The Howie Carr Radio Network

Chris Lauzon Joins The Show | 7.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Chris Lauzon joined the show to discuss the wind turbine disaster in Nantucket.

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19 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Burna non-lethal pistol. Now more than ever, you need a Burna. To learn more, go to Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The last time I was in a commission that felt like this was Obama 2008. There's something happening. My name is Sammy. They call me Sammy Franklin. Leave the media, Sammy. I'm Gus. Gus Bus. A remarkably long acceptance speech shake and a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech. I counted at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on first listen. I was the baddest in the year of school, yes. You're going snake house man. You gotta resist. Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people, and started shouting "Fight, Fight, Fight." Let Trumpa media run wild, brother. Let Trumpa media rule again. Let Trumpa media make America gray again. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Holy car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. As you know, Nantucket has been the site this week of an environmental disaster. I think you could describe it as one of the wind turbines owned by vineyard wind 15 miles out, came apart in relatively calm seas. All kinds of green foam debris has been washing ashore on the south side of the island. The beaches were closed down for a while. The island was not told about this for 48 hours after it happened. It's a complete screw-up. The selectmen have been meeting, and there haven't been too many political officials around to deal with this, even though the Democrats who control most of the Cape elected offices are totally on board with this wind power, or alleged wind power. Now there's a headline Nantucket select board to pursue litigation next week against vineyard wind in the wake of blade failure. All these businesses down on the south shores of the island are shut down. No one wants to go out. The beaches were shut down. It's a real major mess. Again, most of the Democrats who represent the island have been no shows. Joining us now on the line is the Republican candidate for the Cape and Islands Senate District, which is held by a guy named Julian Cyr, who's from Provincetown, but this is Chris Lozen. He's a Republican who's running for the seat. Chris, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Car Show. Thanks for having me on Howie. I appreciate it. Are you going down there to Nantucket? I am going on there on the first boat tomorrow morning. 6-10 in the morning, I'm heading over there, and I didn't have any trouble getting tickets, so I don't know what Julian Cyr's excuse is. So, yeah, where's Bill Keating, by the way, the congressman? I mean, he's totally in on this, too, isn't he? Yeah, I mean, they're all missing in action. You know, the state representative, state senator, US representative, federal senators, they all have forgotten about it. No comments, no visits to the island, and these are the people who pushed it on us. They've been pushing offshore wind on the Cape and Islands for years. We've been fighting it, fighting it, fighting it, saying that something like this would be the result, and here we are. So, like you said, it's just an environmental disaster and also an economic disaster. I mean, the business is on Nantucket. I've been talking to several people. It's just, you know, nobody wants to go to the beach. Obviously, you've got styrofoam, fiberglass washing up onto the shore. When I go to the beach, I don't want to feel fiberglass between my toes, you know? Right. Well, I mean, it's not a great draw to the beach when they say be sure to wear shoes and don't take any dogs. You know? I mean, what does it say? No wonder nobody's going down there. Nobody wants to rent a boat to go out there or a wind surf or a surfboard to go out there because you don't know what's out there. All this crap in the water. Right. And this is the height of the tourist season for the island. You know, we rely on our tourist economy down here, and they're hurting over there right now as a result of this. And it's a failure of the state and federal governments pushing this on our communities without the proper oversight, without any plan in place, apparently, for something like this occurring. And like you said, the company didn't even notify the island until two days after this blade just fell into the ocean. Yeah, and it wasn't even a storm or anything, you know? No, and calm weather. So what's going to happen? You know, there's only a few of these turbines up right now. They're planning 62 and 62 62. How many are up now? I believe there's 10 up right now. And that's just the first project that planning two additional projects south of the vineyard. And they're also talking about more on the east side of the Cape, you know, off the outer Cape shore. So and Julian Sears been totally absent on all of this. He's been a big champion of it over the years. He kept promising us clean, reliable, safe, cheap energy from this. And it's turned out to be none of those things. And and what is Julian Sears up to this weekend? Well, I'm sure you know Kamala Harris, the vice president, she's coming down to Provenstown tomorrow for a big fundraiser. And Senator Sears is going to be there. He's, you know, he's not going to miss that first things first. Maybe to get that's right. That's his priority. I don't know if he's hoping to get a VP slot, maybe if Biden drops off the ticket, but he's certainly not putting his constituents first. Yeah, I mean, sometimes you got to pass up the chance to be with the beautiful people, because you know, the the people on Nantucket, he works for them, right? Absolutely, right. He should. But you know, I mean, a lot of his former staffers are on the Oven Grid team now, you know, they work for Oven Grid, the company that's building these turbines. He's received contributions from people who work for Oven Grid. So he's not working for us. He's working for corporate interests. He's working for government interests. And people are getting tired of it. Chris Lozen, he's the Republican candidate for the Senate seat that that includes Nantucket, the island, Cape and Islands. You ought to put out a press release with all the contributions his former staffers or where they work and what contributions the officials of this company have made to his campaign. Absolutely. And I think it's totally inappropriate. I mean, I have not received any contributions from anyone at Oven Grid. And if I did, I would return them. I mean, that's totally inappropriate, in my opinion. But you know, it just shows where his priorities are. You know, like I said, he's not not interested. He hasn't even issued a statement on this. You know, I mean, the least he could do is just say, I'm aware of it and I'm working on it. He hasn't even done that. Well, this is the, this is the fruits of a one party state. You know, this is, this is what happens. You know, they don't feel that they have to, have to respond to anything, because they feel like they can just do whatever they want to get reelected. And he has been reelected in the past. But you know, this, maybe this is, maybe this is a wake up call to the voters of the Cape and Islands that, you know, they need. I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Things are changing. I can feel it in the air. You know, I was in East Ham. There was a meeting about those offshore turbines they're talking about for the outer Cape and people out there are not happy about it. And those are generally democratic voters. I mean, these are people who probably are voting for him every time he's run. And they, I was talking to them, they're not happy with them. That's his, that's his into the district. Absolutely. Yes. Yes. And he's not representing them. And they're noticing that. So, you know, we're working with those average people to let them know that they do have a voice. And like I said, I'm going over to man tuck it on the first boat tomorrow. I'm going to go to the beaches, talk with people, and let them know that they will have a voice once I'm elected in November. All right. Chris, Chris, how do people in the district or outside your district, if they want to get involved with your campaign, how do they reach out to you? They can go to my website. It's vote, It's vote, And yeah, people in the district, people across the state, you know, it affects all of us. So, this is a huge debacle. And like you said, it's a result of our one-party state. We've got to change it. Yeah. And when you get a picture of yourself on the beach, talking to people, and then post it with a picture of him with the beautiful people tomorrow with profits down at, at Kamala's time, you know? Absolutely. All right. Chris Lozen, candidate for the state senate, a Republican from the Cape and Islands district. He will be on the Antucket tomorrow while Julian Cyr, the incumbent Democrat, will be hobnobbing with Kamala and the rest of the swells in Provincetown. Thanks, Chris. Many people have asked me, how does balance seven really work? And what does it do for you? If you've wondered for years why I love balance seven so much, you have to take a listen to my Meet the Experts interview with Dr. Nora Stani. 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Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh, wow. Read his latest at He's Howie Carr and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1700 pounds of force. That's more than 10 times what a deadlock can, a deadbolt, excuse me, deadbolt can stop. Learn more at That's We had a few left. They're gone now though. Our cheap bastard deal is sold out, but it's still a great buy even at the regular price. So check it out at Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? After Biden got 15 million votes in primaries, what do you call what Democrats are trying to do to him now? Assault on Democracy. Koudetah. Insurrection. Stab in the back or intervention? I'm going to stick with insurrection. That's the word I never used before and I still don't use it very often, but the Democrats certainly do. So I'm going to call it an insurrection. Insurrection has 25% in the lead is assault on democracy and then stabbing in the back has 21%. All right. By the way, when is the J-13 commission going to be set up by the House of Representatives to investigate the insurrection attempt in Butler PA a week ago tomorrow? I won't hold my breath. 844-542-42. Nicole, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nicole. Hey, Howie, I'm a 30-year listener. Thank you. And I experienced a horrible tragedy, I think, this morning on my supposed trip to Okinawa to visit my cousins who are a marine and a Navy nurse. And we got to the airport. There are people like sleeping everywhere. We had no notifications about any of this stuff. Yeah. And then we got to notice our flight was canceled. So we came back to the hotel and then they're telling us to go because we live in Oklahoma. Oh, my God. Where was the airport you were going to? Which one? Well, we live in Tulsa. So we had to fly. Well, we had to drive to Oklahoma City and then go to Denver and from Denver to San Francisco, where we're going to meet up with my aunt and uncle. And from there, fly to Okinawa. Well, actually Osaka and then to Okinawa. So where are you now, Nicole? Back in Oklahoma City, just stuck here in this trash hole. I hate this place. Well, I mean, when can you reschedule a flight or can you? Because my, well, my husband's a little there. And that was his only week off. So we're screwed. I don't know. Man. And they're deploying soon. So that was our only chance. So thanks. Yeah, CrowdStrike. They're the one, they're a Democrat firm. They were involved in all that Ukraine nastiness. And I think didn't Trump ask Zelensky about CrowdStrike and CrowdStrike was supposedly operating the security for the Democrat National Committee in 2016. What, I'm sorry, Nicole. So boy, you really did get screwed. Yeah, we did. What are you going to do? I mean, who are you angry at? Everyone in every, I don't know. I'm just I'm angry. Oh, that's terrible. How long are you going to spend in Okinawa? It was only a week because that's all he could get off. So. Oh boy, I'm sorry. Would you like a copy of Paperboy, Nicole, to pass the summer? I've got it. I've got a fine one. Oh, yeah. All right. We'll call a call back when you understand American comes out. I'll get you one of those when it comes out in about six weeks. Okay, Nicole. Okay, thanks. You get one for free. Give give your number to whoever's answering the phone or Matt, give your number to Matt and we'll get you a copy when when it comes out. That's really bad. 844-542-42. You know, it's bad enough to get knocked off a flight any time, but if you're on the shuttle to New York, you can get the next one. The flight to Okinawa, you may have to wait a while, especially if there's three connecting flights. Cliff, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Cliff. Howie, thanks. Taking a call. I think backstabbing democratic resurrection is probably the number one choice. But I'm calling to follow up on Chris Wu's on in the subject of Nantucket. For your listeners out there, they're at the board of the Slectman have a YouTube video update, just video Nantucket hearing the other night. It's got wrenching. But what I want to mention to you is, first of all, Chris is excellent, a real American, and I'm wishing the best for him down here. I'm calling you from the Cape. What I wanted to let you know is that this is basically not just Nantucket, it's the Cape. It's the vineyard. Now they're going up the other side of the Cape. But I refer to it as the dirty politics of clean power. What you have is a Healy administration is literally writing laws to override local zoning. On this clean project, what's going on here in the town of Barnstable is the energy facility sighting board came down here, did a comprehensive permit that overrode our local zoning, which included protecting our well water, protected, building, transform the substations and residential zones. Down here in the Cape, they've got one transform, a substation I put on the edge of we quark at Lake in the middle of our well fields, 125,000 gallons, transform oil. They're doing the same thing, they're doing the same thing clip with public housing. That's where any town in the MBTA district, they're threatened to cut off like they're doing with Milton and in other towns, threatened to cut off any kind of state aid. I mean, and then she declares an emergency and the same powers that Baker used to shut down 30% of the restaurants in Massachusetts during the panic. It's just a big mess. This is what happens in a one-party state. Got to start taking these seats back one at a time, one at a time. Thanks for the call, Cliff. I'm Howie Carr. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day? Maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycons everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love, at a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, eight hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all-day lists. Raycon everyday earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation, and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping when you go to That's 20% off and pre-shipping at by Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I got my grandkids with me. I just had William with me and 339 said, "You're a lucky man. He's adorable. Love his mail truck. He loves his mail truck too. He's got a whole fleet of little toy trucks. Now I have Claire with me. She's very interested in the microphone. 844-542-424-542-542-508 says, "Marra won't let a machine gun range open at Otis due to the risk of contaminating the Cape aquifer. Cape wind is putting large volumes of transformer oil directly above municipal water supply. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along." Yeah, you think it's really a good thing to have all this debris washing ashore? It's not just the foam. I mean the styrofoam. It looks like crap. But what about the fiberglass? How do you like to be walking on the beach barefoot? I mean, that's what you go to the beach to walk barefoot, right? You go to the beach to let your dogs run free. You can't bring the dogs on the beach. Maybe you can now, but you couldn't for a while. I don't think I don't know if I'd bring the dogs on the beach even now. 844-542-541. When are we going to hear that Trump is the cause of all the computer issues in the screwed up flights? I'm sure it's only a matter of time. 844-542-442. Frank, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Frank. Yeah. Hi. How are you? How are you? Good. The Massachusetts is about to pass the climate bill. It's already passed through the Senate and it's being considered in the House. And what it does is it's going to bypass every town's bylaws. And one of the things like, for example, in Falmouth, they're going to put offshore wind cables through residential neighborhoods to a high voltage DC converter station. That the converter station is the size of something that they would use between countries for direct current. Yeah. And these tables, each set of cables is 800 megawatts at 345,000 volts. And to put it in perspective, the output of the Togem nuclear plant was 64, 640 megawatts. So this is what's going to be outside your street, outside your house in like a town of Falmouth. Right. And I thought she, I thought, you know, Mark, didn't Marahili, when she was attorney general, didn't she stop the natural gas pipelines from coming into the state? And then they didn't want electric power coming down from Quebec, the hydropower, which you don't get any cleaner than hydropower. But yet they want to allow this stuff to come into the state and set up these wind farms that are already falling apart in in calm ocean weather. I think they shut down the mystic gas plant. Oh, God. But the point is that the House of Representatives is still considering it and people should call their representatives if they even know about it. Yeah. And tell them that you don't want this to happen to your city or your town. Yeah, I mean, well, you know, Milton's trying to fight the state on the on the public housing. You know, they want to they want to put up all these new flop houses around the MBTA stations. People people spend the average medium, the median price of a house in Boston, Greater Boston. Now it's $960,000. So you scrimp and you save and you, you know, you need to buy the median priced house in Boston. Now you need to have a annual income household income of 217,000. These numbers are just coming out. So you got to work and work two jobs. Both parents work and you buy the house. And then they then they they tell you that they're going to put up one of these big power plants or a big flop house for illegal aliens. And you can't do anything about it. There's no there's there's no local control anymore because they're they're claiming all these these powers because they're they're beautiful people. And you know, your selectman, your your vote doesn't doesn't matter anymore. Again, this is the these are the fruits of a one-party state. It's got to it's there's got to be some balance restored to the to the government of the Commonwealth. Thanks for the call, Frank. 844 542 42 by the way, speaking of the state budget, I mentioned this briefly earlier, I tweeted out about it. The the tucked into the state budget, which was just approved very late several days late. The the the district attorneys of the Commonwealth have got a nice pay raise in their in their their Christmas stocking six months early, five months early. Their their pay is going from $191,000 a year to $223,000 a year. $32,000 pay raise for among others, Meatball Morrissey, the district attorney who's trying to put Karen Reed behind bars, even though she's been found not guilty on two counts unanimously. They want to retry her again. He's got a he's 70 years older soon will be. And this this $32,000 a year boost in in his pay is going to mean for him when he goes out whenever he's going out on an 80% pension. So this is going to mean an extra $2,000 a month in his pension. He's he's been in he's been on the public payroll since he was 20 years old, 50 years, 50 years. And now he's got a now he's got a $32,000 raise that nobody knew anything about it. Nobody knew a damn thing about it. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Lisa, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Lisa. Howie, thanks for taking my call. Long time listener, I'm 60 plus. I like to think I'm still 59, but I'm not born and raised in Boston. Been in New Hampshire for the past 25 years. I'd ask for the voice changer, but you know, I'm not afraid of much anymore. I write binary code 1010101. Yeah, right. Rather than buy software to design my own web page for my new company, which is two years behind schedule because COVID set me back big time. But I'm lucky to be alive every day is a blessing. I wake up and I put my shoes and my pants on. Now, my question to you and to anyone who can answer was the bug in the new software that shut down various industries around the world. In your estimation, intentional, or did somebody drop a zero or a one? I don't know. We had on Dave Sampson from Thrive Cybersecurity. I know the Sampson. If he's related to the Sampson's from East Boston, I'm the cousin of a Kennedy. I married a Fitzgerald, silly me. But I don't know. He didn't seem to know. I mean, I guess they're going to have an investigation. But you know, the way these federal investigations go now, the FBI is supposedly investigating the shooter in Butler, PA. Do you really think we're going to get to the bottom of it? And I mean, and again, this crowd strike has got all kinds of ties to the Democrats, apparently, doesn't it? I mean, they were the ones that were doing the security for Hillary Clinton when they were supposedly being hacked by the Russians back in 2016. That's a goddamn shame. Yeah, I don't know what the answer is. But boy, I mean, it's screwed up a lot of people's lives. I mean, I feel really bad for Nicole, who was calling us from Oklahoma, trying to get to visit her relatives in Okinawa. I wish I had Nicole's number. I can commiserate. I took a jet-blue flight to a friend's wedding, friend's, best friend's weddings, daughter's wedding in Florida, Santa Belle Island, which was wiped out by a hurricane. We practically had all three high rises to ourselves because the place still looks like Okinawa or Hiroshima after a bomb was dropped. But here in America, we pick up our, we pull up our pants and we put our shoes on and we go back. We're probably the most generous nation on the planet. I don't know how long, how much longer we can afford to be that way. I don't need it, Lisa. Thanks for the call, though. I appreciate it. 844-542-42. Bill, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bill. Hi, Howie. How are you? Good. Good. I've enjoyed reading if it is. I've never called. Thank you. But I'm calling on the Vineyard wind project and the disaster with the turbine, and that's the only one we've heard of, you wonder if there's more. But the other side of that coin and not hearing anything from the politicians, Holtech, which is the company that took over the management of the Plymouth Power Plant, they just recently re-submitted an application to dump a million gallons of contaminated water into Cape Cod Bay because it's, quote, 100% safe, unquote. If it's safe, how come their calling contaminated? I mean, I don't know any details. I just read about it in the paper this morning. You know what? I'm paraphrasing that from different articles and so forth. They're not calling it contaminated, but I don't know how the heck it should not be. It's storage of nuclear thickened water. I mean, if it's ridiculous, and not one piece from politicians about any of it, I just happened to come up on nautical the other day that they had re-submitted their application to do this. That's unreal. Yeah. Remember when when Obama was president and they tried to, they were trying to drain some contaminated water out of an old, a closed mind out in around New Mexico or somewhere, and they released tens of millions of gallons of contaminated water into this Indian, into an Indian reservation area where the Indians had lots of growing land. It killed everything. They had a picture of the, they had a picture of the river at the aerial shot, and it was, it was orange. I mean, it looked like it was fluorescent, the river, but it never got any play because Obama was president, and it was his, his government that had done it, and they don't, they don't know what they're doing. Let me give you an example. Just, this is a smaller indication. It means something to me because I'm a taxpayer in, in the town in Needham. I don't own land, but I, I own equipment because that's where our, our studios are. That's where I'm broadcasting from. So I pay property taxes or whatever it is, some kind of taxes to Needham. A smashed jar of salsa cost Needham thousands of dollars. This is, this, this isn't saying, a smashed jar of salsa prompted the closure of a popular public pool in Needham this week, as crews drained, cleaned, and refilled the pool to ensure no glass shards would harm swimmers. Town authorities announced Sunday night that the Rosemary lap pool would be closed for several days during a heat wave because of the mishap, which cost between 15 and $20,000 to remedy, according to a spokesman for the town. It was an unfortunate accident. In a Facebook post, the town's parks and recreation department said a town, a glass bottle shattered next to the pool. What, what do you mean it shattered? It just was, it was just sitting there, and then all of a sudden it exploded? Well, it just shattered, causing the pools shattering during a week when the national weather service issued a heat advisory for most of southern New England. It was an unfortunate accident. It was a, someone, when was the last time you were in a pool, any pool, public or private, where they allowed you to bring glass containers into the pool for just this very reason. Glass is forbidden for just this reason at Rosemary pools with town officials calling the incident avoidable and unfortunate. Can we find out who did this and maybe send them a bill? If you get lost in the White Mountains and they have to send up a rescue crew, they send you a bill. Whoever brought the glass jar of salsa into the pool should be sent a bill for this rather than sending the bill to me a taxpayer. To guarantee in everyone's safety, the lap pool was drained, power washed and vacuumed, refilled with water, retreated with chemicals to meet state standards and retested for bacteria. They, everything that can be screwed up, government will screw up, whether it's a lap pool or a wind turbine out in the ocean or the attempted lynching of Karen Reed and then giving the person that's trying to do it a huge pay raise. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. 339 says when they were cleaning the pool that they find any pieces of pale life. I don't know, you know, trooper proctor's been suspended, so I probably not since and now Sergeant Bakaki is out trying to hassle women who posted on Facebook that they think Karen Reed was framed. This is what they're doing now. We'll talk to Turtle Boy about that on Monday, but again, check out my tweet, a $32,000 raise for meatball morrissey, an extra $2,000 a month in his pension for his entire life. Of course, you're 70 years old, you weigh 300 pounds in your five feet tall. I don't know what your actuarial prospects are, but you know, probably not on the hook for that much, but still anything is too much. Salsa, huh? You know, I thought I just remembered it's not just the illegals you salsa. I got some salsa in my refrigerator. Come to think of it. It's in a plastic container. I don't think you have to get salsa in a glass container. Hose long to refill pool. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, there could be a golden silver lining behind the issue there in Nantucket because the governor could declare emergency and that will free up 100,000 rooms with illegal immigrants. But Howie, howie? Go ahead. The thing, you know, Trump has been on office for four years, and it's interesting because the 51 intelligence that signed off that the laptop was taken suddenly after four years, this threat to get sprung from Iran, it almost seems like they're setting up the stage for some kind of event to happen. Yeah. And they say, oh, you know, it seems very suspicious, Howie. No, I agree. I agree. I've, you know, I think a lot of people feel that way, including myself. It's it's just you can't trust any of these people. And this now the FBI is running the investigation of the shooter. So that means we'll never find out what really happened. Thanks for the call. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. You there, Bob? This is Paul. Paul, go ahead, Paul. Hi, I love listening to you. Karen Reed was framed because you're tampered with evidence and they showed it. They're showing you to the jury how the judge couldn't just dismiss the case right there by tampering with evidence. You mean that the number of the different number of tail light pieces? Yeah, they, yeah, they tail, the tail light, the pieces of tail light were apparently reproducing in a sealed bag. It's just that it's an amazing thing. And they, and they couldn't find the they couldn't find anything but a few microscopic pieces of tail light before, you know, on the first day that they looked. But they, of course, they waited till night had fallen that the sun had already set, then they began looking. But as the days went by, they kept finding bigger and bigger pieces. It's an amazing thing. And, and, and now they want to retry or even though they're five jurors, five, maybe six jurors, if you include the jury foreman, have said that they, they, they had unanimous verdicts of, of not guilty, which means case dismissed, charges dismissed. But they don't want to throw it out. Meet Paul Morrissey. Back in court, nine o'clock Monday will be around on Howie Car.