Alabama's Morning News with JT

Paul DeMarco joins us in the studio

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19 Jul 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff, that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. That's Chumba Casino dot com. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. A V.G.W. Group, forward, where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Paul DeMarco just walked into the studio. Hey, buddy, good to see what's going on. Good morning. Good morning. How are you? I'm doing great. Did you catch all the action last night? Did you stay up? I mean, 93 minutes. It was a lengthy one. I wanted to watch the balloons drop, but it was a long one. I did make the balloons. I didn't make it to the balloons. I saw clips of it later, and Judy, I got up this morning, she goes, by the way, it was pretty good ending. I'm like, honey, I mean, I think I probably saw. 45 minutes of it, so maybe half of it. People are taking like, this is too long, this is too long, but I'm like, it's a contrast with the current president. I don't have to kick a man when he's down and he's sick, but I think it was like, if Joe Biden says he has to go to bed at eight o'clock and Donald Trump, it's way past that, and he's going for two hours to say, hey, he can take that phone call in the middle of the night. Yeah. Yeah. He was a different Trump last night, I thought. Obviously, assassination, the attempt will change a person, you know, but how about the craziness? Well, let's talk about it. It was too strong. It was, it was obviously the respect for what had happened in core compudry who'd lost his lives and those who had been injured and then the drill baby drill. You know, it was, it was the old Trump and then they, hey, let's talk about what just happened this past weekend. So I think that's what you saw the contrast and he needed to do that though. I thought he nailed it. I, I thought, you know, he opened it right out of the gate and talking about the assassination attempt and sure, you know, we've seen a hundred videos of it. We've heard a thousand commentary on it. We've seen pictures, you know, conspiracy theories and everything else going on. But to hear it from the horse's mouth, I, I, you could hear a pin drop, you know, when he was describing everything that happened. And then when he talked about, you know, the fireman that took a bullet to save his family and, and his uniform was on the stage and he walked behind it and kissed the helmet to the fire helmet. I mean, and walked back, you know, some people say it was, you know, he was just playing to the television. But I think, you know, his heart was, you know, bigger and bolder than it's been in a while. Just like with Gold Star families. I mean, he, he did. Oh my gosh. What a moment that was. Yeah. So, I mean, it was two speeches in one speech, but he had to do both. He had to, to recount what happened this week and honor those. But he also had to say, I'm the nominee and here's why I'm going to unify the country. I'm connecting to the average man and woman. Here's why you need to like me. A lot of discussion about Joe Biden, obviously has got COVID right now. But more importantly, where will he be when it comes to the convention? Will he be there? Is this going to be, you know, the time for him to pull out and get out of the race? Uh, well, Biden here is campaign senior spokesman Kevin Munoz said, uh, no, he's, he's our guy. President Biden is our democratic nominee. President Biden is going to win this November. And after watching some of the nights, uh, the Republican national convention this week, he is more motivated than ever. And, uh, now though, there's some more rumblings. I mean, we've heard Schumer once a month to Adam Schiff, Pelosi's working the phones behind the scenes. I mean, the democratic party is basically turning on them. And I think Obama has even expressed some concern and said, look, you know, you need to revisit this. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes with those two. But Mark Halpern, who is a journalist with, uh, I believe it's, uh, Newsmax, uh, has said, look, he's got some sources saying Biden's about ready to drop out. Carl, according to multiple democratic sources, this is happening all of a sudden, everyone said it would happen gradually. And then all at once. And that's what's happening. According to my sources, President Biden has agreed to step down as a democratic nominee. Oh, man. Happen as early as this weekend, a speech has been drafted for him. Wow. What do you think about that? Paul DeMarco. I mean, there it is coming from Newsmax guy, Mark Halpern, pretty credible guy, uh, sources coming in saying they're close and it's, it's going to be this weekend. Money drives politics. You've been hearing about major donors saying they're going to withdraw their, um, funding if he doesn't drop out. Yeah. It's the money's the lifeblood of politics. And if major democratic donors saying we're not going to give to the presidential election to the house, the Senate, that's where the pressure point will be. And we will see if indeed he does drop out despite his, you know, I'm not dropping out. I'm not dropping out. That will be the final determination. I mean, do you think it's him or is it Jill saying, no, you're fine, honey. Come on. We can do this. Is she driving the bus? Well, you know, he, his wife, his son, he, he, for them, it's a matter of pride. Why should I drop out of this race? Look at what I've done the past three and a half years. That's what they've been saying. Well, you know, it's not just one debate. Performance is what they've said. Is there a touch of what happens with most people in age? They lose some independence, then they lose some more, and it's tough to let go of that. I mean, especially when dementia starts coming around, you know, we're going through it in our family with, you know, Judy's in law and, you know, it's, it's there in their 80s, you know, mom's good, but, you know, Judy's dad is struggling a little bit. And, you know, he still wants to, this guy's a former army retired, you know, has worked with his hands building stuff his whole life, has got, you know, obviously, you know, an incredible amount of pride, and he has been the rock in that family for years and years and years, and it gets to the point where, you know, as much as he wants it, you can't do it, you know, and I think a lot of families go through this is, is there some of that with Joe in that, hold on a minute, you know, I don't want to let go yet. There may be some of that, but there's also some Democrats like, well, then who, where's the bench? Are you saying Kamala Harris is going to beat Donald Trump? So there's some of that saying, look, the polling is close in some of these states. It's not like, you know, this is a landslide election right now. They're, no, obviously there's swing states that are trending towards Donald Trump, but there's still Democrats saying the best chance to beat Donald Trump is Joe Biden, even with all of that, because who are you going to put? We don't, you don't leave. Stay here. We're going to continue to run it from behind the, you know, the scenes in backstage area, but no, don't go away because that's going to be even worse. And I mean, my question to you is twofold one, if he, if he comes out, where's all the money go? Does it stay with the DNC? They can do whatever they want with it. And who is it going to be? Is it Kamala Harris? I mean, she's the vice president that would be the, you know, most common way to go, but Kamala Harris is not, I mean, she's worse than the polling numbers than he is. And she is a complete buffoon. So, or do they go completely different direction, governor from California, governor from Pennsylvania? What do they do? If he decides Sunday, I'm not in the race. I'm sure they got a plan, but is it automatically Kamala? Do you think or no? Well, first, let's, if your first question, the money was donated to the Biden Harris. So you can't just transfer it. It wasn't donated to the Democratic party, all that others, there was a lot of it, but the money that he's raised has been to him. So that's a problem unless it's Kamala Harris and the Democrats going to have a big problem going around Kamala Harris. That's going to alienate, alienate the African American community. If you say, oh, wow, we didn't end up putting Kamala Harris. So, but you look at her poll numbers, she's more unpopular than Joe Biden. Exactly. So they're in a real pickle about what the decision they're going to do. Do they move Joe Biden aside? Do they move her up or do they talk about this open convention where it's like, well, it's either Kamala or some of these other folks, the governor of California, the governor of Kentucky. So they're in a real dilemma on what do they do? Do they end up having this open convention? It's like, we're not pushing it inside. The delegates will make the final decision. Right, right. In August, which is when the Democratic convention will wait. What a nightmare. What a nightmare. Just to think where our country is, the 30,000 foot view of where the United States is in this election cycle, where the former president has an assassination attempt on him. And in the same week, you've got the current, you know, president, the incumbent who's in the race and kind of neck and neck at a lot of parts who is pulling out because he can't cognitively stay in the race. I mean, it's bizarre where the nation is. And JT, it's only July the 19th, the election is not until early November 5th or 6th. I mean, we got a long way to go a day as a year in politics. Last night as Donald Trump opened up the acceptance speech with the story of what took place with the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. And I really thought, I mean, you could hear a pin drop in that arena. And the fact that he laid everything out, you know, we've seen it all, but hearing it from him, you know, it was certainly different. And I thought it was one of the biggest moments of the night. But after knowing what all went down in Monday morning, quarterbacking this thing and picking apart every frame and slow motion and where people were and what took place, something went wrong. There was no reason somebody 150 yards away on top of a rooftop of a building. With that vantage point to the main stage, there's no way that that guy should have been able to get up under the roof, set up shop and take his time and then pull the trigger. I mean, this director has to be fired, Paul, in my opinion, should have been already. But Biden says, I'm confident in her. You know, we're going to stick with her. Your thoughts on this whole process, first of all, and then what will happen next week with the hearings? Well, the public needs to hear from the director. And it all needs to be put out on the table, you know, what needs to happen here is what did not happen after the tragic killing those 13 soldiers and sailors in Afghanistan. Right. We got into the bottom of it, nobody was held accountable and we're right where we were before. That can't happen here. The public must demand. The leaders in Congress must demand a full, transparent, independent investigation, no matter where it may lead so that everyone has confidence that this country's top leaders are protected by the Secret Service. Well, the fact that they have not removed her or even put her on, you know, suspension, seeing the further investigation, which happens a lot of times, you get a police officer involved situation. Okay. Sit down. You're an administrative leave with payer without pay, but they haven't even done that with her. So the fact that they haven't done that to me tells me that they're not going to, you know, really be transparent. They're going to put up defenses. They're going to, you know, answers little as they have to, even no matter how much they get pressed by the congressional hearings, committees, whatever. And let's say at the end of the day and after the hearings are done, she's just kind of stonewalled and CYA and doesn't own it. Can they make a move? Is this a congressional move or a presidential move? I mean... Well, look, you look at the head of the Homeland Security, the Mallorca. Oh, yeah. I mean. Exactly. He's still there. He's still there. Right. And the house impeached him. And that's why people are so frustrated with Washington D.C. Both the White House, Congress, they just see more of the same, no more accountability. And with the attempted assassination of the president, you can't have a cover up. No. People want to know exactly how could this have occurred. Not only cover up, but you can't even come out of this thing and say, "Yeah, you're right. It was bad. We made a mistake and we missed a building. So thank God he's alive. Can we just move on?" No, we can't. You can't because this could happen again. Yeah. But somebody more than a 20-year-old on the top of the roof that everybody had seen an hour before. No. This is what happened when you get a DEI higher at that level because of the Biden policies and everything they're doing. You know, it's just, it's horrific that this took place and even more horrific that there may not be accountability, like you said. And so... It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like, are you a fist-pumper? A woo-hoo! A hand-clap or a high-fiver? If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino-style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. 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