Alabama's Morning News with JT

Senator Katie Britt gives her take on the debate

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Senator Katie Britt joins us this morning. Katie, welcome in. I'm sure you watched. I'm not sure where you were, who you were with at home in Washington, other comrades watching. But my gosh, your initial reaction, I don't know how long it took for us to all just, you know, watch our own mouths drop to the floor on Joe Biden last night, but holy cow. - Oh, I think it was the first three seconds he opened his mouth. I mean, it was a complete and total disaster. I think every single one of us in his very first tirade about saying that no service member has died under his watch. We all set up straight and thought, wait a second, are you discounting the lives of the 13 Americans that died in your disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? Are you discounting the three soldiers from Georgia that died because you are weak on Iran? Are you discounting the two Navy SEALs that lost their lives just a few months ago? I mean, you just complete and total lives and disastrous presentation. And here's my thing. I wanted to talk about all of these things because the media today is not covering this. They are talking about his performance, but then they're trying to turn things back on Trump. The truth is they need to focus on the lives of Joe Biden, the lives about the service members, the lives about late-term abortion, the lives, well, I don't even know what he was saying about Medicare, the lives about no terrorist coming across the border. And then they need to also take a thought about this. I want your listeners to think about this. That man that we saw on that stage is our commander-in-chief. He is supposed to be the most powerful and influential person across the globe. Do you think that that man is capable of sitting across from Xi Jinping and negotiating America's interests against China? Do you think that that man is capable of Vladimir Putin sitting down with him and saying, let's put an end to this war? I mean, do you think that that man is capable of figuring out what to do in a grocery store setting? I mean, it is just absolutely absurd. I think it shows the power-hungryness of Democrats, of Joe Biden's family, of top Democrats, of his top advisors and staffers. They want to hold onto that power at the expense of America. And last night, they let the entire world see the weakness that we have been talking about. You remember during my State of the Union, I said America deserves better than a diminishing and dithering leader. And I think last night, everybody saw exactly what I was talking about and that I'm spot on on it. - You know, the last time that we really saw Joe Biden do anything that was presidential or attempt to was the State of the Union address. And he seemed to be, you know, all hopped up on five-hour energy drinks and actually became angry and yelled at everybody. But he was certainly a different Joe Biden on that speech than he was in the discussion on the issues last night at the debate. I mean, this is progressing at rapid lightning speed, his dementia, his cognitive skills slipping. I mean, it's not only is it time to take away the keys from Pops, you know, who can't drive. He can't let alone drive this country. You're right. There's no way he sits down with world leaders and has a serious conversation back and forth. You know, your thoughts on who's really running the show, Obama and that team behind the scenes, I mean, this is clearly not his presidency anymore. - Oh, it's not. And think about, you just nailed it, JT. You said he came in after essentially a week of rest. He's been preparing for this for 10 plus days. He's been holed up at Camp David. He's not been doing obviously interviews or appearances or taking meetings about the very things that he talked about. He was in preparation mode for this moment. This was supposed to be him at his best. And it is just mind boggling. This is where we are as a nation. There's no way an objective person on a couch could say, we want four more years of that. Everyone that watched that last night knows it. He's not capable of four more months. And so I think the Democrats today have, I mean, they have put themselves in a corner and there is no way that this man can lead the greatest nation across the globe. - Yeah, and I think the moderators with CNN did a pretty decent job of keeping things in the middle as far as questioning both candidates and trying not to be partisan on it. And when you look at the response from Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and everybody's response on the sidelines, including Democratic leadership going, this is disastrous. We're in trouble. We've got to do something. I mean, it was all telling that even now the Democrats in politics and the Democratic voters and those on those, you know, left-wing media channels, I turned over to CNN to watch that. And they're discussing the same thing. I don't know how he does a second debate, let alone a second term. - Again, I can completely agree with you. And for Democrats, it's all about keeping power. And you're seeing them, those shift the narrative. Now, I mean, look at, if you can even go scroll on, not only is there no top billing for the debate at all, I mean, you have to scroll endlessly to get any coverage and the coverage that they are putting forth is an attack on Trump. They have, you know, a piece on late-term abortions. We actually voted on that last week. I mean, Senate Democrats, we tried to put forth, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Senator soon moved to pass that by unanimous consent. I'm proud to be a co-sponsor of that bill. Senate Democrats blocked it. And no one, this is why America is set up is because the media does not call balls and strikes. You would think if you have two presidents on the stage, first time we've had that in, what, 130 years in this capacity. And you would think that that would be top billing. At least second billing, it's at the very bottom. The media is going to continue to try to cover this up. That is why we have to stand strong and say, this man is not only, not only are his policies wrong, they're wrong. You know, we are less safe at the border. We are less safe across the, in our communities, we're less safe across the world. The dollar does not go as far. There is a vision of liberal ideology that is infiltrating everything. But the truth is they're not going to tell that story. And we're, they're going to try to change the narrative and we got to keep it on point. - Yeah, it's clear that they are in panic mode in this morning, lots of early meetings at the DNC. Senator Katie Britton, thank you Katie for being with us. I sure do appreciate you. - Hey, thank you so much, Katie. I always appreciate being on and being in front of your listeners.