Drinkin‘ Bros Podcast

Episode 1379 - Donald Trump RNC Speech LIVE

3h 35m
Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
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I've heard from folks that he's not going to mention Biden at all because it has now become all but done that Biden's out of the race. I'm sure everybody's seen everything speculation about it. But it's true. He's going to, there's a speech prepared. He's going to give it sometimes someday. And he'll be out of the race. He's going to remain as president throughout the rest of the term, but he's done. And then there's going to be an open primary. I think there's three main people in contention. That's what I hear. But who knows about any of that? All the other stuff that you've heard is all speculation. But he definitely is out of the race. Definitely 100% confirmed is out of the race. Yeah. And the word I got was then threatening to use the 25th Amendment and bear some is what drove him over the edge. And then Obama called him like, hey, you don't want this, blah, blah, blah. So he agreed to step aside. Okay. That's it. If I'm Trump tonight, I actually take the bandage off the year and give the whole speech like that. And I'm not kidding. Like I'm not saying this for hyperbole or anything else. I should do show the world what happens to him. He should and then take it off. He should pull the bandage off and just look right into camera and said all that just for a drop of blood. And throw the bandage into the crowd and then pull his dick out or whatever. For those of you who are just joining us, we will be picture in picture tonight. You'll be able to watch the same speech that is live everywhere else without interruptions. We're actually going to use the AP feed tonight. And on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN or Fox, any of that bullshit. We want it uninterrupted without anybody else's opinions except for maybe ours, which is probably why you're here tonight right before this lovely band started to play here. Who is that? Is that the fucking doobie brothers, Bob? Who do we got there? I'm kidding. It's a fucking house band. Let's be real. This is not something great or you would you would pay tickets for. Give us a little volume on it here. Let's hear this guys. This is old school fuck. I believe it's the Nashville band Six Wire, according to what I'm seeing. No way. Look at that. Never heard of that. I mean, this is heard of it. This is not their song. No, this is a cover. They've got their playing Merle Hager tonight. It's really cute Lewis in the news. Oh boy. All the hits. So he's playing his demographic is what he's doing. I like that, at least. Good. Keep it. Keep it where you can't. You can't say that anymore, though. You say playing to his demographic, but there's been a noticeable shift RNC wise about bringing big tent people in like that ball dumb dumb. She's just Ambrose. Yeah. I understand. I don't get like the speech he gave was fine. I don't give a fuck about that. I don't either. I'm not a fan. But to be honest, I don't care about any of these other fucking turds they brought on stage. I'm talking about the demographic inside Milwaukee. I see them here or whatever. These are all a bunch of old heads too. This is their fish concert to them. Like this is it inside of there. For the rest of us, we're all watching it home. But this guy is fucking playing like it's his last day on earth here. This drummer. Look at him go. They should have got the sphere. Oh, could you imagine? Could you imagine if they got the sphere and Trump was on there and then you could show the assassination footage behind him inside the sphere. Everybody's on micro dose is a mushrooms. Holy shit, dude. And then they enter cut that with the Zapruder film of JFK and just go nuts. It'd be great. They should have started a cover band between that and now called back into the left. What was Trump's side into the right? I don't know. I think it was inside of his head in America. Do whatever you want. Who's this? Yeah, give us a little volume here for this little, this little North Carolina. North Carolina. North Carolina's. Yay. Like my parents. I don't know my grandparents. I was a school advocate. Never heard of it. You can be with this. I don't give a shit about this. Yeah, I don't care about that. No offense. I'm sure she's a lovely woman. I just don't care about this. I'm sure she can cook a big old pot of shit. Now, if she had come out and started talking about a recipe or something, I would fucking leave the volume up and listen to because she clearly knows what she's talking about. Now, what you want to do is clap that beef together before putting some garlic salt on it and then stir it up that pot of chili. She would have said that. I'm all in. Pants would have come off. They make cat head biscuits where she's from. Really? Yeah. What's in them? Just regular biscuits just may load differently. With cat heads? No, it's just named that because I don't know, maybe it's the size of a cat head. You didn't grow up eating that stuff? No, back in the day, though, whatever was in the alley, chopped the head off and threw it in a stew. They're a feature of the Mississippi Delta. The name comes from the size of the biscuits, which is roughly the size of a cat head. It's like a regular biscuit that most of the time it has more flour on the outside of it, if you've ever seen those. They're very good. I'll take your word for it. I haven't had a cat head biscuit before. You probably have, actually, in the south. One of those meat in three places? Who knows? Who knows? Most of those meat in three places, you go up and ask for the meat in three and then you sit down, so I don't even know what the fucking meat is. A lot of times it tastes like ham, and then pick your variation there with the rest of the shit. Oh, country buffet and shit like that? Oh, man. I used to. Ryan's jerk hard to an old country buffet. I used to play a lot of shit. What was the tea game on the triangle there? I don't even know what it's called. I don't either. Cracker barrel, but like tea jumper? Yeah, a little tea jumper than how many teas you had left was how big of a loser you were, so if your brother had six left and you could get four, you were the champion. You were the champion for the day? It's called a special. It's called the peg game. Is it really? Which I think we should probably revisit. Rebrand. In 2024, I think we probably need to take a new look at that and give it a different name because you can't like it. Local citizens don't usually travel or translate, so if you're going to take somebody out on a date, by the way, you're sitting at, I can imagine seeing it in my head right now, you're sitting at Cracker Barrel. Yeah. And you look across at your date, lovely young woman, right? Sure. And you say, hey, babe, would you like to play the peg game? And she gets up and walks out. Or worse, she stays. You know? I just don't think that's a good idea. No. I don't either. Have you been to a convention before RNC or DNC was? No, I have no interest. So I had to work one. And I've mentioned that a few times in the last couple of weeks. And I will say this, if you're there, it's kind of like a fucking huge orgy. Like people are fucking behind the scenes. Oh, that I know. A lot of drugs. Yeah. We did a. So I worked the DNC one in 2000. When I worked on the recall election in Wisconsin back in 2012. We had the, uh, the pre-vote party, right? At the end of the campaign. And left the lady I was dating at the time. And I had gotten the car and drove back to my house. When we rounded the corner on the other side of the venue that it was in, uh, two of the staffers were fucking in the parking lot standing up. Like just up against the chain league fence. Boom. Just like, like, I'm talking about on a main intersection in town. And they're just like pressed up against the chain league fence. Doggy style fucking. God, it's crazy. I was like, hell yeah, dude. Yeah. Politics. That's what happens, dude. You get all fucking juiced up at these events and then you end up doggy style, the reverse cowgirl. Unless your team loses. It's true. Then. But we'll, we'll hear it's all full of hope. So both sides. It's full of hope because November isn't here. Yeah. The convention. There's a lot of mistakes being made. A lot of anal. If you pay attention to your favorite, probably single female, conservative influencers, nine months from now, there's going to be some babies going to be a little baby and there'll be some questions. They're probably having sex with married men right now without protection and they're going to get blasted inside. Sure. 100% happens all the time. How many kids do you think Matt Gaetz is going to have after this? Uh, over under nine. I think his wife's in attendance. So probably three. Yeah. I would say three. He's the Marriott and then he'll be up. I'll be right back, honey. What do you mean by. Have a night caps. Well, he's in Florida. Is that abortion? What are we out there in Florida? You can't board in Florida. I think you can. It's like six weeks. So you don't know. Well, Matt does. That's why you, if you're a woman, you should just go into the clinic over six weeks or flush me out. Go now. You think Matt keeps some plan Bs on him and he's just like, look on, pop this in your mouth. I want to see it go down. You can stick the tongue out. I do it like. Plan B is plan A. Yeah. Like they think it's ecstasy or something like hey, if you take this pill, let's get fucked up. Pop it in there and then or you can pop it into her butthole when you're fucking her doggy style. Sure. Just while you're having sex with her doggy styles, like give her a good smack. She's going to. And then it's like and and the confusion stuff it in her butt. Oh, man. What happened there? Nothing to worry about it. She'll never knows. She won't. She won't. She's the next two, two, three days, man, sodomizing and abortion into somebody. That is just like a tier godlessness. I love it so much. And welcome to the RNC, Bob. You know what I'm saying? Like welcome to the RNC. This is what you guys came here for. If you're watching some other fucking network, you're not getting this kind of advice, Brad why? This is the most fucked up show we've done in a while already and it's for no reason. 10 minutes. This is what happens when we get bored by the way. Well, we should have started later. We thought Trump was coming on like right after we started. And now it's like this is bad for us to be alive with nothing. It really is. With this much hard AF seltzer. Yeah, I'm drinking it. All good. Same here. Kick back into this house, man. Let's hear this cover real quick. What do we got? What do we got? Oh, sing it. Oh boy. Oh, shit. Oh, this is all early 80s shit, man. He's spread his fucking dick off. So are we. We saw their playlists and there's something that will just please you about it. Come on. Taylor Swift. No, no. I like Taylor Swift. They're playing. They said that one of the songs on their playlists was "Life is a Highway." Johnny Cox? By Rascal Flats. No. They credited Rascal Flats with the... Did they really? Allegedly. That's what I saw. Well, fuck that. I mean, look, it depends on how they sing it. I think that's the superior version, but you know. Keep this on. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you serious? I'm all about Rascal Flats over the over the years. I like Rascal Flats. I don't even know who... It's not better than Tommy Cochran. It's better, right? I don't know who Rascal Flats is. Is that weird? Yes. You don't have to admit you like Rascal Flats. Yeah. Also, imagine... Well, who is it? What are they saying? So it's like if NSYNC was country and 40 years old. Correct. There was a fat one, same one as NSYNC, like that old thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Speaking of... But Tommy Cochran was the best version of that song. Speaking of useless bullshit, federal appeals court blocked Biden's student debt relief plan, which is gonna steal money from plumbers and give it to people who got stupid degrees. So good news there as well. Damn right. Yeah. Step down, Joe. Step down. Again, crank this music. Keep it low in the background. I just want to hear it. I just... Yeah. I knew they were getting to this part right here. Man. He's off key a little bit, too. Look at this guy, dude. He's getting his dick sucked in. I hope not. I hope he watches it first. Yeah, dude. He's not going to. I think he's gonna stink. I've always wanted to ask groupies about this. Did you make the rock style like what? 'Cause it's sweaty as fuck. It is. Yeah. You're hot as fuck. Did you wash your balls off or anything before you started sucking them his balls or what happened to you? So there's a... It depends on where you are, but it's usually like a shitty shower. So you have the options too or the option not to. For those guys, I think they got off on the fact that they just got off stage and they're like, "I'm not showering." That would make me very self-conscious. Same. I couldn't do that. I couldn't do it either, man. Five bucks. He says, "If you don't think this was orchestrated, you're probably still wearing a mask at 2024." Uh, Biden's stepping down? No. Well, I don't know if he means that or the Trump thing. Oh, yeah. Either way. Either way, I tend to agree with you. And then Chris actual gives five bucks. He says, "It's great to see the gang live. By the way, I love the floating head shorts you're doing, Dan. Keep them up, I will." Yeah, for sure. But don't tell me what to do. Yeah, for sure, man. DJ Davies says, "Sautomizing abortion new band name." It is a great band name right there. Ladies and gentlemen, Sautomizing abortion. It's got to be a metal band, right? Right. Right. It would be like death metal or what's literal death metal or literal death metal. Like horror, horror, horror, horror, horror, I think it's called or some stupid shit. Look at that girl in the middle. She's gonna be in the middle of that bed tonight, too. I have a serious question about this and the DNC as well. And you worked a DNC event, right? Yep. I see all these people and maybe this is just because I'm an alcoholic with ADHD. But oh my God, if they're not serving drinks at these things, at either convention, if you just stand there sober for a concert, waiting for a speech, do they get drinks? Like their college came down. So, and the one I worked was in Los Angeles and I'm assuming they're different in every city. Yeah. It was a Staples Center. But I mean, this is the drunkest state arguably in the country. Oh, agreed. Agreed. And like look, we're trying to get hard AF Seltzer there like so bad because we know everybody's an alcoholic there. I love you Wisconsin, for real. I love, by the way, love University of Wisconsin. Oh, it's one of the best. Fucking blast. Love Camp Randall, the whole shit. Jump around, all of it's great. I hope you guys come back. I'm a big fan. But can you, did anyone get this? Yes. So, I serve the sweets and they were all- But the sweets always have it. Bottles, correct. And I did not see it on the lower levels. And I do not see it on the lower levels with here either. So, I went seeing cheese heads and I haven't seen any food. Correct. I went to a final four before they were allowed to serve booze. Yep. Not you team, any of the teams. It was fun to be there. Thank you. And the teams. But oh my fucking god, dude. Like after six hours of college basketball that you don't care about? I know. Well luckily, again, at Staples Center, if it was in a pro arena, they would serve. So like when I would go to the Pac-12 tournaments in LA, they would serve and it was fine. But here, I think, here's what you guys are forgetting and I'm being totally truthful when I say this. There's actual delegates on the floor. Yeah. I think they're deliberately not serving booze so these people aren't throwing up on themselves or making a jackass to themselves. But not even in the seats? The delegates I guess, I guess. But like even up in the actual, because this is where the box play, right? It is. It's Republican. So they're all on Xanax and Adderall, right? I hope so. Like everybody else. I would need to be on something. Yeah. Like in that for any event, like this, I would just need a drink. Yeah. See, Velesquez gives five bucks. He says, send me some DB stickers to put on the border wall down Nogales. I can absolutely, if you hit us up on Instagram or something, I'll absolutely get that done. For sure. Yeah. But you got to set his pictures back in there. You know what else is weird, Bob? It's like this band right now is live across the nation on every major network there is. And you go with a house band for some shit like this, which is crazy. This is one thing the Democrats have of the Republicans. Like they'll get John Legend to play this fucking gig for free. John Legend sucks. I know shit, but like it's somebody famous and it's like, you know, they'll tickle the IVs and everybody will jack off. We get Ted, dude. I mean, Kid Rock's plan. Well, allegedly, we don't know, right? Okay. We saw some rehearsal footage. We think it's him. I hope not. I want to see 50 Cent. That's what I want to see. 50 Cent would be great. Yeah. Kid Rock is just like everything about him is so fake. It's hard to even enjoy the music anymore. Well, you know what somebody DMs me on Twitter earlier was that it was going to be Kid Rock because of Michigan in the swing state, and I'm not kidding when I say that. So you put that one year old to bed. What the fuck, man? Oh my God. They got him in a suit. Look at that. They got him in a little tuxedo. He's like nodding out like he's on fentanyl or something. Oh, man. Why would you take your one year old to this? Rooster gave us five bucks. Hey, Anthony, thanks for signing my car hood in Ohio. You're welcome. Yeah. That was a fun trip. Yeah, that's I don't know about bringing a baby to a fucking convention or a street fight. I took a my one year old to his first baseball game. We left in like the fourth inning. Yeah, there's no way. It's a nightmare. There's no way. Six is early. I think seven eight is probably right around where they can sit still long enough to enjoy something like that. I say a hard day, Bob. I'm not kidding. I try to go. It's six and seven. I think the move is to take him to movies first. Yeah. You get him used to sitting still for an hour and a half or so and then move on to the sporting event. So Bob at five, you can take him to movies and like I took him to Inside Out 2 and all that other stuff and it's great. They're able to enjoy it. They'll eat the food, especially at that Evo down there. They wanted it. He wants to go to twisters tomorrow night twisters. I can't wait. And I'm axed and he's just like they know about it and they're cool with it. So he's about to turn six and it's great. And then my 10 year old obviously is easy for that. But did Gary die? It'll help you. It's Gary Bear back there. He's here. Yeah, he's back there. It's kind of feel like he might be dead. It could be. Like I haven't heard him. Go put a mirror on your nose or something and see if it fogs up. Will you do CPR on him? I won't know, but I will perform last rights. Yeah. I'm certified. Are you really? I am. I was going to be a personal trainer. Not neat. Well, I was a CPR AD instructor for like 10 years. Really? Yeah. Okay. What are you? I mean, it's like if you can't figure it out on your own, you probably shouldn't be touching another human being. No, I understand that. Is this what I like about you? Yeah. Who's going nuts in the audience? Is that Jimmy Hart? It looks like Jimmy Hart from WWE. Is he related to the Hart family? Like Brett? Yeah, I think Jimmy's dead. Jimmy's alive, dude. He's down at Hogan's Hangout. Like three out of the five of them are dead, I think, right? Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm thinking about mouth is south. Jimmy mouth is south. I apologize for that. Yeah. Jimmy mouth is south is still alive. Jimmy Hart is dead. I apologize. Jimmy Hart is still alive. Oh, he is? Yeah. He's dead. I can't see him. You guys are saying some funny stuff. But if you want me to read it, you got a fucking super chatted. So fuck off. Yeah. Only because there's too many messages. Yeah. I there's a I saw a meme about the Hart family. Oh, my goodness. What's happening there? Is he doing that on purpose? Yeah. He's doing the white man dance too. Oh, yeah. I will say that is really funny. Did you see that priest the other day? Like making fun of Trump? That was really funny. The Trump Trump's dance is maybe my favorite thing about him. It by the way, intentional. You know that, right? I actually don't think it feels like it's not it feels like it's the realest thing about him. He's definitely started dancing like that. And now he's leaned into it. What Tucker Carlson said at the beginning before we got live today was that he's really fucking funny. He actually is. And if people got to meet him, I think it'd be a whole different story swear to God. The persona is cool on TV, but in real life, he's really fucking funny. American Britain says, did you guys see Alex Jones on 10 Dylan podcast? When was it? I don't know. Yes. I saw that. It was Sunday nights when we went live. Oh, no. I haven't seen it. I watched it the next day. Alex. Alex is on one. He was whatever bottle he was drinking out of, they'd blur out in the video and I'm not really sure why. But for branding, like Tim Dylan's not giving anybody free ads, but he makes... But it was Alex drinking it. Tim makes. Yeah, I know. But he was on Tim's show. He was, correct. He was not. He's not giving anybody any free ads. Well, it's been a long show. It's only about 45 minutes. Without ads, I think Tim just on his page round is making like $3 billion a month right now. Yes. I mean, it's nuts. But Alex was on there and he's like, "Get ready. This is the first attempt. They're going to kill him. You're going to fucking kill him tomorrow. Yeah. We're all going to die. We're just going to be a nuclear war. I'm not even saying this would be dramatic. He said they're going to come for him too. Yeah. I'm not even saying this would be dramatic, but they're literally going to use nukes. Yes. Jay Raymond says, "Catch St. Changelis on Kill Tony. He nails Trump for two hours." Oh, he's great. I watched that too. He was so good. Adam Ray was really good at his Biden too. The impression is okay, but his facial expressions are so goddamn funny. Yes. Adam Ray's face as Joe Biden was fucking aggressive. He had the love of those guys. How did Changelis? God, if you look back at that SNL cast, you could have turned it then. You could have started over again, dude. That's like he was Trump. I think one of the biggest issues is if people would have loved him as Trump. You know what that's like? It's like when the Oakland A's drafted Todd Van Popel instead of Chipper Jones. Yeah. That's what that is. That's exactly what that is. Chipper Jones was the first overall pick. It was. No, Todd. I think you were before him. That it was debated who was going to be first, but the Braves took Chipper Jones number one at all. Well, what's one of my thinking of where somebody would suck it and they were better. Todd Van Popel was the year before. No, somebody went first and they sucked in the second. Oh, Michael Jordan went third. He'd eat it. But that's because the first two guys needed the chemo lage on and then bow eight was second. They needed the guys. Y'all are the best been listening since the written house trial. Shout out to Dan for being a sick fuck like me. Also, tell Delco I said go for this and that's datified. Fuck datified. Oh, wow. Now he's the applause. Oh, datified times four congratulations on the four kids. That's good, man. I'm glad you guys are. Oh, yeah. Well, that's what I assume datified times for me. Yes, four kids. Good for you. The Braves seriously considered taking Van Popel. However, Van Popel told the Braves he wouldn't sign with them, so they took Chipper Jones. Oh, no. Yeah, I know. Wow. That works out great. Who bleacher report just ranked the 14th best player since 1995. Hey, he was he was also the best at every hooters in America too. Man, could he hit him right up the middle there? How many did he knock up to just the one who does wait just I believe. I think it was two, but then he married the second one, I believe. Either way. Oh boy. Chippers. Yeah. The ex wife in Atlanta got real pissed off. She started banging. She needs to calm down. She she did. She just calmed down with the younger guys. Oh, here's here's the one I was thinking of actually and it was way more recently. The Raiders took Jamarkis Russell with the first pick and Calvin Johnson was the second pick. Oh, perfect. That's the Raiders. I think that I think that's the one I was thinking of. That's the worst. I think that's the first one too I've ever seen. Raiders are making the playoffs this year with Gardner Minscher. They're definitely not sure. As a matter of fact, Devonty Adams will not finish the season on that team. He'll be there. No, he'll be there. He'll be gone by week seven. He'll be four now, dude. Week four. What do we got for the the cover band here, John Jr. gave us five bucks. Monteco for Delco, is that Montclair County Montgomery County? What's Montgomery County? What's Montgomery County? It's just outside of Delco. It's nicer. How is it? Yeah. It's kind of where rich people live. Is he like, is this guy flexing on you? Or what's going on? Kinda. Yeah. Kinda just dumped his nuts on the table. Let's ban him. Yeah. Yeah. For dumping his nuts all over the table. Look at that. Mm. I do slippies around the way. Fuck you. Look at these guys. Jam. Oh, yeah. I thought. Are we on schedule? Uh, on stage. We're here forever. It doesn't matter. Yeah. I know it doesn't matter. I'm just curious. We're on all night. I would have, I would have pounded off an extra time. Are they going to Hotel California right now? No, I'm saying we can't leave. Oh, yeah. Well, we can do whatever we want. What are you telling me? I can't leave. No, you can't. Burn this fucking building, though. They got cheese heads in Wisconsin. Of course they do, dude. Iowa. Does that exist? Oh, no, there's nobody there. No delegates are there. Oh, no. And Iowa itself doesn't exist either. Sure doesn't. That's what you meant. Uh, Steve, five bucks says video of the earshot concerns citizen posted on X. Whoa, what's, what's, is that show? Say that again. I don't think it's real, but video of the earshot concerns citizen posted on X. A couple people have posted it, but I think it's fake. What is it? It's a video of Trump's ear. Now? Like a, no, no, no, don't, when he gets shot in the ear. Oh, well, maybe. I mean, there was so many people with cell phones behind him. Somebody has that footage, man. Like, I'm surprised that it isn't on social media. Or I wondered, does the Secret Service take your phones? Because they're looking for evidence. Um, does the FBI come in and take your phones? No, they'll ask you for any footage. Like they'll come up to you individually and say, hey, can you dump the footage? They'll literally airdrop the footage onto one of their devices for you. But yeah, they wouldn't, they can't take it from you unless they have a warrant. So, gosh, see Velasquez gave about two dollars. It says hit gear bear with some Narcan just in case. We got some around here. We probably should have some Narcan just since Gary's, you know, a lot. Well, there he is. Yeah, there he is. Uh, LT Dan's leg, Lieutenant Dan's legs. Great username. I save a video of Thomas Crooks that said, I hate Republicans. I hate Trump. He's not that guy on Instagram and in less than four hours it was gone from social media. So, did anybody screen capture it? We're having to save problems. Also, not him. I don't think that was him. He was at Arizona State from like two years ago. Phil Scofield says Iowa can't exist because if it did everything I do in Iowa is real and we can't have that. I shouldn't hear him. He needs sexual assault. Yes. Yes. Um, so yeah, you don't want that. No. It's not a crime in the land of make believe. It is, it is. It is. But Bill, get, get wasted tonight and enjoy some DVA for me. Okay. Uh, a little domestic violence for you and your, your beautiful wife there, right? I think that'd be great. I think that'd be great tonight. But you just get so amped about Trump's speech, you just beat her. And I think the cops will be cool with it tonight, right? Isn't there a thing across the nation where you can't call 911 for DVA tonight because everybody's going to be ants up about Trump's speech? Um, the past, so right now I don't think you can get arrested for it. Oh my god. It's like going on till 909. It's the. It's nine or nine. Art time? Yep. It's the central. Stop it. It's the purge. But for domestic violence. Are you sure? Yeah. I mean, is that real? Bob, you were the one who called it. That's you specifically as the producer. Fucking hate you. It looks like I'm going to have to crack a little, a little hard AF then. There's no way I'm making another hour before we even get started. Bobby, that's crazy. Dylan Schmelsinger says there's a ton of like about Trump. But what turned me into a full on supporter is how you can see his genuine love and respect for our troops. Very accurate. I've seen him with troops I've heard from my friends that do all the, all the veteran charity stuff. I do runs through one primary organization, Sarah's thing and they're together in DC all the time. It walled to read and shit all the time. He really loves it. That whole story about him saying Trump troops are suckers and shit is absolute garbage and never happened. No, it never happened. And then the two rallies that I've been to, he stopped and talked to everybody in the military before he talked to anybody else. He always does. And the entire crowd anywhere and he talked to them personally shook him, shook their hands and then chatted with him individually before he met with anybody else. I mean, I'm, I'm critical of anybody, including Trump when they do stupid shit, but you can't really be critical about, about that with him. No. Patchy Moisture says Ross, are we ever going to get another St. James Street James novel? He spelled almost all the words wrong. That's fine. I'm horny and need him. Yeah, that's fine. Also, I knew Trump loved the troops when he went to that army navy game. Yeah. Cause he's like, we were there. We were there. We were there. We were there. The comments, he's like, you know, it's not, it's not the best. Now, by the way, he was totally everything he says is actually real. Milwaukee's the shithole. That army navy game isn't great football. What was the score? 13 to 10? I don't know. It was eight. We were at the game that he was there. We left the halftime. Yes. That cold. It was in Philadelphia. No game. No, it wasn't even snow. It was a year after that. Okay. But it was a phagio. It was a phagio was playing. Fago. Yeah. Yeah. I had the line back. It was there for four years. It was. Uh, back to back when Trump was there, we did live shows there. Wait, did he skip a service? Who? If he's in the NFL, did he not? Fago. So what they'll usually do. No, he went all four years. Yeah. But you owe the organization six years. You owe the Navy six years after you leave with the Air Force or whatever it is. So usually what, if they allow somebody to go, like David Robinson outgrew, he like grew two of tall. Yep. To be, which I don't know why they let him in in the first place. He was 18 and already six, nine, either six, seven, which is the tallest you can even be an editor, the Air Force on the pilot track. He grew to six, 11 before he even left college, right. And then finally they let him go. Usually what they'll do is give somebody recruiting duty or whatever, right? Sure. Like they, you still serve time. So he's, I'm sure he's doing something. So well, every now and again, they'll release somebody, but like, uh, what's his name? Explain for the Rough Riders in fucking Canada. He better go get his ass to the fucking get on a summer. Yeah. Fucking now. Well, he might, he might be doing promotional shit like marketing and stuff for him. But, uh, uh, what's that guy's name, Villain O' Waiver. Remember the offensive lineman from Pittsburgh? Yeah. He was a ranger as well. So he, he did stuff too. They let him out. Uh, Steve Velasquez, I was told my wife there's no way Eliza Dushku leaves Ross and the new guy, RIP, the short guy. I agree. Um, I, look, I talked to the studio about that. I was like, guys, there's no fucking way in real life here. What are we doing? And they said it's, it's make believe. And I said, Oh, okay. We're not doing it real. I guess. Kyle Knowles said, uh, one of you guys going to have fat electrician on love to. I think he actually lives in Milwaukee though. He's not here. Um, I believe he flies down for the unsubscribes. I think I, I think he lives in Iowa somewhere. Yeah. That's right. Yes. It's somewhere far. He doesn't live here. So it's not like he's down the road. We've had the rest of those guys on, but not him yet. Yeah, I see him at stuff every now and again, but never when we're in a position to record a show. What's going on over there? I think I saw a beer. Oh, you did. I saw a can. I think I saw a can. Uh, let's see. Rooster says, uh, when are we getting hard AF in Indiana or Kentucky? Uh, shit. We're in Ohio. We'll be in Michigan next month. We're very close to there. Um, there is one distributor that we're meeting with that handles Kentucky and Indiana and then two other states. So we might knock out all of them at once. They're getting samples next week. Um, and I'm in charge of that. So that I can tell you here, plus we're rocked on air and I can just say whatever I want. Um, in case there's any chance that James, any chance that Hulk Hogan comes out to. I'm a real American. Oh, I, I hope so. Does he come out to? And then I literally, somebody in the crowd just tears somebody else's fucking face off of their body and just this, like, please, God, if, if I know that there's probably not a God, but if you're up there, yeah, please let that happen for me and then let somebody try to break into my home later tonight. Uh, well, there is a God and he's sick, but, um, he, uh, get out of here when you're taking prayer. Uh, did you hear what, uh, speaking of wrestlers, what Rick Flair was upset about today? Oh, no, did he not, from not getting invited? Uh, he was upset about not being included in the top 100 athletes of the 21st century. The 21st century. So yeah, I, that's this one, right? Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't furious. Oh, sorry. 20th century. I would add 20th century. Absolutely. He's in there. Yeah. He was one of like a handful of guys who helped build an entire sport. You got to give him credit. 100% and he's the 16th time world champion. Well, that doesn't mean anything. No, it does. No. Yeah, it does. He won 16 championships guys. We're not doing this. And Booker T one five WCW champions. Absolutely. Uh, love Booker T, uh, Josh Tolbert says on the off chance Ole Miss hosts a college game day. Good luck with that. Uh, you guys should come rage in Oxford with us. Uh, we would never lose a party. I'll say what? Not only will we, but I think, uh, Bob would quit if, if he wasn't invited to that. Um, I have done it before. So, yes. And it, have you? Have you been to the Grove? It's the, it's happening best. It's, it's like fuck that baseball field in Iowa by having this walking into the Grove on Ole Miss. By the way, I'll read you that. I would love to. I'll read you their home schedule real quick. Um, it's not that. Will they be good enough? Yeah. Oh yeah. That'll be good enough. The only Jackson darts, so they're, they're quarterly. Yeah, they will be good enough. Yeah. They have two lost Jutkins. Jutkins is all high. They're fine. They're running. They're really good. Okay. So, it's possible for college game day, as far as I'm concerned, Oklahoma comes there October 26th and probably more likely Georgia comes there November 9th. Wait, Oklahoma at, at Wisconsin? At Ole Miss. Oh, or Ole Miss. Okay. Um, Georgia Ole Miss is a good one. That's a really good one. Oklahoma Ole Miss is not a bad game either. That's going to be a tough matchup for Georgia on the road. Not that it matters this year because we got 12 teams. You can get, you can have two losses. Georgia can have two, maybe three losses this year. I don't think they're going to lose, but yeah, that is probably one of the harder ones on their schedule because they're going to play Alabama this year I think, but that's not, who knows? It's Alabama. Who knows if that's even going to be the same kind of game that we expect, right? Uh, pop this up real quick. There's Trump entering right now. Yeah. What's he coming in to right now? Volume. Volume. They also don't play Alabama. Soul Man. Soul Man. This year. So, he's walking up there. They don't play Alabama this year? Yeah, Georgia. Ole Miss doesn't play Alabama this year. Oh, no, I meant Georgia. Sorry. Not. Georgia plays Alabama. Georgia's in Alabama. And at Texas. Yes. We'll be to that. The Texas game, I think. Well, Georgia's going to have a chance to prove themselves. Yeah. Wow. Georgia's at Alabama, at Texas, and at Ole Miss. So they, they're a little scheduled. Yeah. That's horrible. Yeah. That's rough. Speaking of Alabama, they announced that they were going to rename the stadium after Nick Saban. Oh, really? That's the Cricket. Yeah. That's the quickest the stadium has ever been named after a former coach ever. Wow. He is the best of all time, so. I mean, Coach K got the court before he retired, I believe. That's true. And then so did Dean Smith, right? I think so. Yeah. Dylan Michael Zinger says, "Dude, Biden not acknowledging Abigade heroes, calling 13 deaths billions of dollars in equipment loss and forfeiting, uh, Bagram of success, unforgivable." Yeah. Uh, they actually talked about that, the, the parents of the 13. Of one of the guys, you know? All of them. All the parents got up on stage last night at the RNC. I watched the speech. It was tough to watch, man, but it was great on those guys' part. And then they made everybody in the audience say their names out loud since Biden would. It was actually one of the best moments of the RNC so far. Next up is Michael Paul here, says a boy, former SWCC operator, slash Austin comedian Salman Craft, was in your street promo video today. Okay, cool. It's Gary Baer back there. Okay, turn this up. Oh shit. There we go. Fuck yes, dude. God damn it. God damn it. I'm gonna rip the fucking screen off my laptop. I feel like I just took a fucking shot, dude. I'm fucking hulking out right now, dude. God damn it. I feel like the pig. In some ways, this is, this is, this is what it felt like when we won desert storm for those not alive. Yeah. That's true, dude. And I'm tapping up right now, dude. I'm testing out my shoulders for the ropes, bro. Oh. I'm telling you, this should be the national anthem. Listen to the words. I know, dude. You're a real American fight for the rights of every man. That's what America's all about. I'm pissed I missed it. Fight for what's right. I should have done fucking arms today. God damn it. Damn it. Damn it. There he is. Over under how many N words he's gonna say. I would say two at a minimum. Right. That's a feel. He looks great. Look at him. Turn this up, dude. USA USA USA USA. The Hulkster, dude. Let's go. Bob, you made the right call. If he would have missed the Hulkster out of fucking pocket. Lost my mind, so we would have shut the company down and finally. You sure would have, dude. Way to go, Bob. Delco shit on you. Delco shit on you, Bob. You got it right. We know that. You're the right side of his story. Do you notice how he always tries to make me the biggest haters, but he's way worse. I love Hulk. Yes. Get this volume. Get this volume right now. Let me tell you something, brother. Did I ever say he's Hulk Hogan? Turn it up. When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room. I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another world title, or maybe I thought still got five was so intense. The energy was so crazy. It felt like maybe I was going to press that no good sticky giant over my head and slam him through the mat, brother. Yeah. But what I found out was I was in a room for a real Americans, brother. Sure were. And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we're going to bring America back together, what a real American at a time. That's it. We're back. You know something. I've seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and oh, yeah, the macho man Randy. Oh, yeah. Coffee in the big time. Yeah. But you know something. I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us, getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans. I'm going to go for a fucking brick wall right now. This is awesome. Yeah. They need to calm down because I'm getting hard, like seriously hard. You know, even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready. Because when Donald J. Trump becomes the president of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years. So with the power of Donald J. Trump and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track, and like Donald J. Trump said, America is going to be great again. You know, when I look out and I see all the real Americans, all the brothers, I think about how Donald Trump, his family was compromised. When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised. But what happened last week when they took a shot, and they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Let's go. Yes. We start screaming like that. That's his power up for you. Fuck yes. We're back, dude. He's getting it. He's sweating, dude. He's fucking out. He's sweating, dude. He's fucking all juiced up. He's getting ready to say the inverse. Sure is. Let's go. You want to say? No. You know something, Trumpites. I didn't come here as Hulk Hogan, but I just had to give you a little taste. Sure did. You know, my name is Terry Bolea, and as an entertainer, I love you, too. Yeah, you do. And as an entertainer, I tried to stay out of politics. But after everything that's happened to our country over the past four years, and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent. I'm here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real American hero, and I'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this United States. You know, guys, I've known Donald Trump for over 35 years. You know, hold on a second, hold on, I just had a flashback. Yeah, he sure did. I just had a flashback, man. This is really trippin'. You know, the last time I was up on stage, Donald Trump was sittin' at ringside at the Trump Plaza. I was bleeding like a pig, and I won the world title right in front of Donald J. Trump. Sure did, brother. Sure did. And you know something, he's gonna win in November, and we're all gonna be champions again when he wins. Yeah. And like I said, I've known that man for over 35 years, and he's always been the biggest patriot, and he still is. He's always told you exactly what he thought, and he still does, brother. And no matter the odds, he always finds a way to win. And when he's back in our White House, America is gonna start winning again. What are they chanting right now, Bob? Trump. Trump. Okay. Look at him work that stage, brother. You know, guys, over my career, I like that he mentioned the bottom. I've been in the rain with something I could get back from me. Some of the baddest dudes on the planet. Tito Santana. Word off against warriors, yes, savages, and even like I said, body slam giants in the middle of the rain. And I know tough guys, but let me tell you something, brother, Donald Trump is the toughest of them all. Yeah. Larry Kettle. It's what I just said. Wisconsin just dealt with his population nine months from tonight. You know, we never had a better than the Trump years back then we had a thriving economy. We had strong borders. We had safe streets. We had peace and respect around the world, but then we lost it all in a blink of an eye. Crime is out of control. The border is out of control. The price of food and gas and housing is out of control. And the only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump. Yeah. Got to get those Tito Santana's out of here. You know, guys, I really, really love this country and I've lived the American dream. And I want my kids, your kids, and all those little teeny hulkomaniacs out there to live the American dream too. This November, guys, we can save the American dream for everyone. And Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done. So all you criminals, all you low-lives, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother. What you going to do? Yeah, what you going to do? What you going to do? Fuck yeah. Donald Trump and all the Trumpamaniacs run wild on you, brother. This is America right now. And thank you. Fuck. Yes, dude. I get my dick here through that man right now, dude. I would. I get a prince out of Lionel and Aaron. That rocks. That's great. The fucking rocks. And Dixie Reg just gave $100 to his head, guys. Please welcome the president and CEO. Yeah, this message is sponsored by Greenlight as your kids get older. Some things about parenting get easier here. Man, you can say that again. As a father of three, don't I know it. Others don't. Like having that conversation about money. The fact is, kids won't really know how to manage their money. And so they're actually in charge of it. That's where Greenlight can help. Greenlight is a debit card and money app made for families. Parents can send money to their kids and keep an eye on kids spending and saving while kids and teens build money, confidence and lifelong financial literacy skills. With the Greenlight app, kids learn how to save, invest and spend wisely thanks to games that teach kids money skills in a fun, accessible way. Yeah, and I've actually used this before with the Greenlight app, kids can learn how to save, invest and spend wisely, like you said. They also learn how to associate money with effort through the chores feature, which is where you as a parent set up one time are recurring chores, customize your families. He's like, Jack's is taking out the trash and stuff like that now. You get to say like, hey, you're going to get 10 bucks a week or whatever, but you've got to do it. And then you go into your side of the app, you say he did it, then he gets the money and his debit card, right? Correct. These days are web savvy and tech savvy, and they're using it for Amazon and games and clothes and things like that. Roblox, all that crap. All of it. So it's great. Millions of parents and kids are learning about money on Greenlight. It's the easy, convenient way for parents to raise financially smart kids and families to navigate life together. Sign up for Greenlight today and get your first month free when you go to That is to try greenlight for free, Fuck it. Go. Thank you. Dixie. Right here. Who do we got up next here, Bob? Who's that? Give us a little volume on that. Reverend Franklin Graham. I don't know. I don't hear this. I don't need to hear, Reverend. Am I crazy? Or did the Hulkster just fix America from Dylan Schmelsinger? Yes. I think he's got to have a seat in the cabinet, right? Yeah, you. Something at least. Yeah. Josh Tolbert gave us two bucks. Hogan equals trend setter. Nailed it. Not bad. Nailed it. AJ, five bucks. Does Trump win against anyone they put against him? Also any Dan for press secretary? I'm not interested in that at all because I would just walk out, calmly call everybody content and go home every single day. It'd be a 20-minute job. But yeah, Trump beats anybody they put up there. Michelle Obama would be in that. No. But they just can't skip over that many. Even she couldn't beat him right now. Well, you said they're going to put three people up. So who are those three people? Kamala is obviously one of them. Yeah. I mean, I don't think he would do what he would do. No, I think it's going to be Shapiro from Pennsylvania. Fine. And let's see. Let's see. Nobody knows him. If I just had to guess who it would be. I don't know if they want to burn Shapiro. I don't think he-- Oh, they want to say it. I mean, he's not going to win. He can't-- nobody knows who it is. Right. So maybe-- I don't know how-- I don't know how first name. You don't want to burn. Confident human being. I don't think they would want to burn-- in a-- from a swing state. Like, got elected governor in a swing state. Why was he Pennsylvania? Yes. You don't want to-- it would be insane to burn him on this. Why wouldn't he just run Biden? That's what I don't get. Like, at this point, I don't think there's a candidate unless it's Michelle Obama who could potentially even come close. Kamala is worse than he is. So like, that's your worst nightmare. I don't think Michelle Obama can win. Anybody who lived in California truly knows how fucking awful Gavin Newsom is. I mean, I've never seen a governor run a state into a fucking ground like that. Like, he's the worst. He looks the part. He looks the part. So does RFK. Dad said-- It looked like what a president's looked like back in the day. But he's got the worst policies of all time. Dad would be a person to burn. Yes. It would. Dad would be a person you burn. Because we don't want-- He's not that stupid to fall for that. No, I don't think he is either. Yes, I don't think he is either. So I think he's waiting for 28. And he's like, cool, man. Because he knows how shitty Kamala is. The names that are coming out of DC right now, aside from Kamala are Mark Kelly, so Gabby Giffords' husband, the astronaut. He's not very popular. No, he's a nice guy. Maryland's governor-- no, he's not a nice guy, he's a cunt. Maryland's governor-- He's an astronaut. I don't care. He took a shit in space, bro. Respect him. Yeah, probably. Respect the job. Let Bernie run. Oh, boy, dude. That would be funny. Bernie would win. Ah! Trump would light his ass up. Have you seen Bernie lately? He's like, he's really slow. Well, he's got to be 82 or 82, right? Yeah, he's 82, yeah. Go to the Biden, right? Maryland governor Westmore. That's a real possibility. Josh Shapiro's on here, and then Gretchen Whitmer, obviously, is the other one. I think Gretchen Whitmer will probably be-- Big Gretchen. Big Gretchen would be the-- I think if they have an open primary, Gretchen Whitmer is probably the nominee. Yes. That's probably who is running against. And because Michigan is the state this year? Yeah. Although, I think she still might lose Michigan, frankly. We'll see about that. But it's mostly because of the Palestine bullshit. Malia Obama just gave us $5 said my mom told me, and I quote, "This family is done monkey and around in politics." Oh boy. Michael Paul gave us $5. My boy former SWIC operator, Austin Comedian Solomon Kraft, was in your street promo video today, Gary. Do you remember that guy? Remember that guy, Gary? Gary's back. I don't know who he is. I don't know who he is. DJ Davies gave $5 smells like mass pregnancy out there. It sure does. Hey, Sean. Hold on. Okey Jimmy Carter, one more term. Like that. Yeah. Let's run Jimmy out there. I agree, run Jimmy. Gives some love to the Gady's at RNC. Grindr said that the app is melting phones. Like your servers are just melting from the opposite seat. Yeah. Good. Who has crazier sex? DNC or RNC? RNC, by far. It's there more suppressed. Yeah. OK. Rooster gives $5. I want to see Dan and King Trout, who apparently moved to Texas, go ham on shit. I don't know who that is. I don't know who King Trout. You have to introduce us or something like that is. Yeah. Kip Knuth just gave us $50. Thank you, Kip. We love Kip. Yeah, Kip's great. He gave us some booze recently, too. Those are really good. Andre Morgan gave us $5. Just found the channel a few weeks ago. One of the first things I heard was Dan calling Biden an old bitch. LOL. I love these podcasts. Thank you very much. We enjoy doing weird shit. We have election night show plans been solidified yet, looking for options to vote in the AM and jump on a flight out there. That's perplexed by that $5. We haven't yet, but we'll do that soon. I have chatted with the press corps in Mar-a-Lago. Yeah, we might be going to Mar-a-Lago, we'll see. Potentially. Right now, I believe they said a five-by-five stage, which is tough. So we're trying to work out logistics for something like that. I don't know that we've ever done it in that tight of us quarters before. Yeah, we'll see how it goes. We might be able to get something better than that. Mayhem's Ghost gave us 20 bucks. No comment. So thank you for the money. Yeah. Aaron Tibidow says, $5 says, "The real question going through my head is, why the hell didn't we bet on my bookie for the number of times?" Hogan said, "Brother, that's a good question, actually." They didn't offer it. I looked. I'm not kidding. I looked today. Once I knew he was going to speak, I looked. They didn't do it. They didn't do it. That's correct. However, the odds for the other candidates are up, though. Yeah, Craig Dilewski, Craiger's Westmore is a clown. Let's go America. We need Hulkster in office after Trump. King Trout is part of the unsubscribe podcast. By the way, only 20 bucks from Craig. They said, I don't know if he's rich. Time must be tough. He's rich. Well, it's tough for everybody out there. That's why Biden's leaving. Inflation's high, Kamala Harris gave her own rally in North Carolina tonight. And no one noticed. Huh. Because he's invisible. Have you-- I mean, Bob, you're a pretty reasonable and down the middle guy. Have you-- what's your sense of the Democratic Party right now? Because it seems like they're struggling pretty badly. I-- you know what's crazy is I haven't even seen a lot of co-posting. I'm talking about the media, not necessarily Twitter. Oh, OK. I don't know if you sure is the media kind of. There's a certain amount of people that are like, fuck it, just vote against. I mean, they're a mess right now. What's-- and this sucks for them. I think they're very annoyed because-- They're in purgatory, right? They're stuck down there. Somebody told them this like six months ago that they could have dunced on about it. Yeah. And what's interesting about them is I actually think they have a really good farm system. Yeah. So the Democrats have multiple organizations. Emily's List, for example, is an organization actually near Milwaukee. And what they do is they recruit young, progressive, like pro-choice women to become politicians. That's all-- that's all the organization does. Oh, here's Eric. Well, I mean, Eric, real quick, odds in my Donald Trump is minus 300. Kamala Harris is now at 2 to 1. Joe Biden is at 8 to 1. Michelle Obama, 18 to 1. Gavin Newsom is at 16 to 1. Gretchen Whitmer is at 33 to 1 if you're looking for-- So Kamala Harris is shorter odds than Trump? Good evening, America. Trump is minus 300. Oh, minus 300, okay. Eight years ago, my father sat our family down-- Turn this up a little. He spoke of a nation in decline, of dreams slipping away, of a future endangered by failed leadership and broken promises. It was in that moment I knew my father had made a decision that would forever change our lives. We realized he had chosen to step into the arena, to fight for the soul of America. He had decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire, to leave behind everything he had ever built, to answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family. Rather his decision made a love for this country and a deep concern for America's future. My father was clear it would not be easy, that there would be a huge price to pay and that the attacks would be vicious. Looking back, that was an understatement. The made-up Russia hoax, the sham impeachments, the efforts to destroy an unbelievable company, a company that I run today, the efforts to cancel us, to silence him, to gag his free speech, and to drag him through every radical left courthouse in America-- He's quite a bit better than Jeremy is. He's too tall, fueled not by personal ambition, but by a profound love for this country and a love for all of you, the American people. That man is my father, that man is the 45th president, and soon to be 47th president of the United States, that man is Donald J. Trump. Also goddamn, he's 6'5". Yeah, he's the tallest guy in the family. So is Nick. He's not. Who's-- Baron. Baron does count. Baron's cussing. Baron's a man. Baron's from another timeline. No, Baron's the man, dude. He's going to be president with it. He actually might be. Everybody in that family's attractive-- Each time I stood on the stage, America has been a dire crossroads. In 2016, many people began to doubt the promise of America. Our economy was struggling. Jobs were scarce. Our standing on the world stage was weak at best. Veterans were forgotten. Our military was in shambles. Our educational system was broken. Rank 30th in the world. He could no longer tolerate an inept administration that handed $150 billion in Iran, a country that chanced death to America, or witnessed and continued attacks on our Constitution and our religious liberty. Or see the disrespect showing to our unbelievable law enforcement officers who are being disarmed, defunded, and persecuted each and every day. He could no longer stand to see words like Christmas stripped from public use or the pledge of allegiance removed from our schools. But my father saw potential where others saw despair. Donald Trump built the New York City skyline. He did so during a time when businesses were turning away from the city he loved. Crime was rampant. The streets were dirty. But he had the mightiest touch, and he turned those streets and neighborhoods into gold. He faced every challenge with tremendous vision and grit. As he did during the 2016 election, he rolled up his sleeves. He remained unapologetic. He did not care to be politically correct. He restored hope. He restored a voice to millions of Americans who had been ignored. He restored the American dream. Under my father's leadership, the economy climbed to record heights. Jobs were created at an unthinkable pace. Employment reached historic lows across all demographics. Wage growth soared. He cut taxes for hard-working families and businesses. He slashed regulations. We saw the greatest 401(k) increase in American history. People bought their first homes in an environment that saw 2-3% interest rates. They started their families. My father made the United States energy independent with the lowest gas prices in decades. My father made the United States safe. Our borders were closed. There was peace in the Middle East, Soleimani, Al-Baghdadi, the terrorists were dead. My father made the United States respected again with the courage to walk into countries like North Korea, with the courage to impose tariffs on China, and with the courage to tear up trade deals that cost Americans their jobs. He brought manufacturing back to America. Small businesses flourished. He did what he promised. He put America first. We were winning. Donald Trump made America great again. Eric's on fire right now. He's actually getting really good. He's getting really good. He's getting a lot better. But he also created a movement, a movement that threatened the special interests in the political elites. A movement that cast a bright light on the institutions weaponized against the American people. You see it in our schools. God bless the moms who fought back. You see it in your workplace. You see it on every news station, in every newspaper. You see it in the military. The most iconic military installations on planet earth are stripped of their identity and renamed. Fort Bragg, Benning, Fort Hood. You see it in Hollywood, you see it in our two-tier judicial system. They don't even hide it anymore. My father has been censored. The former president ripped off to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook while terrorist organizations remain intact. My father has been persecuted, targeted by far left Democrats, funded by special interest groups, and hand-picked judges. My father has been pulled off the ballot of states, radical justices attempting to defy the will of millions of Americans who adore who he is and what he stands for. My father even became the target of an assassin who almost killed America's single greatest hope for our future. The swamp is terrified of this incredible movement. They're terrified of it. They're terrified of you and the tens of millions of people watching us on TV right now. They've tried everything to keep him from you, everything, to destroy his legacy, to destroy his family. They have failed and they will not win. I love my Florida delegation right here. I was blowing my snout, not doing cocaine, by the way. I wish we had some cocaine. My father stands before you with the most votes of any Republican candidate in the history of our nation. He has defied the predictions of every political pundit. He fills stadiums across our country. He energizes Americans to the issues facing this nation and does so with unvarnished honesty. He is not a threat to democracy. He is a threat to those who despise our republic, many whom are bought and sold, bribed and coerced, people who have never signed the front of a check and who have been dependent on the government of their entire adult lives. That's a great line, the front of a check. I've never heard that before. Today as it was in 2016, America is at that crossroads again. Money prices are soaring, interest rates are crippling, everything is unaffordable. The US dollar has been diminished, inflation has made it impossible for Americans to live, to save for their future. Our infrastructure is crumbling, our border is out of control, millions are dead and displaced in Russia and Ukraine, a war that has no end and a war that we are funding. The Middle East has become a hornet's nest. Our greatest ally is real, totally under siege. Fentanyl is killing our youth and destroying families, while the current administration stands idly by hoping their inaction will import illegal votes. Crime terrorizes our cities and our suburbs as far left policies, handcuff police. Male athletes, guys my height, six foot five, are swimming in women's sports. Man, he's on fire, Lee, it's Thomas with six, five. Destroying the dreams of young girls who have trained every minute of their lives, we no longer trust our election, we no longer trust our judicial system, and we no longer believe that our government is working in our best interest. Dick is swollen right now, by the way, attack by bees down there. Who keeps giggling over there? In spite of where we are today's nation, I'd like to speak to every American. Everywhere, fuck's sake, man. Who gave him the homeless veterans sleeping under a bridge, as illegal immigrants are housed in the most expensive hotels in New York. I'm sorry, we know it's wrong and we will fix it. Fifty dollars from Lucas Coon for the good night for a hard day up and gator tales, donations to Dan's drug fund. Thank you. The single mother who can no longer afford her rent, afford groceries, and has been forced to work three jobs. I'm sorry, it does not have to be this way. To the parents who lost a son or daughter to fentanyl, including the incredible woman that spoke the other night, while it administration does absolutely nothing, I'm sorry, your government can do so much better, and it will. Gary, Andrew Atkins says, "Text your cousin." My cousin, yeah, texting right now, which one? To the children who are being brainwashed instead of learning fundamentals in school. I'm sorry. Just text all of your cousins. Members who care and my father will empower them. Bill Carr, Teen Bucks, Airborne, Boobs, wait, is that William Carr, like the guy that was in the army room. To the bond force of an officer, a brave war patrol, a secret service agent who worked every single day to protect our communities knowing damn well that the system will throw you under the bus. I'm sorry. We will stand behind you. To commuters often petrified to take a bus, take a train, walk the streets in cities across our nation. I'm sorry. That man right there will fix this. To the construction workers, to the middle class families, to the families with children with disabilities, families who can no longer afford medical benefits or to take a vacation. I'm sorry. We will make America great again. I'm talking you cripples, I'm a fifth all your cripples. Sorry, I'm caught up in the moment, guys, I'm caught up in the moment, okay? And to my father, who has been ruthlessly silenced, slandered, and attacked by a corrupt administration, I'm sorry. We know and America knows that they're not just after you, they're after all of us, and you just happen to be standing in their way. [Applause] She ended up like a bills for all you wives, girlfriend, plan B tomorrow, stay hard, bros, $5. Shout out to the OG Newners in the chat. Jackie Jean, $20. We love you, Jackie, Jackie Jean. John Muir, fuck you, Dan, Biceps, look good, by the way, thank you. I skipped on this, I didn't do what I'm saying, that's my fault. To all Americans watching tonight, the greatest retribution will be our success. Success not just for ourselves, but for our grandchildren and our children. Under President Donald J. Trump, the swamp will be drained, America will be respected, our cities will be safe. Our streets will be clean, and our border will once again be secure. [Applause] Not only said after Hogan, I jacked off, and American flag came out. Let's fucking go. Best stop, also. He sure did. We will have peace. We will have prosperity. Your hard earned tax dollars will enrich a better America, not be squandered in corrupt foreign nations. Education will be handed back to the States. We will no longer be 30th in the world. We will be first! We're going to be China. China. We're ranked 16th according to you. China is going to stay there. They're more disciplined, Bob. But he might mean, unless we start beating people. He might mean what? He might not. That might be a stat that doesn't include the university. It's not yet. I think it's primary. We got an EA sports college rating on that one. And then finally says, "Creed needs to try to kill a buyer." Our children will understand family. Our children will have values, and our children will love God. Our country will prioritize free speech, respect freedom of religion, and honor our constitution. The party I've ever come into a mass of chutes. As his son. Working on it. I've never been more proud of a person in my life. I've never been more proud of a person in my life. It's not true. A man who has defied all odds more than once. A man who believed in the promise of America when others turned away, a man who saw a nation in need of a champion, an answer to that call with unwavering determination and courage. A man who survived a bullet that was intended to eliminate him permanently from our future and from our family. Never have I been more proud to be a Trump. No. Hochomani is going to run wild. No. Watching this wall brighten an awkward for a PME course, looking back at the GU Boomer gamer. That sounds fucking terrible. Eric Scott, big ears. He doesn't do it. He's 6'5". Yeah, he's a big man. Never have I been more proud to stand by my father's side. I remain incredibly honored to be part of this journey, a journey with all of you. A journey to save the greatest country on Earth. A journey with the most incredible people I have ever met. Dad, five days ago, Laura, Luke, Carolina, and I, held our breath as we saw blood pour across your face. By the grace of God, divine intervention, and your guardian angels above, you survived. [Applause] Our Bobo says, I heard Wisconsin's doubling your population right, Bobo, I believe we have audio of that, somewhere we sure don't. I'm sure don't. I feel like we might, as hard as coming to Vegas, Michael Williams, yes, that's definitely on our list. I've got buddies there at the restaurant. You are the greatest coordinator I have ever seen. You are strong. You are faithful. You are unapologetic. We do have some audio, but not audio of how a baby is made. Your backbone is unbreakable. Your conviction to fight for what is right, and against all that is wrong, is truly next level. [Applause] We did hex race, we saw a kill time here, what was your name? [Applause] Like the PT doctor loves all the DB shirts, roosters, thank you for taking a look. You wipe the blood off your face and you put your fist in the air in a moment that will be remembered as one of the most courageous acts in the history of American politics. You shouted, bite, bite, bite. That was some badass shit dude, hex race, 182, did you guys see kill Tony? Yeah, I saw the important parts. Yeah, we did. That part where Gellis starts talking to that girl about her teddies and Trump's voice, God, I was so fucking kidding me. I'm honored to be your son. I'm honored to speak to our great nation tonight. You are a true leader. You epitomize strength. Our country loves you. Our country appreciates you. Our country misses you and on November 5th, our country will reelect you as a 47th president of the United States of America. Fuck, yes. Good night in the walking. Now what? 50 Cent? Introduce me. Introduce me as you all. Restiff the poem. Or just do this kid rocket 50 Cent do a mashup. Hang on, Dana White is supposed to come on before Trump, and then we did see Kid Rock in rehearsal earlier doing a different version of cowboy in relation to Trump, and I believe the state of Michigan. Right now, most bricked up, I've ever been in a fucking convention. This is the only one I've ever even paid attention to. And I think that's probably true for a lot of people. I bet there are a lot of people who probably don't care about voting or whatever the fuck that have gotten involved in the last couple of years because of getting fucked with from COVID and just everything else. Sure. Right? The economy's sucking and they're watching this. And like, oh, this isn't what I thought it was going to be. This is funny shit. This isn't a bunch of like angry old white people shit talk in the country. It's like people who have hope, who like we want it to be good. I like what Hogan said on Fox News earlier today, I think he was talking to fucking, I don't know, Cavuto or some asshole over there don't know which one it was. But he said, we're going to make it like America is starting to become the country that it's meant to be not what it, not like what it once was, but what it should be, right? Which because I think a lot of people get confused like, oh, we want our country back. It's like some people interpret that to mean the good old days. As in slavery, black people couldn't vote and women couldn't vote and this stupid shit like that. He made a clear distinction between that he goes like, when people say make America great again, they mean like the idea of America. You know what I mean? Yeah. And even in the break between shows today, like I went home, I had dinner with my wife and kids. We sat at the dinner table. We talked about the day. So dad's got to go back to work, unfortunately, but I love you guys. And I think a lot of families are like that or should be like that and hopefully we get back to that. I agree with him. It's not like we're trying to go back to an old time where whites control everything and all the other shit. That's not what it means. Well, it's just about your values, what you believe in and everything else. Now Bob, I know that you want your family. Your family wants your slaves back. I understand. I get it. Yeah. I want my shit back. Yeah, man. I want my fucking I want my mule to be working harder. What smart asking were you going to say you bitch? That I'm done. It's going to get a beer. My God. Speaking of beer, if you loved Hogan, go and buy his new beer. Check this out now. Chatted with him about it. If he wants back. He's probably only Florida right now. No, no, no. He's going around state to state. I think he's coming to Texas soon. We're trying to work out an interview soon with him. Oh. I think I put it on speaker. You guys were in the office. So I actually got to talk to him. I'll send him the invoice for this. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Well, we've got an interview. He was really fucking cool about it. I got noticed. We're going to have an interview sometime relatively soon with Don Jr. too. Great. I think he's going to be able to come into Austin, which is nice. That would be awesome. Do you lads honestly think there was something else other than competence behind the assassination intent? Look at it. All the evidence. I do. It's hard to disagree at this point. But we'll see. I just know how you let it go for that long. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions, but it's like, think about what you know what it makes me think about is the Capitol riots and how the police has let people in. And you can go either way on that. Maybe it was that they just didn't want to get overrun. Right. Fair enough. Yeah. But then I see them leading people through the Capitol on a guided tour. All right. Cool, man. That's fucking suspicious of shit. Yes. So like I'm not saying what happened. All I'm saying is it's fucking suspicious. But also I want to make this extremely clear to the audience here. Seeing who was there and hearing the response from Cheeto and the rest of those women who were on that detail, I don't really want to rule out incompetence on this for real. Like, I think when you're unqualified for the job and you don't do all the checkpoints that you're supposed to and you skip the line to go to a big boy job that you shouldn't have, I do want to leave incompetence on the table. I don't want to go full conspiracy. Like it really could have been just incompetence, hopefully next week when they do these committee hearings that'll be live on television, we can get some real fucking answers because I know goddamn well, the Republican side of this is going to go real hard. They're going to, they might run wild, actually. Yeah. If my wife is watching, yeah, you better stay up. And the whole commanding is running wild in the bedroom tonight. And they should. And also like, no one's giving you a medal if you were right first. No one cares if you were right. No. But to that point, everybody just wants the answer. I don't care who is right first. Like I don't give it to the people who are like, I have to say this now. Come on. Come on. Right. No one. You're not going to win anything. You're not. You're not. So you look on Twitter, everybody that posts any kind of news puts breaking and all caps before it, whether they broke that news or not. That's not a thing anymore. It's not a thing anymore. And genuinely looking at these videos over and over again and hearing that audio last night that I said on fake news earlier, there was so many incorrect instructions, so many different people that it was shocking. Oh, this is the first time we've seen Melania. We've not seen Melania. Go ahead and put this on screen. Literally like where the fuck is Melania? There you go. We haven't seen her in Paul again. What is she coming out to? Is this the floatest song? No. No, this is. Oh, I know this. Is this... I bet you it's a Slovenian composer. It'd be sick if it was. It sounds really familiar. Is it lobbying Rose? In the chat. Tell us what? What's up? JT, give us $5. You need to calm down. You're getting so bricked out by Shram. Oh, sorry. JB, so give us $100. Love you, brothers. Trump, Melania, runs wild. You're goddamn right. Sure does. She's a Lithuanian. We might... That shirt might be live on the site pretty soon. Never been on the cover of Vogue, by the way, although Jill Biden has four times. Don't really understand. Ovid J14, 20 bucks, he says, Dan, can you open the whiskey box for Ross? Nope. No. Can't do that tonight, guys. It's a classy amount. Sir Richard. We'll do it. We'll say everything in this show. Sir Richard enormous. Look at Vance. Look at Vance. Yeah. Even he's caught up in the magic of it. Sir Richard enormous is Dana White slaps his wife on stage. I doubt it. I doubt she'll be up there, so it's probably not a risk. By the way. You did do that. They told me and my wife not to look her in the eyes, because her shoe was so hot, our face would melt off. We did not call out the fact that Hulk Hogan did, I believe, references sex tape. This is... Oh, yeah. I did too. That's why. I agree. I agree. That's just how we talk. Hulk Hogan bleeds like a pig. Feels like a pig. It's a classic classic. Buffalo Bill says, "We'll know the truth and they'd be classifying 150 years like JFK." I agree. I don't think we're going to know the real truth. Bubba Canats or Crots says, "My girlfriend Anita says this is for Gary's V-Sec." Gary, do you have a vasectomy? I actually think we should pay for Gary's vasectomy and get it done in studio. Yeah. I would like to see you on some stirrups kind of spread out here and get a V-Sec live on air. Pop on in and grab a microphone, which you'd be willing to do that. Lindsay Annabel says it's not love V and Rose. It sounds really familiar though. No, it's not. I apologize. It's not. I don't know classical music. No, I want to have a bunch more kids. That's right. You already have one. Fuck, dude. I forgot. Well, you never see him. Yeah. Sorry about that. Well, that's why we're doing, Eric Breton, actually, this added it to the Instagram post. If you haven't seen it yet, I guess it's the short, the three-minute version of Street Gonzo is on Instagram. Now, you can go check it out over there. Oh, fuck yeah. Gary's page. Are we able to tag as a collaborator in that? Everybody. Let me collab. Drink it, bro? Everybody but me. Drinking, Rose, and, uh... And me? And Joel. What about me? I added it. I don't know if it worked. Well, I've been on my phone, so I'll check it. Dylan Schmigler says, "Plus cops are already scared to make the wrong call." Yes. I think that is one of the most important things in this assassination thing. Like, dude, they're going to pin this on the fucking local PD. There's... I do not blame... I don't place any blame on the local PD at all, man. That is the Secret Service's call. We've had Secret Service on the show. We've had snipers on the show this week. That is all of them, not those guys in Butler, PA. I guarantee you, what that police chief said on Fox News was fucking real. We don't have the resources. He was the county commissioner. Okay. Right. So, he's in charge of the entire area. So, I think what they said, if you didn't watch Fake News Day, which I recommend going to watch and catching up on this stuff, but what he said was, "They had the conversation. Secret Service gave them their security plan, and part of it was to park a car at that building and have personnel or whatever there, and they told Secret Service, "We can't do that. We don't have the people to do that." Yes. And it just didn't get done, which is fucked up, right? Yes. So, like, yeah. I mean, that part... Some stuff makes it hard to believe it was just incompetence. That makes it a lot easier, I guess, to believe it's in the conference. But I do not want to pin this on local PD, especially in a town that small. There's no fucking way they had the resources for that. That's the Secret Service's job, not theirs. They did the best they could, in my opinion. David Wise just gave $20 to do it. David Wise. JP says, "Enjoying the Imperial Hard A.F. tonight, Blue Raz in Cialis." I like that. I didn't know that... Oh, I didn't know that... Yeah, good for you. Are we calling that the Imperial? Good for you, yeah. I like that. Yeah. One of our listeners, Gloria, Emma's mom, right? Okay, yeah. So, Emma, her... One of our listeners' daughters is going to be making some videos soon of recipes you can make with all the flavors of Hard A.F. They're really good. Awesome. I'm a big fan of those guys. Love her and her boyfriend. They're great. Yeah, he was in the early stuff, too. He's an amateur guy like me. I think he might have been in the studio. They're fantastic. She was the other day. Day one dude, Adam Moss says, "Love you guys. Use the money for all the things, the things that go up your nose. Thank you." No, not Gloria whole, Reg. You fucking cunt. Wally's raging YT 10 bucks. Seeing how last row stole my tattoo, I see me and Gary get matching tattoos. You will absolutely pay for that. Yeah. Gary. What do you want? Is it a matching tat? Gary? Where is he? He pops in and out of that door. Do you feel like it sits still for a minute? Jesus Christ, dude. You're popping out of that door like Kramer. I think the Calvin and Hobbes kid pissing into Gary's asshole in the smallest bag. Oh, I would like that a lot. Or... Yeah. I would like that a lot. But it's got to be something that we can do on camera, though, Bob. Is there a tattoo that you've always wanted? Oh. Excellent. Yeah. All right. Yeah, what? Full back tat of Hunter S Thompson. I want to get my family crest on the back, but maybe filling this empty gap on my arm because I did my sleeve in reverse. I did the hand up. Oh. That's got to fill this in. Yeah. Wally's hitting my own way. Is it Faust across the back? What is it? No, it's just... Could the coat of arms or what? The coat of arms, which is... There's two aerations of it. One of them is a white fist clenched in the air, and I'm not going to get that one for obvious reasons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Holding a sword that's pretty badass. Okay. And is it a white man or...? It's probably a white man. Yeah. But Faust is a very old man. Faust is a very old man. He's a white power fist. It is. Put it up on screen, Bob. I don't know if we can. Yeah. We're streaming it through my screen. Yeah. Or streaming through the screen. Yeah. Yeah. It's Faust is a very, very old name. It is, yes. Yeah. Do you know the background, Dan? Yeah. Do you know the background? I know the play. Yeah. That's basically Faust is... The devil. Yeah. It means lucky. And the story behind it is the guy who sold a soul to the devil, the first guy ever to sell a soul to the devil. Yeah. Yeah. It was in Tombstone actually. Okay. So I've got... I just got... Jason Priestley was a big fan of that play, by the way. Sure was. I just got... Billy Zane was the fucking lead, bro. He was. Billy Zane. He got a sick son. That's the worst... And he got shot. The worst acting I've ever seen. He got shot. Billy Zane acting in another... We did something beautiful. You shot him. You killed him for it. Now from Breaking Benjamin, just texted me. What do you say? And he's... They're all the guys from Breaking Benjamin are on the bus listening to the show right now. He says, "I'll get a matching tattoo with Ross, anything he wants and I'll pay." Oh, shit. Dude. Awesome. So you get to pick. Great. So here's what I... A tattoo all over your face of you but slightly to the left, this is an old Dan Cummins joke. Then you just stand outside a 3D movie with the others and ruin people's lives. I want a Morgan Freeman tattoo over my face. Oh, yeah. That way, that's Morgan Freeman and then I can just do the voice every time I want. Well, would that be... I can just change my whole fucking persona. Would that be blackface or would you actually be a black man at that point? Not African-American but black. Yeah, it's a call because I'm not from Africa. But if you commit to it like that, I feel like you get at least say a soft A, not a hard R. Exactly. And a hard AF Seltzer, we are in all the... Hard RFs are so... Pigly-wiggly. I'm gonna be able to... Turn on! Here we go, kids! Uh, Schmelsinger says, "For the record, Tim Kennedy is in actual treasure, it rained through the sea hills like they don't like to love her, 'cause I don't like to love her." "Save by! Save by! Save by! Save by!" "Save somebody! Scream!" Turn it up. Turn it up. "I'm back with the beaver, had some bad David Slag, very pack of straws, straight rock and roll! No row gain in the pro-bay burn, but you're the one out in the living room, with a gift to cash from the city of truth. You know what you ask. Trump's gonna feel like a real fool when Thomas Kirk's family pays him enough money to perform at his funeral. No. Uh, but... I... I heard today that Trump won. I heard today that Trump won. You know what you ask? Trump's gonna feel like a real fool when Thomas Kirk's family pays him enough money to perform at his funeral. No, uh, but... I heard today that Trump is going to be a private ceremony for the firefighters that come tomorrow. They had his funeral today, so now I'll buy it for you. Weird old shooters have three names. I agree. I don't know why they do that. It's so... It's so they don't... Now especially. But you make that... It's so people don't fucking... Go after the wrong person. Oh smart. You know what I mean? I didn't know that. Any plans to go to the Pro Football Hall of Fame game this year? No, we don't do preseason toning, sorry. Real. That's... That's not a thing. Like ACPC, hand CC. You hear me? I've been a can. I've been a can. I've been a can. I've not been in that game, though. I'm not gonna show that game. Don't show that game. Pass that bottle around to rock the beat. You wanna know I dislike Kid Rock? This is the most America you could squeeze in one fucking hand tonight. Just like this is it. It's pretty good. It feels like a fucking spark. It's like a Republican coach telling dude, and I'm all in touch. She stopped. Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash! It's gonna be cowboy! I'm a single repat! Go this in the air! Let me see what you've been! Say fight! Fight! Say fight! Fight! Fight! Say fight! Fight! Fight! Say true! True! Uh-oh! I thought 50 was coming out. Me is. Is he? There's no way he doesn't come out. He says he comes out and I'll lose my shit. Then I'll put my dick out on him. 50 Cent's gotta come out and not even rap. He's gotta do what he did to Floyd Mayweather and be like, "Here you go Joe Biden. If you can read one page of Cat in the Hat, I'll vote for you." I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna go for it. Go this in the air. Let me see what you've been! Say true! True! True! True! True! True! True! True! True! True! True! I need to get you out of the net. One more time! One more time! There's a cat, a boy! Bad ass! A blackie! Say true! True! True! One side and side! From front to back! From front! True! True! I'm gonna detroit city! Back on the map! We say true! I genuinely say I've never seen a convention like this. Yeah, in my life. Yeah. By the way, there's probably a lot of cowboys in that room. He's not one of them. No! Hey, Triad, come back! Come back! My brother! Tina White! Tina White! Okay. Come back! Go! Roost or two bucks will be a proud partner party up in a few hours. Yeah, I hit it up. By the way, on that note, another meeting tomorrow about the next round. It'll be available to all you guys who keep an ear to the ground for that one. And that's whenever it's open again to start tripping again. This is Metallica! Man, it's a little out of their real house. What are the odds that Tina White, from those powers left? Not high. In least once? No, not high. No, you can kill this. You can kill this. Kill this audio. No, it's fine. This is great. This is fucking... Yeah, he is coming out. This is fucking Metallica, right? Is it a cover of Metallica? I don't know, but they're playing it on a telecaster with no reverb. This is out of their range, dude. They know early 80s, they know Yacht Rock and shit when they got it, when they got it in Metallica. JD says Gary's family crest is a picture of a single wide trailer. He sure is, dude. Single wide, dude. On fucking bricks. You piece of shit. Look at this black guy getting down. There it is. You gotta have some nice cutaways to black guys. Dixie Red gave us a hundred bucks for Gary's next hooker. Shit, dude. Gary, can you get a hooker for a hundo? Do you need more than that? 200. 200. Well, they gave it a hundred bucks for you. 200 roses. Actually, Gary, 200 roses. Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. We'll make it work. All right, here comes Dana. Wipes just asked for a piece of the stallion. It's told her she already ripped off for the Hulkster. Love you, fucks. New vonsports. That's Spider Rico. John Leitz. John Leitz. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am Dana White. I am the CEO and president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. So, two weeks ago, I got a call from President Trump asking me if I'd be willing to speak tonight. As usual, there was no pressure, no demands. He asked me as a friend, and, of course, I said yes. Then, after I accepted his offer, he sent me a text message and I just want to read to you a little piece of what President Trump wrote to me. Dana, I'm so honored that you will be doing the introduction at the National Republican Convention. Think of it as the biggest fight you ever had. Pretty nervous. They framed him out there. A fight for our country and even the world. I only wish you didn't have to interrupt your family trip, but I hope they understand. They love you and they know how important this is. Now, think about this. This man's running for President of the United States. He's fighting for the future of this country, and he's concerned about interrupting my family trip. That's the President Trump that I know, a man who truly cares about people. The mainstream media likes to push the narrative that he doesn't care about anyone but himself. I absolutely know that's not the truth because I've been friends with this guy for 25 years. For the people who know me, they'll know this is true. I just want to make something very clear. Nobody in the Trump campaign has ever told me what to say. Nobody tells me what to say, and I'm nobody's puppet. Except for Bud Light. Yeah. Bud Light's him. But 250 no. And I'm not telling you what to think, I'm telling you what I know, and I know President Trump. I know President Trump as a fighter. I've been saying this since 2015, now that you've been talking over the last 10 years, we have all seen it with our own eyes. I'm in the tough guy business, and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being I've ever met in my life. The higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never ever gives up. So what's at stake here? The answer is in President Trump's text. And I quote, "A fight for our country." I know why he's running for president again. Why else would he put himself through everything he's dealt with just to get back here? We all know he doesn't need this. This guy's got a great life. He has a beautiful family. Even Connor said that. He has to achieve everything he's going to possibly achieve in life. I know President Trump is literally putting his life on the line for something bigger than himself. And he's willing to risk it all because he loves this country. Biden is definitely out after tonight. The energy in this thing, this whole thing tonight, Biden is out. There's no way you can compete with this. And I know he wants what's best for the American people. All American people. I know he's running for president to save our American dream. I'm living the American dream, and I know the American dream is very real. Whether you were born in this country or came here from someplace else, this is the last real land of opportunity. President Reagan once said government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. And if you're buried in government red tape, how will you ever start your own business? If you're struggling to pay your bills, how can you ever afford to start a family? And if you don't feel safe in your own town, why would you ever buy a house? I know the President Trump is fighting to save the American dream, and that's what's at stake in this election. Bob, I saw you sink that hard-a-f box from about 15 feet out back there. Nice shot. Good idea. Beautiful shot. We want to leave this in this fight. That's white man athleticism. Sure is, dude. Not on the court, but here, but here. In the real arena. He was in the Oval Office. By the way, they talk about people not having kids anymore. You know, I know one of the main drivers of our dropping birth rates. What's up? It's not unaffordability or whatever. It's that we have just basically eradicated teen pregnancy. I know. I'm going to choose opportunity and prosperity. Like, nobody's getting pregnant in the back of a car anymore. Do you want to bring that back, Bob? I know. Is that on your campaign? Yeah, yeah. Birth rates. Teen pregnancy. Teen mom. And I'm not telling you what choice to make, and I'm not telling you what to think. I'm telling you what I know. I know America needs a strong leader, and the world needs a strong America. That Adderall shit and Dana, right? He needs a little water. He needs a little water. The President of the United States. My fellow Americans. It is my honor to introduce the 45th and soon to be 47th President of the United States. Donald J. Trump. There we go. So what's he walking up to then? Because he's in the stands. He's got to come down. Before he comes out, can I just read you the teen pregnancy birth rates? It's insane. In 1991, 61 out of 1,000 chicks getting pregnant in high school. It's down to 13. Oh, wow. Bob, this is Lee Greenwood. The Lee Greenwood. Is he there? He sure is. Oh, yeah, it's a tiny man. He swatched right out. We heard this in real life. Oh, yeah, I fucking cried. I mean, he's been riding the fucking song for a while now. I love him. You know what it is? I'm a texting buddy with him. He loves the show. It's where he got it. It's good. He's texting me all the time. He's doing a diet job. Now shut your fucking mouth, dude. He's like, "Go check your fucking mouth tonight." That's natural, like, cocaine. For real, we talk. We were at Rob O'Neal's golf charity thing. One time, Ross and I were shit-faced. And this song comes on and we're like, "It's Ross looked at me, we're over at the bar." And like, "Hey, is somebody singing that? Is this a cover?" We looked over there and it was fucking Lee Greenwood. It really wasn't. It was only like 150 of a cent. It was awesome. But it's the USA. Fuck yeah, Lee. Somebody stuck Lee's dick tonight. You know my real dick? Yeah. Yeah. Look at that, dude. Trump coming up in lights. That's Elvis in Vegas in 1976. Let me look at that, dude. Look at that. Look at that. It's a fucking spectacle, dude. There it is. There's Trump. Fuck you. Lee said, "No, I'm free, you're not." ♪ And I won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ Who came and prayed to me ♪ ♪ And I gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ If they fit first ♪ It all sincerity, though. You know what's weird to me is that he had to sit in the audience for four hours. No crap. And then walk on a stage and then give. However long a species is going to get into that. Usually a resident doesn't attend a convention like this. But they'll be on site taking meetings and stuff right now. But he's been... He's been watching me. He's been watching everything. I mean, I don't know why. But his kids were up there. Well, his kids were up there. I mean, I didn't want to like shit on Trump here, but like, it was a little bit more of a showman and a joy and adulation in a way that other presidents were also nuts. But you still need to focus. And like, giving a speech? Getting a speech requires... I think he's just rich. I would want to be able to... I would want to chill out for a while. He's a group that wouldn't chill out for a while. I don't want to chill out for a while. Look at me, dude. I need some fucking Keto and IQ to get through the goddamn... She likes to start the show and everything else now. David Wiss says, "Dan is my wife's kitchen pass." But he has to wear a ball gag. Down with that. John Bassade says, "My mom loves you guys. But it bothers you when you say "bricked up." So tell her you're "bricked up." Don is her name. Bricked up. Don, we're "bricked up." We're real bricked up. Look at him, dude. Does he rip off the bandage now? Rip off the fucking ear bandage. Let's see that thing. Rip off that fucking ear bandage. Go full van goo tonight, brother. I want to see it. I want to see the fucking ear. Michael Paul says, "All the way airborne." It was Hamilton longtime listener. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, wow. Shut up, Jesse. Thank you, Dana. No, he's got it. Thank you, Kid Rock. Sometimes referred to as Bob. Bob. Bob. And thank you, Lee, right from the beginning. Thank you very much. What a talent. What a beautiful, beautiful song. Thank you. Friends. Mullments. Delegates and fellow citizens, I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength and hope. Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory. And we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. Together we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single faith and a shared destiny. We rise together or we fall apart. I am running to be President for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for President of the United States. Thank you. (Applause) Jerry Russo, 50 bucks unburton by these nuts. Sure. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. (Applause) Thank you. (Applause) Thank you very much. Thanks for a great show. Thank you, Greg. And we will do it right. We will do it right. (Applause) Let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the American people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on Saturday. (Applause) As you already know, the assassins bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. So many people have asked me what happened. Tell us what happened, please. And therefore, I will tell you exactly what happened. Tell us the best. And you will never hear it from me a second time because it is actually too painful to tell. God damn it. It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler Township in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Oh, this is great. Liberals are so mad right now. And the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everybody was happy. I began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily. (Laughter) Because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border. We were very proud of it. (Applause) Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were absolutely amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to, like this, turn to my right. Look at this. Ah, he's milking it. I love it. And was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do. When I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear. I said to myself, "Wow, what was that?" It can only be a bullet. (Laughter) I moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood. Just absolutely blood all over the place. I immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack. And in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. Bullets were continuing to fly as very brave, secret service agents rushed to the stage. And they really did. They rushed. Look at that. They're showing it on the screen, dude. It's a Hollywood production, man. We're getting our fucking money's worth tonight. Give it to me, Donald, John Trump. Give it to me. These are great people. Beautiful people. At great risk, I will tell you. I have been pounced on top of me so that I would be protected. There was blood pouring everywhere and yet, in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. Sure did. Sure did, Bob. You guys are Catholic. Yeah. (Applause) That's the closest thing to a miracle I've literally ever seen. I agree. I'm not not a good joke. He should thank Joe Biden for fucking the border. The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassins bullet would have perfectly hit its mark and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together. The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later in almost all cases, as you probably know. Oh, no. And when even a single bullet is fired, just a single bullet and we had many bullets that were being fired, crowds run for the exits were stampeded, but not in this case. It was very unusual. This massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn't move an inch. In fact, many of them bravely, but automatically stood up looking for where the sniper would be. They knew immediately it was a sniper. And then began pointing at him. You can see that if you look at the group behind me, that was just a small group compared to what was in front. Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved, but that isn't the reason that they didn't move. The reason is that they knew I was in very serious trouble. They saw it. They saw me go down. They saw the blood and thought, actually, most did, that I was dead. They knew it was a shot to the head. They saw the blood and there's an interesting statistic. The ears are the bloodiest part. If something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body. For whatever reason, the doctors told me that. I said, why is there so much blood? He said, it's the ears. They bleed more, so we learned something, but they just... They just this beautiful crowd. They didn't want to leave me. They knew I was in trouble. They didn't want to leave me. You can see that love written all over their faces, too. Incredible people, they're incredible people. Bullets were flying over us, yet I felt serene, but now the Secret Service agents were putting themselves in peril. They were in very dangerous territory. Bullets were flying right over them, missing them by a very small amount of inches. And then it all stopped our Secret Service sniper from a much greater distance, and with only one bullet used, took the assassin's life, took him out. Fuck you, Matthew Brooks, Thomas Matthew Brooks. I'm not supposed to be here tonight. I'm not supposed to be here. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. I feel like I started it. I feel like I started that channel. I'm not even married. I feel like I started it. I think listening to us do this. I think they might be... Yeah, thank you. Which is, if you guys are listening, throw us some cash in the suit. But I'm not, and I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. In watching the reports, over the last few days, many people say it was a providential moment probably was. When I rose, surrounded by Secret Service, the crowd was confused because they thought I was dead, and there was great, great sorrow. I could see that on their faces as I looked out. They didn't know I was looking out. They thought it was over, but I could see it. I wanted to do something to let them know I was okay. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people that were breathlessly waiting and started shouting, "Fight, fight, fight." Look at that. That image is iconic to you, right? There's nothing you can say about that. Thank you. I watched Fist One Up, and it was high into the air. You've all seen that. The crowd realized I was okay and roared with pride for our country like no crowd I have ever heard before. Never heard anything like that. Finally, some pride in Pennsylvania. For the rest of my life, I will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in Pennsylvania. Tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow Americans, Corey, comparator, unbelievable person everybody tells me. And seriously wounded two other great warriors, spoke to them today, David Dutch and James Copenhagen, two great people. I also spoke to all three families of these tremendous people. Our love and prayers are with them and always will be. We're never going to forget them. They came for a great rally. They were serious trumpsters. I want to tell you. They were serious trumpsters and still are, but Corey, unfortunately, we have to use the past tense. He was incredible. He was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody, was accompanied by his wife, Helen, incredible woman I spoke to today, devastated, and two precious daughters. He lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was. By the way, his ghost funding is now over $5 million, which is awesome. Look at this, what's he doing Dan? We do a, in the army we have rifle and boots and a helmet with a dog tag straight over. I want to thank the fire department and the family for sending his helmet, his outfit, and it was just something, they're going to do something very special when they get it, but we did something, which cannot match what happened, not even close, but I am very proud to say that over the past few days we've raised $6.3 million for the families of David James and Corey, including from a friend of mine just called up, he sent me a check right here, I just got it, $1 million from Dan Newland, thank you Dan. And again, when speaking to the family I told them, I said, "Well, I'm going to be sending you a lot of money, but I can't compensate." They all said the same thing, "You're right, sir. We appreciate so much what you're doing, but nothing can take the place in the case of Corey." They're the two, by the way, they were very, very seriously injured, but now they're doing very well. They're going to be okay, they're going to be doing very well. So now I ask that we observe a moment of silence in honor of our friend Corey. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. This is the spirit that forged America in her darkest hours, and this is the love that will lead America back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. This is what we need. Despite such a heinous attack, we unite this evening more, determined than ever. I am more determined than ever, and so are you, so is everybody in the nation. He's in his fucking bag tonight, in the other way. Thank you, thank you very much. This was the calmer term that people were asking for in 2020, by the way. Our resolve is unbroken and our purpose is unchanged to deliver a government that serves the American people better than ever before. Nothing will stop me in this mission because our vision is righteous and our cause is pure. No matter what obstacle comes our way, we will not break, we will not bend, we will not break back down, and I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country, never have. And everything I have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, I pledge to our nation tonight. Thank you very much. Change that to our nation, going to turn our nation around and we're going to do it very quickly. Thank you. This election should be about the issues facing our country and how to make America successful, safe, free, and great again. In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before. In that spirit, the Democrat Party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy, especially since that is not true. In fact, I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country. And very big news, as you probably just read, when Monday a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federal judge in Florida, Eileen Cannon, finding that the prosecutor and the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional, and the entire case was thrown out, of course, with all of that publicity thrown out of here. If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I have been going through for approximately eight years. And they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. We're going to win it anyway, but worthy of our people. On this journey, I am deeply honored to be joined by my amazing wife, Melania. If you're wondering where Baron is, he's in the south with the Spice people. He's learning. He's learning. He's listening. He's listening. Thank you very much. You also did something really beautiful, a letter to America calling for a national unity, and it really took the Republican Party by surprise. I will tell you, it was beautiful. Facts from very serious, people said that we should take that letter and put it as part of the Republican platform. That would be an honor, wouldn't it? Right? Mr. Congressman? He is in his fucking back. But he's captivated so many. So I also want to thank my entire family for being here, Don Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared, Eric and Lara, Tiffany and Michael. Baron. We love our Baron. Yeah. Let's see Baron, brother. Stand up. Dude. Let's see Baron. And of course, my ten wonderful grandchildren, you saw a few of them up there on my lap before. Who's it done? I have a word if you call it junior. I should have called on my own word. And how good was Dana? Was Dana good? I mean, what now? Was he good? Do you think this is one of the teleprompies? You know he was there. Not. He was there. Probably the only vacation he's had. Oh, it was the worst job in the world. He works about about ten years with his wife. Very far away. I won't tell you where, but very, very far away, beautiful place. And my people called and he said, yeah, I won't be able to do it. This is many, many years, I promised my wife I can't do it. And they came in and they said, Dana won't be able to do it because he was my first second and third choice. I said, well, you know, that's too bad, but I understand he's away and that's good. It's good for him. And that was it about 30 minutes later. She came back in, sir. Dana just called. He's going to do it. And his wife, she said, you can't turn him down. You just can't do it. You have to go. That's a good wife. Sure is. She didn't want to get that's wrong, you know what I mean? She didn't want to. She didn't want his hands again. She didn't want to question him. You got him in a party. So he got in a plane, he got here a little while ago and now he's going to get on the plane in a little while and he's going to go back home to his wife. But they're great. And I just want to thank her and him and their whole family because that's not easy. The kid rocked. Same thing. Called. He said, I want to be a part of it. I want to be a part because you know, kid does his great song, big, big monster song. I had no idea. You know, it became a friend of mine over the last 10 years and he's amazing. Everyone loves him. I didn't even know how big he was. You know, he has rallies, 35, 40,000 people, he gets every time he goes out. I think he's making so much money, he doesn't know what the hell to do with it. If you want to rise. And then we have my other friend that I've known him so long and we took that song and it was a big success, but we made that. I saw a chart of great songs to America. That was number one on the chart recently, number one, so that's Lee Greenwood, very special, beautiful person. He's a beautiful man. He's hard and fucks tough. If they all wanted to be here, they called and how about the Hulkster? How good was he, isn't it? Oh, lags and dairies. Holster stole the show. Look at him, dude. Good boy. Oh boy. How he's in his fucking prime. Look at the Hulkster. Ricked up tonight, Hulkster, you did it. You know, they may call it, they may call that entertainment. I know about entertainment, but when he used to lift a 350 pound man over his shoulders and then bench press him, two rows into the audience, I said, "Maybe entertainment, but he is one strong son of a gun." I wouldn't tell you. I watched it many times. There aren't a lot of entertainers that can do that, right? You were fantastic. Thank you very much. Followed by Eric. What was that all about? Boy, that was good. I didn't want to really come up here. Eric was actually pretty much good. But he was so great. That's a good young man. He went through a lot of trouble, and Don last night was incredible. They went through so much trouble. They got subpoenaed more than any people, probably in the history of the United States. Every week they get another subpoena from the Democrats, crazy Nancy Pelosi, the whole thing. Just boom, boom, boom. Here we go. People can say Trump seems different. I've got to stop that because they're destroying our country. I think he is. I think he's more measured on America, great against not on beating people. That's what we need. That's what we need. That's what we need. Yeah, but we beat him on indictments. We beat him. But the time that you can't be angry at a time like this after you've got shot like this. The time that you have to spend, are they? I will say that regardless of whether or not he's tired, he'd have a much stronger and better country. Did the rhetoric, like the words or more measures, like whether or not the energy is supposed to be the word for absolutely more measures. Your tone is correct right now. And Jason, the biggest star in country music, Jason, thank you for being here. Jason Aldin. Jason. I don't know how many. I don't know how many. He's a small town. Hold on. I'll find him by Jason. I like his wife. I like his wife. I like his wife. He's a shot out too. Thank you, Jason. You need to share in war stories. I told you what happened in the last day of shooting. Someone came up. You're fighting by my side. It's a good day, Jason. And someone was like, oh my gosh, you've been Jason Aldin. The United States, the current senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, that is incredible wife. Usha. Usha. Yeah, look at all the fucking Republicans booing the Indian lady. They hate her. The media lies. Conservatives hate a woman who had a, like, a great career, who was able to be a fucking family or person. He's going to be a great vice president. He's going to be great. He'll be with this country and with his movement, greatest movement in the history of our country. Make America great again. When they criticize it, they say, we're going to try and stop Maggie. I said, Maggie, is it making America great again? What are you going to stop? There's nothing to stop. Then they say, oh, that's right. It's very tough to fight it. Actually, some Democrat politicians said it. And all of the people that did join him for him have failed, but he's going to be with us for a long time and it was an honor to select him. A great great student at Yale. His wife was a great student at Yale. They met at Yale. These are two smart people. So J.D., you're going to be doing this for a long time, enjoy the ride. And a very special thank you to the extraordinary people of Milwaukee and the great state of Wisconsin. How's it going to save us? That was a good spot. You are so easy to spot. And Green Bay is going to have a good team this year, right? They're going to have a good time. They're going to have a good time. They're going to have a good time to the audience. Most of the audience doesn't like it, but it's true. You're going to have a very good team, isn't it? And by the way, Wisconsin, we are spending over $250 million here creating jobs and other economic development all over the place. So I hope you will remember this in November and give us your vote. I am trying to buy your vote. I'll be honest about that. And I promise we will make Wisconsin great again, we're going to have to make that something. Thank you, Mr. Governor. Thank you very much. Thank you. I'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation, to every citizen, whether you're a young or old man or woman, Democrat, Republican or independent, black or white, Asian or Hispanic. I extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. Together we will lead America to new heights of greatness, like the world has never seen before. We were right there in the first term. We got hit with COVID. We did a great job. Nobody knew what it was, but nobody's ever seen an economy pre-COVID, and then we handed over a stock market that was substantially higher than just prior to COVID. Coming in did a great job. Never got credit for that. We got credit for the war and defeating ISIS and so many things, a great economy, the biggest tax cuts ever, the biggest regulation cuts ever, the creation of Space Force, the rebuilding of our military. We did so much. We did so much. Right to try. Right to try is a big deal. We got right to try. They were trying to get that for... God damn it. He's teaching us. He's teaching us to me. Somebody's terminally ill, and hopefully there's nobody in this audience but those are up in a lot. This is the right time for real. They're terminally ill and they can't use our new space age drugs and other things that we are way ahead. We're the greatest doctors in the world, the greatest laboratories in the world and you can't do it. They've been trying to get that approved for 52 years. Was it that easy? The insurance companies didn't want to do it. They didn't want the risk. The labs didn't want to do it because if it didn't work, people are pretty far down the line toward death. They didn't want to do it. The doctors didn't want to have it on their records, so I got everybody into an office. 52 years they tried. Sounds simple, but it's not. I got them to agree that somebody that needs it will, instead of going to Asia or Europe or someplace, or if you have no money going home and dying, just die, we got them to sign an agreement, agree to it where they're not going to sue anybody, they're going to get all of this stuff, they're going to get it really fast, and what's happened is we're saving thousands and thousands of lives. It's incredible. Right to try. It's a great feeling. It's going to extend to stem cells pretty soon too. Under our leadership, the United States will be respected again. No nation will question our power, no enemy will doubt our might, our borders will be totally secure, our economy will soar. We will return law and order to our streets, patriotism to our schools, and importantly we will restore peace, stability, and harmony all throughout the world. But to achieve this future, we must first rescue our nation from failed and even incompetent leadership. We have totally incompetent leadership. This will be the most important election in the history of our country. Under the current administration, we are indeed a nation in decline. We have an inflation crisis that is making life unaffordable, ravaging the incomes of working and low-income families, and crushing, just simply crushing our people like never before. They've never seen anything like it. We also have an illegal immigration crisis, and it's taking place right now as we sit here in this beautiful arena, it's a massive invasion at our southern border that has spread misery, crime, poverty, disease, and destruction to communities all across our land. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Then there's an international crisis, the likes of which the world has seldom been part of. Nobody can believe what's happening. The war is now raging in Europe, in the Middle East, a growing specter of conflict hangs over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, and all of Asia. And our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III. And this will be a war like no other war because of weaponry. The weapons are no longer army tanks going back and forth, shooting at each other. These weapons are obliteration. It's time for a change. This administration can't come close to solving the problems. We're dealing with very tough, very fierce people, they're fierce people. You're right. He's never mentioned fighting tanks. And you don't have fierce people. Not the name Joe Biden wants to do that, that's the fears, except when it comes to cheating on elections and other things, and they're fierce. They're fierce. And they had a change in speech, right? So tonight... I don't want to address Biden. I make this pledge to the great people of America. And they can't address the terrorists. I will end the devastating inflation crisis immediately, bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. We will drill, baby, drill... [Applause] Can you believe what they're doing? By doing that, we will lead a large-scale decline in prices. Prices will start to come down. Energy raised it. They took our energy policies and destroyed them. Then they immediately went back to them, but by that time, so much was lost. But we will do it at levels that nobody's ever seen before, and we'll end lots of different things. We'll start paying off debt and start lowering taxes even further. We gave you the largest tax cut. We'll do it more. You know, people don't realize I brought taxes way down, way, way down. And yet we took in more revenues the following year than we did when the tax rate was much higher. Most people said, "How did you do that?" Because it was incentive. Everybody was coming to the country. They were bringing back billions and billions of dollars into our country. The companies made it impossible to bring it back. The tax rate was too high. And the legal complications were far too great. I changed both of them. And hundreds of billions of dollars by Apple and so many other companies were brought back into our nation. And we had an economy, the likes of which nobody, no nation, had ever seen China. We were beating them at levels that were incredible. And they know it. They know it. We'll do it again, but we'll do it even better. I will end the illegal immigration crisis by closing our border and finishing the wall, most of which I've already built. On the wall, we were dealing with a very difficult Congress. And I said, "Oh, that's okay. We won't go to Congress." I call it an invasion. We gave our military almost $800 billion. I said, "I'm going to take a little of that money because this is an invasion." And we built -- most of the wall is already built. And we built it through using the funds because what's more -- what's better than that? We have to stop the invasion into our country that's killing hundreds of thousands of people a year. We're not going to let that happen. I'm not sure. Like the thousands of thousands. Why are you talking about? I will end every single international crisis. Oh, oh. That the current administration has created, including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine, which would have never happened. It's a money ball, Matt. And the war caused by the attack on Israel, which would have never happened if I was president. Iran was broke. Iran had no money. Now Iran has $250 billion. They made it all over the last two and a half years. That's true. They were broke. The other day on a show called Deface the Nation. Has anyone seen it? We met a congressman who was a Democrat, saying, "Well, whether you like them or not, Iran was broke dealing with Trump." I told China and other countries, "If you buy from Iran, we will not let you do any business in this country." And we will put tariffs on every product you do send in of 100 percent or more. And they said to me, "Well, I think that's about it. They weren't going to buy any oil." And they were ready to make a deal. Iran was going to make a deal with us. And then we had that horrible, horrible result that will never let happen again. The election result would never going to let that happen again. They used COVID to cheat. You're never going to let it happen again. And they took off all the sanctions and they did everything possible for Iran. And now Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon, which would have never happened. This is a shame. What this administration, the damage that this administration has done, and I say it often, if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the United States, think of it, the ten worst, added them up. They will not have done the damage that Biden has done. We're not even fucking close to Trump. I'm not going to use the name anymore. Just one time. Please stop calling everyone the words that he's done in his country. Yeah. Who's that of them? Thinkable. You can't. No, no, no, no. No. Andrew Johnson fucked up reconstructions. Yeah, but he did it on purpose. No, no. The other guy. You can't do it on purpose. That would be it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Andrew Johnson just fucking fumbled the ball. In our lifetime, no. Just a few. He's got to be worse. You could say our lifetime, whatever. But ten worst of all, we there have been ten presidents in our lifetime. It's just George Bush for that. Yeah. Bush was probably worse than honestly. The greatest. W, yeah. Then Biden? No. No, no, no. Not worse than Biden. It's not great. There's a worse economic collapse in worst wars under Georgia, W.S. Am I wrong on that? No. But he had no inflation. And then, by the way, you can't lay all that at his feet because a lot of that was voted on by Democrats, including Tarff. You're right. I agree on the economic collapse, but Iraq was. Yes, that. No. I mean, everybody voted for Iraq. Yeah. The only one. Yeah. That's fine. But where does the buck stop? Sure. Yeah. If it stops the Congress, who's the only one allowed to authorize war? We're making great wages. Yeah. The highest. It is. Matter of fact, it's the last time they didn't declare war. They didn't declare war. They didn't declare war, yeah. They're just being destroyed. They're not putting away anything. They're barely living. They're going into savings accounts that taken out their money to live because of inflation. Inflation, remember, it's called a country buster. You can go back to Germany from a hundred years ago. You can go back to any country that suffered great inflation. We've suffered the worst inflation we've ever had. You can go back and see what's happened to those countries. We've had the worst inflation we've ever had under this person. But in less than four years, our opponents have turned incredible success into unparalleled tragedy and failure. It's been a tremendous failure. Today, our cities are flooded with illegal aliens. Americans are being squeezed out of the labor force and their jobs are taken. By the way, you know who's taking the jobs, the jobs that are created? 107 percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens. And you know who's being hurt the most by millions of people pouring into our country? The black population and the Hispanic population because they're taking the jobs from our black population, our Hispanic population, and they're also taking them from unions. The unions are suffering because of it. Thank you. Thank you. I like you, too. Thank you very much. Inflation has wiped out the life savings of our citizens and forced the middle class into a state of depression and despair. That's what it is. It's despair and depression. We cannot and will not let this continue less than four years ago. We were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. We're going to be a great nation again. Thank you. With proper leadership, every disaster we are now enduring will be fixed and it will be fixed very, very quickly. So tonight, whether you've supported me in the past or not, I hope you will support me in the future because I will bring back the American dream. That's what we're going to do. You don't even hear about the American dream anymore. The difference between a 78-year-old stronger than a 91-year-old Biden is not... I am asking you to be excited about the future of our country. Be excited, be excited. And by the way, the news reports, oh, look at all of those big networks, look at them. They're all here. But every one of them has said this could be the most organized, best-run and most enthusiastic convention of either party that they've ever seen, every single one. And it's true. It's true. And there's love in the room. There's great love in the room. The guys' boner just popped out of its skin down there and some medics got it. Yeah. They're going to sell it back home. Oh, I better finish strong. Otherwise, we'll blow it. And we can't let that happen. Now, this was great, all of the great people that spoke and everybody hit a home run. I mean, there's not one that I can think of where I said, "Oh, gee, that wasn't great." Every single person. I refuse to be the only one. Don't do that to me. They're already getting ready. See, I gave them an idea. Now, we had a... This was a great convention. This was... I think we're actually going to go home and miss it, you know, usually with a con... First of all, look at these crowds. You'd never have this at a convention. Look at these crowds. [Applause] Love, it's about love. This week, the entire Republican Party has formally adopted an agenda for America's renewal and you saw that agenda. And it's very short compared to the long, boring, meaningless agendas of the past, including the Democrats. They write these things at 100s of pages long and they never read them after they're done. In their case, fortunately, they don't read them because they're pretty bad. It's a series of bold promises that we will swiftly implement when you give us a Republican House. And Mr. Speaker, thank you very much. We have our great speaker of the House with us tonight, Mr. Speaker. Thank you very much. [Applause] Thank you. [Applause] A Republican Senate. We have many senators here. Adam Hagler says this is what the Dems felt like in '08. It was. I was at Obama's rally. I was at Obama's rally in LA and they were going months from now, we're talking about just months. For real. He can't come. He can't come. And there's nothing Republican can do about him. Fast enough. We have to get it done. First, we must get economic relief to our citizens starting on day one. We will drive down prices and make America affordable again. We have to make it affordable. It's not affordable. People can't live like this. Under this administration, our current administration, groceries are up 57 percent, gasoline is up 60 and 70 percent, mortgage rates have quadrupled. And the fact is it doesn't matter what they are because you can't get the money anywhere. You can't buy houses. Young people can't get any financing to buy a house. The total household costs have increased an average of $28,000 per family under this administration. Republicans have a plan to bring down prices and bring them down very, very rapidly. By slashing energy costs, we will in turn reduce the cost of transportation, manufacturing and all household goods. So much starts with energy. And remember, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country by far. We are a nation that has the opportunity to make an absolute fortune with its energy. We have it and China does it. And Bushballs, thank you. Under the Trump administration, just three and a half years ago, we were energy independent. But soon, we will actually be better than that. We will be energy-dominant in supply, not only ourselves, but we will supply the rest of the world with numbers that nobody has ever seen, and we will reduce our debt, $36 trillion. We will start reducing that, and we will also reduce your taxes still further. Next -- and, by the way, they want to raise your taxes four times -- think of it -- and all my life, I grew up watching politicians. I always loved politics. I guess I was on the other side. I'd watched the -- and they were always talking about we will give you a tax cut. We will give you a tax cut. My whole life I was watching, I will give you a tax cut, right, Mr. Congressman? That's all they talked about. This is the only administration that said, we're going to raise your taxes by four times what you're paying now, and people are supposed to vote for them. I've never heard it. You're paying too much, we're going to reduce your taxes, still further. We gave you the biggest one, as I said. We're going to give you more, and it's going to lead to tremendous growth. We want growth in our country, and that's what's going to pay off our debt. And next, we will end the ridiculous and actually incredible waste of taxpayer dollars that is fueling the inflation crisis, they've spent trillions of dollars on things having to do with the Green New Scam, it's a scam. And that's caused tremendous inflationary pressures in addition to the cost of energy. And all of the trillions of dollars that are sitting there not yet spent, we will redirect that money for important projects like roads, bridges, dams, and we will not allow it to be spent on meaningless Green New Scam ideas. And I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one, thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now, and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car. And right now, as we speak, large factories, just started, are being built across the border in Mexico, so with all the other things happening our border, and they're being built by China to make cars and to sell them into our country, no tax, no anything. The United Auto Workers ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen, and the leader of the United Auto Workers should be fired immediately in every single order worker. Union and non-union should be voting for Donald Trump because we're going to bring back car manufacturing and we're going to bring it back fast, they're building some of the largest auto plants anywhere in the world. Think of it in the world, we're going to bring it back, we're going to make them, we don't mind that. We don't mind that happening, but those plants are going to be built in the United States and our people are going to man those plants. And if they don't agree with us, we'll put a tariff of approximately 100 to 200 percent on each car, and they will be unsellable in the United States. We have long been taken advantage of by other countries, and think of it, oftentimes these other countries are considered so-called allies. They've taken advantage of us for years. We lose jobs, we lose revenue, and they gain everything and wipe out our businesses, wipe out our people. I stopped it for four years, I stopped it, and we're really ready to make changes like nobody had seen before. And remember, a USMCA, I got rid of NAFTA, the worst trade deal ever made, and replaced it with USMCA, which is, they say the best trade deal ever made. Actually, probably the best trade deal was the deal I made with China, where they buy $50 billion worth of our product, they were buying nothing. They buy $50 billion worth, they had to, but I don't even talk about it because of COVID. I don't even mention it, frankly, because of what happened with the China virus. Yeah, there it is. I was waiting for it, China, China virus. We will not let countries come in, take our jobs, and plunder our nation. They come and do that, they plunder our nation, the way they will sell their product in America is to build it in America, very simple, build it in America, and only in America. And this very simple formula in Congress has to go along with us, and they will. This very simple formula will create massive numbers of jobs. We will take over the auto industry again, and many, many hundreds of thousands of jobs. We lost so many jobs over the years. If you go back 20, 25 years, they've stolen going to China and Mexico, about 68 percent of our auto industry manufacturing jobs. We're going to get them all back, we're going to get them all back every one of them. Bob, you said 90 minutes. At the center of our plans, in the economic relief, our massive tax cuts for workers that wrapped this shit up to that is because they started late. I don't care about that, there's no reason his speech should be this one, it's from American people. It's tired, I'm reading people talking about it, they are not like this. It's called no tax on tips, no tax on tips, no tax on tips, no tax on tips, no tax on tips. Yes, you're a fucking child, you live in a fucking 80D world. It has nothing to do with that, like fucking be clear and concise and get on with it, this is ridiculous. I don't know if you saw this, there was a little bit of a scandal, I don't know if you saw this, there was a little bit of a scandal, I'm fucking tired. People were saying the firefighters name was misspelled on his jacket. I know, so people were saying that, but they have a picture of it earlier, so I guess the fire department just misspelled it, or it was misspelled the whole time, so if you, I'm not sure if you see people trying to dunk on that, that's the Trump campaign fucked it up or whatever. Not the case. No, I didn't see any of that. In fact, I saw a little bit of it, the reviews I'm seeing are the people calling it as trending number one of the world. People like the measured tone, but he's getting a bit. They took so much of our money, it's ridiculous, and they don't believe anything we say. But if you give time, they should make a convention, this is what it is. I've seen agents to go after me even more. This is what a convention is. He's been rambling for a while now. And I said, this shows the level of my, you know, most people who are out there hire consultants, they pay millions of dollars. But I said to her, let me just ask you a question. Would you be happy if you had to tax and crush this? She said, what a great idea. I got my information from a very smart waitress that's better than spending millions of dollars. When we do the DNC, we're seeing the same thing, unless it's Biden, it won't be him. He won't even see a driver come in the same thing. That is a large... But this is what these things are. People that are being really hurt badly, they make money, let them keep their money. I'm going to protect Social Security and Medicare. Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because all of these people, by the millions, they're coming in. They're going to be on Social Security and Medicare and other things and you're not able to afford it. They are destroying your Social Security and your Medicare. Under my plan, incomes will skyrocket, inflation will vanish, completely jobs will come roaring back and the middle class will prosper like never, ever before, and we're going to do it very rapidly. No hope or dream we have for America can succeed unless we stop the illegal, immigrant invasion. The worst that's ever been seen anywhere in the world has never been an invasion like this anywhere. Third world countries would fight with sticks and stones not to let this happen. The invasion at our southern border, we will stop it and we will stop it quickly. You heard Tom Holman yesterday, Tom Holman put him in charge and just sit back and watch. He might be the DHS Secretary at some point, Tom Holman. He's probably going to be, he was the acting ice director. He's incredible. These guys, he's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He might be the DHS Secretary at some point. Brandon Judd. Tom Holman. Tom Holman. He's probably going to be. He was the acting ice director. He was incredible. These guys, he's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. These guys. He's probably going to be. He's probably going to be. He'll go into a pack of MS-13 killers. They're the worst. I got rots. Probably the worst gangs in the world. He's fucking sharp. We have thousands of them. I moved thousands and thousands out in my four years. We moved them out and it was a pleasure. But I said we'd go right into a pack of these killers and you see fist flying. You see everything flying and then they take them. They put them in a patty wagon. They take them back and they get them out of our country. And the other countries weren't accepting them back and I called up and I said tell them that we're not giving them economic aid anymore. And the next day I got calls from all of these countries that were terminated. Billions of dollars we spend on economic aid to countries that does us frankly no good. And the next day I was called by everybody. I couldn't take all the calls. "Sir, sir, what's the problem?" I said, "You won't take your killers back that you sent in caravans into America. You won't take them back." Well, sir, if you'd like us to, we would give very serious consideration to do it. And within 24 hours they were being taken back for years and years. When I first came in, they said President Obama tried to get him to go back and they wouldn't accept him. They put planes on the runway so he couldn't lead the plane. They closed the road so he couldn't take the buses. They'd all have to turn back. As soon as I said, no more economic aid of any kind to any country that does that. They called back and they said, "Sir, it would be a great honor to take MS-13." We love them very much. We love them very much, sir. We'll take them back. At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this Porter nightmare and fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America. And we're going to do that on day one. That means two things in day one, right? Drill baby drill and close our borders. Five years, ten years, it's shutting down. And by the way, and I think everybody as a Republican, as a patriot in this room and most Democrats, we want people to come into our country, but they have to come into our country legally, legally. Less than four years ago, I handed this administration the strongest border in American history. But you can see on the chart that saved my life -- that was the chart that saved my life. I said, "Look it, I'm so proud of it." I think it's one of the greatest -- it was done by the Border Patrol, one of the greatest charts I've ever seen, it showed everything just like that. You know the chart. Oh, there it is. That's pretty good, wow. Last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it. But without that chart, I would not be here today. I never got to look at it. I said, "You got to see this chart. I was so proud of it, and by the time I got to there, I never got to see it that day." But I'm seeing it now, and I was very proud. If you look at the arrow in the bottom, that's the lowest level, the one on the bottom -- heavy red arrow -- that's the lowest level of illegal immigrants ever to come into our country and record in history, right there. And that was my last week in office. And then you see what happened after I left. Look at the rest. And if you go out a little bit further, it's getting to be a little bit old. But I love it anyway, right? But you can go much higher with those numbers. Look what happened. Right after that, the invasion began. We had the opposite. We stopped the invasion. But the invasion that we stopped was peanuts by comparison to what happened after I left. Look at what happened after I left. They took over our country. We ended all catch and release. We shut down a silent fraud. We stopped human trafficking and forged historic agreements to keep illegal aliens on foreign soil. We had to stay on this soil. Under the Trump administration, if you came in illegally, you were apprehended immediately and you were deported. You went right back. The current administration terminated every single one of those great Trump policies that I put in place to seal the border. I wanted to seal the border again. So, Bob, I know it's either 1/14 right now or 2 hours. So many people, hundreds of thousands of people have been working for years to come into our country. You don't. You're tired. You beat to do. Yeah. You've checked out, Bob. I got your own shit going on. I got 1/14. They suspended. I started at 9/19. Wall construction ended for Maine in Mexico. We had a policy. Remain in Mexico. You think that was easy to get from the Mexican government? If you're 90, I have an hour. If you don't give it to us, there will be repercussions and they gave it to us. I literally wrote down exactly when he started talking. A safe third, agreements, demolished Title 42, implemented nationwide catch and release. That's catch and release where we catch them and release them into our country. I had, we catch them and release them into Mexico. It was a slight difference. And took 93. This is the previous administration, 93 executive actions to throw open our border to the world. The entire world is pouring into our country because of this very foolish administration. The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country. They are coming in from every corner of the area. Not just from South America but from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, they're coming from everywhere. Also, the greatest invasion in history. It's never seen before. It is an invasion in Germany. John Rogers, we appreciate it, bro. Bob, I would have reminded you that history began on July 4th. 1776 and everything before, that wasn't a mistake, I don't want to hear any more about it. The fact that institutions and insane asylum, I, you know, the press is always on me because I say this, has anyone seen silence of the lambs? I mean, let's go. Hannibal Lecter. He'd love to have you for dinner. What is he talking about? This is an old call back to another crowd. That's insane asylum. They're emptying out there and saying assalums. And terrorists are coming in at numbers that we've never seen before. Bad things are going to happen. Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are going down because they're taking their criminals and they're putting them into our country. A certain country, and I happen to like the president of that country very much, but he's been getting great publicity because he's a wonderful shepherd of the country. He says how well the country is doing because their crime rate is down. And he said he's training all of these rough people, they are rough, rough, rough. He's training them. And I've been reading about this for two years. I think, oh, that's wonderful. Let's take a look at it. But then I realize he's not training them. He's sending all of his criminals, his drug dealers, people that are in jails. He's sending all of them off to the United States, and he's different in that he doesn't say that. He's trying to convince everybody what a wonderful job he does in running the country. Well, he doesn't do a wonderful job. And by the way, if I ran one of the country's many countries, I don't know what this fuck is too many of us. I would be worse than any of them. But they basically emptied out their presence and sent everybody here, which is not, I mean, not very neighborly. Your El Salvador just killed them all. But we've become a dumping ground for the rest of the world, which is laughing at us. They think we're stupid. And they can't believe that they're getting away with what they're getting away with, but they're not going to be getting away with it for long. That's what I can tell you. Thank you, Casey Selner, Grand Rapids, it's going to be not on Saturday. You're right. It is. It is. In Venezuela. Caracas. High crime. Caracas, Venezuela, really a dangerous place, but not anymore. Because in Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent. In fact, if they would ever win this election, I hate to even say that. We will have our next Republican convention in Venezuela because it will be safe. Our cities will be so unsafe, we won't be able. We will not be able to have it there, and El Salvador murders are down by 70 percent. Why are they down? Now, he would have you convinced that because he's trained murders to be wonderful people. No. They're down because they're sending their murderers to the United States of America. This is going to be very bad. And bad things are going to happen, and you're seeing it happen all the time. That's why to keep our families safe, the Republican platform promises to force the largest deportation operation in the history of our country. So, that's what the Democrats, didn't we make them worried about? He was a moderate, but he believed very slowly in borders, he had the largest deportation operation we've ever had. As recently I spoke to the grieving mother of Jocelyn Nungari, a wonderful woman, a precious 12-year-old girl from Houston who, last month, was tied up, assaulted, and strangled to death after walking to the convenience store, just a block away from her house. Her body was dumped near the side of the road in a shallow creek found by some onlookers who couldn't believe what they had witnessed. Charged with Jocelyn's heinous murder to illegal aliens from Venezuela, who came across our border, were in custody, and were then released into the country by this horrible, horrible administration that we have right now. I also met recently with the heartbroken mother and sister of Rachel Moran. Rachel was a 37-year-old mom of five beautiful children who was brutally raped and murdered while out on her runs. Rachel wanted to keep herself in good shape, it was very important as she was murdered. The monster responsible first killed another woman in El Salvador before he was led into America by the White House, this White House let them in. He then attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother in a home invasion in Los Angeles before murdering Rachel in Maryland, traveled all throughout the country doing tremendous damage. Rachel's mother will never be the same. I spent time with her, she will never be the same. I've also met with the wonderful family of Lake and Riley, the brilliant 22-year-old nursing student. She was so proud of being first in her class, who was out for a jog on the campus of the University of Georgia when she was assaulted, beaten, and horrifically killed. Yet another American life was stolen by a criminal alien set free by this administration and these were incredible people we're talking about, these were incredible people who died. Tonight America, this is my vow, I will not let these killers and criminals into our country. That's racist. You have to let killers and criminals in, otherwise you're racist. Everybody knows that. I'm sure the Democrats would say that. Oh yeah. I will keep our sons and daughters safe, as we bring security to our streets, we will help bring stability to the world. I was the first president in modern times to start a new war. Daniel Schultz, let the man cook, he's fired up, he's a free speech guy. Let's go Trump. I agree. If you've ever seen him, he wouldn't have seen him a million times. He goes for an hour and a half. He's a strong country. It's like a spring to be a tough leader, a tough guy, a press doesn't like him because he's tough. He came out recently. I think it's more like fish. They're like, I bet you don't think we're in a jam. 40 minutes. What's happening? I don't think we can do it. 40 minutes is one song. I don't think we can do fucking. And if you don't think part of this is, I don't want it coming into my front door and I can just go. I'm trying to shut that down. I think that's a huge part of it. But they said to him, tell us what's going wrong, what's happening. What is it? He said there's only one way you can solve it. We have to riff off the teleprompter, it's so fucking difficult. I saw a tweet earlier from one of the guys I follow. He's kind of a moderate, but he's at the RNC, he's a journalist. It's Richard Dreyfus, he's like, he took a picture of the teleprompter and he's like, he hasn't been reading anything off of this. It's so hard to do. No, but not a bad way. He's just gripping and ripping. But he's still got to keep up with it at some point. To get back to what you want to talk about next. It was at peace and now the world is blowing up around us. All of these things that you read about are not going to happen. Love from Canada. Shout out. Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea under the current administration. Russia is after all of Ukraine. Under President Trump, Russia took nothing. I mean, that is, I sent this to Baker. Exactly. What you said, word for word on this show, four weeks ago. It's true though. I love to keep it. It's true. Yeah, it is true. We defeated 100% of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Something that was said to take five years, sir, it'll take five years, sir. We did it in a matter of a couple of months. We have a great military. Our military is not woke. It's just some of the fools on top that are woke. I got along very well, North Korea, Kim Jong Un. I got along very well with them. The press hated when I said that, "How could you get along with him?" You know, it's nice to get along with somebody who has a lot of nuclear weapons, or otherwise, isn't it? See, in the old days they say, "That's a wonderful thing." Now they say, "How could you possibly do that?" But now I got along with them, and we stopped the missile launches from North Korea now. North Korea is acting up again, but when we get back, I get along with them. They'd like to see me back, too, I think he misses me if you want to know that, too. If he does this for 90 minutes, I'll listen. I just don't get granular on the details, man. I don't want to hear that shit. Look at that attack on Israel. Look at what's happening with Ukraine. The cities are just bombed out. How can people live like that where buildings, massive buildings are falling to the ground? It began to unravel with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst humiliation in the history of our country. We have never had a humiliation like that. Thirteen heroic U.S. service members were tragically and needlessly killed. Forty-five others were horrifically wounded. Nobody ever talks about them. No arms, no legs, face explosions, horrifically wounded. By the way, we have a man in this room who's running for the U.S. son from a great stake in Nevada named Sam Brown. No, I don't love Sam Brown. Who paid the ultimate price. He is a... Thank you, Sam. That might show him. He is like badly. Thank you, Sam. He is burned from one of my other reasons. I don't know if you do a person. Thank you. I don't know him, though. A home cows probably there, too. He won his primary Virginia. He's going to be a senator. He paid the biggest price. He was on cities in a couple of months. Probably ever paid by anybody that is running for office, and I think he's going to do great. He's running against a person that is not good, not respected, a total life wave. Sam, I think paid really, were talking about it. Who just died some Hawaii who had serious injuries in World War II. Oh, yeah, anyway. He's a fucking hero, like straight up, instead of in one of the Medal of Honor, frankly. But he did. The real hero, a really great person that he's running. And I hope that everybody gets out and votes for Sam Brown. We also left behind $85 billion worth of military equipment, along with many American citizens we're left behind. Many, many American citizens, emboldened by that disaster, Russia invaded Ukraine. They saw this group of people that were incompetent. We took the soldiers out first. No, no, we're going to take the soldiers out second. If they would have followed my plan, we had a great plan. Oh, he did. He did. He does have a Medal of Honor. They did everything perfectly. And they weren't doing things perfectly. So we said it doesn't kick in. You know, 18 months in Afghanistan, we didn't have one, so they were killing them left and were snipers. What were his injuries? He fought in the European theater because he was Asian, and they didn't want any Asians to fight in the theater, I believe. And he was fighting in Italy or something like that. I think it was in the Taliban. The press got on me. Why would you speak to him? Because that's where the killing is. I don't have to speak to somebody that has nothing to do. The 442nd temperature. And I told him don't ever do that. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever ever do that again. You're going to stop. Because during the Obama administration, many great people and soldiers, a lot of soldiers were being killed from long distance. I said if you keep doing that, you're going to be hit harder than anybody's ever been hit by a country before. And he said I understand your excellency, call me your excellency. I wonder if he calls the other guy your excellency, I doubt it. The other guy gave him everything. I mean, what kind of a deal was that? He walked out and gave him everything. Do you know that right now Afghanistan is one of the largest sellers of weapons in the world? They're selling the brand new beautiful weapons that we gave them to Gaza actually. But think of it, he actually said to me, "But why but why do you show me a picture of my home?" I said, "You'll have to ask your people who are one of your wives." But he could figure it out. And for 18 months, we had not one attack on an American soldier by the Taliban. And then we had that horrible day where soldiers were killed. I was not there because of a ridiculous election, but we had that horrible attack and they also gave up Bagram, one of the biggest bases anywhere in the world, air bases, anywhere in the world, the longest runways, most powerful, hardened, thickened runways. We gave it up and I liked it, not because of Afghanistan. I liked it because of China. It's one hour away from which China makes their nuclear weapons. Kelsey is supposed to leave USA with Trump. And you know who has it now, China has it now. They won't. I can't do that. I've never heard that away. Even if they said it, they never will. And now China is likewise circling Taiwan and Russian warships and nuclear submarines are operating. In Weihu, the Senator, he lost an arm and then killed two people. Press refuses with his lost arm. No, no. I went up with the bomb. Yeah, he's a fucking animal that guy. I will tell you that headlines every day would be what's wrong with our president. You don't even hear this. You're not hearing about this. Russia has nuclear submarines and warships, 60 miles away, Mr. Congressman from Miami, by the way, happens to be German shoulder flight with 30 millimeter Adam in Cuba, taken off his arm. Then he killed him. And that would not be stood for. Then he killed his ass. Yeah. And you know what he said? They're like, why don't you keep going after you're injured? And he goes, no one called off the war. And the entire world. Amazing. I tell you this, we want our hostages back and they better be back before I assume office where you will be paying a very big price. With our victory in November, the years of war, weakness and chaos will be over. Yeah, you know, I think I have wars, I have no wars other than ISIS, which I defeated. Trump is in his mid 70s. He's 78. He's like 70s. And he is able to keep going like this. Not here. This is every day. This is every day. He is on better speed than me. I know. I could not do this. I'm telling you, fucking Jimmy, he's going to set a record of the Trump calling it a break, to be honest. To ensure that no one can strike our homeless speed, taking this for the longest life. I think he's going to build it, and Wisconsin, Wisconsin, just like I gave you that massive ship contract and you're doing a very nice job, Governor Wright, thank you, Governor. And they're doing a great job. In fact, I had a little design change and we gave them a tremendous for essentially what we used to call destroyers. These are now the most beautiful. They look like yachts. They said, "We have to take the bow and we have to make it a little nicer and a little point at the top instead of a flat nose." And the people at the shipyard said, "This guy sort of knows what he's doing. We have the most beautiful ships, right, Governor, and everybody sitting over there." And it was a big contract that everybody wanted and gave it to Wisconsin. But we're going to have a lot of that built right here in the state of Wisconsin and all other states, Israel has an iron dome, they have a missile defense system, 342 missiles were shot into Israel, and only one got through a little bit. It was badly wounded. It fell to the ground, but most of them are. And Ronald Reagan wanted this many years ago, but we really didn't have the technology many years ago. Remember they called it Starship Spaceship. Star Wars. Anything to mock him, but he was a very good president, very, very good. But now we have unbelievable technology. And why should other countries have this? And we don't. No, no, we're going to build an iron dome over our country and we're going to be sure that nothing can come and harm our people. Dan, what is the situation on that again? Yeah, you still already have. We've got some stuff. We've got some stuff. We've got some stuff. We're sending it out to other countries in order to help. But we don't have something that can be a few hypersonic weapons. We will unleash the power of the innovation. Can they go low to the ground relatively compared to us? Yeah, I mean, it's not in the verge of finding the cures to cancer, Alzheimer's disease and many other diseases. We're going to get to the bottom of it. You remember this gentleman that I don't want to mention other than one time I had to, because when you say you're the 10 worst, I had to do it. I didn't want anybody to be confused. But this man said, we're going to find the cure to cancer, nothing happened. We're going to get to the cure for cancer and Alzheimer's and so many other things. We're so close to doing something great. But we need a leader that will let it be done. We will not have men playing in women's sports that will end immediately. It's like my Title IX and Biden administration redefining us, rewriting it. And we will restore and renovate our nation's once great cities, making them safe, clean and beautiful again. That includes our nation's capital, which is a horrible killing field. So many things. They leave from Wisconsin. They go to look at the Washington Monument. They end up getting stabbed, killed or shot. We will be very soon, very proud of our capital. Again, Washington, D.C. America is on the cusp of a new golden age, but we will have the courage to seize it. We're going to take it. We're going to make it a current -- I mean, we're going to bring this into a golden age like never seen before. Remember this, China wants to do it, Japan wants to do it, all of these countries want to do it. We have to produce massive amounts of energy if we're going to produce the new -- if you look at some of the things that have been done and some of the things that we're going to do, but AI needs tremendous -- literally twice the electricity that's available now in our country, can you imagine? But instead, we're spending places where they recharge electric cars. They built eight chargers at a certain location toward the Midwest. Eight chargers for $9 billion. Think of them as a tank for filling up your gas. Think of it. They spent $9 billion on eight chargers, three of which didn't work. And if you are going to do this all over our country, this crazy electric mandate, if you're going to do this all -- and by the way, I'm all for electric. They have their application. But if somebody wants to buy a gas-powered car, gasoline-powered car, or a hybrid, they're going to be able to do it. And we're going to make that change on day one. So to conclude, just a few short days ago, my journey with you nearly ended. We know that. And yet, here we are tonight, all gathered together, talking about the future promise and a total renewal of a thing we love very much; it's called America. We live in a world of miracles. None of us knows God's plan or where life's adventure will take us. I want to thank Franklin Graham for being here tonight as an outstanding man. The preacher. He wrote me a note recently, I have a lot of respect for him. "Sir, I love your story telling. I think it's great in front of these big rallies, but sir, please do me one favor. It won't make any difference, please, don't use any foul language." I was a little embarrassed, I said. He said, "It won't make any difference." Actually, it does. The story's not quite as good, but I've been very good. The story is not quite as good, to be honest. I've got to have a little talk with Franklin, but he was great. He was a great gentleman. His father was so incredible, Billy Graham. My father used to love thanking me to see Billy Graham. My father would take me to see Billy Graham at Yankee Stadium. He had the biggest rallies you've ever seen. He was a good rally guy, too. That's true. Billy Graham in the south is a fantastic guy. My father loved Billy Graham, but I love Franklin Graham. I think Franklin's been fantastic, and I'm trying. I'm working so hard to adhere to his note to me. I'm working hard on it, Franklin. But if the events of last Saturday make anything clear, it is that every single moment we have on Earth is a gift from God. We have to make the most of every day for the people and for the country that we love. The attacker in Pennsylvania wanted to stop our movement, but the truth is the movement has never been about me. It has always been about you. It's your movement. It's the biggest movement in the history of our country by far. Can't be stopped. It can't be stopped. It has always been about the hard-working, patriotic citizens of America. For too long, our nation has settled for too little. We settled for too little. We've given everything to other nations, to other people. You've been told to lower your expectations and to accept less for your families. I am here tonight with the opposite message. Your expectations are not big enough. It is time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world, leadership that is bold, dynamic, relentless, and fearless. We are Americans, ambition is our heritage, greatness is our birthright, but as long as our energies are spent fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach. And that's not acceptable. We must instead take that energy and use it to realize our country's true potential and write our own thrilling chapter of the American story. We can do it together. We will unite. We are going to come together, and success will bring us together. The riffing I like, the reading. It is a story of love, soccer, life, and so many other things. And remember the word devotion, it's unmatched devotion. Our American ancestors crossed the Delaware, survived the icy winter at Valley Forge, and defeated a mighty empire to establish our cherished republic. They fought so hard, they lost so many. They pushed thousands and thousands of miles across a dangerous frontier, taming the wilderness to build a life and a magnificent home for their family. They packed their families into covered wagons, trekked across hazardous trails, scaled towering mountains, and braved rivers and rapids to stake their claim on the wide open, new, and very beautiful frontier. So this is a fun book right here. This is a speech. When our way of life was threatened, American patriots marched onto the battlefield, raced into enemy strongholds and stared down death and stared down those enemies to keep alive the flame of freedom. At Yorktown Gettysburg and Midway, they joined the roll call of immortal heroes, so many horror, just so many heroes, so many great, great people, and we have to cherish those people. We can't forget those people. We have to cherish those people. And building monuments to those great people is a good thing, not a bad thing. They saved our country. No challenge was too much. No hardship was too great. No enemy was too fierce to gather these patriots, soldier on and endured, and they prevailed because they had faith in each other, faith in their country, and above all, they had faith in their God. Just like our ancestors, we must now come together, rise above past differences. Any disagreements have to be put aside and go forward, united as one people, one nation, pledging allegiance to one great, beautiful, I think it's so beautiful, American flag. Tonight, I ask for your partnership, for your support, and I am humbly asking for your vote. Once your vote is going to make our country great again. Every day I will strive to honor the trust you have placed in me, and I will never, ever let you down. I promise that. I will never let you down. To all of the forgotten men and women who have been neglected, abandoned, and left behind, you will be forgotten no longer. We will press forward, and together we will win, win, win. Win, win, win, win, win, win. Nothing will sway us, nothing will slow us, and no one will ever stop us. No matter what dangers come our way, no matter what obstacles lie in our path, we will keep striving toward our shared and glorious destiny, and we will not fail, we will not fail. Together we will save this country, we will restore the Republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrows that our people so truly deserve. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you, Wisconsin, and God bless the United States of America. Our great country. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, old Spice 3-2-1. Love everything you guys do, and thanks for being solid. Patriots. Absolutely. We got some other ones. Grilling a Tomahawk steak, and Dan's honor. Crap, whole COVID made me so hard, the wife better look out. That's from Daniel. Absolutely. So Melania just joined him on stage over here, she's giving the ear a kiss. Oh, that is a hot kiss between two people who sleep in the same bed. Yeah, she went around to the ear over there. Abs 1884 says he gave us five pounds, Sterling. Really? And here in the UK, I only use you guys and Tim Diller from my US News. You must have a very foul vocabulary. Yeah, proud of you, proud of you. Look, if you've ever seen Trump speak, this is about how long it goes. What was the final time code on this, Bob, for Trump? The whole family's walking out on stage here. It was an hour and a half. Almost on the dot. Okay, so on the dot. That one ball guy says what the hell did never Trumpers have to say to this. I mean, I'll say this, the calmer nature of it probably spoke to the repubes who may have some issue with his rhetoric from time to time. But my only complaint, I guess, is that it would have been, I don't know, I think some brevity would have been nice for the people, the ones in the middle that he's trying to convert, not Republicans, you know what I mean? Just because there was so much energy leading up to it, it's hard to give a 90 minute speech like that afterwards. But it is. This is his normal speech. This is it. I didn't get the vibe that that was a great speech for moderates. Like truly, I didn't, at the beginning for sure, and the RNC convention in general, yes. I don't think I'm not talking about political moderates. I'm talking about people who don't care about any of that stupid bullshit anymore. Right. It was good for like speech. One of you matter. Yeah. It was great for like 30 minutes, I think. I think if he had, if he had cut basically an hour, that's a fantastic speech. Yeah, probably. Yeah. There's some fluff in there, but you know, whatever. Well, do you know why he does something like this in all sincerity for hardwood that he's better than Biden can last longer? No. No. So it did do that though. It did do that. But that's not it. So it cuts off your local news and it cuts off the pundits that come on at 11 30. So I'm looking at time code now. It's 1207 p.m. on the East Coast and the Eastern Standard time is all that really matters. So you're cutting off anybody that would come on afterwards and try to say this was bad, this was wrong. I didn't like this. I didn't like that. Nobody's up anymore. So he out-talks all of them. I wonder how many of the viewers are up. They're not. Why know who definitely is it up? Well, Joe Biden. Well, exactly. And let's look at it from like a Rogan podcast perspective because we've gone three hours here tonight. We typically don't do that. That's not our show. But obviously this is a different night here. The average listener is probably hanging into this for maybe 45 minutes to an hour and that's it. And then what you're doing by continuing to speak is you push out all those pundits on every single network. So now you're forcing CNN to stay up this late, Rachel Madd out to stay up this late. All these other guys to try to come in and say something afterwards to deflate this speech. No one is up right now. I don't know. And this is- He just always goes 90. He always goes 90. But he could have started it earlier if he wanted to. Now you're pushing all of those guys out and then you're burying all those networks. So that let's say you fell asleep to Trump tonight, congratulations. You won't get to hear any critics until tomorrow on The Morning Show. So you're probably looking at Morning Joe and Minka and those guys. Well, they were doing commentary live, a lot of coping, a lot of weird stuff too. Let's see. Bob, can you go- Do you know Eric Abanante? Hey, I want to point out another thing real quick. Part of the reason I think he does these really long speeches as well is from a producer's standpoint he's putting a ton of fucking content out there that a lot of people are going to clip. So he's getting a bunch of free press from it because people know that since he's trending they're going to chop his material up and post on their channel. Different parts to the speech. Now go to the one that says you could hear a pen drop. They're talking about. This is a new poll came out today, MSNBC is talking about it. Black women have seen a 31 point drop in support for Biden from 2020 to 2024. 31 points, black females, which is that like black men will vote Republican every now and again. Like that number of fluctuates, black women is like 95%. Yeah. That's wild. You don't have to play the video or anything. It's just- No, you don't. But again, looking at the time of what it is, so it's 1210 on the East Coast right now. All these networks are forced to go on now super late at night. And I think everybody's gone. I think everybody's gone at this point, including Dan. You're yawning right now. Yeah, because that was boring, but if we'll see what Morning Joe does, I almost want to wake up early and watch it to see if they just completely lose all the shit in their body. Well, here's the other thing too. It forces Morning Joe, that show has got to go on. Can I get ready and make up probably around 334 in the morning for something like that? It forces them to stay up till 1210. And now they've got to fucking get up and cover the entire thing and then get on air and try to outlast him. Look, it's 78 years old. The energy after the long week he's had, and Bob, you said the same thing earlier, of like, man, it's probably got to be the longest week of his life. It's the longest week of most of America's life right now. Even with the day-to-day and everything that's going on, not only with Trump, but also what's going on in the Democratic Party, where it's just like, hey, dude, when is he going to get pushed out? Is he going to get pushed out? What are the meetings that are going on behind there? I think a lot of this was intentional tonight. That's my guess. I don't know. Maybe. Look at the time code. Somebody said on Twitter just now, Trump is going to talk until the Secret Service agent gets her pistol holstered. Yeah. Yeah, dude. That's a pretty good joke. It's a great joke. When lefty was talking shit and said, what's the difference between the RNC Convention and a KKK rally, and the first comment was, there are no Democrats there? Democrats started it. Yeah. Sure did. But yeah, look, for me personally, I wanted a more measured Trump in 2020 when he came out firing, and I think it was the first debate against Biden. It was rough, man. I thought he lost that debate, I set it on air, and I think you came out too hot. Whether or not this entire week tempered him, or whether or not this was intentional. Who knows? But this is the tone. You got to strike with the nation right now, I think. And now we've got to wait to see what the Democrats are going to do. Allegedly, Sunday night, Biden might step down. They could have a three person convention now at this point. And who do you, who do you put up to a task that's going to go and give a speech like this? Here's what I tell you. Here's what I will tell you about the DNC and who they decide is going to be running for president. If they're going to actually try to win, it'll be Gretchen Whitmer. If it's Kamala Harris, they're punting. That's my opinion. Okay. Bob, what are you going to say? I have some breaking news. Sure. On Trump speech. Yep. It was 92 minutes. It is the longest nomination acceptance speech in American history. Good Lord. Yeah. And it could be intentional. I mean, he didn't do it the last time. No, but it could be intentional. He didn't do it the last two times, right? Cool man. That old guy that you guys are up against? Rad, man. Let's let's keep fucking going. And I got shot in the fucking face. I think we've got there. There was the shortest ever. And I think we might have that on you. Sure don't, Bob. Sure don't. I can see it in the screen, dude. No. Bob, you're too late. This is Bob's sleepy hour. This is your sleepy hour. This is Gary. Nice time right now. This is Gary and I are thriving right now. That was from Roo Rachael. This is when I just get started right now. Roo Rachael gave us 10 bucks for that joke, so. Yeah. This is when I just get going right now. She just wanted to hear two dudes fuck, I think. Yeah, sure did. He got energy because he and Melania banged like there was no tomorrow after surviving that close call in PA. I doubt it. He's 78. 78. I mean, I hope he's fucking taking blue chew or whatever people take these days and wailing on her. I'm confident he's having sex. Not with Melania. I'm not confident it's with Melania. Hey look, man, you got to get it in where you can, bud. You sure do. I think Melania's probably banging somebody in secret service. Look, let's get real here. Let's get real here. How's Roo Rachael doing? If you're the leader of the free world, you're not going to be fucking just one woman. Yeah. Give me a break. I don't know if you just got shot at the fucking ear. I don't know what the being shy doesn't have anything to do with it, but the leader of the free world part, I can see that justifying bang. Oh, for sure. I don't know. If somebody, if you get shot in the ear and you survive an assassination attempt, I think you deserve a little hooker on the side or like you get at least a massage parlor. You know what I mean, Delco? He's a couple. He's a couple, man. Give him a fucking break. He's got a few. I mean, look, she's hot. I don't know what their life is like. Zack Hidoo's asking about Lizzette. We still haven't heard anything about Lizzette. I actually did. I did. Oh, she alive? One of our listeners grabbed me in the street and just said, "Hey, dude, I fucking had a meeting with Lizzette Sandoval. She's alive." Oh, good. Thank God. No fucking way. Tell us where she is so we can send flowers in a fruit tray or whatever the fuck I don't know what people do. Exactly. What do people do? So, I said in a meeting with those guys, "I'll fucking run. I will run. We got the numbers here. I will fucking run for office if you try to tear this goddamn place down. Let's push it a little bit because they got some money for the other end of this highway. Got fully funded by 2028s, so I go, "Great. When is this supposed to be done?" They go, "2032," and I go, "We'll push this section until 2032. We're still on it 10 years. That'd be a goddamn error." Here's what we should do. Let's try to get this place made into a landmark so they can't take it. What kind? I don't know. Do you want Indian? Can we just invite Jimmy Carter here and let him die here? That'd be great. We'll turn this into a hospice room for Jimmy Carter. He'll be right here. He'll be right here. He'll be right here. Do you remember the old studio? How we had the bed up in the front? The ghost bed in the front? We'll just have Jimmy Carter laying there, all splayed out like fucking Pope John Paul the second. I want a glass coffin with formaldehyde in it. I want to see Jimmy. He's still alive in this scenario. Well, I want to see Jimmy, though, in formaldehyde throughout the rest of our time. We'll slowly add formaldehyde as he dies. There's only one answer we build a shrine to the Sikh God, Wachuru. There's too many letters, though. The Sikh God, Wachuru? No. It's too many letters. You'll be able to figure it out. Yeah. Nobody can figure it out. And I don't want to like the Sikh have that girl their hair way out and they wrap it up and they got a sword in there or something. Stinks. It's too much. Fucking stinks, dude. I like that. I like Sikh people, by the way. They're nice. They're super dope people. But I just don't want, that's too much work. I'm going to do that. It's a lot of work. Just having a whole white peanut farmer here in formaldehyde in a glass case seems like it's pretty simple. It sure does. I also don't even use formaldehyde. You brine him in peanut salt, really. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you sprinkle a little in and then check it, just chip a little bit off of them from time to time. Yeah. Like a sourdough starter? Exactly. Yeah. Can I take a moment to remind our viewers here to, you know, go check out the shorts. I just posted another one and people really, really like to talk shit in the comments, usually about Dan for whatever reason, I don't know, but go back up Dan in the comments on those. Okay. Everybody, just please go do that. Yeah. It helps the algorithm on YouTube. We greatly appreciate it. I mean, I guess you're feeling really easily involved. I don't read the comments. So, I read every single comment. I can't on YouTube. I can't tell too many. There's like thousands and thousands of them. No, I don't want to know. Dan, I read all of that. I want to do a clean show every day and I don't think about the comments. I don't think about the comments. No one can affect what I'm going to say or not. You. Yes. Because I'm a social fan. No, I don't want to hear it. But Bob, I'm in all sincerity. Mark this time code. We will be doing the DNC, whoever the presidential nominee, if it's Biden, if it's somebody else, we will do that live on air the same way we did with this next month. Yeah. So, mark this time code. We'll see what it was against Trump's and then we'll see who the candidate is. Trump is Trump. Yeah, we don't know who it is. We don't know who it is. We don't know who it is. It's like, it might, you know, I don't think it'll be 92 minutes, but they're going to have to spend some time because they're going to be talking to America for the first time as the presidential candidate ever. Yes. And it's a big deal. So, I would imagine you could probably just cut any riffing out and that would be a straight speech. Yeah, it's going to be a straight speech. There's no way. There's no way a candidate who's going to be a first-timer for president is going to be able to do that. No way. I mean, there's just no way. No. And I don't think they should, I mean, I don't think they should. It's all going to be clinical. They're going to be like, "Here's what I believe," because nobody fucking, like, people know who Gretchen Whitmer is, but they have no idea what her politics is. I don't know what she sounds like. I'm dead serious. Like, I don't know her speaking. It's actually really, it's really deep and black. Is it really? Yeah. Hey, man. This Michigan motherfucker. That's what she's, it was so joke, because she's not a bad looking lady, honestly. I don't know. And the first time she did that, my fucking erection went away. But now it's coming back and now every time you do that, I get an erection. Yeah, you're all bricked up. You're all bricked up. Dawn, we're all bricked up over here, Dawn. We sure are, dude. And Hulk Hogan, MVP of the night, Hulk Hogan, yes. That's the best. That is the best speech at a political event by a non-political person I've ever seen in my life. I'm not even kidding. Number one right now on Twitter around the world, like, dude, yes, bricked up, smashed him through a wall. That's a really great picture of her. Does she still look like that, Bob? Yeah. That's probably recent. Yeah. I've seen this. She's been on TV recently. She doesn't look bad. Well, we'll see if it's Biggrash. We'll see if it's somebody else. I think it would be a huge mistake to leave it up to the delegates of the Democratic party. Well, they've put three people up there and then everybody bicker back and forth live on television. That won't be how it works. Okay. Like, Hillary and Obama and Pelosi will choose somebody. They will give you three people to simulate choice, but there will be one person that it clearly is. But how do you skip over Kamala? You don't have to skip over. Like, how do you go from a black woman to a white woman? That's the point of having the open caucus is so that Obama and Pelosi can make their choice and say the people chose her. That's it. But who are the people? It's easier to digest. The delegates. I don't know if they will digest it, but it's easier to digest if you say, you know, it's okay, okay, we're not just going to hand you anything. Put the ball on the field and play. But when your whole party is run on DEI and then you're going to skip the first black vice president of the United States who's a female to go to a white woman from Michigan. How funny would it be if Big Gretch chooses Kamala to be a VB? Not a million years. Didn't that happen in VEEP? Well, isn't she almost named Vice President again? Yeah. I checked out towards the end. Did she become president? At the end of the show? She only become president. Yeah. She gave president in the middle of the show. Any chance say Hillary Clinton runs for president? I wouldn't rule it out. I honestly would not rule it out. The only person I'm sure it won't be is, well, other than Biden, is Michelle Obama. There's no way. Hillary's a 76, though. She's two years younger than Trump. But if you're going for entertainment value, a rematch of 2016, it would probably behoove the Democrats. When you're skipping over the first black woman, vice president of the United States, and then the Republicans will pounce on that, it's certainly going to be interesting. These are the strangest times that we've lived through in my life. And we're here with you day in and day out on drinking, bros. We appreciate you being with us. Did a couple extra shows this week because it's worth it. A lot going on, and we value. You guys spend in your evenings with us this week. Go to iTunes, rate the show a five star, and leave a quick review. Also want to give a shout out to Delco, Rob, and Gary back there. Jordan show up because his wife shows up to America once a year, and God forbid he's not with her during that because he can't fill out paperwork to actually get her here legally. Every person that Trump talked about tonight about coming into this country is Joel's wife. She's never coming here. So it doesn't really matter any. Joel did a great job, and thumbnail did his job. Did he? Yeah. Well, I've even seen the fucking thumbnail, dude. She's not coming over here for Christ's sake. She's here right now. She's not. She's here for an hour, and then it's done, dude. She'll be back to wherever the fuck that is. And Joel, if you're serious about it, sneak her in and I'll pass her, brother, okay? Eagle pass. We've all seen the fucking hole through the fence. Enough of the bullshit. If you're getting married, you're getting married. You guys are living together, dude. Other than that, do your goddamn job, okay? This guy's dead. The real heroes tonight's Delco and Bob. Even Care Bear back there. Angel? No. Joel made a fucking thumbnail tonight. My child could have done that on his goddamn WhatsApp, right? Whatever the fuck it is. It's out WhatsApp. I don't know what it is. Sure. I don't know. He'll be here soon enough. I'm sure. I'll monetize that beautiful little motherfucker soon, all right? It's late. I've had a bunch of hard AF Salters. I love you guys. For Anthony, Anthony, Holloway, I'm Ross Patterson, this is the Drinking Bros podcast. Good night, everyone. You probably think heat pumps are no fun. But hear us out. Train heat pumps are fully electric and highly efficient, engineered to maximize your comfort and minimize your energy usage. That's fun, right? And thanks to rebates and incentives, upgrading to a train heat pump system can cost the same as a traditional air conditioning installation. That means you're getting more without paying more. That's definitely fun. And how about this? An HPAC could save you over $500 per year on your energy bills. That means you're getting more without paying more and you're saving more. If that's not fun, we officially do not know what fun is. 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