Alabama's Morning News with JT

Michael Letts has information on officers being shot

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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Michael, let's joins us now from Invest USA, a great organization that helps supply law enforcement with vests around our country. His thoughts on what's happening now with the numbers coming in from the national fraternal order. Police showing more officers have been shot in the first half of this year than all of 2023. Michael, welcome in. Thank you so much for being here. So what are your thoughts? Kind of a disturbing stat here we're looking at here with all these attacks on officers seems to be a growing, not decreasing. Well, you're exactly right, Jeff. It doesn't surprise me. And the reason why he doesn't surprise me is because this administration has done everything you can to set the stage from that, from open borders, bringing in criminals, by the droves. You know, it's interesting just on another note that ties in with this. They just had an arrest late yesterday, I mean, in Chicago, simple arrest, the salient or the defendant resisted to three of them to get him in the squad car. And suddenly there was a crowd around the car, um, media, marine legal, this is an illegal immigrant, challenging the police. They had to bring in a bunch more officers just to make a simple arrest. We have got to the point because of this administration, because the administration shows no regard for law enforcement, no respect for our judicial system. They don't fund it. They try to do any candidate defunded that people have lost their sense of respect for law enforcement. Not just for law enforcement, but for law and order. If we lose law and order in this country, Jeff, we don't have a country anymore. And what we're seeing in the last few days, it just evidence of how quickly that is what you know, I think. And because of that fact, you know, a lot of times now what the assailants are seeing is such a disrespect for law enforcement. They believe they're doing society of favor by shooting a cop. And that's what's tragic. You know, I thought the whole defund the police thing was starting to fade in, you know, the aftermath of the George Floyd case. It swept this nation like a bad tsunami. But with all of these numbers like this, you know, you start seeing, you know, the pendulum swing back in some communities going, all right, hold on, we're starting to lose our city here. We got to get some more, you know, money and we can't defund. We got to, you know, increase police and department after department are down in numbers. We see it. The recruiting is bad there. You know, hundreds of officers short in New York City. And now you've got this whole thing going, why is it so tough and so bad and hard the media and some politicians to not paint the police, you know, in a negative light and start showing support for them again? I mean, the minority of people in this country are the ones against the police. The majority are all about law enforcement. So when are we going to start being louder in that lane instead of the other room? Well, I think what you're going to see is we're beginning to shift and hopefully change that, especially with the upcoming elections. But this crowd is a crowd that doesn't go away very easily. And they are determined to get their way. You know, when you have things, you have, I mean, these are just common knowledge things. We have our U.S. Attorney Defiled Law, the Attorney General, Mary Garland, you know, I'm going to arrest people for obstruction of justice or contempt of court, or contempt of Congress. I mean, but as long as there are the people I don't like, when I mean contempt of Congress, I want to flip my finger at Congress until I forget it goes off. When you have that kind of attitudes, it's no wonder that people lose their respect. And so that's why we've got to get those people out to answer your question. And we have to restore our sense of pride in our country, pride in our law and our law enforcement. That's the only one to turn it away. You know, I got to tell you, I think it starts from the top. And that's the White House in this country. The whole vibe coming out of this democratically run administration right now is not pro law enforcement. They're not pro put people in jail to pay consequences for their crimes. We see it with the George Soros back DAs. We see it with the judges. And we see it with the Biden administration and liberals in major cities. Don't call them criminals. That's mean speech. We've got to get back to law and order. And it's got to start at the top here. And I think it's a much bigger picture that it's part of, you know, destroying the country as we know it and rebuilding it in that progressive lane. And I think it stinks and I can't wait for November 5th. Thank you, Michael. Let's I appreciate you, buddy.