Alabama's Morning News with JT

Ryan Schmelz tells us what is going on with Biden

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09 Jul 2024
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5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free, rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280exterior' 5280exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exterior's, the altitude of quality. Right now, it looks like there's a question as to if Chip Roy is going to get anywhere in his request that maybe we should invoke the 25th Amendment. What's that all about? Let's go to Ryan Smells, who's live in D.C. Ryan. Any chance that this is going to happen? It's a great time, John, not going to lie. The idea of Chip Roy introducing his resolution that would call on Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Biden from office. We got to divide a government. We don't even know if he'd have the votes on the House side, and then of course, it's got nowhere of no chance of going anywhere in the Senate, so it's kind of just a messaging bill at this point. And also, there are ramifications of that, because the party would not, it would cause, it was just stir chaos within the party, which already they're in disarray. If you could imagine a situation where it looked as though the Vice President was trying to have a hostile takeover of the presidency, I've got to think that would have bad impact on the election. Yeah. And I think for Republicans where they might be concerned about something like this, is that they've been remaining silent over the last couple weeks, really. And it makes sense to all of the media is putting a lot of its attention on Democrats and Democrats feel like they're on the defensive right now when it comes to President Biden. So Republicans just have kind of said, "Okay, well, let's sit back and let them defend President Biden nonstop, especially when you look at the poll numbers. President Biden's got a pretty subpar thing. He's also got a very concerning poll numbers when it comes to where he stands with former President Trump and a lot of battleground states. So for Republicans, some of them will tell you the strategy is just sit back and watch the Democrats defend President Biden. Ryan, you make a great point there. For a long time, the Republican Party has had a real problem with what I call message discipline. In other words, they can't get out of their own way and they are always basically shooting themselves in the foot because they are not on the same page on things and they're firing off all these different crazy ideas. And when it's all said and done, the Democrats look at them, "Well, it's a circular firing squad. We don't have to do anything. Let them beat themselves." The tables are turned and the Republicans are actually standing by and watching the Democrats do much the same thing because you have half the party saying, "We're behind Joe Biden. We're behind Joe Biden. We don't care if he falls over dead." And the other half were saying, "Well, we can't go forward with him. We've got to get somebody else." And then they can't agree on the who the somebody else is. So I think the Republicans just kind of sitting back, making some popcorn and just watching the circus unfold. Yeah, and the Cons directors on the Republican saddle capitol are having a field day with this and have kind of been grandstanding and watching some of these Democratic comm staffers have to deal with all these inquiries and all these different requests that are coming in about their respective members. So every single Democrat right now is of some type of news value to the media and it's been quite fascinating to watch the process play out over the last couple of days or weeks. And so today's going to be a pivotal day for President Biden, though. You know, we've got the NATO summit beginning, but we've also got House Dems and Senate Dems all meeting behind closed doors where we're expecting them to discuss some of the concerns that they have when it comes to President Biden's candidacy. So this is kind of a wait and see approach to see what happens. And I think also, John, why it's also a pivotal week too, is that, you know, we're not too far away from the Democratic National Convention. So if Democrats are going to pull the trigger and call on President Biden to step aside or if he's going to make that decision to step aside, this is going to be something that needs to be decided quickly. You're right on. Ryan Schmels from Washington, D.C., thank you so much for joining us. 5280 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280 5280, a James Hardy preferred contractor. 5280 exteriors, the altitude of quality.