Alabama's Morning News with JT

Joey Chester from FAIR is back to discuss the border

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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joey chester joins us now from the federation for american immigration reform to take a look at uh... the latest on what's happening with so many illegals in this country and specifically the crimes are now being committed against a lot of people in different cities and young people as well joey welcome in thanks for being here yeah yeah can you hear me now okay yeah i got you alright so let's talk about these kids that are being attacked by these uh... illegals and it's just outrageous i think it's getting to the point i was talking with an uh... another one of our uh... people earlier this morning about how bad it's getting in the suburbs around this country now and we've been talking about it sooner or later it's going up in our own front yards here and here we are yeah absolutely i i think i know we've been hammering this for a long time saying that every state's become a border state every community is a border community but that that really is the truth and you know one comparison that and we made it recently was that if a consumer product in america was leading to this much of death and public harm the government would immediately order it to be taken off the market but because it's illegal immigration the administration's not doing anything about it uh... on third day last week i went up to bellaire maryland which is a beautiful peaceful suburb that's about thirty minutes north of baltimore and we met with the sheriff from the county where Rachel morin a mama five was raped and murdered while out on a running trail uh... this was back in two thousand twenty three and this is a trail we went to the trail that she was murdered on it's it is beautiful it's peaceful comes members of the community go out there there's houses the backup to it there's people that picked to live on the park because of its of its pizza peacefulness and its safety and Rachel went out like any other day and there was also an illegal alien from al-salvador on the trail that day and he allegedly raped her murdered her and then put her body inside one of those big drainage pipes underneath the trail and i think what's in to go ahead now i was just going to say it's it's one after another seems every week here we go again that mom i mean in the most i mean uneventful suburbs in america and this could happen anywhere around this country now where are we safe anymore yeah exactly and i think it's just that the sheer numbers and the fact that they are flying because all you need is that a piece of paper with your name on it and you could pretty much fly anywhere inside the united states right now and with each one of these crimes and specifically Rachel's this was a god away who was fleeing a homicide in his own home country he was so involved in he knew the place to flee a homicide with the united states because of idon's open border he successfully crossed because but we know that there's been basically zero border enforcement between ports of entry because all those agents are at the ports of entry processing them releasing illegal aliens and then just this week there was a thirteen-year-old girl in new york city who was raped in broad daylight and now prosecutors saying that illegal alien admitted to filming the attack after he bound and gagged the girl yeah he crossed the border illegally he was processed and released he was ordered to leave the united states in two thousand twenty two but the by the administration has such a backlog of these enforcement orders that he just remained to stay this is another guy that shouldn't have been in the country but that was directly linked to the by the administration's open border policy you know and they're picking on young people i mean there's a couple of other illegals that are charged in this strangulation death of a twelve-year-old you got five illegals you know charged with kidnapping a fourteen-year-old girl i mean it's outrages it's get into the point where you don't even trust your kids going out to play anymore because you never know what's lurking around a corner with these illegals in our neighborhoods yeah that's the sad reality of it at this point that even in the most quiet places you know you might think that your neighborhood is safe but you don't know if any legal alien hasn't made his way in and you know what these guys are pretty transient they come in to a community for a little while they may commit a crime and then they they leave but this is what happens when you let him millions of unbedded illegal aliens into the country with unknown criminal path this is the direct result of it and i i don't think americans can take this they shouldn't take this they shouldn't have to live with a government that refuses to protect them i think unfortunately the by the administration just to use these types of crimes is acceptable collateral damage in pursuit of carrying out its its open border agenda well i would in the case you talked about yeah i'll go ahead those illegal aliens again were released into the country this year they could have been turned back and and had to go back to mexico but instead they were given notice to appears and led into the country so again a preventable crime in that horrible death of that 12 year old girl in texas well in the spin from my orcas and joe biden and all these uh... cities that are sanctuary cities quote unquote uh... the spin is just an unbelievable and this Thursday at the debate i cannot wait to see these two come together and discuss immigration i get c_n_n_'s doing the uh... you know the debate i get jake tappers gonna be there but this is a great opportunity for them to get after some tough questions for what's happening with things like this in our country in the crime that is just spewing all of our cities and suburbs you know because of joe biden's policies and donald trump will be a master bringing it up if in fact they try and softball and tap dance around it uh... when when trump gets an opportunity to discuss this and it is one of the hot buttons now in our country uh... he's going to destroy joe biden on this joe thank you so much buddy i