Honey Badger Radio

Klaus Schwab gets #metooed Supreme Court Capes for the Orange Man? | HBR News 462

Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the news of Trump and the Supreme Court, Klaus Schwab of the WEF is accused of sexual deviance, and more!

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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This is HBR news number 462. Klaus Schwab gets me-tude Supreme Court capes for the orange man, where you discuss the news of the week and give it the Badger treatment. Hello everybody and welcome to Honey Badger Radio. I hope you guys are doing well this week and that you're laughing at all of this absurdity so that you are not consumed by it. I am your host, Brian Martinez, and I am joined by, as always, my lovely co-host, Dr. Randomer Cam, and Hannah Wallen. On this week's HBR news show, we're going to be talking about this recent development regarding the Supreme Court's ruling on the Trump, one of the Trump cases, one of the many Trump cases. Klaus Schwab, you guys might have known him as the Dr. Evil Bond villain that wants to make you eat z-bugs and live in zippods, but one thing he did not account for was women pointing the finger. So he has been accused of sexual deviance and more, so stick around, it's going to be a good time, and be sure to join us afterwards for the patron-only show, and I just wanted to do a bit of a throwback, you know, like a chill kind of after-show topic. So we're going back to our old friend, Arwa Medawi, and her article, a little bit older, we haven't looked at it in a while, but it is her week in patriarchy, far right, but Publican's latest target, no-fault divorce. What could she say about that? I don't know, but I'm sure we're about to get educated. No-fault divorce is a far right issue or something, I don't know. So if you want to join, it's been an issue in the men's issues, discussing community for some time. I guess it finally got his far right scout sticker. Yeah, right, far right patch, yes. Well if it's Arwa Medawi, it could be like anything, like, you know, I like my eggs scrambled. So if you want to join us for this Guardian article that is very much a Guardian article, you have to become a Badger yourself by going to and subscribing. So to become a member. You can also look at our Discord server for free by going to just to check it out. But if you become a member, you'll be able to access all the additional content. I saw that Allison put up a new regioning that I think only the subs can look at right now, only the Badgers can look at. So if you want to watch that before all the normies get to see it, go to and set up a monthly subscription. And if you don't want to get yeeted or if you don't want to wake up one morning to find that we've been yeeted from the internet, as at least the normies know it, then please go to or Badger so you can find where all of our content lives. Sorry. Wrong too. One last thing I was going to mention is on July 19th through the 26th of this month, I'm going to be in Chicago, I'm going to visit family, I haven't seen them in years. And so there won't be any new shows that week I don't think. So stay tuned for that. I don't know. I might do something else. Maybe I'll like stream on the road or something. So, but that's not for a couple of weeks. And then I think in the fall, we're planning on going to Calgary to see my wife's Lindsay's family and maybe Allison and the other friends we have up there, Jennifer Dawe, who's great. So there is that. All right. Anyway, that's a little bit of a extra info that I guess I didn't have to share. So let's get into the stories. I did get one super chat right off the bat from Albert native retro gives us $2 Canadian says that Vader spot was great. Thank you for that. I didn't get, but I thought it was hilarious and awesome. And this is this is, if anything, how AI should be used, it should be used for for comedy. That's what I think is best. So I probably will end up killing us, but at least we'll die laughing. I suppose. All right. Anyway, let's get into the story. So first, we're going to be looking at this business of the Supreme Court. And they're ruling on the Trump case. So this is kind of a, there's a lot going on here, but I'm going to try. I'm going to read through Mike J's summary. I looked at this on ground news because you need like something that's going to give a balanced ground news kind of like aggregates news stories. And it tells you like what the, you know, how much of a story has a left wing bias, how much of it is centrist, how much of it is right wing. So that we don't like get, you know, too confused because there's a lot of. Not to paint it. That's been by the way. No, no, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. I just used it because I thought it might be handy. So all right. And yet another recent huge decision. The Supreme Court has ruled that the president of the United States is immune from prosecution while carrying out official actions. The six, three decision, six to three stems from yet another case brought against former president Donald Trump, this time for alleged election subversion, Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor stated in her dissenting opinion that quote, the relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably in every use of official power. The president is now a king above the law and quote, chief Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts Jr. claimed such fears in his writing for the majority stating quote, unlike anyone else, the president is a branch of government and the constitution vests in him sweeping powers and duties accounting for that reality and ensuring that the president may exercise those powers forcefully as the framers anticipated he would does not place him above the law. It preserves the basic structure of the constitution from which that law derives and quote. The main sticking point between the majority and the dissenters rests on the definition of official actions, while the majority believes that there is a distinct difference between what could reasonably could be construed as an official act. And what isn't an official act, the dissenters remain skeptical. Justice Sotomayor outlined some such examples in the dissenting opinion quote, what if the president orders a Navy SEAL team six to assassinate a political rival immune organized a military coup to hold on to power immune takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon immune immune immune immune and quote, Justice Roberts called this trial of this trail of thought quote fear mongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals and quote and attempted to explain the thought behind the majority ruling stating quote, the more likely prospect is of an executive branch that cannibalizes itself with each successive president free to prosecute his predecessors yet unable to boldly and fearlessly carry out his duties or fear that he may be next and quote. I see that's the thing. If the president had zero immunity, he wouldn't be able to do anything and the opponents in office would be able to pretty much cripple every administration with endless litigation like they did with Trump and this pretty much sets the tone for, you know, you can't you can't do that. You can't take the last administration and punish them for every decision they made that you disagree with just on the basis of simple disagreement. Right. And that's basically what the Biden administration has tried to do. They tried to use every little legal maneuvering loophole hypothetical made up bullshit that they could to prevent Trump from running for office again. And this was just one more thing. And it's an avenue that's been cut off. So of course, the left is going to be mad about it and they're going to fear monger and they're going to say all kinds of things. Even if it was the other way around and a right wing president had done the same thing. And this was the result. There would be people on the right engaging in the same fear mongering. You would know those would be the people that you wouldn't really want to be serving because their their interests not really in protecting the rights of the people and the boundaries between the people in the government, their interest is in maintaining unilateral power. And so this is a good ruling in that it prevents the use the exploitation of the criminal justice system as a weapon against political opponents in order to maintain unilateral power. Of course, they're mad. The authoritarian's always get mad when they're told that they they aren't all powerful. Yeah, you'll notice we're at we're at the bleeding edge of this certain uncanny inability to understand hypotheticals where the people who ordinarily can't imagine not having had breakfast this morning when it suits them not to imagine it. Those people are suddenly going, what if right? What if the president had a death rate, right? What if he had a death rate and he blew up the White House with his death rate and his death rate also went back in time and caused climate change, then what immune well in extreme circumstances that will likely be extreme countermeasures, you know, sub clauses relating in proportionate with the extremities. Remind us what Trump has done that you think is so extreme, did he murder someone with a robot like Obama did? Did he murder a whole bunch of people with robots like Obama did? What are we talking here is he directly in the pocket of hostile foreign? I think I think we know Mike. I think we know. It was, checks notes, mean tweets, making fun of people, or is he handing the reins of power of the country to the highest bidder such as the 60s. If you want to, if you can even imagine such a thing, what's happening here? What did Trump actually do? And they go, yeah, well, the thing is, I'm done with this interview. We can't remember that thing that you can't remember. You're asking about military coups as though Trump took a couple of henchmen with AKs kicked down the doors to the Oval Office and just started blasting away like the fuck I'm doing. But you're not quite sure what it is, even though that's what you're comparing it with. Need I remind you, presidents 44 and below killed millions of people for no good reason. Yes, they are all immune, immune, immune, immune. You lived through it all. You waved your signs, you did your drum circles and it never occurred to you to come to the Supreme Court to ask, is the law still the law? Can we break it? If someone really annoys us, you know, no, the law is still the law and you may not break the law. Oh, man. So unfair. We never get to do anything. You ought to have my real death. Yeah. No, no, that happened. They killed millions of people. You sleep. And now you're asking, what if Trump killed millions of people? Well, well, then my breakfast would digest in my organs as it normally does. But can I ask, did Trump kill millions of people? Well, no, didn't he? You know, you can bring up the jazz anytime you're like, no, there's okay, fine. But this is the final answer you're getting on this matter. This can kill millions of people and never get legally lynched for it. So no, we will not let you lynch Donald Trump with a crime of, let me check my notes. Oh, yeah, just a blank space in my notes. That's a scribbled question mark next to it. We're still, we're going to, we're going to come back to that little detail. Are we okay? Yeah. Yeah. The answer is no. Oh, okay. So that means we could kill Trump, right? What? Biden can have Trump assassinated with total immunity, right? Which is what they're saying all across the fucking Democrats. I think there was some guy in the BBC said it and then he like took his comment down. Was it a place? They're like, yeah, they are. They are. That means Trump can, that means Biden can have Trump assassinated with total immunity, right? Yes. What? Yes. Fuck you. Yes. Biden could have Trump assassinated in prison or less and he would absolutely get away with it. As were the unelected oligarchs who are clearly telling him what to do behind the scenes, oligarchs in the pockets of the aforementioned hostile foreign powers. They can do anything they like as long as they get, they get a reanimated corpse like Biden to sign the paper on their behalf. In earlier shows, I've talked at length about how possible even likely it may be that they are going to kill Trump in prison. We can argue about how likely that is, but a whole other story is what's going to happen if they do. Yes. The answer is that the legality of it won't come into question because as soon as something like that happened, the way that people would respond to that will just say that the public response would give them an excuse to declare martial law and we never hear about the legality of it again. Yeah. Yeah. They'll kill him. They'll claim he killed himself. They'll be a wave of Trump didn't kill himself memes and yeah, everyone knows he was killed by the regime. Everyone knows we're living under a one-party dystopia now. It's all bananas and kangaroos as far as I can see, but there's nothing we could do about it. So we just go with the flow of gently humor, the idea that Trump totally did kill himself and the uni party is always good and righteous. We do it ironically at first, but then unironically, and then we forget the difference in the cycle, continues and life is worthless and you circle the drain and you die. Yeah. Yeah. Democrats are like bratty children going to mummy and demanding to have an expensive toy, having completely forgotten the thousands of expensive toys they already have, including the exact one they were looking for. They already had it. In this case, the one where you can murder your rivals and get away with it. So you go, look, it's here, the exact make and serial number of the fluffy toy you want in. It was here all along. Hold it. Hug it. It's yours forever. Now, will you please stop crying? And then they just keep crying anyway and go, I didn't want the old one. I wanted something new. And that's, I mean, that's when you start throwing hands, honestly. That's, you know, the school of hard knocks begins in kindergarten, folks, and you might as well be the teacher, you know, slats and senses of these people while their heads are still soft, they will grow up to be Democrats or other assorted, communist busy, busy bodies. And then we have to deal with them as they fuck up our legal systems, as they plumb the deaths of reason and pull out yet another clump of upside down matter that they throw in our faces like feces. This is, they're trying to navigate a three dimensional world as the one dimensional creatures they are, where it's like, we do all the good things, but the good things never happen to us. We just move in the one direction, selflessly taking all the shit raining down on us from above, all of which is the fault of the primitive wretches below us. I'm, I'm sick of it. I don't know why we should have to share a planet with these lizard people. Burn them, burn their faces off and eat their faces and share their faces into a pile of faces. Do it now. Do it. Or you don't love me. All right. Well, yeah, I got them to add to that. You guys pretty much all put it that they're obviously there's going to be a fair mongering around this, but for those of you guys who don't know how the American political system is supposed to work, the Supreme Court does the it intentionally interprets the Constitution and the law and the Congress checks the president and president checks Congress. So I mean, we'll see how it goes, but obviously they're going to fear monger, they're going to claim that he's trying to crown himself king, which is just, you know, it's ridiculous but let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments. I'm going to look at your super chats and superchows and we will move on. So I got a super child from Meredith, the top G always first in line to get her comments and she gives us $10. Thank you, Meredith. HPR news number 462, honey for the badgers. When you weaponize allegations, don't be surprised if they get weaponized against you. There have been rumors for a very long time about the debauchery that occurs at the W E F meetings. Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure it's like it probably makes atheism plus look like romper room. Yeah, I'm not surprised by that, Meredith, but thank you. I bet they get up to some nasty shit at the W E F let me see if did anyone send me rumble rants? No, but I am looking. All right. Another super chat from senior sticks, he gives us $2 and says, wait, the governments don't have a death ray for all. All right. Yeah. Well, they probably do have a death ray and they control the weather. I'm guessing I'm I imagine. So let us know what you guys think about laser now. It's not just Jews, you have space lasers. Yeah, we got space lasers, weather, weather, weather, weather, weather. Other dominators, cool, having a space laser, I mean, yeah, yeah, I saw a Kira. All right. Anyway, let us know what you guys think about that in the comments. We're going to move on to the next story. Um, funny, I was struggling to find stories and I got some good ones. So all right, um, so microplastic in your PP. So researchers have discovered microplastics in men's penises raising concerns about their potential impact on erectile dysfunction and declining male fertility rates, a study by the University of Miami found significant levels of microplastics in four out of five men undergoing erectile dysfunction related surgeries, marking the first time microplastics have been detected in penises. Is that the plural? I thought it was PNI for some reason, like octopi. Okay. The study, and not that I ever thought about more than one penis at a time, which is my own, but the study published in the International Journal of Impedance Research identified microplastics like PET and polypropylene in penile tissue. The presence of microplastics in the penis is concerning due to its spongy nature and high blood flow during erections, which may make it particularly vulnerable. Microplastics have also been found in semen and human testes contributing to growing concerns about their effects on the reproductive system and fertility. Dr. Ren Jith Ramaswami, no relation to Vivek Ramaswami, I assume, the lead researcher emphasized the importance of reducing microplastic exposure by avoiding plastic containers and using alternatives like reusable bottles and loose leaf tea. The widespread contamination of microplastics underscores the need for greater awareness and lifestyle changes to mitigate how their impact on human health. Okay. If this was five years ago, I might be reading this thinking, sure, that's about Alex Jones shit. I'd be like, yeah, it seems possibly concerning and plausibly happening, I suppose. I don't see why anyone would lie about it or what agenda they might have in lying about it. So I'll go ahead and trust the experts just a little bit. But nowadays, yeah, no, no, broken, I would say broken. It's not enough to be merely skeptical. We must be downright cynical. What have we got here then? Microplastics in our genitals, right ego. First question, do we have any of these microplastics in our lungs or our hearts or our brains? Those things are particularly susceptible to micro size, foreign bodies. How are the brains and the hearts and the lungs doing? You don't know. You've been busy looking at dicks and balls all day. All right. Well, before we get into this, could a couple of you scientists sort of peel off, maybe find an adult and start studying the lungs and the hearts and the brains, please, yet that would be great. Okay. So we've got microplastics in our gems. So you've got microplastics in your gems. How is it a problem? What is it? What is it doing? Directile dysfunction. Okay. So how does that happen? How do the microplastics cause erectile dysfunction? You don't know. Okay. Are there any other equally or more feasible explanations for a rise in erectile dysfunction? Literally thousands. Okay. Well, thank you for your vigilance and your fastidious attention to detail. I must say it's a little vexing to have this conversation given how much skin is being brutally sawn away from penises on a daily basis without consent and then sold for a profit and then ground up to make exfoliating face cream for vampires to use so they can see themselves in the mirror. But you guys are more concerned about three molecules of extra matter that you found in the average penis. All right. Well, if that's your thing, that's your thing. We can't all pile in on the same issue or well, it will get bottlenecked at the aperture. So you've decided to go through a small hole, a remote hole, a small remote sparsely populated hole. That's fine. I respect that. You found microplastics in our genitals. You reckon it's causing a problem. You don't have any evidence. You don't even know how it would work, but you just, you reckon. You figured you'd go ahead and have a good old reckon on the matter. Let's say, let's say you reckoned good. You reckoned up a truthy and that these microplastics are indeed causing a problem. I have to ask, what must we do to prevent this problem in the future? Is it, is it, don't use plastic fossil fuels? Is it just stop oil, or am I good? It is. What are the chances? It's the environment amendment. We need to rip out our infrastructure and replace it with a new one. And the government gets what? The power and money to do it fascinating, simply enthralling. Give the government more money and more power and they will get the bubble gum out of your balls. That's where we are now. That's where we are. And people are still voting for it. And if they go on to say, we could fix those microplastics with a vaccine, I will spontaneously start a drinking game just so I have an excuse to finish this bottle. Actually, they do have a fix. They do have a fix and it has nothing to do with that. So, this is something I've known about for a while. I've been sort of keeping up on this because it goes along with understanding multiple chemical sensitivity disorders. And those are a problem in my family, along with allergies and everything. And for a while, there were two different ones they were looking at for me. So, there's a lot of information that I've read about this. And actually, they have been finding microplastics in all of the organs that you mentioned. Every place. They're particularly concerned about it in the intestinal tissues delivering kidneys. They found it in placentas and fetal tissues. They found it in lung tissues, pretty much every organ because it gets into the bloodstream and it goes through other parts of your body. And they don't know how long it stays because they haven't been able to measure from entry to exit. They haven't been able to track individual particles or groups of particles. So they can't find somebody that doesn't already have them and put them in and then track and then see when they're eliminated. But they do know some ways to eliminate them. And among other things, microplastics don't just come from using plastic products. They come from things like facial scrubs and makeup that have microplastics in them in order to make them work better. Facial scrubs use microplastics for exfoliation. Makeup uses microplastics to achieve a whole bunch of different visual effects. It's even in your toothpaste, actually. And so there are people out there that just use baking soda and water to brush their teeth. They're probably the ones that are right in terms of that. But the smaller particles in particular can cause, they can cross the blood-brain barrier and get into your brain. They can cause inflammation, they can cause hormone issues, they can cause all kinds of things, the chemicals that are in microplastics have been associated with lower testosterone, they've been associated with cancer, they've been associated with inflammation, which inflammation is one of the primary causes of heart attacks in people that don't have blood clots and that don't have plaque in their blood vessels. So a lot of people with diabetes that maybe they don't have high cholesterol and they don't have clotting issues, but they still have heart attacks, they have that because of inflammation. So this is actually a pretty big health risk that nobody's been talking about in terms of the mainstream media, despite the fact that it's actually a major thing that could be changed in terms of how different things that we don't really need are used. Like nobody really needs to wear makeup. There are alternatives to the way that our toothpaste and stuff like that is made that could be used. There are different ways to do many of the things that we do that would not involve putting little teeny tiny plastic beads in them. So you can minimize your exposure to microplastics, especially if you're a check because if you're a check, you're probably exposing yourself to them significantly more than men are just by your daily makeup routine and your daily hair care routine and everything because you're vain. So in any case, yeah, they've even detected it in breast milk, they've detected it in all kinds of, like anything that the human body does, it secretes microplastics. And then if you get plastic that doesn't say that it's BPA free, then you end up with the issues specifically caused by a BPA, if I can pronounce it right, I think it's bisphenol or bisphenol A and it causes thyroid problems. It can actually cause you to gain weight or lose weight when you shouldn't. It's got as many problems on its own as plastic in general and so these are all things like and I personally, probably your best bet is to just start looking at what are you using to wash your hair, what are you using to wash your clothes, what are you using to what are you putting in your mouth and so on. And those are the first places to eliminate microplastics. The less that it's been fucked with by the manufacturing industry before it gets to your house, the better. And the same thing with food. If you're eating stuff that comes out of a box and all you have to do is heat water and put in it as opposed to stuff that you've got to cut up and mix together and cook, you're probably getting microplastics in your food and so on. And then look into water filters to filter out what's in the groundwater because as we talked about, and gosh, I think this might have been close to five years ago on HBR talk, because it was when the first Women's March happened, after that, they had their manifesto up on their website and I'm looking and they've declared all these things, women's issues and one of them was environmentalism, so I started looking into environmentalism and how the genders contribute to pollution and lo and behold, the microplastics issue is very largely contributed to by women. But yeah, so it's been at least five years ago we talked about this, that you want to avoid several things that are in your groundwater, not just microplastics. The chemicals from birth control pills are in your groundwater. There's actually a lot of mental health drug residue in your groundwater and your local sewage treatment and water treatment, they don't, they don't actually get that out. They can't, they don't have the capability of processing that much water on that small of a scale. So I would do some research on like reverse osmosis filtering, if you can afford to get one and use that, especially if you have any kind of chemical sensitivity disorder, whether it's something complicated like MS or something common like diabetes, it'll help you out to get that shit out of your water and, you know, it's a way to help get that stuff out. Otherwise, again, like do more cooking and less food assembly, like already prepared food assembly, do more eating of a variety of like organic foods, eat more fiber, exercise and sweat a lot. And if you can't, if you can't get a filter, try to get periodically get, you know, very, very filtered water and, you know, use that when you're going to do sweating an exercise because sweating it out is one way to get rid of as much of that as possible. And I mean, it doesn't hurt to use glass products and metal products that are food safe instead of using plastic products, especially the disposable kind when using your, when packaging your food. But even if you can't avoid all of the causes of microplastics, you know, like you can eliminate the ones I talked about before, look for, you know, look for things that say they don't contain microplastics because that shit really is actually bad for you. And it really can do a broad spectrum of damage to your body. So you definitely don't want to be like overdosing yourself on it. I wouldn't worry too much if you're already doing a lot of that stuff to that I suggested, you know, to eliminate microplastics that you're probably still going to have some exposure. But I mean, overexposure to sunlight can cause burns and frequent overexposure that causes burns can cause skin cancer, but you can go in and out of the sunlight your whole life and never get skin cancer. So you know, you just have to keep in mind that it's the thing that makes the poison is the dose. If you have too much of something, it's poisonous, even if it's not normally poisonous and small doses. So yeah, you have to look, most products won't tell you like Gabriel says most products will not tell you they do have microplastics, but there are some products that will tell you that they don't. So you know, kind of look for that. The more profitable it becomes to sell products that don't have microplastics, the more people will invest in creating things that are better for you. So there you go. All right. Yeah. No doubt that these things are in our in the, you know, in our food and our water and in our everyday things. I think that there, you know, there's definitely estrogenic, you know, chemicals and things that are lowering men's testosterone levels, lowering men's sperm counts. Some of it is just in the air. Some of it is in the food we eat and the way that our diets are set up or at least like the way that the media and the education system, you know, instructs us to eat. And I think that those are a big part of it as well. And women are also affected in their own ways like the, you know, we've already talked about a number of times the ways that birth control negatively affect women regardless of whether it's the pill or something else. And more and more people are talking about this stuff now, which is, which is also good. So the, it's true that these things are harmful and they're in our environment, but that does not mean that the environmental activists and the world economic forum types get to step in because they likely contributed to that to specifically create the conditions for them to step in. It's just like feminism. They create the problem, then they show up and offer the placebo. It doesn't actually solve the problem while they perpetuate the problem. They get more power and more money at women's behavior. It is because I went as maybe women significantly reduce their contribution to this problem just by instead of getting a new wardrobe every season, like a lot of women making their own clothes by clothes that are made to last. Yeah. Just by clothes that are made to last and wear them until they wear out and then by clothes that are to replace them that are made to last. Right. And the fast, fast fashion industry is a humongous contributor. I can't emphasize how big of a contributor it is to this and other environmental problems. Yeah, for sure. And then actually women, almost entirely women. Exactly. But when we just, that's the thing though, when, when you look at the way that anything to do with our environment is being discussed, women's purchasing decisions, their consumerism, whatever they, they're doing are never brought up. And in fact, the same people that would claim that the earth is being destroyed, often blame men for that. And on time, and that's why you said, you know, feminists made the environment of women's issue because men are blamed, even though women are the, the by and by far a larger contributor. But they also never say with ladies, you have to change your spending habits. In fact, women's materialism is only more encouraged today. Like the whole spoiled girly thing that we've been, you know, Alison and I go through occasionally, it's all that it is women that are so completely disconnected from reality and from the consequences of their actions and their decisions, making the world worse and then blaming men for it. Like look at, there was another thing I was going to mention, which is when women, man, what was I going to say, women in, they will, they will buy pre-trash, they will wear it once, they will throw it and it ends up in a landfill. A lot of it's being made by slave labor, you know, young underage kids in China, putting everything together, building your iPhone, building your, your outfits, you know, your makeups being tested on animals, like whatever it is, right? And they're also the same people who buy all that stuff are the ones that are the most self-righteous about the environment. I think that if, if, if people got like a real, like a real look at how everything they bought is made and where it comes from and what goes into it, maybe they would suddenly have like a wake-up call and decide, I think I'm going to treat, treat things differently. Like me, when I buy clothes, I wear them until they are like, unwearable before I get something else. I was just telling Lindsey today, I was, it was this morning, I was like, I need new clothes because I every, every shirt I have as a whole in it, every shirt, you know, somewhere and what I'm doing now is just trying to hide it. Like, you know, if I have this Z lead Zeppelin shirt that I bought and the armpits, like the pits are, they're just tearing open, like where the sleeve meets the shirt. Now I could sew it together, but I don't know how to do that shit. So you do something I could learn to do and then I could just keep on wearing it. But some of the holes are just like in the middle and I will just find ways to work around it. I'll like wear like another shirt over the top to cover them up or tuck it in or whatever, but I'm just, I'm just the kind of person that will doesn't like to waste things. And I think that this is something that patches, but oh yeah, or that, I don't know if that works for like cotton shirts, but, but yeah, yeah, and I think we used to do that like in the 60s and 70s, you know, but I've got, I've got different, different people that I work with have different images that they like to see and it makes their day a little easier if they see something that makes them happy. So I have t-shirts with patches on them where, you know, I've had mishaps with bleach and stuff that the patch is just something for, for client to spot and say, Oh, look, it's this or look, it's that. And so there's, there's different little creative things you can do. There's, there's no reason to go out and, and waste a bunch of money on that stuff. And then yeah, the nice thing is if you don't spend a buttload of money on new clothes when you don't need them, like obviously there are things, you know, if you need to look professional at work and you can't look professional at work in patches, like I, again, look at professional at work in patches, but not everybody can, right? So then you got to buy new clothes, but if you don't have to buy new clothes and you don't buy new clothes, then you can use that money for something else, like video games. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Um, I was going to say that that's the thing though, like, like, uh, the young people today, especially girls, they see no reason to like want to hold on to stuff. They, they're just that disconnected from reality. I think everything is in the back as I, as I now say, but look, we should move on to the next story. Let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments. Um, are you concerned about the, uh, microplastics, making the freaking men infertile? I don't know. Let us know in the comments and there, and there's definitely more where that came from. Let's see what super chats and superchows I got. So let me just make sure I did get a super channel from like before the show, I forgot to read out. So I am going to read it out because it was for $20. So grim 84 gave us $20, uh, earlier today, like five in the morning. So thank you grim 84 and says Dave Smith's part of the problem 1134 had the crucible with Andrew Wilson on the whole discussion is great, but at timestamp timestamp 3112 Andrew echo Brian's point last week about women destroying society slash humanity, three minute clip worth a listen. More people are waking up PS to add to the joke of you guys being a catalyst to YouTube success. Have you seen how big rags has gotten with the e-fab crew? I'm sure that he's huge. This is the thing. Well, I think rags was a bit bigger than us when we had them on. I felt like I was kind of lucky to get them on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know, I know I think I think it's I think it might not be too late. The settings haven't changed then we should be okay. Yeah. It should still be streaming. Let's just see if it catches up. It's just it's going to be like it's really good. It's back. We're back. Okay. Yeah. So we're just going to have to put the cat. I don't know why, but for some reason the, um, for some reason the OBS crash and I can only assume it is because of, let me just put the substitute cartoons on the screen here. Um, I can only assume it's because there was an issue with, um, the plug-in, a plug-in goofed. So I have to just like, we'll just count the mic due without it, although the other stuff seems to be okay and I got to put the website back up. So, um, I'm sorry about this. All right. Let's, uh, let's let me put up the other thing. I was still reading your superchows, so, uh, we'll do that as well, but okay. Sorry about that guys. Um, so then I got a super child from immune from what gives us $5 and says, I suspect I have been hearing a lot of a claims about what this ruling actually means. Do the scotest decision actually say anything more specific about what is immune and what is not immune. It sounds like a lot of people complaining about the decision are just coming up with extreme and false claims about what the decision actually means. Does this decision actually legally change anything? Also, I noticed that critics claim that the decision makes the president a king. Last time I checked, uh, kings have limited powers and our president is not supposed to have power similar to that of a limited monarchy. I think we addressed this when we talked about it briefly. So, you know, the United States government is a three branch government for a reason. It is to basically it's supposed to be a, um, you know, to check each other's powers. So Congress checks the president, the president checks Congress. And if there's a, if there's an issue, the Supreme court, like essentially makes a ruling. So it's sort of like the final arbiter and, um, the Supreme court, three to six, I think it was decided in favor of this ruling, which means that I think the, the, the, the, the Supreme court is like five or a conservative liberal or Republican Democrat. Frankly, the Supreme court should not be partisan at all. But it seems like this is where we are now because, you know, Thomas soul has, who has been written running about this for a long time in the 70s, he wrote about activist judges being a problem on local court, circuit courts, state courts and Supreme courts. And it is a problem. But as long as, um, I think in this case, it was kind of like obvious that this, there was, there was, um, because what they're trying to pin him on or pin on him is something that you do, you would need, uh, severe evidence for that there, that just isn't there. There's nothing. And so it's just people claiming that he, you know what it is, they, they're essentially trying to get them on the thing they got in wreak atario on, which is a sense, was this conspiracy, right? And this was, uh, this was about, um, him, him, the national guard thing with a during the summer of love, no, no, the indictment alleged that after losing the election, Trump conspired to overturn it by spreading a knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the collecting, counting and certifying of election results. So basically they're going after him for things he said. Yeah, they're going after, they're going after his speech. They're saying that while you can say anything you want, the president does not have the right to free speech. There you go. Right. Yeah. So that's, that's basically, um, and that's, that's basically the, the attack right there. Yep. All right. So thank you for that, uh, immune from what? I hope that helps an Albert native retro gave us a $5 super $5 Canadian super chat and says Lauren Chen just posted a video called Lauren Southern was right. The great replacement is real. Just found it now. I'll link Brian to it on Facebook. Oh, send me the trouble. I already watched it. And yes, I mean, I, I do this for a long time too. So Canada's cooked guys. I don't know how they're going to get out of that, but they're in big trouble. Canada is not the same. Uh, and then Albert native retro gives us $2 Canadian and says reuse glass bottles. Thank you. And then Albert native retro gives us $2 again Canadian and says, uh, savvy exploded right after her appearance here. Yeah. Um, yeah. Well, I like savvy. Um, good luck to her. Uh, pay it forward is, I guess I'll just say that. So Richard beer gives us five bucks and says Brian just ripped the remaining sleeves off like Larry the cable guy. No, I don't, I don't, I don't think I have the guns quite yet for that. So all right. Anyway, let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments and we just make sure I didn't get miss any rumble rants. I did get some. Oh, I see gives us a dollar and says actually I'm not the father. I got microplastics in my balls. Microplastics are stored in the balls. Did you know that? Um, and then oh, I see gives us a dollar and says wear shirts until they look like Goku's clothes after a fight. My, mine are more like yam chas after a fight. Okay. Anyway, thank you for that. Let's move on to the next story. Um, all right. So do we have a base tech firm? Let's find out a new hiring principle called MEI, not DEI. MEI, which stands for merit excellence and intelligence introduced by scale AI CEO Alexander Wang is causing controversy amid claims that it opposes diversity equity and inclusion strategies or DEI. Wang states that MEI focuses on hiring the best person for the job and emphasizes individual merit without considering demographic factors. Wow. What a novel idea. He argues that merit based hiring will naturally yield diverse backgrounds and perspectives and asserts that selecting candidates based on race or gender is both discriminatory and illegal. Wang's MEI strategy has been supported by prominent leaders like Elon Musk and Brian Armstrong. However, DEI experts criticize MEI. No shit arguing that it overlooks the biases and systemic systems and institutional institutions and barriers that underrepresented groups face. They contend that a purely meritocratic system can perpetuate existing inequalities by favoring those who already have advantages. Critics also highlight that abandoning DEI policies can lead to hiring practices that favor individuals who resemble the hiring managers, thus undermining diversity efforts. Cause that's what that's what managers looking for. Mirrors. That was also undermine merit efforts. Yeah. Yeah. The nepotism that's merit accreting. Yes. In summary, while MEI aims to prioritize individual merit, critics argue that it risks undermining DEI. I think that's the point progress by ignoring inherent biases and systemic issues within hiring practices. The only people against whom a barrier is erected by the concept of merit excellence and intelligence are those who lack those things. And that's that's how it should be. Never mind why some people are better at some things than other people are. Never mind the notion that there's even anything unnatural or wrong about that. In any case, it should not be the concern of a company that is looking to employ people to perform tasks. You need to be proficient at that task, the end. If you're not proficient enough to break into the top 10, YABOO sucks to be you. Eight out of 10 cat owners say unlucky. It's unfortunate for you, but it's nobody else's problem. It's nobody else's duty to slow down for you unless they're a fucking social worker or something. And to repeat, we're not talking about social workers. We're talking about just workers, actual workers, anything from a pipe fitter to a pipe fitter for a Boeing aircraft who might be indirectly responsible for the deaths of 300 people and one whistle blower. Oh, pardon me, a man with a gun has just walked in. Well, that'll handle me. So anyway, these, they talk about these systemic barriers faced by underrepresented groups and their solution to the solutions to these apparent barriers are always top down. It doesn't start at grassroots. It starts at the very top of the heap where the apex fallacy works is magic. It's workplaces, especially white collar workplaces, especially the very highest paying, very lowest working workplaces. It's those cash cows, I mean, working environments who first need to be forced to prioritize women and minorities over men and majorities. And not because those workplaces have been causing the inequalities in the first place, but because they need to be the ones too correct for quote, existing inequalities. And you have to ask, where do these existing inequalities originate? Where do where do they start existing? What's the primal cause? Is it the mainstream media? No, the mainstream media is run by good people. Okay, is it universities? Is it schools? No, the education system is run by good people who happen to be mostly women shut up. Well, all right, how about families? Surely everything starts with family? No, most families are run by women or single women. They're for good people. Right, I think I see what's happening. You already took the first 20 years of everybody's life, and you gave it to women. You've done the grassroots. You've completed stage one of the of the long, slow much for the institutions, at least via that avenue. So of course, you don't blame schools for anything, or try and reform the scholastic process anywhere in its rusty, to say the least, clockwork. That's why there's no Dei in schools. They're already run by women. There's none of this. The only 2% of your teachers are male. You need it to be 50% of course not. It doesn't work in that direction. Schools are exempt because they're already colonized. And not by Dei, they were colonized by our old buddy feminism, the grandmother of Dei, or at least the, do crabs have grandmothers? I guess they did, they just never meet. What we have here is a corona. It's a pincer movement, hence the crab analogy. I got ahead of myself there. One branch of identitarian Marxism, namely feminism, worked its way from the ground up, first taking over families and then schools and then universities, hospitals, etc. While another branch of identitarian is Marxism, namely Dei right now, but this one's a bit of a shapeshifter. That pincer works his way from the top down, starting with governments, then white collar workplaces, blue collar workplaces, the police and armed forces, and hospitals. Oh, well, look here. The pincers have finally met in the middle, right in the heart of what we call health. The crab has met its grandmother. That doesn't make sense. Makes metaphor, but a call back is a call back. This is my process shut up. So yeah, Marxism has pinced us at this point, driven all the way by gender ideology. Is there any wonder that TERFs and trans activists are arguing with each other over ridiculous nitpicking about what even is a woman? See, that's the point where the pincers meet, and they even start to grind into each other. God knows what's going to happen after that. The collapse of the entire crabs claw, perhaps. Think about it. I'll just, I'll just don't. Yeah, I don't actually. You're better off just daunting. Well, the other end of this is the mentality and the, I guess, intent that's really taking place here, right? The mentality is they're starting from a belief that some groups of people have the intelligence and good character it takes to overcome barriers. And other groups of people do not have the intelligence and good character that it takes to overcome barriers and therefore need government assistance in overcoming them. That's what you are being told. So if you're in one of the groups that they are saying needs their help, what they are saying is that you are not as intelligent and you don't naturally have the good character of the groups that they are saying are oppressing you. That's the first thing, right? There is no more complicated way to describe that. There is no excuse that you can come up with that makes up for that attitude and then there's no eliminating that as the basis for their way of thinking. People who come up with this DEI or DIE strategy, this DIE narrative, either they hate you because they think you're too smart and your character is too good and you might overcome barriers they put in front of you or they hate you because they think you're stupid and you're lazy and you're not capable of overcoming barriers on their own on your own so they have to use you as a pawn and place you where they want you. There is no, they're missing tropes. There is no benevolence in this at all. That's the first thing. The second thing is why are they using you as pawns? What are they trying to accomplish? Because they're not trying to accomplish the improvement of the economy. If they were, they would be doing things that actually work and they're not trying to elevate any groups of people because if they were, they would be doing things that help people achieve success on their own instead of helping people rely on them for success. Those are not their goals. What are their goals? The same thing as they always have been to break down the boundaries between their authority and your autonomy so that you have less autonomy and they have more authority. They don't want you to determine your own relationship with your employer or the consumer or your neighbors or your friends or your family or anything. They don't want you to think you can start your own business. They don't want you to think that you can invent your own things and then convince other people that they might need them and sell them to them. They don't want you to think that you can decide what you're going to do with your life. I remember when I was in school, we had a little bit of pressure from feminists as girls to do manly things. But for the most part, because I grew up in a small town, my teachers looked at, "Well, what are you good at and what do you like to do and where those things intersect?" That's probably what you should look at as what you might want to do for the rest of your life. That was it. You have to do this because it's not typically female and you're not filling a stereotype if you do it. There wasn't any of this. Well, we need this many people of this color or this gender or this ethnicity or this religion or this color of pants or this size hat or whatever in this profession. It was just, "Oh, you like to create artwork and you're good at creating artwork? There are companies that use that and they're advertising. Maybe you should consider going into graphic arts or you like to build things. You're excellent at math. Maybe you should look into engineering and architecture and consider building big things that people will use for years after you die. But no, no, no. You can't like sewing. You're a girl. That's stereotypical. Why don't you become an engineer?" That doesn't matter if it's not a good fit. We need more girls in engineering. Why won't you just try it out? That's really not good for the girl or the field of engineering or the world that she's going to build things in, the community. Nothing. Not good for her family. Not good for their families. It's the same with everything. It's the same with any profession, any ethnic background, any religious group, any demographic. Once they take out your personal choice and your personal interests and tell you that you are a pawn for them to put where they want you on the basis of breaking down other people's boundaries, using you as their pawn to do it, you've just been unpersoned by the state. So DEI is DE humanizing and MEI puts the me back in my job. I like it better. Yeah, for sure. And that's that big shout out to this company for doing that. I think it's definitely like, hopefully, people will be inspired by this because DEI is essentially death, DIE for any company that employs it simply because you're not getting the best people. And you're not, you're not even competing. You're just virtue signaling. You're just doing empty performance at the cost of everything for people who don't appreciate opportunities anyway, because people who do would not want this kind of free handout. It would just, you know, it wouldn't sit well with them. So you're literally just doing the opposite of that. And it doesn't even mean what they claim it means. It's not diversity equity inclusion, is literally hegemony in terms of like, you know, the belief systems of the people in the DEI is intended to create a woke environment by essentially hiring on the basis of these identity groups. And the people who tend to identify with those identity groups tend to be woke Marxists. So you're going to have a company full of woke Marxists because they all got their jobs due to their identity, Marxist, you know, you know, way of living, essentially. And that's going to be bad for your company. Like, do you really want a bunch of woke SJWs working at your company? So that's part of it right off the bat. It's going to kill your company. It's not good for business. And yeah, the only way to do things is like this whole thing about how we even define MEI, it's funny because we used to call that just running a company. Like that's just what it was. But now we have to give it like, you know, its own name. I mean, I think that anyone who's smart that looks at that is going to come to the same conclusion that I did. Oh, you're just hiring based on merit like we've always done for most of history. Yeah, don't you know, that's far right. You know, like not liking or, you know, like, like, like thinking that men matter as fathers in the home or, or no fault divorce being an issue. Like these are all far right ideas, guys. Meritocracy in, in and of itself is far right. You know, wanting to be able to lock the door of your house or close your borders. Yeah, as far right. So yeah, anyway, so yeah, shout out to to the to these guys at this company. I already forgot what it's called. Let me just give another mention. Scale AI and the CEO Alexander Wang. Yes, shout out to those guys. Like you keep going. And I think this is going to you might see them coming up. I don't know. I think there would be a great idea if they did. So let's go. Yes. Let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments. We're going to move on to the last story. But first, I want to look and see if I miss any super chats or superchows. No, nothing yet. Let's look over at rumble really quick, because that slips under the radar. Okay. Yeah, we're good. Let's move on to the last story. Ah, yes, here we go. So a new, oh, no, that's wrong. Hold on. Klaus Schwab, pictured here, founder of the World Economic Forum faces allegations of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment by several former female employees. Accusations include making sexually suggestive comments, closing suggestively. I just need that image. You know, you know, it was not always elderly. Do you know what you want image? No, but I think he always looked like this. Do you know what image comes in my mind when I see posing suggestively? It's the, you know, George Costanza from Seinfeld, where he's just got the boxers on and he's like, just that with Klaus Schwab's face on it. Somebody, somebody make that and send it to their Discord server. We need like a crew of people that make memes on the fly really fast. Put it in the Discord server or put it in mind. The Honey Badger Arcade one dream team. Yeah, we need that. We need a meme dream team. Exactly. Here we go. So yeah, anyway, so accusations include making sexually suggestive comments. Posing suggest is what? Can you imagine Klaus getting a text from Klaus Schwab saying you up needs books. Okay, posing suggestively and hampering women's careers after pregnancy. Schwab has denied all allegations calling the accusations and attempt to mischaracterize the WEF Schwab known for promoting the great reset has great reset in there. Okay, never mind. Has recently stepped down as executive chairman due to ill health. So we don't know a whole lot about these allegations because this just came out. Not really. This just came out morning. Yeah, and everything. But I put this in the news chat actually two hours after it started trending on Twitter because I thought, you know, we got to talk about this. And the one thing that really struck me was I was just in a conversation where I was told that the numbers, the crime stats for rape and sexual assault, sexual harassment and all that, those don't matter because the numbers are inaccurate in regard to perpetration, right? Perpetration is much higher, but most women don't come forward and don't make allegations, especially against powerful men because they are afraid of the consequences of making the allegations. I don't know any man in the world who is currently thought of as more powerful than than this man. And he is facing a a slew of sexual harassment allegations from women who do not fear consequences too much to come forward with this. Now, it doesn't matter in terms of that aspect of the discussion. It doesn't matter whether they're true or false allegations. It does in terms of whether, you know, anything should happen to him because of it. But in terms of whether women are afraid to come forward or not, the allegations could be 100% false or they could be 100% true. They don't make a difference to whether women are afraid or not. These women came forward and made these allegations knowing who he was, knowing what he controls, knowing how wealthy he is, knowing how either popular or unpopular his ideas are depending on what side of the political fencer on, right? Knowing the mechanisms that he can put into play and they still made those allegations. So there is no excuse. There is not a woman in the world who has an excuse that a man is too powerful to make an allegation against him. If Klaus Schwab can be accused by the women who work for him, that means women know they can accuse anybody, anybody. And yeah, that's kind of the point, but it's also besides the point. All of this, right, these accusations, it means Klaus Schwab did something wrong. And by doing something wrong, I don't mean sexual impropriety. I mean anything but that. Sexual impropriety doesn't hurt the regime. It's just the weapon that gets rolled out. When you've done something that does hurt the regime, but the regime doesn't like to show weakness, let alone admit defeat. It's like, well, we're punishing him because he refused to kneel before Baphomet, but we're not going to tell people that because it's Baphomet. To the untrained ear, it might sound unpalatable. You know what I mean? So, well, fuck it. We'll point the me to cannon's aim. Look over there. Now he's controversial and we are not job done. It works. And it's easy because every man has encountered a woman at some point in his life. So it's just a case of taking all those encounters that he's had with women, whittling them down to whosoever is willing to paint the ugliest picture of one or more encounters. And even if you don't find anyone willing to embellish the truth, you can just find someone who's willing to outright lie, which isn't all that difficult either, not when you're dealing with the likes of the WEF and the many world governments in their pocket. So yeah, Cass Schwab could very well be a serial sex pest, for all I know. But I've no reason to assume he's any more of a sex pest than every other baby eating lizard person in that organization. That's not what's happening. I think what's happening is basically a ritual, like a human sacrifice to mark a cosmic transition. Cass Schwab has recently stepped down as the boss, as the head honcho, as the big jeez, and that's what he should do. That's what's expected of a leader when his time comes. However, he knows too much. The shadier your organization is the more of a liability its ex members are, especially its ex leaders. So they can't be allowed to go on, certainly not in their pre-existing capacity. Like in the old days, when there was a new king in town, he'd make sure to behead the previous king, that when there's a new woke CEO in town, they me too, the previous one, just to cleanse the aura of the recaptured territory. This is my office now. I don't care how many times you've pissed in it, Schwab. I have hereby made it not so. I have dispelled your peace belt by throwing you to the me too, lions. That's how it works. And I, far shrub's successor, shall be the one to break the cycle. I should be the only one to not get me too at the end of my tenure. Yes, I know everyone who came before me, he said the same thing. They were all fools, blindfools, I say, who thought they were better than everyone. I'm different, see. I really am better than everyone. Nature's ugly, man. It's ugly and it's random. It doesn't make sense. And one day, it's going to rip the roof off of your house like a tornado. Well, actually be a tornado. Just don't sleep in the attic and say how drated all that good stuff. Okay, so we got some super chows. All I will say is, yeah, it doesn't matter how powerful you are, a woman can and will try to destroy your life. I'm not saying that he did it. I'm sure that the WF people get up to some weird shit. We know the elites are creepy that like there's like I'm not surprised at all. You know, so not surprising, but also not surprising. Like I'm both ends. Kind of like back way back when gamergate was like the hottest thing on people's lips in 2014. And there are all of these like woke SJW games, journal dudes, male feminist types that were coming forward and saying I can't believe that there's so many evil patriarchal white supremacists, women harassing sexist, misogynist, the greatest out there on the gamergate side. And then sure enough, that guy comes out that he's accused of something or he gets in trouble or talking to some woman or getting into DMS or whatever. And we were just like, you know, we just have a thing where they start the clock with the restart the clock whenever that happened. It was all the time. But I always said, even back then, you know, sometimes it's hard to know whether it's because male feminists are more likely to be creepy with women or because feminist women are more likely to make false allegations. It's kind of a bit of all column A and a bit of column B. And that's kind of how it is. So I don't have any sympathy for this. I hope that if it if it comes to anything that, you know, it's sort of like a criminal trial or something serious, then I guess, you know, we'll look at whatever evidence is put forward because yes, I would probably even have to say that I'd like to see the evidence for this. I mean, Koshwab is a lot of things that we don't need to add more to it. Okay. But what I want to know is they own anything and were they happy? That's what I want to know. But anyway, so I got, because I mean, that had to be his pitch, right? Like he would approach them when he would hit on them. Yeah, they can't even own their own shit. He would hit on them and he'd be like, would you like to own nothing and be happy? Like, something like that, right? I mean, probably like his that was like his opening line. That was his line. All right. But anyway, I still want that meme though. I want the Jason Alexander or Koshwab's face meme. I want that. All right. So let's look at the super chats and superchows. And we'll go on to the patron show. This was actually a good show is why I didn't have a lot of material. But then all this stuff happened. You know, if it weren't for stuff always happening, I would be out of a job doing this. So one good man gives us $5 and says, Oh, so it's the one good man. This is the guy, everybody. Everybody say hello to the one good man. He is here in the chat. He gives us $5. That's a really good man. He says Trump is the most evil person who has ever evil in the whole entire history of evil. And if you can see that you are all you are literally a fascist and I can't even that is exactly something that the one good man would say. And I really appreciate your feedback. One good man. We need more people like you, but we all know there can only be you. You're like the Highlander of good men that can only be one. And then I got a another super child from L.O.L. Schwab. So L.O.L. Schwab gets his white dollars and said, we must ask the accusers. Did Schwab at least make them happy? Did they get to own anything? Laugh emoji? Yes. You know, we should take we should laugh at the things that are funny while we have time. We are not promised tomorrow. And it is it is a good time for that. Okay, so I didn't get any more super chats or super chats. I'm going to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm sorry for the the little goof that happened. Okay, so yeah, we're good. All right. So that's all Bob said. Yeah. Sorry if I was a goof. I can't do a Schwab. No, he just sounds too stereotypical though. So if you if you go on stage and you actually do a claged Schwab imitation, can you be said to be Schwabbing a deck? All right. Well, I'm Matt. No, we're going to go into the patience show now. And we're going to be looking at this article from Arwa Madawi about how far right by bulletkins, they have a new target, no fault divorce, which is well, I mean, like didn't DeSantis do a pass a law or something about that. I guess that's why I guess she's right. I guess she's right. And this just goes to show. Yeah, no fault divorce has never been real. But I'm going to finish that thought in the patience show in the patron show. Yeah. All right. I got another super chow here that I missed one. I don't see it, Richard. Did I miss it? I'm looking. Let me see. Meredith G immune from what? Richard be here just ripped the sleeves off. I already read that one. One good man and lal Schwab. No, I think I got him all Richard. I'll look in the I'll just do one more look, but I read them all. I read yours about the Kate Larry, the cable guy thing. You might have missed it. Let me see. I actually had two that showed up after we closed out the show last week. Kind of weird, huh? Yeah, it's kind of annoying. So I'm going to read them this week. They'll be completely out of context because of that. Yeah. Yeah, I don't see anything, dude. I'll see if it shows up like later on. Maybe maybe there is a maybe there's a glitch in the matrix. Maybe Andrew Tate was right. All right. Well, anyway, let's end the show there. So we're going to head into the Patreon. We're going to look at this article from our woman Dowie. If you want to join us, become a badger, go to and set up a monthly subscription five bucks a month. We'll get you into the discord. And it's a feed the for such subscribers. Want to point that out? Because I always forget what the link is, but there is a link in the description anyway. So and you can like be a part of the conversation, depending on the level you give at, maybe just want to like take a peek and see what the discord server is like. Then please go to for the free version for the free version of our discord server. All right. So with all that out of the way, if you guys liked this video, please hit like, really helps the channel out even even hit dislike if you want. That also helps. I mean, any like, I prefer upvotes, but downvotes are fine too. If you hate us, that's okay. Subscribe if you're not already subscribed to the channel, even if you are a hater, hate subscribe if you like. And hit the bell for notifications or hate hit the bell. I don't know what that looks like, but you know, you could do that too. And please, please, please share this video or hate share it because sharing is caring or sharing is hatred if you want to hate share it. Thank you so much for coming on today's episode of HPR news. And we will see you next Tuesday. 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