live. They're all live. We all know that they lie. So I don't know about the body count, but it's just like if women wanted those things for men because for the purpose of having a family, I think that's fine. But sadly, they don't seem to want to do that. So now it's, or they wait until they're like 35 and they're like, well, now I want to have a child. And as a result, the United States for the first time has a rising maternal mortality rate due to the advanced age of first pregnancy and pregnancies in general. So it's like, we're kind of at this weird impasse where is that the only reason why maternal mortality is going up? OK, I think we're skirting one of the untouchable subjects. Oh, yeah, I think I know. I was wondering if that's what you were going with that. But yeah, let's just keep skirting. Yeah, we'll just keep skirting. But I will say at least Rachel mentions that women are a part of the problem here because Tim is like, why aren't you? You're not getting all these, you know, these trad women that are going to make you all these babies because you're not living up. And Rachel's like, yeah, but women aren't exactly being that way. They're kind of garbage right now. They're the kind of garbage that but they're they also garbage that they don't want garbage men dealing with. So like we're like, we're talking about like multiple degrees removed from trash. So much trash that the trash men are not allowed to touch it. So anyway, let's play some more. If women want men for resources, but you're also a career boss, babe, who has her own money and you got your own bag and you don't need a man for anything, then you can see why dating isn't working for people. We should we should teach the history of Sparta in our homeschools or just watch the movie Idiocracy. Everybody see it. Have you seen that movie? Of course. At the very beginning, why everybody's getting stupid is, you know, all the heat. Why did he even address that address what? Well, did he even address what she said? He's just like, Oh, let's teach Sparta. Well, I think he's going to explain that. He goes into the Spartans. So you might you might take some it's a little it's a bit Rome adjacent. So maybe this will like get your fire going, but then you talk a little bit about Well, I know, but this is a good chance for you to refute the Spartans. So um, all right, let's let's play it. And I mean, Alex Stein is so like basic mid with levels. I mean, yeah, he is really, but well, well, after he's done. Just having babies and then the people that are smart and that you know, don't want to waste your money, only have one baby. And that's literally what's happening in society today. And it's just a Venezuelan immigrant driving like 10 kids to come up to the border. And you know, Tim and I would not have 10 kids, you know, you know, you know what they didn't Sparta, right? Do you guys know about what they didn't Sparta with the babies? Or they would like they? Well, I don't know. I've heard that they would leave the baby out for 24 hours. And if it died, it deserved to die. Yeah, like it was not strong. Yeah, they would just like leave it and walk away. But I'm not saying do that. Um, the only the only way to get a headstone on your grave. I mean, like these days, we don't even do that. We just kill them. Women just throw them in the dumpster, pull them out after prom. And if the baby survives in the dumpster overnight, that's a strong adoption. Yeah, maybe. But, uh, yeah, he's acting like distance completely absurd, but women totally do that. Like they do this today in America in the West. But okay, let's play some more. If you were a man was to die in battle. And if you are a woman was to die in childbirth. And the reason I bring that up is not that we should literally follow that, but it's to show how a society valued having children. Women were seen as heroic warriors for having children. Men were worthless on the unless they died fighting for to protect their families. And then what we have now is as I blame, I blame men. Um, because Tim Sparta was a horrific slave state. The reason why they did that was because they were in constant fear of a slave rebellion. And essentially, they were part of a society in which if you were subjugated militarily, you lost your right to consider yourself a human being and became livestock. Let us not take a page out of Sparta's history. We don't want to go back there. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure you're 100 after this though, just because it's funny. Okay, let's listen. All right. I think you said this last time you're on the show that equality, we said something like, equality is the choice of men. If at any point men decided, do you elaborate on that? Yeah, yeah, because men have the monopoly on force. Uh, any notion of women's rights is going to have to be enforced by men. So any illusion we have that women have rights is men saying, yes, we'll go ahead and enforce those rights for you. And you're right. I mean, if you look, if you read my book, uh, it was like progressive era, industrialist men who tend to be like your beta type of gay man is what you're trying to say. Are you saying they tend to be so like, so the richest men on earth created this situation and they were weak, but also the men who weren't able to oppose the richest men on earth were also weak. What, what, what the hell were they supposed to do? Like, yeah, and the thing is that it's a big man thing. It's the, the whole idea that manhood is defined by generosity, those, those rich industrialists wanted to feel like big men. So they gave women all rights and welfare and all this other stuff. Like they gave women stuff. That's the problem is in how we define masculinity in terms of generosity towards women. And, but that is something that's so baked in, like it's every culture that does that. That defines men in terms of sacrifice and generosity. Well, I guess we can challenge that, but we don't do it by continuing to define men in terms of generosity and strength. We have to figure something else out. Okay, let's, let's keep going. And also, I would take issue. I think that women have a social power. It's not just that men give things to women. It's that men, there's an element to men where there's an instinct to do so. And I think it does have to do with, like, the whole giving birth thing. There's an instinct to provide for women because we have that extended period of vulnerability that women have. And if men didn't have that instinct, we wouldn't have survived. So there, I think there is an instinct to give crap to women. It's just, and which is why almost every society on earth has an idea of manhood that's based on generosity and sacrifice. Right? So, I mean, but the question is, if you don't like the results of men's generosity and sacrifice, and honestly, that's not weakness, it's how they express their strength. If you don't like that, how do we really change it? Do you really change it by saying that these men are weak, or men who were unable to oppose them are weak? Or do we change it by saying, hey, ladies, maybe don't define male generosity in these terms. Okay, okay, we got a couple super Charles, you want to read those? You want me to read those? Yeah, yeah, why not? I'll put them on the screen. Richard B. Air gave us five bucks. Do you have it in front of you or do you want me to just do it? I can, I can do it. I can do it. Richard B. Air gives us five bucks finding a relationship partner at Home Depot is a myth. There was that TikTok girl who was handing out handing out a relationship resume at a Home Depot and didn't gain any traction. There are more TikTok videos of women going into a Home Depot looking for a potential husband and coming up dry. So, the husband material isn't even on the employee payroll there. And then you got one from Great Indoors. Great Indoors. Tim, $10. Tim, don't try to figure out women. Bears figured out women and they eat them with fava beans and a place key on tape. Okay, that was good. All right, let's play some more. You know, let's get this over us. We're almost done. Think of Bill Gates, right? Not the most alpha dude, but very smart, became very successful and wealthy and rich. And it's kind of it becomes revenge of the nerds to a certain degree. I think where it's like they, for that type of guy, it's advantageous to have women's liberation, because that's how those guys, at least they thought we're going to get this sex with no strings attached if we do this sexual liberation stuff. And what they are finding out is that's not the good deal that they thought it was. But for a lot of guys it is, for the top 20th percentile, they're getting free, free sex, whatever they want with no responsibility. And like feminism has greatly benefited a lot of guys. They're the top 20%. No, that's a minority of guys. That's a very, and it's smaller than that. And plus, this all presumes that the top 20% of guys are interested in one night stands with lots of different women. There's probably a lot of guys in that top percentile that only want like one, they want to be in a monogamous relationship. So you're looking at a fraction within a fraction, and it's still a minority, a very small minority of men. So it's not really a lot of guys. That's like kind of an equivocation that doesn't mean anything, because there are 80% of guys, I mean, by your metric with nothing. And that could be a problem. Don't you think? Yeah, but, okay, so could you go back a little bit so I can hear what you've had to say again? Because I think I want to answer to it. All right, sex, whatever they want with no responsibility. And like feminism has greatly benefited. Okay, all right. So he's admitting that women are having sex at the top 20% of guys. Well, okay, if you want to scrub out the bottom 80%, that's what's going to happen. If you want to give women the right to just completely, or if women want the right to completely scrub out the 80%, the lower 80%, guess what happens? The top 20%, or at least the part of the top 20% that's willing to live that way, is going to get a lot of sex, and you all are going to be competing over them, the end. And then you, Tim, will call all the women, all the men who aren't in the top 10 for 20%, which is impossible. It is a statistical impossibility for every man to be in the top 20% of men possible. Okay, you're going to say every man who isn't is weak. You know, get good, scrub. Well, sounds like a skill issue. Yeah, it's, but this is, do you get what I'm saying? It's like, yeah, it's, it's just there's something wrong with this logic. It's flawed. It's deeply flawed, and I'm trying to put my finger on it. Okay, keep going. All right. Okay, guys, the top 20%. Yeah. Now they can sit around all day doing nothing while women go work and produce value and do labor, come back, preach about how liberated they are, give the guy free sex. And then the guy says, why buy the cow and you get the milk for free? Ironic, isn't it? Okay, but, but, but this is the thing, like, if you want only the top 20, if you want to bake a situation where women are selecting out the lower 80%, then they're left with the top 20%, which means like they're not going to get relationships. Like literally, this situation means women are not going to get relationships, period. You just don't get that, you're not going to have a relationship, right? So, and we're all okay with that because women should have the right to, to just not choose lower 80%, right? They should have the right absolute right to go through the top 10, 20%, because those of them only men that matter because they have made the effort to become attractive according to them. They're not the weak men. All right. Yeah, but if all men raised their standards and they all like rosy occasion and became greater, then guess what? Women still go up to 10% of those guys. And then below that, we'll have to step up again. Yeah, yeah, so it's like, but the cost of that is that women never don't get relationships. Okay, if you want a relationship, if you're a woman, if you want an actual relationship, then you can't scrub out 80% of men, period. That's the, that's the dividing line. It's like, and you can say, oh, women are totally justified in doing that. All right, fine. They're totally justified in only seeing the top 20% is acceptable. Well, they're going to be doing a long sharing and there'll be no relationships. Okay, a lot of the other and women, it's women who have to choose it unless you want to choose it for them, Tim, which I'm not exactly sure what you would choose for them considering that you think that the lower 80% of men has no value. And somehow you think that if they did gain, I don't know, value from Tim's school of men's value, that somehow women will stop wanting the top 20% of men stop skimming off the top 20%, which they will continue to do. And if you say to women, yeah, you can perfectly, you can live a promiscuous lifestyle. You can have, you can have birth control, you can have abortion, you can choose whatever men you want. You don't have to expect any kind of commitment because you don't aren't going to be raising children, whatever. If you give them women this, this is what they do. They select based on who makes their girlfriends jealous. That's the top 20% of men, not the average man, the average man is out of a lot of shit out of luck. It doesn't matter what he does. Because he, because the problem is that he can increase his odds, sure, but ultimately we need enough women to say, I don't want to be the top 20% side piece and compete with all my girlfriends for a man that will make them jealous. I just want a relation chip. And until enough women say that we are with this situation and you justify it by saying, well, those men who are lower, they're not worth it anyway. So it's deserved to just throw them away. Okay. Well, what you're throwing away, what the average woman is throwing away is a relationship. One or the other. And again, it's women who have to choose men cannot change any of this. All right, I'm going to play more. Look at this. I asked chat GPT, the average body count for a woman between 25 and 44 is 4.2. And for men at 6.1, then you know what that means? Fewer guys are having more sex. Yes, absolutely. And you have this giant bottom of the pyramid group of guys. Like you said at the beginning, who are feeling left out and like they're, they're never going to get a girl, which I'm going to burn the place through the ground. Yeah. Oh, actually, what's interesting is people need to update their theories and ideas here because what seems to be happening is that women are also now catching up with the sexlessness of men because the realities we've broken the entire system for men and women. And apparently, there is a substantial group of women who neither want to be in a relationship with 10 other women and one man, nor are they Kate or for whatever reason, they can't seem to get into a relationship with the average man. Because what we've really done is we've broken the structure that we're in place that sort of, you know, shuffled people along into relationships. Like we've just totally fucked that. That has nothing to do with men or women. We just screwed it. It's gone. We don't, we don't really have extended families anymore. We don't really have the social functions we used to have, where people could meet in a not not as sexually charged an atmosphere as like clubs. You know, I don't even think we have clubs anymore. So, I mean, it's like, there's, there's so few avenues by which the average man and the average woman can meet each other. So it's almost a remarkable feat that they do now. But here's the thing, like, that a lot of women don't want to be part of the dating algorithm as it is now. And the dating algorithm produces one outcome. 20% of men, five women for even every man. That's what it's producing because it's broken. All right. So now women are in a situation where they're not getting relationships because there are many women who don't want that, but there's no way for them to get sorted into relationships with men. And also the real, like, and what I think also is happening is because of all of this nonsense and all of this tick talk, high volume tick talk nonsense that's making men who are average lose all faith that they can find a woman who actually cares about them. What's ending up happening is they are opting out of engaging with women entirely. And that has a knockdown effect that of even more ruining women's chances if they're not in, like, the top, like, up six and above, right? Right. So it's like all of these confactors are coming together. And now we have a lot of sexless women. Because this, this was not a problem. This is not just a problem that men face. Ultimately, women are going to face it down the line because we have, as a society, we are not making the average woman, the average man a catch for the average woman, like someone that she's going to be interested in. We are not doing that work. We're not getting them together. We're not giving any assistance. And we're, we're also stripping men of all of their unique types of value. Like, in the past, women chose men because they knew masculinity itself had a value. I mean, Tim goes and says, well, women are no, they started a four because they can give birth. But in the past, masculinity itself was seen to have value, but we're not allowed to do that. Because if we say masculinity has its own unique value, we are excluding women from it. So we can't even present men as a track having their own unique attractiveness points relative to women. When in simultaneous to that, we present them as a terrible option for companionship for women. So we strip men of all their unique value. We present them as a terrible option of companionship for women. We have basically destroyed all of the more casual ways for the average man and woman to hook up. So now we have a huge female sexlessness problem. Do they care now? Or wait, wait, sorry, let me, let me, let me channel my, my Tim pool, my inner Tim pool, those women, they deserve to be selected out of the steam pool. They're losers. Just let them rot in the grave. Like why they're, they didn't have an error. They were unmerigable. They have no marriage prospects. They're big fat females zeros. You got to throw some, I don't know, man's in there. I don't know man. Oh man, oh man. They deserve to be sexless. I'm not taking sides, but it looks like you're a loser. Yeah, these lady, you're a loser. Also, also looking up asking chat GPT law. I'm surprised he got something coherent. Well, he's paying for chat GPT four. So, you know, whoa, look out. We got a badass over here. The bias is a lot more like streamlined. So anyway, let's, let's, let's finish this off because we're at the end. Yes, please, in general, is not sustainable for, for like multiple reasons. You have the conversation you guys had last week about how all these girls thinking, jumping on only fans and making money that way is a good thing. But it's having every girl be an Instagram model or a sex worker produces no actual value. There's nothing of value being actually produced in the economy. It's just money that's getting what, what we have frickin done is we have destroyed pair bonding in our society. Right. And we look at, we look at the people who are sorta winning, you know, the, the six or aboves, the women who are six or aboves who are able to actually interest the 20, the top 20%, but really what we should look at is how our society has failed, the average and below average man and woman, because they are the ones who are going to really suffer. The relationship for men and women, a relationship, a marriage is a source of health. It is a source of health, happiness. It is a source of economic well-being. It is a sort of cushion from the blows of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. It is companionship. It's all kinds of good things. And we, our society has fundamentally destroyed it. And we look at what's happening on dating apps. We've turned, it's turned into the only people who are getting anything out of it, apparently, are the, the six and above and the top 20% of men. And we look at that and we're like, you can look at that and you can say, well, women are really, you know, making out like bank, but are they, you know, and certainly they aren't, if you go low enough, if you go low in the tractiveness hierarchy, and I'm not saying that women, you know, women worst men and most affected, but women are affected, not as badly as men. They can still get something. But apparently now, even now, even that something isn't, isn't sufficient. Okay, let's finish that. This is like the last 20-something seconds. So guys, we'll just go through, go ahead and do it. Cycle from people who actually are producers. And combined with the super low birth rates, we're already seeing like logistical problems, supply chain problems. You have Japan and Canada, you know, euthanizing the elderly because there's more people in diapers that are old than young. It's not a sustainable situation and the correction is going to suck. There's multiple ways it could happen, but none of it's going to be fine. Yeah, I mean, her primary like concern is about basically people forming families, but I think that, you know, they got to want to, and I don't think women right now, I don't think they want to. They don't seem to be. I think men do. I think men still do, but I don't think women do. I think that women see family and all that as oppression, and you've got to shake them out of it. And I don't think men can solve this problem, you know, like we've been saying. Mm hmm. Yeah, well, women have to choose. Like they gotta, this is the truth, that they have to make that choice. They have to choose whether or not they want a relationship or if they want a man who's going to make their girlfriends jealous. And if they, and the other thing is that that itself is actually destroying the relationships with each other. So they got to choose human connection or narcissism. And yeah, a lot of them, like I said, there seems to be a lot of them who are actually just choosing to, to, to insell, I guess, to just go off on their own and just not do anything now, because they just don't want to be part of the system. But now we got to figure out how to get those two groups together, right? We need to get the the the women who are now sexless together with the men who are sexless. And then we will triumph. Yep. Yep, that's and like I said, it's just our society is just giving up on actually helping men and women get together. And instead of actually fixing the problem, we continue to blame men, we continue to say, well, while men just need them to measure up, let's like, well, you know what, actually now that I think about it, if women are opting out of this whole system entirely, that means that it's not the men, because they're even opting out of on trying to compete compete for the top 20% of men. They're just opting out, because this whole system is soulless. Maybe the problem is the dynamic, not men or women, although there are some aspects of the dynamic that women have not taken responsibility for that they can into a better effect. So like, yeah, anyway, that's my thoughts. All right. So I'm going to Brian, do you have any final thoughts? Um, well, the comment section is pretty great. A lot of guys are here saying Tim is taking a big old L. Lots of L's here for Tim. So there is that, um, I think they, I don't know, like, I guess there's, there's a good, it's a, it's, it does make me a little bit warm and fuzzy on the inside to see a lot of men saying, Nope, not doing it. I like that one. Simple is so strong, such a strong man. Every woman's desire, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, could you strong man? Every woman's a little less just a little, just pull the lobstering back. Just, just, just, just engage. Yeah, just engage the philosophy more than the lobstering. Yep. Uh, yeah. Those, a lot of guys that are not, that are not thrilled with his takes. And, uh, that's good. I see that. Yeah. And, and honestly, there's a lot happening. Any, there's stuff happening economically that is making it difficult. The, the upward mobility is gone. So there's a lot of men who can't even crack into that top 20% now. You know, it's funny, like, I'm sorry. Go ahead. I'm sorry. No, no. Well, I was just going to say there's just not a lot of men who can't crack into that top 20% or at least even create like a small business that might be attractive to women. You know, it's, it's like the economic, the economic fatberg at the top is preventing upward mobility for men, which is going to reduce their romantic prospects. And then we have all the institutional narratives about how men are terrible partners and that masculinity has no inherent value. Like we're, we, honestly, as a society, when I posed myself, is it possible to be even more at war with the idea of parabonding? Could our society do anything more to try to destroy the relationship between men and women? Could our institutions do any thing more to try to destroy the relationship between men and women? And I have to say that it's a stumper because I think we're basically doing everything we can to destroy the relationship between men and women. I mean, our NGOs promoting feminist narratives about men, men using domestic violence and sexual assault to oppress to oppress women, academia saying that masculinity has no inherent worth whatsoever. Social scientists saying that lying about how single women are happier than married. I'm not sure there's anything more we could do to destroy the relationship between men and women. But of course, as always, men are to blame. Well, I don't want to adjust another thing I was just thinking about. Um, so men have essentially throughout all of human history, tried to build and create and cooperate to create a space or society and a civilization for the purposes of protecting women and children so that they can continue their legacy and the human race can thrive and grow. You know, and you can look at it in a biblical sense where God told Adam to go build the garden outside, right? Essentially, Adam, the first man to build society for Eve and to raise their children. And we have been developing new technologies, new ways of, um, you know, looking at the world, measuring the world, mathematics and science and architecture and agriculture and the, and herding and hunting and building and building and protecting and technology and the industrialization and so on. And we have basically almost, I think we're like basically at the hot, like we're reaching the level cap of like provision for women. We're at the point now where there's a computer right here that used to be the size of a building, like less, like a hundred years ago, right? Maybe less than a hundred years ago. And we, if we have never lived in a safer time, a more abundant time, a more provided for and protected time. And it seems like the women are still asking for the men to be like the pioneers, like the guys that were that were like, Oh, I just, I just came up with this thing. It's called an aqueduct. And as a good other guy, that's great. What does it do? You know, I just developed indoor plumbing. Wow. And, and women would have been grateful at the time. But today they're like, well, I don't know. I mean, like, do I have the newest phone? And I think that you got a good point. Yeah. Yeah, it's like adaptation. How? Yeah, we, but, but like, like how much more, like how many in how many new and novel ways can man provide and protect for women? Like, and they did it. The thing is, is that women are talking about this in an individual basis, right? Like, I want a man who could do this. But what happened, and it was better, we're better for it, is that men as a group came together and they said, okay, we all want to do stuff for our ladies, right? They're like, yeah, okay, how about we build like cities, power grids, plumbing, water, that's clean, and we'll invent stuff. And look, there's, there's other, there's a, there are men over there, they want to take our shit, let's blow them away so that we can protect ours, right? And they, and they built on this, we have now we have cars and jets, so women can travel and we, and women are getting all of this from men as a group, but they're not recognizing it in the individuals. They're just like, well, what did you do? You know, so it comes back to that old Eddie Murphy joke, what have you done for me lately? And I guess it's just they're too close to how good they haven't, but it feels like men haven't really slowed down, like they're still making gains, you know, at, in a, I don't like to see it as collective and men generally don't like to think of themselves as a part of a collective, but if you look at it as a, as a nation or as a, as a society as Western civilization, we have main tremendous gains. And I would say that most of it was inspired by a desire to create a safe place for men and their to, for men's wives and their children to thrive. That's it. That's all they want it. Men go to war for that. Men will go to the mines, coal mines for that they'll get the black lung for that they'll get on a ship and go out, you know, and, and fucking catch Alaskan crab for elites in New York Manhattan for that they'll, they'll do whatever and women are just like, you're not doing enough. I'm, you know, I don't, I don't want that. And, and people like Tim are like, step up guys from his, again, air conditioned internet high speed internet access with all of this technology. A lot of it was built by child labor, by the way. And it's just no, no, no sense of gratitude, no humility. I'm, I'm incredibly humble when I think about that, but it's true. So I don't know. That sounds like a post. I don't mean to boast about my humility. I am so incredibly. I am the humblest guy. I am, I am even more humble than that. Like I am so okay. All right. So once again, if you want to send him, send us a message. Oh, actually, I think we got one, right? We got a super child and we got a real rant. So all right, let's, let's do that. All right. Do you hear? I'll do it. Yeah. So Zarex gave us five bucks. That's the last one, right? On the note that we used to know these things, there's a channel called Far From Eden that I've watched a few videos of. Every Sunday, she reads stories that have to do with the old Grimm tales. The last one she did, she talked about what makes a good wife. I haven't finished it. She appears to have gotten some acknowledgement from a MGTOW guy. I don't know. They had a stream, but I didn't finish it. Well, there's a lot of, there was this thing, but I didn't, I don't know what it is. I do like the stories that she's reading. Don't know Brian would like to check out her channel. I could link the last video or the previous one in the Discord. Yeah, sure. Go ahead. It's called Far From Eden. I feel like I've heard of that, actually. So there's that. And then I got a rumble rant from Nova fan 21, who says, Tim Poole has a girlfriend literally talking down from his ivory tower to the common men. Well, you know, sometimes when a man gets a girl, that puts them, they realize how fortunate they are, or maybe they think they deserve it. I don't know. No, I think when the man gets a girl, it means that, you know, he realizes how incredibly awesome and however the man should emulate him. He lobsters. That's true. Click, click. Oh, man. Click, click. Click, click. Click, click, click, click. You heard it here. It's going to grizzle, grizzle. It's click, click. All right. So if you want to send us a message at any time after the show is over, you can do so at We get the full benefit of whatever you send, and you get to send the benefit of sending us a comment, not through YouTube's comment system. Also, it'll sit there, and we will ponder it, and then we will address it at the next show. And once again, we are going to have our monthly support options up at, which will include a promotional poster that you can purchase. A silk screen poster, so it's like a limited edition poster. It's like the original NTFs, or NFTs, NFTs, like prints. Are the original NFTs, like the real ones that you can hang on your wall and actually have something. So once again, If you want to send us a message in the tip, and If you want to support us, and also, I guess I should add If you want to join us in our after shows, in our patron discord, and enjoy all the activities we do there, including resources, like statistical stuff, and projects, and stuff like that. So back to you, Brian. All right, well, if you guys liked this video, please hit like, subscribe if you're not already subscribed, hit the bell for notifications, leave us a comment, let us know what you guys think about what we discussed on the show today. And please, please, please share this video because sharing is caring. Thank you so much for coming on today's episode of Maintaining Frame, and we'll talk to you all in the next one. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. 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