Turley Talks

Ep. 2685 JD Vance Is the VP as Trump Headed for EPIC LANDSLIDE!!!

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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The time has finally come! My team and I are back from a planning retreat in Utah with some amazing news. Join me Wednesday, July 17th at 7 PM EDT for this special livestream to get all the details about the biggest, most positive change to Turley Talks since I launched the channel.


(Note: This episode is from our Monday night livestream.)


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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turley Talks. And let's be honest, Trump just won. He won. Now, when you survive an assassination attempt, he stood up without knowing whether there were other shooters there. He stood up and faced the crowd and raised his hand and said, "Fight, fight, fight. That's it." You do that, you win. And by the way, I happen to notice that the crowd, which also didn't know whether there were other shooters who watched Trump get shot in the face, they did not bolt. It wasn't like a fire in a theater, actually. They sat there, they watched him intently, and when he stood up, they applauded him, and many cried. Why is that? Because a brave leader gives his people heart. That's why. That's exactly why. So with that, Trump became president. I bet my house on it. And he defeated the Democrats. And on merit, by the way, not through the usual political scheming, "I'll trade you a Senate seat for your vote." No. He did it by being a man in a nation of people who weren't quite, just being honest, okay? He acted like a man, the kind of man I respect, and I think every person feels this way, every person, no matter what you think of Trump. Because leadership isn't actually all about the way you talk. It's about how brave you are. That's what people want. They want a brave leader. That's what people want. They want a brave leader, and the entire world saw that bravery on display. This past Saturday night, J-13, not just from Trump, but from the whole MAGA movement, as represented by that audience. This is our moment gang. This is our moment. President Trump has risen to the occasion and seemingly without any of us realizing it. But he has raised up us right along with him as well. Greetings, everyone. My dear fellow Patriot conservatives. Greetings. A huge greeting to each and every one of you. It is live stream Monday night. I am your host, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times. Make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. We got a special treat for everyone tonight on this live stream Monday night. Normally our Monday night lives, as it were, we go off platform to our very own private platform, our exclusive online platform, virtual platform where we have live Q&A with our insiders club members tonight, gang, just in honor of everything that's going on, what's happened this weekend. The gracious gift that God lavished upon us in sparing the life of our dear President, we are staying together with you the entire time tonight. We're going to have our entire live Q&A for the whole time here on YouTube and on Facebook and on Twitter and a whole host of other platforms because frankly, gang, I just want to be with you tonight. I just want to be with each and every one of you. I want to be with the members of our whole audience tonight. So we are staying put. I've got a gift for all of you. I'm in the giving mood. I can't help it. I feel like I'm in Visa. I've got a completely free gift I want to give to each and every single one of you watching. As many of you know, we've got our cold arms event this Wednesday night, our free online event. It's Wednesday the 17th at 7 p.m. Eastern. And this was originally all about identifying and implementing and ensuring that President Trump wins in a massive landslide in November. So when all said and done, we were billing this Wednesday night as a stop the steel strategy session. Gang, I'm in the midst of revamping Wednesday night. Just like President Trump, you may have heard this. Trump is basically, he's changing his speech that he prepared for the Republican convention. He's throwing it out and he's putting together a completely new speech that's basically like, I mean, they're billing it is like it's a whole new beginning for our nation. It's a speech that it's going to be calling the whole nation together like never before, which is precisely what's happening. I mean, you're seeing it all over acts formerly known as Twitter. People like Elon Musk coming out saying that he fully endorses President Trump. He was being endorsement after endorsement precisely because of what happened on Saturday. What happened on Saturday changed our nation. It changed Trump. That's the word we're getting that that Trump basically had a very spiritual born again like experience in that moment, which is common as I understand it. That happened to Reagan after his assassination attempt. John Paul II talked about the profound spiritual experience he had as a result of surviving his own assassination attempt. So it looks like Trump is going through something very similar and we're going to see a new Trump on Thursday night, which will almost certainly go down as the single most watched convention speech in political history bar none. And he's going to use that unique moment in history to call our nation together like never before. So we're going to prepare for that epic moment on Wednesday night together for our cold arms event. And this is where I want to give you a free gift. We've been originally giving this gift as a bonus for signing up for the cold arms event. It's our courageous conservatives kid. It's a free gift that was given to. Well, at first it was just to the first 500 who registered, but you broke the bank like that in just minutes. So we ran out as it were very quickly. So we decided to extend this free gift to the next fifty five who I'm sorry, the next five hundred who registered. And then you did it again. And so I just look, I just want everyone to have this courageous conservatives kit for free so that you're equipped and ready to help bring about a landslide of epic proportions in November. So bottom line gang, just click on that link below. Or now we're even high tech here. You could just go to this. You could just scan this QR code here and register for our cold arms event. It's Wednesday night. Again, it's absolutely free. You just need to RSVP. And I'm going to send you our courageous conservatives kit as just my heartfelt gift to you. And you know what? I'm not even done. Click on that link or scan the QR code RSVP for this event. And I'll send you as well my courageous conservatives book bundle, which includes a number of my books on Trump and a new conservative age rising all around it's all around us. It's my gift to you. I mean, everything, everything gang is free. This is all to celebrate. All right. This is not to get complacent. That's what Wednesday night is all about. Wednesday night is all about not being complacent. Wednesday night is going to be about harnessing the absolutely magical energy that has erupted around our new President Trump. And by God's grace, I pray a new nation dedicated to faith, family and freedom. So I know you've got tons you want to talk about tonight. We've got, well, obviously we've got Vice President JD Vance. It's official. JD Vance is the next VP. Can you can you even imagine what the VP debates are going to be like? I mean, can you even imagine JD Vance was classmates with with Vivek Rama Swami? I mean, it's just we'll talk about how important and significant of a choice of the for the VP. That is, I think it's masterful and magnificent. We've, of course, got the continued fallout from J 13, most especially the apocalyptic disaster that was the secret service. It really has a lot of people questioning legitimately questioning what was really going on there. We got the classified documents case thrown out. Jack Smith is having a temper tantrum as we speak. We got our first poll that just came out our very first post shooting national poll. I'm going to surprise you with that in the course of our live stream. But let's just say, how do you spell landslide? So, so much is going on here. You know, before I turn it over to you, I do want to reflect a bit on what Tucker just said there with one of my favorite movies of all times. There's probably my, when all is said and done, this is probably my number one favorite movie. When all is said and done, just because of the impact it had on my life growing up. And that is the one, the only rocky rock and I actually, I live in just in the shadow of Philadelphia to boot. I saw Rocky in the theaters when it first came out. I believe was in 76. I was a kid and I was enamored with it. I just loved the story of, of Rocky. And one of the things I've come to appreciate so much, especially in, in sort of climaxing and what happened on Saturday, is the way Rocky has, my love for Rocky has so much in common with my love for Trump. The reason why I love Trump so much. Because President Trump and Rocky are together the iconic embodiments of the underdog outsider taking on the establishment. Hollywood glitz and glamour aristocratic elite. That's, that's how you have to understand Apollo Creed in many ways. Apollo Creed represents sort of this Hollywoodification of sports and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on. So, celebrity, celebrity vacation. I'll just put an ification on the end of everything. He represented this aristocratic elite versus this sort of this total outsider. And he rises up and he wins against all odds. And it's not a martyr's tale. That's the interesting thing. Both Trump and Rocky rose up against all odds and took on their respective multi-million dollar establishments and they won. They beat them as Tucker talked about so beautifully. And in doing so, they both told all of us that we too can beat the odds. We too can rise up and beat the status quo establishment that exists only to benefit itself and no one else. What I love so much about Rocky and Trump is how they are both so willing to stand up with a little guy who cannot stand up for himself alone. This is something that MSNBC and CNN and the Republican establishment. No one in there does anything for Trump alone has been willing to stand in terms of a national figure has been willing to stand up to the bullies and defend the little guy. Those have been forgotten. Again, this is why I think the choice for JD Vance is just brilliant because that's exactly what you know, all the JD Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy has devoted his political career to stand up for the voiceless, particularly in Ohio, in rural Ohio. Trump is doing what no cable or news network organization or Republican is that or freakin Carl Rove is willing to do. He's doing what no corporatist globalist organization is willing to do. He is standing up for the little guy. But what I love even more about both Trump and Rocky, especially in light of what just happened on Saturday, is they don't simply rise up themselves from the ashes as it were. They bring everyone around them with them. Rocky's courage and faithfulness doesn't just transform Rocky. That's why I love the film, right? Adrian goes through just as if not more so a dramatic transformation. Mickey, his trainer, his manager, goes through just the same infinitely amazing transformation. Paulie, his brother-in-law, goes through this infinitely amazing transformation. Rocky's courage and faithfulness doesn't just transform him, it transforms everyone he loves around him. He gets up, he rises up above the challenge, and he brings those he loves with him. That is what we saw on Saturday. We saw Trump rise. And with him, the amazing, brave, courageous, maga movement in all of its glorious entirety has risen as well. And the whole world sees it. Over to you. Enough of me just jabbering on my own. Over to you. I want to hear from you. So what questions do we have here from our Insiders Club? Bert aren't, "Hi, Dr. Steve, I agree with you. An angel of God was there." Your quote earlier about 6/11 makes sense, Ephesians 6/11. My question, what are your feelings about that pastor? Is he maybe a seer or maybe AP? I think he's going to say a prophet of some kind. I'm forgetting his name at that. So if you watch our first video today, I started off with a, oh, I should be able to look it up. I'm forgetting now his name because I did not know him. I started off with a pastor in Oklahoma, a charismatic pastor based on the theology of the gifts of the Holy Spirit who apparently had a vision. I don't know much about it, but I just found, and I read about just the vision he had, they would think it was back in March or February. And you can see it. You can see it on Facebook. They published it back in March of this year. And he had a vision that Trump would be, there would be an assassination attempt on Trump that it would miss him, but it would whiz that bullet would strike his ear. And that he would fall to the ground. And as a result, he would have this extraordinary spiritual experience and that it would transform him. And it would provide the divine energy, as it were, for him to lead our nation to a real patriotic rebirth. And he does, he does foresee Trump winning in a landslide in November. So, I just, to be honest with you, Bert, I was just floored by that. And I just thought, you know what, I mean, God is using his people right now in amazing ways, and I'm Orthodox. I'm Eastern Orthodox. So, you know, I don't, I don't necessarily go with it with all of that. That's not, that's not in the periphery of my, that's not within the perimeters of my theology. But I don't mean to be, again, coy here, but then, you know, screw my theology. I'm not, I'm not going to limit the maga movement in accordance with, with my theological understanding. So, I want, I, I champion and love this maga movement. Everyone who's part of it is my family. So, that's, that's where I, I just thought it was an absolutely mind blowing. Yes, prophecy for lack of better term vision, whatever you want to call it. That was uncannily similar to what actually happened on J13. Well, Dr Steve, good afternoon. Thank you campaign spokeswomen for women and consumer media Laura Brownstein called a brain trust who no American voted for. And not Joe Biden was actually running the country. Oh, interesting. The brain trust of the Biden presidency is who we want running the country. So, Mr. Brownstein said she listed Jill Biden vice president Kamala Harris as members of brain trust and people that we want involved in our future thoughts. So I did come across this. It was something akin to, look, you're not voting for Biden, you're voting for a team. Right, this is, this is basically what, Karen Jean Pierre has been saying in some of these press conference where a team when they say who's running because they've been asked who the heck is actually running this country. Well, there's the Biden administration is an entire team. Of course, they don't identify any particular person. All of this is an admission that Biden is a totally failed candidate. When you have 70%, 72% of the population saying, we do not want him running again. He should not be running. He cannot be president. We don't, his age and his cognitive ability is an issue that we find disqualifying. If that's the case, then you're going to have to defer to something else. So it's basically an admission that Joe has done. By the way, you'll notice all of, we could talk about it if you guys bring it up, but you'll notice all of the calls to get rid of Joe have suddenly stopped. All the calls to get rid of Joe, the coup basically failed. Kamala is not going to be on that ticket, which, by the way, is actually good news for the Democrats. They don't realize it because Joe among all the pot. We've talked about this endlessly among the polling. You can't get around the data. All the polling shows he is the strongest they have, which shows you precisely how weak they are. So it's just an admission in the end that they've got nothing in terms of their candidate. Gator, do you think there was indoctrination done to the shooter since he was a Republican, but then start to donate to a demon rat group? I think they should look into that group. What say you? Yeah, it wasn't. What was it? Act blue? I think it was something like that. I shouldn't, you know, absolutely verify that. I shouldn't say it out loud if I don't know, because I could disparage a good organization. I don't know. But we don't, we don't. I have a feeling this is going to be a lot like the trans shooter in Nashville. This could be a lot of cover up here. So they claim as a Republican, you got to be careful with that in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania closed primaries. I know I live within 10 minutes away from the Pennsylvania border. Pennsylvania closed primaries. So if you want to mess with a primary candidate of some kind, if you want to put in like Nikki Haley, you're going to have to register as a Republican. If you want to, if you want to call some trouble in a Republican primary. So that could be the reason why he's a registered Republican. Obviously he was not. He was not a Republican. So I don't know. We're going to have to find out what on earth is going on. Right now, it's just, you know, I kind of, I'm, I'm very hesitant to say anything dogmatic about this shooter that that obviously he is being very, very, it's being very choreographed what we are allowed to know right now. Tyler, Dr. Steve, what do you think the terrible incident that happened over the weekend means for the US going forward? Do you think there can finally be peace and we can get back to business or will this nonsense continue? I have a feeling that garbage will ramp up as we draw closer to November. Yes, we're going to have to see. We'll know, I think we'll know a lot Thursday night. So we can talk about this on our Friday morning live stream. I think we'll know a lot based on the tone that Trump sets on Thursday night. And the polls that start to come out though, they'll have some flash polls don't pay much attention to those but I, I think that if Trump reads this right, which he obviously will. This could be transformative. I'll use that word again for our nation. And I think a lot of people feel like they want to give Trump the chant. They have to understand Trump is a fascinating candidate or character in the sense that most people think his presidency was was a hands down success. I mean, you look, I mean, you look at job approval for Trump's presidency versus job approval for Biden's presidency and, and the discrepancies double digits. People overwhelmingly believe Trump was the better president overwhelmingly. And that's been his pitch thus far. This pitch is look, things were great when I was president, binding came in and things have fallen apart vote for me and I'll make things great again. That's, that's basically been his pitch. But, and again, this is just, you know, this is just factually true, but most voters are very uncomfortable with his personality. And, you know, they, they have all kinds of caricatures of him being combative or crazy or a little bit over the top and all this sort of stuff, whatever you want to, you know, whatever you want to call it, whatever you want to do. I mean, again, I think a lot of that play is, is part of his strength as well because he's not, he's not a stuffy politician but bottom line they love his policies but not necessarily his personality. What you might see come out of that astonishing miracle. What you might see, and I think we will, is a Trump whose personality now aligns with the policies. And if that happens, forget about it. I forget about this is going to be astonishing. Now, what are the Democrats going to do? Well, they've got two choices, seems to me. They can either suck it up and take the L and do what they can to minimize the losses that are happening. That's what, and we could talk about this. That's what Axios is reporting. I don't know if you guys caught this. Axios came out today with an article or it was yesterday last time. That came out and basically, basically said, Democrat operatives have basically given up. They're admitting defeat for November. They know there is no way they're going to be able to beat that iconic image. There's just no way. It was literally the perfect image. I love how Pastor Doug Wilson put it. That image was clearly, clearly pre-planned, but not by Trump. Isn't that beautiful? Pastor Doug Wilson. That image was clearly orchestrated, but not by any human being. They know they're not going to be able to stop him. What are they trying to do? They're going to try to minimize the bleeding. They're going to try to minimize the down ticket damage that will inevitably happen as a result of this. Remember, we don't tend to vote split ticket. We just don't. We generally don't. All elections, if you have a presidential candidate who's winning by significant margins, that party has massive gains in that election. There's just no way around that. They're just preparing for that. Their one option is to just minimize the losses. The other option is to blow it all the F up. I'm sure there are some Democrats who were insane enough to do it. They're just going to want to blow the whole thing. If we can't rule, then there will be no rule. I'm with you. That's a very real possibility. Again, we have to continue to be in prayer. If this past Saturday taught us anything, it is the power of prayer. So be in prayer every day for President Trump, for President Biden, and for our nation every single day, because we were spared. Right now, we could have been planning for President Trump's funeral in the midst of an erupting, very real civil war. It could have been that bad. Without the slightest bit of exaggeration. That it could have had that on live had that really happened, especially after finding out the incompetence of the apocalyptic incompetence of the secret service. Yeah, I shudder to think what what we missed. It was, we all dodged a bullet for lack of a better term. So, keep it in prayer. Charles, do you think this assassination tent has finally woken up some of the normies? I do. And we've got some polling data on that you guys want to hear about this we do have our first post shooting poll. It's from the Democracy Institute that's Patrick Bastian of the Democracy Institute. And I don't know, Mike, if you have that or not that you can put it there you go. Thanks for that. This is our first post shooting poll to survey of 1000 likely voters. 20% said they are now more likely to vote for Trump after the shooting than they were before 20%. It's now Trump up by almost 10, nine points head to head 10 when you factor in RFK. Now keep in mind conventions Dick Morris was talking about this conventions usually give a boost at the candidate of anywhere between five to 10 points. Can you even imagine what the polls are going to be like after that Thursday night speech which remember more people could be watching than ever watched a convention speech in political history. So he's starting the week at least with this one poll we did again we we tend to like to corroborate here we like aggregates we like averages polling averages, but regardless it's a snapshot. If he is starting the week with 20% of likely voters wanting to vote for him and keep in mind Trump's voters are not likely voters. We talked about this a lot. Likely voters are primarily Biden voters. When you pull voters who voted and say the last five elections for five elections there there are Biden's ahead with them. When you pull voters who haven't voted in the last few elections or or vote rarely or who have not voted at all it's Trump by double digits. The good news is he brings those what we call low propensity voters out in mass every time he's on the ballot did in 2016 didn't in 2020. And he's going to do it again in 2024 probably more so more than we can ever imagine special with the voter registration efforts of people like Scott Pressler in Pennsylvania. Scott's amazing we're trying to get him on find a time where we can have a little chat with him get update on his efforts and see what we can do to help. Look when all said and done I mean yeah. We're talking. When you're seeing 20% of a voter category. Going towards Trump a voter category that tends to be more pro Biden. I mean all bets are off. Can you I can you even imagine. What the polls are going to look like say early next week. And that's why you've got these articles from axials that are just coming out and basically saying there are Democrat operatives that have just thrown up their hands and said that we're done. This is going to be a landslide we're giving up there's just no point me putting in any effort there's no donors are coming are are basically the donations have dried up among Democrats. They're not giving them money they see they see an epic they see a train wreck of epic proportions come in their way and they just they don't want to have anything to do with it. So yeah I think it has finally woken up some of the normies William. Why GOP swampers are hated go to the American thinker blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah there you got you guys got all the link I can help you there. Let's see Kevin Rubio you're just so you're just giving some information here amazed how DC GOP is. Yeah so bottom line. Let's see Rand Paul Kentucky is amazed how DC or you amaze how DC GOP is lazy stupid duped by Democrats worse GOP for did not impeach Garland your thoughts yeah. Yeah no you're you're saying it William you've got it you know we've got an old saying here right. The Democrats own DC the Republicans merely rent the Democrats own DC DC belongs to the Democrats in the deep state is a Democrat operation more or less. More or less begun with FTR worked out through Truman worked out through 40 years of Democrat control of Congress DC is a Democrat swamp. They come in and they find out very quickly that they don't run anything nothing. They run no agency. They run no institution. They run nothing everything is Democrat right. So they and they just learn that if you want to start making seven figures. If you want to be serving on a board making 80 grand a month after you're done here play by the Democrats rules. Democrats will give you space to be a Republican they do it for you know Ted Cruz but and others but you better learn to play by the rules. You know well Madison call thorn you will get rid of you real quick what George Santos you will get rid of you real quick. So it's it's it's a Republican I'm sorry it's a Democrat town. And so that's why I think Trump has an amazing opportunity to change that transform that I mean draining the swamp literally means. Basically root canaling the Democrat establishment in an elected Washington. And and replacing them with MAGA Patriots when all is said and done that's what it's going to require if he does that. Then it switches it's not just a Republican town it's a MAGA town. And if it's a MAGA town gang. At least at the federal level we did it. We and I think Trump would say we did it. Together Terry shouldn't Trump higher than security and shouldn't patriotic Americans demand the Pinkerton's step in and conduct an investigation. Independent of government of course I think there needs to be one whether the government will allow that or not the whole other question again I think you're dealing with some Nashville shooter cover up here. Should Trump higher his own security there so that's. Yeah that's one of. Yeah perhaps as I understand that's what Putin does Putin Putin hired his own security he it's his it's his own. That he he makes sure he can he's approved up. And screened he has his own screening process he doesn't depend on government. There's going to be an investigation. But it probably the real investigation will not begin until January 20 of 2025. Then you will see a very very real very real investigation. But until then I just think all right now it's all just cover up at this point and they're just trying to give us little little crumbs here or there. To satisfy our our hunger for for some action but I don't I don't expect really anything at all to come out of this as long as that team is in charge. Wendy my husband says to remember the Maga martyr referring to the patriot who's killed Saturday he gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting the one thing every father protects his family. Amen Wendy I've got him right here. Got him in my. My Twitter feed right here. Sorry and I'm sorry if I don't know the how to pronounce name comparatory. C O M P E R A T O R E comparatory beautiful man amazing man. Yes he he died protecting his families, his daughters wife they they've all tweeted out precisely that testimony that confirmation that that's what he did. And I yeah I think he should be a memorialized as a result of this he is a martyr in that sense. He is definitely a Maga martyr I love that. I love that phrase so yes let's all keep him in our prayers their family in our prayers. God have mercy on his soul. And I know he will. Did you notice the left did not back off the rhetoric but instead double down on it I noticed yep yep already the clown. Carri Jean Pierre is saying is doubling down on yes Trump is a threat to democracy that's right. So yeah no they're going to double down on let I mean at this point I mean outside of them actually trying to take the whole thing down. I see you've got a clip of that I've got my kisses we got a clip of that right after the shooting to Mikey give me a specific of what the clip is just let me knows I'm talking about it. Yeah I mean outside of like actual like burning it all down. I don't know at this point it almost seems to me we just want to ignore him. Oh yeah okay yeah why don't we do that so Mike has said he's got a clip of CNN saying that Trump pumping his fist after just having his life flash before his very eyes after just having a AR 15 bullet Pierce his ear CNN wanted to critique how we responded to that. Go ahead Micah roll it. I want to say there was one thing that when I watched the tape I found odd because of all of the heated rhetoric and that is that after he was hit former President Trump got up and said fight fight fight. I think what we're hearing from people is that's not the message that we want to be sent it right now we want to camp it down. Yeah I would just know one thing on this. Yeah that's right. We want to tap it down. Yeah the Trump is Hitler crowd wants to once you to settle it down here. We want to tone the rhetoric down. The Trump is a fascist crowd the Trump is a unique danger to democracy crowd wants you to just kind of tone things down the J six protesters were insurrectionist crowd wants you to tone things down. That's why we have five fingers. So I at this point I just say you know let them there look you know they're going to fulfill their job description when all said and liberals are going to be liberals. Leftists are going to be narcissists are going to be narcissists you just got to let them do their thing. If Trump reads this moment right and I believe he is clearly has by divine intervention. It's going to be a new Trump. It's going to be an unbelievably new moment in our nation's history by God's grace if we all stay in prayer. And if just God continues to lavish that kind of grace on us like he did. 11 p.m. on Saturday. Bob will the attempt on Trump's life derail the Democrats hope to replace Biden. Yes, it failed. It's done. I believe it is done. I'm reading a lot of reports that said in effect that the coup to get rid of Biden inside the Democratic Party has failed. The only thing that will stop Biden at this point are the delegates if the delegates turned around and didn't vote for him that so the ballots are going out to the delegates now via mail. They're being returned as we speak. I do believe as things stand the DNC rules do require that the delegates vote for the person they have been assigned to based on the voters. Oh, so that's what it is. Yes, there are two bees in here now. This is just crazy. So I've got to, I probably have to call an exterminator. My, oh my, there are two bees in here now. They're going to have to try to see if they can find someplace where the bees are coming and I don't know what they're doing. Locking me. So anyway, yes, I think. The only way Biden is not going to get this nomination at this point is if the delegates don't vote for him, but I think they are legally bound to vote for him. So there's just really no way around it. And as far as, as far as, as far as Democrats are concerned, that's it. That's it. People are not going to come out and vote for Biden. They weren't going to come out and vote for him before they're certainly not going to come out and vote for him now. Rock dog, Dr. Steve, so many people are concerned that JD Vance is going to be a number. Mike Pence. What's your gut feeling? Not at all. I don't. I mean, I, again, I could be wrong. I mean, we could be there. He could be a Judas, but not at all. I JD Vance has been one of the biggest supporters of the J six protesters. I mean, to me that I've, I've heard people put that as they're sort of there. What do you want to call it? They're standard for who Trump should pick. What's their view of the J six protesters? Do they believe that they should all be immediately pardoned and released JD Vance as I understand said, absolutely to that. Because remember, those are JD Vance's voters, you know, rural, particularly white working class voters that he wrote about in his book, Hillbilly Elegy. So, Oh, gosh, bees are. Sorry, guys. I just, I mean, they're just, I'm going to try to stay on. I'm going to try to stay focused as they're whipping around me here. Yeah, I mean, JD Vance is, I think, I mean, all you have to do is look at how the Fox News neocons are melting down over JD Vance right now. Karl Rove is flipping out over it. National Review crowd is flipping out over it. Well, not all of them. Not all of them. I should. Was his name Dardi, I think was very, very happy about it. No JD Vance is overwhelmingly anti-establishment. He despises the elites. He despises the typical political BS of the DC political class. He's, he's unapologetically America first nationalist. He is a, he is a stalwart against Ukraine aid, which for me is a huge thing because I don't want to see World War three. And he, you know, his whole thing is he represents the forgotten men and women of America, whose identities don't make it into the, into the caste system of left wing identity politics. So no, I think JD Vance was an excellent pick, personally speaking, and, and he's somebody of the establishment fears. And so I believe, I believe he's good insurance for Trump. If he had picked someone in the establishment, then that really could have been bad news for us, huge bad news, because I don't think Trump would have left. He wouldn't have, he wouldn't have gotten off the podium on January 20th without a, without, you know, another impeachment or, or something akin to that. So anyway, no, I think JD Vance was great. And I think he would have done the right thing on January 6 and sent those electors back to those states so they can work out. There are obvious issues that so many Americans were very, very nervous about, and rightly so, hence why Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas sued those states, because Texas had conducted their election with integrity, but states like Georgia and Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania did not and Arizona did not. And so that was disenfranchising to Texans and Floridians who followed the law, and they expect these other states to follow it as well. I think he would have done the right thing. There, by the way, while we're getting our next question, I would have preferred, oh, old polar. I should say, I would have preferred Vance to be head of the Senate. No, but he won't be. He can't be. It's an entirely. You're asking this is great. So, polar, who would you like to be the next Senate leader? I mean, the way, sorry, the way particular the Senate works is, is it's, it's based on seniority. There's just no way around him. McConnell's the top dog there because he's been there the longest there. There are some exceptions. You'll, you'll have strong Thurman was there longer than anyone, but he didn't want he gave up willingly the leadership position there as I understand it. So, no, I think Rick Scott would be great. I do of Florida. It's definitely not going to be Mitch McConnell. He's already said he's not going to be doing it. So, Rick Scott's probably, he's the next tier down as it were next seniority down. I think he would be, I think he would be good. Trump has already endorsed him for that. Remember gang, look at all this stuff dropping all over the place. All right, what do we got next. Jill is Vance scary enough to the Democrats to keep some Trump safe. I do believe so. I think they are very worried about Vance. He is not, he was not part of the establishment ilk when he was running for the Senate. They opposed him. Actually, it was Trump who endorsed him. And he, and he won easily. And he's, I think he is, he is the embodiment of the new MAGA Republican. That's going to carry on the torch for Trump past 2028. Catherine, Dr Steve, can we start start the lives every week with a war? Oh, yeah, with a word of prayer. I think the whole world needs our prayers. Thank you. Thank you, Catherine. If you don't mind. Let's see, Micah, put a note there to remind me that we can start the live streams are our Monday night lives each week with a word of prayer. Let's do that. And keep our nation covered in faith and prayer. Thank you, Catherine. We'll do that. Paul, in reference to Saturday's shooting, the Secret Service marksman had the shooter in his sights for over three minutes. I saw that, but was not allowed to open fire until after the assassin did. I don't know if that's true, Paul, we'll have to see that. I know a number of people have been saying that, but we'll have to see. In my opinion, the deep state and league with the team commander wanted Trump dead and was hoping the shooter would take him out when he missed it was game over your thoughts. Okay, so yes, you're bringing up something that is very concerning to me as well. No question. I just want to make sure we're, you know, we're not, we're not going beyond the evidence here. The rhetoric should not go beyond the evidence here. So, yes, as I understand it, Secret Service snipers had the shooter in their their own line of fire for upwards of three minutes and did not fire. We are going to have to find out what on earth went on went wrong with that. There is one view out there that said that there's a possibility that there is a new Secret Service policy that you don't fire unless the shooter fires first. If that is the case that is beyond insane and anyone and everyone who either came up with that policy and or implemented it needs to be fired immediately period end of discussion. And if not prosecuted. So we'll have to see what the explanation is, because if that is the explanation. I mean, we're, it's, it's all, it's part of so many questions. Why on earth take law enforcement. So long to respond to the concerns of the eyewitnesses, alerting them to the guy in the roof. Why did it take Patriots on the ground to alert anyone about a guy on the roof. 400 feet away in a sniper position. Where, where was it as Dan Bengeno's been asked, where was the infrared, where was the helicopters, where were the snipers weren't they, but didn't they, if they saw this guy on the roof. With a 15 pointed towards Trump. And they didn't take him out, you know, immediately. I mean, there's so many unanswered questions there. One way of making sense of this in my, in my view, one way of making sense of this. Is that we actually have a combination of the confusing and the clear. We have a combination of the confusing and the clear. There is a very, very clear conclusion. I owe this to CIA analyst Larry Johnson really enjoyed his analysis of this. There's a very clear conclusion here. The ironclad clear either the secret service was apocalyptically incompetent or the secret service was complicit. There's no other way of possibly looking at this. That could not possibly be more crystal clear here. We don't need the dithering morons in DC or in CNN to tell us anything different than that. The secret service detail was either apocalyptically incompetent or they were complicit. And the reason why we can arrive at a very clear conclusion like that ironically is because of all the confusion that surrounds what happened here. Again, keep in mind, there should not be a shred of confusion when it comes to protecting the former president and the presumptive future president of the United States. There should be no confusion, but there are so many questions, unexplained questions in all of this that it does raise a very clear conclusion. And that is, of course, either they were apocalyptically incompetent or they were complicit. So, we will have to see how this fleshes out again. I have no doubt that there will be, sorry, I'm dodging the bee here again. I have no doubt that there will be a full investigation beginning January 20 2025. Catherine A. Dr. Steve, I know you're fan of JD Vance for VP, I like him as well, but Doug and exile keep saying he's a bad choice. Just you wait and see is what he was saying this morning on YouTube we're all entitled to our opinion but I just wonder what he could be referring to about Mr Vance. Thank you. I mean, the, the, the, the, near unanimous opinion is that JD Vance is the perfect mega compliment to Trump. He's the perfect mega compliment to Trump. He's, he's anti establishment. He's anti Ukraine funding. Which is a lot more than you can say about like Tim Scott or, or Bergum or anything like that. He, he's got the right enemies he's despised by Karl Rove hates them he's, he's America first nationalist. He is of all for border security, economic security, cultural security he's pro life. I don't know, I don't know what to say it's not like he's a career politician it's not like he's, he's hanging out with all of the rights of the establishment Republicans so I don't know. I don't know why so freaked out about JD Vance. Paul I registered for Wednesday's event, but will not be able to attend will there be a replay. Micah can you let us know I think there will be Paul so if you can't come I think we're going to take, we're, yes Micah said yes so we'll take care of you. Rock dog Dr Steve after spending my entire adult. I think you meant life not wife, either in the military or as a fireman and having no, and having to battle cancer at the same time. Evil ex who's cheating on me so the system would take away my rights as a father battling for a justified medical pension and having to beat cancer three times. Since 2018 God bless your rock dog. I've lost all faith in the system and people thanks to you and seeing President Trump as well rise up on Saturday. My faith has been restored God bless your rock dog. You're the best. Oh God. What is being done about Biden's land grab in Idaho to give the Ukrainians a cobalt mine that had been shut down because of its toxic waste in S a TV Idaho shuts down farmers I'd have to check it out over I have not seen it. I will have to check it out I can't comment. Mickey, will they try to assassinate Trump again. Oh gosh. Yeah, if at first he doesn't succeed. I don't. Well, you know, again, that could be part of the burn it all down strategy. You know, again heaven forbid it looks to me like God is saying no to that. God is saying no to taking out President Trump. I mean again it's just we're talking. We're talking millimeters. Mel, you know, a bullet coming. What was it a bullet coming I forget how the coming this way. And, and you just, you know. Yeah, that's it a bullet coming this way and you do this. Deborah in the Republican Party, or a Trump or his team offering financial support to to Cory and come for a tars. And his his family spelling. Yeah, a good question. I don't know the answer to that. Again, I, I have a, I would have a, I would presume that his family will be well taken care of. I will presume that I know there was a, as if I recall there was a. Go find me page that's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for them. I think they were just trying to do some. Get like seven or 10,000 for for funeral. Funeral costs and I mean it's just the amount of money that came in where it was was astronomical. So I have, I have no doubt that his family will be taken very, very good care of. Because that's what patriots do. Jeff, Dr. Steve, you could just put a Trump sign on the, I wait for deranged Democrat neighbor to get an unpleasant surprise laugh out loud. Just be sure to capture it on video. I love it. Oh, I love it. That's right. Oh, man, that's what I should do. I should do. I love it. Put a Trump sign on there and how when they pull it off. That would be amazing. Thanks, Jeff. Aaron, why would we pick another white man as vice president to win new voters? How does JD Vance help us win new voters compared to Tulsi Gabbard or a black man? Yeah, Aaron, I seriously, I just don't. I don't know. I don't know. I think you're playing some different kinds of identity politics. I just, it's a, yeah, I mean, again, I guess it's a legit question, but I just, I just, I don't think that's the moment we're in. I honestly don't. I think, I think we're beyond that. I think now Trump is all about building the legacy of MAGA beyond 2028. He saw rightly so, I think JD Vance as the most faithful member of MAGA out there in terms of, in terms of the viable candidates for him. He just saw Vance as the man who's going to take MAGA to the next level. I don't think he's even remotely thinking in terms of identity politics from that vantage point. I don't think he has to. I just, when you, when you have polls coming out saying 20% of voters said 20% of voters saying, yeah, no, I'm more likely to vote for Trump now. I mean, again, because they love that kind of courage. They love that kind of fight, that kind of defiance in the face of death. They were astonished by it. Michelle, Dr. Steve, do you know why Vance was a Never-Trumper before? Yeah. Is he, is he tight with the Never-Trumper, Rhinos? Was he tight at the Never-Trumper, Rhinos at the time? That's a concern for me still. Yeah. So the way Michelle put it. So no, I don't think so. Vance has, has proved, I think, has benefied as a true populist. He was very concerned back in 2016, as I know many people were at the time. I had many close friends at the time were very concerned that they thought Trump was a plant. They thought he was a Hillary Clinton Democrat plant. They thought he was a New York billionaire liberal who was deliberately trying to lead the Republicans to ruin in 2016 and doing it on behalf of the Clintons. So there were all kinds of photos of Trump and Hillary and Bill with their hands around each other smiling, because they did. They did. They were socializers together. They had Trump wrote a check, if I recall. And he wrote plenty of checks for Democrats, but of course he said because he knew all the game was played. So this was before Trump proved his bona fides. Now that Trump has proved his bona fides and they'll run these commercials. Trump doesn't seem to care. Yeah, they'll run the commercials showing that, you know, JD Vance, Trump is this, Trump is that, he's terrible, you know, he's a Nazi, whatever, I don't. And I think JD Vance will come out and has said that he was wrong and he has no problem saying it. And he knows he speaks on behalf of a lot of people out there who, who did not vote for Trump, did not support him, did not trust him, who now unapologetically are all in. Richard Dr Steve initial reports from fake news media said Trump fell down, there's loud noises. Yep. Yep. Trump Trump rushed off stage after falling down. I think that was CNN AP Trump Trump rushed off stage after loud noises. So firecrackers made him go right. Why can't they just tell the truth and report the facts? Dumb question. Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, I was reading that I actually just, that was a quote from the Doug Wilson article I was reading and I think he said it best. They did not want to acknowledge the gift that the election gods were giving to Trump at that moment. They just simply couldn't imagine acknowledging that gift. They could not imagine that Trump would be so, quote, lucky to get something like that, because assassination attempts, if you think it through, assassination attempts are zero some game. It's an either or, and it's, it's all or nothing. Right? You either die, or you rise as king. There's no two ways around that. They either take you out, or you rise triumphant. There's just no way around this. This is in our human DNA. So what we're finding is that, is that more and more media ilk are realizing that Trump won the if, if, if that Thursday night train wreck of a debate was the end of the Biden presidency. Six 11 PM J 13 was the beginning of the second Trump presidency. I think they recognize that. So they're doing everything they can to belittle it, because that's what they do. Liberals will always fulfill their job description. They belittle anything conservative. That's what they do. Molly saw where Biden's campaign has pulled some messages. Will this stop the stupid Nazi Hitler hate talk? They pulled morning Joe you saw that Molly you saw that. Thank you God for the miracle Saturday. Amen. Amen. Yeah, I am. Yeah, you know, they're running at after after after at on on Pennsylvania television. That's what I get. So when I'm reading watching, I like baseball. My kids and I watch it, and especially my youngest son and I would love watching baseball or watch, you know, we were watching the Copa Americana. We were watching the Euros and Wimbledon and all that sort of stuff right. I think I think July the fourth was the strangest July the fourth I had this past one because I spent the day watching Wimbledon. Following the British election and rooting for England in the Euros. So I was like, I don't know something. I'm going through some kind of cognitive dissonance here. I did notice the Biden suspended his his commercials against Trump. They weren't doing them any good. He's spending tens of millions of dollars in Pennsylvania, and he just keeps losing. I mean, the Trump keeps gaining his lead on him. So I think they might stop for a little time, but they'll get back to it because again, that's just what liberals do. They don't know how they don't know what other kind of rhetoric they can use to explain their world and the way they see the world and then deference to these absurd stigmatizing epithets. So in terms of morning Joe, Joe, that was an incredible admission. And I played some of his comments on our third video tonight, which came out late. I'm sorry. A lot of the videos came out late today. I don't know what was going on. But yeah, that morning Joe. He's second, I think only to joy read in terms of the absurd level of hyperbole. He's willing to descend to with regard to Trump. I mean, again, you can only call somebody a Nazi and Hitler and fascist and an existential threat to our way of life enough until somebody out there is going to take you up on that. And think he's going to be a hero in what he did. So, yeah, so we'll have to see. We'll have to see if a corner was turned in the hyperbole in the rhetoric. Certainly, we'll see what Trump, you know, risen again as it were metaphorically. Trump is what it had a Gandalf return is Gandalf the white used to be Gandalf the Gray so Trump the white will have to see what happens with Trump the white here I like that I'm going to have to use that more just came to me. Raymond, I perfectly, I, I prefer to reinvestigation to who is the head, the USS Miss Kimberly. Okay, this is the Secret Service of Kimberly Cheetah. Yeah. It reveals that she doesn't seem to have the expected qualifications and may have decided on her own to apply DEI to their selection hiring practice Dr. Steve, what are your thoughts? Yeah, now I mean the DEI issues obviously are coming to the for a big time here big time. Some comments she made she had a full interview with CBS talking about diversity and 30% of their new Secret Service agents are all women and blah, blah, blah. It was utterly grotesque in terms of its ideological absurdities and she's going to have to resign. She does not belong in that position. Whatever, whatever happened on Saturday, the buck is going to ultimately stop up at the top at all two and she should resign immediately or be fired. Oh, Mike is telling me that Cheetah issued a statement saying the buck stops with me but then turn around and blame local authorities for not securing the building where cooks shot. Oh, it got shot from. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, let's go and blame local authorities for the, for the, what do you call it, for the job that we Secret Service gave to them to do. No, it's ultimately your job. You, Ms. Cheetah, you, the Secret Service are responsible for securing everything, everything. You don't farm it out to the locals. Sorry, you don't do it. That's not to say that the locals aren't going to be used, but you're still responsible for it. Sorry, there's no way around it. Thanks, Mike, for that. Wendy, did anyone see what the view did today? Good question. I did not. Oh, I don't even know if I could stomach it. I don't even know. Oh, Michael, you've got the clip. All right, go ahead, Micah. Play the clip. We got the clip to do that. And I also need to say, I hope that at some point in this country, we do have a conversation about what is happening because we can't just react when it is our side. What was this again? It was, you know, a 20 year old lone wolf, white, whack job with easy access to a gun. And we have to have a conversation about that because it wasn't a drag queen. It wasn't an immigrant. It wasn't a pissed off liberal woman. This is, and this keeps happening. And we need to react, not as left or right, not as the Republicans or Democrats. We need to react as Americans. All right. And we need to ask better. Okay, I just want to add that the shooter, yes, it was a 20 year old kitchen worker from nearby Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. According to a CNN reporter, senior law enforcement officials said that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a local gun store hours before the rally shouldn't that have been reported somebody buys a 20 year old white guy. I mean, we've seen that many times now, young white men with guns and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition. Well, there's, well, there's also a post mortem as the list is said. Yeah, I mean, here we go again. You know, these are the Trump is a Nazi crowd telling us how we have to tone down our rhetoric. And now they're, they're deferencing to identity politics. I mean, it's just again, it's the leftist are going to be leftist. There's just no way around it. And obviously, as you can see, there is no hope for our nation if they're in charge. That we will be forever imprisoned by these insane absurd ideological categories that define leftist ideology. So there you will go. Thanks a lot, Wendy, for making us all watch it. All polar di and full display for SQL Secret Service your thoughts. Absolutely. I think it's absurd. I think it's insane. How do you put a five foot four woman in front of a six foot three man to guard his body, give me a break. It's absurd. It's nuts. It's absolutely nuts and DE is going to get people killed, and may even get presidents killed. It's insane. It's absolutely absurd. I'm with no I mean this is this is part of I hope we renew America as of November 5. And as part of that we destroy this DEI nonsense at the federal level. Rick, Dr. T, we keep hearing that Mr. Trump is a threat to democracy, but don't explain how. Yes. Yes. Well, just remember CNN's question at the debate to Biden. Do you believe that the supporters for President Trump, those who are going to vote for President Trump are voting to end democracy. They're voting for someone who's a threat to democracy. Just let that hit you. Talk about a square circle. I mean the contradiction in terms is beyond the same. So, yeah, but they don't explain how. No, of course not. I mean, Trump left office. I mean, again, it's another way of putting it. Another way of putting it is they're saying something they cannot possibly know. So when you say Trump is a threat to democracy, you can't possibly know that. He wasn't when he was a president. He left office. He left on January 20. He packed his bags and he laughed. He didn't stay. He didn't. He didn't institute an insurrection. They were unarmed. How do you have an insurrection without arms? The rhetoric is absurd. It's insane. It's all based on a projection. It's all based on a hypothetical, a subjunctive. If he's what they really are saying is, if he's pregnant, he might. But again, even there they don't know. They're saying something in the future that they cannot possibly know. So that's why, because it's not based on knowledge, there's massive deference to rhetorical hyperbole that is radically stigmatizing of Trump to the, really to the point of rhetorical violence. I mean, there is nothing more rhetorically violent than to equate someone with a map 20th century's worst mass murder. And then basically telling people out there, he's going to be the same or even worse. So it's absurd. Alexis, if election integrity can't be secured, what's to stop the deep state from stealing another election? All right, so Alexis, you have to come Wednesday night. That's for sure, because we're going to be talking about that on Wednesday night. We're going to be talking about what the real steel is. But you have to be careful, Alexis, you don't want to be a dentist or you don't want to be a downer. Yeah, I think they were fully prepared to try to steal it in November. But after what happened at six 11 on Saturday on J 13. I don't know if it's possible. I honestly don't. Again, think of all the shenanigans that they pulled all the shenanigans of totally unsecured states like Arizona and Georgia and Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania. Totally unsecured states, 70% people voting by mail in ballot. And with all of those shenanigans, those hundreds of millions of votes. Biden ended up winning by just 40,000. It was one of I think it was the second closest election in American history. All right, per capita. He only 10,000. He came down to 10,000 Arizona, 10,000 in Georgia, 20,000 Wisconsin. So, you know, they can, they can cheat. But even with the biggest cheating operation imaginable, they barely squeaked by by just point, what is it? Point 0 1% of the vote. That's how close it was with all those shenanigans. And I don't think they can pull off anything even close to that anymore. And certainly there doesn't seem to be any indicator and and Alexis, they don't appear to think they can do it either based on what they're saying. So, just be very careful with that. And, and Alexis, you do something about it. Don't grow up and grind, you know, don't, don't, don't, don't grown and don't, don't walk around like a doomsayer. So all is lost. No, you go do something about your courageous patriot, you know, fight, fight, do something about it. All right, one more. Do we have one more? Was that it? Oh, Joe bro, did you see the popular liberal streamer destiny have an absolute meltdown calling for those who support Trump to be shot and laughing at the attendee being shot, saying he deserved it. Yeah, yeah, I've only seen destiny when you get attempted to try to take on Jordan Peterson. It wasn't pretty. And when he, I think he was on a, I don't know, I think it was a peers Morgan program or something like that. And I just saw him spouting his absurdities. Yeah, no, I mean, liberals are going to be liberals. I mean, I just don't know what else to say, liberals are going to be liberals. You know, and you just have to, you just have to realize liberalism amputates us from the classical virtues, because they see the virtues is, you know, rooted in religion and, and all kinds of superstitions or whatever, right. Liberalism is all about liberating us from the past, from, from religious society, from whatever, you know, from all of our traditions, our customs. And in the process, they are morally melting in the process. They have no basis whatsoever to defend their morals. Morality is historically rooted in eternity. And, and eternity ironically is its own defense, eternity is the, the necessary precondition. It's the foundation for any defense of any particular thing. It's the necessary precondition for the intelligibility of morality itself. Something is right or wrong because it's rooted in the eternally right or wrong, not because somebody came up with a good opinion on things, not because we use that reason. Yeah, a lot of good that does. So, I mean, in many ways, liberals are just sort of melting here. And I just think that in the end, we're seeing the fruit of it with comments like that. That's just sort of, that's a moral meltdown. It's an epistemological meltdown. It's very difficult to look at and not frankly feel sorry for it. So, gang, with that, I am going to head out and see what I can do about these bees that are flying all around me. I love you guys. It was my honor just to hang out with you tonight and just do our live Q&A. Again, just click on that link below or scan that QR code and register for our cold arms event. That's Wednesday, July 17th, 7 p.m. Eastern. It is absolutely free and we are going to have an amazing night with some guests and the like to show you what you can do personally to make sure Trump wins in November. I love you guys. God bless. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review, and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [Music]