
Attorney Seth Woodall, Donald Trump Shooting 07.15.24

Rockingham County Attorney Seth Woodall comments on the incident, historical and Biiblical perspective, unity in America, how this will affect the campaign, poliitics in the future, and Trump victory in November.

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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Hello, I'm Mike Moore and I'm talking with Rockingham County Attorney Seth Woodall, the news story that everyone is talking about and that's the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Seth, I want to just ask you first, your perspective on this, how did we get to where we are in our country today in all of this? You know, Mike, I think we're in a bad place in society in America right now. What we've been thinking over the last several years has just been horrendous with bipartisan politics and infighting and everyone hating each other and you know, it kind of just came to a head this week with the potential assassination attempt on President Trump and it's sad, it's sad. But I truly believe, Mike, some people don't like to hear this, but I was in law school, I read a book, I was told to read a book by Dean Jeffrey Brock, it was titled his Common Law Higher Law and the principle of that book was that our judicial system was created based upon biblical principles and morality and Christian Christian principle and we've just gone away from that as a society and if you take a step further after reading that book and looking at the framers, those men who created this experiment that we now call the United States of America, they knew that for our system of justice, our system of government to work, it had to be based on biblical principles and religion and we've gone away from that and you know, I quite frankly believe that's why we've seen the moral decay that we have over the last 50 years. So I think we need to get back and I think religion plays a very important role if you don't have a higher being to look to and there's no accountability and that's what we've got there's no accountability, everybody's out for themselves and you know it's just a sad, sad time in our country. Yeah it really is and I've seen as well as many others over the weekend looking at situations similar to this through history down through the years with other attempts on President's lives and actual assassinations, maybe you could kind of give us a little your thoughts on that as well. Yeah so we've had four American presidents assassinated in 1865 Abraham Lincoln, we all know about Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in history, he was assassinated, then in 1881 James Garfield was assassinated, 1901 William McKinley was assassinated and in 1963 John F. Kennedy was assassinated, we've all seen videos of that and just horrendous horrendous to think that somebody could do that to the leader of the free world but in addition to that there's been multiple attempts at assassinations of presidents and presidential elected presidents going into office, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and in this week you know we saw it right on television, line CZ President Trump shot through the ear, thank God this young man missed. Let's talk about the shooter, any thoughts on that as we move forward here? You know I've been reading reports on this guy since the night that this happened last name is Crooks, he's from Pennsylvania and by all accounts he was just kind of a quiet guy, he graduated high school there and probably was somewhat of a recluse, he was a member of a local gun club they said that he had been a member maybe less than a year, approximately a year, certainly the gun club issued a statement to their attorney saying that they had nothing to do with this and it was terrible and sick but he didn't seem to have a lot of friends but in looking at it and reading some of the reports it appears that there was some level of planning that went into this and it wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision for him to get up on that route and try to kill President Trump but it's just too early to tell you know the secret service and the FBI, the FBI actually investigated a fascinating attempt in crime's commision on President but these agencies will work closely with the local agencies there, Sheriff's Department, local police and then they'll come up with a conclusion as to what happened and most likely why it happened, I promise you all resources will be used to try to determine that, sure, no more, but it's just too early right now. Yeah, okay, you have a perspective because when you were on the campaign trail for Lieutenant Governor you actually met with Donald Trump in Florida so give us your your thoughts from that perspective. So you know when I was running for Lieutenant Governor back in December I was invited to go down to Marlago for an event. It hit Marlago which is home strong and excellent event. I did a I did a news report last last two weeks ago and was on with the anchor and they were asking some questions about Trump and I'll tell you the same thing I told him this is the most resilient man to ever walk the earth in my opinion. We got a guy who's building that who could go live on an island with his family and his only concern every day is what they're going to do for fun and what they wouldn't do that eventually they can go on but he chooses to put himself in this position where he's being shot at, he's being hated across the world. So you know I believe he's trying to do the right things for the country and it's he's just a resilient, resilient man and just for an example I mean he's shot almost in the space and as soon as he's coming off the ground he's pumping his fist saying by by fight and I think that is his demeanor. If you meet President Trump that is who he is. Yeah yeah I was just reading right before this call to you something was said about to get my shoes get my shoes if you read that this morning. I saw something about that yeah thank you when they when he hit the ground his shoes came off. Yeah the Secret Service guy just hit him so hard so yeah but you know just to to see that that replay over and over and just thinking what a millimeter difference would make but you're right I've seen so many comments that people say the same thing you're saying he's a he could be anywhere doing anything but but he's put himself in this position and it really says something about the man the character and his beliefs doesn't it. I think it does I truly believe that he means what he says and he's not a perfect man nobody is and you know I get pushed back from individuals all over especially Democrats you know I don't want to get into politics on this because it's just simply such a terrible situation but he truly is trying to do the right thing for this country and I think he can do the right thing for this country. I think we we've had strong economies under him we've had you know we felt safe we didn't have the border mess that we do down in Mexico right now and I think that he has the ability to put America first and not not special interest and not his own interest. Do you think with this shooting incident that this will help sway voters in his direction more perhaps. Without question if you look at what's happened over the last 18 months with Donald Trump and whether or not you know the Department of Justice has been used to weapon I have been weaponized to combat him in his campaign with these criminal offenses. Irregardless of whether or not that is what has happened the every time he's been charged with a crime every time he's been accused of something every time that he's had a civil judgment launched against him everything that happened to him has gained momentum for his campaign and quite honestly this is probably one of the I don't say one of the best things could happen for his campaign because it's a sick event but the momentum that he's gonna gain off of this which is Bill alarming to the Democrats honestly this is I think this will solidify his position in history 47 brothers. Yeah and certainly a lot of people in agreement with that for sure. I'm wondering if the convention starts today how will this change the tone of that convention and and really moving forward with with Trump and Biden and the whole campaign. Well I think not only is this going to change the tone of the convention it's going to change the tone of politics right now for years you know we saw that President Biden is is disliked as President Biden is by Trump we know that immediately after the shooting he had reached out to Trump he you know wanted to talk to Trump make sure that he's okay and I think that you know people on both sides of the aisle are gonna say you know this is just we should not be in this place in America and you and I just talked a minute ago and there's been you know four assassinations of presidents seven six or seven of attempts but you know we just see more and more just lack of morality in our system and I think hopefully this is going to change some people's minds. So you know what we need to come together for the common good and try to determine who's going to be best at this country. Take that person and understand that you don't have to like everything that that person does but if you believe that they're best for our country by God let's put them in place and let them have an opportunity to fix it. So I'll say that say there's going to be a change in in the political system in the whole landscape of my faith. Yeah people talk about unity and when there's a mass shooting and all of that coming together and a different few points you know you wonder sometimes is that possible a unity in us working together as as you mentioned earlier in this podcast. Well I think it's going to take some type of religious revolution honestly and to get people back to the basics and unfortunately for that to happen it could could mean national tragedy strikes and not not what happened this week but something a far greater significant but but I do think it's possible but I think it's going to be something that God has to intervene and to get us back to a place where we can all accept each other accept each other's ideas that understand that their community standards it was going to live by and do the right thing for the country now the right thing for the party not the right thing for individuals. Okay well we have just a couple of minutes left Seth you made some some wonderful points here in this anything just for some closing comment. No Mike I think it's a you know honestly just a sick sick event that's happened and it's sad I think it's gonna give President Trump more momentum than he had we saw when he was convicted of 34 felony's up in New York he raised 34 million dollars and 18 hours yeah in everything negative that's happened in this man has given him traction given him momentum it's gonna push him over the finish line in November so I'm excited to watch that I hate that this has happened you know Secret Service fortunately was able to put an end shooting up there but not before other lives are lost so I think we all need to you know we we talked about what America was that he lived but unfortunately three others were shot two critical wounded and one deceased and we need to pray for those families because they they were just absolute victims of circumstances to be shot like they were just because they were sitting behind the former president who I believe were very new president so we we need to remember those individuals and their families who lost their lives because it's just a terrible act it was not necessary yeah thank you for mentioning that too I'd like to end with with one thing and just you kind of mentioned it briefly a little bit ago but you are are doing a lot of commentary I guess will be the best way to say it your take on as a legal consultant on politics current events on several national news outlets getting some exposure there would you like to address that just a moment how that's working yes you know after after the primary we can go to seek back in March you know I was we we really ran a fine campaign we you know we didn't win we did a great job made a lot of friends we were contacted by some folks up in Washington to work with Trump and basically I hate you know what's your level of interest you're you're obviously very knowledgeable in a lot of things legally especially I miss my trade and so we have been doing some comment taking on national news circuits and you know a lot of it has to do with politics on the law such as Trump's trials you know lawsuits things of that nature but just general political comment taking on national news and it's just been it's been really good we've never well received you know the whole news networks all over the country not just local stuff so it's been good you know continue to practice the law full time and kind of deeply immersed in politics and just a passion and I want to see most importantly the world change but I want to see good things for the country and want to say good things for North Carolina from my heart that so that's where I plan to stay but I have been doing that it's been good it's been good people can check us out online a lot of a lot of the comment taken we've done is gone on Twitter gone on Facebook Instagram so check us out if you like us give us a like yeah I was watching some of those clips over the weekend Seth thank you I appreciate your time and your perspective all right thanks Mike talk to you soon all right Rockingham County Attorney Seth Woodall is a monthly podcast here on Mike Moore Media [ Silence ]