Alabama's Morning News with JT

Marc Lotter has more information on Biden's big boy speech

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12 Jul 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Chumba It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over a hundred casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary for your prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply, see what site for details. We're all kind of watching that debate performance last night and going, "Wow, joining me now from his Mark Lauder, he's the former special assistant to President Donald Trump. Mark, I'm sure you saw the press conference last night. What are your thoughts?" Well, I mean, I think Biden did enough to move the chain. I mean, his entire goal with this was to quiet the unrest or most of it in his own party until Monday. He's trying to survive politically until Monday when the Republican National Convention and Trump resume taking center stage. And I think he probably accomplished that. There will still be Democrats last night, some today over the weekend, that will call for him to quit. It seems like he has zero intention of doing it, so he's just trying to make it to the next step. When you said move the chain, I assume that's a football reference, like he got another first down, but it's not like he's first in goal. He's still very much at the 50 yard line at this point. I would even say he's deep in his own territory. And the clock is running out and he's losing, because I mean, he used the football analogy and we're in, you know, I'm talking Alabama right now, so you got to know football. But the whole debate debacle was a Hail Mary to begin with. They already knew they were losing going into it. They were losing in the national polls. They were losing in the swing state. They were losing on all the issues. And they were trying to throw that Hail Mary to try to change the score, to try to change the trajectory of the campaign. Now, they end up throwing a pick six, but on a Hail Mary, but that's how bad things are for them, which is why the calls for changing Biden are persistent because they know they're losing. I was thinking it was a more like that time that if you remember this game, when Auburn caught that pass and ran it all the way back at one second left to go for a touchdown and changed the outcome of the iron bowl, that was what I got at the debate. I was debating with the buck fumble, but you know, but Mark, the, as I watch this happen, I'm getting a lot of comments from our listeners saying, you know what, we are doing our ourselves a disservice. Conservatives are enruding for Joe Biden to bow out, because if he does, they might put somebody in there who's more competent and has a better chance of beating Donald Trump in November. Now, be that as it, as it may, I don't know that they, they can as it because we're, we're, they're running now. Time to do it. Well, a couple of things on that. Number one, I think you're right. They are running out of time. And two, Biden already has the nomination. He has the delegates. He controls the delegates. So it's entirely in his court. But secondly, I wouldn't worry too much about whether they do that or don't do that because let's remember why they're in this place in the first place. Their policies stink. People don't like gas prices. They don't like grocery prices. They don't like the wide open southern border with 12 million illegals that are now in our country. They don't like the wars that are raging around the world because of Joe Biden's feckless leadership. None of those things are changing. If Kamala Harris or greasy Gavin Newsom become the top of the, or become their presidential nominee. Kamala Harris is going to suddenly say, let's drill baby drill. I want low gas prices and I want to secure the border and I want to deport the 12 million illegals. No, Democrats actually voted earlier this week, 198 of them, to say you shouldn't have to prove you're a US citizen to vote. Why did they do that? Because they honestly believe it. So the same horrible policies that got them into this mess were two thirds of the American people think we're on the wrong track are going to continue no matter who the person is at the top of the ticket. But it's going to be Joe Biden because he's obviously, you know, he's got a huge ego. He believes mistakenly that he can actually win this race and no one can stop him. No one can get him out. Plus he decides to leave. I was going to say the only thing at this point that could happen is if he had a Lyndon Johnson moment and he was the one who decided that he will not seek and if nominated will not accept the nomination, but I think I think he is seeking and will accept the nomination at which point it's going to be just going to be Trump Biden. And it's just a matter of, I guess, who people like, you know, who people dislike less. And I think there's a lot more people who are going to, I mean, okay, Donald Trump has his base. No question. And those people are solid. They're there. But there's a lot more people who are looking at Joe Biden go, you know what? I don't like Donald Trump, but now I can't vote for Joe Biden. I think we're going to have to ride with Trump. And if that's the case, it's not going to take much. If we can just turn a few of those swing states back to Donald Trump again, it might not be 2016, but I don't think it's going to be, I don't think it's going to be 2020 either. Well, I mean, when you look at the map right now, and of course I do this for a living, people are already there. I mean, the swing states, Donald Trump's not just leading in one or two of them. He's leading in all of them. And he only needs to win a couple of them, and he's leading in all of them. You actually had Joe Biden's campaign leadership go up to Capitol Hill yesterday and tell the senators and the House members who are on, you know, sitting on pins and needles going, the southern states are gone. I mean, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada are pretty much, you know, likely, highly likely to be Donald Trump. And so they're trying to focus all their attention on Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. And again, Donald Trump is winning in all three of those states, and it's not just because of Joe Biden's dementia or his mental acuity or everyone to call it. It's also about his policies. People do not like those policies. They didn't like them last year. They didn't like them in January. They didn't like them in March. They didn't like them before the debate, and they still don't like them. And so that's where we win that's because that's why you see 20 25% of the black community now suddenly saying they're voting for Trump. It's why half of the Latino and Hispanic community are crossing over and saying, I'm voting for Trump. It's why labor union members are openly defying their labor union leaders and saying, yeah, I don't care who the UAW endorses, we're voting for Trump because it's going to be the best of the policies. Right. Because the best thing for him, Mark, we got to leave it there. But you're right. There's going to have to be a moment where we realize that we have now gotten to a place where this election will be too big to rig as the home Trump has said. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered Chumbah Casino dot com. It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa. Take it easy, Judy. 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