Turley Talks

Ep. 2692 EXCLUSIVE: How We Make Sure TRUMP WINS!!!

3h 37m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Fight, fight, fight to win in 2024! Join my Courageous Conservative Club:

*Note: This episode is from our special livestream - How We Win 2024: A Call-to-Arms 



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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. I personally believe that God intervened today, not just on behalf of President Trump, but on behalf of our country. We're not for a hair's length difference in the path of a bullet, and we saw a president, a commander-in-chief, who in his most vulnerable moment, he stood up, he took the fire, he took the hit, and still stood up for the people who he stepped up to represent. Trump just won. Now he's survived an assassination attempt. He stood up without knowing whether there were other shooters there. He stood up and faced the crowd and raised his hand and said, "Fight, fight, fight." That's it. I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down. And by the way, I happen to notice that the crowd, which also didn't know whether there were other shooters who watched Trump get shot in the face, they did not bolt. It wasn't like a fire in a theater, actually. They sat there, they watched him intently, and when he stood up, they applauded them, and many cried. Why is that? Because a brave leader gives his people heart. That's why. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement, and most importantly, we will be protected by God. Because leadership isn't actually all about the way you talk. It's about how brave you are. That's what people want. They want a brave leader. The rhetoric around him over the last few weeks that if he wins an election, our country will end, our democracy will end. It's the last election we'll ever have. These things have consequences. I don't know what the motivations of the shooter are. Any of the details, but I know the rhetoric around Trump has grown extremely. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Look, I think those images we saw, our kids and our grandkids, are going to be viewing that image in their history books. That was American history tonight and for the better. It was like the images of George Washington crossing the Delaware with the flag in the background. They risked their, not only their fortunes, but their lives for this country. And I think this is one of those moments where we have a leader who has made a sacrifice. I'm personally grateful now more than ever for the sacrifices that President Trump has made. I'm grateful that God stepped in tonight to save him for this country. But we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people. Because the Lord told me, He said, "I am not done with America." I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum, eardrum. He fell to his knees during this time frame, and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame. Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done. Here is an American flag that was flying at Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, the wind tangled it into the shape of a guardian angel. Just before he came on stage, we all collectively saw a true miracle of God. There should be no fear. We are protected, and we will always be protected. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. The United States of America is your country. What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. That a nation exists to serve its citizens. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable. Together we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together we will make America great again. Wow. My production staff told me we got a big surprise for you at the very beginning of this live stream. And that is the very first time I saw that I've got goosebumps. We saw this for the first time together. What do you even say to that? Greetings, everyone. Come on in one and all for our very special call to arms event where we can all learn what we can do to make sure that Donald J. Trump, that amazing man, sees the most epic landslide ever. He told us, you heard it? He told us to fight, fight, fight. And that's exactly what we're going to do. Let us know in the chat where you're from here, gang. Let us know what you thought of that amazing epic video that we just saw. That's the word that keeps going through my mind right now. I've got to be honest with you epic. We are truly living in epic time. Seriously, this, this is as historical as it gets. I've heard it said numerous times, even by hysterically unserious outlets like CNN. A photo that iconic photo that we were all in real time eyewitnesses of will be remembered for literally centuries. We were all collectively witnesses of an event, a moment that will be remembered for centuries. This is as historical as it gets. And that symbol of victory, that symbol of defiance, that symbol of triumph is a symbol for us all. And that is what we're gathered here to do. We're gathered here. We're all assembled to rise to the occasion of this epic moment and make J 13 a foretaste of the overwhelming victory that we will all see and be a part of on November 5. Who's excited? Who's excited to be here? Put it in the chat. Let us know. Again, I see so many of you guys coming on in. And you are every single one of you most welcome. It is beautiful to see you all here. We had over 2000 of you RSVP ahead of time. And we have even more of you coming in as we speak. Let us know where you're all from. Put it in the chat. That's what I love. I love to see one of the coolest things here is to see where you're all from. We're a worldwide patriot community and it's just so absolutely awesome to see here. We got a couple of preliminary things going on here. Some housekeeping things before we dive right in. We are live on YouTube, Rumble, Twitter, Instagram, you name it on our app, our special app. But only those of you who have RSVPed can ask me your questions at the end and have access to our special community chat that we have on our own virtual platform. So if you still want to as it were RSVP, if you want to be a part of the live Q&A and backstage discussion, you still can just click on the link below, or you can scan the QR code. It's completely free. And we will send you a link ASAP. Once you have RSVPed, it's never too late. There's that QR code. I love it. So you could just join us live. Again, it's absolutely free. Come on aboard. We'd love to have you. Secondly, every one of you here attending this event who has RSVPed and who sticks around to the end will get our courageous conservative book bundle. So these are three of my best-selling books. We got President Trump and our post secular future. We've got the return of Christendom, Demography, Politics, and the coming Christian majority. And we've got the new nationalism, how the populist right is defeating globalism and awakening a new conservative age. You will get these if you stay to the very end. You know, all right, I've got to be honest. You'll probably get them no matter what. I'm in a given mood, right? That's what epic times call for. But stick around to the very end and you'll definitely get them. We'll send these books to you, our courageous conservative book bundle free of charge. Who is ready to dive in here? Put it in the chat. Say, I'm ready. I'm ready. Let's rock and roll. Let's dive right in here. This past Saturday, J13, at 6.11 p.m. We all witnessed what was ultimately almost the ultimate steal. Evil forces. And that's what they are. Evil for pure, pure darkness. In an instant, almost stole our precious president away from us. We were literally millimeters from the ultimate steal. And by God's grace, that horror transformed into heroism. That terror transformed into triumph. That gruesome vanquishing turned into glorious victory. Praise be to God. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And I want to open tonight with a prayer. This is a very ancient prayer. It's a prayer in a time of attack by enemies. And I want to pray this over all of us and especially our dear president. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you, our God, pre-existing before all ages and remaining forever, who are as great in compassion as you are in uncontainable power. Who because of your ineffable mercy bowed the heavens, came down on earth and became man for the salvation of sinners. Who put on and immortalized our nature and ascended with it to the place from which you descended. Hear from heaven and become merciful to all those who cry out to you with a broken heart. You, O master of all, lend your ear and hear us. We know your undefeatable love for your creation and your inexhaustible goodness. Hence we throw ourselves into the ocean of your compassion and entreat you. Turn not your face from us nor cast us away from your continents. Neither hand us over to those who are so furiously attacking us. Look upon us with your compassionate eye. Show us how to rise above both the visible and invisible enemies. Place in us a power from on high. Encompass us with your almighty right hand. Keep us under the protection of your wings. Fortify us with love for one another and grant us unshakable peace. But before all and above all, instill in us your fear and your love that your holy name may also be glorified in us. Upon you alone we look. On you alone we have placed our hopes and to you we send up all the glory together with your father who's without beginning and the life creating spirit now and forever and unto the ages of all ages. Amen. Amen and I put that in that chat. Amen and amen. I think, you know, one of the most amazing things to come out of Saturday. And I think we've all noticed it. I think we've all seen it. We're certainly seeing it in the Republican National Convention this week. We've been seeing it in the amazing political commercials that are coming out the videos just like the one we just saw. There is a sense of extraordinary courage that has awakened in the maga movement, a courage like we have never seen or experienced before. Make no mistake, this is precisely the kind of disposition among people that God awakens in these epic times. And it's precisely during such times that each and every one of us needs to ask ourselves. What do you want to do in the next hundred plus days regardless of your age, your education, your health, your wealth, whatever. What do you want to do in these next hundred plus days that will be the stories you can tell your children and your grandchildren. And your children can tell their grandchildren decades from now, looking back at that iconic image. What do you want to tell them when they ask? What did grandma and grandpa do to help that man win? What did they do that protected us and our children? How will you be remembered for what you did these next hundred days? You see, I believe we all already know what we need to do. We just need a little reminding, you know, I don't know if you know, I mean, it's like 30 years ago, literally, I think it's actually 30 years ago, 1994. Back then, at the beginning of that year, I would have stood up and probably identified myself as a leftist liberal. Did you know that? A lot of people don't know I was a good lefty back in the day. So obviously, I've had a bit of a journey and I know I ain't the only one. Come on. How many of you were lefties back in the day? Admit it. Let's see it in the chat. Put in the chat. I'm a recovering lefty if that was you back in the day. To be honest, to me, this is the thing that's so funny about so many leftists today. They just don't realize that so many of us were once one of them. This is what makes the panels on MSNBC so utterly absurd. They actually think they need to school us into why we need to be woke, not realizing that many of us were once believed just like they did. And thank God, literally, thank God, so many of us who were once lefties had someone very special come into our lives and in a very real way awaken us. For me, if you don't know, for me, it was the one and only Rush Limbaugh. This is what I mean to me, God's just got the most amazing beautiful sense of humor that I'm sitting here right now doing what I'm doing inspired by that man. Back in the day, I don't know if you know I went to a music conservatory. That's in Baltimore. That's where I met my wife. And one of the things that I like to do when I was practicing, my instrument was classical guitar, when I was practicing the guitar late at night, is I just like to watch TV. And I don't know, it was some time and I think it was in the summer of 1993. It might have been closer to 94, but it was up late practicing watching the TV. Just this background noise, you know, I just stare at the thing while I was working on some technical section in a piece. And I'll never get, I think it was like 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. maybe 1.30 right after Letterman or something like that. Again, I can't quite remember or whoever was late night. This show would appear on the channel that I was watching on my little black and white television, you know, with my three channels and a coat hanger for an antenna. And this big, blustery guy would come out with this, you know, baritone bravado voice thanking the audience greeting him and then he would sit down at his desk. And for the next half hour to my horror, he began absolutely ripping into Bill Clinton, who I loved at the time. And what was so interesting and I still remembered and it made me so upset is he did it with such such a whimsical nature. It was so humorous and so lighthearted and funny about it. It would be crazy to be honest with you. Now, originally I dismiss this guy as just a jerk. I frankly thought he was just a pompous ass at the time. But fortunately, the TV was too far away and I was too lazy to get up and switch the channel. So for the next several weeks, and again, for the life of me, I can't remember what I was watching beforehand in order for Rush to come on afterward. But for the next several weeks, right around that time, whatever it was, 1.32 a.m. every single night. There he was popping off on my TV. And I've always loved politics ever since I was a kid. So I gave him a listen. And I can distinctly remember it was a few months into this. I can distinctly remember that he started making so much sense. It was scary. I just remember stopping periodically, whatever I was playing. And I would just listen to him. And I thought, holy crap, that works. That makes sense. He started defending Reagan, of course, and he would constantly contrast Clinton with Reagan. And I remember beginning to see Reagan as a rock or better Reagan, Reagan standing firmly on a rock of tradition made up of three core timeless pillars. To catch what I said, that's very important. Immovable, timeless pillars, pillars that are every bit as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago as they will be thousands of years from now. Timeless pillars and what were those pillars? You guys know it put in the chat. There's three of them. What were those three timeless pillars that Reagan revered and defended his entire political life? Faith, family, and freedom. Faith, family, and freedom. And you'll notice that each one of those timeless pillars actually needs the other and implies one another. How many of you guys know, we've talked about it a lot on the channel. I mean, not a lot. I guess periodically. How many of you guys know about this thing called the Golden Triangle Freedom? Put in the chat if you know that, the Golden Triangle of freedom. It's a bit of a derivation of faith, family, and freedom, the Golden Triangle of liberty or the Golden Triangle of freedom. It's actually the true, when all said and done is the true bedrock of our Republic. It's something that every single founding father ascribed to in some way, shape, or form. Let me put it to you in a different way. If you understand the Golden Triangle of freedom, you understand America. You understand the soul of our Republic. So the way the Golden Triangle of freedom works is this, our founding fathers all believe that in order for us to be truly free, we had to be virtuous. We had to be a citizenry of virtue. They call it civic virtue. It goes all the way back to Aristotle and the like, but when all said and done, civic virtue, they believe, was indispensable to freedom, because only a self-governing people could be truly free. And in order to be self-governing, we had to cultivate a sense of civic virtue. That's the view of literally every single one of our founding fathers. But in order to cultivate virtue, you had to have faith. You had to have, you had to be plugged into a faith tradition, which are the faith traditions are the timeless resources for the classical virtues. But here's the key. The only way you can have true faith is if you have freedom, because true faith can't be imposed upon you from above, can't be coerced. It has to be a choice. And so freedom undergirds faith. But in order to have freedom, what did you need? You had to have virtue, which requires faith, which requires freedom, which requires virtue. You see how it works? That's the interlocking pattern, the loop there, or better, that's what Oz Guinness, in particular, refers to as the golden triangle of freedom. True freedom requires virtue, which requires faith, which requires freedom. So this triangle of freedom is an interconnected whole, where every part implies the others. And for our founding fathers, for the whole of human civilization, the primary institution, in which, in this case, the triangle of freedom was cultivated, was the family. And this is because it's the family that is that institution whereby we learn that we have moral obligations to people, places, and beliefs that we did not choose for ourselves, but that shows up. But that shows us. This is what makes liberalism so pernicious. leftist liberalism says you have no moral obligations apart from that which you choose for yourself. So that's why they have no problem redefining the family. It's not how the family is classically understood, the family is that primary institution where I learn that I am morally bound. I'm obligated to people, places, institutions. This is what patriotism actually means. It's related to the word patriols, which means fatherland. When we think of moral obligation, we think fundamentally in terms of the family, the family is that institution that teaches us more than any other that we are obligated to conform our lives into a harmonious relationship with people, places, histories, institutions that we did not choose for ourselves, but that shows us. So this is why the cultivation of virtue, the cultivation of loyalty and fidelity and morality is ultimately cultivated in the foundational institution of the family. So this is how faith, virtue, and freedom translate into faith, family, and freedom. And it's those three timeless pillars that comprise the true bedrock of our republic, what our founding fathers referred to as a republic, our virtue. And so here's the key in all of this. There's a proven path. There's a proven path. We're not guessing here on what we need to do. This isn't trial by error. There are three core pillars that we need to come back to and build back into the American value system. And this is where you can play a role. By building up these values back into yourself, strengthening your own faith, your own family, strengthening your own freedom. And only then when you're in a place to strengthen your life as Jordan Peterson always likes to remind us, right? Clean your own bedroom first. Only then will you be able to affect the ideals of faith, family, and freedom in our nation precisely because you'll be living examples of them. And living examples that golden triangle freedom in our wider culture and society. That's the epiphany I basically had 30 years ago developed over some years of classical training. That's the epiphany. Now, how does all of this relate to what we need to do in November? This is the biggest epiphany you have got to get because I think it changes literally everything. What's our biggest concern in November outside of President Trump's physical safety, of course, but it appears God has that taken care of. Blessed be the Lord, what's our biggest concern about November? Put it in the chat. You guys know however you want to put it in. What's our biggest concern? You know what I hear about it every day from you guys. What's our biggest concern about November? How are we going to stop the steal? How are we going to prevent them from stealing this election? How? Now, if you think it through every time that issue comes up, we seem to always be thinking superficially about it. This is why you're here at Turley Talkers channel. We don't think superficially. We think in terms of epochs, aeoms, ages. Every time that issue comes up, we are thinking superficially about it. We're always thinking practically and particularly, we're always thinking about stopping illegal immigrants from voting or we're thinking about ballot stuffing and all sorts of stuff. And of course we have to address that obviously. Obviously all those concerns are absolutely valid. But do you realize the deeper reality in this? We could go, we could be talking about all of that and not even realize the fundamental reality, which is why is it that they can steal the vote in the first place? What about it? Foundationally. Why are they able to steal the vote in the first place? You know the answer. Again, I'm just reminding you. That's my job. It's called the numbness cease in the Greek. To remind you of what you already know. They are only stealing our vote because they first stole our values. Write that down. Write that down. They're only stealing our vote because they first stole our values. They're stealing our vote because they stole away our values. They changed our values at the border. They changed our values in the schools. They changed our values in the university. They changed our values in our government. They changed our values in Hollywood and entertainment. They changed our values in sports. They changed our values with our children. They changed our values in the corporate boardroom. They stole away the very values that undergirded our Republic of virtue from its founding. This is so essential for us to get tonight and for the rest of our lives. If we don't fix this, every other fix is a mere band-aid for a compound fraction. I'm serious gang. Too many of us think that all we got to do is fix the election system, right? Get rid of the machines and stop mail-in voting or just return to paper ballots only. And we're good to go. No, we are not. Because that's missing the bigger steel that's happening. Look at how the freest and fairest elections in the world. They could still be passing all of this insanity. Look at California. Look at New York. Look at Illinois. You have fully free and fair elections, but as long as they have effectively stolen our values away from us, the very values that undergird a constitutional republic, our social and cultural problems are only going to get worse. They're stealing our elections because they first stole our values. That, my friends, is the big steel. And they're only stealing elections because the values that were the pillars of our civilization are gone. And so, what's the ultimate solution to all of this? In addition to all the practical things we need to do, what is the ultimate long lasting solution? You put it in the chat. You guys know, again, I'm just reminding you, it is the restoration of those timeless pillars of faith, family, and freedom. If we together reawaken those values, we will have reawaken the prerequisites to a flourishing constitutional republic. So, here is our trajectory going into November as of tonight. We have to reawaken these values in our own lives, and we have to apply these timeless values in such a way so as to win big in November and beyond. Remember, November is just the beginning. This is not about winning an election. This is about winning the future. So tonight's focus is going to be primarily on the ladder. We're going to focus on what we all can do practically the action items we can take to win in November. And then we're going to give you a special opportunities to awaken and defend these values long term such that November is just the beginning. So, how do we do that? Well, for me, in my story, I needed a guide. I certainly didn't figure this out myself. I needed someone who could increase my brain power, a little brain, literally a brain trust, and helped me realize the best version of myself in all of this. It wasn't my idea to start a YouTube channel. It wasn't my idea to get on social media. Someone else came up with that idea, and I want to introduce them to you. Many of you know him, he's my colleague, but more importantly, he's my friend and he is my brother Ralph Cochran. Here he is, Ralph, my friend, my brother from another mother. Come on in, my friend. Yeah, I wanted to bring you in gang. This is Ralph Cochran, our colleague, he's the president of Turley Talks. And like I said, I did not plan this. This is this is the brand. What you guys are experiencing right now, quite literally, is the brain child of that guy right there. I've actually known as Blue Man, but that's an inside show. You got a Trump shirt, the golf shirt. Yeah, we went golfing on the Trump course in Palm Beach. Yeah, talk to us, Ralph, man. Talk to us. Yeah, no, that's great. That video, I mean, that brought chills. I saw that this morning when the guys put that together, Josh and Micah, and my goodness, wasn't that amazing? It was. It was an unbelievable video. That's so cool. We're going to have to put that up on our channel just by itself, it could be amazing. That's great. Great mood for that. And yeah, no, Steve, it's great. And I think the big thing here that we've wanted to put together for everyone and just answering these questions he brought up is like, what do I do? And I think one of the things we saw, we've seen this repeated time and time again since, you know, January 6, and even after, right after election, a month earlier, was not far earlier. And people just like, I don't know, put it in a chat, like, is this true? What do I do? Is that the big question? You guys say yes to that? Is that like a big question? You kind of ask yourself? I mean, not all of us run for office. Like, I've been involved in some political campaigns. We've helped them out. And several others in the area. I'm like, that's not for me. But then it's like, hey, how do I help? And I think one of the things I found out, I think Steve, you did too, is, man, we have to get involved locally. And if we don't get involved locally, the battle is local. And that's why, and what's happened is you have these tyrants taking over the local institutions because the conservatives aren't involved. And that's huge because all elections ultimately are local. A lot of people just don't recognize that. But you can actually, elections are one of the few things we'll talk about a later on tonight. It's one of the few things you can actually affect nationally down your street. That's what's so cool. Yeah, so that's the big thing. We have some special guests that are waiting right now to come on in a few minutes. But before we get to that question of, like, what do I do, I found that I needed to learn, who am I? Like, what are my gifts and what things could I be doing before I can get this list of, like, am I the one to go speak before a board meeting? Am I the one to run for office? Am I the one to, I don't know, like, what roles can I play in this battle? That's very real. Because I'm not, I think, grow up being involved in the government sphere, the civic sphere, my parents working government, those kinds of things. So just questions kind of scratch my head. It's very uncomfortable. And so we brought on some experts that have kind of walked down that journey. They've probably walked further than we have down that journey. And we want to introduce you. And there's some guides, like, we're kind of following them, too. And I'm really excited about several of them to come on. But before we do that, I wanted to, without another person, we are good friends with he. His name is Joe. And Joe helped us really get clarity around understanding, like, what are my gifts? What is my calling? Where do I fit in this battle? And so him and Steve did an interview a little earlier today. And fortunately, Joe is on another event right now helping. He's going to come over here a little later in the event live, but he couldn't be on right now. So we want to start that video if you guys want to tee that up in that interview. So we were pre-recorded interview that this would have been alive. I think it's really good. I think it'd be encouraging. So let's watch that. And I think this will begin our journey for the rest of the evening to kind of just dive deep and get real practical. This is not meant to be this just like, we love Steve. I love Steve. But Steve is the philosopher, the academic, the, you know, the pastry professor, but we need, I'm the guy that gets stuff done. Like, I take the, like, okay, Steve, you need to start the interview. Action, action, action, action. That's right. I brought in a lot of action-takers here. And Steve's a man of action, too. But we want to get real practical to get some experts in front of you. We want to be able to help you guys equip you. Basically, we have a hundred days, right? A hundred ten days, I think, of the count right now. And what do you do right now? But how do you know what to do? That's what we're going to ask for. So let's pull that video on so you guys can play that. That'd be fantastic. Michael or Josh? Our first guest tonight is going to develop for us the role of faith in securing victory in November. So I want to introduce to you a very dear friend of mine, an amazing influencer. Joseph Aaron, Joe is the founder of Multiply Inc, which is a company whose mission it is to change the world by multiplying movements that matter. I love that. All right. I want to say that again because it's so cool. Joe is dedicated to changing the world by multiplying movements that matter. Now, just to give you a sense of how awesome that is, Joe's company is actually on the path to acquiring a hundred million subscribers of media so that they can shift the gaze of culture back towards heaven. It's awesome. So, Jeff, thanks for being with us. Great to see you here at our Call to Arms event. It's awesome to have you. Well, it's my pleasure to be here and hello to everyone and Dr. Steve, the world needs some new foundations or maybe some old foundations, but I'm sure you have some questions for me. Yeah, absolutely right now. Well, I mean, let's get into that. You know, actually, I'd like to start off more or less with an objection. If I can, like we might call it a false belief. What would you say to someone who said that we're a secular society today? And so we no longer need, you know, antiquated, outdated ideas like faith driving a 21st century nation. Yeah. Well, listen, what to do in the midst of a world in turmoil is not this is not the first time this has ever happened. I found it really interesting, Dr. Steve, I'm going to start with the Bible, even though I know that's a secularist question. Psalms, chapter 11, verse three asked the same question that we're asking here tonight, which is this. When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? And just to start this whole thing off so everyone knows who I am, to be clear, I'd like to start this interview by saying, we need a revival of faith in America today. Amen. There we go. I was looking for the Amen. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I'm sure we're good to see it in the chat here in a minute. Amen and amen. Right. And so the revival of faith. Yeah. David asked this question in Psalms, chapter 11, and the interesting thing when I went back to read it because I was preparing for this interview and thinking about what we're needing to do. It's interesting what the verse before this says, Dr. Steve, because in Psalms, chapter 11, verse two, when he asked the same question, we're all asking when the foundations are destroyed. What can the righteous do? Watch verse two, David says, the wicked bend their bows. They set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. Wow, when the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? Dr. Steve, this is not the first time that the enemy has tried to assassinate something good. Wow. And it didn't just start with President Trump. He was trying to assassinate some things and shoot them some things long before he went after President Trump. He's been trying to shoot at some of our values. This is what we're talking about here tonight. He's been shooting at some things. So here's what I see happening, Dr. Steve. If you pay attention to the response of what's happening in social media right now, and especially the young people, like if you hear what they're saying, I'm 44. Am I still young? I don't know. You're still young, man. You're still young. I'm still young. So good. All right. Fantastic. But when I look at the responses, here's what they're all saying. They're going, it's fake. Listen to my words, they do not, Dr. Steve, believe it's real. Believe. Right. They don't trust. Right. They don't have faith in what they're even seeing. Why? Why would someone not have faith? It seems so obvious. It's because there is a crisis of faith in America. We have learned, Dr. Steve, to doubt everything. Something has happened to us as a nation where we've lost trust in things that used to be unquestionable. We lost faith in education. I wonder why they indoctrinated our kids and brought pedophiles into the classroom to dance lutely in front of our children. We lost faith in the medical communities. I wonder why the doctors promoted Jabs to protect their jobs. We've lost faith in our churches because we're overwhelmed with the constant stream of sexual impropriety and failing pastors that fills the news. We've lost faith in government institutions to do the very basic thing that they swore and owed that they would do protect the border. We lost faith in the court systems to be impartial and unbiased. Everything that people have come to put their faith into is under attack. Wow. And Dr. Steve, when everything that you believe is an under attack, when everything that you once trusted upon is shaken underfoot, what do you do? And the answer is you doubt. You doubt everything. You try and find a place to put your foot firmly. Does anyone know what I'm talking about who's watching this interview? And so faith itself is in crisis and belief has become hard for many. And the nation is overloaded with the doubt and we're grasping at anything that we can hold on to that might be secure. But Jesus tells us a story about two houses. Dr. Steve, you know the story. One house was built on the rock and one house was built on the sand and the waves came and the winds blew and the rains descended and the house that was built on the sand, it fell. But the house that was built on the rock stood firm. Ladies and gentlemen, on Christ, the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. That's right. Wow. All other ground. All other ground. It's all being torn. There's a scripture. I believe it's in Hebrews. Dr. Steve, you know better than me. It says everything that can be shaken will be shaken. You all feel it. You feel the doubt. You feel specifically Gen Z and some others and those of you even not in those like, what can I trust anymore? Yeah. Yeah. And so in a crisis of faith, what do we do? And I believe the answers are not merely ahead of us, Dr. Steve, but they're behind us. Because if we look to the principles, we know that doubt tears down, but faith builds up. Somebody needs to put that in the chat. Doubt tears down, but faith builds up. And David wasn't the only one to deal with unrest and a lack of trust. Several hundred years after him, I believe it was a man named Nehemiah came along. And his nation was so destroyed that as they were carried away into captivity, they could smell the sulfur from the burning rocks of limestone and the smoke that filled the air in the heavens as they were carried away. And it's a long time after that moment as they're carried away, that Nehemiah has this desire to rebuild what they had lost. Can I just start there? Does this story make sense to you right now, Dr. Steve? I love it. Yeah. Keep going, man. We build something here. It's not that we, it's yes. In some ways, it feels gone. It feels like, especially, I'm guessing, if you're 50, 60, seven years old and you're looking at the way that your grandchildren think there may be a crisis in you. How do I help them see the world that I used to see? Because that world doesn't seem to exist anymore. Nehemiah goes to God and he's like, God, help us rebuild this thing of beauty. Help us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. And the first thing that happens, Dr. Steve, when they go there, is this helping anybody? The first thing that happens is the man named Sam Ballot that rises up. Nehemiah gets to Jerusalem. He sees the destruction of everything that's happening. And Sam Ballot, an enemy that was present in that location, asked the same question they're asking of us today. And their question is, what is this thing you're doing, Nehemiah? You're going to rebuild this wall. Will you rebel against the king? Wow. You can't, you can't do that here. The secularist says, you can't pray in this school. This is a God does not enter zone. He is not allowed here. You need our authority in order to do this. If you're going to rebuild faith in America, you're going to need our acceptance of this idea. And Nehemiah looks at them and he says, read it for yourself. It's in Nehemiah chapter two. He says, the God of heaven himself will prosper us. Wow. Does anybody believe this? The God of heaven himself will prosper us. I know you have an authority. You're going to need your permission. But I have an authority that I am pointing to and my authority is greater than your authority. But listen to what he says, Dr. Steve, because our question here today is, what do I do? He doesn't stop there. And unfortunately, I believe a lot of the church and a lot of the people of God and a lot of well-meaning people are stopping at God himself has given me authority. And they're like, okay, I'm good. They just sit back. Right. But that's not what Nehemiah does in this moment. In this moment of history, Nehemiah says those words, the God of heaven himself will prosper us. And then he says this, therefore his servants shall arise and build. Wow. We're going to work, baby. Yeah. We're not just going to say God's good. God's got it. I hear a lot of people saying that God's got it. Yeah, God's got it. I'm with you. God's got it. Therefore, we must arise and build. Now, wow, chapter, they start in Nehemiah, they start recording the names of all the people who rose up to build. They named them. They recorded their names. They talked about what they did. They talked about what part of the wall they were building on. It was a very exciting moment. And they are remembered throughout time and eternity for their willingness, not just to say God's got it, but to rise up and do something about it in the face of tremendous adversity. We get to chapter four and sandbowl at the enemy returns. And he sees them building, Dr. C. And he looks at the people around him and he says, he laughs. He mocks at these backwards people who don't even have the capacity or the money or the wherewithal or the backing to really do anything of significance and rebuilding the wall. And he looks at him, he says, you feeble Jews. You're weak. You're too weak. Not only did he say you're too weak, but he said, what's your building is too weak? Let me read it. Watch this. This shocked me, Dr. C. This is for us today. How many believe the word of God is still relevant because we need a revival of faith in America. Watch this. He mocks the Jews. And he spoke before he says, what are these feeble Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves? Will they offer sacrifice? What do you pray to your God? Will they compete it? Will they complete it in a day? Listen to these words. This is what got me, Dr. Steve. Will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish? Wow. Stones that are burned. Wow. Then to buy it, the Ammonite was behind him. Beside him and he says, whatever they build, you know, whatever they build, even if a fox goes up on it, he'll break down their stone wall. Dr. Steve, we know from the scripture, these stones were made. They were made of limestone. And what you may not know, if you're not a student of history or a geology, is that if you burn limestone and then put pressure on it, it is incapable of holding the weight and it will turn to powder. And so to buy us and sand ballot, the enemies of the people of God look at what they're building and they laugh. They're like, number one, you're too weak. But even if you get it done, the thing you're building on is too weak. We've already destroyed that. And what does Nehemiah do? How do the people of God respond? Because that's what's happening to us today. Your faith is meaningless. Your faith has no power. Your God has no power. Your ideas that come from antiquated books from 2000 years ago, those aren't principles that you can build a nation on. This is the 21st century, Dr. Steve, how dare you even begin to bring us these ideas from a 2000 year old book. But here's what Nehemiah did. Here's what Nehemiah did. He kept working. He must have thought to himself, Dr. Steve, I'm going to do what I can do. And God's going to have to do what only he can do. And this is the message to you today. We need to pray like it depends on God. And we need to work like it depends on us. Now, the secularists will tell you, you don't need faith. Like Sandbell, they'll tell you, you can't build a nation on faith. That's burnt. We've destroyed that long ago. And some of you may even feel that way. You may feel like my children are already woke. Unfortunately, I sent them through the indoctrination camps of college campuses and they have a different ideology coming out the other side. The stones of faith, you may think, have already be destroyed. It's impossible for us because our leaders are too timid and our institutions are too corrupt. Though the stones of faith, you may think won't work. The onslaught of the enemy is too strong. But what God showed us in Nehemiah, Dr. Steve, is that if the people will go to work, if the people will work like it depends on them, listen to me. God can revive the stones. Wow. Wow. God can revive the stones in our nation. God can revive the stones of faith in your life. What they didn't know is those masons laid, those limestone bricks, is that with every stone they laid, they must have held their breath in anticipation, hoping that this wasn't the stone that laid on top of the wall that would make the whole wall crumble. Is this stone secure enough? You may be asking, is the stone in the foundation of faith sufficient to hold that which we're creating to fortify something beautiful and something good. Here's what you need to do to ensure that happens. Pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you. Wow. If you believe it. Wow, man. Well, can I, that's, that's unbelievable. Well, first of all, the very fact that you just pointed out we've lost faith in God and therefore from that point for we've lost faith in our nation. Of course, if we're one nation under God and we don't believe in that God anymore, we're not going to believe in that nation anymore. That was brilliant. And can I, can I geek out a little bit on cultural anthropology here because I do what you just said so good. I don't let me come at it from a different angle. Cultural anthropologists call that, that rock, the sacred, and it's this notion that all humans have believed in from the moment there's been humans. We've always believed that life begins with, with a divine eternal absolute and that divine eternal absolute is necessary because it provides the. Self replenishing resources for constant cultural and social renewal. And so this is the problem with a secular society, a secular society by definition cuts us off from that everlasting self replenishing source for cultural renewal. So cold secular cultures always end up inevitably rotting. They inevitably starve. They're actually the empty bag. They're the empty exactly, exactly. But what you just said to close the loop. But the amazing news is that because all societies are ultimately rooted in this sacred. And then they forget God, right? That's the theme and judges, you know, and men forgot God and men did whatever was right in their own eyes. When that society ends up brought that secular society ends up rotting, it becomes like compost. And what does compost do? It reawakens the sacred seeds of cultural and social renewal, precisely because that divine foundation, those sacred seeds are by definition eternal. They don't die. We could cover them up. We can ignore them. But those divine self replenishing resources are always there in love, particularly in the Christian tradition in love to revivify our nation. Dr. Steve, that is so beautiful. And I just want to say one other thing, because I think, I think in general that most of us believe that we need a revival of faith, specifically a faith in God in America, and that is a foundation and a stone that cannot be removed. However, I think most people, and this is what I think you're really solving one of the pieces that you're really solving why I love your movement and what you're creating is what you're helping to solve is not only, okay, I know that I need a revival of faith in my life. But then the question becomes, what do I do with this, right? And that's not a question of who God is, right? Everything we've just covered is who is God, right? By the way, I had a bunch of questions for you. I just threw them out. I mean, just answered everything. But that was going to be my final one to you. Okay, what do we do? Awesome. Keep going. Yes. And so what we've answered is the question of who God is and who he wants to be in our world and that he's that he's in charge right now it's like, well, what do I do in response to this. And I think when you get a revival of who God is, then of necessity, you have to get a revival of who he's called you to be. Right. Right. Because the first thing God tells you about you is that you're made to be like him Genesis 126 and 27. And so what we've been doing, and this is, you mentioned our movement and stuff, and I know what you all are doing is creating workshops and things of that nature to help people really come to the decision and the choice of, okay, I'm going to go to work. What do I want to work on? What is God giving me liberty to choose to work on? And what does God need to speak on specifically because I think a lot of times in the church, we're kind of like, Oh, I don't want to do it when God tells me to do it. And it's like, well, God's already told us to do some stuff. We need to get clear on that stuff. And if he speaks again, we can adjust from there. But for now, like, you have liberty, you are a creator made in the image of God, you have liberty to co create the world that God has given you. So, pray, pray like it depends on God work like it depends on you. I love it. And that's, and that's your specialty. You do help people figure that out what they're, what they're called to do individually. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're gonna, we're gonna have to develop that a little bit more tonight because it's brilliant. But we got, we got family and freedom to go here as well. But thank you for anchoring us in faith. And thank you for reminding us if we don't first have faith in the God that we're asking to bless our nation. We're not going to have faith in that nation. So, that was utterly brilliant. Awesome. Just thanks for being with us tonight, brother. Thank you. All right. You there. Great. Everyone wasn't that awesome. Joe and Steve. They're so powerful and both of them. I just look up to both them and I'm really loved Joe's perspective on life and he's helped a lot of people. He's helped Steve and I significantly. He's been someone that's really helped us even shape ourselves so we can serve you better. The next, the next person I want to bring on is kind of going to get down and dirty here in a good way and I love this story. It's so humbling to hear this. Elizabeth Landis is a wonderful lady and she's a homeschooler and a mother of us. Is it six or seven? I know you told me the other day. Five, five. Okay. Can you hear us? You can hear us. Okay. Can we hear you? Okay. Welcome, Elizabeth. Thank you. Yeah. Awesome. So good to see you. So yeah, we have a bunch of people that are going to be very interested in your story, Elizabeth. And can you just give us a little background on what happened with you with as you look at your, you're raising your children and then you ended up dealing with your local government and some of the things that's transpired in your life leading up to that. I'm not going to steal your thunder. So go ahead. That gives your background. Well, I'm a homeschool mom and I was educating the five children, various ages, and there's always plates spinning things to do. And then what, I'll just mention two things. One, I would go to vote. And my husband would go with me and then he'd go on to work different direction and I'd go home and each time I went home, I thought, I have no idea who I just voted for or what they stand for. I don't know what their offices represent, but then I'd get back home and they're all the things to do. We're all busy. We all have a lot going on. And then our children started to appear in the local newspaper because they would be in 4-H or in the local theater production part of the local public library. And friends would give us a clipping. And finally, my husband said, you know, Elizabeth, we really ought to subscribe to the local newspaper and stop depending on people to give us articles. And it wasn't long after that that I saw on the front page that there was going to be a community information session because there were 126 people who had signed leases within an energy company in our county. And I thought, oh, this is -- I didn't know about this. And so I went to an information meeting and I only knew one person who was there. I didn't know who gave the presentation. And at the meeting, it was told there was going to be another public forum at our local public library, which was a wonderful public library with an auditorium. And so I did research and I went to that auditorium. My husband also went. We both presented. He presented. And then later I did. After that was over, a nice looking older gentleman came up to us and shook our hands. He did this separately. We weren't together at the time. And he shook my husband's hand first and then later mine. And I said, I'm sorry, sir. I don't know who you are. And he said, well, I'm your county commissioner. And I thought, oh, I don't even recognize my own elected representative who's representing me at the county level. And that was an awakening, that whole situation first coming to a public meeting and then meeting my county commissioner. And it just went from there where I met my mayor. And I met the other county commissioners, both incoming and outgoing. And then I ended up going to the state house and presenting there. And it was entering as an activist. And what I would like to encourage you listeners to do is to enter in a more peaceful way as an engaged citizen. This is the things that we've been talking about tonight, faith, family, and freedom. I call those three different things. I call them the three realms of God's government. And I call them the faith would be the church realm family would be the family realm and freedom would be the civil realm. And most of us have spent our lives dedicated in the first two in family and in church. And we have completely forgotten the civil realm, the freedom realm. That was my big shake up and awakening. And I ended up spending the next two years, about 20 hours a week, applying myself to the activism that this issue required that I had prior previously not known anything about what was a full on education. And then after two years, we ended up moving over to Idaho way across the nation. And I said to my husband as we were coming west. What do you think if I learned about civil government when we I'm sorry about city government when we have to we settle he said I think that's a great idea. So in Indiana, I've been going to county commissioner meetings to follow this issue. And then fast forward to Idaho. I've spent the last six years attending almost every city council meeting that we have. And so what I would say what can we do. Well, I think what we can do is take the face that we just heard about and apply it in the civil realm. And that means acting like a Christian in the civil realm. So I think the thing that there are many many things that I would like to tell people to do and it would take a lot of time. But maybe to boil that down to something simple that hasn't crossed our minds. Those, you know, what can we do in a hundred days. Well, I want us to think about what can we do in a hundred years. And those other people who are on the ballot in addition to the president. What are those offices and can we go and visit and see what goes on there at any level. Obviously, the easiest place to start is where we live. So for listeners, if you live in city limits, go and find where your city website is. And then look there and see when do your city meetings meet and see if they are recorded. Maybe you can just watch some without even leaving home. If you're, if you're incapacitated in any manner. Many cities have them already recorded and you can watch the one that just took place last week. You could watch the one line that's going to take place this week. Likewise, if you live outside city limits, you might live in a county, but not every state in the nation has counties. Louisiana has parishes. That's what you would call a county. So I call the county equivalent. And Alaska has boroughs. Connecticut has regional councils of government and Rhode Island just has towns. Everybody else has counties. Go to watch a county meeting. And I would just recommend sitting in the back. Don't plan to say anything and observe. Take it all in. And I'm writing a book. It'll be out later this summer. And it will explain the things that you're seeing there. If you live near your state house, find out when your state house is in session. Some states are in session, as you can see from their legislation all the time, like California, other states like Idaho have a limited session. So one thing that really impressed me when I was first met you through Daniel is like, you just said something interesting. You said for six years, even I guess it's been going on even longer than like 10 plus years. You've been kind of plugged into this and involved in these local governments and some form of others in Indiana or in Idaho. My question is like during that time, though, what are the things I'm hearing from you? And you said to me, you never, you didn't run for office. Like you haven't been in an office. And that's an interesting dynamic, but yet you're still going to these things. And that's a, that's something that I think is very attractive to like myself. It just, I mean, I'm doing a lot of other things. And yeah, I feel like they need people there and I can see that there's a vacuum. And then, but I've, I've kind of always been playing a card like, how can I help these other people and use like my marketing and business skills and get behind them. And I found that there are a lot of these people in these candidates or just even other people in the local governments need help. But what was that like for you, I guess, if you go sit in the back, I imagine like they start to notice you, right? And then, and then things like kind of mirror, and you start to have conversations. Can you just talk about, like, I just kind of like thinking like the person in here who's never done what you said, like that first step and the fears that they would come on. Like, what were those fears like for you? And then what, what, how did those dissipate? And a lot of times, those fears are not really real. And like, can you just talk about that moment, those first couple times you started doing this? Sure. Well, early on, no one really paid any attention to me. Okay. And so that was easier initially. But I did visit a county meeting here. And one of the commissioners looked up and saw me and said, what, what's your name? What are you doing here? And I thought, I didn't really know what to say. So, yeah, what we have to remember as Americans is we are a nation of we the people. And that public building that I've encouraged you to go to a meeting and that's your public building. Right. So, and there's nothing to encourage and cause our faith to grow, like investing in the civil realm. So, a quick answer to someone like that. Who are you? What are you doing here? I would just say, well, I'm a concerned citizen. I wanted to come watch my government in action. In terms of not having run for office, I've been asked many times to run at many levels of office. And I realized I could do that. But I would only do that. And I feel like my calling is to be a facilitator to welcome people into the civil realm, to open their eyes to the civil realm and to invest in it. Because that's where I think our next revival, our next reformation will be in the civil realm. Amen. And you did you, I don't know if you shared this to me, you were taking your children to these meetings at times. Yes. And initially, you know, I was researching this issue and I would have stacks of paper all over the kitchen floor around where my computer chair was. And every time they go running through, no, no, don't step on my piles. And since then, I've learned to keep my piles more digital rather than concrete piles of paper. But yes, they would come with me and attend with me and help me to get ready for presentations. But probably what was more encouraging than that was when we moved here and I started attending the city and I was no longer fighting an issue. I went moved from being an activist to an engaged citizen. My older daughter came with me and it was really lonely coming because I thought I'm wasting my time. What am I doing? I don't want to be here. And she said, no, Mom, keep going. I'll come with you. I'll sit with you. And so she sat with me for quite some time. And we both would take notes, maybe pass a note to each other and comments on what was going on. And one night I just said, Caroline, I can't do this anymore. And she said, Mom, you must keep doing this. You must write a book and you must help other people understand how to do this. It doesn't look like anything right now. But eventually it's going to be something. And that's how God works in our lives with faith. It starts as a must receive. Absolutely. And I love your 100-year comment and we have to think multi-generationally and the fact that you have your children coming to this and now they see this and they want to pass that on to their children. So your actions, I mean, I've taken my kids to some, in fact, my daughter brought up to dinner tonight. We used to go to a local free PA rally. They would meet at like every month. And she's like, do they still do those? And like she actually, and she's at NSA now, by your way. But she was like, she enjoyed going to this thing. And it showed her a different dimension of life. And I never got that when I was younger. I didn't discover it. I didn't even realize those kinds of things where people, you could engage with that and just tell recently. And I think, yeah, so what you're doing is very courageous. And it gives courage to others listening right now. And I'm really excited about your book. We're looking forward to having you on for an interview with Dr. Steve. And I think that'll be fantastic with just diving into it because I also know what it's more of an action guide. It's not just some academic thing. And that was what stuck in it. You know, I think if I was going to title your book, I would call like making civics great again. Right. So. Yeah, exactly. Come on. You get a good title on there. So, but no, I just, I just think what you're doing is wonderful. We're so encouraged by that. So thank you for sharing this with us. And we will be having Elizabeth more in touch with our audience and with our crowd. We have a courageous conservative club. She's going to be involved in that too. We'll be talking more about that in a little bit here. So, so thank you everyone for joining us. Thanks. Thanks, Elizabeth. We're going to go on to the next thing here. So, thank you very much. So, Steve, if you want to jump back on with me here. And I want to get into something very specific. The, wasn't that amazing? What did you think? Yeah, no, I love it. I love it. You know, and, and there, you know, there's this to note here that just, you know, between between voting and running for office, there really is a lot. Christians can and should be, should be doing here. And they, this can, it can involve the full family, bringing the kids with different gifts to apply here. It's, you know, it's, it's what creates citizens that'll be ready to run effectively. I just, I love the way she incorporated her family into this civics involvement. It was really, that's wonderful. That really adds a beautiful dimension to the faith family. And now as we move into, into freedom, get your family involved. Don't go to, don't go to these meanings alone. Bring them all together so that they can see the civic realm and, and have that civic imagination as it were cultivated in early age. Absolutely. So let's jump into that the freedom realm here. We, I have some interest, an interesting, I'm kind of, this will be my thing here and then Steve, you can kind of, I think you have some things that you want to add to this so. So I recently was introduced to some of the Trump team, and they, I was trying to get them on to speak. I think they're tied up because of the convention and just a lot of other things going on, as you can imagine. And, but one of the things they're doing that I was told that it's really powerful is they, there's a group they call it Trump force 47. You guys remember this Trump force 47. And what they do is they actually, yeah, there's this website here. I'm going to jump into this and this is like, you can volunteer where you go. And I want you guys to do this right now. You can go in and volunteer here. And what, what they're doing is they're getting local people all over the nation in different local areas. We're, I'm in Pennsylvania, Steve's on Delaware and what they've done is they discovered, or they came up with the strategy out at the Iowa caucuses, where they were able to go to the voters. They call them what are they called low propensity voters. And, and they were able to get that low propensity voters. Those are people like there's, they count them like a one to four. And that means in two years, how many times there's two, usually two elections a year that you can vote at. So, if you've go all four times over two years, you're a four, which is a really strong voter. And then a lot of times people only go to the presidential election. So there are one once every four years, but they're trying to get low propensity voters who are like ones and twos to come back out and vote and they've been going to a lot of these swing states. But when it's a Iowa caucus, they, they were saw like, I think it was like a three to five percent increase in the voter turnout because of their activities. And what they do is they actually, this is really cool. I mean, like, anybody want to go to Mar-a-Lago? This is how you do it. Joe, Joe's going to be on a little bit here. He'll probably do this himself. But you can actually, what you do is you sign up on everything and then they give you a list of people who are low propensity voters to call and you call them. And, and, and you call their numbers and they see how many you called. And then you go back and tell them, I called that list and I followed the script you gave me. And then they give you another list. The first time I think they give you like, and I don't know exact numbers, but 10 numbers, and you do it, and then you call as many as you can. And then the next time you do 20, and then they up at the 50, and then when you get up to like 100 or 150 or something, as long as you're calling through it and doing it in a certain amount of time, then they will reward you. And I don't know exactly how the reward works, but the general award is you get to go to Mar-a-Lago when you hit a certain number and you're actually doing the work. And so it's like this kind of incentive too to kind of like, yeah, I'm going to go to Mar-a-Lago get, meet Trump. So I thought that was genius. So, so yeah, so I wanted to kind of give you guys a practical way where you can take action. And this is so like, some of you might say, well, I'm 150 years old and I can't get out of my couch or off my couch. Oh, great. You can do this. You can make a phone call, right? You can make a phone call, exactly. Or you have a 15 year old, they can make phone calls. I mean, it's like, it doesn't matter. Like you can take action and do something very practical right away, and they give you like an app and they give you all instructions. It's really thorough. So check it out. This is something maybe something you already knew about, but I think you'll benefit from that. Yeah. And this is absolutely huge because the low propensity voter is overwhelmingly pro-Trump. So we've talked about this on our videos, Rich Barris has really strong, hard data on this. So a high propensity voter, somebody votes like every single election. Ironically, they tend to be more pro Biden because they're pro establishment. They don't feel disestablished from Washington, D.C. or just politics large. So it's the low propensity voter. When you pull them, they're overwhelmingly pro-Trump, overwhelmingly. It was the same when you went across the pond during Brexit. People had voted in every single election, national election in Britain over the last several years. They were all pro-EU. It was the people who just tuned out and had it, wipe their hands of the whole thing. They were the ones that were like, yeah, I definitely want to vote out of the EU. They were pro-Brexit. So what that means is this is the first election that we know of in literally decades where the Republican candidate has an inordinate advantage. The more the people come out. So in other words, the bigger the electorate that comes out, the bigger the turnout, the more it benefits Trump. The more it benefits Trump, the smaller the turnout, the more you're reliant on the high propensity voter. You need to engage those low propensity voters. Now, there's good news for that. And that is no one turns out a low propensity voter like a Brexit referendum and President Trump. No one turns those guys out. But if we can increase that to 100% turnout, gang, this election is ours. That's too big to rig. There's even people right here and I live in Lancaster County, which is Amish land. If you guys don't know that. And there's people here who will get carpools together and drive the Amish to the voting booths. So the Amish are even starting to engage more in the civics, which is kind of cool. Go back to Elizabeth's thing. And that's something you would be unheard of like even 15, 20 years ago. But they're sick of it. They see what's going on here. Yeah, they've had it. Well, cool. We have another guest. Did you have anything else too? Because I have another guest here waiting in there. No, go for it. That's just to encourage everybody to sign up for people. Stay on here because you're going to want to talk with this guy here. So with us, I have Ray DiAgostino. So, Ray, if we could bring him on. Ray is a hero of ours. Good to see you, Ray. Good. Yeah, good. Nice to see you again. Ray is a county commissioner on the front lines here in Lancaster County. And, but I want to tell a little story about Ray to introduce him real quick. And then we're going to, Ray is going to get into talking some practical measures you guys can be doing. But he's actually very involved in the real ideas behind stopping the steel. And that's, I think that's like the number one issue like all of us have in the back of our head. This is all great. You know, Trump survived and, you know, there's this momentum. But how do we stop the steel? What can I do? And Ray is going to talk about that in just a moment. But before I do that, I have to do this. So, I don't know if you guys remember a couple, two, two plus years ago, it was actually Steve, do you realize it was too dry? It was two years ago, like right now. I'm driving back from, yes, I'm driving back from, like, we have produced this movie. Oh, yeah, yeah. Return to the American Patriot. And we're, we rented a movie theater. Just to show it to a hundred people, we were going to make it like into a fundraiser for Doug Mastriana. It was running for governor. And we, it was about Trump and COVID and Mastriana and what that, what happened in Pennsylvania related to all this. And it was great. It was me like a 40. It's a 45 minute documentary. And the same gentleman that helped do that video earlier was the one I put together and they spent six months doing this thing. And it was a way to help raise money for Doug. And so long and I'll keep it short. There's a lot of details. And what happened was, I got a call from the movie theater and they canceled us and it was a week from it. I was on vacation. I couldn't believe it. And, and then I was like, what am I to do? And they, the reason though they canceled it though is because once the word got out, it was for the Christian nationalist Doug Mastriana. They played that card on us. And I would, like, they were calling Doug Christian nationalist before everyone is even using that term. I think he was one of the early, you know, tactics they would, they use on him. And long and short, they canceled on us. And I was like, really upset. And so I started calling around for help. And I didn't know what to call. And lo and behold, I, we had a week and we already had like about roughly about 100 people signed up for it. And then I bumped into Ray and Ray was upset about this. And he helps people. He's a county commissioner. I didn't even know I could call someone like him and get someone tell me you need to talk to Ray. And so then Ray knew at a hotel in the area, there's like a resort area, the window, and said he knew the owners there. And he got them to say, yes. And I went over there, cut a deal with them. And we had like, it's a seating capacity. We went to six, seven hundred. And then right away, Steve went on and started talking about it when we were canceled. And we sold the tickets like in days. It was crazy. I'm like, what? I was just doing this for a hundred people. Well, then, then, so Ray was helping me. He was my like, my hero in this. And he, then what happened is within two days of that, getting that contract, they canceled it because they had Antifa from Philadelphia threatening, allegedly, to cancel it. So then long and short is Ray found us a church are in through a series of events and introduced to other people. We found a church to see 1200. By the time the movie showed a week later, we were supposed to have it with a hundred people. We had 1300 people show up to this thing. So, but that's because of Ray, Ray, and thank you. And you just, you did your job. You represented us. And we're just, Steve and I are forever grateful for that. So that was quite a world. And I can only imagine all the other things you go through, but thank you again for helping. Part of being a public servant. And Ralph, Ralph is forever grateful. My gratitude runs out and after about two and a half years. So, just so you. That's why we keep lines very, very limited. I'm a very. I live here. I live in Lancaster. You live in Delaware. By the way, yeah, I don't know if you guys heard, just, it just broke. Biden's got COVID. So he's coming home to Delaware 20 minutes from where I am. So anyway, that's still a thing. You can get it. Yeah, I know. I know. Tell me about it. How many times has he been boosted? It's just great. Great. So Ray, tell us a little bit about just what you're doing just on practical things and that you've been dealing with to help people with the voting issues that come up. And Steve has some questions for you too. But just to kind of tell us a little about like what you do in the local government, what your function is because people are from all over the country and how that works and what your specific things you're doing and people can do here. Or wherever they are to really help protect us from the issues that tend to come up every election cycle. Sure. Well, first of all, thank you for having me on. And I just have to say, Dr. Steve Ralph, you know, so far that I am the one who's inspired. You have really inspired me everything I've heard. I totally agree. Dr. Steve, you're looking at a former lefty out of Philadelphia Catholic at a South Philly went to college about the same time I'm listening to you and I'm like, it's exactly what happened to me. I realize that's not who I am. I don't believe in that stuff. So here I am all these years later. And so, yes, I'm a county commissioner here in Lancaster County. And not only that, but I'm also the chairman of the local area Republican committee, which has 10 precincts and 20 Republican committee people. One of my positions though is as a county commissioners also, if you're a county commissioner in Pennsylvania, I don't know about other other states but they're also on the board of elections. And I just happened to be the chairman of the board of elections here in in Lancaster County as well as county commissioner. I've been involved in every side of an election. You know, but both in terms of helping to get people out to vote, finding candidates being a candidate, helping to run elections. So I've been really deeply involved in that civic government but also from from all different aspects. And one of the things that, you know, I've, I've said, from the very beginning on this role of taking on elections is that we're in charge in in Pennsylvania, it's the county boards of elections that are in charge of running the elections. It's not the department of state, or state level. It's the, it's the board of elections. And, you know, the mantra we have here and I'm often repeating this is that our elections in Lancaster County will be run with integrity, veracity, and transparency. And we do must meet those three ideals. And so when you look at that. When you think about it, it really helps clarify some things and you're able to talk to people about how elections are run. And how they're done in a way that that meets those three different ideals that must come together for people to feel good about elections. There's a bunch of others who are my colleagues to think about those things along those lines. But, you know, we need to unify all the different aspects that has been mentioned here today about civics and getting involved in our local governments and talking to people about why all this matters. And helping them to understand how they can get out and vote. So that's important, making sure that people come to vote, whether it's by mail or in person. They must come out the vote and totally agree that one of the things that we are falling behind on is getting a low propensity voters out. And that's what the left has done extremely well, especially in the advent of mail ballots. We Republicans need to do the same thing. On the flip side, we also need to make sure that elections are being run in a way, again, that meet those three ideals. And we as citizens should be involved in that. It's not just local officials. And I'm a public servant, I must be responsible and answer to the people. And that means making sure they understand how things are running and answering their questions. And I think if we get involved by showing up was Elizabeth, just completely enamored with what she was saying she's completely right, showing up to meetings, but also showing up to be able to view how elections are run. You can do that, at least I know how it works here in Pennsylvania and Lancaster County. We make sure that people understand how elections are run and allow them to view and in real time and ask questions. I'll pause there and see if you have any specific questions, but that's just a general overview. Yeah, that's great. Steve, I know you have some questions for him. So why don't you go ahead. Well, I think, yeah, one of the big ones that everybody in the channel that's they're really concerned about is they, they're, they're hearing, or at least getting some evidence that a legal immigrants are getting recruited to vote. So I guess the first question I would have is, do you see that in, in, in your sphere of influence or from, from what you've heard, and then, and then secondly what could be done to prevent something like that from happening. Well, I'll say I had not seen that. I mean, in order to register to vote, you have to show that you're a citizen basically, and provide proof of identification. Now we don't have ID before you go to vote. You know, we don't have voter ID in terms of when you show up to vote, but we do have voter ID first to register, and then second, the first time you come to vote. So, we have not seen, at least I have not seen evidence of that. And we're making sure that when people register the vote that we are doing what we need to do, which is to verify that they are a citizen. Now, I will say that in Pennsylvania, we have a antiquated voter registration system. This state is now has an RFP out to actually do a whole new system. And I think all of us agree that that's necessary. Because she's just out out dating adequate doesn't really work as well as it should. But one of the things that we are pushing for is to make sure that with a technology we have today there, there, there is a way to make sure that when someone registers the vote. It's tied to and able to connect to various databases to make sure that people are who they are, they say they are, and they live where they say to live, and that they're a citizen. Many states have that already. That's something we're looking forward to here in Pennsylvania. But in the meantime, we do have systems in place. It takes a little bit more than just something that's automatic, like a system I just talked about, but we are making sure that that happens. Well, what about what about the issue of urban corruption. So I'm thinking in particular, the old joke that I heard growing up that Camden buses people, people are busting from Camden, which people don't know is in New Jersey. They cross the bridge and then they vote in Philadelphia election. I feel it really has been known for being, at least for right or for wrong, historically very corrupt. Is there anything being done to try to clamp down on particularly at least the concern about urban corruption. Well, this is what I was saying earlier. This is why it's important to have people have eyes on elections. In Pennsylvania, we have poll watchers, and poll watchers are able to view on the inside how elections are run. And poll watchers are able to be had for every candidate that's on the ballot, each party that's associated with being on the ballot. And, you know, there's there could be a multitude of poll watchers. So, for instance, in Lancaster County, we welcome poll watchers to come in and watch. Again, it goes to that whole idea of integrity, veracity, transparency. That can happen and should happen all over, quite frankly, and we should welcome that. I like in our election system, and our balance of our ballots to the currency of our small Democratic Republic. And if you, and if you think about how much we go to wait great lengths. We go to protect our money, right. And we, and in terms of internal controls and making sure people feel good about the security of our money. If we believe that ballots are the currency of our Democratic Republic that we should be welcoming people to have eyes on and view and understand how this works. And people can do that in a real time and I've really encouraged people to do that we do that here in Lancaster County. I remember we had an issue here that was made national news. And we welcome the national news to come in. We've worked with our parties we've worked with our poll watchers we said here was the issue. Here's how we believe we could correct it. What do you think, give us your perspective, because we want your buy in before we move on. And then we implemented it, wherever, after everybody had buy in, and we allowed the national news to come in, and they had full run of the area. And they said, we have not seen this before. We have not been allowed to view as close up to what you've allowed us. I think that's how we really put to rest some of these issues. Right. Very good. Excellent. Excellent. Right. Right. Thank you. We're on. We're short on time this evening, but I also know you're going to be. You've offered to kind of help some of the people here if they want to dig deeper. And we're going to tell them a little bit about that in a minute. If you guys want to learn more from Ray and he has years of experience and teaching people on these things so. But Ray, thanks for your time coming on tonight and we'll be seeing you shortly. Absolutely. Thank you so much. God bless you. And I'm really looking forward to that next step there. Thanks. Thank you so much. Thanks. Thank you. So Steve, we are running on time here. And I know you had some extra slides here. Yeah, the three ways to stop the steel. Yeah. Can you can you blast through those and then we can also do a deeper dive on them later. I can blast through them. No problemo. Gang, write these down. These are just three very, very practical steps you can take right now to stop the steel again in your own life. This is what you can do to prep for November. The very first one. It's extremely easy. You can do it right now, even while you're watching this live stream. Check if you've been removed from previous voter rolls. I've talked to a number of people about what to do to stop the steel. I mean professionals, and that's the number one thing they always bring up first the simplest, easiest thing that you could do right now is to make sure you're removed from voter rolls of states you previously lived in. So just check out to see if if you've moved, particularly in the last couple of years, but even it's just been several. If you've moved from a different state, you want to check to see that they've gotten rid of your name. Now, you can go to a website. I think we've got the website there in the next slide. What do we got? Keep moving, keep moving. Oh, you're just good to buy. Okay, you don't. So I'll have to give it to you. I thought you had it there. We'll drop it in the chat. See, we'll get it in the chat. All right, put it in the chat. Very good. We'll give you a website, but you could also Google it. You can Google it too. How do I check that my name has been removed from a previous address? Then secondly, you want to get involved with the ballot harvesting and to get involved with that. And again, that's mobilizing those low propensity voters. Obviously, you could do what Ralph was talking about. And that's the force 47. And you can get involved with early vote action pack that I think they're, I believe. But if you let their Scott Pressler's organization early vote action, they're relatively new organization doing some amazing work and they are mobilizing the Republican vote, particularly the low propensity vote. And particularly in swing states, like Pennsylvania, like Wisconsin, like Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and the like. So you definitely want to get involved with early vote action. And then thirdly, just like you heard Ray say, you want to get involved in local election precinct activities. And here you can go to election integrity network, election integrity network. They have a very good PDF that you can download called Citizens Guide. I believe it's available at And then what this is going to do is it's going to get you involved directly in your local election infrastructure very much like what Ray was just talking about as well as Elizabeth. And those are three very practical ways that you can get involved in the elections or local elections in such a way so as to stop the steal. So what we're going to do here is we will be sending an email out to everyone that RSVP and then some of those that are on the live streams over on YouTube and rumble and Twitter. We'll also post links to those two in those threads. So we'll get on the community page on YouTube and also in Twitter. So you can find it. You can find it. We will get you these links one way or another. Well, good. Well, moving forward here. One of the things that's a big problem we have is it's one thing for us to win in November. And as Elizabeth talked about, how do we win for the next hundred years. And we have to think multi generationally and that's not an easy thing to do, especially Americans are pretty bad at it. I was just in Europe. A couple times a year and I was just blown away by how the architecture and how these people think and they would build these buildings and it would take them hundreds of years, meaning their families would build them for hundreds of years like, like, it's like, it's a big deal in my house. If we do something, build something for a week together, you know what I mean. So it's just a different mindset. So the one of the things is thinking about the next generation. So what we want what we put together here is an interesting opportunity. Like, is looking at how are conservatives who are part of Gen Z thinking about the future and what are they, where are they at and being sensitive to them because I'm a Gen X, many of your boomers on here and we have different age. But like looking at Gen Z in the next generation coming up and helping, not just them, but even our, your, your children and your grandchildren think better. So they can feel better and these uncertain times it's the next part of our slogan. And so with that what we've done is we have started talking to some people on our team and we've promoted someone to be one of the leaders of our courageous conservative club and that's Micah and Micah's going to come on right now. And him and Dr Steve are going to talk about, hey Micah welcome. So Micah, tell us about who you are and how old you are and just your background and what we're going to talk about right now. Yeah, so some of you might know me I've been on a couple of the Bicot boycott updates in the past three or four weeks with Dr Steve and it's been a great transition to get on camera and learning learning a lot and learning how to effectively communicate with you all. I'm 22 years old I'm the son of Ralph, as you can see the name that is a secret don't tell anyone. But yeah, so I'm 22 years old and I'm I would consider myself definitely conservative very conservative. And yeah my background I grew up going to classical Christian schools and really I remember a conversation I had with my dad actually a few, maybe right before I went into college and it was how can you even be a Christian if you're not a conservative. And he was he told he looked at me and said, well, you know I have some things to tell it like this is you know the world is a lot bigger than you might think it kind of the Obi one Kenobi like you know your first is your first step into a much you have no idea what's coming for you at college that definitely came true I went through all four years of college and experienced a lot of diverting opinions from my own and really had to interact and learn how to articulate my positions. And I see that definitely reflected it in Dr Steve and how articulate he is as a professor actually never never took a class from Dr Steve but I did attend the school that he taught after a while. So yeah that's just a little bit about me. So what let's what let's why don't you guys I'm going to like drop off here but you and Steve just get into it this whole idea of the insanity in the culture and how you're how you think your generation needs to think more clearly about the propaganda of the liberals and how they can get past that so that's I know that's something you want to present here so when let you just dive right into that okay. So, that sounds great. All right, yeah, so, I mean we all know what the big story has been over the past, let me fix that. Yeah, we don't know what the big story has been over the past weekend and I'm sure a lot of us are a lot of our audiences currently watching RNC and they'll be able to see this when they come back is the assassination attempt and for me I think one thing that I can speak to as a member of Gen Z and maybe Dr Steve might not know just yet is that of what it's like to grow up without knowing what a culturally significant moment is where you remember where you were when something happened. For me, I think that the first thing that has happened in America that I remember where I was was this assassination attempt I wasn't alive during 911 I was still I was about to be born I was born a couple months later. That's not a moment that I can remember I can remember watching the documentary on it for the first time and being shocked that this had happened on one of the anniversaries of September 11 but this was this Saturday, I remember I was sitting in a chair celebrating the engagement party of one of my friends, and I looked down at my phone and saw a Twitter post and said Trump's just been shot, please pray, and I couldn't believe it I called my dad and I was the first one to tell him because I'm chronically on the next, and so I let him know and he had no idea he was shocked, and I was so so glad that he was alright, but I couldn't help thinking about being a member of one of the, one of the route of being an rally attendee during this happened and just thinking about the mindset that these people must have been going through watching Donald Trump, the person that they believe is the champion and I believe is the champion of a new conservative age, and for and fighting back fight fight fighting back against the people and indoctrination that our kids are being sent through you know you just saw the Gavin Newsom the new, the new bill he just passed which caused Elon Musk to go yeah I'm out of here I'm done this isn't this isn't this is too much It's, it's so real, it's such a real threat and watching Donald Trump the man that they thought was going to take them to November and resecure the government and the institutions of power for the conservative movement watching him fall I can't even imagine what that would be like It just causes it caused my heart to sink so much, and watching that video I begin to tear up watching that about 60 seconds of him being on the ground and him rising back to his feet and pumping his fist and saying fight fight but it's one of those impactful moments that I think I've ever seen, especially on live TV Amazing, yeah I know so many of us who are older I think never even thought about it how it this was in effect your 911 this is this is Gen Z's 911 it is, and it was, it was stunning You got some, you got some video for us to, to, to dive into the little mind virus here Yeah well I mean this is all of that to say is what a miracle of God that he's still alive and I'm so, I'm so, it makes me tear up because I just think of how different this country could be right now and I know this is what a lot of conservative pundits have been saying So I think it's just think about, think about what we would be talking about right now, if that bullet had gone two centimeters to the right, we would be having an RNC right now and it would be a few or just not even if he just didn't move his head He just didn't tilt his head and turn and tilt, that's a, if there was no turn and if there was just turn, he would have been shot, it was, it was just tilt, he would have been shot, it was the turn and the tilt And that combo saved his life, and that is nothing short of God's absolute providence working out in that millisecond, and he just gave, I don't know if you've seen there's footage of him giving a speech at an RNC event, not the main, not the main stage But just as a God was with me, that was God, and it makes me appreciate him much more than I had, and it's, it's shocking So I just want to focus on though, you know, we're talking about the next hundred years because, you know, we're going to talk about the next four years in Donald Trump and the impactful icon of history at this point, that he is And there's a really going to be focused on what have we left behind, what has the next generation been told, and what is the messaging that we've given them So I want to focus on, the shooter was 20 years old, I'm 22 years old, I can't, you know, I can't imagine doing something like that, but here we are, someone, this kid did this I cannot help but attribute that to the entire Biden campaign being about calling him Warren Schiller, that's their only line of attack that they've had And this has caused a cognitive dissidence in the liberal youth, and so there are a bunch of young liberals who are fully convinced that Donald Trump will end And that he has an existential threat to democracy, and if you believe that someone is an existential threat to democracy, you have an obligation to go and shoot him If I believe that someone was Hitler, I have an obligation to do everything I can to not let that man continue to breathe, and that's where the logical conclusion of these arguments have led to. And then just promulgated on the youth and Gen Z and Gen Alpha, it's not a joke, it's led to this, I don't want to say that they're inciting it, but it is, it's certainly not helping and raising But that's their own standard, their own standard is violent rhetoric, breeds violent action, that's what they, Donald Trump is being persecuted by Jack Smith and Washington myth in Washington DC on that very premise that his hit there would never have been an insurrection if there weren't first a call to insurrection. So violent rhetoric breeds violent action. They have only themselves to blame for that moral standard. I 100% agree. And we have we have video actually of liberals being interviewed about the assassination and it's it is shocking to see just how divided the country is and just how effective this messaging has been from the left. It's shocking. It really is. So I'm going to play this video for you all and we can all watch together. This is a someone interviewing liberals right after the assassination attempt. There had been a lot of information available at this point. It's a false flag, false flag. People, somebody died and two people injured. What do you think about that? False flag. I thought it was magnificently staged. It was professionally done. It almost looked real. Wait, wait, wait, staged by who? Oh, by Mr. Trump, of course. I think this whole thing is staged. You think it's staged? Yeah. It depends on everybody's view. Yeah, view of the assassination attempt. What do you think? Does it kind of depend on where you're standing, whether or not you agree with the assassination attempt or disagree with it? I just don't see. I just don't see that being the truth, but that's my, I just I'd rather just not make any comment. Really quick. What's the, what's the, what are you talking about the truth? What do you mean? Oh, you just don't believe it was an assassination attempt? No, no, no. We're so anti-Trump. I don't even want to say that. Was it a bad thing, though? I mean, I wasn't a bad thing. Would you condemn it? Oh, that he got shot out. Of course you don't do that. That's all, man. Yeah, that's that's really bad. No, no, no, no, no. Exactly. You don't do that. Was it staged? Probably. Staged? Okay, so you think Trump maybe staged a fake assassination for support? Okay. And that resulted in somebody dying and other people being critically injured. I haven't seen the news today. I'm not here for the news. I haven't seen anything. I'm on vacation. So you just thought it was, it was fake? Of course. One person died in the crowd, two critically injured. What happened there? It's a small price. It doesn't, that wouldn't matter to Trump. Do you think he cares if people died for him to be elected? That doesn't mean anything to Trump. Now staged? Yeah, that that guy right there. I mean, that's the messaging that has been nonstop in years. Yeah, right. Exactly. If you're Hitler, then of course you don't care if anyone does. Of course, he's just pushing the ill-logical out working to its conclusion. Yeah, and it's pushed to being arbitrary or inconsistent, as my dad always says, but this is the logical inconsistency that they have. The Biden campaign has nothing to say except that he's Hitler. And so if he's Hitler, why are you condemning the shooting? Why is the shooting being condemned? If he's Hitler, you should not be condemning this. I would be shocked if you should condemn a shooting if it's Hitler. It is brainwashed activity, as someone in the chat just said. Yeah. I also want to, after the reaction to the shooting, I have another clip that just aired and I don't think Dr. Steve has even seen this yet. This just happened at the RNC Joy Reid MSNBC had this to say about Biden contracting COVID. That I have on that. These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take a iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation, we'll figure that out one day, but his survival of that and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strain. This current president of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days? Doesn't that convey exactly the same thing that he's strong enough older than Trump to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age? So if he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same? I mean, it's not exactly the same. It's not saying incident, but it's all it's an elderly man coming through out of an illness. It should. Oh, I love it. You can even see Jen Psaki's circle. He did it, guys. He's getting back. What the hell do I say that this is so forced? It's beyond. I mean, technically it's what's known as an equivocation. It's equivocate to completely unlike things and try to find some kind of similarity. You also know something. Oh, notice something. And I did see this in my Twitter feed. I had not seen that. Thank you for that, Micah. And yes, Micah is always on X. I have the half the videos I get. I'll show you on X. Micah sent to me. He's my R&D guy. But you'll notice they cut him off walking up those stairs, ascending the stairs to the plane. He looked incredibly feeble. It took him in half. Incorporably feeble. And you'll notice they deliberately cut away from that. You know, I want to say something here as just to really do a big frame for all of us and what we're seeing here. Can I do that? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You know, you go back to those who are actually talking about this being staged. And this speaks volumes in terms of what scholars call a post-truth era or a post-truth society. And it's this double standard that we see all the time. So for example, if Alex Jones says something like that, a shooting is staged, it means he has to be sued for a billion dollars, right? Because he said something so hurtful and objectively outrageous and so forth. I'm not saying that that's what Alex Jones said. I'm just saying that that's what he got, convicted of doing right or wrong. The point is simply to underscore the dramatic double standard that exists between what can be said by and done by those on the left and what is not allowed to be said and done by those on the right, even though they're virtually the same thing. So we've got an obvious double standard. And I think it's important for us to understand where that double standard comes from. And I would argue it comes from the fact that the left has captured all our cultural institutions. And therefore, they are in a position to define what is truth. And this is extremely for us, it's extremely important for us to understand big picture in terms of us engaging with any kind of polarizing conversation. I actually wrote about a book, I wrote about this in a chapter of mine on a book I have coming out on Trump and the MAGA movement called Unstoppable. But the gist of it is in the 1960s, cultural Marxism took over the academic left in the universities in that they no longer believed in objective truth. Again, very much like what Joe said earlier, if you lose faith in God, you end up losing faith in everything else and our left wing academics in the 60s lost faith in objective truth. And so what happened is they they bought into this notion of post truth, where truth is whatever those in power claim it to be. So what that means is whoever controls the levers of authority controls the ruling narrative. You've got to get that that's so important. Whoever controls the levers of authority controls the rule narrative. There was a very interesting article on this recently in Chronicles magazine. Truth has been redefined as the authoritative narrative dictated by those in power. Truth used to be that which corresponds to reality, right? That's what's known as the correspondence theory of truth. It is true that it's hot outside. If I say it is hot outside, it's true if I open up the window and I get a blast of hot air. Okay. So truth is that which corresponds to reality. But post 1960s academia, they didn't believe that there was a single authoritative perception of reality. All perceptions of reality are different and they're equally valid. So, but you got to have a truth. And so truth is now redefined as an authoritative account of reality dictated by those in power. Now, if you get that, if you understand that, then you're ready for the again, the sort of paradigm shifting question. If that's the case, if that's what truth is, then gang, what is lying? What's lying? Just their truth. Lying? No, no, lying is dissenting from that authoritative narrative. We're all liars as far as joy read and MSNBC are concerned. We're all liars as far as all those people in that California beach are concerned. And in a post true society, lying isn't claiming something to be true that doesn't correspond to reality. Lying is opposing the official narrative of the regime. That's what lying is. So that's why they say Trump lies all the time. Yeah. No, you just look at the debate. I mean, this is, this is a number one. It's all it's an insidious messaging campaign. If you just send, you are, you're lying. And so the only the only line of attack they had after the debate was Trump. Yeah, exactly. But Biden looked awful and that became the narrative because there really wasn't a line of attack with Trump. It was all obviously was all about Biden, all about Biden's perception. But that was the only thing MSNBC. Oh, obviously Trump lied about everything, but like look at Biden. I mean, this is just awful for the Democratic Party. That's all they have. But and and this explains, if I can, this explains precisely why they can burn down every freaking city across the country and cause $2 billion worth of damage. And that's social justice. But patriots get a little hot headed and storm a freaking building. And it's the single worst terrorist act in the history of our nation next to 9/11. Yeah. Yeah, but Biden at the NAACP just said, you all, you all peacefully protested the death of George Floyd. I mean, I don't understand if this was Donald Trump said this, this is all about about January 6th. It's over. I mean, he wouldn't he he has not said that that it was a completely peaceful protest. But imagine if he did, that would be the news cycle for the next year. Yeah. And Trump would be thrown out of every it would be over. Yeah, maybe, maybe. I mean, you know, they've already lied about so much. Yeah. But let me let me close the loop on that because what's so key here is that the solution then, and you do you have philosophers like Heidegger and a bunch of others who pinpointed the solution, the solution is to in effect, challenge the regime and the regime's narrative. And you challenge it by bringing us by reclaiming reality. And that's what the mega movement is. That is precisely what faith, family and freedom are all about. Yeah. It's it's all about reclaiming reality from the regime's narrative. Yeah. And the instrument, the instrument to do that is to be able to articulate why we are right. And the left is dead wrong, exactly, but in the debate lying about every single thing that even CNN had to put a graphic up about it. This is this is how we win. This is for Dr. Steve, he had Rush Limbaugh to show him this way of reasoning and articulating the the correct side. And to really make sense of reality in a post normal post truth society is that there are objective truths. And and we know what they are, and we can find them, especially through God and through through the world around us based on God's promises. So for me, the inspirations that I've had and many of you probably know them for Gen Z, it's Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Stephen Crowder, and Larry Elder. I watched Larry Elder is one of the more eye opening ones. His interview with Dave Rubin is I would recommend it to anyone to go watch that right now. His first interview with Dave Rubin really gives you a sense of what a strong conservative who can really eloquently articulate their position is. So we're tying that back to being able to influence the next 100 years. I wanted to we have a booklet for everyone that we want to once you sign up for this this new for these courses we have, we wanted to be able to give you a booklet which will teach you and give you just a just a sense of how to reason and articulate the conservative position by noting and being able to defeat the fallacies of the left. And we have a bunch of examples. Well, Michael, let me hold you on that because I want to bring you back in a few minutes. You're going to explain that. That'd be great because this is this is something that's been very powerful for us and even raising our six children and Micah's our oldest and just making sure they've been equipped with the tools of thinking. And Steve is a professor and teacher in the classical education realm and Micah came in counter teachers like Steve that helped him think clearly. So then he's 22 years old. He's able to be equipped better than I ever was to be able to go boldly into the culture and stand up to him and go against the regime. Like Steve's either he's equipped to do that and it's very encouraging and I'm very blessed by the Lord Micah to see what you're doing and how you're thinking through these things. So I hope everyone else is encouraged by that too. So thank you Micah very much. And we're going to stick around. We will have you back on in a moment here. So Steve, yeah, this has been a really special evening. I guess where I want to kind of kind of begin to wind things down. We are going to do a Q&A here in just a few minutes. So if you guys did RSVP, we have see your questions are going through and trying to find the questions and below star them. So please ask your questions in there and Micah and Josh will take care of that. But yeah, so Steve, one of the things we've done here is recognize that we just need to get people more plugged into what we're doing. And we got demonetized and recognizing the future of what Turley talks is all about. And so one of the big things for us is we've kind of had to pivot ourselves and kind of identify who we are. And I wanted to kind of share that vision that Steven and I have been going through this transformation this summer. It's been very eye opening to us like, okay, well, we're not it's not just a YouTube channel what we're doing. And I'm pulling up something here. I'm chatting with you. So we have kind of gotten clarity around where we want to go in the future. And we've come up with this kind of mission statement that we wanted to share with everyone on here that will help you get clarity about where we're taking and leading you. And over the months ahead, you're going to hear more about this. But let me just read it to you. I don't know if you have a slide for it or I'd say, but I have it right here. I was reading to you and we can do it. Yeah, Joe, there he is. What's up, everybody? Real quick, before you read that, Ralph, ladies and gentlemen, this is the most important part of the entire night. This will decide whether the last two hours that you spent with us will actually make a difference in your community and your family and your faith and in the freedom that we're all fighting for. And so before we go to this step, because what Ralph and Dr. Steve were about to share, I'm so excited. I got to be on the inside. I'm just a volunteer here tonight trying to, trying to be a part of everything that they're doing. Scale of one to 10, 10 being this is awesome. Can you guys just show them some love in the chat? If this was amazing, if the information was amazing, if it was inspiring or helpful, give them a score score of one to 10. There's the first time doing an event with this with this new thing. I'd love to see it in the chat where we got coming in. Brooks Kelly says 10. Let us know on rumble. Let us know on YouTube 10, 10, 10. Come on, people, talk back to us. Where's everybody at? Yeah, Mark, Joe, 10, 10. That's one of your faith. I remember your name, faith. That's a good name. I remember your score is the more free things we give you, which by the way, we're going to be giving away some free things. So stick around as we get some Q and A. This is so fun. 10, 10, 10. So good. So good. Guys, big round of applause to you. Okay. But this is the moment, everyone. This is the moment you came asking, what do I do? And I want you to notice something. Dr. Steve and Ralph in the movement that you all are a part of in putting together has a different answer. It's different because the church, and I'm a fan, tells you to pray. And that's good. You should pray. But many churches, how many of you seen and are afraid to get into any specifics? There's a line, right, that they feel like they can't cross. And so there's a little bit of ambiguity in exactly what to do. Who felt it? Give me a yes in the chat if you felt that, right? And then the politicians, right? What is their answer for how we change the world and how we shift culture? Their answer is, well, we'll vote and get involved in the political process. And that's wonderful. We support that too. And we want you to get involved in the political process because that's the only way this thing is going to work. But Dr. Steve gave a different answer tonight than everyone else is giving. He told us there is a foundational issue at stake, actually three foundational issues that are at stake in the chat. What were the three issues? Let's see if you're paying attention. Let's see if you really under this is, they didn't know there's going to be a quiz, Dr. Steve. Right. Right. Right. Where we are? I know it takes a second. It takes a second on on StreamYard, at least where to come in. I'm seeing it in StreamYard. Yes. Good. Garrett got it first. Faith, family, and freedom. And if the foundations are destroyed, what will the right just do? Right, Ralph? And then that's right. So, so here's what we're telling you. Now we want to show you because it feels like different groups of different people are giving different answers, but there is a foundational answer that we are seeing. There's a big hole in the marketplace of those who stand for the ideas of faith, family, and freedom. There's a big hole in the marketplace of people who are asking the question. Most common question you get, Ralph, Dr. Steve, it's what do I do? Right. What do I do? And we all know vote. We all know, like, stop the steal and kind of things we can do with that. But we all feel intuitively there's something else. And for years, I've watched you too. And I want to honor you for your commitment and your faithfulness and your long suffering to do this. And you fought against big tech and you've fought against lots of ideologies that are trying to tear us apart. And after all this wrestling, you've decided on a mission, a very clear mission for the conservative movement on how to do something not only help Trump get reelected in 2024 and 110 days, but how to move this movement forward for decades to come. And stop playing the short game and chasing the Democrats and always on defense. It's time for us to go on offense. Ralph, please share with us the vision. Yeah, so the mission is this. I don't know if we have a slide for this, but I'll just get to say it as is. We are focused now moving forward from this day forth to empower 10 million people to restore and preserve the pillars of faith, family, and freedom in order to awaken a new conservative age. So in many respects, this is what we've been doing, but there's a more deliberate cause that Steve and I have been able to kind of take. That sentence just needs marination. Can you say it again and just pause when you're done? Just tell me the mission. Empower 10 million people. Here it is on the screen. Empower 10 million people to restore and preserve the pillars of faith, family, and freedom in order to awaken a new conservative age. Give us a yes in the chat if you want to be a part of awakening a new conservative age. Just give us a yes for yourself, your faith, your family, and the freedom that we're all fighting for here in America. Give us a yes in the chat if you want to be one of that number. That's what these guys are putting together. I'm so stinking proud of both of you for what you're doing. I want to put a big capital YE. Tell us more, Ralph. I just, I just, yeah. In fact, someone made a great comment in there said, Dr. Steve is taking over where Rush left off. Oh, man. Oh, I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy of the great Rush. Do we have the values slide two? Everyone is that there? Okay, here. So Steve, I'll read these off, and then you can explain them a little bit just in just real quick summaries. But these are the values that we imbibe. I think some of this is like what we already are, but as we move forward, we are going to interpret who we work with, who we grow with, then who we say no to based on these kind of core values of Charlie talks. And that's being optimistic, studious, encouraging, clear, and practical. Steve, do you want to kind of just real quickly just kind of summarize what this is? Yeah, sure. Yeah, I love these values. I mean, we talked, I told you guys, we went to Utah and had a leadership meeting, and we basically banged out these values as representing who we are. So first and foremost, as you guys know, we're optimistic, and it's not simply a matter of recognizing that we're entering into a rising conservative age. That is happening. We detail that in all kinds of ways in the studiousness that we get into. But we try to apply a very particular kind of disposition to all the challenges that we face in the midst of a liberal globalist onslaught that's doing everything it possibly can to just clutch on to the last remaining vestiges of its fleeting power. So we apply what's called the Stockdale principle and everything that we do, you know, Admiral James Stockdale, many some of you know this, he was the most senior naval officer held captive as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. And during the several years of his captivity, when he and his men were tortured and starved and threatened with death daily, Stockdale developed a fundamental principle that helped them endure this horrific trial. And what Stockdale argued is that in any challenge in life, again, this is very much like rocky, if you think it through, we have to confront that challenge with the most sober assessment of the brutality of that challenge, while at the same time never ever ever losing hope that we're going to prevail. So you never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they may be. So so much of the conservative world, unfortunately, are just doomers, right? But we refuse to be doomers because what Stockdale argued is doomers always die. Doomers in that kind of situation end up crawling to the corner, naming their rats, and then they become skeletons in three months. And then those who are just optimistic, you know, pine the sky, naive optimism, they died, they died of a broken heart. You have to have a solid assessment of the sober situation, the seriousness of the situation that you're in, and you can never, ever, ever lose hope that you're going to prevail. So that's our optimism. And thank you, Joe. Thank you. I love, I love Joseph, our class. I love you loud. It'll interrupt you. So we're, we're, we're, we're studious in the sense that you know that we are not just naive optimists here. The Stockdale principle takes care of that. Instead, we're anticipating the rise of a new conservative age precisely because we ground that anticipation in tons of scholarship from post secular scholarship to populist scholarship to civilizationalist scholarship. We have a massive body of academic study that is indeed observing that a new conservative age is rising. So we've got the optimistic, we've got the studious. Encourage is, this is, this is why we call it the courageous conservative club. It's obviously all about courage and the beauty of courage is that it in turn encourages others to take action, rather than discourages them. That's the biggest problem with those who are mired in pessimism and despair. They discourage, we're all about inflaming courage within you to know that those challenges that we fit. Well, let's just be blunt, fight, fight, fight. That's what we're trying to do. That's what we're trying to embody each and every day. And then clear, we try to be as concise in our analysis as possible. What we do is we boil down some pretty complex stuff, as you guys know, some pretty complex theory and we try to make it as easily understandable for anyone so that you can apply your own life. C.S. Lewis once said that if you don't, if you're not able to explain something at the level of a child, chances are you don't really understand it. So that's certainly what I strive to do each and every day in our videos and in our live stream events like tonight. And then finally, practical, none of this matters unless it's like Joe was talking about earlier, unless we take action. We pray like God's control, but we act as if we're in control as it were. And so we try to be as practical. We're not about a bunch of pie in the sky theory and so forth. We're all about in the end, action, action, action, fight, fight. We're all about taking the scholarly analysis made understandable with the Stockdale principle operative and apply it in our daily laws in order to usher in a new conservative age. So good. So good. So so Joe, one of the things I just wanted to bring up and then kind of have you kind of move us forward here is I just wanted to tell everyone to like we have this opportunity for you to kind of plug in with us on a deeper level. And I want to get permission for me to kind of share that with. I think it's something that's really awesome. And Joe Joe's going to help us kind of present that to you. Does that sound good to everyone? You can just kind of, yeah, I want I want to hear it. But offer everyone, right? And that's and that's totally okay. But we invite those of you who are like, who are like, you know it, you know, you need to reestablish the foundations of faith for yourself and your family. You know that you want to instill some values and things for your family, for your faith. And then of course, for your freedom. And that's who this is for, because like I said before, you know, Dr. Steve and Ralph and myself, we've talked a lot about finding answers. I mean, we have wrestled for a long time. And I think how many of you have wrestled with the question? What do I do? Give me a me in the chat. If you've ever asked, you're like, when you're watching the television and the media, and you feel like the evil, you feel the dysfunction, you feel the brokenness of the system, and you're like, what do I do? Like you feel something in you to do something. But how do you wrestle with these invisible forces that seem so big in this bureaucracy that's out of your control and just so much stuff that just most people are so overwhelmed for it. They're sitting back and just saying, well, there's nothing I can do. But courageous people rise up. Courageous people are unwilling to sit back and watch. They want to do something. And I believe I've got a room full of doers in the room, Dr. Steve. I just dreamers, doers. Dreamers think it'll be really nice if Trump wins, but doers do something about helping Trump win. Dreamers say, it'd be great if in the future, my kids trusted in the values and the faith and the things that I believe in so that we can move this country and my family forward. But there's dreamers and there's doers. Which ones get the result? Tell me in the chat. Dreamers are doers. Which one get it? Okay. And I know that it's a little bit of a delay. We all know it's doers. And so the mission that Ralph just shared and say it one more time, Ralph, if I don't know if you can pull this line. Yeah, I got it. Empowered 10 million people to restore and preserve the pillars of faith, family, and freedom in order to awaken a new conservative age. Now, if you think of yourself as someone who's trying to make a difference in the world, and that's your mission, you want to be a part of that kind of mission of ushering in a new conservative age to reinstill the foundations of faith, family, and freedom is watching a YouTube video every week enough to fulfill that vision is creating a YouTube video every week or every day even enough to complete that vision. And after Ralph and Dr. Steve did some soul searching, they came to the conclusion, no, people need more support, specific support to help them reinstil these values in themselves and in their family. Do you all agree with that? Don't you think it's going to take more than just learning some cool stuff? Because we've been learning some cool stuff for a long time. What do we do? How can we support you? And this is what we came up with. Can I share the slides? I said, okay, if I share the slides, I want to show you. This is so cool. And you guys have put so much work into this. I just want to thank you before I even share it. I'm sharing my screen here. I think they'll throw it up here. Are they? Yeah, that'd be great if they pull it up. Yeah, they'll get it. Give it a second. Fantastic. So I want to introduce you. Drum roll, please. How long do you do it? How long do you take it? There's a long drum. There it is. Three just conservative bootcamp. Who's excited? So much fun. Yeah, I'm excited for you. Share this. This is so cool. And a lot of thought has went into this. And so here's what we're going to do. We're going to give you a bunch of stuff for free. This is our first time sharing this. And we're so excited for you and for the team here at Turley Talks. So what we decided to do is go a little crazy and give you guys a whole bunch of stuff free when you join us in our courageous conservative club. And I'm going to tell you all the details of that right now. And so let's go to the next slide so I can show you exactly what's included. First of all, I think when we talk to you all, one of the questions that we often get back is like, how do I get active? Again, what do I do? And as a conservative, how should I approach it? There's so many questions regarding the how or talking to people and stuff like that. And so to solve that, we created something called the Patriot Professor's Conservative Activist Training. Dr. Steve, tell us your vision for people who go through this workshop with you. What will happen as a result of them attending? Oh, just transferring them into a very, very, very dangerous poison, as Mickey would say to say to Rocky. Yeah, this is really about me taking what I did in a classical classroom for 18 years, and boiling it down and making it practical for reawakening a civically minded imagination to be able to articulate what we believe, to be able to live out faith, family, and freedom, and then to take the actions that we need to take in order to transform our nation like we just heard, not just for the next election, but for the next hundred years. So good. Is that cool? All right, so that's the, these are workshops that you're getting for free when you join us. And I'll end up, I can comment on that. Like, you guys look at my son, and he has been put in touch with teachers like Dr. Turley and environments like that. And it's been transformational for him. And not just for yourself, what we're talking about here, but even for your children and grandchildren, your legacy. The second thing that you're getting for free is, I think, and I really love the name of this, whoever named this did an awesome job. But we don't want to fight with our family, right? But we also want to help them see the world clearly, because when you believe lies, your life is built in dysfunction, and you put your faith in the wrong things. But how do you have these conversations, right? How do you logically help someone think through the things? And that's a skill, right? I mean, many of you may or may not know this, but Dr. Steve is a trained rhetorician. And so he, he, did I even say that right? I don't know Dr. Steve, I think I did. I teach people to speak wheel good. Guys, go back. There we go. Okay, very good. Yeah. And so, Dr. Steve and Mike are going to hang out with you all for two hours and do something called the liberal indoctrination vaccination kit. And in this training, they're going to show you how to debunk liberal thinking. Now, we're not expecting you to get on the radio or something, although you could and debate leftist, because leftists don't watch anything informational, for the most part. That's why CNN has no viewers. But nevertheless, there are people that you care about that you're talking to, and maybe you're just not sure how to have the conversation, and you want it to be calm, and you want it to be rational, and you just want to help, right? Dr. Steve, once they go through this training, what's your expectation after this training for them? Well, you got a little bit of a taste of it is it's to be able to think very, very clearly at a high level, so that all the arguments that you hear, you're able to see the big picture. You don't get sucked up into the argument, and then just getting these petty back and forth. You're able to actually think big picture. And then what you're trying to do is you're trying to draw that person into seeing the world anew in that big picture. Very much akin to what we're saying, you're trying to bring them back to reality. But that does take some skill, and so that's those skills that we'll be going over in that workshop. Give me a yes in the chat if you're like, just starting with those two, where you're like the ability to think differently and have those conversations in an intelligent way that's calm, that's effective. Give me a yes in the chat, like if you're like, yes. Okay. And Joe, if I can add to that too, if you don't mind, one of the things with this training that they're doing is we've actually developed a little kit that Micah and Steve have helped write that goes through like different logical fallacies and helps you see them in like just like the videos that you just always give a bunch of those. And this is like a fabulous thing you can use with your family, your children, your grandchildren, and Micah's going to be part of the training too, so you're going to have like this Gen Z perspective. So I have, they're going to throw up on the screen here in a second the cover to this thing, and you can see it, but you will get that tonight. We actually have this setup where you'll get that guide tonight, and you can dive right into it tomorrow, and I think you'll eat it up. I just am so excited about this, because nothing has been so much more translation to helping my kids be able to think logically and deal with logical fallacies, because I mean the world today with social media, I mean they just bombarded with them, and for them to be able to identify and even know that what a non-sequidore is or an ad hominem, there it is. Boom, what do you think, Joe? That's so cool. So we worked on designing that cover. So it's the liberal indoctrination vaccination system, and they go in a Jesus loving, God fearing, conservative, and they're coming out a woke leftist questioning their identity. And can I just say that's satanic? Let's just redirect, right? That's just satanic. We need to prepare our kids, and for those of you who have grandkids, grandkids. And Dr. Steve and Ralph, of course, care a lot about this as do I, and so they created a workshop called How to Win the Next Generation and Influence Libs and Gen Z Conservatives. What's this all about, Dr. Steve? What are you hoping to help people achieve by going through this training? Yeah, actually, it's tapping into the winds of change that are already happening. Gen Z happens to be actually the most conservative generation we have on record. So your average 18-year-old Gen Z is significantly more conservative and identifies as such than your average, say, baby boomer when they were 18, if you can believe it. They're very religious and the like, it's about 30%. Now that's 70% kind of gone nuts, but we can tap into that 30% in a very effective way because we talk often about tipping point theory, and tipping point theory argues that it looks at the amount of influence you need in order to change thinking overwhelmingly. And bottom line, it's about 35%. It's about it. That's all you need. You need about a solid, strong 35% that can turn around and change the remaining 65%. So we're almost there. So that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to tap into the sensibilities of Gen Z, use the sensibilities to awaken them to reality, and then see that tipping point theory move the generation as a whole in our direction. So good. So good. All right, a couple more things. You all with us? Give us a new book that's going to be coming out soon. But bottom line, this is being aware of all the various resources that are out there that you can tap into to live out your values in the wider economy, whether it's in your finances, whether it's your banking, whether it's your education, whether it's health insurance, whether it's health care, you name it. And marketplace is galore. There is a whole parallel world that is made up of faith, family, and freedom that you can both support and that will in turn support you. So it's really living out your values in such a way that's making a difference with every purchase that you make. I love it. Okay, so all these workshops are free. There's a couple more bonuses we want to share when you join us in an annual membership to the to our club. Okay, so let's go to the next slide. I want to share a couple bonuses, and then I'll let you guys that will move to our Q&A. So bonus number one, this one is my favorite. I mean, this guy, no, I'm just kidding. Let's see. Yeah, the homeless person, you know, right? Yeah, yeah, definitely. Absolutely. So one of the things I found in Dr. Stephen Ralph, guys, I hope you're paying attention. These guys are doing workshops. That means like there's ebb and flow back and forth that's happening. I have seen again and again and again, the best way to help people is through a workshop style. And thanks to the power of the internet, we're able to do this in a way we never have. One of the favorite workshops that we do in our movement, the number one question, people who want to change the world, that's my hat, change the world, people want to impact culture, people want to shift the values of culture. How many of you know the values of culture need shifting, right? It doesn't just happen because we say vote different. They have to believe different in order to vote different. Well, how, what role do I play? How do I choose how to be active in this? Because there's so many choices and it's overwhelming. By and large, the favorite workshop that we do is something called a Majo Day workshop. And this is based on the book of Genesis. And when you come to this workshop, you're going to spend a couple hours making decisions. We have worksheets that we walk you through. But the whole goal is at the end of the workshop, you are going to know exactly what you're going to do to really impact the world. A lot of people talk about impacting the world. They talk about impacting their community. This workshop is designed to help you follow the principles of Genesis and make the decision. So by the end of the workshop, you're like, this is what I'm doing to make an impact. Dr. Steve, people freak out from this workshop because they're like, I have been wrestling with this decision for decades. And in a few hours, I leave this workshop and I know what to do. I feel such peace. I feel such clarity and sub-direction. And it's all based on a biblical, principled foundation. I'm so excited for this one. I donated this as part of it because I want you all to get like a crazy insane screaming deal. People pay a lot of money to be a part of this, but I'm including it as a bonus for you guys to be a part. So is there anything, Dr. Steve or Ralph, you want to say about that or I'll move to the next bonus? No, that's great. I make you wait and bring calls to me. This is really at the heart of faith. It's learning what you have personally been called to do. Yeah, we've been trying to help people for years answer the question of what to do. And Joe, you're filling a role that helps people know the role. Like, really in that question, it's like we have to step back and wire people and it's this like, who am I? What am I supposed to do? But before that, they have the clarity on their gifts and calling. And so I'm no excited for people to, I'm excited to actually go into workshop and maybe learn what I should be doing. That's exactly what you need. More stuff to do. Fantastic. Fantastic. All right, bonus number two, then Elizabeth Landis do such a great job. Let's give her a round of applause. Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for being here. But she generously also donated a workshop that she's going to be doing called making civics great again. And this gets into the specifics of what can I do to impact local government? And so I think you all got a flavor for that when she was here. And then bonus number three, I think this is what everyone, this is the tactical side that everybody's like, yeah, we got to stop the seal to get and it's true. Like, this is it. You guys, you guys met Ray and stuff, but we're going to be doing a workshop there for working in local elections to protect from the steel. I don't know which one of you guys want to talk about this, but what's your vision for this? Once people go through this step, especially now. Do you have it? Ralph, or do you want me to? I mean, bottom line, it's to be it's practical steps you can take to get involved in your local government, your local precincts, and like perfect harmony with making civics great again. Yep, I love it. I love it. Okay, so just to recap, here's what you're going to get. You're going to get the Patriot professor's conservative activist training, free. You're going to get the liberal indoctrination vaccination kit with debunking liberal thinking, free. You're going to get how to win the next generation and influence lives with Gen Z conservatives, free, the onset sensor conservatives action plan guy, free. And you get the bonus that I'm giving a macho day, you're going to get the bonus that Elizabeth is giving with making civics great again and showing yourself and your children and your family, what can I do to impact local government to get involved there? And then lastly, like we just said, working in local elections and protect from the steel. So you're probably asking like, what's the investment? Now, real quick, let me ask you quite before they go to that slide. Does it really matter? I know we're not, you guys know we're not charging in millions of dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars, like some of these programs and stuff like that. What we're trying to create is something really cool so that when you join the creative conservative club, you're going to have a community. That is supporting you. That is connected. That has a place where we can connect, we can talk, we can work together to help one another to reestablish the values of faith, family, and freedom. And I want to show you what's included in the, in the courageous conservative club. So go ahead to the next slide. So excited. Let's go team. There we go. Now, don't, normally it's sick, like, if you were to do the normal, the normal way that they do this, it's $684. It's not $684. I don't even know why that's on the slide, but nevertheless, the creative, creative conservative club, here's what's included. Here's, here's what this is. This is the core. Everybody say core in the chat. Want to make sure you're with me. I know it's getting late. Everybody's like, Oh, it's getting late. Guys, you're normally up watching the late news right now. It ain't late. Have the Republicans in the country are up watching the RNC convention right now. Like it ain't late. Okay. But, but all good. Love y'all. Here's the thing. We need a place we can come together and talk about all the pieces. I can go to church and talk to people about praying. I can go into the local politics and talk about where to vote. I can go watch Dr. Steve on YouTube and get some good, like courageous and inspiring content that's optimistic and powerful. But where do we go to come together to help one another to do this? And so what this club consists of is really equipping you to know what your mission is and how to execute it. Number one. And Dr. Steve and Ralph are going to be doing in-person events. How many of you would love to hang out with Dr. Steve and Ralph? I know I love hanging out with them. It's a lot of fun. Okay. And when you're a part of this club, you get free tickets to, to the events, some of these in-person events with Dr. Steve and with Ralph. And that's going to be awesome. And then to support you even more, we're going to do weekly Q&A. Ralph, talk to them about these monthly mission training. So this is one of my favorite parts. Yeah. So what we've put together in the past, people were kind of in our club, what it's been called the Insiders Club. And then we've changed that now to the Courageous Conservative Club. And in the past, it's just like a Monday evening Q&A with Steve. And it's great. We have over 5,000 members as part of that feature. This is way more involved. And you'll still get that too. But what this is, is we've created a schedule and it's basically over four months. And we'll continue to, every four months, do it. But each month, it goes through the first month's faith, the next month's family, the next month's freedom, and then, then finances we get into because we have to go, that's part of the family, but we have to dive deeper into that. So faith and family freedom, the finances gets in the parallel economy, real practical too. So every four months, then, so each week in each month, we're going to have where Dr. Steve comes on and he talks about the mission that you need to focus on that month related to that area, which is in this case, like the area, let's just, for example, the area of freedom. And like, okay, look, and he gets into it. He's doing all his research. He does a presentation on it and tells you this is what you're going to need to do. And then the next, and Micah is in charge. He's the director of the Courageous Conservative Club. And then he is going to be helping and working with people to make sure they're moving forward. And then, on the second week, we have an accountability group where you guys get together virtually. You'll be on camera talking to each other. You're going to meet your new best friends. And when I say that, we've done this in the past. And literally these people, we're going to cruise in two weeks. These are their best friends. It's crazy how close you get to these people. And eventually, you'll come on one of these cruises with us too, maybe down the road. So, and it's like I said, more is caught than taught. And that's the part that I think is tough to value. You're going to have friends that can talk to about this. You're going to meet people in the live, in the group, and online, in the community that you all are creating for this. And it's just really, really exciting. And I know you guys. And the accountability of the groups, every second week of that, you're going to do, it's like this study hall kind of thing. And Mike is going to lead that and help you guys facilitate that. Then the third week, Steve's going to come on to advanced training. So, he's going to go real deep. Like, Steve can get pretty nerdy, pretty active. I've seen him in circles with other scholars. And like, you guys don't even get a sense for how DP can go on things. It's crazy. And we're going to Steve unleashed. And he doesn't talk this way on YouTube because, frankly, people can't handle it. You think Jordan Peterson gets deep? I would wait if you see Steve kind of really unplugged. And he's just going to go. And then, but what's beautiful about that in that dive deep on that same theme for that month, he's going to have a Q&A, just like we're going to do now, but like that allows you to master this material. Then last, the fourth week of every month, we will have a guest come on, or someone on the team will come on and talk and take it, take and kind of bring it home practically again, too, and what we're doing. So, we have some subject matter experts, like, you know, enough area of freedom we might bring Ray back on and have him do something. So, those are the kinds of things that we'll be doing. But that's a four-month cycle. And then, you know, again, this is something we will do. Yep. So, good. So, guys, putting it all together, it's support. It's a support via community. It's support via workshops. It's support via ongoing training. It's helping you establish the values of faith, family, and freedom for yourself, for your kids, for your grandkids. And, yeah, and I know, I know, go ahead. Yeah. And I mean, just one thing on here, in these in-person events, one of the things our mentor, Daryl Eaves, told us, he's the guy who came up with the chosen movie. He's the executive producer of it. They've learned what their community would chosen. It's having in-person events are so key to build that community. And we've recognized when we were demonetized in not knowing the whole future for us, that we needed to really connect more with this community and be more intentional. So, you guys will be invited to in-person events at different parts of around the country, and we'll be doing these several times a year. So, sometimes you might not go to one, but you'll be able to go to another. And we're committed to doing that. And so, as part of this, you're getting access to this. And the people that get the free tickets are usually like, they're paying a lot of money for this. And this offer actually gives you a unique opportunity to get those tickets. All right. So, I'm about to do the drum roll, please, so you guys know the price. But as you can see here, normally, as we do this with different payment structures and stuff like that, it's actually 684. If you go to the gold membership and stuff like that right now, that's what it would be. But we added in all these workshops, all these bonuses and everything else. So, we wanted to make it super crazy for you. So, we basically made that 50% off when you join. Now, you get all of these bonuses as well. So, let's open up the next slide. So, the price is drum roll, please, the investment. 347 for an annual membership. And you get all of the bonuses that we listed above. And so, that is crazy. We're super excited for it. I'm so glad you guys are doing this. It's really impressive what you're building here to help people. So, if you're serious and not just curious about truly being a part of a community and shifting culture, shifting the values of your own self, your family, and really fighting for freedom and getting the support you need in every area, this is what we put together for you. And we're really, really, really proud of it. To get it, all you got to do, let's put the link, where does the link go team? Yeah. All you got to do. And let's put that in the chat everywhere so that everyone click, they're going to put this link in the chat. You could take a picture of it with your phone. Yeah, I get to do, I get to do the QR code. Yes. Yay. We all learned how to do that during COVID because they told us we can touch menus. Well, I lived in Florida, so I got to go to them quick. The rest of you, you weren't necessarily in the land of the free and home of the free. Yeah, I got it. Fantastic. Yes. That's going to open up a page so you all know. And I'll just share with you the page real quick so you can see it. Share screen. Here we go. Here we go. It'll open up a page that looks like this. So you know where you're going? Can you all see? Yeah, I'll see that page right there. You just put in your name, email, phone. You guys bought stuff on the internet before you just go here, fill out the information and hit pay. And then what will happen next is you will get a, you will get an email from us with a receipt saying that you paid. And Ralph, when will next steps come? What will they start seeing immediately? Tell them about them. Yeah, when you sign up, like we have some emails will go out to you tonight. And even to our, you'll get that vaccination kit. And then Joe, you're doing a workshop on Monday night, right? We've got to mention that. Yep. Monday night is the first workshop. Yeah. Less. So we're super excited about that. And if we have our insiders clubs members already here, I will be out of town next week in May and with a family vacation. I'll still be doing some vid, but we will not be having our live Q and A said, Joe is coming on in and offering this alternative training. Yep, fantastic. Listen, if all this did for you was finally get you to the place where you understood how to have the conversation with your kids and grandkids, like, would it be worth it? If all this did was finally get you connected to some other people who believe like you do, who hold the values that you do, who you can talk about freely without fear of being canceled or thought of as crazy because you stand for something crazy, like faith or freedom. Would those relationships be worth $347? I think we all know the answer to that. For me, as an entrepreneur in my life, the greatest investments I've ever made have been into my own training and into getting in the room with the people who were fighting for the things that I was fighting for. And so that's what we're inviting you to. We know it's not for everybody. There's no pressure. No one should feel pressure here. But if you're ready to go all in on really a new version of yourself that can really operate with a different skill set at a different level and is connecting in different rooms to do things you probably never thought you'd do or thought you could do. This is for you. So click that link and go over there. By the way, we have a bonus. Something really, really cool. Ralph, you want to tell us about this cool thing? Dr. Steve hasn't even seen this yet. No, no, that's right. Okay, so here's a little extra bonus for you. Steve has been talking about his book, right? Well, get this. Steve, we actually just happened today from the graphic designers to get in three designs for your book cover. And so we have to choose a book cover. So I thought maybe it'd be kind of cool to have our audience help us choose it. And I'm literally like, let's let them choose it. And yeah, so and I maybe we can do that together here. But how do you, how's that sound, Steve? We will put up on the screen. Let's vote. And this will be kind of like one of these votes here. Everyone want to do the book cover for Steve, help him choose it. Yeah, yeah. How about scale one to 10 on each one? Let's see it as they come in. And by the way, Steve is writing his book. Yeah, that's one. Even the title, I love the title unstoppable. And you can imagine like the timing of this. It's crazy. And yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's incredible. That's awesome. Yeah. Okay. There's more. There's more. So there's a let's give us B. All right, I just come with this. No. What do you think? What do you think of? What do you think of A or B? What do you think about it? Did you say? Is that what we're hearing? Wait, I'm not I'm not seeing I'm not seeing the scale of one to 10 on this cover. What do you guys think? 10 B and it's awesome. Cover B. Put B and then the scale of one to 10. Oh, okay. There you go. Yeah. I think everyone likes A versus B and A better. Okay. Okay. Oh, we've got one B better. All right. All right. Definitely. Okay. All right. Okay. Let's give them option number C. Okay, this is C. You know, Trump just did pose for nine seconds for this according to the liberal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Joy Reeb. Yeah. Yeah. John, our moderator jobs to see for me. Yes. Yeah. Okay. So everyone put in the chat and guys kind of give me a general. Can you show them all again? ABC ABC. I mean, yeah. So which one do you think? I see it. Anyone I love this title to unstoppable. You guys had that title before. Yeah. Yeah. The the the byline I love because this is this is us. This is our audience. Read the byline. Can you read it? How Trump and the Magnum movement are changing the world. That's it. How Trump and the mega movements, the combination of the two are changing not just the country. That's key. It's changing the world. Yeah. That's huge. Well, good. So one of the things we're going to do is for the first 50 people that sign up for the program, you are going to get an autographed copy of this to you from Steve when the book releases this fall. So so if you do that tonight and get because we have a lot of people on right now, take action and we will have Steve personally sign the book for you. Guys, I just want to say thank you for creating this. Guys, can you give them a big round of apologies for creating the courageous concern? It was courageous this to create it. I mean, so much work, so much effort, such a team and expense and just really just trying to create something to support courageous conservatives is just awesome. So big round of applause from me and everyone else in here. This looks amazing. Click the link. Join us. We want you to be apart. We're going to go to Q&A now. Yeah. Awesome. So let me bring Micah and Josh. You guys take over and help do the Q&A here with Joe and them because I don't know how to do it. I will bow out here, so I'm going to go and have a good scene every once in a night and you guys do the Q&A here. Thanks, Rob. All right, Gator, what power if any can Congress take to hold the SS DHS Secret Service Department of Homeland Security countable. These are anyone who can or is going to go by without anything done. Yeah, Gator, they're going to be again because it comes under executive power. It's going to be very hard. Obviously, they're already stonewalling. They're already Nashville shooting this coverups galore deleting things. The more we learn about the shooter and the literal free reign he had even though he was being observed and was treated as a suspicious subject is absolutely maddening and infuriating. There will be a full and complete investigation, but I think we're going to have to wait till January 20, 2025, unfortunately. Tyler, it seems like civil wars approaching our doorstep with these acts of violence. Is there any way to stop or prevent it? There is, Tyler, and that's, we have to make sure we're not foolish here. We have to make sure we don't take the bait. We have to do what Trump told us to do to fight, fight in the way we've been doing it, and that is standing up for faith, family, and freedom, not bowing down to fear or to the regime, but getting out there, getting active, registering voters, get those low propensity voters into the voting sphere. And like Trump said, the ultimate revenge is success. That's, that's how we fight. The ultimate revenge is success. And that's what we got to do. So don't buy it. Do you know, don't take the bait. Just because we're winning. That's the thing. I mean, the Democrats are in such disarray right now. Right now, as we speak, everyone's away. I'm checking my ex-feed. Democrats are in disarray. Biden's got COVID. They check Schumer's coming out and saying, you know, maybe it's probably a good idea about it. Adam Schiff is coming out and saying, you know, it's he needs to bow out. They're an absolute disarray. While our party is more united than it's been since 1984, since Ronald Reagan. So this is going to be, this could be a blowout. And that's how we avoid a civil war. Hey, I've got a, I just want to share, I just want to celebrate. So we'll just celebrate because the sales are coming in. But our first buyer who came in, she was the first one off the list was Judy Gilbert. So Judy, congratulations. Thank you, Judy. Julie, very, very. You were the first I'll celebrate some of your others as you're coming in here in just a minute. But there's a couple of questions I wanted to answer. They were asking about the books that they were going to get. How will they access those books? The books would be sent to you, as I understand, they're going to be sent to you as ebooks. Okay. So the new nationalism. So that's coming to you guys tonight. President Trump in our post secular future. So that's, that's going to be, that's going to be cool. But we're going to have the updated one and unstoppable. That's the brand new one. And then one of my favorites, the return of Christendom. And this really is the coming Christian majority in the West today. A couple others are asking, they're already members of an annual member from the Insiders Club. And they asked how it works, if they, if they join this, because they got an annual version of that. So they're just asking, they're just asking about that. And Ralph, you may be able to come on and help. Yeah, I think that's going to be more Ralph's department. I don't know how things work, guys. You know, I just get into the politics. I don't know how. Yeah. So basically, if you sign up for this, you're going to be upgraded to the gold level, which is basically $50 a month is what this level is that you're getting for a year. So a lot of you are probably in the $10 I think to be exact or something like that, I think is what we're at. Yeah, it's even higher. So yeah, so they'll just be upgraded. If you're already part of Insiders Club, buy this and we'll take your membership and upgrade it as part of it. And you're basically, if you do the math on it, I think it's essentially you're getting that level for like under $30, like $27 or $20 a month. Awesome. Fantastic. Round of applause for them. Great question. Thank you, Ralph. Let's go to some of the some of the Q&A questions, Dr. Seed. Patricia, do we still have the Insiders Club or does this take the place the Insiders Club as we're now doing? There you go. Ralph, I'd know it's still the Insiders Club. I think we're just renaming it. The courageous Conservatives Club, just to give it a little more of them. Yeah, there's levels. And so the Insiders Club is like the just the aspects that you got with that offer. But this is like workshops, training like, there's a realization that and you all should be feeling it. You're the ones that have been asking us for it, which is why it's and I say us because I just feel like I'm part of the team. I'm technically not. But nevertheless, in conversations with Dr. Steve and Ralph, you all have been asking for help, for support. And so how can we do that? And you know, the reality is it'd be great if this could be created for free and everyone could just get it for free. But the reality is there's costs to run a business. And you all know, like, how many of you ever bought cheap stuff? How was it? What was the quality like? Like, didn't really help you, right? And it's like, we're trying to create something really good, but also at a reasonable number. You know, we see other programs that deliver far less than this on the internet that are doing stuff for, you know, $1,000, $2,000 kind of stuff. I really just want to applaud Dr. Steve and Ralph for creating something as economical as they could while holding to the quality of what was needed to hold to it. But yeah, yeah, I just want to emphasize, yeah, I mean, the big thing is this is this is Insider's Club on steroids. You know, and that's what the it's the courageous conservative club. And it's rebranded, renamed, we're not the Insider Club, we will still continue to have the Monday Q and A's and people who are part of the grandfather, you know, legacy, we have like 5,500 members in there. But this new thing is like, this is it, like this is how you get connected. What do you do? This will transform your entire life. I honestly believe we had a large huge offer we used to do way back, which was tens of thousand dollars. And this is kind of like close to that. It's like crazy, because we used to bring our whole team and travel. But we're going to just continue to build these communities all over the country. And we have some even bigger things come in. I can't, I'm doing work on right now that is coming down the road. I will announce this fall that will just show you guys like we're not, we're not the same as we were even six months ago. And when we got rattled by this demonization and Stephen and I are kind of looking ourselves like, Oh my goodness, what do we do? This really woke us up the Lord used it in a way to really help us say we got to help our people in a different way. And this is it. So anyway, that kind of answers the question. Big round of applause for all of you are coming in and joining the community. Thank you so much for putting your trust and faith and Dr. Steve and Ralph and the whole team here. Dr. Steve, let's go to the next question. Rock dog, Dr. Steve. Yes, you were worthy in my opinion that you have picked up where Rush left off. Well, God bless you. You picked up the conservative Patriot platform. Thank you, Rock Dog. You're the best. It's so awesome. Thank you, Rock Dog. So cool. George, I'd like to know if Dr. Turley is open to networking, I'm going to be going into doctoral studies in a related field to his own degree. That's all don't need to even read the crush. Oh, that's very. Yes, of course, I'm available to to network. Absolutely, George. Fantastic. Quark Ralph, as a matter of fact, I'll embarrass him. I actually, I helped to to mentor Joe's daughter's thesis or senior thesis. And I was even a judge for that as well. I was honored to be asked for that. He did a great job judging to, you know, I found that if you pay money, he gives good. No, I'm just going to do that. I'm a cheap date. I'm a Quark. Hey, Ralph, you want to come back? You want to know if you'll join the blue man group. I think I was typing in this chat. Bring me back on so I can defend myself. No, he's actually it was over at Joseph Aaron's house when this happened a few a couple of years back. We're having one of our team meetings there, and we did a live stream. And I was introducing everybody, but for some dumb reason, I forget to introduce the six four guy behind me in a blue shirt. And everyone's like, who's blue man behind me? Not the inside joke. That's why we ironically refer to Ralph as blue man. All right. I'm okay. My gals. Jules Jules, I'll put a hundred dollar bet on them using COVID to kill off fine in the next three weeks. If I win the bet, could you offer to wish it way for her sister chip? Dude, I'm on retirement. Just got taxed 85 percent. Jules, I think you may be onto something if Biden. I don't know. I don't want to say that on air, but we'll we'll chat Jules. We'll chat. I'm not going to reward you if Biden kicks the bucket, but we can chat Jules. We'll see. Quark, is this a one and done for signing up? Is it an indefinite membership or just a having to pay for this every year? Good question. Yeah, it's a it's a one year membership, right? And so you you know obligation too, but this gets you a year and then you'll you'll have seen enough to know like, hey, is this something that I want to keep doing for another year? With me and my family, because remember, there's there's new new content being created inside. There's all these community things that are happening. There's the free tickets to the events, etc, etc, etc. And so you guys know Dr. Steve and Ralph, like they overdeliver, but that'll be your decision at the end of the year. If you don't want to do it at the end of the year, that's all you're you're you're buying access for when you're to the club. So cool. Awesome. Next question. Travis, good evening, Dr. Steve. Did you hear about the priests that gave the opening prayer moments before Trump was shot? You mean, you're going to be so blessed. You're going to be so like, he was amazing. Well, I saw this interview says that there are many people that wanted Trump dead. Oh my gosh, your thoughts. Yeah, he's a he is a Lutheran priest in Wisconsin. And he was wonderful. I featured him actually. I think in one of the videos we did Tuesday. Yeah, it would have been on Tuesday because it would have been after Trump's, you know, great entrance that epic historic entrance on Monday night. And yes, it was beautiful. Just the smile that we got from Trump was absolutely wonderful. I don't know if that's something that Micah, you might be able to drum up for us that. So it's the Wisconsin priest who gave the benediction at the end of I believe it was Monday night. And if you do, if you get it, we'll play it. It was just beautiful. It was absolutely wonderful. And then again, Trump's smile when he was impersonating him. And just just just it was just the celebration of God's gift of life to us all. It was absolutely beautiful. The notion that there are many people wanted Trump dead. Yeah, I mean, this is you know, I know it's hard to feel empathy for these people. I know I struggle with it myself. But we do have to understand they're all they're doing in the end. Like Micah said, is they're just pushing the Trump is Hitler rhetoric to its logical outworking. And they were learning that from CNN and MSNBC and all of these these radical, nutty, far left social media types. I mean, you saw what's that guy destiny? Whatever his name is. I mean, just the the total dehumanizing parasitical like infestation in their in their mind in their imagination. You know, there is something called genocide studies. I actually had a student who was using genocide theory, genocide study theory. And there's a pattern to genocide. And one of the first aspects of that pattern is the dehumanizing language of the objects, the the unfortunate future objects of genocide. We don't kill people, right? We kill Nazis, right? We kill fascists. We kill wannabe dictators. We don't kill fathers and and and and you know, brothers and husbands. And we don't do that. That's too personal. So anyway, it is horrible. It is satanic. It is demonic. But even you remember in the Lord of the Rings, even Gandalf feels and as does Frodo always feels empathy for Gollum. And and that Gollum even Gollum has is still has some redeeming quality. And even he's going to be a part of resolving this this evil. So we still always have to find some level of empathy. So do you do you want to play that? I saw I think Michael has it. Great pleasure to see President Donald Trump safe. And if I may before the benediction give you this promise, you're going to be so blessed. You're going to be tired of being blessed. I guarantee it. Look at that smile. Look at that smile. Believe me. And it's so cool. I mean, in many ways, it is a prophecy. You Trump is so blessed. And we all are. That was huge. Oh, boy, this question's huge. All right, Johnny, the way is kid. I see a bunch of hardcore concerns like Matt Walsh and Maloney Mac complained about Amber Rose. I saw that too. And her meat Dylan taking the stage of the RNC for not matching conservative values, especially the Sikh prayer to Wahi Guru, the Christian's team, it like you beef demon God. I feel they're being unfair. All that matters is to support for Trump. I don't care about their backgrounds religion, even atheist, so long as they back Trump. What are your thoughts on these backlashes? Johnny, there was guy I'm I'm frankly I'm with you 100%. I I what the RNC is about is the celebration of everyone who's on the Trump train. And in the end policy and you know, the doctrine of this administration will be decided by those inside in the leadership. And there is I think I can't even fathom what's wrong with Amber Rose get someone like Amber Rose with her social media following 20 plus million Instagram followers. What's wrong with having her get up there and say, Hey, gang, here's why I'm voting Trump. Here's why I'm 100% MAGA. And you know what? You should be too. What's wrong with that? She's not she's not a policy advisor. This is she she isn't writing law. She's talking about why even she and that to me it it that to me is one of the greatest testimonies to how widespread Trump's influence is. It's so amazed that it even draws and attracts people you just naturally wouldn't wouldn't imagine. Now the Sikh prayer. I mean, you know, gang I mean, look, Christianity was obviously the centerpiece of this RNC, obviously. But even at the heart of Moscow, where they have the Russia the center of Russian Orthodox Church, it's considered the third Rome. Even there you have mosques and you have imams who publicly pray in official government gatherings. Christianity's never I should say never, but Christianity civilizationally speaking has not shut down other religions prayers. They have welcomed them as long as we recognize and again, this is going to be the civilization as long as the higher ups on the tops and and the way the civilization is structured as long as it's recognized that all the various religions ultimately find their fulfillment in Christ the Logos who is the one who holds the universe together. And so I that's that's where that's where I would go with that. So I just don't I can't see I get I know I saw Matt's I love Matt Walsh. I wouldn't you know, I mean, there's no one I'd rather have more representing our movement. What is a woman is a fantastic documentary. I just I just thought that that was a little bit over the top. And I don't think it really read the civilizationalist room. Civilization is going to be very big tent. It's not going to be just for the priests. It's not just going to be for the maga faithful, the pure maga who are pushing policy. It's going to be the citizens of the police. It's going to be the citizens of the civilization. And that is very, very diverse. And I love diversity under the tent of maga. Oh, Charlotte, how can I join? I'm inside our club, but I didn't get address to join among my phone. So I cannot use the code. It'll be in the chat for you, Charlotte. And Ralph and team and Micah, you guys have a link that you can put. It'll be in the comment section. So just click there in the comments. Is there also just a she's already registered. She's she's excellent. Thank you Charlotte. Congratulations, Charlotte Garcia. You guys. Hang out with Charlotte if you're not joining. So there you go. You have some shout out. You want to give or it's all good. We got Rick. We want to get to these questions for him. Rick, right? Okay, got it. Rick, do you think Vance has enough Trump traits to take us all the way to 2036? I love the way again. I love the way you're thinking that's November is just the beginning. I love it. Yes. Yes. I thought Vance was a brilliant choice. Did you notice we got a DJ Trump and a JD Vance, interestingly enough. So yes, I think he's he's brilliant. He was a wise choice in that he all but guarantees Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania being an Ohio Senator. He was he was successfully elected with that demographic, a demographic very similar to Ohio, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. They tend to vote those five states, tend to vote similarly. They tend to vote in the same way. Iowa, as you know, in the last Des Moines register poll considered one of the single most accurate polls. They tend to poll within the margin of error. They had Trump up 18 in their last poll. This is huge. He's in double digit up double digits in Ohio. And that's just bringing already organically with it Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania putting JD Vance just is just them. I mean, that is the bull's eye for that. So yes, it was just brilliant tactically in terms of electoral college and it's brilliant politically. JD Vance, if anything, some are saying is even more maggot than Trump, if you can believe it. He's just he's very much like the back in the sense actually they were classmates Yale. He's he's just an extremely articulate person who understands if you've read his book, Hillbilly Elegy, he understands the rural working class and he's understanding I think the urban working class in a way that promises a governing majority a governing coalition well into into 2036. Here we go. Here we go. Jill, I'm paying monthly for both insiders and the new site on top of that. What about that? I thought the two were supposed to be combined. Yeah, we can likely do that. I'm guessing Jill, if I'm understanding correctly, we'll have the team team, if you could just make a note of that. Yeah, guys, reach out to Jill and just make sure you take good care of her. Fantastic. We got you. We got your back, Jill. Don't worry. We got you. We got you. You fam. Aep darkness of Trump loses this election, which can happen. That's what we cannot take anything for granted. So like Joe said, we know, what did you, how did you put it, Joe? We praise if God's in control and we work as if we're in control, something like that. Oh, yeah, pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on us. I love it. Prays if it depends on God, work as if it depends on us. We cannot take anything for granted. So if Trump loses this election, which I hope with all fiber, my being that he wins, but in the horrible chance that he does lose, how do we keep fighting from that point on going in? Oh, I know you can ask in you this, Dr. Steve, but can I answer it first? Yeah, sure. I sense I get to be a guest. Yeah. Aep darkness. Yeah, I'm not what whatever your real name is. Nice to have you. That is literally the question that tonight was meant to answer. And I hope that this question was answered earlier, because how do we keep fighting from that point going in? Well, in the chat, did you guys get it? Like what do we have to do? We have to reestablish the foundations of faith, family, freedom, and those foundations birth. So when I have a foundation of faith in me, I am changed. So when I think about, for example, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and feel free to correct me, Dr. Steve, because you're the scholar. But when I think about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., society was transformed as a result of his influence. But it wasn't one man who did that. It was one man who challenged a nation to believe new things. And so true societal transformation happens at an individual level. And in a democracy, and the way I see it, Dr. Steve, it's like, once the values are there, then those are expressed through the votes. Those are expressed. But they have to start in the mind of the individual, and then they transfer from there to the most basic level of human society, which is the family. And then they go from the family into the community, into the nation, into the world. And so the world has changed at an individual level. And so that's why that's what this is. Faith is the center. Family is the outbreak of that, and freedom for a nation is the outbreak of that. Yeah. So that's what we're talking about. Yeah. No, I think you're absolutely right. And I would just further refine it in terms of, I, that's where we start focusing on what's called neo-regionalism. It's already happening like in the TechSIT movement, for example. But neo-regionalism is is the idea of really focusing in on local county and state politics. So is to create literally a red wall, a massive mega state within a larger nation. So you, so we focus in on the 27 to 30 red states that are all ironically all bounded up together, continuously related to each other. And then we do what Texas has been doing at the border. We do what Ron DeSantis has been doing in Florida. Joe, don't get all freaked out. Joe, Joe's a Florida guy. He always likes to show rub it in on me. We do exactly what they've been doing in Tennessee. We do what they've been doing in North Carolina, especially what they've been doing in Oklahoma, in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming. We start building legal and administrative walls to separate red state citizens from the from the wider blue nation, the falling dilapitating nation. And I can assure you, if if Biden wins, delegitimization, which is the loss of trust and confidence in our public institutions, will reach levels that I think are irrecoverable. I think they're going to reach levels of and this is for the federal government, not necessarily state. We're going to put a lot of confidence in our local and state red state governments. And we're going to MAGA eyes them like on steroids. That's going to happen. It's inevitable. But in terms of the federal government, many respects, we're going to treat it like it's the European Union or something. It's just it's far off and we're just going to week so many of the countries in Europe just ignore it. We're not going to have anything to do with it. And given that we have a federalist system and we're going to be able to ignore them with the current Supreme Court make up, we're going to be able to legally ignore them in a way that unfortunately Europeans can't ignore Brussels. So exactly, it's tapping into the dynamics of faith, family, and freedom in our own lives and in this courageous conservative community and then applying that in a red state, sanctuary state strategies. So as to ensure that conservative principles remain and flourish even as at more federal level, our blue states and our blue structures begin to basically implode. Once they implode, we take them over. We will. It's just we're going to have to wait another 48 years. So good. Such a good answer. YY is asking in the chat and I think that's how you say it. At least that's how it is how it is here. Can't click the link. So if you all look, if you're in a stream yard here with us, you can click the link at the top. It's pinned, which is or you could take a picture of this. Yeah. That's what I like doing. Yeah. But if you're on the technology. Yeah. Okay. Why do I says that worked? Okay, fantastic. Cool. And then it takes it to it. I'm I'm I am so pathetic in terms of time. I'm like, Oh, look at work. You are cool. Well, I just want to celebrate everyone who's joining YY and all the others that are that are coming in big round of applause. We're excited for you. This this is going to be so much fun. You're making a great decision. So congratulations. It's awesome to have you guys. It's a it's an honor to have you. Who's next? Who's next? Rick rack. I love the image of Trump with this held high. But notice that the male agents are heading shoulders above the secret service Barbies. Do you notice he doesn't have them anymore? By the way, I'll finish your question. But put in parentheses when he came in both Monday night and Tuesday night. And I'm assuming this evening as well at the RNC, the Republican National Committee, not a single woman was around. I mean, it's absurd. How do you have a five four woman trying to guard a six three man? It's just, I love the image of Trump of fiss held high. But notice that the male agents are heading shoulders above the secret service Barbies divine placement, perhaps. So we could display the iconic pose true very true and very in a real world that whole showing his entire upper torso would have been covered by 610 gorilla of a man. Amen. Good madam cheetl. That's going to be our secret service director. Since she works at the pleasure of the president be fired by anyone else. No, I don't believe she can. And I know she could step down, but that ain't gonna happen. Yeah, you got a Rick rack. We're gonna have to wait till we're gonna have to wait to January of 2025. There could be pressure from Congress. Congress could refuse to appropriate money until she's pushed out there there's possibilities. Interestingly enough, the shooter's last name was crook and the secret service director's name is cheat. Oh, interesting crook and cheat interesting. So no, you got it, Rick. You you know what's going on. Jennifer, I am in Ohioan. What happens regarding? Oh, oh, Jennifer, you're ruining the party here. What happens regarding the JV Vance's replacement in the Senate? Yeah, worried because our governor Dwayne is their governor is a rhino. And he is he's horrible. But at the same time, not worried because God, good for you, Jennifer. I love there's there's the Stockdale principle in a nutshell. I am concerned. I got a rhino as a governor and rhino governors are going to fulfill their job description. And yet I never give up hope. I never give up hope. So perfect. That's the Stockdale for that. And I'm with you, Jennifer. It's true. I would hope I would hope a victorious Trump Vance ticket will be influential in Dwayne's decision. Let's just put it that way. Now, of course, if they lose, you don't have to worry about it. He stays here. He stays your senator. But yeah, but if they win, let us hope that a new revitalized MAGA Republican party is going to make that decision more than to one. Either way, whoever's your governor, I'm sorry, whoever's your senator, I think they are. And you're about to get a really good one. I think you're, I think you're in, I think they're good to vote MAGA. Rick Scott looks like he's going to be again, Joe's going to show off of Florida. Rick Scott looks like he's going to be Senate Majority Leader. We're getting the Senate. That looks pretty much guaranteed. Just, I mean, just by either just to pick up in West Virginia, to pick up in Ohio with Moreno, if I recall, the pick up in Montana, they're getting rid of Tester. He's gone. It looks like Kerry Lake is going to win because Trump is going to, he's going to win in a blowout in Arizona at this point. By six or seven points, there's no way she loses if he's winning by six or seven. We don't tend to split tickets that way. It just doesn't happen, especially in a high Republican registrant state like Arizona. If you saw Arizona now, their Republicans are out registering Democrats. I think they have about an 8% lead right now. It's just absolutely stunning. So anyway, I think you should be okay. Whoever you have, he may not be MAGA in terms of being able to articulate the way JD Vance does. He may be a Rhino, but whoever replaces them, I think he's going to vote in accordance with the new MAGA move. It's going to be impossible not to. Trump has so much power and momentum and inspiration behind him right now. Jan, I zoned out and missed Micah's, "How to reason with under generations has never occurred to me. My age is showing." That's right. Well, this is recorded, I believe. Yeah, of course, because it's on social media. So you can look back at it and then join the courageous conservative club and you're going to get a wonderful PDF, a wonderful booklet on how to reason with Gen Z. Fantastic. Who's next? Who's next? Gator, don't people realize that Biden is unable to be the current president? That the VP steps in and Johnson's Speaker of the House becomes VP, not necessarily, not necessarily. I don't think it works that way. That's why the House, especially Johnson, wants to do the 25th Amendment. No, not necessarily. No. Kamala gets to pick around VP. Johnson's just there if something happens to Kamala. He's just in the chain of command. That's all. But even now, he doesn't become the vice president. You don't have to worry about that. And if Kamala is the, if she is the nominee, I promise you now, I'd mortgage my house on it. She will be even infinitely weaker than Biden is. Biden, believe it or not, is their best choice. He pulls better than anybody else. Grusun Newsom, Michelle, Gretchen Whitmer, you name it, and most certainly Kamala. I mean, and then they would lose the advantage of the incumbency. The incumbency is always a massive advantage at the very least for money. They're dried up in money because the donors don't want to give anymore because they see Biden as a sinking ship. And the incumbency isn't working because they're both incumbents. Trump isn't incumbent. It's the first time we've ever had that in an American election. Trump is an incumbent. Actually, I said, I'd take that back. I think Teddy Roosevelt could have gotten that as well. I just realized that Biden and Kamala would, they would be considered incompetent incumbents. They're confident incumbents and Kamala's not even that, because Tucker, she's not the president. She wouldn't be an incumbent. So Trump, all of a sudden, would have all the incumbency advantage. And then Kamala would be a challenger. Just ask Al Gore how hard it is to win vice presidents, right? Just ask Biden in the first round. They got rid of him. They put Hillary in instead. So when you think about it, even if you had someone who was good, that was coming up, because I can think of a couple of good speakers on the Democratic side. If I'm them, and I happen to have a friend who's one of those people from the past, like I went to high school, a Valley Forge military academy, Governor of Baltimore, he'd cover our Maryland. And great speaker, probably moving his way up the ranks. But if I'm him right now, I don't want to risk my chance at the presidency on going up against Trump and his like, even if he had someone, they probably won't want to step up right now, would not be wise to try and do that right now. That'd be the worst. You got it. We're seeing it with Newsome. We're seeing it with Gretchen Whitmer. They don't want to touch this election. This election is poison. Because they know if they're even if they came in now, they're starting in negative territory. And you don't want to do that. So they're starting in negative territory, especially after the iconic photo. They don't want to go anywhere near that. This election is for Biden and Harris to lose. They don't. So all they're trying to figure out is who is going to be the least damaging down ticket at this point. They're just trying to hold on to as many Senate seats, as many House represented seats, and as many governorships and state legislatures. That's all they're trying to figure out right now. Article after article after article is coming out saying they've given up. They've given up November. Now, again, we cannot acquiesce. We cannot be complacent. No question about it. But article and after article is all coming out. They don't believe they're going to be able to pull off what they pulled off in 2020. So good. Ladies and gentlemen, has this been a great night? I'm so excited for those of you who are joining us inside of the courageous conservative club. I know I'm a part of that now. I think by I didn't negotiate this beforehand, but I think by my time right here, you know what? I'll just make the investment. It's totally worth it. $347 for a year. And remember, all the bonuses included the Patriot Professor conservative activist training, the liberal indoctrination vaccination kit, how to win the next generation and influence lives with Gen Z, the uncensored conservative action plan guide. Then you got the workshop you're going to get to do to really figure out your role in establish a new revival of understanding of who you are and what God is calling you to do in this moment in history for yourself, for your family, and yes, for freedom as we fight for that together. You're going to get the bonus with Elizabeth Landis and making civics great again. And then how to help work in local elections and protect from the steel with Ray D. Augustino. And then a year of access of just continuous training, continuous help, a community of people coming together, free tickets to the in person events. It's going to be off the chain. Okay. So we're so excited for those of you joining. If you haven't made your decision, this is your moment. We're going to give you with with a one year, with one year, basically, $347. You get all that other stuff for free. And so I don't know how to make a better deal. All you do is click the link right there. And we're so happy to see. Or scan the QR code. Or yes. He loves him a QR code. He loves him a QR code. If you want to be like Dr. Steve, you take QR code pictures. All right. We're going to keep. Yeah. Yeah. So get in right now. Do not wait. Do not hesitate. Action takers are the tend to be the leaders. All right. And that's who all of you are. So we're so excited for you. Dr. Steve, final words, and then we'll let them go listen to soon to be vice president JD. Yeah, that's right. Absolutely. Absolutely. I love you guys. And this is this is one of the most. This is for me, the single greatest honor I could ever have is just being a part of this movement being with Joe, with Ralph, with our whole amazing team. So Micah, we got Josh behind the scenes. We got so many people. And, and I just, it's an honor. It's it's an honor beyond words. And so the only other words, the only other three that I could think of that takes us forward beyond faith, family, and freedom is fight, fight, fight. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Joe. Thanks for all your help tonight. Thanks guys. Bye. God bless. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five star review, and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. You