Honey Badger Radio

What do Dr. Disrespect and Julian Assange have in common? | HBR News 461

Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the news of Julian Assange's release(?), allegations against streamer Dr. Disrespect surface, the ADL is discredited by Wikipedia, and more! Tune in @6pm Eastern!

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You [BLANK_AUDIO] Let's just, let's just get it to this. This is HBR news number, I forgot, 461. What do doctor disrespect and Julian Assange have in common, where we discuss the news of the week and give it the Badger treatment. [MUSIC] All right, hello everybody and welcome to Honey Badger Radio Ho, what did I just say? Honey Badger Radio, hope you guys are doing well this week. And that you're laughing at all of this absurdity so that you're not consumed by it. I am your host Brian Martinez, and I'm joined by Doctor Rana McCam. And I think Lauren Brooks is going to be around as well, she's- >> She's in the kitchen. >> Yeah, she's in the kitchen where women should be. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> She seems to enjoy it. >> [LAUGH] >> It's actually like a craft for her. She likes actually making delicious food, it's the weirdest thing. >> It's where they belong. >> Now, but Lauren might be joining us, so I'm going to put her cartoon in there as well. And she might give her two cents every so often, which is worth a lot more than two cents. If you guys have ever listened to Lauren's opinions. But anyway, we have a great show lined up for you guys this week. So please be sure to continue the conversations both in the chat as well as the comment section on this kind of upside down news show that's taking place on the Thursday that it normally would be the talk show where you would also have Mike and Lauren. We're going to be discussing news. Instead, this week we're going to be talking about the recent news of Julian Assange's release. Allegations against a very popular streamer named Dr. Disrespect of Surface. The ADL is discredited by Wikipedia, whatever that means, and more. So stick around, it's going to be a good time. And be sure to join us afterwards. So Allison asked me once again to essentially harness the power of our Spergie supporters in the patron show to look at the clips that our artificial intelligence selected from the show that I did with Allison over the weekend. And we're going to see if we can find the best ones. She has been putting them out, but she's like trying to figure out what the best place to release them on is. So she's tried the main channel. And now she's going to be doing some on Badger live streams in the hopes that it will drive some more traffic. But hey, we're coming up on 10,000 subscribers. So if you guys can get us over that hill, we're really close. And I know that there are way more people that watch that are not subscribed. I don't really look at the analytics in the background, but I know it's typically something between 20 and 40% of people who watch are not subscribed or they come across the content. So please consider subscribing to the channel. It'll really help us out quite a bit. And hopefully we can continue to grow because I don't know if you saw this as an aside, as an aside, before we get into the stories and I already already mentioned what the after show is and to join us, by the way, just become a member by going to feed the forward slash subscribe and you can join us and become a badger yourself. And that that means a lot to us. We really appreciate it. And also, if you want to send a message at any point during the stream, send a send a donation or a some support. Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to use the D word to feed the forward slash just the tip. You can send up some message there and they actually are a little bit better than the one sent through YouTube because YouTube has a bit of a filtration system that they like to use. One last thing, shout out to the rumble gang. Unfortunately, rumble and social streaming are not playing nice right now. So I have to like look back and forth at the rumble chat at the same time. But it's okay, not a problem. It's just a little bit of extra work, not a big deal. So, all right, so the thing I was going to mention is that before I get into the stories, and since it's just me and Mike and maybe Lauren, I've noticed that the issues that we discussed, the men's rights issues, whatever you want to call it, the discussion, the discourse, the discourse, the message, the message, yeah. No, you remember the, you know, the viral video of the actress doing twerking, you know, no fuck with your discourse. Yeah, never mind, forget it. The discourse has expanded and I was tagged in a tweet the other day. Maybe I could find it really quick. Hold on a second, because I'd like to share it with you guys by Chloe Roma. Well, somebody tweeted a video by Chloe Roma and they tagged us in it, tagged Allison and myself. And I just realized that I want to like bring it up and show what the video is. I'm not going to watch it, but, but someone shared it with us. And because Chloe Roma essentially claimed that, you know, she basically created men's rights. Like she's like the, she's like the, the the Rolo Tamasi of men's rights. Like she invented it. She wrote the book on it and somebody tagged us in it. But Allison tweets so much that I can't fucking find it. So there you go. Maybe never mind. And I guess what I'm saying is that there, this is a bit of a, a bit of a good thing, I will say. So yes, she is, she's fighting with us a little bit. She's pretending like we don't exist. She's acting like she invented everything, whatever, who cares. But the point is, is that the conversation is reaching more and more people all the time. So I just thought about that and it's only because of your support, but maybe we can, maybe if we can grow this channel more, then we can become a force to be reckoned with. And we won't have to defer to basically self-congratulatory, you know, thoughts that don't, they just repeat shit that other people have already said for the last 10 years or 15 years or 20 years or 30 years. And so yeah, I'd appreciate if you guys could subscribe to the channel and help us grow. And with that said, we are now going to get into the story. So first we're talking about Dr. Disrespect, as you can see. Now I set this one to Mike J to do the write up. I don't know much about this guy, except that he's got like a funny character that he does. That's it. So, but here's the story. Herschel Guy Beam, the fourth, is that his real name? Better known online under his streamer alias and persona as Dr. Disrespect has found himself in a potentially career ending event. Beam rose to fame as a video game live streamer on the Twitch platform where he played up the persona of Dr. Disrespect, a competitive gamer with a bombastic personality and a love of trash talk. At one point during his nine year run on Twitch, Beam had over 4 million followers and hundreds of millions of views. But abruptly on June 26, 2020, Beam had his Twitch account permanently banned. The only statement that Twitch made on the incident was the following. "As is our process, we take the appropriate action when we have evidence that a streamer has acted in violation of our community's guidelines or terms of service. These apply to all streamers, regardless of status or from prominence in the community." The same day, Discord would also drop Beam from their partnership program, citing community standard violations. This resulted in, and I hope I'm not butchering his last name, it's spelled BEAHM. Resulted in Beam taking a break from streaming and launching a lawsuit against Twitch. Beam would go on to win said lawsuit via a settlement which Twitch in both parties admitted to no wrongdoing and Twitch would pay out the rest of Beam's contract. As the lawsuit came to a close, so did discussion of the situation. Most blamed Twitch and their notoriously vague and ever-changing guidelines for the incident. But the question had always remained, what was the actual reason for the permanent ban? Fast forward over two years, and Beam had returned to the world of video game streaming, but this time on the YouTube gaming platform, where he had mostly rebuilt his empire. On June 21, a former Twitch employee, Cody Connors, seemingly revealed the true reason for Twitch's split with Beam. In a tweet, Connors stated the following, quote, "He got banned because he got caught sexting a minor in the then-existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text, case-close gang," end quote. Connors' accusations sent shockwaves through the streaming community, though most weren't willing to believe such strong allegations with no hard evidence. Beam attempted to stay blase about the situation, shrugging it off with a tweet that said, quote, "Listen, I'm obviously tied to legal obligations from the settlement with Twitch, but I just need to say that what I can since this is the fucking internet, I didn't do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found and I was paid," end quote. Most found Beam's explanation of things to not be very convincing because this is the internet and the wording was a bit too legal, but without any hard proof of the allegations, it was hard to tell who was telling the truth. Beam then announced that he intended to take an extended vacation away from the streaming for the foreseeable future, which was odd as he has been heavily hyping his current Elden Ring DLC streams. The situation grew even larger when others in the live streaming community corroborated Connors' allegations. In the middle of this matter was his own video game development group, the Midnight Society Game Studio, announced that they were cutting ties with Beam. Things finally exploded with one last message from Beam released yesterday. The most damning part of Beam's statement is the following end quote. Were there Twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind those messages? The answer is absolutely not. These were casual mutual conversations that sometimes lean too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual, I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with Twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me end quote. Beam does not expand on what happened any more than this in his statement. He closes the statement confirming he will be taking an extended vacation and that he will be back in the future. Since the admission of impropriety, Beam has lost multiple sponsorships, including the San Francisco 49ers football team and gaming accessory company Turtle Beach. There's not enough information here, I don't know how much more information is out there and maybe I should be privy to it, but in the event that I'm not, I'm going to go with what we have here. Minor could mean a 17 year old, a 17 year old pretending to be 25 could be a 12 year old pretending to be 25. We don't know who he thought he was talking to, let alone how serious anyone was being and look, I mean a good rule of thumb when it comes to these things, it's just I thought the kids, like you think whatever you want, talk to a professional about whatever you want, just don't fuck the kids. No one's broken that rule on this occasion, so that's a good start. A good rule of index finger is just don't talk to kids either. Like even if you're not a nonce, just don't talk to kids because you'll get cold a nonce if you do, even if you're not talking about sex, just don't talk to kids ever about anything, it's just not worth it. So here's the thing, you know, I'm just going to add to this, okay, so I have seen, I know what the, okay, let me start over. So we know that everything was settled legally with Twitch, and it was basically no wrongdoing was found, he was done, he took a break, and then he came back. I'm not going to tell you what happened or whatever. All we know is what happened under the law and how things were settled. And it seems to me that nothing illegal happened. Maybe you could say inappropriate, that's fine, but it's not a legal term, it's just an observation of how you feel about it at the end of the day. But what, and that doesn't matter, he's going to have to deal with that in his own, in his own, you know, time on his own, in his own way. And yes, I agree with Mike, it's probably just a good idea to not interact with, maybe just don't interact with people on the internet because you don't know how all they are, you don't know what they're going to do, you don't know how they're going to act. It's just too dangerous, especially if you're a man on the internet. That's just the truth, okay, because on Twitch, there was a period in time where women were on there basically naked or fully naked, just not showing anything. And that was like the meta, and they were just making thousands of dollars and Twitch didn't say shit. They were like, that's not inappropriate. Even though there could be underage boys watching Twitch content, there could be underage girls watching Twitch content of only fans thoughts with their titties out. But that's fine, because it's well because it's a woman, and it's making Twitch a lot of money. So that that's not that's neither here nor there. And also there is also, I think it's worth pointing out that for what I understand, even though doctor disrespect doesn't necessarily wade into the political, he is somebody who doesn't like political correctness and he doesn't like wokeness about as much as say Nick Mercs. And I covered a story with Nick Mercs, like a while back, who's another streamer. I don't, I think he does call it duty. I don't really know. I think he lost like a skin or something because of this other guy who ended his own life that was also very popular. And Nick Mercs was in hot water very recently, because he said, essentially, that trans people don't exist on a live stream. And this got him in a huge lot of trouble with the G mafia. And doctor disrespect, kind of sided with him, at least in his right to express himself. So I think that there could be other things going on. What I'm pointing out is the standards of the of judgment that not only Twitch and YouTube, you know, pass or discord passes, but also the general public online passes, you know, when they when they look at things like what doctor disrespect is done, they're just they don't line up, you know, like Hassan has basically said on Twitch that, you know, America does deserve 9/11. Everybody knows that that he said that on a live stream. Guess what? He's still up there. He's like the top political streamer on Twitch, which says a lot about Twitch, like the the quality of that platform. So political biases of that platform. Yeah, or the political but yeah, but even even what does what does what Hassan say even qualify as political when he's just saying like end property rights and fuck America, 9/11 was, you know, earned or something like that. I mean, I don't know, he's I've seen him when he's actually got to fight with like political welterweights, like peers Morgan and he gets crushed. So I don't know if he counts as political content. I mean, you know, he describes us as inanimate objects. I mean, you can maybe get zero percent on rotten tomatoes. It's still a movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, these terrible politics, but it is what he does. Yes, it's true, it's true. So anyway, so what I saw on Twitter with regards to the because I didn't know what was what the whole story was. People are going back and forth. I saw people like the quartering were being very fair. Essentially, all he was saying is that look, you know, it's it wasn't only him, but like people like the quartering were saying, look, if he if he was having private chats or whispers, whatever you call it, with underage girl and underage girl, it was one. It doesn't make him a nonce, not automatically, because nothing happened. We don't know how old she is. It's just important to point out there's a difference between someone talking and someone like actually grooming a child. And I think that that's important because the whole all the whole Twitter sphere, the commie part, the feminist part, the me too part, is all basically saying that he is essentially the same as, you know, an actual offending child molester. I don't know how else to put it. And I just don't think that that is precise enough. And I think that we should be precise. So, and oh, maybe maybe the fact that it's an election year is something to do it. I don't know. I feel like 2024, like all bets are off anything. It's all related, in my opinion. But that's that's the other stuff I want to share about that. So yeah, to complete my series of rules of thumb and fingers, the rule of the middle finger is just on talk. To end it was just on interact with anyone ever. Doctor disrespect is certainly guilty of breaking the third rule, as we all do on a daily basis. We're just we're not ready for it yet as a society. But the good doctor also brought the second rule, don't talk to kids, i.e. minors, whenever minors may mean any given. Maybe he didn't know he was breaking that rule. And maybe it's irrelevant given that the minor in question was never in danger. But he still he failed the mission. He did speak to a minor. For that, he should be admonished. Remember, be very careful when talking to strange people on the internet. It might be a child. Trying to fuck you. And it might be a fed, technically a child trying to fuck you. Yes, or a child pretending to be a fed, pretending to be a child seriously though. Well, that was serious, dark, but serious. But seriously, in this age of wall to wall rainbow, non-sury in which we live, this story, like Brian said, was practically nothing. If the good doctor wanted to nonce a child, all he had to do was throw on a frilly dress and he could sign up for it at the local kindergarten. This, this has all the all two familiar hallmarks of a witch hunt. One of those, a hunt for one witch. He somehow or other, he pissed off someone in a high place at Twitch. And then that someone in that high place at Twitch went, I, here is the man, show me the crime. Yes. And then, and then the vicious midwits got involved. People, you know, people like to feel like they're helping. That's, that's normal. But some people really, really want to feel like they're saving the world from evil. However, they're not particularly interested in actually examining problems. Never mind working through those problems, heaven forbid solving them. And those kinds of people are inevitably drawn towards easy targets, already totemic, sort of pariahs, things they already see as indisputably deplorable. Like, you don't, you don't even have to think about it. The, the problem has already been examined and solved by quote unquote experts. And the only thing left to do is, is rid the world of, of these ideas and, and the people who dain to still have them. Like fascism. Nobody likes fascism. No one even knows what the word fascism means anymore. And it doesn't even matter. It's just a derogatory term loosely described as a descriptive term. Like, we might as well say the bad guys when we're saying fascism, or the evil thing. It has no, it has no more semantic complexity than a meerkat making a noise that means snake. Less, actually, it's less specific than that. Meerkats have a surprisingly complex vocabulary, actually. They can, they can make calls that can distinguish between a tall human wearing yellow and a small human wearing red. They, which is more than most college graduates can manage nowadays. Wow. What's, what, what, what's Meerkats speak for? I'm not a biologist. Hakuna Matata. Isn't it? My uncle killed my dad and now he wants to kill me. Wow. Hadn't considered not just fucking worrying about it. Yeah. Right. Exactly. It's their, it's their problem free philosophy. Although, because another fun fact about Meerkats is they murder each other more than any other species. I mean, certainly, certainly terrestrial vertebrates. A meerkat has got something like a 21% chance of being killed by another meerkat. It, it seems they get very easily pissed off with each other. And maybe it's related to this ability they have this, the advanced technology of name calling. It's the same with the, the lower midwits being churned out by our education systems. All they do is learn incantations, magic words that can save you from ever having to think, like fascism. They, they, they, they incantate that and then they call themselves anti-fascists or anti-perfect. Sure. And hey, presto, we can do whatever we like. Even when we're taking the form of a violent mob and anyone who gets in our way is literally evil incarnate. And, and they deserve anything we do to them. You know, and the same goes with all their other magic words like patriarchy and white supremacy and capitalism. And yes, yeah. Pido. Although that's, that's, that's, that's a different magic fraternity. It's slithering or whatever. I don't understand Zuma references very care off. Leave me alone. Skeewy D. It's, it's for real, for real. The bad one in Harry Potter, I don't bust him, get your gay books and shit. No cap. But yeah, Pido is another one of those thought-terminating species, but it's sub-causal. It's as far as people do know what Pido means. It means nonce. And unlike the ethereal demons you're taught about in college, nonces are indeed real. Very much so. Now more than ever, in fact, they too are being churned out at the top end of our aforementioned education systems. So you can see why there would be a pushback against all the nonce. You can see why so many people fancy themselves as Pido hunters. But it is possible to go too far. In anything, no matter, no matter how uncontroversial it may seem. If you think you cannot go too far, then you will go too far inexorably. And you know, that'll be, that'll be marked by the occasion when you start going after innocent people. For real, for real, whether it's your enemies or just randos like Dr. Disrespect. You may think no matter what you do as a Pido hunter, you'll never be as bad as a Pido. And yeah, all right, maybe not. But you're a great deal worse than the innocent men you accuse. When you rally a mob against an actual monster, we can, then we can split hairs about how many wrongs make a right or whatever. But when you rally a mob against an innocent person, you are the monster. There's no two ways about it. You're possibly a worse monster. I don't, I mean, what would you rather encounter in the woods? A torch-wielding pitchfork mob, chanting your exact name or a Pido. Let's say a Pido bear. If that makes it more interesting, I just still, I think I'd go with the Pido bear. I mean, it's, it's a cartoon yet somehow it found itself in a real life three-dimensional forest, which, which suggests it's a supernatural entity with supernatural powers, powers of, I guess, kid-fucking. But I'm not a child. So odds are, yeah, I'd be safer with the Pido bear. Odds being, if the mob catches me, there's a 100% chance they will kill me. Like, ritually, slowly and sadistically they'll kill me. I'll probably get burned to death in public in a manner that doesn't even raise awareness, awareness for Palestine. And if, and if you make, you see, you see what I'm saying now, if any, and if you make any kind of argument in this moral space in which I'm currently speaking, if you allude to the existence of this space in the moral landscape, where it's even possible to acknowledge that some self-righteous Pido hunters can be so reckless and capricious as to be counterproductive, because all they do is muddy the water between the guilty and the innocent. You say all this stuff and the midwits with their magic spells just go, will you Pido defend it? Would you just defend it Pido defend it? And that's it. Just brain off, lights out, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just say the magic words over and over again till the end of time. But that's, that's, that's all you'll ever get from tribal midwits. And no matter what you say, anything you say that doesn't kiss their ass, they'll just go with that script. They're, they're, they're setting their ways. They're going, I am a crusader against the evil thing. Therefore anyone who attacks me for any reason must be defending the evil thing. That's it. That's as far as they can go. They're in henchmen mode. They're, they're NPCs. You're not going to get through to them. And neither am I. You just need to purge them from your life before they turn their pitchforks on you. And the same goes for the nonsense. The actual nonsense get away from them too. Most of them aren't even hiding underground, twirling their mustaches in internet chaperons. They're out in the open and in charge of your schools. They're busy non-singing your children's bollocks off as we speak. And the government will fly their official non-slag and arrest you if you have a problem with it. So if you really want to address the problem of nonsense, if you really want to rid the world of nonsense, you should probably focus on the trillion dollar industry of non-factories into which our schools have been transformed. But as I said, midwits don't do that. They'd rather point the finger at random blokes who pissed them off for some unrelated reason. Rakka's random blokes are the easiest target for everyone. So everyone just eventually defaults to shitting on random blokes. So it's all just a gigantic contest between midwits to see which midwits could shit all over the most random blokes in the shortest possible time. And when they don't win the contest and they don't get the power and the glory and it all blows up in their faces, they don't even learn their lesson. It just keeps hitting on random blokes. They might adopt a different stance, they might focus on a different ideological bugbear, but they'll go right back to shitting on random blokes. Random as we call ourselves randos, I'm some my people, literally my middle name, which is, which is normal man, which is innocent man. So you know, nonces are also underground sometimes, and they're also in our schools, and they run our countries, they're in charge of our governments, and wumbling around. Yep, they're in our, they're in our media, they're in our banks, they're everywhere. So they could look like anybody. But what I think is really going on here with Dr. Disrespect is remember, bear in mind, okay, according to him, and no one has refuted this, this entire matter was already settled. And somebody brought it back up and then became a big thing, and it drove him like it drove him out. So they were looking for a scout, they got it. This is what it was about. This is reminiscent of how you can destroy a man, even if even if he got out of it, even if he, you know, settled the whole thing, like privately with the through the appropriate channels, which according to him, he has done, and no one has said that the otherwise, no one has denied this, no one has said that he didn't, you know, do things the right way and deal with it on his own, you know, in the way that you're supposed to going through the appropriate channels. And yet it doesn't matter because they wanted to destroy him personally. This is the way that this is how me to works. This is what it is. And this is what has happened. And the next story, I think we're covering is similar, because it was the same weapon that was used against Julian Assange. But before we get into that, I'm going to look at your super chats and superchows. So I got one here. Oh, I can't wait. They're not coming up for some reason. Oh, I'll just, oh, you know what? I know why. Hold on a second. I got to make the website go away. Okay, so Meredith G gave us $5. Meredith top G and says HBO news for 61 hundred for the badgers. Thank you, Meredith. And then I got another superchow from Tom for $5. And he says, I've seen a short from another popular creator for the game developer describing the fact that if you choose to notify subscribers when releasing shorts and not enough subscribers, watch the short, it gets the boosted. And if you turn off notifications for subscribers, the algo puts it out to live viewers, at least to a higher rate. Another factor you might want to tinker with. If you didn't already know this tidbit, I did not Tom. Thank you so much for that tidbit. I'll have to hopefully Allison will see this. And she will act on that or consider that. All right, and that's I think that's it and nothing from rumble and nothing from YouTube. So we're going to move on to the next story. Let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments. By the way, this is the video in question. F House buddy shared it, but I got it from someone else. And she says that she is going to do a response video to this to this Chloe Roma video where she claims essentially that she is the only reason why people are discussing men's issues, essentially. So I'm not I'm not going to go into it anymore than that. But all I will tell you is I called it. I said this years ago, when I first discovered her, I said that she was going to take credit for all of our work. So, but that's okay. That's all right. I'm sure that she knows Janice via mango and Paul, Elon and others. But instead she's just fighting with Pearl and she's using this to to essentially claim the moral high ground over Pearl Davis, who I think is a way better. M R a by the way. But anyway, let's move on to the next story. So better pelto swallow to know that all she had to do was drop an end bomb in a TikTok video. And that's not the same one. And then she could she could speed run the whole. Yeah, I know. Right. Become the alright. You know what? I I still don't understand why anybody thinks somebody's saying the N word makes them right wing like there's no connection to these things that you guys are just so programmed to believe that and word must be right wing. So based on the South side of Chicago is essentially a Republican stronghold shut up. All right. Anyway, let's get into the next story. So Julian Assange has reached a plea D with the US allowing him to go free. Assange has agreed to a plead guilty to a felony charge related to a national security material resulting in his release from a British prison after five years. Assange is set to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obtain and reveal classified information on the espionage act. In a US Commonwealth court in the Northern Mariana Islands, the plea agreement allows Assange to admit guilt and avoid additional prison time with a proposed 62 month sentence to match his time served in a British prison. So he is going free under the condition that he pleads guilty. So this is an important distinction. Okay. I thought I would give you guys a little bit of background on Julian Assange in case you don't know. I know a lot of people get him and Edward Snowden mixed up and you know there and it's kind of an old story and some of you guys might be younger. So I have a little bit of background here on Julian Assange that I want to share with you. So Assange demonstrated a strong aptitude for programming and hacking from a very young age. He was involved in the hacking group International Subversives and was charged with several high hacking related offenses in 1991 but was released on good behavior. Julian Assange was born May on July 3, 1971 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. From a young age, he exhibited a strong talent for programming and hacking. So like I already mentioned, he was part of this hacking group called International Subversives. Although he faced charges for hacking, he was released on good behavior. Julian Assange was born, whoa, I'm sorry, I kind of accidentally repeated something. In 2006, Assange founded WikiLeaks. So this is the thing that everybody knows and for him. A platform dedicated to publishing classified, censored, or restricted official materials. The goal was to provide a safe anonymous way for whistleblowers to share sensitive documents with the public. WikiLeaks quickly became known for its high profile releases. In 2010, Sweden issued a European arrest warrant for Assange over allegations of sexual misconduct, which he denies. Fearing extradition to the US, Assange saw asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London of June 2012. He stayed there for nearly seven years until April 2019, when Ecuador withdrew his asylum leading to his arrest by British authorities. Assange was then sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for breaching bail conditions. The US government has charged Assange with multiple counts under the Espionage Act and conspiracy to commit computer intrusion related to WikiLeaks publications. Obviously, you guys probably already know that he really upset the United States military industrial complex with some of the leaks that came out during the wars in the Middle East and with Hillary Clinton's emails. And that was like a crucial or a big part of the presidential race in 2016. So I looked to see what the bias is in the media. So on the left media, the left emphasizes Australian leaders lobbying efforts and Biden's consideration of dropping the case, suggesting diplomatic influences. The center highlights Assange as a journalist exposing US military wrongdoing, presenting a sympathetic view of his actions. And the right focuses on Assange's plea deal as ending the legal battle without delving into the details of journalistic freedom emphasized in the center. So this is just to give you guys at least as well as I can like put it together thing. But I thought what was mostly interesting is that one of the things that kept him in jail was an accusation of sexual assault, which remained unproven. I think they dropped the charges and nothing came out of it, but he did have to stay in prison. And this is just another way that you can use accusations of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, whatever you want to call it to destroy somebody's life. I mean, the guy was in jail for decades, right? And I'm still kind of like foggy on the charges except conspiracy, which is kind of like the same stuff that they're, you know, trying to that they threw Enrique Tario in jail for, by the way. So I don't know, Mike, you know more about this. I'm sure that you've been following this stuff somewhat. Well, yeah, it's been that we've had 14 years to follow me. Yeah, it's, it's important to put that big old after risk next to the word free. Yes, describing Mr. Assange's current predicament. What happened is he has pled guilty to a crime. So they let him out. It seems a bit topsy-turvy, I know, but it's the Biden regime, and that is the policy. Oh, you're officially a criminal now. Well, then we have to let you go. Bye. Enjoy. Even if you're a murderer, yeah, go have fun murdering people or we've got innocent people to entrap and arrest because of their political views, possibly the very same innocent people you're about to murder. Ah, we'll have a race. Yeah, see you can get him first. Seriously, though, I'm going to do me, I do mean seriously. We don't know what's going to happen at the end of this plea deal. All we know is that right now he is allowed with many restrictions to travel beyond the confines of arrest and/or house arrest for an undisclosed amount of time before he is taken into the custody of the US justice system, finally, which they've been trying to get him in for 14 years and how they finally have, where he faces another five years in prison, 62 months ago. So he's essentially just having a vacation from prison after 14 years of on and off isolated prison treatment. They're finally letting him take a short sabbatical from his career as a political prisoner. We're going to let him about for a bit, stretch his legs and then he gets the call and the curtains open and we begin act three, belly of the beast. Now you're on Clinton's watch and people are looking at that and going, he's free. He is free. He is free. I mean, in the loosest possible sense, are you sure about this? He's free like how free you feel when you're having your last meal on death row and you get to choose anything, anything in the world. That kind of free, you know, soon he'll be approaching the final bus stage where everything's all thunderstorms and lava and he has to dodge those pesky suicide drones, them pesky suicide fairies with their suicide missiles and he's got to dodge all that for the next five years. Is it? Can I just come in real quick because Meredith G sent a message like a while back? I guess it was during the show earlier this week about Assange and she just tagged me in a comment in the chat and I want to read it out. It was probably read on the HBO talk, but it says one of the reasons why the Biden administration did the deal with Assange is because they were concerned that a court ruling from British courts, which was expected to be bad, would hurt opportunities to extradite from other countries that would follow suit after the ruling. And she also mentioned the comments that this was conditional. The plea deal involved the requirement that Assange destroys certain records that he had from the DNC. So, I don't know, I guess, I guess there is that. But go ahead, Mike. I'm sorry. Yeah, even you were talking about Hillary Clinton. Yeah, even if he's able to take those 62 months and bargain them all the way down to nothing, it still doesn't matter. He still has to presumably enter the United States or in some way submit to US custody on some kind of soil somewhere. And once he's done that, the law can't save him. He'll be within the attack range of creatures who are above the law. It'll be just him and Hillary Clinton in a room with a pencil. What happens beyond that is better imagined than described. They're going to kill him in prison. Yes, I'm beating this dead horse again. And Trump as well, they're going to get Assange and Trump and Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. And I don't know, that my fellow guy just a good measure. They're going to line all their heads up together in a prison cell. So Hillary can come in and kill them all with one bullet and blame it on a fly. A Russian fly with devil horns and a botched etching of a swastika on its thorax. And then Obama kills you with a drone. Yes, you, you, dear listener. That's how this story ends, suddenly, and for no reason when Obama kills you with a drone. Spoiler alert, I know, but like I said, you won't be expecting it. And once it happens, you'll be dead. So it won't matter. It's almost liberating, isn't it? Not having to worry about health or property or any legacy you might pass down or anything really, because death will not tarry on its way to you. I mean, it will be swift and brutal and completely unpredictable when one day Obama is playing around with his toy radio controlled war crime and the analyst goes oopsie you're dead too now but no no no not at all not at all we wait up not at all we wait up and then and then the world explodes fuck yeah i don't know it's it's it's never good news it's what i'm saying what looks like good news is almost always just a front for bad news what about the part where mohammed comes at riding on a unicorn isn't that what it's supposed to be a unicorn with like the head of the czar of russia i don't know what the promise he says but i'm in a bad news i would say that i developed a condition called euphobia it's uh the fair of hearing good news oh and it's not even an irrational thing because wherever there's good news happening on on the stage there's always some horrific event happening behind the scenes there is no light without shadow yeah like uh behind dark clouds is always clear blue sky but behind the clear blue sky is always this uh infinite black nothingness thing and uh yeah space that that that do be how it go uh it do uh just say there are also stars all right then um morn do you want to say anything i mean are you there she's still in the other room she's still in the kitchen just until ten seconds later i think oh is she on a computer in the other room she's out of uh fun oh i see i see okay uh all right well yeah so um julie and asanj hopefully i don't know i don't know wait like i i hope he gets to do an interview at least i know that you know tucker Carlson wanted to talk to him timple wanted to talk to him timple made this julie and asanj thing like uh like uh a very important um thing to vote on and also i understand that trump because you know he originally had like negative things say about asanj but in the last at the last uh libertarian convention uh he did say that uh he would look into it and you know try to help him out so he mentioned rus obrick so don't recall him mentioning julie and asanj yeah i think that timple confronted him on the julie and asanj thing in an interview because the timple got to interview trump did you watch that i didn't i didn't oh yeah he did he he got to interview trump at the thing and he confronted him about the julie and asanj thing because the julie and asanj thing means a lot to timple because timple is a journalist and so you know he's one of those journalists that does journalism one of the few so he's able to afford jet setting to various locations yeah always has been that and how he does that yeah whatever dude the guy is he has an amazing work ethic i'm i'm kind of glad to have met him uh a couple times timple but anyway um he liked this and remember he um okay so anyway we will move on to the next story let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments and uh yeah we'll move on to the next story so we're going to be talking about what is this the anti-defamation league the ADL one of my favorite organizations um and wikipedia one of my favorite organizations so wikipedia editors have decided that the anti-defamation league is no longer a quote generally reliable and quote source for information coming from wikipedia about anti-Semitism and the israel palestine conflict this decision debated for months among wikipedia's volunteer editors is a significant blow to the ADL a long-standing civil rights organization the editors cited the ADL's politicized stance on Zionism and its methodology for categorizing anti-Semitic incidents as key reasons for the decision the ADL's current ceo jonathan greenblatt has been criticized for partisan actions and statements including equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism the ADL responded by calling the wikipedia decision part of a campaign to delegitimize the organization emphasizing their ongoing commitment to fighting hate this controversy highlights the broader tense debate around the israel palestine conflict you might have heard about especially following the october 7th hamas attack on well israel so is this okay to talk about on here okay doesn't Zionism just mean israel dine is dine is about uh jews having a jewish homeland israel is that homeland if so fact so when you say Zionism you mean israel and vice versa they are two synonyms that act as the euphemism slash despotism of the other delete as appropriate and i don't mean delete as i i mean delete the word as appropriate other than yeah then you're left asking is israel synonymous with Judaism and is Judaism even synonymous with jews and how where do you stretch it to and at what point is Zionism still synonymous with deep fried fish really in trouble this is it's all a pretty moot point but not as moot as this entire story because it's just two retards fighting yeah right so i was just gonna say it's wikipedia versus the ADL like i hope both teams have fun two retards having a victim fight yes or is it two victims having a retard fight i don't i just i guess i guess no they're not real victims so it's definitely two retards having a victim fight yeah and i and i don't mean israel and palestine by the way i don't mean the jews and the muslims i mean the retards thousands of miles away supporting israel and palestine as though that local football teams and in this case we're competing a support spousin and the ADL supports israel great fascinating i'm happy for you both what what are your zodiac signs what you do for a hobby do you think the dress is blue and black or white and gold t-varkingy and yeah i get i guess this is the point the point of pointing and laughing at the warring factions of these oikafobes but it's all a kind of peric victory of best when they're having this fight right on top of the grave of western civilization the dancing on said grave as they have this fight the the the frankfort school has long since concluded that christianity is the enemy but they neglected to establish a hierarchy among the remaining religions which one is the most important in our in our schema of who is more or less oppressed than therefore who needs who needs more counterprivileged or whatever is it islam because it's bigger or is it Judaism because it's smaller do we have do we have any of those moral guidelines about all i know all i know is is that they need jesus that's all i know do they need do they need moral guidelines like might makes right or the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few stuff like that no no it's you see those those sounds suspiciously like principles no we we we neglected to rescue any of those from the buildings and the bridges we burned down when we decided christianity is bad end of story so the jews and the muslims are just going to have to fight this out amongst each other no no amongst each other i've never heard since it's a girl you tripping no with our funding and our constant egging on the jews and muslims will fight this out to the death to our deaths and and who have also also western christians yes the the blood of christians will be used in this war but i don't want to talk about the actual conflict i'm saying i think that i chose this because i thought it was hilarious that wikipedia was going to try to uh you know play essentially claim the moral high ground now they might have a case uh you know i'm not siding with israel here or the adl because the adl is shit um and but wikipedia is also shit so like uh you know i'm indifferent this is like just an example of how unreliable our uh supposed resource betters are our civil rights warriors and our information collectors are both garbage wikipedia believes in essentially post modern framing of everything and the adl you know they believe in the hate that mutates so they never run out of things to complain about and i think that they're both illegitimate and that's why my joke is you know whatever happens y'all need jesus um so anyway this is not a channel that delves in the geopolitics i have my personal opinions on that but that's not what we're talking about i'm just talking about wikipedia and the adl both being a joke and mike jason that to me i don't know what his intentions were but that was my takeaway so anyway what about the Hindus and the Buddhists why why do wikipedia and the adl and all and all these alphabet industries never bother arguing about them and all the killing that they do of each other you know those that the four or five billion people over there who aren't killing each other over ancient middle eastern preachers who thought they want the one and only messenger of god no no no one cares about that that because because those guys are going to win anyway they had saline shots what yeah what what am i the adl or am i wikipedia i don't know i've lost track of the madness but i challenge anyone in the world right now to have ever found track of the madness it's all bollocks it's all pants it's gross it's racist i hate everyone you're listening to honey buzzer radio don't forget to hit like subscribe share the video all right well let us know what you guys think about this one in the comments um i look forward to seeing your thoughts because i'm sure they will be colorful all right last story this one mike j felt very strongly about so um new york's wave of illegal aliens committing eagle illegal alien committed crime is a category of crime committed by illegals continues with an especially heinous entry earlier this month in the neighborhood of flushing in queens new york a 13-year-old girl and her similarly aged friend were abducted by an illegal immigrant brandishing a knight the man dragged both of them into a secluded spot in the nearby cassina park once there he tied them together using their own shoelaces and then proceeded to rape the 13-year-old girl while forcing her friend to watch once done he stole both of their cell phones and fled the area police were able to track down and release an image of the man from local security cameras and with the help of the victims release an image of his very distinct chest tattoo an angry boar's head with red eyes wow locals in the neighborhood of corona in queens recognize the man from the pictures released by police and knew that he frequented a local deli a group of good samaritans then set up a stakeout and waited several hours for the man to return once he did a local once he did a local man jeffrey flores grabbed the man and dragged him out by the deli where fellow good samaritans assisted in detaining and interrogating the man that would later be identified as 25-year-old illegal immigrant christian giovanni inga landy according to witnesses at no point did inga landy declare his innocence instead he apologized offered to try and explain the situation and even begged to them to release him so he could return to his home country of equidore police eventually showed up and arrested inga landy while under arrest inga landy had identified himself as the man of the pictures released by police and confessing to his horrific acts also including new information such as how he had recorded his assault on the 13-year-old girl it turns out that inga landy had been in the u.s. illegally after being caught by border patrol agents in eagle past texas in june of 2021 he was ordered by a judge to be deported in 2020 but was never actually removed he then moved to new york and took up residence at a local homeless shelter which was next to the deli where he was detained and mike j pointed out to me hello he didn't write it in here that the person he uh assaulted not raped um but the person he forced to watch was a boy and for whatever reason in the a 13-year-old boy that is for whatever reason in the um all the news stories related to this incident which was widely reported there was no mention of the 13-year-old boy that was also assaulted tied up and forced to watch probably traumatized by the experience but that was also left out of the original story so anyway that's the last story i don't know what you guys think about that i have not thought of anything to say this is normally the point where hannah comes long and and says something uh sensitive yeah i i i was unable i was unable to throw any humorous shade on it and that's generally all able to do you want to think to say lauren say now oh yeah well i i think i just would like to say to um aoc hey thanks for getting rid of the jobs and and uh you know getting all these lovely immigrants i bet she's very happy about that where is she oh she's in dc and she doesn't have to deal with any of this shit yeah it's it sucks every way you look at it but is anybody gonna get serious about actually doing something you know i would love to see if which one of them if either trump or biden brings up the border issue tonight and how quickly it'll be censored by the cnn whoever is going to be there do we know who's going to be uh hosting isn't it going to be jake tapper or something yeah it's going to be jake tapper this should be no there's nobody at that fucking network that's fair so you get we've got we've got to turn this shit around you have to get these people out of here and if this is the clear example of of what's happening in not just in new york but everywhere in chicago and fucking everywhere yeah well then you know that's the thing like anybody's gonna take this shit seriously and i don't think that they will i think this is exactly what they want you know it's chaos that's all i get sick yeah it's just chaos i mean like look um just because i am an advocate for men's issues doesn't mean i don't acknowledge evil when men perform it so this guy was clearly doing evil and and the truth of the matter is not all cultures are equal and also a lot of the people who have crossed the border from the south you know ours other border from the south american countries they're not like regular citizens looking for a new life they're like letting people out of their prisons and sending them here so like what this is why like trying to import the third world in order to fix like the repopulation problem the problem of uh of uh you know replacement rates that's not how you do it you don't flood the country with people who are let out of jails and prisons i have to say that's just their excuse the idea that uh the the local population isn't producing enough no i know it's their excuse but but like if they really wanted to fix that they would encourage the local population to to make babies and raise them properly and have families they're not absolutely they're not even pretending to give a shit about that they they know reject ejecting fathers from the family situation for the longest time and now they're working on on just the state taking the children away all together as soon as possible yes and that's well that's what i'm getting at though like one time well okay so i was i did this dream i was talking Lindsey about this uh today earlier today and i did this dream where we were doing a debate on this channel called wick they have like a twitch channel somehow they get like people like destiny and and you know like people like that on i don't know it's probably because they're like lefties but we we were on there obviously odd men out and we were talking about the um essentially the replacement rates the following replacement rates in western countries and of course the other people on the panel they're either idiots or they're just not serious people like they just didn't give a shit and they thought that well you know then then men you got to step up like that was their whole thing well what they want to make families that women have to like want to be with them and so the men have to step up and i was like that's not gonna work and Allison was making the case that you know it would work just fine if the average woman was attracted to the average man which is sort of like how it's always worked out but Allison also made this and i'm not like throwing shade at Allison because she knows how i feel about this already but she also said that it it she doesn't care how it happens like she doesn't care what color the people are where they come from as long as it happens but you see i disagree because you you again the people who are coming through the border are not dudes that are just competing in the same way and have the same values and the same like desire to live in a fucking first world country that the people who already live here desire they they just don't they're coming here from war torn nations they're coming here from prisons they don't have an interest in integration they have an interest in taking what they want and so you're not going to get what you want in fact if you import a bunch of criminals from the third world or from like South America or Africa or China and which is where they're coming from it's not just South America right they're coming here from China they're coming here from Africa they're coming here from the Middle East they're coming in here from Gaza you know from from from um from those places and they're not like the best people this is exactly what trump said in 2015 that god i've been so much trouble but it's true and so like what you're doing is you kind of this is the thing okay you have to stop pretending like we're all the same you have to start looking at it in the sense that there are some people who are ready to live in a first world country and there are people who are not and those people should not be allowed in and they don't have a right to be here because there's an appropriate way to get in here i know because i worked really hard and spent a lot of money Lindsey and i together to get her to come here and she's got a green card but i guess if she was like a fucking gang member that lived in you know El Salvador they would have just let her through like for nothing probably given us a place to live so like this is the thing right what would be the solution would be if american citizens were making babies but our country is being propagandized against to where the women are willing to vote to destroy the country just because an asshole made a comment about repealing the 19th on twitter and they're okay with it like the number one thing that women are running on there the primary thing to give a shit about when it comes to the vote is the ability to kill their babies they're they're they're ready to do that this is where women are at right now this is where women are at right now okay the men they're looking at the things that will allow their society to continue like they care about the economy they care about jobs they care about immigration the women don't care about any of that so what's happening here is not just the fault of democrats it's not just the fault of the rhinos that support them because they're trying to get that cheap money it's not just the fault of people like aoc they just want to like get more clout and votes it's the fault of women women that are voting out of spite women that go out and they're like i'm gonna destroy everything fuck you and that's what they're doing and and men they're just eventually it's one thing's going to happen either women are going to change their mind or men are just going to rise up and just it's just going to be over like women are going to lose their rights i'm telling you it's going to happen men will but they have a breaking point and they're going to be like okay fuck this you're done sit down and women can't do anything about it like they can't like if men decide to rise up it's over for women it's over right so you know the thing is it's like men don't even have to rise up they just have to check out yeah well that's what they're doing yeah exactly and you know so to your point yes it wouldn't be healthier if we were having our own babies but you also have to have parents that care about their kids and this is why we're in the situation that we're fucking in because yes if the women cared about their children's safety they wouldn't vote or you know vote for politicians and you know vote for all these bills that allow these goddamn illegal immigrants in to affect their kids yeah you know so you're absolutely right if women care then the politicians will care about what they want but they have to care about their kids and we don't well i'm not we excuse me i take myself out of that group when i speak yeah yeah i know where we're talking about with look the overwhelming majority of women and men do want to start families but women are not encouraged to do that and men are also not encouraged to do that but men who don't who are not in this system that are like coming in from the outside they don't give a fuck so like we're we're looking at people who don't care and will do what they want and they'll take what they want because they come from a place it is nothing like ours where might makes right and they just get things done and the women are not ready because they're too sheltered they think everything is in the back and they don't so they don't not living in the real world they're living in the world that men has made for them that is so safe that they can't understand what what like how dangerous it is without them and so they take men for granted and that and that's why so you know i'm not going to excuse male evil obviously and that's what this is but the only reason why this even happened is because women took men for granted they took the men of their own their own society for granted and so they just voted this shit in and they did not rebel or like say anything when the the people in power used it to create the conditions that were in but women ultimately are the ones that gave them that power so the only thing that i would say to to that is that yes there are evil people in the world but for those people to enact their their evil thoughts they have to have opportunity and again if you are not paying attention to your children then you are just handing them over to these people and and you're not going to say that you deserve it but holy shit you got to make better decisions you know these are your children these are their lives at stake and if you don't care about it and you think the government is going to holy shit we're cooked yeah well anyway again there's going to be a lot of suffering before it gets better that's just the way it goes we got to hit the bottom and i guess we'll see so those are my thoughts on that let me know what you guys think about this in the comments i think we're going to go ahead and head into the patreon show if there's nothing else nothing okay uh well i will just say my heart goes out to count dankula i hope that you um and oh that's it i'm just going to say that so my my thoughts are with count dankula i hope he's okay i only met him once but i liked him a lot i got a super chow from telenar i should read out and he gives us 20 bucks thank you telenar and he says Zionism can mean either some kind of israeli slash jewish state could exist or sometimes israel could should territorially expand it to its biblically defined borders and possibly expel all non-Jews or make them non-citizens within that range of definitions there is a ton of room for dishonest argument on every side of this debate also the Hindus are currently in a bit of a struggle with the muslims as well on the other end of their main territory long story there too yes i am aware of that thank you telenar for that um all right so we're gonna wrap it up here and head into the patreon show and um yeah i hope you guys would join us so i guess that's it i'm gonna end it there if you guys like this video please hit like subscribe if you're not already subscribed to the bell for notifications leave us a comment let us know what you guys think about what we discussed on the show today and please please please share this video because sharing is caring thank you so much for coming on today's episode of hpr news and we're gonna talk to you all in the next one this are machines dude okay they are literal machines they are talking point machines they are impossible to fucking deal with especially if you have like especially if you have like a couple dudes who have good memory on top of that too holy shit you're fucked you you so so so so so so so [BLANK_AUDIO]