Jesse Kelly Show

Best Of Guest Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey

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20 Jul 2024
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Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You wanna make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Here to join me. - Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - Oh, let's have some fun on a Thursday. And woo boy, are things happening right about now? All over the place, yes. Of course, it's an ask Dr. Jesse Thursday. I know all kinds of questions out there about early voting. What if the assassin had been successful? We have good congressman, no crappy congressman, other guests, Megan, Kelly's an hour from now. Tons of things to talk about, but I don't have time to get into any of that right now because there are things that are, I don't know if I want to say breaking, kind of breaking, not concrete, but kind of concrete. So here it is. Let me just give it to you without leading up or taking any more time. Mark Halperin, he's a journalist. A reputable journalist, I want to say that this human being may not align with you or align with me on many things, but this isn't some hack who doesn't know. We're talking ABC news and we see this is a man who's done a lot and he's been around the block and when he breaks news, he has sources. He has been quite reliable in the past. And this came down, I kid you not, two minutes before we came on the area. I was going somewhere totally different with this, but here it is, I'm going to read it verbatim. It's his news, not my news, but this is, well, here it is. Breaking news, multiple sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time. These are the points, the first point. Plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend with Sunday, most likely. John Meacham is polishing up remarks. Don't worry about who that is, this is writing a speech. Biden will not resign the presidency. Biden will not endorse Harris. Open convention with Harris and about three others. Super delegates will not be allowed to vote on the first ballot. Don't worry about that inside baseball stuff. Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Bashir, impossibly Shapiro. Bashir is Kentucky, Shapiro is Pennsylvania. More on this fluid situation tonight. And I give you my word. I will keep you posted on that as it comes out. Now, again, I want to stress, I am not bringing you this information. This is not my breaking news. I want to give credit where credit's due. This is Mark's breaking news, that's one. Two, Mark is somebody who generally gets it right. Three, when it's multiple sources, whenever you read that, when there are multiple sources involved, just know that is a journalist putting his stamp on it. He's practically etching it in stone. This is very likely true. And so, look, this is nothing that is that unexpected. It's something obviously we've talked about. You and I have talked about for the longest time. How long have I been predicting? This has been over two years I've been telling you this is coming. But even now, now that it looks like we might be on the cusp of it, even now, it almost doesn't seem real, right? It seems surreal, probably the best way I can put it, probably a better use of English. It seems surreal, that's how it seems right now. And I have a lot of things going through my head, as I'm sure you do. I'm thrilled that that dirtball is going to leave. I am very curious where the ticket's going to end up. I'm curious, are the poll numbers going to look as good for us after this happens? Assuming it does, after this happens, are the poll numbers going to look as good for us? After, as they do now, we just had new poll. I'm not going to go over all the poll numbers. That's so friggin' boring. But we just had new polls come out today. The first really post assassination attempt polls, and it got worse for Biden, all across the board. It's a bloodbath. But I will just, I'll just tell you this. I personally, I'm really, in some ways, I'm going to miss him. It's all about treating people with dignity. It's about making sure a woman coming, for example, look at the heat I'm getting. Because I named a, uh, the security defense of a black man. I named Katanji Brown. I mean, because of the people I've named. The black man. [LAUGHS] Where are we going to go for this kind of political entertainment? This is-- I said it last night. I'm going to miss him in some ways. There's nothing funnier in politics than Joe Biden pandering to black people. It's as good as it gets. I would ordinarily be going through black neighborhoods on crown of the foot more confused neighborhoods. I would condition every-- I'd close every campaign, no matter what campaign, going into the projects and going to the East Side. And hey, Joe, well, how you know, you know, maybe just because of the reference, letting them know I'm still-- He sounds great. He sounds great. And the black house he used to go to. Camp I was-- was this how kind I went to, uh, going to a black homeware, Dan, son, or shouldn't of the kitchen table when they talk about it. Oh, gosh. If he's actually leaving, I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss him in a lot of ways. All right, so look, what happened? You and I have talked about this. Joe Biden was determined a liability to the system. How big of a liability? Well, last night went out with a big group of us went out with me, Clay Buck, and some other people, senators and whatnot. And we were just kind of had a couple beers. And we were just cheese curds and just discussing politics and kind of one of those inside baseball political conversations that you feel kind of blessed to be part of. I'm looking around at one point in time, and I'm thinking, this life is wild, right? I'm an idiot. I have no idea why I'm here, but anyway, we're having one of these conversations. And one of the people who was there who will know-- I don't have his permission to use his name or anything. I'm just going to stress this to you. He's someone who would know. He says, Democrats on Capitol Hill are in an absolute panic right now, not about November. Not about November for Joe Biden. I mean, not about the White House. Don't get me wrong. They're very worried about it. They want to keep the White House. But a lot of them are almost resigned to the fact, it looks bad. Look, Trump survived an assassination attempt and handled it like a boss. And it's going to be very, very difficult to defeat that guy in November. It's not about the White House, where the panic has set in-- in Washington, D.C. among Democrats-- is the House and the Senate. Because there is a grand canyon's worth of difference between having the White House and one of the two houses-- one of the two branches of Congress-- and having the White House, the House House, and the United States Senate, especially if you have the United States Senate with any degree of strength, meaning it's not 51 to 49. If Republicans-- if Republicans end November and they have 54 seats-- that was a number that was thrown around last night-- 54 seats, 55 seats in the House, Democrats have no power whatsoever. And, you know, communists use their power. Unlike Republicans, communists will use their power. What kind of power am I talking about? What if Donald Trump assumes the White House? What if he really intends to drain the swamp? And what if he begins to appoint, as his various department heads, hardcore anti-communists who intend to clean out the filth from the federal government? And what if the Democrat senators don't have the power to stop it? That is why you're seeing all these headlines from today. Top Democrats believe Biden will bow out. Oh, Obama believes Biden needs to reconsider candidacy. Nancy Pelosi urges Biden to drop out of the presidential race. Chuck Schumer forcefully made the case Biden should drop out. Biden now receptive. This is why you're reading all these headlines. The panic has set in, not about the White House, about every other House. And that, if this turns out to be true, that is why it will end up being true in the end, all right? All right, we're going to get to some Ask Dr. Jesse questions because there's so many freaking guests. If I don't get to him next, I'm never going to get to him. So let's dig into some interesting things. Before we get into these, let's make sure we're, you know, not being weak and pathetic. Because once we achieve victory, that's when the hard part starts. Once we achieve victory, if we achieve that victory, it will take fortitude to do the things necessary to save this country. We'll be back. ♪ Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday ♪ ♪ And joining me now is the great A.G. from the state of Missouri ♪ ♪ Andrew Bailey, Army veteran ♪ ♪ And now a man who's actually taking it to the people doing the things ♪ ♪ We've needed A.G.s to do for a very long time in this country ♪ Okay, you're the one that has something new coming down the pike every single day. Every day I see you're blasting away at the left in some way. Explain what the latest is because I've lost track. Man, it's a target rich environment, my friend. Keeps us busy. Look, we're going to keep fighting against the enemies of freedom, safety, and prosperity. And what I see happening right now with this law fair against President Trump, these are dark days in our Republic. The left is injecting poison into our democratic process. These are the same people that will tell you that President Trump is somehow a threat to democracy and then will hijack a legal proceeding. A rogue prosecutor, a exclusive judiciary, will hijack the legal system and put up a junk case against President Trump. And it was never intended to obtain a legally valid conviction. It was always intended to take him off the campaign trail, tether him to a man-hand courtroom or eventually prison, and to silence him with the gag order. I've never seen the prosecutor ask for a gag order. That's the defendant's right to a fair trial. And it's hurting Missouri. And so we filed suit at the United States Supreme Court asking to put a stop to it once and for all. Missourians have a right to participate in a free fair and open election absent interference by a rogue prosecutor in New York. Andrew, can you just lay this out for me as best you can? Because this is where this gets so confusing. You have him, okay, so you mentioned the Trump trial. He's convicted in New York. Yeah, it's a dirty economy in New York, but he's convicted in New York. Half a billion dollar judgment in New York. All this stuff happens in New York. It's their own blue jurisdiction where they control everything top to bottom. Yeah. We don't want that to happen. That's a terrible thing to happen. How do we prevent that though when they do control it from top to bottom when they control every level of power of the legal system in one of these blue hellholes? What do you do? Well, I think this lawsuit in Missouri v. New York at the United States Supreme Court is the only answer. I think this is our best way to redress our grievances. The founders contemplated there would be disputes amongst the states and created an original action docket in Article III, Section II of the United States Constitution at the U.S. Supreme Court. So the normal criminal defendant appeal process takes 18 to 24 months, and it is inadequate to redress the grievances that the Missourians have in New York's interference in the election process. That's why this case at the Supreme Court is so important. All right. Now let's talk about censorship because this is one of those things that now that the government has sadly aligned itself with big corporate America, now big corporate America, especially social media companies and others, they will do the bidding of the White House without the White House doing it. So when the White House is asked, they can say, hey, I didn't delete your Facebook account. Take it up with them. It's doing the same thing by other means, and it's freaking wrong. Yeah, it's totally wrong. Looked up censorship that's going on today on big tech social media is worse than at any point in human history. Let's think about that for a second. When King George shut down a printing press, he did it in plain view of everyone else. Everyone knew it happened, and he was only preventing us from seeing the written word. But what's happening on big tech with the shadow banning, de-emphasizing, de-platforming, it's all conservative voices that are suffering, by the way. You may not ever know that you've been de-emphasized, de-platform shadow ban, and certainly your viewers or listeners may never know that. And so it's happening in a clandestine manner, but it's not just the written word that's being suppressed. It's the spoken word. It's visual images. It's body language. And so the speech that is being suppressed is much more dynamic than any point in human history. And that's why we've got to fight back. You know, the case of Missouri v. Biden going back down to the trial court. Now that's fighting against government censorship, but as an attorney general, I'm also looking for new ways to take the fight to the enemies of free speech in the corporate oligarchy of big tech. And I think antitrust laws and consumer protection laws are the best tools I have to fight that fight. All right, I have a really stupid question, but you and I have talked before, so you're used to that by now. Okay, so here it is. I look at the vast left wing network of things like NGOs funding, facilitating illegal immigration into the country places like Missouri, the entire country. Really, it's not. It's all 50 states. So you have the federal government working hand in hand with NGOs with these various left wing non-profits, which of course, that's airfingers quote non-profits to facilitate an illegal invasion into the United States of America. Ken, is there something that can legally and correctly be done to take apart that network? Because that is wrong in every sense of the word, but that wrong doesn't mean it's illegal. Well, they're co-conspirators in the Biden invasion at the southern border. And this is an invasion of the president's own making. It's, like I said, making Missouri communities less safe. 1,100 incidents of human trafficking in one year, more than 1,500 deaths from fentanyl exposure. Those are at, you know, we can put that blame at the feet of President Biden. He hung an open sign on our southern border by repealing policies that worked to control the southern border because he hated Trump more than he loves America. But there are tools we can use prosecuting wrongdoers. You know, in Missouri, it's one of the last states where it's a felony offense to knowingly transport a criminal alien into or through our state. And as long as I'm attorney general, we're going to use those statutes to deter human trafficking and fentanyl trafficking through our state. As the attorney general of Missouri, is there anything you can do or are willing to do? I hate to put you on the spot about, look, you have a city named Kansas City. But you're not in Kansas. You're in Missouri. And normal Americans find this confusing and wrong. Is there some way we can address this? Yeah, that Kansas City is in Missouri. Yeah, no, it is confusing. I remember people celebrated the, you know, congrat, congratulating the state of Kansas when the chiefs were like, hold on a second, those are our chiefs, man. That's Kansas City, Missouri. That's on you guys. If you can't know, that's right. That's how you can play that on anyone else. No, that's that's fair. That's fair. OK, attorney general Andrew Bailey. I hope you stick around a long time, sir. You are writing the book for how to do your job. I appreciate you very much. God bless you. Thank you, brother. Look, the Kansas City thing had to be asked. OK, the, yeah, the guys leading the charge against the Biden administration. I had to ask tough questions. All right. It's a Jesse Kelly show. Now, before we get back to, we're going to get back to nursery rhyme, conservatism and the social shame system and a lot of other things. Before we do that, remember that this talk may be a difficult one because we're talking about things that make us uncomfortable. Things that make us squirm a little bit. Things that are different than how we've been doing them. It sucks. It's hard to wake up one day. No matter how old you are, whether you're 5, 25 or 85, it's very, very difficult to wake up one day and find out that you need to do things differently. That you need to do things in a way that is uncomfortable because we gain a certain level of comfort with how we live our lives. And we on the right have lived our lives in a way that is live and let live. And that's good for a long time. Live and let live. Hey, whatever. Hey, you do you. I'll do it. But that's how we've lived our lives. And we've, we've whined and screened and yelled and complained about cancel culture on the left. They shouldn't be doing this. I don't like that they're doing, they can't do this. And so now when the shoes on the other foot, someone tries to blow Trump's brains out, people start celebrating it like the vile little demons they are and they're getting canned from their jobs. Now we feel, oh, icky, like we need showers. But we're going to have to talk about that and how we're going to have to conduct ourselves going forward because you have a role to play. Hang on, it is the Jesse Kelly show. And I forgot to remind you early on that tomorrow is an ask Dr. Jesse Thursday, because we're not going to be here Friday travel with all this convention stuff. So you need to get your ask Dr. Jesse questions in right now to Jesse at All three hours will be answering those questions. Ask me anything. Also a reminder about a half hour from now, we have a major announcement coming. So you're going to want to be here for that. But back to what we were talking about, and we're going to get to Biden and Biden talking about his health and I have a bunch of email stuff. We have all kinds of things we're going to get to. But we're talking about the canceling the firing of people on the left because of abhorrent things they've put online. Ah, mad Trump didn't die. You've seen all these things. It's too bad they missed. And there's a long list of people. This has happened to. There's a band, Jack Black's in this band, Tenacious D. They went out in full concert and said, "Yeah, it's too bad he missed." They just canceled their tour. The outrage was so bad they canceled their tour. All the way down to a Home Depot employee. Put something just to speak of why I won't even read it here online. She was quite sad that Trump was not killed and they tracked her down. A normal person? Revealed it. Lady lost her job. And there are understandably a lot of different opinions about this on the right. Is this right? Is this wrong? Are we becoming like them? Is this violate principles? So let's talk. Social shame is a critical part. Probably the most critical part in forming a culture. Do you realize that? It's not actually laws and it's not that laws don't matter. Laws do matter. But we've talked about this before when it comes to things like, "What's something just super despicable?" Child-tranny stuff. Chopping the breasts off of a 15-year-old girl. Do I want that band? Oh, of course, yeah. Bandit, take whoever did it and throw them in a dark hole for the rest of their lives. Of course, of course, yes, yes. I support all those things. But the truth is, ideally, you would live in the kind of country we had five minutes ago where you would never want to do something like that. You would never want to do something like that. Why? Even if you're morally okay with it, you'd never want to do something like that because the social shame would be so intense, you couldn't show your face at the neighborhood party. You couldn't show your face at work. You couldn't show your face anywhere because the social shame came down on you so hard. And here's the thing about that. We love how that sounds, right? I bet you I have your agreement no matter where you stand on that with what I just said. Ideally, that's what we want. But here's where it gets uncomfortable for us. And here's where we have to drop nursery rhyme conservatism. You know who's in charge of the social shame system? You, me, the people we interact with in our daily lives, how we interact with them, the behaviors we encourage, the behaviors we discourage, the things we're loud about, the things we're quiet about. These are the things that determine what a social shame system is in any society. And the reason you or someone you know has been kind of quiet about politics at parties for the last 20, 30, 40 years is because the social shame system in this country has gone only one way. And yes, a big part of that is media, Hollywood music, education system, all these institutions pulling it one way. It's a big part of why it's gone that way. But since the social shame system has only gone that way, your liberal Aunt Peggy walks into Independence Day and brags about the ninth abortion she had that morning. But you feel like the borders should be totally secure with the border wall you can see from outer space. But you didn't say it too loudly because, oh, I don't know. Sarah's here and you know how she feels about that and I don't want it. I don't want to make it uncomfortable. And you see that won't work. That won't work. What is social shame in the end? What is the social shame in the end? It's corrective actions. If we want to put it in parenting terms, it's discipline. Now, are you a parent or I know we have a bunch of kids listening to the show or a child who's gone through this? If you're a child who's gone through it, did you enjoy the last time you were disciplined by your mother or your father? Parents, when you're disciplining, aid and jayden and braid, do you make it pleasant for them? Or is the very nature of corrective action of discipline unpleasant? Of course, it's unpleasant. You're taking a behavior that's wrong and you have to correct that. And that's going to be unpleasant, whatever form that takes. Maybe you're a little old school like my parents and that form involves an oak paddle that was made for your mother by one of the elders in the church to, quote, save you from the devil. That's a true story about me, by the way. So maybe you got your rear end paddled, maybe it's a timeout, maybe you took his iPhone away for an hour, I don't know, it doesn't matter what it is, but it was unpleasant for the one being disciplined, wasn't it? Well, we have a society chock full of dirty commie demons out there who believe they can and should run their mouth about every vile thing they believe 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they've been allowed to exist in a country like that, where they can do it free of consequence for decades because nursery rhyme conservatism has told us over and over and over again that if you do anything tangible to that person, somehow you're a bad person or you're un-Christian or un-principled or something like that, that is hot, stinky garbage. Corrective action is uncomfortable. Oftentimes, like in the Kelly household when I was a child, oftentimes it's flat out painful. I'm not telling you to go browse the social media account of every dirty commie demon out there and then track down their employer and try to have them fired. I'm not telling you to do that. I'm really genuinely not. If that's your thing, go ahead. I'm not going to do that. It's not my thing, but you've seen me be very, very aggressive with people, individuals, and do this exact kind of a thing. You remember, I got the marshal of a Fourth of July parade run out the door. Don't feel at least bit bad about it. Corrective actions, discipline. These are the things that decide what a social shame system is, and because we've never acted like that in the past, we don't necessarily want to act like that in the future. We don't want to act like that now, but if we don't, if you refuse to participate in the social shame system, I'll know why it's damn banjito. If you refuse to participate in the social shame system, you're contributing to our loss. No, this is live. You're live. Listen, Dan, I was going to break the news to the audience in a while. I've made a damn banjito just joined us. Dan Banjino needs no introduction. I've made a conscious decision that I'm going to be a sunglasses inside guy like all the rappers are. One, look how good I looked in. It's amazing. Oh, yeah. Well, of course you thought it was a celebrity, and I don't blame you for thinking that. Well, plus their prescription, Dan, I got to be honest. Part of the reason is people keep waving at me and pointing at me on the way by and their faces are just a big blur. Have no idea who anybody is. So I just keep waving back. These secret service guys, they would have worn glasses. Maybe they would have saw that guy in on the roof, man. Gosh, you and I, I mean, you've got this tactical experience given your background to me. You know, you see this story, you're like, you got this has to be eaten you up inside. You must be thinking what I'm like, we spend six freaking trillion dollars on a government, bro, we can't get some freaking drones up there or some competent people. I mean, this has got me so bitter and pissed off. I can't even tell you Dan 148 yard shot. I know my wife can make that 148 yard. We qualified in the secret service. When I was there handgun, we took five shots at 100 with the handgun. You don't see much the front side blocks everything out. You know, you're lucky to hit the target unless you're really good. That's when a handgun, dude, you're telling me with a two, two, three or five, five, so you don't even need a school. You could iron sight that. I mean, that's just insane. It's in boot camp. We were iron sighted with five 500 meters and no problem. No problem. I mean, it's really disgusting. I have to go to break Dan. Yeah, I got to go radio. I know I got to go. I got to go live. I just evaded this guy. We'll get a beer tomorrow. Nice to see you. My brother. I love you. All right. You see, that's Dan Bongino. That's as good as it gets right there. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Remember to email your questions for tomorrow into Jesse at Jesse Kelly freaking Dan Bongino. So I need to explain because I realized it may have sounded weird and who knows when they even got the other microphone on and the last segment. So the last segment, you know, I was going off about social shame system and all that stuff. I was being extremely witty and wise. It was amazing. Anyway, at the convention, I might so just lay all this out in the convention. We're not actually in the convention building. We're in a separate media building. There's a separate building for media people. And it's not nearly. Look, it's not nearly as fancy as you want to imagine. Okay. There are a bunch of cubby holes. It's essentially on I think we're on a basketball court. Yeah, I guarantee we're on a basketball court. We're on a basketball court. And there's all this carpet down. And there's a bunch of cubbies along the walls in the middle. There are aisles of these little booths. I guess I shouldn't say cubbies. These little booths, booths, booths, shut up. I went to community college. There are all these little booths along the side. This is where people are doing their shows from. Now, iHeart's obviously pretty freaking big that the biggest there is, right? And Premier did this thing super right. A lot of people deserve a lot of credit for this whole thing. Julie, Chris, and there's a long list of people either way. They really did it right. So they did this huge stage in the middle. So I'm sitting here yelling like an idiot while everyone else is doing their show quietly. I'm screaming and yelling and doing, you know, the things I do. But we're right in the middle. You can't miss it. We're center stage as a huge celebrity like me should be. And Dan Bonjino goes walking by. And of course, because Dan is Dan. Of course, he sees me and just no care in the world for the fact that it's live. He just storms right on the stage and comes up and sits down and starts talking. So if it sounded weird last segment or you missed the first little bit, it's because he just sat at the microphone beside me and started going. Did he start talking? And that's Dan Bonjino. And I guess the cat's out of the bag. I was going to make the huge announcement in a couple minutes and 10 minutes or so. But I'm going to make it now. I feel like I'm a sunglasses inside guy now. And I just made that decision today. And let me let me explain. Let me explain. Obviously, we've all seen the rappers and guys that wear their sunglasses inside. Look, one, I look extremely cool. That's one, two. I've had this argument with my wife forever that I like to have the sunglasses. You've seen the sunglass cords that they connect. And so you can take the sunglasses off and they hang right in front of you. I love these cords. They're the greatest thing in the world because I take my glasses off and I put them on and I take them off and I put them on, right? Well, then when it's hanging in front of me, when I'm eating, it just happened to me today. I was eating some wings and some cheese curds and bleep bleep bleep a big old glob of ranch right down on my sunglasses, which are right in front of me. Now I'm in the restaurant. I'm cleaning off my sunglasses or or if you don't have the cord, then where are they? They're on top of your head. Then you forget you bend over when you're going pee. They're in the urinal. Now you have to just you see what I'm talking about? Why am I dealing with any of this when I can just put them exactly where they're meant to be right on my face? Why would I make any adjustments at all? And all this comes with an added bonus. And if you were listening to the last segment, you know what that bonus is. I am what do you call it? My nearest sighted or I can see things close to me. So I'm near sighted. Is that right? Near sighted? I'm near sighted. So I'm not the guy by the grace of God. My mentor Michael Barry is this guy. You should make fun of him for it. He has to put on reading glasses. So when he's reading something, he pulls out these glasses and he starts reading. I don't have to do that. I'm not that guy. But if you're well, put it this way. If the TV is 15 feet away, 10, 15 feet away, it's not HD anymore for me. If I'm driving, I can't really I can't really read street signs. So it gets a little blurry. Well, if I'm at an event like this, I don't know how many people I have either unfairly complimented or been totally rude to because people will wave to me or I'm sure friends like there's Alexis Wilkins right there. I'm sure friends have looked and I didn't even know who they were sitting in my glasses on because I'm so old and everybody gets blurry and I can't see anything. And so I'm seeing you know what a polite kind person I am. I'm a very kind big-hearted person. I don't want to be rude anymore and I look cool. I'm a sung glasses on inside guy now. I've made the decision. I've made the final call. This is who I am and this is who I'm going to be. So going forward when you see me, I know you're going to think that guy is really important because he's wearing sunglasses and I want you to know you're right, right? You're right about that. Also, I'm right about a lot of things. You may remember this. This is from two and a half years ago. I say this is my theory. I say marching orders have gone out and they're officially sick and tired of Joe Biden. Go ahead and write it down, fellas. He'll resign your medical reasons or something like that. They'll be carton. You remember when I said that, right? It's not that I've ever brought that up before or not that I would ever rub it in anyone's face if I turned out to be right about something. But Joe Biden did come out today and say this. He didn't actually say the firework sounds that I just played. That was supposed to be Joe Biden in an interview talking about how he resigned if it was for medical reasons. But you know what? Now that I think about it, I like the fireworks. See that? Wasn't that profound? That totally ruined the entire prediction thing I was doing. Just know it was going to be nails. But you know how we prep or lock their up here on the Jesse Kelly show. All right, we have two hours left. Hang on. Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino dot com. I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino dot com and live the Chumba life sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. 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