Football Function

Best Remaining Free Agents at Each Position

Mike and Terry discuss which un-signed players can step in and be a contributor for the 2024 season.

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19 Jul 2024
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Another way you can do that is by spreading the word, going and telling a couple of friends, maybe a relative or two. The football season is around the corner and there's really only one place you need to get all of your football fix. I'm talking college football, I'm talking rivalry episodes, I'm talking just throwback episodes, team of destiny, NFL immortals, juicy. We're about to get into more series as we get closer, an inch closer to training camp. Obviously, we're going to try to interview as many guests as we can to get into the state of the franchise series and we'll go in a strange order depending on how we're able to book all of these guests, but I do believe the sooner we start on that, the better. I do expect that to start here pretty soon. Yeah, if you want to join us in that, just feel free to hit us up anywhere you want to. My social has always been available for you guys. You want to hit us up on the Football Function 2.0 Facebook page, you can and join us on your favorite team. Let us know the state of the franchise, let us know what's going on in the summer, what's going on for the future of your team and we'd love to talk to you. If you're afraid to, don't be, because we're open to everybody coming in and having a little fun talking football. No doubt, no doubt, very important that you plug that because we do want the people that want to be on the show. Yeah, old, new, everybody. Yeah, exactly. People that want to represent their team and get their voice heard, "Come on, bam!" and on record. Then, yeah, we are more than willing to let you come on here and voice your opinion, but for now. We're getting to a point in the NFL calendar year where you walk outside and you just take a whiff, you smell the air, and it just smells like football season is right around the corner. It's on the horizon. We will be having football games played literally next month, now fast time goes by these days. Oh, it is going by with the blink of an eye. Yeah, not only that, but no training can't begin at the end of this month, so we're really getting down to the end of the wait. It's almost over, baby. As you know, Jamal Adams was signed by the Titans. Yes, sir. Just like a few days ago or something like that, and I expect more to trinkle on names to kind of be filled in, you know, especially once free agency or once I'm sorry, the training camps get going. Mandatory. Teams kind of see what they really have in front of them on the practice field. Maybe then you see them reach out to some of these more established veterans, get some help on their roster, get some depth in certain positions, or I mean, let's be honest, football is a very grueling sport, you know, injuries happen. They're going into agitizing. So we'll see who ends up, you know, going down and needs to be replaced, but there are some names out there that, you know, if you're in a pinch, if you're in a situation where you do need to get some help, help can be on the way very, very shortly. But with all that being said, Terry, is there anything you want to say any shout outs, anything like that before we get going on this episode? You know, maybe a one, a couple of things, actually, we had our roughing clinic a couple of days ago on Saturday, which was a is my first one, fourth year doing it, first, first clinic to join, you know, a big one in this, in this sort of, you know, packed capacity. Like there was, there were so many people in this freaking, in this, in this showroom. It was, it was crazy, but all of us rats were, you know, learning the new rules that were implemented. I think they were 15, 16, something like that, new rules and, you know, not completely new. Some of them were, you know, new additions to old rules, make it safer for the game. One of the big ones that just stick to my mind right now, I think it's a brand new one to Texas schools. We were now allowing technology on the sidelines, so you will see iPads, cell phones. I think they're up, they're only allowed to five iPads, Microsoft tablets or what? Tablets, all that stuff, cameras. They're only allowed a couple, like two cameras, five iPads of whatever sorts you want, and then the handful of phones that to be recording, because they all have an app now on it. It's just, the future of football is evolving. Some of the other states have been implemented in their game already, Texas has outlawed it until this year, so we'll see, like, Dalhart have technology of telling them, hey, these plays that we've been running to the left aren't so successful data shows that, you know, our runs this way, or, you know, it just evolves from there, and we'll just see a lot more of that, one of the main keys were, I guess, in the bowl game, they were allowing a lot of these rules to see if they were going to let UIL do them, and one of the things they were holding them back is that one, I think it was Fresno State or something like that, it was some school. The assistant coach was holding the iPad right up to the rest face, hey, look, look at this, this is what happened, this is the replay, so yeah, I think a lot of that will be going on. There's a couple other rules that were, you know, kind of making you think that we are heading a lot towards flag football, and, you know, a lot sooner than later, it's kind of scary, they're trying to soften up the game a lot, starting with the fields, the fields are changing, I don't know if you've noticed, Mike, I know we talked about it a long time ago, but they are finishing up, and I actually went out there with my kids, and ran on it, and everything, and it was the softest, again, I would love to have been tackled on these fields, they just absorbed the compact if you fall on the ground, the collisions, my daughter even fell, kind of on her back and hit her head on the ground, you know, it was kind of like a wood blast kind of looking thing, but you know, got up in like it was nothing, so I expect the field to be a lot better, you know, safety-wise, but always with the good, there's going to be a come bad, so we'll see what, you know, implements from that, but, you know, other than that, like I said, the fourth year coming into the refing association, a lot of first happen this year, first registering up for, you know, being able to play in the playoffs, or ref in the playoffs, got to make a 90 on the test, that's, we've got coming up in a couple days, if I can do that, I will be refing playoffs, and, you know, upon doing that, we had to register our, you know, pretty much our whole fucking life on, you know, this website we have, TASO, if you want to go bigger in it, you have to, you know, dive into it, put everything into, like, this all your information and ship, and I never did it until this year, and upon doing that, you know, I thought I had to pay my dues, right, so these first three years, refing, junior high, you know, around the pit, around the pen handle, and JV games, you know, I thought that was just me having to pay my damn dues, exactly, you know, similar to a pro wrestler. Yeah, so, I'm just out there, obviously, I don't care about getting paid, I was just out there having fun, I miss being unfilled, refing is, you know, the next best, you know, kind of feeling those high school days, obviously, you know, trying to keep the, what's it called, the fucking annual book, the yearbook, open as long as I can, but anyways, upon signing my life away onto this website, TASO, I had to put my bank information and all that shit, I had found out all those times of refing those JV games, I was getting paid, and not me noticing all that shit just stacked up, so I've got a nice little chunk of change nestled up in this, you know, this website bank account that they just pay us from all the emerald surrounding schools that they just pay on the website, you know, I didn't know that, so, you know, I'm obviously just working over here, I don't give a shit about getting paid if I do or don't, I'll be there, I haven't missed the game yet, one rookie of the year or whatever, whatever it's called, a new come of the year, I won that this year, so, you know, that obviously shows, yeah, motion proves, that's what it was. That's important, that's a great job, that shows that you are getting better at it. And I'm there, you know what I mean, I don't care about getting money or anything, but, you know, seeing those dollar signs, after I found out, I was asking everybody in the room to, I was like, hey, what the, does anybody else say this, like these numbers are popping up on my computer right now, I didn't know if it's true, and it was, so, yeah, I got a little blessing out of nowhere, it's been real nice, I got a, you know, it's been kept from the wifey a little bit, because, you know, I've got plans, I've got plans, I've got plans, I'm not keeping the money away from, you know, what's mine has heard, you know, now, if there just so happens to be a new anime collection, yeah, yeah, if I get a new golf club, they're getting rid of some golf balls, just to happen to clear it, the house, you know, I don't know what the fuck happened, you guys don't know either, I, well that is awesome, you know, I definitely was happy to hear that, because you do, you know, you've been grinding being a ref, we've been along here for the ride, it's kind of synonymous, you're starting your four season, and we're in here at the four season with football function, so we kind of go hand in hand, so I'm kind of glad that, you know, there was that nice light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel obviously is continuing, but now, do you do realize that, you know, you're going to be blowing that whistle a little bit different now, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, they're going to get a little more attention to that of me, um, now I'm just kidding, they're probably just going to get the same old shitty ass ref, you know what I'm saying, like, they're barely getting, you know, above par, well, just kidding, as you know by now, we are not going to be talking about Team of Destiny's today, yep, Team of Destiny's getting a little backseat, we're not going to be talking about NFL Immortals, although I will say, check out the Michael Vic episode, I've bantered on for about 18 minutes trying to fill you in, because obviously this player is connected to me in more ways than one, yeah, it's apparent all in the room, and to be completely honest, this is something I didn't even mention on the episode, I actually just a few short years ago, I thought I was going to meet him legitimately, because Lindsey, you could ask him, there was a situation set up where he, you know, Lindsey's someone that, as you know, he doesn't B.S., you know, whenever he tells you something, you can very well take it to the bank, it's most likely factual, and you could Google it or whatever, but he specifically told me that there was like, something, I'm not sure if it was like a camp or something where Michael Vic was coming to Texas, and Lindsey just so happened to know a connection, I'm not sure if it, you know, fell through or whatever, but there was a few week period where I legitimately thought there was a chance that I could end up, you know, talking to Michael Vic, having a conversation, and it would have been awesome, you know, I'm still like giving up on it, life is, you know, a big marathon here, yeah, ain't no sprint, and I have high hopes for not only this podcast, but you know, all the endeavors that it can go on once, you know, time passes, but yeah, tune into that episode because it's great, Michael Vic's a great player, and I definitely had a lot of fun, you know, doing the research and learning up on Michael Vic, because I feel like I knew, you know, I knew a lot before that, but, you know, now it's definitely more, if we do have first-time listeners, Mike, why don't you explain what Immortals is to the guys? Inafella Mortals is a summer series here on the football function podcast where, you know, June, July, August, or whatever, we drop about seven of these bad boys per summer, and we just pretty much go over players who fit the category of an immortal, you know, we've talked about Jerry Rice, we've talked about in Smith, we've talked about Lawrence Taylor, I've talked about Devin Hester, Troy Paula, Malu, all bangers, Jerry Rice, so much for mentioning, you know, it is an elite group, and you have to be very, very good to get a, it's a selective group. Yeah, to get an episode dedicated to you, and we just did Michael Vic, I'm not sure exactly who's next, I can have a, I can maybe give you a hint though, because it's between a couple guys. Okay. One of them, Cornerback, was part of a player-for-player trade. Champ Bailey. Oh my gosh. All right. All right. Yeah, Champ Bailey's in the discussion, as well as a wide receiver, who, I mean, legit a million, he's in everybody's top three. Okay, we'll just say that. Okay. You know, I got an idea. I got an idea. I got a guess. Who? Did you already do Tia? I have not done Tia. Tia's my guess. That's not correct. The two that I'm debating is between Randy Moss and Champ Bailey. So we'll see. Could be back to back doing both of them, but we'll see. Well, I'll be in set though. Good selection. This episode is going to be more so focused on today's era, and where we are right now, as a league in terms of the calendar year, like I mentioned a little bit earlier before we went on multiple tangents. Jamal Adams got signed by the Tennessee Titans, so I expect more names to kind of pop off. Three agents are dropping. And, you know, injury replacement. So let's go through position by position, and we're just going to name a few guys, right? We're going to go through, and we're going to talk about a couple of these guys that we think have an opportunity of getting signed and eventually added to a roster. So let's look at the Quarterback position. Ryan Tannehill, Brian Hoyer, Blaine Gabbert, A.J. McCarron, Matt Barkley, Trevor Samiyan, the Logan Woodside, Felipe Franks, Bendenucci, and Garrett Gilbert. I do expect probably Tannehill, definitely. Tannehill and Hoyer could get work. You know, I mean, look at Tannehill. He's 35. Brian Hoyer, 38. So these are guys that I'm not expecting to come in and be like pillars to anybody's franchise. They're long past. I think you're going to push you over the top. No, these guys are brought in so you can start an 11-man offense and be somewhat respectable, you know, and not even in a sense of like, oh, they're going to win, but you don't want to be thrown, you know, some of these quarterbacks we've seen, you know, we're not the name drop anybody. We've seen some pretty suspect guys that kind of thrown out there. If we have to name one, what's the one that played for the Raiders? Peterman, Nathan Peterman. Yes. Yeah, we don't want to know Nathan Peterman stepping out there, but so if I have to wave my flag for any of them, I guess, give me Tannehill just to see the excitement. One more game, you know, he got drafted in 2012, the year I graduated high school, so there's that little bit of a connection. He played quarterback with one of my, or he played high school football with one of my good friends, Sidney Parker. Oh shit, okay. Yeah, Sidney Parker actually went to WT. He was a wide receiver for WT. He was the intern, I believe, for a church in Dalhart. The summer I graduated high school 2012. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen, tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs. Working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. 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We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at Moss Adams dot com. So, or maybe it was 2011. Man, why can't I remember that? I actually think it was 2012. Now that I'm thinking about it. Yeah, 2012. So, yeah, it's the great year. Give me Ryan's hand and Hill if I'm banking on anybody. Yeah, out of all this, out of these guys on this list, the two at the top, Brian Horner and Ryan Tenno, you know, you can plug those two guys in and give you a chance at least. These guys have been in the NFL long enough to see defensive formations, seeing all of them and then some, and possibly, you know, be that manager to get you down to the field, you know, get you down in the end zone and rely on somebody else. You know, not too much on these two guys' shoulders should be anybody's game plan. They should be able to get you have, I mean, if you have your starter, you have your guide, these two guys will have definitely those guys backs to teach them and guide them to be the NFL quarterback and how to study, how to prepare and definitely put you in a reposition to succeed because both these guys were good in their own ways. They have ways to be successful in NFL and have been. Obviously, they wouldn't be here if they weren't, you know, at that elite level. So, you know, these two, I have no doubt we'll find home to play this season. Let's move on to the Buffalo Bills. We got Damian Harris, or not Buffalo Bills, I apologize, they're running back. Damian Harris, formerly of the Buffalo Bills, Cam Acres, Matt Bereta, Kareem Hunt, Latavius Murray, Jerry McKinnon, Marlon Mack, Josh Kelly, Lynn Bowden, Eno Benjamin, Dion Jackson. I'm pretty much, if I'm kicking the tires, Cam Acres, only 25 years old. That feels like a little bit of like a, come on, like, how is he not signed? Yeah, by somebody. But outside of that... No, Kareem Hunt. I've heard Lunard for Nat say he's interested in coming back as well. But yeah, Kareem Hunt, I mean, this is someone who can still pound the rock. So, yeah, if there's anybody I'm, you know, banging the table for, give me Kareem Hunt or Cam Acres, those two together would be a phenomenal backfield. Yeah, I do love the age of Cam Acres. That is what giving him that, you know, he might find a home just solely off him having a lot of treads. They're both dirt cheap too. I mean, Kim Acres coming off of a $1.5 million season and Kareem Hunt 1.3. So, these are guys that you can get for what you're willing or what you're expected to pay. You know, the return of investment, I think that for a running back, you could get a lot more, especially if you're getting 20 carries a game possibly. From one of these guys, they're certainly worth the buck that you're spending. Moving over to wide receiver, Hunter Renfro, Russell Gage, Michael Thomas, Jamal Agnew, Joaquin Grant, Randall Cobb, Marquis Goodwin, Richie James, Alex Eriksson, Erickson, I apologize, I was a contread world Byron Pringle. That's pretty much it. That's all we're really going to talk about right now at this point. Michael Thomas kind of surprised, he's not signed. I mean, he's a 31 years old, but with the production he had early in his career, it's kind of surprising, yeah, that no one's brought him in just to even be depth in a wide receiver. I'm Hunter Renfro, somebody who was 28 years old. This is someone that I feel like could be a slot wide receiver for someone. If you need to, I mean now 16 million dollar cap hit, so he's definitely going to have to, you know, I guess take a pay cut if he's going to go anywhere. But Jamal Agnew, $4.7 million, 29 years old, he's going to be playing this football season all the way through 29 years old, and he provides special team's value. So it just seems like if I'm banging the table for any of these guys, it's going to be Hunter Renfro and Jamal Agnew. I do like Russell Gage too, you know, he's going to be, this is age 28 season. Another slot guy, he does have special team's value, although he has really transitioned to more of like a traditional wide receiver. So I think that, yeah, give me Jamal Agnew out of the wide receiver position just because of the playmaking ability and what he can provide as a returner and given that the rules just change for kickoff returns. Yeah, I think it might be more of a, you know, important favor. Exactly. Yeah, we've been going a little positive. I'm going to go a little negative in this one. I do not see Randall Cobb actually getting a chance this season, you know, I know a lot of it had to do with his boy, you know, be having his back 33, almost probably 34 when the year starts, you know, he's doesn't have that, that old Randall called that we used to see back in the day with him and Aaron just connecting on third down clutch plays, you know, you knew who was going to, it was either him or Devonta, it was something special. And you know, it's just, you know, it's time, father time's on the feet. And I think we're getting to the end of Randall Cobb's career right here. At the tight end position, it's very, very thin. There's really nobody here that I would really consider bringing in. I mean, you got Jeff Swain, Jimmy Brown, Jimmy Graham, Tyler Croft, Blake Bell, Bryson Hopkins, Brandon Dillon, David Wells, St. Zill strip. But I mean, at the end of the day, I really think that, you know, I mean, Blake Bell, he's going to be 33 by, you know, midway through this season. Yeah. 1.1 million dollars, very cheap. The only reason I would consider bringing him in is because he's a former Oklahoma sooner and is a great sooner at that. And I'd love to have him just on my roster for a year. But other than that, hell no, I'm not bringing any of these guys in. I know they're actually going to be a contributor. I think that for like, as far as the tight end position goes, it's pretty much the thinnest right of like what you can get on the open market. Like, yeah, you might be able to find a blocking tight end that's making a minimum. But even then, it's like, what's he really bringing to you in today's NFL? You're going to just trot out 12 and 13 personnel play after play, just you can have an extra blocking tight end out there. I think that just this position doesn't excite me at all. Yeah. Even if, you know, if it doesn't excite you, really, you see the teams that you really need needed a tight end, they kind of picked it up in the draft issue. So you're kind of see what's coming to evolve in this position. They want younger. They want the bigger guys. They want the guys that can line out to the be your why or whatever, but also put their hand in the dirt. So they're looking for these newer guys and, you know, guys that if they do need them during the fall or the when the season is in its depths, you know, they could pick them up off the road dirt cheap off the market. And let's not even talk about the market this off the market, you know, like there was a huge tied in, like, I guess, sweepstakes that was going on in free agency, Colby Parkins and Noah Fant, Will Disli, Charlie Warner, Gerald Everett, Johnny Smith, Adam Trautman, Harrison Bryant, Pharaoh Brown, Austin Hooper, Mike Gessicki, Mercedes Lewis, CJ Uzama, Chris Manhertz, Irv Smith, a lot of these tight ends were, you know, Michael Pruitt, there's little skills on and on. So it's not like the tied in position is a thing. We're just talking about right here at this final phase, like, of the NFL free agency period, like some of these guys are going to get signed some of them are and I think that these tight ends without a doubt, they're, you know, they're just going to be free agents for the remainder of the season unless somebody gets extremely desperate. But let's move on to the tackle position. It's kind of juicy on the tackle. David Bakhtiari, DJ Harvey Charles Leno, Dwayne Brown, Donovan Smith, Cameron Fleming, Billy Turner, Cameron Irving, Conor McDermott, David Quissenberry, Andrew Trainer. I mean, if I'm banging my or banging the table, if I'm a grass-filled team, give me David Bakhtiari, but I mean, it's still one of the things like, what if you got to play for the Super Bowl on turf? What if you got to go play a random cross or intra division, intra conference game? Well, you got to play somebody on turf and I just, you know, I don't want someone that, nonetheless injuries is what you're, what you're worried about. He's 33 years old, so there's a chance that this is someone that's going to be, you know, sings maybe a steep decline once he finally does get back on the field. I don't even know the last time he played football, but I could tell you right now. So if I'm banging the table for anybody, man, this is going to be very, very tough. But yeah, I mean, you kind of have to go with David Bakhtiari, I mean, he's hands down the best on the list. So yeah, I'm kicking him down the, his can down the road as long as possible, definitely one of the best tackles in league. So if I can get him for a little cheaper than what he's asking for right here, then, you know, give it to me. Uh, Trey Turner and Max Garcia, Gabe Jackson, Justin McCray, kind of, you know, represent the guard availability. Obviously, Mark Lewinsky, Nate Gates, Bill Haynes, they have some of the more heavier price tags. But if I'm going off of what's been proven to me already, I'm going after, you know, some of those more established guys, but the guard kind of similar to tight end. Doesn't really do a lot for me. Yeah, I feel you. Moving over to the center, the other interior offensive line piece is Corey Lindsey, 33 years old or about to be. But I feel like he could be a pillar on somebody's offensive line as that center and obviously Carl, or Connor Williams, Mason Cole, Mason Cole, he's got Quiz and Barry, Connor McGovern, Tyler Larson, give me Lindsey. I feel like it's pretty easy here. This is like a just that veteran guy that can make those calls. Yeah, he can make the reads, let's you know what type of, you know, blitz packages or whatever type of defensive personnel adjustments are being made. So you kind of relay that to the quarterback, like, no, they're in their nickel defense. They brought another defensive back and here they go, they're switching to dime. Maybe you can find tendencies in their front alignments, just through watching film. And you can relay that, like, no, this is what they're doing. Anytime they get in this foreman front, they're definitely going to be dropping into some type of specific coverage. You get an established center like Corey Lindsey, who also, you know, has been on the NFL Player Association or like the, you know, the committee. The PA. Yeah, like he's a very respected member of the NFL right now. But anyways, let's go ahead and move over to the defensive side, shall we? Let get it. Emmanuel Ogba, Edge Ruchers, that's where we're at right now. Carl Lawson, Yannick and Cockway, Charles Harris, Tias Bauer, Mike Purcell, Shaq Lawson, Marcus Golden, David Mayo, Magi Sanders, Anthony Barr, I'll probably go Carl Lawson. This is someone that had a pretty good, you know, pretty good season, not that long ago. The Jets are just kind of a crowded defensive line. So yeah, if I'm not getting Tias Bauer or Carl Lawson, one of the 29 year olds, I guess. Oh, man, it's kind of tough. Yeah, those are really the only two that I want. Really? I mean, I'm, I still think Yannick has a lot of gases. Yannick and Cockway. And Cockway's got a lot of, of, of gas left. For whatever reason, I just can't get on him. I can't get on the, you know, the hype train. Yes, you know, I just, for whatever it's worth, I just, I can't see the freaking, I can't seem to get over just the stops that he's had the disappointment, the disappointment that teams like, yeah, I really didn't do much. Did he go to Minnesota? Yeah, he went to Minnesota. He went to Indy, right, went to the Raiders. I just feel like if he was such a good pass rusher, he'd find a home. Jaguars. And I just need him to, you know, I guess show me something. He's not going to find a home at this point in his career. That part's pretty much over. He's going to be taking these one-year rentals for the remainder of his career. At this point, we're just hoping he can get one. Let's see here. Fletcher Cox for the interior defensive lineman, 33 years old. Surprised he hasn't hung it up yet, maybe he hasn't. And I just, you know, missed it. But I, I really think he might have. Other than that, though, the interior defensive lineman Lawrence Guy has saw on Ridgeway, Brian Mone, Al Woods, Lynnball Joseph, Nick Williams, Ross Blacklock. He's a little bit of a younger name. But other than that, man, I mean, yeah, Fletcher Cox will want to come and be a rotational piece. I'll take that. But other than that, yeah, I'm good. Yeah, I'll pay Fletcher anything to come play. Let's go off-ball linebackers here. Is that Cunningham? Should kill Leonard. Kwan Alexander, Gerard Davis, Blake Martinez, Dylan Cole, Calvin Munson. I'll go Kwan. He's got some speed. I like, I'm a big fan of that Cunningham. I've seen what he's, you know, done coming out. But yeah, you know, going from Houston, obviously, now he's with Philadelphia or he was with Philadelphia. Shaq Leonard, easily. Shaq Leonard, man. The back, the back surgeries. Yeah. When I saw what he ended up looking like with Philadelphia, that's why I was like, oh, man, yeah, like they, him and Zach Cunningham, they kick rocks on both those guys when they got Devin White. But I would take Kwan Alexander at this point. So let's go here to the secondary and let's talk about the cornerbacks. Zavian Howard, J.C. Jackson, Adori Jackson, Stefan Gilmore, Patrick Pearson, Stephen Nelson, Kwan Williams, Eli Apple, Fabian Moreau, Logan Ryan. Yeah, that's pretty much it for me. I mean, Aquila Witherspoon is probably the most realistic for like a team like us. You just hired Raheem Morris, former defensive coordinator for the Rams. Yeah. Zavian Howard, he has a big time price tag and he's got a big time injury history. So I probably pass on him. Patrick Peterson, Stefan Gilmore seems like someone that still got at least one good year. Oh, hell yeah. Most of one. Yeah, Dory Jackson, another one that can be used as a return specialist, some type of special team's contributor, but he's a hell of a lot more expensive than that. So you have to really be careful. Eli Apple sitting down there. Oh, yeah, I'm good on Eli. Let's go to the safeties. Let's get it. Justin Simmons, how the hell is he not signed somewhere, man? Is it just because he's asking for too much money? Like that has to be what it is. This is too good of a player to not have gotten signed within like the first wave of the season right out of the bat. I was shocked. I'm still shocked that he's not on someone's team. Eddie Jackson, Quandre Diggs, Micah High, Tracy Walker, J-Rong Cursed, Sean Gibson. It would be weird to see Eddie Jackson in something other than a bear's uniform. Especially now that they finally have promised, but I will say I got beef with Eddie Jackson. Fucker went low at fucking count. Oh, I remember. I remember you talking about that. And he's the one that literally derailed the season in 2022. So yeah, guy can take a hike. You got hate from over here, boy. Yeah, you don't fuck with our players, right? But kickers, Brandon McManus, Randy Bullock. So good luck if you're in that situation. Oh, man, Randy, I just I can't because no, I can't. I can't do that on the show, but let's just say that Randy's pissed me off aesthetically over the years. Yeah, I believe that he's not the most visibly appealing player kicker to look at. So yeah, so that pretty much does it. I mean, punter just to kind of press Lee Harvin and Mac Hack. So there are some notable punters available, but that is all the positions right there. And of all of them, though, let's see, all teams, all positions, Ryan Tannanhill, David Bock, Chiari, Zavian Howard, DJ Home Freeze, JC Jackson, Emmanuel Ogba, Hunter, Renfro Justin Simmons, Carl Lawson, Eddie Jackson. Let's go on and on. There's a lot of players. They got some name, but do they still have game? That's the big question there. And most of the time, no, but most of the time, most of the time, you never know. Glass can still be half full, man. Yeah, a lot of these guys could kick it on, you know, one last run. They might have a little bit of tread left, you know, you might be able to get from point A to point B, but after that, I know what to tell you. But one thing I do know to tell you is thank you for tuning in to this episode of the football function podcast. Hopefully, you will continue to do so as these episodes continue to drop throughout the month of July, the month of August, and we're going to continue to roll through all of these series, both summer series and just kind of, you know, jumping in here and there to touch on some news items as they happen. But for the most part, this is the last like down period before training camp in the pre-season, we get into the regular season. So this is like the last opportunity we have to really recharge, you know, so we got to get charged because we do have a big season ahead of us. And I think it's going to be a pretty big one. You know, I have big hopes for every season. Last year, I had high hopes this year. They're just as high if not higher. So let's just have another damn good season. And you know, that all starts with you guys, the Funkeys. Hopefully you guys all have a damn good week. Let's end this week on the, or let's begin this week and in the month of July, I know we've still got a lot of time left, but that is the, you know, it's kind of what I'm getting at here. Like in July, in a positive way, do something like if you need to get in the gym, if that's what you're waiting on, you know, like you don't want to be a New Year's resolution type of gym person. You don't want to go, you know, started off and get judged. Nothing like hopping in the middle of July. You know, most people are trying to either be a New Year's resolution gym person or a pre-summer getting that summer bod. So you're pounding it in April and May. Some people go in the middle of July and say, you know what, you know, I'm trying to get big this fall season, it's cuddle season, and you never know what could be around the corner. Get you cutty bit. The one thing you can do though is, you know, get yourself as prepared as you possibly can. And it's not only helping the gym. If you got a goal, hit that bad boy. If you work a job like in retail sales and you have a goal you're trying to hit, smash that bad boy. Fuck yeah. Because, you know, July is a good month. We're here. We're starting the second half of 2024. A lot of people are already kind of looking towards 2025 as the month for them to hit that next gear. There's no time like the present. Let's knock it out right now. The parents, thank you so much for joining. But always pal. Congratulations on obviously entering your fourth year being a ref, but nice little treasure chest that you found because you were, you know, yeah, you had no idea that you were getting paid the whole time. And now, like I said, I expect your refereeing to go to another level because now you know what it is. But enjoy whatever trip you plan on going on. Volleyball's back this coming Tuesday. Our competition has been stepped up to hopefully our game matches that. But it never really make me promises these days. But anyways guys, thank you so much. Have a damn good week. Walk passionately in the direction of your dreams. Yeah, and we'll talk to you soon. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game. Responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. renters warehouse offers top notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. 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