The Howie Carr Radio Network

Protecting Your IRA or 401(k) with Physical Gold

Are you considering safeguarding your retirement savings against economic uncertainties? Join us in this exclusive interview with Howie Carr and Ryan Derda, as we explore the critical advantages of investing in physical gold for your IRA or 401(k). Learn how American Independence Gold can help you secure your financial future with a Gold IRA.

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20 Jul 2024
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A welcome to this podcast. This is how we car host of the how we car radio network. And with me today is Ryan Durda. He's the vice president of American Independence Gold. And we're here to discuss your your financial investment needs moving forward in this tumultuous market. Ryan, thanks for being with us here with the on the how we car network. My pleasure. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. So Ryan, as the vice president of American Independence Gold, what is your view on the current financial climate in the United States and worldwide? Oh, that's a great question. And I'm going to answer that by saying it's not just my view, but I would say a view of the election. When I say that, we're hearing, you know, reports from market analysts, almost every week of a pending stock market ground. Numbers ranging from 20% all the way to 50% and that 50% number is coming to us actually directly through the treasury mark. So no matter how you look at it across the board, I would say that, you know, it's imminent and be at that it's imminent. I definitely believe that it's time that people should be looking through protect themselves. As I've said before, you know, you don't buy fire insurance after the house. So what is the government's role in financial stability or in the case of the last few years instability, Ryan? Well, I think I would I would clarify that a little bit in saying that when we look in terms of financial stability, it's it's put more on the back of the federal reserve bank and the federal reserve number one is not federal and they don't have any preferred. However, they do have a target of two percent inflation and as well as keeping unemployment at low level. So those those are the feds part. So those are the tools in which they'll they'll use to pull down or speed up the economy. And unfortunately, with the feds background and history, they always get it wrong. They're always late to the party. And as a result of it, in my belief, it the federal reserve that actually is the one that causes us to have these extreme market crashes as well as the recessions that we face. And I genuinely believe that if the fed were to simply get out of the way and allow free market capitalism to work and operate as it's designed to operate, we get much more of a of a of a medium to the economy, right? There's natural ebbs and flows in free market capital. If prices come too high, the cure for high prices, as they say, is always high prices. So the price tend to come down and cool off. If prices are too low, competitors come on to the market. And by competitors coming on to the market, that naturally then begins to drive consumers to have choices on their, their options. So again, I think if we would just simply allow the markets to do what the markets do without that intervention, we'd probably be much better off. And then in terms of, you know, government, I would say that, you know, the government's role is is military protection of our country. And as you well know, right now we've got, you know, a completely open border where we've got mass illegal immigration being run by the cartels, military age men flooding our country. I genuinely believe that we have, you know, numerous sleeper cells that are organizing inside of our country. You know, we've had ISIS terrorists that have known ISIS terrorists that have crossed our border. Multiple, multiple military age men from China that have crossed our border, you know, so it's, I believe in terms of the, if you, you know, in terms of the government's role, that's their role. Yeah, their role is to, like you say, guard the borders, roads and courts. That's, that's the way the founding fathers saw it. But they've, they've expanded their, their role. And they've generally screwed up everything as Ronald Reagan said, you know, the nine most false words in the English language are we're here from the government and we're here to help you. And that's, that's the lesson of the last three and a half years, I think. So it behooves people to, to not put their, their trust in financial instruments that are propped up by this crazy government. And, you know, to get into precious metals, which have traditionally, through history, been a, been a bulwark of people's planning to, to deal with the vicissitudes of government mismanagement. So Ryan Durda, why don't you tell us about your, your veteran special at, at American independence gold? Absolutely. So we are a veteran owned company. Therefore, we want to make sure that we want to, we want to take care of those who have served in the family of those who have served our country. So with that, whenever, whenever we have a veteran that wants to either purchase physical gold and silver inside a qualified account, or outside of a qualified account, we do make sure that we take care of the fees that are associated with any kind of storage or account opening procedures that, that, that are charged in terms of getting an account open with a qualified account. For those that make purchases that are not in a qualified account, but don't necessarily want to have a large value of metals sitting at their home, we do offer private vault storage services where we will also cover those fees for our veterans. And, and you have those, those storage services are, are available across the country. All of it. There's, there's one in that, there is a service, a storage service in Delaware for the East Coast, for instance. Oh, absolutely. Yep. Absolutely. And then again, all, all across the country, whether they're East Coast, whether they're central, whether on, they're on the, the western half of the country, there, there's plenty of vault storage services available for anyone in any locale. Now, we, we've all seen the, the photographs from the Weimar Republic in Germany taking the wheelbarrows full of cash to a grocery store to buy a loaf of bread. I mean, it's happened more recently in Juan PerĂ³n's Argentina, Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe. I mean, there's just this sort of rampant printing of money always invariably leads to a fiscal disaster for the, for the economy and for the people who live there. So Ryan Durden, why don't you just give us a little refresher course on why stable, why, why metals are a stable asset in, in these, these times of turmoil? Absolutely. So I'm actually glad that you brought up the fact of hyperinflationary currencies, in the past. And my, my 18 years now, almost 19 years of being in the financial services industry, that became my, my focus of study over the years was monetary history. And one of the greatest lessons I ever learned was gold and silver are money. They're not current. And that's one of the most valuable lessons that I think I've been able to offer and teach to clients over the years is the difference between the two, right? And I like to give an acronym. Most people are familiar with a PDF file, right? So I tell people simply remember PDF and you'll understand the difference between money versus earth. So both money and currency are a medium of exchange. They're also portable, durable, divisible and fungible. So they share those same qualities and attributes. However, only money is a store of value over time. Gold and silver are the only thing over the last 5,000 years that have maintained the definition of being a store of value over time. Versus currencies, there have been thousands of fiat currencies prior to the US dollar. Every single one of them has ultimately gone to zero. So the US dollar in its current state as a fiat currency, not backed by anything other than the United States government promised to pay its debt with the United States is defaulted on its debt promises four times historically. The US dollar is not immune to this completely valuing of the currency. And if we were to actually value the purchasing power of the dollar today relative to gold, the US dollar has lost 99% of its per hour relative to the value of gold. There used to be a joke in the in the south, Savior Confederate money boys, the south will rise again. And you know, I mean, the way things are going, that may soon be a joke about the United States currency as well. And as you say, it's that's what's happened traditionally in culture after culture economy after economy. Now, so what are the pros and cons of metal investing? Well, I guess we'll start with the cons. Or some people, they're under the assumption that sometimes metals are difficult to acquire. However, in today's world, especially, you know, with now the advent of the internet, we're globally connected everywhere. Purchasing metal has become quite easy. Just in the past, people were more attuned to finding a local dealer or maybe a pawn shop or just a private individual sale. However, in today's world, we're way beyond that, where it's very easy for us to now be connected to multiple wholesalers all across the country to be able to acquire metals and bring our clients the best you. Another con, and this has just become an industry practice, which is now, I would say is being awarded is that quite often there have been, there have been, I should say unscrupulous companies that have charged excessive premiums on metal. Whereas, for example, right now, we have gold bars that we can get for 2% over the spot price, right? Whereas I've heard, you know, premiums as high as 50 to 60% above the spot price. And again, these are just unscrupulous dealers taking advantage of people's lack of knowledge to the industry. On the sell side, that's something else that people, I guess, in the past have considered a challenge. I heard the gentleman say to me, I think it was about a week ago that he was informed by his financial advisor that it's hard to sell. So I informed the gentleman that gold and silver are actually the most liquid assets in the entire world because gold and silver are literally the thing you can take. Anywhere in this world, I don't care what country you go to, you can sell your gold and silver for their local currents. So it is the most liquid asset in the entire world. Secondly, gold is classified by the global central bank as a tier one asset, which means it's considered to be the safest, most stable asset that you can own in your portfolio and/or that the bank will hold on their balance. So if we look at it in terms of if the global central bank's considered gold to be the safest, most stable asset they can hold on their balance sheet, liquidity is most certainly not an issue. And with our clients, we do have a buyback commitment where they never have to look for a buyer at the time when they're looking to sell gold or silver in their portfolio. Now it's something that we do also recommend that our clients hold for a three to five year period at least. More often seven to ten years would be the better recommendation because it is an asset that you're not trying to day trade. It is an asset that you're looking to hold for wealth preservation purposes. And then to finish answering your question in terms of pros, I would say first and foremost, safety and stability. And again, I'll focus my attention there on gold that if the global central banks label gold as the safest thing that you can that they'll hold on their balance sheet and/or you can hold in your portfolio, I think it's an absolute must that everybody should own gold in their portfolio at a minimum for the wealth preservation and edge purposes that quite often the clients you don't buy gold to get rid by gold to stay. Now suppose the United States pulls out of the tailspin that it's been in the last three and a half years and we return to low inflation piece and prosperity. Is that going to affect the price of gold? Again, great question. Gold prices and silver prices, they're not immune to market conditions, right? But what we don't see in gold again specifically because it's a tier one asset considered stable is we don't see the major volatility swings that we see in other risk assets. So we don't see major volatility swings in gold like we would see in Bitcoin. We don't see major volatility asset swings in gold like we see in the magnificent seven tech stock things of those sort. So when there are times of low inflation, when there are times of currency injection by the Federal Reserve into the markets because there's a low cost of borrowing those assets, those are the things that drive our stock markets to new all-time highs and that's where we'll see age stabling or a leveling off of gold price. I think we're a ways away from that. Yeah, unfortunately, after Reagan's election, it took years to get the economy back straightened out and it's going to take even if Trump's elected, it's going to take a while to get everything back under control again. So Ryan Durda, this has been very interesting. So how can my listeners contact you and American Independence gold? It's very easy how we all we have to do is have your clients go to That's and that will get them in touch with either myself or any of our qualified representatives to help them. Ryan Durda, thanks for being with us from American Independence gold. It's the company I choose for my wealth preservation. It's more imperative than ever to try to preserve your wealth. You need to invest in precious metals. Thank you for being with us. Ryan Durda and I encourage my listeners to go to learn more about American Independence gold at and there are other places they can go to find out more information as well. Ryan, correct? Yes, sir. That's correct. Our customers can call our toll free number at 844-714-4653 or they can visit us on the web at Thank you. you. [BLANK_AUDIO]