Honey Badger Radio

The not so secret reason Conservative men can't get laid | Maintaining Frame 104

Join us on the show as we look at the latest requests from our supporters. Manifestelle is back on the menu, boys!

2h 8m
Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Hello everybody, welcome to honey badge radio. My name is Brian and I'm with Allison and this is a maintaining frame meets What is this synth wave something? Yeah, so Synth writers with a Z synth writers, it's like a synth wave type thing Yeah, similar to beat saver but with rhythm I'll show you what guys what it looks like in just a moment Um, I'm not going to take requests today. So this is just going to be like the background to us talking Um, I'm just going to keep it to the standard songs. So hopefully we won't get killed by copyright I have to learn this new system Before I can really do custom songs How's the volume? I think it sounds okay. I don't know what you guys think. Are we are we fighting too much with the music of the game or Yeah, just give us an indication Yeah So I'm just waiting for this the chat to get caught up with What's going on here? Yeah, okay. So this is a basically a rhythm game. It's sort of like beat saver but not I Figured we Picks it up or mix it up a bit There are custom levels just not as many as beat saver Tree surgeon says turn it down a bit like still a little bit too loud for them Cuz like how it sounds to me and like how it sounds to you guys different can you turn it down on your system? Um Yes, I can Because I think that it's about as far down as we can on this end All right, turn it down in discord. I was a worried that it might turn you down at the same time because it's like so How's that? And Yeah, I will double check the sound on my end once I'm done here Well, we'll see what they say. I think it sounds fine now for me So this isn't actually original's 80s movies. It's just music inspired by the 80s Yeah, definitely has like a 80s sound they say it sounds good now Okay, good. So yeah, we can just leave it Yeah, let's not tell and that's not too too many of the moving parts. Let's not tempt fate. Yeah um Anyway, so you tell me what you guys think of this particular rhythm song And maybe i'll do some custom yeah rhythm game And i'll do some custom levels on it if that's It's it's similar to beat saver It's a little bit more physically intensive Really? Yeah, because there's a lot more like hip Hip movement Yeah, it engages the pelvis more shall we say? Oh, okay Sure Yeah All right. So today we are doing a request by richard beer So another one And he wants us to actually I think this was on easy Hmm. Okay. I'll double check the sound to make sure everything's good Uh, well, I already lowered your volume on on my end and it sounds fine now. So so he wants us to discuss a video in which I believe he's a feminist discusses how It's called conservative men don't understand why women won't date them Yeah, so he's basically explaining to all of us why conservative men Um fail with the ladies shall we say? Yeah, so we thought we we discussed that see if he's uh His premise is is well supported Um You want to get started or yeah Let me uh And we'll go until he repeats himself. So pay attention to whenever he starts to just Go over material that he's already gone over All right. I'm going to play the video now If you're watching this on short, you should be able to see the game in the video at the same time At the same size, but if you're watching horizontally, you're you're going to miss, you know, some parts of the video So all right. Well, anyway, let's get into this. I don't know this guy's name. I don't really care So it's fair to say conservative men have not been hiding They're like basic hatred of women Especially on platforms like twitter now you guys know So I guess it's fair to say so he said so that must make it true Awesome. He also has defined what conservative is awesome Okay, I guess we're just going to have to just take his word for it He obviously is the one good man. He knows well. He's not going to tell us allyson This is the way these people work We'll see we will see but Conservative basically is every man that isn't him probably yeah every man that isn't him exactly any man wasn't No, no, not even that It if i'm being really charitable, it's probably going to be any man who has standards I'm like that's it right because he's just like it's fair to say Is it? I think we're starting off on the wrong foot right off the bat like is it fair? Is it though? Well, is he going to be lying in this again? No, is he going to like infervatives like let's find out. Let's find out, but I have a feeling I have a feeling this guy. I don't know Let's see it's fair to say conservative men have not been hiding They're like basic hatred of women Especially on platforms like twitter now you guys know I've really tried to reduce my usage on twitter and I have I've deleted it off my phone I'd say I've reduced my usage by about maybe over 95 Sometimes I do go on it though because I just want to you know grasp what the conversation is And something that was going around recently on twitter Which I think highlights a lot of things I spoke about on this channel Was there a couple like tick tots of women complaining that they basically couldn't find a man who I'm surprised women complaining Yeah, so there are women online complaining And conservative men are the problem already I see where you see what I mean like this is so So predictable Like yeah, the women complaining is okay Yeah All she wants a wilder who you know this this posting this tweet says It's got a picture of this woman in her car Making a video about how she can't find a man that's going to basically give her everything she wants Because I've seen this video and she's like ultra entitled And she wants it all and she doesn't understand why there where there aren't men lining up to give her everything And there's this guy that's like all she wants is to find her man and she's sick and tired of waiting um Yeah, I wonder why the climate is the as it is lady Why is the climate How can we blame conservatives? Yeah, let's blame conservatives. I don't know. You know what it is. I know you're not I know But I know what what what it is is is that there are going to be some men That are going to say well tough luck like people like me and he is saying oh any man Who thinks that these women You know have some I don't know some soul searching to do That their standards are high that they're coming across as entitled those are conservative men to him This is what I mean, okay But anyway, let's let's play some more And The comments weren't sympathetic, but it seems like a thing conservative male twitter likes to do It's just laugh at women's misery when it comes to this stuff Um and in that it reveals a lot but also though Yes, he conservative male twitter is men laughing at women who are posting their l's online Women posting their l's and the men who react to them. That's conservative men on twitter Can we just stop can we just stop? Even confronting or dealing with the word conservative at this point Can we just accept that it's useless? No, no, no, I don't I don't mean this guy because this what these people do These people do that they use conservative as a pejorative They do it so frequently that people feel the need to defend themselves And it puts them in a box that they're not supposed to be in because they're fighting a battle. They're not meant to win So it's time to just ignore that Ignore it point out understand that when they say conservative they're just saying like chug in cell You know mra. It's the same shit. They're just saying that I've been trying to get people to I've been trying to get people to understand this since fucking kevin logan They dare they don't say it because they're trying to find a term They're saying it because they're trying to put you in a box If you have standards, it makes you conservative. That's what they're saying because they're gonna be in a box And then they're gonna put you in bigger box And then they're gonna mail the box to themselves and get the banner Yes, search with a hammer Someone the exact long dick is Absolutely throwing a fit in the chat saying turn off the music um Just one person though, so I don't know uh, all right So let's let's uh, let's play some more, but i'm just saying let's let's say Stop responding to what the allegations are because they're not they're not logical Applying saying Well, this woman would never date me Someone who has a lot to offer her like financially like I you know, i'm a veteran i'm retired I have a pension and stuff all that stuff makes me good. Oh, like i'm six foot free That makes me like worthy and all the replies talk about this makes it clear that Men specifically still don't understand what makes someone attractive in relation to you Especially because that conservative that can's men just like yeah because else and that's what this is that's what i'm saying Like look, I don't know this guy probably doesn't know how stupid he is But i'm gonna back up a little bit. I'm just gonna explain okay Men have already been put in a black category black category is a Maoist thing There were the black categories that when you invoke a certain Like demographic of people like men People are supposed to have a visceral emotional negative reaction to that black category So some black categories are men white people Christians Conservatives republicans right wingers libertarians all of those are black categories according to these people. So if they just say men They're also saying conservative men white men white conservative men white cisgender heterosexual Conservative men it is Just that it's just i said your thing and you're supposed to feel some kind of way And if you don't feel a certain kind of way, i'm gonna make sure that my audience has a visceral emotional reaction To what i have said that's why he can just say Conservative men are this and then later on like not even a minute later say men Because it's the same thing. It's the same thing So Forget the adjectives. They're useless. Okay, just forget them. These people don't use them in good faith They are being dishonest. I'm sure this guy is not a hit with the ladies either But he's trying to be the good man the one good man Which is what he this whole thing is probably going to be Just so he gains favor with women. I hope she sees this bro. I don't get it like The woman did indeed say what she wanted. She wanted financial security. These guys are like, yeah, I could offer that to you And he's like, no, that's not what the woman wants. Well, yeah, they're not they don't want what they say they want I know what women want. Yeah, that's a little bit great be there my friend a little bit maybe You know what? I'll turn the music off completely and you can just watch me flail All right, are you gonna do this without music? Yes, it's only it's only one. No, it's just one spur galson. It's just one spur You can ignore the one spur right because it's just one Like, you know, it's just one I mean if we had to respond to every spurgy comment, Allison, we wouldn't have content We wouldn't have content at all because somebody would be like too many colors And somebody would be like, I hate this vaporwave theme and somebody else would be like, what's with the cartoon avatars And somebody would be like, what the volume is wrong on this person? That guy's too loud Just can we just stop it? Can we just stop trying to appease everybody? You just can't You just can't so look You can stay or you can go and that's all I hope you stay because you might get something of value Because maybe the actual topic of discussion is more important than where our sound levels are at Or whether or not we're using the latest fucking microphone Or how fast our internet is or how many frames this is running at or whatever the fucking music is Okay And i'm not sprugging out. I'm just Expressing a little bit of frustration. Happy father's day by the way Oh god. Did you see that? Which is what today is The guardian put out No, but i'm sure that they Put out some kind of clickbait bullshit Oh, yeah, they did essentially that was one of those Articles where they talk about their kids saying something You know Uh a little susie talked about the need for uh some, you know Geopolitical position and she's only three Oh How she she's being killed by people's use of hydrocarbons and she's only nine months Oh, is that like a the woke the woke children of like 2016 2017? They're back. They're back. Yeah, the woke children except this one was three year olds My daughter came to me and said Yeah, she's a little boy asking his mother Why he had to celebrate the inferior parents on father's day. Oh my god That's a statistical analysis mommy and my dad gives me 95 less 10 days i couldn't i couldn't answer my my child I worked i sobbed She said my little girl came to me and said mommy are we gonna live in the handmaid's tail? I couldn't tell her no. Yes. I wept. I sobbed I remember those Those were the days Don't forget that men hate you utterly and they've constructed as a society to press you Oh That happy father's day everyone. Yeah, happy your parent day. Happy happy father's day seriously though Yeah, it's up there you guys you guys You're all we got really you're all we got at this point You are the thin red line between human race. You are the final the last bastion so Oh goodness. All right. Thank you d 503 says the body. Oh is okay, by the way Teal deer is in the chat says the greatest spurg you must defeat is the spurg in your mind since you Yeah, I I have not only defeated him. I have speed ran him But okay, so I wanted to share the tweet that this guy is talking about so this guy named be cactual bk actual Bravo kilo actual who tweeted says um My app experience. I'm assuming he means tender. I'm 6 to 205 pounds all my hair all my teeth fit It's decently okay looking retired veteran full benefits my own place at the beach My own business in three years on dating apps. I matched with tons of chicks Maybe three of them were willing to meet in person and it never went anywhere so um that's that that's kind of That that's kind of the standard right now, right? Like you can be this guy and still be striking out with women and of course it's still his fault according to the creator of this video what we have the only commentators we have Are men like this who are watching like the in cell blob growth because that what that's what that means This is the growth of the in cell blob Now it's not just you know autistics who are introverted and maybe a little bit more emotional and neurotic Now it's veterans with their own businesses who are six foot two and probably could kill a man with their frickin thighs Yeah, he's there in cells now It's like sparrows egg Yeah, all right. Let's play the rest of more of this video Like i'm six foot free. That makes me like worthy And all the replies talking about this makes it clear That men specifically still don't understand what makes someone attractive in a relationship It wasn't what that woman was asking for it's all like a financial proposition Yeah, but though literally the women are actually saying this is what I want And they're putting it in their profiles and men are like hey, I I I qualify on all of those All of that criteria. I meet that criteria. Why am I still why am I still unsuccessful? And that's and he's like you shouldn't have the right to you don't understand women I am the pussy whisperer. I know exactly what's going on and even though they're telling you what they want That's not what they want and you're wrong for listening to them Oh, do well, maybe he's saying that because um this woman has said what she wants and this guy obviously meets what she wants Yeah, and yet it's still striking out That he's he's going to tell us all What this woman is actually saying she wants somehow. I don't think this guy is six foot Sorry Does he have a girlfriend? I don't know. He's got a lot of posters on his wall something. I don't know Silver youtube Thing because of course, you know, these are the guys that get over a hundred thousand subs But anyway, let's let's listen a more and as you're going to see in some of these replies They're talking about these women being lonely because feminism is basically trick them Yes, yes, it has it's like to them Also, they're uh, let's let's face it. I don't think feminism inherit an invented hypergamy No, but it's using it. It's basically using this way feminism is making things worse And it's not addressing the problem Because I think that ultimately what we're dealing with is a situation that's also compounded by what women naturally want Mm-hmm You know, and we don't want to talk about that. Okay. That was that doesn't count. That was fucking that was not on master It was only on expert Was it hard? Yeah, it was hard I mean like I've never I this is the second time playing this game So yeah, it's fine. I mean See a lot of games that I sucked at and I did it on on the internet um Okay, it says Is another tweet so he's gonna respond to at some point We have to look at the freedoms that liberation provided in the revolution and think about whether they were worth it He's putting freedoms liberation and revolution in quotes Is it more or less likely for more children to be born and to grow up with their grandparents's love? Isn't that a good unto itself? Oh good question ib sounds like you're trying to oppress women though This this game is pressing me. You don't have to conform You don't have to be like your parents or grandparents and just marry someone very young give up your life Give up your job have children and that's what your role may think that's a good thing And now these women are like lonely and can't find a man. They're like well We told you feminism Was bad, but we've covered the tradwire stuff on this How old is man like what? 30 maybe I mean, I don't know man You think that your mother didn't have a fucking job like What universe like my mother had a career my mother I'm not be old enough to be his mother. So How is it that the the the the Are you suggesting that feminists like this gentleman are making Unfair comparisons to histories that never existed in order to justify their ideology Because it gets them paid That's a wild accusation that's going to require a substantial amount of evidence Oh, wait, we have the present year to look around us and see how bad things are And there's a direct correlation and it seems like this ideology is everywhere I'm going to just say it's a coincidence Channel and we know that's not a good thing. And so many of you guys. Why do we know it's a good thing? Wait, wait, wait, wait, let me go back. What's not a good thing feminism? Was bad, but we've covered the tradwire stuff on this channel and we know that's not a good thing The trad wife is not a good thing. He's saying it's you. I guess we're gonna be uh, he said we know it isn't a good thing well, let's just accept it and move on because This is the order of the day. I have said I have decreed The trad wife thing is not a good thing. We don't need to dig into this any deeper We don't need to explore this any further. It has been confirmed the experts have said so we have consensus from the universities I saw it on the view it must be true the feds And the feds all of it's confirmed by all of the people in authority and power and we all know that you shouldn't question power Because they have f-15s and we don't Like that which is almost all of them No, he would say that muslim trad wives are not trad wise the trad wife thing is specifically A white western thing because that's the only group of people you're allowed to criticize for their cultural differences because black category so And Like myself who were in those more traditional relationships will tell you yeah, it's a bad thing and often has bad outcomes But then what's so funny about these guys? Well, only you my friend. I think you're the mistake I'm sorry. I had so little sympathy for this guy. These people really pissed me off Dang it is that like neo liberal capitalism has also sold them a lie and they don't oh wow I just put a bunch of neo liberal capitalism. Yeah I'm educated. I went to a school those three words come together and they form a really strong emotional reaction All right, can you can you hear me because i'm trying to talk like I can hear you go ahead all right I'm just going to sum this all up what i've heard so far a woman has said what she wants and he's telling her no That's not what you want. How is that different than the men he's complaining about? But he really has their best interests in mine alison. Yeah Conservative men that he's criticizing they don't they clearly want to put women in the kitchen and chain them to the stove it's very different and even so like These guys this veteran who's complaining about well i on this level i seem to be fulfilling her her desires But i'm not getting women What's going on what gives well, you know who knows maybe he does have An insight let's hear it like is he going to get to it or is this going to be mostly just Throwing shade on so-called conservative men, which we now know just means men She's just going to throw shade on other men. I mean, I don't want to put money on it because I know I would win But let's just let's see You know, I'd like to see Let's see if he has something of interest to say you know like I like I saw with with all the uh the communists If you figure out like if you figure out the main problem, which is you do need a meritocracy Otherwise your society is not productive if you figure that out, you know, yeah Good on you But until you do you've only got like one fourth of a solution You only have a complaint really which is not a solution. It's just a complaint All right. Well, they want to have a conversation about having a conversation I think they're entitled to find a partner based on their finances And entitled men are entitled guys In terms of personality in terms of just everything outside the realms of finances Because they've been told their entire life if you like get a good job If you have a you know home stable income, then that is like half the battle in actually finding a relationship Yes And this is why they actually hate things like feminism because now relationships are less and less a financial proposition Because yeah, no, they still are you can have their own careers and don't need a man Financially, right, but they But they still that's still a prerequisite for men that they are more You're still not asking what women want You're not even asking what women want. You still think that a woman is going to make as much as a man or more than a man And be totally fine Just like sharing a life with him and that in no at no point is she gonna start thinking No, we're just ignoring that. Yeah, we're just gonna ignore women's like nature and preferences The songs that they write about don't know no no scrubs All of the tick talk we're just gonna ignore going to find out what Taylor Swift said, you know, but the easy girl era I'm in my I mean my What is it easy girl? I don't know. I I know what you're saying. It's uh It's the um Whatever it's the yeah, I'm not they're not they're not trying to Um, get that bag while securing their own bag. That's not happening. No That that's that's because that that would not be feminist. That's just what women do though Oh manifest still seems to think she's a feminist like so She acts like one, but he's but he's acting like That doesn't exist that women are completely like that in fact women are more pro egalitarian than men are is what he thinks We're gonna ignore We're gonna ignore all of the the songs that women write about not wanting scrubs. We're gonna ignore all of the tick talks about being in their um Their whatever era and where they want to be taking care of a Maybe we're gonna ignore hannah cox who explicitly says who supposedly a boss babe But still wants a man who does better than she does Because she's the table and he she wants him to bring something to the table We're gonna ignore the statistics that show when men make more they marry more including when they uh get they win the lottery We're gonna ignore all of that and we're gonna tell people that What women are saying they want isn't what they want Yep Okay Damn that capitalism and it's And it's concerned with property. Yeah I was almost like uh Hmm It's almost like women are promoting capitalism really If you think about it Because well they're commanding with men earn a certain amount to be eligible for consideration for dating I I mean, yeah, sure. I would argue that women promote materialism more capitalism is just like, you know Shelter clothes like it's like basically property. That's all like I don't even like to use the word because I know that's some made-up shit So I just say property rights We didn't call it a free market. It's just property rights and and he doesn't like property rights, you know Um, he and he doesn't know that women are the primary drivers of Materialism like the other ones are like I need the newest clothes. I need the newest shoes I need the new makeup. I need the new junk And men are like more than willing to get it for them Well, you know like back in the 80s the car that used to pick up chicks Well, you know, you could look back in history was like did you have the convertible? And then later it was like do you have the Ferrari and then later it was like do you have the fucking? You know Lexus and now it's like do you have the Bugatti? Oh, is it because men keep changing that? No No, no, it's because women keep asking for more. Yes That's all it is Well, yeah, how do I get that because I want to get a woman like this is just It's not fun. What men want to exclude as many men as possible from the mating game You know like they they want to be excluded You see the problem with incels is that they selected the standard so that they could be excluded Oh good lord, okay, let's let's I think we got to get another string to their bow or base Yeah, I think women in these relationships and it is scary at so many of these still think like this Because there's lots of them saying we should get rid of no fault divorce essentially. Let's Make it far harder for women to leave Like terrible marriages with wouldn't it be wait? Wait, wait, wait, why are you saying women? Is this would also apply to men? What? Well, no fault divorce would also apply to men, right? Make heart make it harder for for men to leave Well, who who who initiates the majority divorce? I'm just saying he's just revealing something. He's just revealing something right there Okay Maybe he'll get to a point like it would be good if we could get something productive out of this like he would say Hey, this is what women actually want. So maybe you could create like a standard or something move forward to something like a solution like, okay All he's doing is saying women don't want what they say they want I know what they want and men are wrong when they say that what women say they want is what they want This is so far of what it is. All right Yeah, 100,000 viewers 100,000 subscribers folks I have a feeling we're never going to learn. I just I'm just saying I'm just saying anything proactive to examples and what they will before we go any further, please Follow me on social media at the cavernacle on both my instagrams my personal and my travel instagram check me out on freds and blue sky We are talking about twitter here, but you know, I don't really use twitter that much So follow me there if you want but I don't really care And also check out my patreon page if you want to support me Try to build up as many one to three dollar patrons as possible and you get access To the discord server if you are a patreon So like I said, it seems to be a pastime for american conservative men To just post a woman complaining about how she can't like get a meaningful relationship And basically laughing at it and blaming feminism So in this clip the tiktok user and I think this is the original person called ryan spencer or maybe it's a repost I don't know and basically this Woman is just basically talking about how All her friends in relationships. They're all happy and she's had a very successful life She's got it all sorted pretty much apart from She can't find someone to share this nice life with it's fair minutes long, but I'll buy you share All right. Yeah, share So i've seen this video when you listen to her tell me that's the problem Now tell me tell me because if if this guy plays the clip Without taking anything out of context too much Does this woman sound like she's looking for a man that she's willing to share what she To share what she has Or is she looking for a man to give her something all right because i wonder like if that Share is the critical thing here like does she know how to share okay? Yeah, it's life with it's three minutes long, but i'll play you some of the relevant parts like I am so sick and tired of just Everything Right now. I have literally convinced myself at this point based on everything that everyone's telling me My therapist my family my friends That i'm just doing everything wrong. I'm healing. I'm things dark. I'm training No, she doesn't want to hear that though. Okay stop for a second She doesn't want to hear the outcome that you want you are in fact wrong No, she can't accept all the games wrong. The game she was trying to fail. I failed the game's wrong. It's not me It's the game. That's bullshit. You're not getting the outcome you want. You're not getting the goal you want Who's to blame? You this is the freaking problem with uh with um issues around meritocracy Women don't take responsibility when they're not getting what they want out of men They just don't they just insist that men are the problem and yet at some point relationships require courage They require restraint. They require self-control. They require getting out of your head They require enjoying the fact that somebody else is getting something from you Which is something that I think women like this really struggle with you cannot have a relationship unless both parties Want to make life better for the other party which means Some points your husband or your boyfriend is going to benefit from your actions and you got to be okay with that All right, you can't be like, oh my god Patriarchy male privilege. Oh, he's getting more out of the relationship than i this is bullshit. This is relationship killing thinking All right, she says she wants to share does she and if she's not getting her goal Everybody around her is 100 right change your approach Well, let's listen to her. Um, let's hear it. Let's hear it. Let's find out I mean, I know what she actually says so but Everything I do is fucking wrong and i'm so sick of it. Stop comparing. It's not even about comparison Like I genuinely just want love in my life. So Really? It's literally not about anyone else. It's just about me and what I want. I feel you want love so badly But you will not take responsibility Don't did you hear that? Let's let's listen again. Let's just listen. Let's again. Okay, very important here. She's looking for love It's literally not about anyone else. It's just about me What was that? Wait, let's hear that again. What did she say? I I feels like that's kind of an important details want love in my life. So badly It's literally not about anyone else. It's just about me It's literally not about anyone else. It's just about me. I wonder what's driving the men away I wonder I want to share as long as it but it's also just about me. She doesn't want to share dude This is why she's getting clowned Why can't this asshole see that? Because she can't even Like I have done So much work on myself. I have built a beautiful life for myself. I'm happy with my No, you're not My job. I'm successful. I'm independent I'm healthier than I've ever been. Truly the only thing I'm missing in my life is someone to enjoy it with And I'm so sick of waiting like when is it going to be my turn What more do I have to do where I'm allowed to meet this Universe soulmate person that God supposedly has for me How much harder do I have to pray and manifest and wait? I don't want I Manifest Do you see do you guys see the problem here? She's gotten she thinks that she is like essentially a prime um specimen of a human being Got it all done her shit's all like ducks in a row. I mean, I don't really know how true that is She might have problems, but let's assume that all of this is true And yet she's not finding a man now Statistically, that's impossible. There are probably men. She doesn't look. She's not unattractive. Okay, so there are men who have approached her Definitely like a hundred fucking percent. So if she has been approached by men For sure, there's no way that didn't happen And she's not finding the soulmate and she's got all of her ducks in a row Is it the fault of all the men that she is either ignored or turned down? Or is it something that she's missing because you know when you have all your material things in order That's great, but guess what That men are not impressed by how much shit you have That doesn't impress men. They don't care about how much money you have. They don't care if you own your own business They don't care about those things. They want a woman Especially at this age what men want most from a woman is someone who's going to bring peace into their life Peace Does she bring peace? I'm not I don't know the answer. I'm just gonna put it out there. Does she bring peace? But here's the thing like she says she wants that But does she actually want a companion because I mean people need to realize that Being a companion is not necessarily easy Sometimes it's work Yep You know it's an it can be an effort. It's like very rewarding It's like any taking on any kind of responsibility But you're taking on response in a way you're taking on responsibility for another human being is she prepared for that You know, if you if you aren't taking on responsibility for your life partners needs Why are you having why do you why are you in a partnership? And I don't from what what I've been hearing and what you've been pointing out This individual doesn't have the least skills For taking care of another person's needs Well, I mean, I'm not seeing any evidence of it all I'm all I'm hearing is Mimi me Yeah, I I Now now now All right, let's listen to some more. I don't expect a lot I really just want love in my life so bad. I want My life partner. Am I just supposed to be alone? Like is that the message that this beautiful life I've built for myself? Like it's just supposed to be me in it alone all of my friends Have their how do you build your life friends and their husbands that they prioritize like as far as I'm concerned I've been left behind and I really just want to do Find that person that matches my energy and that matches my energy see Look, I I feel for this woman Honestly, so I watched this video and why I feel for her is because she has been told a lie She's been told the lie that she has to be like a man to find a man and She's also probably like done a lot for herself and then said okay now I won't settle less for less than you know xyz from a man because I Have done this and None of the men are measuring up. That's why when she says match my energy Like I don't know what that means, but that sounds like really hypergiveness shit So what are you gonna? What are you gonna end up with and I feel bad, but it's like None of this was necessary like, you know what would be She says she's manifesting right Okay, well, where's the space for a man in your life? You're saying all I want to share this perfect okay, but When let's let's look at it in terms of manifesting you got to make space for it I mean if we're going to go for the woo, let's go for the woo If you're going to manifest you got a place for it So you got to make space for a man in your life And if you're going to be the man and you're expecting a man is even more of a man That sounds like a never-ending trail treadmill Like I want somebody to match my energy. How about you want somebody who's benefited by your energy All right, somebody who's life better because you're in it That's making space and I'm I don't even go into oh Men don't want women who are she's not offering what a man offers I'm sure she could find a young man who would love to live with her in her house And enjoy the things that she has You know, but that's not what she's into. I'm guessing You know because she doesn't If you want a man in your life, you got to make room for a man Right, and it's not just that you want your life to benefit some way to be of benefit to him And you want to approach the relationship I'm going to exit this so you don't have to hear the sounds you said you don't you own approach You approach the relationship in terms of how do I benefit them? But also you have to give room for a man to benefit you because they like that You know Men like to feel like They're they matter And that they've done something that has Made your life better. They really like that You know, so you have to make these kinds of spaces in your life and doesn't sound like you have In fact, I don't even know if you have the right mentality for wanting a man Because it sounds more like you're upset that your girlfriends have got something you don't have That's the energy to bring your relationship and you know I'm I'm probably everything we're saying is not the same as what the conservative said or these conservative men that he's calling out of said Um, maybe they said something different like what are your standards lady? I mean, I I have all of this What more do you want? um And I could answer that uh women want men who are Who they feel have greater moral authority Simple as that like, uh, and this is like even taking Sex out of it people are attracted to other people who they feel are more morally developed and because we got rid of Christianity And it's sort of focused on that kind of moral development, but also the focus on the idea that men Have or attain a higher level of moral development While that we've gotten rid of that, you know, the average man can't access it So he's he doesn't matter how much of a a badass you are how much you make Um, you're not hitting that note and I don't think any woman really can describe that Because I don't know like like most people women don't have self-awareness You know, I'm not saying most I most people don't really like this is just a But anyway, let's show me I mean, how far have we gotten in like I feel like we're six six minutes Oh Okay, let's keep going All right, I don't I don't have a time. I don't know the way I don't think she specifically references dating apps, but that's like part of the problem And you're gonna see the dating app thing come up a lot in this video So I might as well address it so this person is talking about how they can't find someone compatible with them And I sympathize with that to some degree like I've been in a long-term relationship pretty much since dating apps were even a thing With my girlfriend who I met in high school And I was thinking about this recently in terms of if we ever broke up Would I even want to date again like in any capacity in like the near future like a couple years after and i'm just thinking like no because The dating landscape at the moment just seems Really unappealing in terms of dating apps. And I know what I'm like personally and not how picky I Are dating apps Okay, dating apps So you're saying it's unappealing because of Dating apps that's like that's like when people blame the internet Or social driving is unappealing because of cars Yeah Okay, let's keep going all right I feel like this is a thing like to like okay. So he said I've been dating in a long-term relationship Ever since dating apps were a thing with my girlfriend from high school. So you didn't meet your girlfriend on a dating app then right? No, I mean you knew her from high school. So This is it sounds like Comparison that makes no sense unless you met your girlfriend On a dating app and then right afterwards realize you guys went to the same school Which I also find hard to believe but It sounds like you you're really not wanting to actually confront the fact that Sexual selection has gone like completely off the rails And it's in and the divide between men and women has ever been bigger And a lot of it does have to do with women's liberation um I think I do liberation from what it seems like there never been more chain Well liberation is doesn't mean like um This is what people think it means like I don't want to get into it, but it's like the the sort of like marcuzian Version of liberation, which is really more like what you're saying. It's like an enslavement um So but the the point is is that There's a reason why women have gone like their their uh Tastes and their preferences have gone off the rails while men have stayed relatively the same Um, yeah, can I just point something out here? Yeah He says oh, I sympathize with this woman and yet his his body says something different He watches this and he says thank god. I don't have to date this woman. That's what he's saying Mm-hmm. I know he's not specifically explicitly saying it but think about the uh lack of self-awareness that generally people have And the proximity of what he's saying. He's watching this woman and she's thinking thank god I don't have to date today. Yeah, and they even says I don't know that I would date if I broke up with my current girlfriend Yes, and it's like wow that's fucking dark Like is that really what you want? You know, I know it's not like these people lie to themselves all the time Oh, I I would never want to do that. Yes, you do. You just don't want to admit it Well, I mean even so he's he's revealing something about himself. He's revealing that in response to this woman his Emotional response is to say ick to this woman. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. He's just not being honest with us or himself Yeah, exactly I'll play some more to find someone you really vibe with and I know that because of how hard I've actually Found making friends as I've gone older now I still have a lot of friends and I'm thinking about I'm actually going to something at the weekend with a lot of my friends but I was thinking about What age did I make friends of these people so the earliest ones there I made friends when I was about five years old So that was in primary school and then secondary school for a lot of the others So about 12 years old and a few of them about like 16 years old when we like mixed classes But nearly every single person I'm meeting at this thing I've been friends with since school in some capacity and for a lot of reasons It's actually good to still have your school friends because you're also different, but you still get on so you get that I'm pausing it there for a second. I want to jump to a different part Um, I can't let me see here. Let me see Challenge to the finding medium collection on apps the hindrance the finding a partner entitlement and self improvement Let me make him jump to that. So where is this at? See Come on now help me get there. Let me get there. Okay, six. Oh, I already started that section prioritizing emotional compatibility and personal growth in relationships I don't know. Is this guy gonna get into like why conservative men are the worst thing ever or what? Apparently, uh, we're just outside of that Yeah Uh, apparently we're just going to uh say that And then have the same emotional response that the conservative men had to this woman Like I mean come seriously the conservative men are like what the And he is also saying what the fuck he's just not being honest with himself Because the first thought is watching this woman is thank god. I don't have to date now And by the way lady if that's if that's the response men are having to you Um, it is a you thing Like even this this sort of like femi or feminist Is having that emotional response to this woman. She must be So unbelievably like repulsive That she She and he's not he's not being admitting it. He's not admitting. He's not saying. Yeah, actually it's this woman that's making me Just suddenly realize hey, thank god. I don't have to date today You know Yeah Oh, okay I will see if he gets to something real world work and university for example Well, I'm out of my bubble. How hard or easy did I find it? Well, I think I made four real friends in the whole university like sure You have like those like mates that you might go drinking with or go to the pub with but in terms of actual friends You stay in contact with after okay. Yeah, for me. It's as compatible as possible He's really processing like let me tell you what's happening here He's processing an emotion. He doesn't want to take responsibility for that's why he's going on this long tangent Um, yeah, I'm gonna really Yeah, that but that emotion is repulsion towards that woman like you you must be Lady if you're repulsing the the male feminists Something seriously wrong if you're making them Yeah, they're they're wrestling. They're trying to wrestle with this reality that Like the one thing they can't accept is that there are cases where women become entitled And men are not And they're and they're unable to process that they have to like always frame women As the victims of men's entitlement and this woman is clearly like she this is the thing Okay, what you want isn't necessarily what's best for you and this woman is struggling because she's in a place where She she has pursued what she thought she wanted and is finding that she is more unhappy Because it is actually what turns out. It's not what is best for her and she may be looking in the wrong places to find this misery like her peers who maybe they did Do something completely different. Maybe they were just like I'm gonna find a man and we're gonna partner up and we're going to build a life together as a team Or whatever it is or i'm gonna find a man and i'm going to you know, um For lack of a better word submit to him like his moral authority not necessarily You know like a a servant or anything like that. I'm going to we're gonna form a partnership We're gonna build a family together. Well, you don't matter what if you're in a partnership. You have to submit sometimes Yeah, that's what i'm saying. It is a when I say submit though again This is one of those words that's been made Emotionally charging for people and they're gonna hear it and say oh my god Do you mean the handmade jail? It is like stop it retard Take a zanax and sit down. I'm talking about like the fact that sometimes you and your partner You have to like submit to them because maybe they're right about something or they should have authority in a given situation And here's the thing there's a recognition in that whole construct that men submit to certain aspects of women too And that is that men tend to put Women's benefit first and it's even said in the bible. You know, it's like Women submit and I think it's like learn from how men do things And men are called to put women first now i'm not i'm just pointing that out. I'm not i'm This is i'm just saying that i'm not saying that that's the way it has to be but it's true I mean if you're in a relationship at some point you do have to submit You do have to allow your partner to lead and if you can't do that then you're probably not going to be in a very good relationship And um or and you're definitely not going to be in a relationship where you feel secure as a woman period like this this lady's not um So The point is that that is that that is a skill and it requires courage like submission requires courage and nobody tells anybody about that To be willing to submit requires courage and discipline and self development and um, you know like a But to get back to this guy, I think that he's just repulsed by her entitlement So he's going into this long ask and like, I think feminist men tend to be more on like the in self phenotype kind of thing Where they're oh, they're they process things more verbally. So he's had a strong emotion Now he's processing it and he's going into this long thing about oh well I didn't want to get friends because it's hard to vibe with someone and actually what's happened is she he's had a strong Disgust response to this woman And his immediate response was oh, thank god. I don't have to I don't have to engage with a person like this That was his immediate response. Did you guys notice that? Like i'm so glad I don't have to date because of uh, well, not this woman Uh, something else, uh, dating apps and also because it's really difficult for me to Buy market get get further from the topic and further from the topic because I have trouble making friends You see what he's doing Yeah, he's running from the same disgust response that the conservative men had except he's not He's not taking responsibility for it Now I don't think this guy is dangerous, but this is something i've seen with and there are some feminist men who are dangerous They have a disgust response to women a very strong disgust response, but they do not Recognize it on a conscious level. So all of that filth all of that sort of corruption and disgust gets buried deep within them They don't process it and if you are unfortunately if you're in a position at some point As a woman where you fail to uphold their identity as a one good man that can erupt onto you And i'm not saying that this guy's dangerous. You know that might that eruption might just be like a complete implosion on his part But some guys are some guys are very dangerous some feminist men are very dangerous this process of cons of trying to Swallow your disgust towards men women is a dangerous process You're much better off with men who are conscious of it and are just like no this woman is disgusting Um and don't internalize it Like is that that's the problem like men internalize this they they they um swallow it They they they put it into like a lava chamber inside them And I mean if you're lucky that never explodes if you're unlucky it does And you end up in a situation that we we we we were tangentially A part of uh, okay, right. Okay. I'm gonna play more This guy posted it said all she wants to find a man and she's sick and tired of waiting Then asks grok twitters like right wing ai um grok right wing ai grok Uh, yeah, okay sure dude sure but again he's when he says right wing he's it's not because it is right wing It's just like when he says conservative men. It doesn't mean they're conservative men He's just putting him in a box So that you have a reaction to it. So don't fall for it But it says grok says there are two main types of narcissism grandiose and vulnerable grandiose narcissists are typically arrogant Confident and assertive while vulnerable narcissists are more insecure sensitive and self-conscious Both types share a core belief in their own superiority and a need for validation from others Is that a lie? Is that right? Is that right wing buzzword action or is that just The problem is that they're applying it to a woman and he doesn't he doesn't believe that women Like that that's the thing like he has an emotional response to women as you can see He had an emotional response to this woman and that emotional response was discussed So he is actually judging women based on her actions, but his ideology Does not allow him to acknowledge that on a conscious level right so he has to He has to essentially put that Acknowledging women's behavior as negative And as disgusting he has to put that on his scapegoat and then ritually like um Destroy it or deny it So essentially what's happened is he's had this um discussed based emotional reaction to this woman And now he's going to blame his own emotions on Conservative men, which is a meaningless category when he says conservative men. He's just saying everything That I experience emotionally that's inconsistent with my identity As a as a person who regards women as infallible You see what i'm saying? Yes, this is how scapegoats work Yeah, everything that we feel is inconsistent with our identities That are precious to us. We we put on the scapegoat and then we say well, of course We're not that man. I mean I had the same feeling as these conservative men But i'm not them because i'm not part of that category You know and it's basically a very childish approach Okay, all right, i'm gonna play boc says there are two types of narcissism grandiose and vulnerable Grandiose narcissists are typically arrogant confident and assertive while vulnerable narcissists are more insecure sensitive and self-conscious Both types share a core belief in their own superiority and a new for validation for others So that's what he's saying in response to this video i showed you that this person is a narcissist Because they can't find someone to share their life with how does that make someone any type of narcissist? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no again, this is emotional groping by this guy That's not what they're responding to they're not responding to the fact she can't find a partner They're responding to the terms that she uses the framework she uses her attitude the fact that Even though she's made this perfect life. She literally says it's not about anyone else It's about me and what i want she literally says it word for word Okay, literally says it Yes, literally and also apparently her desire to have a partner isn't because she actually wants a partner It's because she's got fomo because all of her friends have one Right, so it's still about her even then it's not about like what can I work on what what personality quirks What what can I work? What are my values? Not like how much shit do I have like what do I believe in? What are my values like what do I what do I have that I can share with a man if we lose everything Like if we lose everything tomorrow if the economy collapses on itself tomorrow and we're like we're homeless and we have no We have nothing. What do we have? That's what that's that's really what matters. Okay, but she doesn't have an answer to that because she's just like oh I got my own business again. It's like what I said before You know if you remove people too much from The world as it as fragile as it is There the the she seems like the same kind of person that we're going to a whole foods and see that they're out of like You know her fucking avocado toast and she's like well. Don't you have any in the back? That's that like where is the back? You know and yeah like it's just separate from reality All right. Well also like Yeah, the way that she's talking about the issue Is very narcissistic if you listen to it. It's a very narcissistic approach Groc apparently picked up on that and just said she's she might be a vulnerable narcissist This guy picked up on that Like I guarantee he picked up on that on emotional level, which is why he went into the oh, I'm so glad I don't have to date today I wonder why you suddenly thought of that when you watched that woman. Hey brian Yeah, and then he starts to grope away from his his his emotional response of disgust He's starting to rationalize it. He's rationalizing it because it's inconsistent with his identity Which doesn't allow that women can be disgusting Like let's just be frank like women can be disgusting I'm not even talking about physically. I'm talking about. Oh, yeah, emotionally Psychologically intellectually they can present themselves in a way that's repulsive and he can't handle that Because he's identified with women being Socially desirable. What that means is that they're always the ones that you measure social desirability against so they can themselves can never be disgusting because they are the measurement of disgust And in order to recognize his emotional response of disgust, he'd have to deny his own identity So he starts going off on these Intellectual tangents but rationalizing it then he goes and he says oh look this person had this or the grok has the completely Neutral recognition of why I felt disgust listening to her I'm going to say grok is right wing even though Uh, you know I'm having the same response as all of these right wing people or as all is these right wing men And grok is giving a neutral explanation of where that response is coming from i'm going to say that is the right wing response That is incompatible with my identity petui petui pet pet petui You know, and then and then I don't have to take any responsibility to it So that he groves through this process of rationalization ending with scapegoating and now he doesn't have to take responsibility On an intellectual level for his physical response to this woman, which was disgust But that disgust's still there friends. It's still in him He's just justified why is that process it Besides creating a nice new cause and success over starting a family She fell for it just like the rest and you'll see this a lot. Isn't that capitalism? Oh, wait, she breaks for her. She's been While he's blaming capitalism Okay, this guy's this guy's a commie. So he hates capitalism. He thinks capitalism is the reason why women are sad So not you know men and capitalism in fact Men capitalism patriarchy conservatism. Those are all Essentially the same thing for this guy. Okay, but they all mean what would he What would he what would he okay? So he's saying that this woman Is disgusting because insert scapegoat This woman is disgusting to me because insert scapegoat because capitalism, but what would he what would he rather her do? Not pursue a career. Well, women shouldn't see the thing is women should be able to desire things um But I you know what I'm I I let's hear what he has to say All right, let's not open good through feminism and the root society has gone We all need and deserve love. I still get angry at these women, but every now and then I just have pity for them Obviously i'm not suggesting they take they are to take zero accountability And that is everyone else's fault for the situation But they were lied to by those closest to them and they should have been there to protect them So obviously I know what the alternative these people are suggesting is basically like women don't have careers anymore Well, I always find a communist Are people supposed to be defined by their careers by their activity in the capitalist system? I thought you were a communist Are we abandoning that now? Well, he thinks that like nobody should work but If we're going to have a system where people work everybody should work Because we they're all are all miserable like if if men How are we ever going to have a different system? If women don't value something different Like does he think that he's going to construct a system in complete defiance of what women value? And he says everybody else is the misogynist Like Okay, uh, uh, go ahead brian. It's it's not meant to be understood. It's just meant to be done You're right. It's meant to just be like This emotion is actually an ocean of the right wing My disgust for this woman and her behavior is actually, you know, right wing. Therefore, it's not mine Yeah, he triggered it's meant to something like that Feminism, okay So I'm sort of like weirdly like anti-capitalist lens, but just for women is that they say oh yet Having a career Working for the man It's also so destroying wouldn't it be better if you just like started a family and focus on the family things that are more important Right, but they never apply this to the overall system of oh, yeah, it's all bullshit It pretty much always nothing for men and women Hey, look. Hey guys. Hey, look I didn't know he was a communist. I presumed it. I prejudiced him, but I was right Because I'm always right about that. So of course, no, I am. I am. I knew it I was like he's a commie and sure enough he comes out and he goes, well, look Actually, and he does this fucking, you know, he hits us with the rhetoric bomb where he's like, well It's weird because you know conservative men meaningless term Um, they actually like kind of hate capitalism, but only for women But then they and they try to convince women that working for the man is so destroying but they won't just go all the way with it Oh weird Because they recognize that meritocracy is necessary for the functioning of a society And conservative men specifically want men to take it on the chin Yeah, but I mean, like at the same time, it's like Why this is the thing that's funny about about these guys They think that Having a job and working a job and earning money is somehow Putting you in a privileged position over people who don't that's why he's like, why are you taking away women's right to work? Women should be able to work too But then they also try to convince you that working is actually like It sucks and you shouldn't have to do it because you're working for the man and you're making the ceo 1% rich And and yet and it's just barely enough for you to live off of so why are you doing that? But also don't deny it from women like there's this is why it's not worth Like trying to go through the logic of it. Okay, men work Despite the fact that many of the times much of the time they hate their job Because they understand that providing for a family is more important than liking their job So they make a choice. It's almost like life is nothing but trade-offs And they make this choice and they follow through on that and communists are mad because they want to be like 24 hour Video game streamers for the cause and they don't want to live in reality Where men have to go out and just be like garbage men and work in sewers and work the power lines and go to the fucking coal mines Or whatever it is because they want to provide food and shelter for their fucking families And they can't even see and they would prefer that their wife, you know was like either um You know helping with the family the actual rearing of children Them being like in the workforce to just because equality whatever the fuck that even means Which doesn't mean anything like men give their resources to women willingly And then women vote so that the state takes it from them by force On top of that and men still are like that. Okay, you know We'll just go with that And then people like this try to convince women that the same men who are at once giving them money And their resources and their time and their blood, sweat and tears fucking by their own free choice While those women are are using the state to take resources from them and redirect them to women By force and then these people comes like this guy are trying to convince them that those men are the bad guys And that if any of them say, you know, I'd like to find a woman that's not going to like put me through hell And maybe we'll help out around the house. He'll be like, oh, that sounds really entitled Even though that's literally what he wants He just won't say it because he doesn't want to be considered conservative because it has that buzz Electromagnetic fucking emotional black category shock value attached to it And you can't like even I can't even address this in the realm of reality because I have to continually fight against the fucking buzzwords So anywhere there you go Okay All right, let's play some more. Let's play some more So we should be free to do what we want better side. No, it's sold us and bad for women So please but nobody gets to do what they want Everyone does what they bust and then like if they get a little bit of free time, maybe they will try to enjoy themselves Why do you why do why do people like that? You know this this must be your job This must be his job because he seems to think that men who get up in the morning and leave their house at like 7 a.m To go to a job are just doing whatever they want and they're not actually working You're submitting that um, okay. He's saying that conservatives admit that Work is soul destroying Um, and it's horrible Um, but they don't want women to have to do it and that's the thing like Yeah, men don't men want to give women their resources like they want Structured absolutely men are doing the soul destroying shit to keep society running Women are enjoying the the fruits of their labor um And uh, yeah, that's exactly the way the conservatives want it Because they believe that men should take it on the chin Have you not noticed that? We're not talking about conservatives Allison. We're talking about normal man Like what how is it going to work in in corporate or our communism? Does he think that like everyone's gonna have to work in communism? Like there's gonna be camps camps for that Yeah, there's like There's not gonna be like this Zeitgeist robot farms Work was just invented by capitalists to keep the proletariat down. That's what he thinks Yes Where do you think resources come from? Somebody has to acquire them Until we live in like Heaven the resources are in the back That those resources are going to be difficult to acquire and dangerous And conservative or prefer that men take those risks Well men prefer to take those risks if i'm going to use his black category to define people Let's say uh People who are interested in a traditional arrangement of the sexes Which isn't really that traditional because women did a lot of the work throughout human history Yes, women worked. Yes And I can sort of sympathize with the women who do want to be useful like i'm i'm a woman who wants to be useful You know I'm i'm a woman who wants to build things and make stuff and Be able to do something difficult So I sympathize with that Um, yeah, but but But that I mean i'm not going to i'm not going to say that conservators are what they're not they're not They want men to occupy the more difficult position in society and they want them to do it in order to protect and provide for women That's their position. That's the traditionally masculine position All right. I don't know why he's mystified by it and they don't want Men to stop occupying that position Because they know somebody has to and I think the problem with this thinking is he thinks that nobody has to do the line work Nobody has to do the sewer work. Nobody has to do the utilities work. It just looks It just it just happens. It doesn't just happen This this is necessary work conservatives look at the world. They see the necessary the dirty the difficult the dangerous And they say men should be doing those jobs to provide women Uh, not just with the utilities that they're making But also to provide women with a nest a household that they can enjoy leisure and safety and security and raised children And occupy themselves with whatever hobbies or interests that they have You know the assumption maybe the assumption was the conservatives think that there was going to be like a huge revolution and female philosophy Like a new greek philosophical age and then we got feminism. So that was sort of taken off the table But you know like who knows they just they just believe that women are the ones who should get the benefit Of men's labor And men shouldn't and that's why they advocate this way And when they look at you when they look at this concert this communist dude What they see is a man who doesn't believe that men should be the ones sacrificing themselves and the dangerous dirty And difficult jobs that the men shouldn't be the ones sacrificing themselves in the workplace in order to create a little shangar law for their wives You know and they see that and they see a man who disgusts them because they don't see him as a man They see him as a man who is shirking his duty to put women first And and he doesn't understand them because he's like well, why don't you advocate that for men and it's like well You don't you you have this Stereotype about conservatives that conservatives don't care about women They very much care about women. They care about women way more than they care about men It's just that you guys are arguing over how best to benefit women It's so funny because both sides do that you noticed And nobody's on the side. Yeah, I don't i'm like no, I know but but i'm saying like It's just probably why we're so small. It's it's not a sides thing. It's just the way we are Let me let me qualify that. I don't think it's of women's benefit to continually see them as not in terms of their actions because That's that is a cage That that we put women in when we put women in this kind of they can only be one thing. Well, then they can only be one thing It's a cage And honestly as a woman I would rather be defined by my actions than being a woman than being defined as being a woman Right And I think that when we don't do that for women like when we do things like respect women. Well, what are you respecting? What are you respecting? Really, especially when you can't even define a woman, but you know, like so I think it's of a certain type of benefit for women to Be judged based on their actions and their moral decisions Right. I have a super chow, but go ahead. Cool. That's like our first one. All right. No, I'm done. I'm gonna go do our stupid All right, so I did get one like like Yesterday at eight o'clock. So it was like after okay because I don't think I don't think what was yesterday yesterday was saturday Right. Yeah, so we got one yesterday So there's no show, but it was in reference. I think to maintaining frame number 102. So I want to read that one out really quick first So let me Just a moment here. Um, let me put a badge hand on the screen Maintaining frame number 102 women are competing on x It was five dollars and says women transform the actions that give them the ick into a trading card game The winner of each round is the woman who comes up with the most stupid ick And then the players return to thinking of new scenarios and events that will let them win the next round of ix I bet that somehow winning the game elevates their status among other women Probably by saying something like quote. I could be so incredibly picky and choosy because I am incredibly valuable and quote this mini game sucks I think that's right. I think it's another kind of competition And it's the thing like it's okay that women are competitive with other women Just like men can be competitive with other men. But we just need to acknowledge it That's all and make it useful like put together studies like women are competitive with other women But they're competitive in terms of being productive So the most productive woman gets the highest status man So she's able to make I don't know the the most supple skin or or the most interesting quill work or whatever So we define things in terms of participation in the society And that's right. I think healthy society like if women are competing over providing for Some aspect of society You know, that's that's not bad When do it? I mean, I think part of the problem in all of this if I would be really honest Is that as a result of industrialization? A lot of the way that men women contributed and competed in a productive way disappeared And we haven't solved that Yeah, I think I you know, I think most women do want to be useful. They don't just want to be like They don't just want to be the measuring tool. They also want to go out and do stuff and that's a good quality And I I think that's a great quality in women. I think that a lot of what we're seeing the dysfunction that we're seeing in women Is because they have These impulses they want to have an external moral standard, which is now intersectionality They want to be useful so they become career women But there's no connection between that and actually you know the process of becoming a mother and having children and being in a relationship With a man and all of that other stuff There's no way of bringing that stuff together. So it all becomes really a dysfunctional mess And um, you know, and it's like I mean those are those impulses are in my opinion perfectly Respectable like wanting to participate wanting to achieve wanting to gain That a merit, you know wanting to pursue excellence Wanting to protect the vulnerable or what you perceive to be the vulnerable all of those are are worthy impulses. It's just they're Sort of twisted it to some really screwed up ends Anyway, well All right, let let me I got another super child marina real quick ash Ask run gave us five dollars and says That guy needs to talk with people who live during the USSR. He has a girlfriend now But the leader of the party can decide for him to move to the other side of the continent and his girlfriend can't move with him Her labor is needed here Uh, his there happy communism All right, well, I will I will say for the record he didn't explicitly say that he was And if you asked him directly, I've also seen this happen too where these these people dodge that and they'll be like, no, no I'm a progressive. No, no, no, I'm a libertarian socialist. No, no, no, I'm a democratic socialist. So I mean I For just to be fair. I am making an allegation It all sounds the same to me anyway, but uh appreciate the super child regardless. All right, so let's play The dividing line is this Do you realize that we need a meritocracy in society to be productive? We can't just all live off of the labor of nobody And people who are laboring should have a benefit to that labor Yeah Okay All right playing more of the come um a baby machine and my maid instead that sounds like Freedom, but of course these men it's all about control, but here Wait a second. I thought you said that um They're saying that um Well, he was he was essentially saying that the the conservative men are saying that capitalism is horrible Right or the process. Yeah, but they also think that working gives them power over women because they control the money So it makes so it's sort of like I think what he's saying is that men are willing to be Slaves to capitalism Because they can make women their slaves because they're the earning They're the ones earning the money and women have nothing something like that Like seriously feminism is based on though, isn't it? I mean, yeah, let's let's let's puncture this all right. Let's puncture this When we start when we have the industrial revolution all right That allowed men working outside the home to take over women's jobs as well Let's be honest Like because they can buy the labor saving devices that take a job done in the home from like six days a week 12 hours a day Two like five hours or three hours a day Five days a week, right? So men are actually doing women's job in the home Mm-hmm By buying the appliances that reduced that labor Down to a far more manageable amount Okay So there's no there's no This isn't a situation where they're putting women into a made position or forcing them to work in the home Because they've already done they've already like men are removing the labor of the home You see what i'm saying Yes So it's like men are basically saying hey ladies How would you like to have no job at all not even a job in the home Or only like a part-time job The only thing that you now have to do is direct the labor of all these mechanical servants. That's it That's all you have to do ladies I'll we'll buy you a whole suite of mechanical servants to do your job for you All you have to do is direct their labor you know And Huzzah we do everything So this is like framework is total bullshit Because what men are actually saying is ladies Stay at home Let us do the work And we'll buy you a suite of mechanical servants that all you have to do is just control Right And then you have a complete part-time job You don't raise children until they go to school Which will be paid for by the taxpayers You know And there you go That's your life So This is not a situation where men are saying oh well, I want you to become your i'm made and servant That's bullshit If they wanted that Of course not They would never have Made it so that women in the home had a suite of mechanical servants to do the work for them That they pay for Like That's not What it really is is that these men are saying women We want you to have the easiest most leisurely life possible and Some of us in return would like a little bit of gratitude Yeah, you get you'll like your affection is what makes us makes us willing to do this You're we're doing all of this because you demonstrate that you love us for it and that's it That's too much And that is that is oppression of women is it Okay, all right fair enough. All right, let's keep it more So go a bit viral. He says it. I think he's meant to say i'm I'm a five foot seven dude who's the manager at amazon warehouse making 55k annual that would give her the world But she probably thinks she can do better That's an issue with a lot of you and here's true problem with this mindset. It's like this weird victim mindset, right? She's saying she can't find a relationship. No, he's not he's not playing victim Are you okay? I'm gonna let him finish, but this guy's not playing victim So funny when men say this is my situation And it's not like i'm on top of the world people like this come on and say oh, you're playing the victim This is alex psych bullshit. Oh, you're playing the victim. No I'm describing my situation. It's like I get hit by a car and i'm in the street I'm like, yes, I've been hit by a car can someone call 911. Oh, you're playing the victim I'm describing my situation He's already basically saying he wouldn't be good enough because he's an average person He's five foot seven. He makes 55k Dollars a year and he would give her the world. Obviously his comment is weird. So it's like, you know, reeks of like desperation You don't even know this person. Why would you give him the world? Oh, it's because she's like fairly attractive, right? He's kind of like in the cell adjacent talking points is always about That's a decent talking points. I love it more more black categories in cell Can I just point something out? Yeah Uh, give him do you notice what he did there? He's this guy said I would give this woman the world and he's like, oh, he doesn't even know her He's just attractive But there was that I think it's the I think he's contending with his disgust towards this woman's behavior or what she said I still think he's still the content. I think I think it may be but I think there's so like, okay This guy people like this they think they know the minds of the people they're Like supposedly owning online. So they like I know what you really believe. This is what he says This is why he uses these these buzzwords like conserve these adjectives conservative men In cell adjacent men red pill men man is fear men whatever white men heterosexual men Because what he's also it's not just that he's like trying to get an emotional reaction out of the audience But you know, so when he says these men and people go, uh He's also telling them I know what really goes on in the minds of these people So when they say something online I because I have metellipath because all progressives are telepaths I can read his mind. I can tell you what he really thinks So what he's assuming is and I'll go back to the to the tweet because I think this is what's going on Ironically, I'm kind of doing it too, but I mean I just I'm just recognizing patterns He's saying that this guy says I would give her the world And what he's in suggesting is that that it's ironic to him because he thinks that these men hate these women But they're all but they're also conflicted because they want to attract these women But it's not really a conflict because the guy's saying look a guy like me average guy five seven You know 55k year works in amazon Um, he's just saying that average guys like me are not people to most women And you know, it's just the truth. It's not because these women are cruel I think it's because that women's reality is distorted by um Their their their realities distorted so like men who are average or below are they are not just Like unattractive they're invisible Like they're not even noticed So when this woman says why can't I find a man and I said earlier in this video I said it's bullshit because i'm sure there were men That are hitting on her buying her drinks whatever making offers I'm sure that there's she probably gets a lot of attention because she isn't bad looking But you see those aren't men to her they're not even people That's why she's like why can I find this man? But she has this idea in her head of the kind of man she wants and that man in her mind has not appeared He has not manifested Despite how hard she has tried to manifest this soulmate that she has in her head This is just not the way the world works and when another man says well, you know, you I would like to take you out, but you probably wouldn't give me the time of day. This guy says oh, that's ironic I thought you hate women, but you also want this woman's attention. It's like no He's describing his situation. The point of it is to say Maybe the average woman should be attracted to the average man Them and we probably all be better off and this guy's like no can't have that Women should have preferences. I mean women are entitled to preferences men or not That's that's essentially it. I think this is getting a little bit in the weeds um I think that uh Honestly, I think you're I think we should really really think about the idea that this woman is actually giving him a disgust response And he's trying to rationalize it Maybe I'm gonna play more like and the conservatives aren't getting it. Okay, bear with me bear with me The conservatives aren't expressing a disgust response They're essentially saying hey, I would love to give you the world. I would love to be your sacrificial uh creature. I would love to you know, just basically take on all of the hard stuff so you can have a life of pure leisure You can be my princess and I will be your eternal devoted slave And he's like ew This woman and he's having this emotional reaction to her, but he's trying to rationalize it away um And he's even having an emotional reaction to the attraction that these men have well, I mean Look at how he frames the whole thing about conservatives saying Uh work is horrible. So men should have to do it. And he's like, well, what why don't you just why don't you do that for men? Like you think that work is horrible, but you don't you don't believe it. So for men You don't want men to be able to get out of work And uh I think it's just this unexamined I Don't know it unexamined emotion that he's experiencing in the face of a woman Who he actually genuinely does not He does not vibe with or he thinks is you know morally repugnant, but he can't pin it on her So he's like going after the the conservatives that actually find her attractive Because they're okay with that framework of giving her everything Well, then why would he pick this video to respond to but he's not like this came out of nowhere and I caught him off guard He chose this video because he's having an emotional reaction He's having a emotional reaction to it. He needs to process his emotions over the video And he's going through the process of rationalizing it escape coding uh Being projecting instead of projecting disgust or feeling the disgust he has for this woman He feels the disgust towards the men who find her attractive And who would give her the world Like i'm i'm i'm think we're i think we're underestimating how much this is purely driven by emotion Okay, just just just think about it All right, i'm gonna play more of the video Attractive right these kind of like in so adjacent talker points is always about like oh, it's it's the woman's fault You don't know anything about this person. She never okay. Wait. I got it. I can explain it. Okay. He says well He says well the only reason he's responding to this is because she's attractive Okay, but she's also said a whole bunch of stuff, right? She's also described a whole bunch of stuff. She's expressed some aspect of her personality She said she's done this she's she have that she that you know what she says. She's a career woman Why isn't this guy being like oh well? Maybe this guy is actually responding to all of the wonderful things that she's expressing in terms of her personality in that video Do you see what i'm saying? Yeah, like that she was expressing aspects of her person Her her successfulness her career, you know her personality And this guy is presuming that other man is only responding to her attractiveness What does that say about his attitude to all of the her personality and her achievements in that video brian I don't know It says that he does not find them attractive The the feminist man. Yeah, yeah I'm that attractive. So he believes the only thing a man could be attracted to about her Is her looks i'm telling you this guy is is trying to work through his disgust Okay, let's keep going. All right. I was dating a guy. I found out he worked at amazon and I rejected him Or I reject everyone who's like sure of in the average man. No, you would just project Actually, that's I think the average man is about five seven Yeah, so in your own insecurity on this comment, but even talking about your income and job In relation to how much of a match you are for someone in the dating world Like again, it's just so insane you're prioritizing the wrong things a lot of no because she literally said I need a man to match my energy. Here's all the stuff I have like yeah, no, he's just men look this is so funny because men know that women want security and stability from men like and that manifest so that can be expressed As material goods and that is generally what it is like it may not be in every case, but in general, it's a safe bet Right, the six six six six thing is real And men know that and there there's nothing wrong with that like Well, he wants Well, anyway, I love us play more of people don't care what you do as a job because that's not what they're looking for in a partner Like sure other people out there who will see these things you just mentioned as deal break Because I can't date anyone who only makes up amount of money. Yeah, sure there will be but again This person says she's looking for more to share their life with so it's pretty clear They're talking about companion ship personality and stuff. So even if this guy led with that, it'd still be a bit weird But I'm saying okay, but no one cares. Let me let me finish up. It is and I'm pretty sure bullshit That's it. I'm not even gonna say anything else bullshit. Okay. Okay. Let me do care what job you have I do want to say something Okay, so he's now just saying that she led with all of this other stuff and yet all of this other stuff He doesn't believe is attractive I'm just saying because he said that that's man could only be attracted to her looks Right. He can't be like, oh, oh, I love everything you're saying And i'm also going to give you the world. It's only because she's attractive either this guy only thinks that Women the only thing that women bring to the table is attractiveness Or he does not find what that woman has been saying As attractive in and of itself. So if we just we replaced her with just a blank avatar What she was saying. He doesn't find that attractive. Yeah, that's what i'm getting at. Yeah, so yeah, um But the thing is that these guys are responding to something which is the average woman woman's desires, which is height and income Well, also good look. Yeah. Oh, they want to feel safe I mean, that's basically like, you know, so especially for a lot of left-wing people if I went back in the dating world I really wouldn't care what someone's like job is or income. I sure as you get older you do have to work Oh my god, dude. You don't understand like of course you don't care. You're a man It's like men don't care how much women make But women do care about how much men make It's just like we're not the same men and women are different They prioritize different things. They like different things And don't think I'm I didn't catch when he said left-wing men are basically just better men because he did say that Of course he did worry more about find where it went. I'll go back a little bit You don't worry about what a bush bougie opinion and not worry about financial stuff But i'm saying for these men No one cares. No one cares what your job is and i'm pretty sure Especially for a lot of left-wing people if I went back in the dating world I really wouldn't care what someone's like job is or ink. See which is a lot of left-wing So basically he's this is this is like this is their their technique. Okay, they say Right-wing people are greedy materialistic evil selfish, etc Left-wing people are totally not that at all And it's like it's like a rejection of reality. It's like no men and women value different things It doesn't matter what their politics is right because no matter what The uh black category that he signs to whoever he thinks is a scapegoat Is wrong. Yeah, so if conservatives are like no men should do the hard job so that women have lives of leisure He's like no, you just want to made in a slave Yeah, exactly like you won't even allow that conservatives or what you're terming conservatives. You won't even allow What they're saying to be true that they believe that the hard jobs should be done by men Yes, no men women. I'm sorry conservatives must always be wrong And also Women don't want men who make money bullshit Right, but they don't care right like there's some special trait they have Sure, as you get older you do have to worry more about financial stuff potentially buying a house or brand or maybe not being in a Marriage or relationship with loads of debt and stuff But I feel like that is thinking really far down the road most people in the world really it's very very standard jobs jobs They probably don't like that much jobs that probably don't really well But I think most people realize that is just the reality of living on the capitalism Oh With these things because these aren't desirable so I am so bored of this already. I'm done I don't get it. I don't get it. Like I'm bored Word But also it's even worse for men to do the job while women can stay at home like And stay at home. They're like women are staying at home But don't you get what he's saying? He's saying jobs are bad and it's horrible and capitalistic but but women should do them but women should do them because it's also bad for men to actually essentially free women from that like Okay Right. All right. Well because when men work and women don't men have power over women I feel like he's just repeating himself. But also it's just it's it's just like It's the programming. That's all it. We're just like this guy has he's like He's like an NPC in a video game that hasn't been properly play tested So he's just gonna like say the same shit over and over again. Welcome to corn area Capitalism is bad men are press women. That's an insult adjacent talking point That's why I think that's zero zero one one zero one one one zero Okay, that's why I think it's important to understand Why he's doing this what the motivation for it is And I think the motivation for it is as he saw this He felt disgust Towards this woman And he can't do that because women are supposed to be the ones that everybody else's social desirability has met it on So he goes and he does this video to go through Grop through a rational explanation a rationalize his disgust away from Threatening his identity. That's what i'm saying. I'm saying that that's his motive trying to reestablish his identity as female female adjacent Female adjacent he's reestablishing his identity his female adjacent Therefore he has to purge himself of the evil emotion of finding this woman disgusting by by rationalizing it out But every time he's just revealing himself Like the whole oh he can only be attracted to this woman's looks because because why because everything she's saying is disgusting Oh, well, recognizing that she's a vulnerable narcissist. That's right wing Why because I've recognized it on a subconscious level that she's a vulnerable narcissist therefore I have to Put put put this uncomfortable feeling on a scapegoat and richly say well, that's not me Feeling still there, but he's rationalized it away from himself Get what i'm saying He's like processed it away from himself. I think that's what's motivating him You know, but that's some mind reading. So take it for what it is I'm just saying like at this point. We need to know why these people have to ejaculate these talking points Why does he have to choose now to do that? See what i'm saying? Yeah, I understand That's interesting to me. Why is he choosing now? Why is he why is he trotting out his religious chant now? Why is he getting the rosary rosaries and he's you counting him out? Why is he doing this now? Why does he feel the compulsion? to Uh, I don't know reaffirm his identity now in the response to this stimulus Okay How far are we sensitive caring not someone by halfway he's himself as a victim And blames a woman that I even know for not giving them a chance Then yeah, you might have a bit more success in the dating world now a lot of people were roasting this guy in the comments But a lot of people were also agreeing with him, but um There's another tik tok just like this So I don't want to play everything in this woman's story But she just talks about like the struggle of going out Meeting new people trying to meet a guy and how it's just been a bit of a disaster a bit similar Um to the last one obviously like very emotional I'll play you a little bit a bit like I don't want to go out again. I'm tired of it I'm over it. I'm sick of it when I try like shit like this happens in Dating up And we get into an uber all the way home because I can't go have a drink Like I wanted to because I have this giant fucking bag full of shit to carry around And I get in this uber and it's this 75 year old woman with her dogs If she wants to talk about her dogs and like how she got an oil change and what did you do tonight? It was a comedy show good and like i'm being nice and polite, but all I can think about is like this is This is gonna be me Like and I know that's the worst case scenario This not even like that's a terrible thing to be single your life, but like I just can't help but feel like like I'm gonna turn into this what happened to the date You don't honestly she didn't know we don't know. I mean, I don't know if there was a date Maybe there was we don't know But It's funny that she says this is gonna be me and then immediately because you know, this is women Oh, nothing. There's anything wrong with that. It's like but you clearly think there is something wrong with that Why don't you just say that's not what I want And then just face that reality like the first step in solving a problem is acknowledging you have a problem So instead of trying to like not get the fucking sisterhood mad at you because you dare to make a generalized statement Just say you know what? I don't want that I'm I think I'm going to have to do some introspection And change my behavior And maybe I'll find somebody because like honestly, it's not hard Dude, there's men everywhere and there's they're lonely too. You just have to see them You just have to value their company. Just learn that Yeah Um, but I actually feel bad for the the old woman the older woman who was the uber driver talking about the cats. Yeah, no no her dogs Like yeah, sorry dogs Yeah, like what what the hell lady? You don't know anything about her Like you're so superficial Well, that's true, but I mean again like if you feel bad for that woman And she's in and that woman probably has nights where she's you know alone with her own thoughts Maybe there should be some I don't know Like or maybe i'm sorry But like I can't stand people just talking about problems and not taking any steps to change their life No, I agree Yeah But one of those steps might be facing your mortality Yeah, you know like Um one of those steps might be facing your actual mortality and realizing that we we we end up alone You are going to die alone lady Mm-hmm. It's not there's you know that that's that we face a lot of our our most trying things alone you know and You got to be a person who can live up to that And how and start living your life because it honestly you say oh, I have this wonderful life to share But it sounds like you haven't even started living it Because you're afraid of what it the future that it brings to you But why would you do not live a life where you're where you look down the road and you're afraid of it And if you are looking down the road and you're afraid of it you got to change that Like you said brian and it doesn't necessarily mean that you I don't know get a a husband or a partner But you got to become a person that is okay with what what what your choices where your choices are taking you Okay, like are you even a whole person yet? Even if you got all of your career shit together like who are you though? Yeah, you've been so good. Oh, I'm gonna tell me I'll come along when you least expect it. I've been hearing that For like seven years. Okay. I'm so sick of hearing that There's such a thing as People that just don't find their person and don't get married. So like I'm a I'm a realist And the realist in me is starting to think like that's gonna be me and I'm the press now over it As pathetic as that sounds again that's similar to the last one and obviously references dating apps more explicitly Which you know, I'm totally sympathetic to as well, especially as dating apps get more dystopian talking about like bringing AI Into it and just you know how mentally tiring is someone who doesn't know that but can imagine it must be to just keep going on Loads of random dates with people you meet online And then for some reason or another just not vibe with them as someone myself who has always been so picky With friends and everything and it has a standard that I have Before I get close to someone in any capacity can try to understand how this would be like an absolute nightmare Like the thought of the thought of just going on all these dates like it's like a job entity to me Just gives me anxiety even even think about it And yeah, if I was ever single again, I definitely wouldn't bother to be honest I'd literally rather be single than deal with that and it must be terrible Why are we listening to you then like honestly Maybe that's not maybe that maybe dating apps is not really the only way to meet people. I don't know Call me crazy But I don't understand why Again, what is motivating this person to continue to do this I don't like you know what I feel like we're we're just getting repetition now. What where are we in the video? Um like two thirds of the way almost okay. Let's if he repeats himself anymore I'd say we'll we'll call it but for now. All right. All right. I don't think it's gonna get a lot better frankly But no, let me see um Is this did Richard be here have a comment to go with this video Didn't you have a comment to go with this video? No, this was the previous one. I just needed a break from manifesto. Yeah All right, all right, let's play some more of this then a little bit self-esteem as well The constant rejection or the constant just you know rejecting people because you're not failing it because I know That would make me feel bad and feel like I've wasted everyone's time So yeah, very sympathetic to this and again shows contrary to the narrative on twitter from these men It's not just men who suffer from this because it's a general isolation problem under capitalism rather than it's just Done No more commie bullshit stop it capitalism did this shut the fuck up How about the destruction of the family? How about our separation from god? How about um the fucking enlightenment? I don't know how about the fucking Marxist schools that are teaching women to hate men and treat them as Opponents in the battlefield fuck the right off I can't take y'all's and I'm done. I'm done. This guy doesn't want to solve problems He just wants to complain about the fucking great life that he has where he's able to go on the internet We're on unlike a power grid in an air conditioned home Go online talk instantly with people anywhere in the world and complain about everything that he has And blame it on the the very system that he depends on Yeah, well, I mean, I would okay. I don't know what capitalism means anymore but um I would honestly say that he can thank men Yes, it will that yeah, he can well. He does he blames men for capitalism Like the literally the men that keep his life as comfortable as it is he is attacking Because he doesn't realize how good he has it. It's like it's like trying to convince a fish that they live in water He has no idea how lucky he is And he is attacking the thing that and that's why because this is the thing like patriarchy And capitalism, these are the same like that's what when they attack these things. That's what they are attacking They are attacking patriarchy. They are attacking capitalism. They are attacking god All at the same time because they hate all of those things and they don't even know why They were just talked into it and they're and they're basically just operating on their programming and their emotions Um I'm sorry. Go ahead. I don't mind a critique of capitalism, especially What we're dealing with today, which today isn't capitalism. No, it really isn't. No, it's not It's not a critique whatever this you can critique whatever this economic system We're living under is to the sun like dries up and implodes But it's not this is not the system that they're calling capitalism This is this is literally a fascist setup. It's corporations and the government together That's what we're living under literally. So whatever he's complaining about He doesn't know what he's talking about. That's all it is like like I I own my shit. That's all capitalism is That's all it is It's like we own things But I own and it starts with my body. I own my body Right. So like the the argument against circumcision is an argument for capitalism By their definition because you own your body This is where it begins Right if you have nothing else you have you I have my voice. I have my ideas. I have my thoughts. I own those things So when the these people they don't even they don't even think about where this leads where this comes from That's why I get so frustrated because it's so useless. It's like you're just Bitching about how good you have it because you need to yeah because you need to complain about something Well, yes, because he's got an emotional urge that he needs to process Yeah, like he's has a he I swear that I think that this all comes back to He has a female adjacent identity and what I mean by that is that women are the social metric by which everything is measured And he's come to a point where he regards this woman as being Deeply socially unattractive to him in other words repulsive And he has to explain it to himself So he groves through this whole like rationalization and then he finally he finally just shoves all of those emotions on capitalism I mean, it's it's identical to it's like watching Someone engaging in islamic apologia And they'll they'll be like i'm going to make a bunch of response videos Where i'm going to look at people women on tiktok that are sad because they can't find a man And i'm going to convince you the audience that by the time this is over You're going to convert to islam because that's the only way we're going to solve this problem This is what he's doing. He's just doing it for his religion So it's like it's the same shit. It's the same shit You know Yeah, well I Don't know. I guess we could I mean I probably could give a bit more of a coherent response if I weren't attempting to Uh do this to Yeah Plus, I mean, I would get it. This really does this really like it doesn't really add anything Like I was hoping he would be like Oh, yeah. Well, this is the this is the trait that women want You know, these are these are the qualities so far 16 minutes in That was what was promised. He has not delivered now. Maybe he delivered all he said all he said was is that Right conservative men Conservative men think that women just want money And they don't because women are like me. We like things that are more important than money That's what he said like left left wing people also women because they're the same unless of course you're a right wing woman Which means you're a slave to men which means you're not a woman Yeah, or you're a terrorist, but but that's what he's saying. He's like, you know, this is why he's saying Well, you know, if it weren't for capitalism, we just have romance and love and and everything I mean granted nobody would get married because I also hate marriage because it's like a sacrum It's a sacrament from god and I hate that too. So we can't have that. Um, we can't have like property Uh, you know, that was the point. What is the like here's the thing he's going through all of this. He's saying well Women don't want money. They don't want men who are tall and athletic and good looking They want this other indefinable factor. Well, what is it? Is it just like your religion? Well, he doesn't dare he doesn't dare like actually tell women what they should want No, but he's already has he's told him. He's told them what they don't aren't allowed to want Like he's already said that women don't want this and he's like women don't want, you know, like all of those romance covers Like fabio tall muscular good looking women don't want that they also don't want money They don't want, you know, the billionaires that they also write romance novels about, you know, they don't want the things that they pay for They that they will actually pay money to get the fantasy of they don't want that They want this other Undefinable thing which isn't which I know is in the capitalist, but I can't explain what it is Um, I think um, I think it all comes down to they want his dick That's that's it all the women want him There you go Probably does make sense. Yeah Flap that on his his tombstone Here lyeth the man that all women wanted Okay, because he had he had he had it all together emotionally because he was anti-capitalist Okay, you're right. This is this is this is sort of infuriating How does how does this complete lack like this? How does this become so popular? It's not organic allison But no, no, I mean there's some aspect to it. I think it's because it's an emotional catharsis Well, there is that but I think that there is like an like this kind of mid-win Shit, it gets propped up by the algorithm till the year was in the chat. He he'll tell you it's true Like this is all and that in this it's like this guy people like this And like the you know, Andrew Tate's or like the oh this this is a really great straw man We're gonna bump this up to the fucking stratosphere. And so it gets that way So yeah, I mean, it's I'm sorry, but like this content that we make it's too spurgy Like it just isn't it just doesn't get it doesn't get the favor of the algorithm because it's too spurgy Um, it was fine. It was fine. Yeah, you did fine. What happened? Yeah No, I just didn't done Oh, okay. Okay. Let me just want me to go back or something No, no, no, I'm just gonna hide that it's gonna hide the um The game because it's not there so and let me also hide it in here I'll be right back brian if you have any final thoughts on the Yeah, yeah, you're right. He was you as a communist. Well, I didn't I didn't know I had never seen the video I just predicted essentially what I'm getting what I'm getting is that women Do not like money guys. They don't like money Just forget all the romance novels about women's seducing billionaires They also don't like tall men. So forget all the romance novels about women's seducing tall billionaires who are muscular and attractive So that's not what women want. Well, women want is communism Well, they don't know it but they but they should right. Yeah, they should want communist men and also I think that that guy was Found that woman repulsive and she had to figure out how to get away from that feeling All right. I'm going to uh go on the other computer. So you make your all right. I got a super chow And then we'll wrap it up because I got a I got to go to I got to go uh c-man about horse. So for no one fan um Gives us five dollars and says my communism Slash slash also no but fan has rumble rants. All right. Thank you. No, but I was going to look at those I was going to look at those so no but fan has sent two to rumble rants. So here's a um rumble chan for that and Says from one dollar this clown acts like women who are unreasonably picky. Don't represent the average woman Yeah, ironically is the one who needs to touch grass And then he says for another dollar I think his motivation is to prove himself a good boy to the average woman by dunking on men With a working brain. Uh, yeah, it's a one good man thing. That's ultimately what it is. Um All right. Thank you for that. I think that's Everything. Let me just make sure that I didn't miss any Uh super chats sometimes we get them on the verticals and they don't show up. Okay. No, I think we're clear All right. All right. I'll see you're back. Do you have any thank yous or just want to wrap it up Alison She's not here yet or she's muted. I am here. I am here. Oh, okay. I just uh screwed up. Um Okay, so I do have one. Thank you. I believe um Richard beer put in the the patronage or the the sponsorship. So thank you for Richard for the 500 Thank you. Richard very nice. I'm hoping for I mean good lord. Oh, yeah Honestly, I think I think you're right this. I mean, I think there was an element of disgust I think there was I think on a fundamental level That he was groping to try to figure out how to process that sense of disgust towards a woman that she he had on some level because I what the the the juxtaposition of all the factors Like I didn't get to see his face because I was doing um synthwave. Maybe I could have confirmed it by looking at his micro expressions But the fact that he listened to that woman And then his immediate response was to explain why he would never want to date in today's era Like I mean really right after you watch this woman. You're like, yeah, I'm so glad I don't ever have to date Yeah, that's a little bit suspicious there and then to go on and try to I don't like Get upset or not upset but just be like oh this this conservative man who says you would give him give her the world He's just saying that because of her appearance well You already just like she was describing aspects of her achievement and her personality So you're saying that that wasn't the only thing that was on display was her appearance We also got to get some of her philosophy and some of her Superstitious beliefs shall we say and you know, some of her her goals and values So those were also there on display and yet you immediately go to the only thing attractive about her is her looks So I think I think that was a little bit of a slip there by that dude into his true opinion of this woman and her opinions um and then to just land on Women shouldn't find the products of capitalism attractive So they should stop buying gromance books about billionaires And they should just find communist men attractive because reasons Congratulations, yeah kind of weird but That's true. Everything goes down to um I am the man that all women should find attractive because of my beliefs Yeah We uh, yeah, we we we were there. Okay. That that's the conclusion that we can come to here Uh, excellent. All right Yeah, I think I think every group of men would would conclude that though If you if you're part of an ideology, yeah, you would conclude that women should find The group of men that you are part of attractive Um, but maybe all men are attractive Huh, um, I I think they're like any other people. Yeah, but um, I don't know. I think that maybe maybe um Maybe relationships are not simply about Making yourself happy, but maybe there is a duty behind it Duty duty duty to the species I'm duty to uh Okay. Well, yeah, sure. All right. I mean maybe Yeah, it'll be a factor Could be a factor or at least duty to your civilization. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Feed the because we are doing our monthly fundraiser Right now. I can see how much we have left on the docket Uh, oh a big big support over the weekend from anonymous. Thank you anonymous for a hundred or a thousand dollars Wow. Thank you. Wow Okay, so we are um We are about halfway. Let me let me double check here. I'll take a look Yep, don't worry about 48 percent. So but we we You know a fair amount of time left, which is great because it's good to get this stuff done It takes a weight off of my mind. I'm pretty sure it takes a weight off of brian's mind So it's great. So thank you to everybody who supports early very much appreciated very helpful for our mental health Um, you do want to help us out feed the And if you want to send us a message at any time after the show You can do so at feed the, which I probably should have said at the beginning Apologies guys. It's a little bit more of an informal stream So feed the to send us a message and send that message through A place or a pathway that doesn't go through youtube's comment enhancement system We get the full benefit of the funds you get the full benefit of not being censored by youtube Are we allowed to say that? I don't know. I just did all right back to you brian All right. Well, if you guys liked this video, please smash like Subscribe if you're not already subscribed to the bell for notifications leave me a comment Let us know what you guys think about what we talked about on the show today There should be a link to the video in the description if you want to watch it yourself And please please please share this video because sherry is caring Thank you so much for coming on today's episode of maintaining frame with a little bit of Vaporwave or whatever. 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