Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Best Of Billy & Lisa: Two Bill Centric Games!

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20 Jul 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun... For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today. At Available to players in the US, excluding Washington, Michigan, no purchase necessary, V.G.W. Group, vibrated by law, 18+, turn to condition supply. [MUSIC] This one, no wait. It's the best of Billy and Lisa in the morning. All right, here we go. Good morning, everybody. Happy Saturday. It is Justin, with the best of Billy and Lisa, looking like an awesome weekend weather-wise. Not so hot. There was a heat wave this week in the 90s for several days, looking like 80s this weekend. All right, let's get right into it. Top five moments. Number five came from one of our talk backers, needed some advice. You know, we're there for our people. I have a question, but Justin, that doesn't drink. I don't drink. I go out to eat with everybody. And one of them has a hard time with me just saying I want to pay for my food because I don't want to pay for all their drinks. And she thinks I should split the bill evenly down with everybody. I don't think I should have to because I don't drink alcohol. Let me know what you think, Justin. You don't drink. This is going to be a hot topic. This is going to be a hot one. But I do agree with her. She shouldn't be splitting all the liquor money. Yeah, I don't often go out with people that drink. I don't often go out, period, you know, obviously I have two small kids, but the few times that I do or have, I just say split it evenly. But if I was like her and going out regularly with the apple, I would say something to sure. I totally agree. I don't think she should have to pay for expensive. Yeah, that's the most expensive part of the bill. Yeah, especially now, it's like $25, $26 a drink. Right. So I agree with you, Justin. She should not. And like, I think you, when he was saying off the air, bring cash. Yeah. Yeah. I think if you really don't want to split the bill evenly, right, you should bring cash. Like, you know, oh, it was my, my, it was 20 bucks. Here's 30. That should include everything with a tip or whatever. And then you don't worry about the credit card splitting. Right. I don't drink a lot. Like I'm not sober, like Justin, but like, I really don't drink often. When I go with my friends and most of my friends do drink, if it's a very close friend and they get like a glass of wine, I get a soda. I'm not going to fret over five or six bucks. But if it's someone that's drinking, you know, three, four drinks and I didn't have anything but like an iced tea, like you were my friend, like, oh, like, you know, just give me, you know, them, oh me. Right. Yeah. That's up. So I think her friends also need to sort of say something and be like, Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Well, she just paid for your food. One of her friends, I guess, wants her to split it. Yeah, I don't, I don't get that. Just agree with that. Let's hear out with five people like three couples and you're the only one not drinking. Yeah, and they drink like, you know, five or six drinks. Yeah, they're having even three drinks each. Right. So that's okay. 15 drinks at over $20 a pop and you're not involved in the drinking. Personally, I think she needs better friends because I could not consciously let my friend do that. Like I went out to one, I mean, Brooks, my friend and her kid and she tried to, like, pay for the whole thing. I'm like, the kid's meal was like six bucks. I was like, it's fine. Like, you know, you can just leave the tip and set it because she felt like, well, my kids here, I got it. I'm like, no, I'm like, it doesn't make sense. If you don't have a friend that cares about you enough to, like, even when it comes to this stuff, thingy new friends. Yeah, especially because she's speaking up and the friend is like, you know, yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's wrong and not to throw more wood on the fire. But I do, I do think though that if this is just a one off and you're going out with like a group of co-workers and it's like a bigger thing and it's not every, you know, every week, then like you said, Justin, just take one for the team. There's a time and what it even like, right? That's what I do. Yeah. And you know, the times that I do go out, the person, like Winnie's friend, one drink. Yeah. What's that? It's like nothing. Right. Yeah, it's not worth the conversation. But I think also, like, if you are going to have people that drink that much and you're uncomfortable with it, then again, maybe don't go, maybe be like bring cash. I just feel like you need to advocate for yourself because most people are going to be like, oh, it's just month of a while and they don't say anything because they don't have, you know, they don't care. There's one thing about, you know, I don't drink, right? So when we go out to eat, it's, you know, because we don't drink, we're very quick because you don't do anything. So it's like the food comes we eat and we leave, you know, when you drink, get you socializing your time, you know, it's like, well, let's go to the bar for a drink. Yeah, you know, after dinner. Yeah, another one, a weird one, though, is if you're out, let's say you're out with another couple or a couple of couples and somebody out of nowhere orders like a $300 bottle of wine. How do you handle that one? Yeah, I think that that happened to you. Oh, definitely. I would have a hard time with that, like a $300 bottle of wine. Absolutely. And but I will say usually the person that does that ends up picking up the whole tab. Right. So sometimes you're hoping someone at the table is an expensive bottle of wine because now you're getting all free. Well, that would, that would suck 300 of them. You need to split it split the bill. Some people. Yeah, Billy's friends. I mean, there are different tax brackets. Billy, we're talking about like three or four. I think that's a glass of wine. That's a Billy problem. That's just separate that one. I think the easiest solution when you're splitting the bill 50-50 with somebody that drinks is you let them cover the tip. Like that's just the easiest mask is split the bill down the middle to let them cover the tip. And you should always tip and cash because your waitresses and waiters actually get more because credit card, fees and stuff come out of electronic tips. That's a great solution. I like that. Yeah, and we forget about that one too. If you have the cash, tip and cash, it's better for the wait person who worked really hard to take care of you. I'm just saying. So I think we all agree on that. All four of us agree on this. It never happens. Yes, you all agree. Wow. This is this is actually a miracle. I like that. You know what? Something else I've noticed, and I don't know if this is a trend, to meet more and more people are not drinking. Have you noticed that at all? I don't know. I have. There was there was a there was a report in Boston that people were drinking less. Yes. I think you are right about that. If I were to calculate most of my friends right now, I've noticed. Are they doing more of the cannabis? That's what I hear. Possibly. Gummies. Yeah. I already got the buzz on. Yeah. I heard that a couple of years ago. Yeah. Well, drinking, it's expensive. You go out and drink. It's expensive. I mean, now, like now it's like a cocktail, $15 or more. Yeah, or more. But the standard now is like, I went. We were at I mean, I go from like, I don't know where we were. We're at and her drink for like, oh, we were at a restaurant, regular restaurant, normal prices. Her drink was $17. Like $17 for Martini. Yeah. It was a good Tuesday afternoon. When I drank, I didn't go out and drink at bars. I drank, you know, I go to the liquor store and I would buy the cheapest at liquor. Like, I used to drink. Did you get nips? I used to drink nips and I used to drink Caldwell's vodka. Oh, brewed in summer. Hey, everybody. Good morning. Welcome back top five moments of the week from the Billy and Lisa show. It's Justin. Number four moment is a hot topic that we had. If you go out to eat with your friends, your family, you don't drink any alcohol, but they do. Should you split the bill? Hey, guys, it's Paula in Boston. I'm on TikTok, Paula in Boston. I just want to say that based on your topic that you're talking about right now, I went out with a bunch of my girlfriends for dinner. Everybody got drinks, bottles of wine, appetizers for the table. I got chicken fingers and it cost me $100 because we had to split the bill. So I got a $100 chicken fingers. Yeah. Yeah. That happens. That's happened to me. Paul, I am wondering though, at your age, I don't know how old you are. Chicken fingers. Chicken fingers? Yeah. Oh, maybe that's chicken fingers. I love chicken fingers. I love chicken fingers, but like, what were they getting that you only got chicken fingers? And that's another awkward situation at the dinner table, right? The person that decides they're going to order apps for the table. I'll tell you what, why don't you sit down and shut up? And what's wrong with that? Listen, just let everybody order what they want. No, if we decide we want apps and then someone has to be the one that says, okay, that's what we're getting for apps. There's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. And there's nothing wrong with chicken tendies, Paula. No, I love chicken fingers, but how did it go from her spending 10, and then everyone else sitting 100? I don't know, but I'm on Paula. Paula's TikTok right now. She's all over the place. She's in your page, Maine. She's in she's at the Chos on Navy Yard. Salisbury. Can I just say something about to Paula? I think Paula's right. I think that her friends should have noticed that Paula only ordered chicken fingers and said, just give us 10 bucks. Like we don't expect you to pay, right? Yeah, it's a separate bill. Hey guys, so for the topic of splitting the bill with people that drink from people that don't, I don't think the people that don't drink should have to pay into that bill. I think that they should have a separate bill or just put in for their water and their dinner and tip and that's it. Because I know when I go out, I can have quite a few drinks and that's probably the cost of two meals for them. It's true. Very true. That's the pretty much, I think, the best solution. It's just a separate bill, right? Yeah, but okay, I will say on a server's end, if you don't tell someone beforehand, the separate bill, sometimes there's so many items in the item item, itemized in office, it's actually annoying as a server. I mean, we'll do it, but I'm just saying like, if you're going to say that, like tell them beforehand, or I'm sorry, be an adult and talk to your friends and say, here's $30. That's all I'm getting. That's right. I'm confused. What the big deal is? I guess they're still going to talk about you behind you. Talk about me. You know what, but I'll have my money. The chicken lady girl, the chicken tender girl, she should not have had to have paid a hundred bucks. Yeah, poor Paula. Right. God, they must have been very good chicken tenders. I get on the street, just walk away with friends. The only girl with family, that's the only time I ever go out with groups is with family. And at that point, it's just one of us picking up the entire bill. There's no splitting. So, and we all kind of take turns. So that kind of solves that problem. Yeah, I've heard that too. Yeah. I've got a couple of different groups I go out with pretty frequently. We try to remember who picked it up last time. Definitely. And then you pick up the nest. So every third or fourth time you pay the bill. My solution is going out with Billy costs to only because I never picked the bill up. Or you never have to pick the bill up. Well, the more Billy's friend that orders the three hundred bottle, three hundred dollar line, right, Bill? Sorry, Billy, but for us normal folks, three hundred dollars bottle of wine does not get ordered with anybody. Sometimes I just need to keep things to myself. I hope one day I have that problem. I really do. Yeah, you know what? You dream hard when I will. You did mention during that segment a few minutes ago that you notice that people are not drinking as much. And then I said, I think I saw a story on that. I think I found out what it was. I feel like people aren't drinking as much because it's like trendy to be like a health guru and like fit and clean and whatever. So I feel like everybody's stopping drinking, which is really annoying. But good for everyone else. She actually sounded drunk right now. But no, I totally agree with her. I think that people are caught up in all of these crazy diets and crazy programs. That's true. But it's also, I'm telling you, the pot gummies and stuff. I will say sometimes when I want to have a good time, again, I don't love to. I really just don't like to taste that much. There's only a few drinks I really like. And I'll pop an edible. My friends will drink and then I don't want to drink on it because then that's like a disaster. Yeah, Winnie, you don't drink much at all. No, like, okay, like, I'll have a drink at brunch. I got to have a couple and I want to get like drunk on like my birthday or something. I really don't. Well, Lisa usually has wine. Yeah, I have my two glass limit and that's it. Yeah, Billy has one Cosmo starts talking like a baby. Yeah. Well, see, I don't do Cosmo's during the week. I have a glass of wine at night if it's a work night. But I'll tell you something I could use a Cosmo right now. If I had one in front of me right now, I would be in heaven because I got to sit next to Winnie. Okay. I need a drink half the time. But on a separate part related topic here, because we're talking about restaurants going out to eat, we know Winnie is a big fan of the cheesecake factory. I love it. Yeah, I was talking about that. How you don't have a cheesecake factory endorsement is I have been lobbying for that anyway. Winnie, I went to the cheesecake factory with my mom and my brother and could not believe how good everything was. I don't know if I just forgot or what. So now all I can think about is going back to the cheesecake factory. I got the spicy Chipotle pasta to fry back in cheese. What pasta is your favorite? I know you've mentioned one before that places heaven and I understand why you love it. Well, my pasta dish is the four cheese pasta there. You can add chicken or not if you want a protein. But also, it's considered a chicken dish with a chicken Bellagio has spaghetti with it. But it's really good. So those are the two pasta dishes. Stop making those noises, Billy. Did she say? Did she say she had the Chipotle pasta special and the side of mac and cheese. No, because they had no, no, no, no, they have for an appetizer. They have mac and cheese like deep fried balls. Oh, of course. They're making cheese balls. They're really good. Boy, that's good eating right there. You need to live a little. I chose Billy to the cheesecake factory. You know what he got? Meatloaf. Yeah, it's by the way. You don't go to the cheese, you better get meatloaf. But, you know, just sit in there and pop in the cheese balls. They're delicious. He ruined everything. Yeah, he does. Okay. I'm telling you, you have to eat before you go out with Bill. I'll tell the story every time when I first started working here, we went to Bruno Mars and me and my sister sat next to him. And she ate her hot dog up in the concourse here. She didn't want to hear eating. No, it's true. You shame people for eating. It's just in here. Good morning. Welcome back. Top five moments from the Billy and Lisa show this week. We were back from vacation and we came back hot with the weird stories. We do it every morning at 8 15. It's one of our favorite segments. So this is actually a real thing. If you are a bit delicious, okay, beware, because your killer curves just might be triggering false alarms through airport security technology at the TSA. People with blessed posteriors set off the X-ray machine more often than not. I feel like this is something we need to test out everybody. If you've got a fat ass next time you go to the airport, please tell me. Did you set off the X-ray machine? I like big bucks and I can't not lie. You are the brothers. Yeah, I don't know. I don't have a big butt, so I don't know. Well, the TSA is claiming that they cannot verify the authenticity of the claims made on TikTok. But they're saying, yeah, try it. Are they suggesting people might be storing something in their office? No, no, no. It's just because if you like need to wire hips or like a rounder butt, sometimes the, because it's the thing about the X-ray, they're x-raying like your skeleton. So they think this extra butt, they're like, oh, what's that? They think it might be like the X-ray thing sits, you know? Right. Not your body. They think it's something inside your body. I'm the opposite. I go through. They have to call me back. Is that I missed it? I don't think he had an ass. You have no butt. I have a weird story that goes along with your big butt story. I had a hysterectomy last year and I've traveled five times since then and every time I go through security, regardless of the airport, I get flagged and have to be patted down in my pelvic area. Not sure if it's scar tissue or if they left something in there, but have a great day. Wow. Oh, you never want to have something left. No, and it happens more than you think. Yeah, that does. Yeah. Little instruments, laws. Don't you have something in your arm? Okay. That's really not for the air. Oh, okay. Okay. But now you have to say it. You can say it now. I didn't think it was. I didn't. You have to say it. You have to say it. No, don't say it. I really have to. Everyone's in wonder. Winnie. I have a piece of metal in my arm. Yeah. It's in there. It's been there for many, many years. Yeah. Is it painful? It's very small. No, it's buried in cartilage. I mean, I mean, people get bolts left in them on purpose by doctors, safer that way. It would be too. I've had, you know, I wanted them to take it out, but they said it would be too much of a mess and too much digging to get it out. Thanks. Although a bullet would be cool. A bullet would be cool. Yeah. Yeah, as long as you live. To how about this one? Princess Cruises coordinating its fleet of love boats to break the Guinness World Record for the largest pizza party at multiple venues. Here's one of the boats are getting a crowd pumped up right now. We have a collaboration with all their princess ships around the world. And together, we're going to create history. Get ready to break that record. Royal princess. All right. Okay. Yay. Well, they're not the guy I would have hired for the pop up. They should have hired you. And I'm available. Yeah, you are for cruise ships anywhere. Yep. Uh, when do we got? Okay. So, law enforcement in California are telling you to be aware of hugging bandits who will come up to a stranger, give them a hug, and then steal their jewelry off of them. God, this is just so wrong. It's a distractionary burglary is what it is. They're coming up with new methods now. And one of those methods is offering a hug to somebody. You're acting like they know you and giving you a hug. And while they're giving you that hug, they're targeting a piece of your property. Let's take that pickpocket almost. Basically. Yeah. You don't you don't see many pickpocketers anymore. Oh, in Paris? You do. Time up. If you're huge thing in Europe, a Paris specifically. Wow. Yeah. My aunt, uncle twice, they got pickpocket. Same in Rome too. That's why they say don't keep your wallet in Rome. Yep. That's why they say don't keep the wallet in the back pocket, right? Yep. Keep it in the front. It's also better for you back your lower back. Yeah, you don't keep a wallet. Do you keep a wallet in your back pocket bill? Well, he doesn't carry a while. He has a money clip. All the money clip. This is scary. A woman in Athens, Georgia was attacked by spiders and you should see her face. Her face is so swollen. Her eyes are swollen shut. This is my worst nightmare. I had pulled all the stuff out and I was back there cleaning when I got bit and I was on my hands and knees. So it's inside this shed in the back of Jessica Rogue's Bogart, Georgia home. I was just in their sweeping, but I immediately felt something on my face next to my eye. So I felt like I got bit now. She says she had an encounter with one of the most venomous spiders in the U.S. A brown recluse. You should see her. Her face is just one. Swollen. Big swollen. She's lucky to be alive, right? Oh, she is. Can you die her in a spider about? You sure can. Because she could have died and he loved it. No, this is going to be me in Africa. Oh, yeah. Oh, right. You know, I might are going to get eaten alive or stung by some feathers. What are we going to crawl into your bed at night? Oh, those African spiders are not like an African one. Yeah. So there's a tattoo artist in Florida. Winnie, you're a big fan of Florida. I love Florida. The artist's son, when a guy walked into the studio, asked to be inked with a now famous picture of a bloody Donald Trump punching the air after his assassination attempt. He got it. And I guess it cost 700 bucks. It was literally probably 20 minutes after he had gotten shot. He had saw the video when he was in the parking lot. And I guess he was just deciding on what to do. And when that happened, he just thought that that was it. That was that was his vision that needed needed to come to life. Yeah, he's not the only one. A lot of people are getting the the Trump town. Well, they say it's an iconic picture. Yeah, the fist in the air. That guy was fast 20 minutes. Yeah. 20 minutes. Winnie, where did we get over there? I don't even know how to word this correctly. Two women steal thousands of dollars worth of roast beef from our bees. Why? And I don't know why. We don't know why. Arby's has the beef. I'm glad you asked how they did it. They snuck it out of the restaurant by hiding it in the trash. Oh, yeah. Okay. So what they probably do, I've seen this before, is you do like a fake trash bag. And then you put it in the other trash bag so it doesn't actually touch any trash. Right. And then you take it out of the trash bag. I used to do that at a store I worked in in high school. Is the gang boy? You mean the Cambridge clovea? What did you steal it? Yeah, he's all close. You go around at night, take it like the trash, throw stuff in the trash and pick it up later and take it out. And then he got best dressed at your high school. Absolutely. I was rewarded for it. I do have the list of all the meats that they did. They took from the Arby's if you guys want to hear it. Oh, sure. Two filet mignons, two top throw loins, four crispy chicken fried steaks, two boneless pork chops, four gourmet jumbo franks, 12 ounces of all beef meatballs. All right. Number two moment this week, Billy and Lisa show what up. It is Justin. Happy Saturday. Billy's cost his two sons. He has three, but two of them. Chris and Alex were in the studio this week. Alex of course lives in Florida. Chris lives here in Boston, but we brought them into a play little game of who knows Dad best. Well, when it's game time, it's pain time, baby. I mean, it feels like it's just gonna go really poorly. Go ahead. I'll start. Okay, Chris, name three of your dad's TV shows. Oh, dining playbook. Um, high school quiz show and meet Boston. Okay, that's good. Wow. Very current. I also knew that answer. Okay. Well, can you name any of my other shows in the past TV? Yeah, TV diner, Phantom gourmet. Yeah. I prefer you wouldn't mention that about wrap around. You know, wrap around evening magazine magazine. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Um, Alex, um, I mean, is it that bad to bring it up? Yeah, I guess it is. Yeah. Very. We don't watch that show. No, we definitely know. Okay. Um, I don't think it's on TV. Oh, okay. Greetings are great. All right. Keep it on. Okay. Alex, the Olympics are next weekend. They start next week. Name an Olympics that your dad covered. Oh, uh, Sydney, Australia. Yes. And Atlanta, Georgia. Oh my God. I still have all the pins that my father brought back. Okay. There's no need to better his answer. I am just saying. I am just saying. Good job, guys. Wow. This is amazing. Okay. Chris. Yeah. What's the one thing you're not allowed to do on your dad's - It's both. - Drink our wine. - Oh. - Oh. - No, number two. - No, that's wrong. - Number two. - Yes, that's the right answer. - But I would give them red wine too as well. - I'll give you both. - That's both. - Why don't you guys think through the game questions a little bit more? - Yeah. - Okay. - See what I mean? - The answer to that. - Mr. Has his own show is criticizing everything we do, but they are equally bad, the red wine and pooping on the boat. - Yes, yes. - Okay, we'll give it to you. - All right, thank you. - Both Chris is done. - Jess and I'm kind of jumping around here, so this one is it has sound. In this rant from your dad, do you know the group of people he's talking about? (upbeat music) - Is this for both of us? - This is for you guys. - The candid microphone, no one ever knows when he's talking into the candid microphone. - Honey, I hate to break it to you, but there's only so much swimming black does. Black can't save everybody. The black hair, and then all the girls think they're the (beep) Kardashian. (laughing) - The red head is like the boat. - It's more like a group of people, not necessarily someone else. - This is a very vague question. - He got, well, he got used to rules on the boat, that's really easy. - I think Chris knows this answer, he's still. - Give me something, some kind of a hint. There's gotta be geographical. - It's a group of people. - From a place. - From a place. - From a place. - From Massachusetts. - I'm locked in, so you just let me know. - Oh my god, this too was in effect. - Oh my god, it's a group of people. - Yeah, it's a group of people. - It's a town. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, Chris. - Yeah, yeah. - Is it a region, not a specific town? - Well, no, it's a specific town. - It's a specific town. - Can I give a grouping of towns? - Yeah, you can't ask August Revere. - Yeah. - Linfield. - And Linfield. - Yeah, well, it's more specific to Linfield. - I was gonna say North Shore, but yeah, I mean. - What about the black clothes and the slimming? Oh, Linfield moms? - Yeah. - I win, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. - Okay, it's a 10-minute first, excuse me. - First off, we love Linfield mothers. We are huge fans of them. Our mother happens to be one. - Look, I'm just answering questions, it's a quiz. - We absolutely love Linfield mothers. They have tremendous taste. - I'm the real one, the entire family there. - Oh my god, all right, so who's turn is it? - Chris. - My turn. - Okay, Chris. - Sure, I'm up two to one. - Okay, losing two. - All right, so we're gonna do the songs now. - Okay, okay. - God, you know what's weird? They sound like me when I'm playing against the songs. - Absolutely, okay, so. - Let's keep it cooking. - Justin, you ready for this? - I'm 100% ready, yes. - Okay, Chris, what song is your dad humming here? Now listen closely. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (laughing) - That's Creed. - Wrong. - No, it is Creed. Boom! (upbeat rock music) - Yeah. - Wow. - It was Green Day, Alex would've known, because during his golf phase, he was having a green day. - Really? - On Marilyn Manson. (laughing) - All right, Alex, we have one for you too. What song is your dad humming here? ♪ In a, in a, in a, in a, in a, in a ♪ - Okay. - Give him one again, one more time. - Listen closely. - Why everybody? ♪ In a, in a, in a, in a, in a, in a ♪ - Okay. - Okay. (laughing) - How do you not get-- - This has nothing to do with. How well I know my father. - It does, it actually does. (laughing) - It actually does. - A whole lot. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's tone, understanding his tone, his delivery. (laughing) - I want to go back to the, wait a minute. - Historical questions about my father. - Okay. - Okay, is this another steal? - Can you see the other? - Yeah. ♪ That girl is poison ♪ (cheering) - That was so good. - All right, time, there's a-- - Just needed a second. - Delay. - Well, we're really bad, huh? - All right, Alex-- - All right, Alex. - I'm gonna give this to Alex, 'cause he's begging for something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me something, so. - What's your dad's favorite alcoholic drink? - Cosmo. - Yep, okay, there he is. - What else we got? - What else we got? - That was the light one. - 'Cause then we just even did a playing field because we felt like it. (laughing) He just decided it was worth evening up. - That was a piece for me. - Okay, hold on. - I'm gonna be Lisa. - I'm gonna throw you. Okay, I'm gonna throw you. This should be easy for you, too. - Yeah. - Name one food that your father hates, hates. - What? - Mm. (upbeat music) - Is it like chicken parm? - Nope, wrong. - You got it. - What's that? - Yeah, it's true. - And if you are sitting across from him eating chicken parm, he's like, what? - Yes. - Type of a human would decide to just load a chicken parm into your stomach at five p.m. on Wednesday. - They should answer his Indian food. - You know, we play a lot of games on the Billy and Lisa show. They're fun, they're upbeat, sometimes even controversial, but the one we played this week might be the best of all time. That's according to all of you audience, so it gets number one for this week. - All right, we got a fun topic, right? - Yeah, you actually came in and told us about this new feature that YouTube has. It's rolling out, it's like Shazam, it's a tool that helps users discover the name of a song just by singing, humming, or playing parts of it. - Yeah, so if you follow along to the show, we play games often, and Billy, he can't remember lyrics or recite them, he can just hum the melody, and he loses pretty much every single game because of that argument, that he knows the melody, not the lyrics, so we do a finish, the lyrics. - You're a melody man. - Yeah, you're a melody man. - So this is perfect for you, Bill. I mean, this sounds like a game to me. - Well, when it's daytime, it's daytime, baby! - It's daytime, though, I beat him, that's a big time. - Yeah, so for this one, Bill, you can't play, you're like me, right? - Right, right, right, right. - So we're gonna guess. - You're gonna go against Winnie. - Okay. - All right, so we have all the clips of Billy Humming. - Oh, and I have to guess the song? - You have to guess the song. It's, yeah, some of them are easy, some of them are hot. - Yeah, 'cause you're not, yeah. - It's really good, he's a little off. - There's one, actually, ready for this. There is one that I don't even know what it is. - No way! - And I brought Billy in, I go, can you tell me what this is, dude? I'll play it in a couple minutes. - Okay. - He goes, I have no idea. - Oh my God, I love this. - We'll get there in a minute, but first, Lisa, what song is Billy Humming here? - It's Lady Gaga, bad for him is. - All right. - That is Lady Gaga, infamous clip that we play on the show. - Yeah. - Billy's Lady Gaga, a rage that no one understands. - Spot on, by the way. - Whatever, good job, Lisa. All right, Winnie. Can you guess what song Billy is humming here? (humming) - What? - You need to hear it again. - Yeah, please. - You want to hear it one more time? All right, listen closely. (humming) - Oh, poison! - Maybe, poison! (laughing) - Hell, big, big, big ball. - Yeah, some of these you need a second listen. - Yeah. - Yeah, but you know what, I'm doing pretty good. - I'm not. - I'm doing it for two on this. - I'm telling you, you're good. - All right, here we go, Lisa. (humming) - I know. (humming) - And you know it. - You know it. - You know it. - You know it. - And you know. - And you know. - You know. - And you know. - You know. - You want to hear it one more time? - Yeah. (humming) - I know this song, but I can't remember. - Lisa, give me a hint. You had some involvement in this project. - What do you mean? - This song is part of a movie that you had involvement in. - A movie. - You're making it worse. Your hands are all over. - You're involved, your bra. - A bra? - Yeah, it's a, it's a can't fight the moonlight. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, it's a moonlight. - You're wildly in rise. - You can try to, if you never say you know-- - Lee Ann Rhimes song. - Yeah. - Okay. ♪ You can try to resist ♪ ♪ Try to hide ♪ - It's okay. - Yeah, baby. I love these versions. - I love these versions. - Never really matches. - No, I, it's a good song. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But now having heard the song, don't you think I was spot on? - You were right. - Oh, yeah. Right on the money. - And you know it, yeah. I told you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (clapping) - Listen again. - Listen again. - Listen again. - Okay. - All right, all right, all right. - What song is Billy Coste the Humming here? (singing) - That's a one-night idea. - I'll do it one more time. - Absolutely no idea. - All right, listen close. (singing) - I have no idea. - Yeah, I have no idea. - None of you, huh? - None of you, huh? No. - It's Ellie Goulding, love me like you do. - Oh, love me like you do. - Oh, love me like you do. - Oh, love me like you do, yeah. - All right. - All right. - I was humming Ellie Goulding at one point in my life was I doing that. Probably when she had a, you know, she had some big songs. - Yeah, and she came to a couple of our shows. - She did, yeah. - Yeah. All right, who's turn is it? - Lisa. - Lisa. - All right, Lisa, here we go. ♪ I've been wanting to go my line, yeah, man ♪ (laughing) - Okay, wait. Can I hear it again? (laughing) - You know what this is, Billy? - No, I feel like that would be the fun, Billy. - Wait, wait, wait, wait again. - All right, one more time. Listen, look. ♪ I've been wanting to go my line, yeah, man ♪ - All right, there's something there. I know that there's something. - Wait, do you know it? ♪ I don't know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪ - All right, ready? I'll play Billy and then I'll play the real version. ♪ I've been wanting to go my line, yeah, man ♪ ♪ A little bit of money ♪ (laughing) - Are you sure? (laughing) - Oh my god. (laughing) - Wow. - No, I wonder, I have to say, I wonder if even this new YouTube feature would be able to go my line, yeah. - Luckyland Casino, asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - Lucky, in line at the deli, I guess? - Uh-huh, in my dentist's office, more than once, actually. - Do I have to say? - Yes, you do. - In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. - Really? - Yes. - Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - I never win and tell. - Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere, playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? Don't purchase necessary for you by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply to sea website for details.