The Howie Carr Radio Network

Police Blotter Facts & The Chump Line | 7.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

A Chicken Man has been scamming a grocery store chain out of thousands of dollars in chicken, and the Chump Line.

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19 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HAWAY3. [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The last time I was in a commission that felt like this was Obama 2008. There's something happening. My name is Sammy, they call me Sammy Franklin. Please to me, you Sammy, I'm Gus, Gus Buff. A remarkably long acceptance speech shake, and a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech. I counted at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on first listen. I was the baddest, yes, oh yes. You're going snake house man, you gotta resist. Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most bad-ass things I've ever seen in my life. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people, and started shouting, fight, fight, fight. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Let Trumpa media run wild brother, let Trumpa media rule again. Let Trumpa media make America great again. >> Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. >> It's- >> I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man. >> Holy car. >> 844-500-4242, we found some video, Taylor found some video, that dottering, senile, corrupt old vegetable coming out of the kitchen at the Mexican restaurant in Vegas the other day. It's, it's pitiful, we tweeted it out, but it's, it's up there. You can, you can check it out if you want. Really bad, I mean, he comes out, he's, he's hanging on, he comes out of the swinging door, of the kitchen, and he's hanging on for dear life to this, to this woman. Looks like the owner of the restaurant. And so he gets out through the door into the actual restaurant and it's, and it's, it's not like if it, a Trump place where there are actual Americans and you know, actual customers, people who go to the Mexican restaurant. These people are all just from central casting or from the, you know, the Clark County Democrat committee. And they're waiting for him and there's a woman waiting for him. And so he, he goes from hanging on for dear life to the woman that was brought him out from the kitchen. To the woman who's going to introduce him and just grabs her. Just grabs her to keep, keep walking. Yeah, I didn't even go in for his sniff or be creepy or anything. So you can tell he's gone. By the way, that picture of him mistaking his, this woman with blonde hair for his wife, that's, that's a pretty sad one too. And he, you know, she has blonde hair, but it's a lot longer. She's about 20, 30 years younger. And she's, but she's wearing a blue, blue outfit like Jill. And Jill realizes what's going on because she, she sees it every day. So she runs up to him and tells him, Joe, it's, it's not, that's not me. I'm here, I'm here. Very sad, very sad. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, by the way, just breaking news from the US Attorney's office. A pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist fellow at Boston Children's Hospital has just been arrested and charged in federal court with possessing and distributing child sexual abuse material. An anesthesiologist at Children's Hospital. Christopher Shearer, 35 of Boston has been charged with one count of distribution of child pornography and one count of child possession of child pornography. He was detained pending a hearing on Tuesday, July 23rd. Good Lord. He previously worked at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. A federal investigation began in Baltimore into a member of a group on an encrypted messaging app that required users to upload nude imagery of children known to them. Oh my God. It was working at Children's Hospital. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Time now for the jump line. Hey, Holly. Jewel Biden finished three books last week. That's a lot of coloring. Does he prefer a Marvel or DC? Geez, so much fake news about Chuck Schumer. Just stopping by to make Biden one of his famous wagyu cheeseburgers. Do you ever go fishing, Mr. President? Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ready wise, go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Come on, man. I only watched the Republican invention during the commercial breaks of the Ben Casey marathon. And let me tell you, there was no racial adversity. You see, I was the first female black president when I was picked by that clean black guy in 2020 and I chose that black team to be my vice president on the Supreme Court, which led to me getting arrested on the front porch with the president of Africa, Nelson, the man at the deli, where he used to get the cold cuts. Double stacked. I really don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said either. Do you think he prefers Ben Casey or Dr. Kill there on a meat TV? Do they have they must have both series? I don't know if those kids Kamala Harris was talking about a lot of a coconut tree, but I'm fairly convinced that she didn't just fall out of the stupid tree. She was thrown and she hit every branch on the way down. Yeah, you know who thrower, the man in the moon. Joe Biden is demanding immediate action after today's major outage. He's going to make Microsoft change it to the rainbow screen of death to be more inclusive. It's that corporate greedism, as he put it the other day. Joe has a new stream of COVID. It's called the drop out variant. 978 if Biden were a regular citizen, he'd be in a nursing home with the way he's been acting. This is elder abuse. Dr. Jill should be ashamed. I think she's still telling him he's she that, you know, he's got to stay in her and Hunter and maybe Chris Coons, Chris Coons probably knows better, but he's just he's stuck, you know, he's he's been carrying his water all these years. Can't stop now. The greatest convention of all time reached its peak as soon as our future president rose to speak, he lit up the room no more doom and gloom because the country's outlook is no longer bleak. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I, you know, maybe maybe he ran a little long. I like the rambling aspect of it. You know, just the it was like he was he was slightly more laid back just because he had survived the shooting. Some people are saying, you know, he's going to probably, you know, have insomnia, not not eat as well, PTSD type stuff. I don't know about that. We'll see tomorrow in Michigan. Tomorrow he's he and Vance are in Michigan together and let's let's see how that'll be his first rally since since the the actual shooting in in Butler PA. He remade today marks a 55 years since my minor fender band. I remain just like he ripped off my brother's speeches. I remember Joe Biden is copying me. I remember metaphorically speaking his campaign has gone off a bridge. They remain is taking on water every time to swim to egg it down and put on the neck brakes, Joe. Ted had a car wreck 55 years ago. Joe Biden campaign has had a train wreck Amtrak. It looks like Joe Biden's campaign is being run by CrowdStrike. Yeah, and if he doesn't get out soon, there's going to be a drone strike. Sources say Kimberly Jiddle hasn't spoken publicly about the assassination attempt because the whole situation truly is a slippery slope. Yes, it is. That's yeah, that's been around on the internet for a couple of days, but still it bears repeating. Why did I listen to Nancy Pelosi every time he saw TV? It sounds like he's hammered and when it comes to her husband, I don't even want to mention the idea, the idea of a hamster. That was very rude. Did you notice he brought up when he was talking about Trump being shot? He brought up Paul Pelosi being attacked as if that had anything to do. With anything other than with, you know, the thing. And by the way, I would just repeat for the millionth time because nobody else repeats it. The guy who attacked him who lived in the gay district in San Francisco, Castro, the Castro district. He was an illegal alien. That was your last Trump line message. Thank you for calling how we car. You chump. All right, that's it for the Trump line today. The Chump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time, every weekday, the Chump line number. If you wish to leave such a message, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. Press two for the Chump line. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just want to hear a second brand new Chump line every week, night evening, you can. It's called chopped chumps. It's where we put all the messages. We didn't have room or time for just now. And it's posted around seven o'clock every week, night, eastern time. Chop chumps, the second Chump line of the day, you can get it wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Joe Biden is demanding immediate action after today's major outage. He's going to make Microsoft change it to the rainbow screen of death to be more inclusive. Yeah, it's too bad. Why didn't everyone just drive to McDonald's and get the free Wi-Fi to get everything straightened out? There were no blue screens at McDonald's, I'm sure. After the horrific events, events over the weekend, now more than ever, you should consider getting a burner. We live in crazy times and you never know when you will have to take matters into your own hands to defend yourself and your loved ones. And having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the burn a less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal force is daunting. Burdened with emotional and legal consequences, the burner offers a safer, sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are a verister, owning a firearm, the burner is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe, legal in all 50 states. No background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5 star reviews. They can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't just an option. It's an essential component of responsible non-lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. That's for 10% off and to check out the latest news about burna. And if you haven't checked out my new episode of meet the experts with owner Brian Gantz, listen today, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcasts. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. Howie Car is back. 508 says Dr. Jill just tweeted out, inferring she wasn't going anywhere. Oh. John from Kansas, why so down on the Democrats, even the best puppet masters have to freshen their puppet shows and get new puppets every few years. Again, useful idiots, right? That's all. 844, 542, 42. This is a family business says 617. If they lose Joe, they're out of business. Yeah, I read that somewhere today saying the Democrats are negotiating with the powerful Biden family. Powerful. They've got one guy. This isn't like the Kennedys, you know, where you have, you know, multiple elected officials or the, even in the old days, the Rockefellers or, you know, there's all kinds of families that have multiple office holders. And, you know, then you have some power with words of family in Chicago, the Madigans or something that now they're, they're in prison or they've gone away. But, you know, if you have one guy, you take the, you take the one guy out there out of business, monkey business, they're out of the monkey business. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. And we still have a few left from our cheap bastard deal. So if you want to get a $50 standard model of Flip Lock for just 25 bucks, half price, that's a great deal. Just read up on Flip Lock first and then go to and click on store and you can get up to three. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is after Biden got 15 million votes in primaries. What do you call what the Democrats are trying to do to him now? An assault on democracy, a coup d'état, an insurrection, a stab in the back or an intervention. I call it an insurrection. 23% of the audience says insurrection, 31% for assault on democracy, 20% for a stab in the back, 18% for a coup d'état and 8% for intervention. All right. So, you know, they were told they told us that this, that the shooter crooks had no social media. Now they're saying that he had three encrypted overseas accounts. I don't even know when an encrypted overseas account is every 20 year old has three encrypted overseas accounts. How are we three? You didn't have one or two. He had three of them. Did he have an offshore account to him? The grand Cayman Islands like Stevie Flemi did back in the day. So now a representative Mike Walts, Republican of Florida, says the FBI is looking into those three encrypted overseas accounts. So you can, you could be sure the FBI will leave no stone unturned except the one that the three encrypted overseas accounts are hiding under. What do you need an, what do you need an encrypted overseas account for? Especially if you don't have Instagram, Facebook or anything like that. What do you, what do you need it for? I'm sure that, you know, it was just, you know, for his own personal use. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. So we've, we've got the coming up soon. We've got the police blotter facts variety. You know, this is very interesting. I haven't talked about this. They, a poll, the Boston Globe had a poll today about the race for president in Massachusetts. And at first, I thought it's really boring. And they, and they wrote it really boring because it's so deadly for, for their man. Biden leads Trump 47-29. So even in Massachusetts, the most Biden can get is 47%. So that's an 18 point margin. So late April, so that's a little, two and a half months ago, they did a similar poll. Biden had a 30 point lead. So he's lost almost half of his lead over Trump in Massachusetts in, in two and a half months. God saves the queen, man. The discontent is notably higher with younger voters, with 77% of those under the age of 35, saying they prefer a different nominee rather than Brandon. Young voters also don't like the job Biden is doing, 53% disapprove. That's the Boston Globe, a religious tract of the Democrat Party, a Maui car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're back, trying to get my new computer set up. I'm not having much luck. I'm not surprised, though. Was your, was your, was your old computer a victim of the cyber attack? No, I was just, it was just getting old and it was getting hot. You know, there was only a matter of time until you're getting hot pants with the computer sitting on you. Yes, exactly. I could, I could see there wasn't a handwriting on the walls. It was the heat on the bottom. But anyway, it's, I was Roscoe complaining about it. No, I was just getting there. I think you're hot. I was trying to set up an encrypted overseas account and not having much, much luck. But hey, you know, I'll get, I'll get. It is what it is. It is what it is. Correct. 844-542-42, it's that time of the week. It's time for police blotter facts Friday. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police blotter. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, the duly authorized organization swings into action. A fact, a fact is coming through. Oh, yeah, your facts. Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. Our boiled action and mystery. So stand by for trouble and suspense. And stand by for adventure. All right, I'm not getting my computer going yet, but I have got my laser cap going. There it is. It's working. It's working. What happens when they get, when that gets too hot? I can only use it 20 minutes at a time. The computer's on all day and all night, just about. But anyway, this, it's time for police blotter facts Friday. You know how it works by now? All week long, we ask you to send in your funny or humorous stories from your local police department, law enforcement. And as long as there's somewhat humorous from your local daily or weekly newspaper, your internet website, service provider, blog, whatever, just send them to, And at this time, every Friday evening, we read the best entries of the week, in our opinion, and the two best entries of the week at a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? They will get a go-woke, go-broke t-shirt. All right, great. So what the, what have we got here? These are the runners-up. Right. Just like MSNBC is the guardian of memory, we are the guardians of humor. So these are the runners-up. These do not win a prize. They weren't good enough to get a prize in our opinion. But this first one's not bad. Chicken Man steals over $12,000 in chicken-- Chicken Man. Yes. Chicken. Is this Phil Tester, the late boss of the Philadelphia Mafia? Was he known for chickens? That was his name, Phil Tester, the chicken man. Why was he called the chicken man? I don't know. I don't know the-- That's a turkey, Mr. Garcia. He's in my book, though, my new book. You understand American. Jerry and Jullo and his boys were talking about avenging the chicken man when he was blown up. We have a name of the book now? You understand American? Yes. You understand American question, Mark. Nice. I like that. Yeah. That's what those are Jerry and Jullo's last instructions to Richie Gumbali, the hitman when he sends him out. He said, "You know what to do now? You understand American?" Nice. Classic. Now this story, a man accused of stealing chicken from a food line store in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, may have also stolen more than $12,000 worth of chicken from numerous food line stores around the state, according to the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office. They were called to the food line on Readville Road regarding surveillance video of a person who entered the store on June 21st and "obtained" two packages of chicken by fraudulent means. The store told deputies that the man showed a store employee a screenshot on his phone of a barcode from some "bad chicken" he had recently purchased and wanted the store to replace. Phil Testa never used that. Grift. The store employee granted the man's request and he then left the store with the two packs of chicken. Investigators said that food line's corporate security has been investigating the man and that he's already stolen more than $12,000 in chicken from numerous stores throughout North Carolina. Why didn't he, why didn't he up his game and go after, I don't know, filet mignon or something? Well, because that's too obvious. Chicken, everybody has chicken. Deputies said the store's targeted by the man referred to him as "chicken man." The chicken man. He'll, avenging the chicken man, that's the title of the, that poem that will be in, you understand American. You have experience with walking out of grocery stores with goods, right? Shoplifting? Yeah. No. I've never been a shoplifter. No, come on. No, I'm not a shoplifter. You've told the story before where you accidentally forget to ring things into the self-checkout. Well, that's different, that's different. That's like I buy the sumo oranges that are $4.99 and I just, I'm punching them in and then I just happen to ring in the cheap navel oranges for 99 cents. Oh, okay, I see. Yeah, anybody could do that. That's a common mistake. Yeah. Right. That's what I mean. Who are you? You're not, you're not a botanist. You're not a fruitologist. No, I can't, I can't even set up an encrypted overseas account. No. How can I punch in the right, the right type of fruit? We can't expect you to be the model non-employee at a grocery store. They're locking up my toothpaste. Both passengers cause mayhem on flight after bringing their own booze. Unruly passengers wreak havoc on a whiz air flight. Whiz? Whiz air. Did they have whizinators on the whiz flight? After allegedly getting drunk on their own alcohol, the... Was it necessary to introduce Hennessy Hacksoul? The individuals initially resisted cooperation with staff who were doing their job to protect the health and safety of other passengers, said a spokesperson for the Hungarian budget carrier. The booze-fueled bedlam occurred last month on a flight from London to Larnarka, Cyprus. In the appalling footage snapped by passenger James Burroughs, a seemingly intoxicated woman can be seen wandering the aisles, swearing at other flyers as crew members try to calm her. There she is, babe. At one point, the allegedly inebriated flyer and another mile-high, Helian Guzzle large cans of beer, which they reportedly brought from home, clearly not exercising booze control, the aforementioned representative claimed that the pair were reminded on several occasions that this was not permitted. How do you get a large can of beer through security? They don't allow you to take like a 12-ounce bottle of water or a plastic container. Well, that's here. I don't know what the standards are in the UK. The pair initially ignored attempts by flight attendants to de-escalate the situation before eventually capitulating. They were subsequently relocated to other seats to prevent further disruptions. "We do not tolerate any aggressive behavior towards our crew or passengers and would like to apologize to passengers who experienced any distress as a result of the incidents declared the "whiz-air" spokesperson." How would you like that for jobs to spokesperson for "whiz-air"? 508 said, "This is why we need nips." Yes, exactly. 781 says, "The chicken man ran afoul of the law." Ha, ha, ha, ha. Why don't they have beer nips? What's the point? I don't know. There's not enough to get you high or even to start getting you high, is there? I guess not. You get enough of them, maybe, but there is it a carry. When I read that story this morning, I was thinking of Ted Kennedy, and this is the 55th anniversary of Chapa Quiddick. He used to, apparently, he would grab the nip bottle. He'd be sitting up in first class and that'd say, "Do you want something?" And he'd grab like three or four of them. Just put his hand in the bag. Right. Nobody said anything because he was the lion if they said it. There's so many bars of Halloween candy, just be responsible, Teddy. Please Blogger Facts Friday is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. You can watch this segment live at to see how we're wearing the Laser Hair cap. It's an action right now. Learn how you can get a fuller head of hair and a laser hair cap of your own at or call 1-800-208-Hair. 802 says, "Say what you will about TSA. They're better at security than the Secret Service." That's for sure. Yeah. You could say that about that. Maybe you could even say that about the Canton Police Department or the Mass State Police. Florida man waits five hours in Walgreens restroom before going on after hours junk food raid. A Florida man went on a late night. Five hours? He waited to get some Doritos? Five hours. He went on a binge inside a closed Walgreens after purposely locking himself in a restroom. The man Christopher Morgan was arrested by police just after 3 a.m. Monday at a Walgreens in New Smyrna Beach. There was no Captain Morgan's for Christopher Morgan? I guess not, not in the Walgreens. His pockets were stuffed with candy. Police say CCTV footage shows Morgan entering the store hours earlier at 9.40 p.m. where he went into a restroom. The footage then shows him leaving the bathroom at around 2.40 a.m. long after the Walgreens closed at 10 p.m. and walking, he must have fallen asleep. And walking around the store grabbing various items including food and cigarettes, Morgan made no attempts to exit the business or call for help to get out, please say, indicating that he hid in the restroom intentionally in order to later steal the items. Morgan feasted on Tostito's Spinach Dip, chips, then he went a little sweet with the Reese's chocolate chocolate chocolate, Girardelli chocolate bars and to wash it down, Dr. Pepper while also treating himself to new ports, no moxies. Oh, new ports, OK, OK, please respond, how we please responded to the scene after an alarm in the store went off and when they arrived, they spotted Morgan through the front doors of the store taking a pack of cigarettes from behind the counter. Body camp footage released by police shows Morgan inside the store wearing a white t-shirt and sunglasses on his head was nighttime when he went in there. I don't know why he needed those. He was seen holding several items, including a bottle in his hand as the alarm rang out in the background, seemingly playing dumb with police. A confused looking Morgan tells police, quote, I came in to use the bathroom and says he thinks the time is probably 11 o'clock. One officer asked if Morgan, one officer asked if anyone else was inside the building. He said he didn't know he was cuffed and he was found with an open Reese's bar and a packet of cigarettes on him. So he's in the drugstore and this is the best he could do. Of course, I guess they keep the serious stuff really heavily locked up. Customers special order enrages worker at Burger King in the villages. There's always trouble at the takeout windows. Half it your way was the slogan at Burger King for many years. But it wasn't working for an employee who became enraged over a special order at the fast food restaurant in the villages. Miguel Garcia, 25 of Lakeland, is facing charges of battery, criminal mischief and disorderly intoxication following his arrest. Mr. Garcia has been arrested in the villages. He's moved out of Newark. Garcia apparently became enraged when he called me and charged me. He became enraged when a man ordered food in the drive-through lane and inquired about a particular drink order according to an arrest report from the Lady Lake Police Department. The Burger King employee shuttled back and forth to the customer's car several times in an attempt to properly fill the order. The special order, the special order, they probably did like a half and half thing like half Dr. Pepper, half Dr. Pibb or so Mr. Pibb. The special order sent Garcia over the edge and he punched the man in the face. He began beating on the hood of the man's car causing about $800 in damage. When police arrived, Garcia began yelling, "Take me to jail." He tossed his, well, he's familiar with jail, Mr. Garcia. He was arrested for jay blocking. He tossed his shoes and threw up his hands in an aggressive manner. How do you throw up your hands in an aggressive manner? When an officer took Garcia into custody and placed him in the back of his patrol car, the odor of an alcoholic beverage was detected. In addition to any relation to Chris Morgan, now we know what he was doing with that drink order. In addition, the Massachusetts native had slurred speech. The Massachusetts native... How dare you? Massachusetts native. Geographic shaming. He had slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. He was booked at Lake County Jail and released after posting $2,500 bond. Then he was charged with impersonating a Kennedy. We will get to the winners after the break. All right. You have spoken and our friends at MyPillow heard you, introducing MyPillow's most requested offer yet. Get the queen-sized premium MyPillow for just 1998. Crafted with a patented adjustable fill, MyPillow conforms to your individual needs regardless of your preferred sleeping position. It not only aligns your neck for optimal comfort but also retains its shape throughout the night, ensuring you enjoy the most restful sleep imaginable. But wait. There's more. Dive into their six-piece kitchen or bath towel sets for only 25 bucks. Explore the brand new mattress topper starting at just $69.98, indulge in their renowned MyPillow bed sheets priced as low as $25 and discover a plethora of other fantastic deals. Go to or call 800-658-4965 and use promo code Howie to unlock huge discounts on all MyPillow products, including the premium queen-sized MyPillow at an unbeatable 1998. The best deal ever. Elevate your sleep experience by going to or calling 800-658-4965 and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show is back. Well, it blew up the chicken man in Philly last night. There it is. And it blew up his house, too. That's why he had to steal the chickens. Couldn't afford them. Larry Bayonie says to Ralphie Chinese, "You know how I knew they weren't Italianos when they blew up his house?" And Johnny Cincottie says, "Yeah, we got more scruples than that." And then he says, "Next thing you know, Ralphie, they're going to be blowing you up on Hanover Street." And then like two days later, they arrest all of the guys in his own gang, all the Italians, all the Italianos. Well, we've got our last two stories here for Police Blogger Facts Friday. These are the winners' cops. Emperors Helper found with no clothes. Following recent reports about a male intruder sleeping inside a Vero Beach apartment complex stairwell, an officer on foot patrol yesterday found the suspect standing inside a common room at around 3 a.m., 44-year-old Gregory Gornell was fully nude, according to an arrest report. And he told police that he was staying at the facility because he was the Emperor's Helper. Gornell could the Emperor reach for comments. He could not. Gornell, who had previously been trespassed from the building, was asked how to get in contact with the Emperor. The suspect advised that such royal outreach could be done through the electric lines. And our final winner, Florida Man, jumps in Ocean to avoid giving cops, girlfriend his phone's passcode. You're telling me I'm resisting. Florida Man, desperate for his girlfriend and cops not to access his phone, jumped into the Ocean to avoid giving up his passcode, and fled arrest after being grilled by police while out on a boat. This footage from April shows two female Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission officers questioning a man identified as AJ and his girlfriend on a boat somewhere in the waters near Key West. He was questioning what would happen if he just swims away. He then led the cops on a seven minute pursuit back to shore before getting arrested. Why did he just throw the phone in the ocean? That's a good question. Probably because it was still work. A lot of these phones are kind of water resistant now. One of the officers said, well, they have to send a diver down. He was off the keys, right? I believe it went in a trash bag, yes. One of the officers. If it went in a trash bag, you could get it out, but I don't think the ocean is another thing altogether. One of the officers tells the ticked off boater while his girlfriend repeatedly tells him to calm down. Usually when people start acting like that, it's because they've got a warrant. You need to relax. You're freaking out, his girlfriend tells him. Growing anxious, AJ asks the officers what'll happen if he jumps in the water and swims away. I'm going to follow you, one officer's reply. I'm telling you, you're not free to leave. He then jumps into the water and tries to swim away. Well, it wouldn't just be because he has a warrant, would it? I mean, he could have some text messages to the other woman, right? He's probably got some side chicks. Right. And he might have an encrypted overseas account. That's true. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music)