The Howie Carr Radio Network

Whistleblowers Stunning Revelations on Butler Rally | 7.19.24 -The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace reads a piece from The Federalist's Sean Davis about the attempted assasination of Donald J. Trump. More speculations builds regarding the likelihood of Biden dropping out of the race.

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19 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you, too. Contact them today at ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and The Spectator. Well, you don't want too much Grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. ♪♪ Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today, and happy Friday, T-G-I-F, as we always say here. I hope that you are kicking off your weekend with us, and you are going to have such a lovely time. Maybe barbecue, maybe sit out in the sun for a little bit. Kamala Harris is live in Washington. It says VP Harris makes stop as pressure grows on Biden. Yeah, and you know what? I hope she answers some questions today, because if she knows what's going on, I have a feeling we'll know what's going on. I don't think she's very good at keeping things to herself. Oh, is she at an ice cream stop? How president you love her? It's almost like she's trying to be the next ice cream eater and sheath, as Joe Biden was for so many years now. That says something to me that she's going to get... If she gets chocolate chocolate chip, Taylor... That tells us all we need to know. 844-542-42. All right, so I wanted to get to this piece from Sean Davis. I will get back to your calls if you have any thoughts on whether Joe Biden is going to exit this race come this weekend, or if you want to talk about the Microsoft outage, if you want to talk about the RNC and some of your thoughts on the speeches. I know one of our friends who just called in was not a fan of it. Now she's getting some heat. 978 says, "Grace, tell Debbie Downer that nobody listens to the end of his speech and it didn't really matter. It didn't change a single vote." Her name was Debbie, and that was pretty convenient that he can call her Debbie Downer. But she just had her criticisms of the speech, and that's okay. That's what we do here. This is actual civil discourse. This is not AOC, Nancy Pelosi-style civil discourse, where I disagree with you, so I call you a neo-Nazi. We are a safe space for people to share their opinions, even if we don't always agree with them. Now, here's the story that I think you guys really need to hear, and Taylor, if anything goes on with this Kamala Harris thing, if she starts taking questions, just tell me in my ear and I'll go right to it. Biden's team deliberately kneecapped Trump's security to allow an assassination attempt. I believe I put this in my grace as recommended reading. If I didn't, if Mac can hear me out there, please add it, because this story, he's saying the uncomfortable thing. And Corey Mills, the representative from Florida, did the same thing on CNN and the host there. Let him know, listen, you're making me very uncomfortable by talking about this. But this is just putting two and two together. I don't think that acknowledging the sheer number of failures that we saw on Saturday and questioning whether or not those were intentional or by accident makes you a nut job. I don't think that invalidates whatever your opinion is. So this is Sean Davis. I'm gonna read you, I'm gonna skip around a little bit. Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said. Joe Biden's security regime deliberately and with malice created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war. They deliberately starved Trump's security team of the resources it needed. That was one of the reports that we heard, courtesy of Jim Jordan, the House Judiciary and the whistleblowers. And they did it repeatedly over many weeks and months. With Trump's security detail understaffed, under resource and stretched to its limits, Biden's security regime reportedly, and they have denied this, but reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area. Biden's security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter. Furthermore, Biden's Secret Service Director ordered law enforcement and counter snipers off the roof that the assassin used. If that weren't enough, Biden's security regime also refused to block the line of sight from the assassin's perch to Trump's location. When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser rangefinder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin. The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened. Who can forget the BBC interview with that guy with the Trump wig on who said, hey, we were screaming at them. Hey, he's crawling on the roof, he's crawling on the roof. And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the other roof, Biden's security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump or remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot. Given the lies and nonsense from both Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary and his Secret Service Director, it's increasingly difficult to believe this was just a series of independent mistakes. In contrast, when you look at the entire picture, what you see better resembles a deliberate plan to make Trump vulnerable, but to appear at first glance to just be a couple of innocent mistakes. And I just want to add in here, before I get back to Sean Davis, who's brilliant, I want to add in, when you have things like this that you can attribute to just oversights or mistakes, it's hard to prove that, you know, it's hard to prove that there was malice behind it. 'Cause how can you tell if someone's just incompetent or if there was a purposeful motive here to not protect the former president? And I think that's a big reason I keep coming back to this because it does give a lot of these people an out, if you just want to say, oh, it was a mistake, girl, you know, it slipped through the cracks, they lost track of the guy. That's pretty convenient for them. And when you add in, this is back to Sean Davis, when you add in how little information we've been given about the shooter, apparently the only person on earth, not on the internet, you begin to wonder if maybe a group of people at a different three-letter agency might have been working on a parallel track to find and encourage people to take action against Trump at the very same time he was vulnerable by Biden's regime. We know this happens because the FBI did it with Gretchen Whitmer. It recruited and urged disturbed individuals to buy weapons and put together a plan to kidnap her. In that case, the FBI wanted a story it could use to slime right-wingers, so it created the story itself. What happens when an agency like that, or maybe even another three-letter agency, decides instead that it's had enough of Trump? Some former FBI employees might even call it an insurance policy. Now, I want to pause this for just a minute 'cause he's talking about these three-letter agencies and how they've lied to us before, and how they've egged on people before, and they've been deceptive about their motives before. And I want to read you a news clipping I have here from the New York Post. CIA admits it's falsehood to Congress. This is from my favorite of the post, Steve Nelson. The CIA said Thursday it gave false information to Congress about the spies who lie, who suggested incriminating documents from Hunter Biden's laptop were Russian disinformation. Remember the 51x intelligence agents who gave Joe Biden that pass to use in the first debate? ♪ How I had a letter right here ♪ ♪ It's all been debunked ♪ ♪ It's a little laptop's Russian information ♪ ♪ 51 intelligence ♪ Remember those guys? Well, in the stunning twist that's heightening congressional doubts about the impartiality and reliability of America's premier spy agency, the CIA said in the letter required by the post that former agency acting director Michael Morel was not a contractor at the time he organized the October 2020 laptop statement. Just wanted to remind you of that as we talk about these three letter agencies that don't have a great track record of telling the truth. Back to Sean Davis. So who was the shooter talking to in the hours, days, and weeks ahead of the event? Who was he meeting with? Did anyone suggest or nudge or urge him to go to the Trump rally in Butler? Did anyone suggest or point out to him the building he eventually used? Was he told at any time not to worry about security? The FBI told us immediately that while it couldn't open the assassin's phone, it knew he acted alone. Do you ever notice that about things? It's like when there's a narrative or when these three letter agencies or the deep state, the swamp, whatever you wanna call them, when they want to get a narrative up and running, they know things almost immediately. Like they don't have to look at a manifesto, they don't have to look at a phone, they know right away, Lone Wolf. But then when they have manifestos, when they have all this information, when they have video, take, for example, the Nashville shooting. Then it's months and months and years and years and they can't tell you anything and they can't really get to the bottom of anything. But if you get something immediately, it's because they wanna put that out there. They want you to know it. There's a reason. That's kind of strange when you think about it. They told us almost immediately that they identified him by DNA, despite him having no criminal record. They also said they found explosives in his car. Why didn't they just identify him by his plates or registration or next of kin? That's pretty weird too. At some point, you just have to say enough with the lies. We saw that what they do with the Russia hoax. We saw the Kavanaugh hoax. We saw the COVID hoax. We saw the Ukraine hoax. I'm sorry, he says COVID origin hoax. We saw the stolen election, the J-6 op, and then the armed Mar-a-Lago raid and the myriad illegal cases against Trump. They called him Hitler. They said he was an existential threat. They said he would destroy democracy. They said he was the most dangerous person on earth. Then they denied him security. They kept the rooftop open. They watched the shooter and did nothing. They kept Trump on that stage and they didn't do a damn thing until after he had been shot in the head. And we're all supposed to believe it was just an innocent oopsie. Sean Davis, I think he's throwing out a lot of very legitimate questions. And I want all of his, I want answers to all of his questions and I want all of these things that he's suggesting to be wrong. I would be very, I don't want to live, I don't want to think that this stuff is going on in the United States of America, genuinely I don't. But I also don't want to live in a country whereby asking that you're somehow the bad guy. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Every person in this country, just like we deserve election integrity, just like we deserve a closed border, just like we deserve a safe country to live in, we deserve answers on what happened to one of the most popular people in the United States of America who's running for president and will probably become president. He was almost assassinated on Saturday. And if you're satisfied with a, oh, the Secret Service was understaffed or the Secret Service, you know, and just it's not what it used to be, then you're naive, there has to be more to it than that. There has to be a better explanation. And until I hear that better explanation, I'm going to keep reading from places like the Federalist and Sean Davis. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls, don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. - But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero? (crowd cheering) And they tried to kill the next president of the United States. Oh, no, was enough. And I said, let Trumpomania run wild, brother. Let Trumpomania rule again. Let Trumpomania make America great again. - Yeah, I don't think I have to tell everyone, do I have to explain to everyone who that was on that clip, I think you guys could probably figure that out, that was Hulk Hogan, right? Why'd you just make that face? He's always made a face in that mirror in this show. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Yeah, he was great. There are some Democrats who are putting out that cut as an example of how bad this RNC was. I'm not sure they're sending the message they think they're sending. Let's go to Toby, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Toby? - Hey, Alexa Jones, how you doing today? Great to speak to you. - Hi. - You're doing your best to be Miss Conspiracy Theory. That's an excellent job you've been doing, congratulations. - I was asking questions, me being a conspiracy theorist. I feel like you're not coming from a genuine place. I'll have a real conversation with you, Toby, but if your aim is to be hurtful, I don't really wanna discuss anything with you 'cause you don't seem like you're coming from a place of honesty. You seem like you're coming on here to call me names and I'm not gonna call you names. So if we can be respectful, if you just wanna make your point, that's fine. - All right, let me give you what I think happened. We all know Thomas Crooks. Crooks is a Slovenian name. We all know Melania, Kate, Donnie, and only appears with him per her prenup with him. - Okay, so hold on a second. Hold on a second, I just wanna understand something. You started off your call by trying to malign me as a conspiracy theorist and then shortly thereafter, you're suggesting that Donald Trump's wife hired a hitman and that the secret service allowed that hitman to get 400 feet away from Trump and try to kill him. Thanks for the call, Toby. I don't think I'm gonna take advice on not falling for conspiracy theories from you, but really bang up job there. You showed me, man. You really showed me who's boss. Scott, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Scott. - Hey, Grace, nice to take my call. Back to the Joe Biden thing, there's no way it's just about money. Like he's leaving, but they're making a deal and primarily his family members so that they don't get prosecuted and go to jail for all the money that they've been in bezeling through foreign aid deals and everything else. That's all gonna come out and some of those people didn't go down. So they're making a deal. Like how he's always told us, everything's a deal and no deals too small. These are huge deals. They're in a lot of trouble if he's not in command and Trump takes over or any Republican. They're coming after him, so they have to make their deal. They'll be able to get out and not get prosecuted. - Yeah, a lot of people think right now this exit ramp, there's few days where we haven't really heard or we've heard rumors of what's going on with team Biden, but we don't know for certain, then maybe he is cutting deals about what he wants to see happen. Maybe he wants his son to have immunity. Maybe he or he's gonna pardon his son. Maybe he doesn't want Kamala Harris to be his heir apparent. I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I will say this Scott, from what we've heard from Camp Biden, he says, I'll be back next week. So if that's the case, that's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping Joe's gonna be back on Monday. Thank you for the call, Scott. Today's poll question is brought to you by FlipBlock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original FlipBlock is the answer. Get a FlipBlock of your own and half the price. Go to and click store to order now. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will the Democratic Party have a new presumptive presidential nominee come Monday? - Oh, all arrows right now are pointing towards yes, but I'm just not ready for it yet. I really don't think that by Monday, they're gonna have their acts together, especially now we still have people in Biden's camp saying, oh no, he's still in it and he's tweeting out statements and he's saying he'll be back Monday and he's hitting the campaign trail. So I'm gonna say no, I think this is gonna be, I think we're gonna be in limbo here or in purgatory for a while. - 61% say no, Biden will still be the candidate. - All right, when we come back, I'm gonna take more of your calls. We now have 31 congressional Democrats calling on Biden to exit. Whether or not he wants to take their advice, that's another story. We'll take your calls on all of this mayhem when we come back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - And Melania, thank you very much. You also did something really beautiful, a letter to America calling for national unity and it really took the Republican party by surprise. I will tell you, it was beautiful. - That was Donald Trump last night at the RNC. I'm actually glad that last caller Toby, I'm getting a lot of text here about him. I am glad Toby called in to throw out that crazy theory about Melania Trump 'cause it reminded me that I wanted to mention how absolutely stunning Melania Trump looked last night. She was wearing like a red skirt blazer combo or hair. Everything about it, she looked beautiful and it was great to see her. She doesn't make as many public appearances. Now we do have word that another senator has asked Joe Biden to step down. That brings the total right now to 35 Democrats. It's a lot more Congress people than it is senators, but 35 Democrats are asking Joe Biden to move along. They're saying, dudes gotta go. And speaking of dudes gotta go, Kamala Harris is supposed to be on Cape Cod this weekend at a fundraiser and it remains to be seen whether or not Joe is passing the torch to Kamala. He's really telling us or his camp is saying, "Nope, he's in it to win it. "Nothing to see here, a need of done came out "and said there's nothing going on. "He's gonna be back on Monday." I still don't believe it. What about you? Is anyone buying this? Donna, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Donna. - Hi, Grace, I can't tell you how much I appreciate that blow-by-blow description of the assassination attempt and how it seemed planned. And I just wanna go one step further and say, "I believe Jill asked for Kim Sheetle "to be the director. "She begged that that woman be the director." - So there have been reports that Jill Biden really liked Kim Sheetle and that Jill Biden and also her, the man who's known as her work husband was also a big fan of Kim Sheetle and her commitment to DEI. And so there's no doubt about it that Kim Sheetle had the backing of not just Jill Biden but her top eight, his name's Anthony Bernal. People might remember him because back in March, there was a big story about how he was bullying his coworkers or his underlings that he had a bad reputation as far as his behavior towards people in the White House but that Jill had his back. And so the combination of Jill Biden and Anthony Bernal vouching for Kim Sheetle, I'm sure that wasn't the only reason she got the gig but she became director of the FBI and this has been one of the biggest security failures that I think the Secret Service has ever had to account for. Obviously not the biggest 'cause there's been assassinations that were successful but this got way too close. And Kim Sheetle for people who are just tuning in, she is the woman who went on ABC and explained it by saying, well, the roof was sloped. So that's why we didn't have anyone there. She also, Donna, she was at the RNC. So I don't know, they say she went to the RNC to meet with Trump. I don't know if it was like an apology type of thing. I really don't know, but Trump was very, he was very diplomatic when discussing the Secret Service. He actually was very nice to the Secret Service during his speech. - The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later. Bullets were continuing to fly as very brave Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and they really did, they rushed to the stage. (audience applauds) - Yeah, he was a lot kinder to the Secret Service than I think I would be. And Ben Weingarten had a story today in the Federalist. The Federalist is on fire today. Secret Service's incompetence is exactly why we need Trump to dismantle the deep state. The failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, one of the worst security fiascos in American history, reflects a core truth that fuels the MAGA movement and makes the case for re-electing its leader to the Oval Office. Our leading institutions are so corrupted and incompetent that the experts who run them cannot or will not execute their most basic functions. And that is how things operate nowadays. I mean, even look at Mayorkas. Mayorkas shouldn't be in that position. If anyone was held accountable for anything, Lloyd Austin wouldn't be in his position. Mayorkas wouldn't be in his position. Kirby wouldn't be in his position. Joe Biden wouldn't be in his position because there have been all of these failures. And how you have the head of the Secret Service, this one wouldn't even, in my opinion, it wouldn't even be a tough call to make. It would just be like, all right, you have to go. There's no getting around this because when you fire someone and when someone takes the fall for a fiasco like this, it quiets a lot of what we're seeing now, which is the questions and the feeling that this was on purpose because otherwise, why? Why isn't anyone stepping down? You step down, you resign, you take yourself out of the position when you know there's been a giant mistake, when you know you didn't do something properly, when you know you failed. So are we supposed to believe that no one there thinks this was a failure? Because if that's what we're dealing with, then that is, that's a problem as well. 844-500-42-42, I also wanna redo this. This is a letter today that Josh Hawley sent to Mayorkas. Whistle blowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13th rally was considered to be a loose security event. I don't think any event that involves a former president. I don't care if it was the last guy, the former guy as Joe Biden calls him, or if it's George Bush or Barack Obama. I don't think any event with a former president should be loose, period. For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium, and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event perimeter. In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not, in fact, secret service agents, but instead, drawn from the Department of Homeland Security Investigations Unit. This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols, typically used at these type of events according to the allegations. It makes sense to me why the whistleblowers from the Secret Service would come out and say this. Because if I'm a part of the Secret Service, and they're getting all this heat, and people are watching the holster lady not know what to do, and people are watching how long it took to get them off the stage, and how they let him put his fist out, how they let him look for his shoes. If I'm a real Secret Service agent, and I know those people aren't part of our agency, I'm going, hold on a second, someone's gotta tell the haters out there that these were members of DHS from a whole different unit. In addition, it says, as a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has oversight jurisdiction over your department, I will continue to investigate your department's role in the staggering security failures on July 13th. Unfortunately, your department has not been appropriately forthcoming with members of Congress, abruptly ending the only call with the Secret Service before most senators could even ask a question. This is completely unacceptable in contrary to the public's interest in transparency. Instead, we have learned more from whistleblowers than your department's officials. I think they answered four questions in one of their press conferences. One of the biggest security failures in American history, and you get four questions? There should be 400 questions. I could come up with 40 right now, and I'm not even, I'm not even one of these politicians. I don't do this for a job. I think, if you went out on the street, man on the street interview and asked, an American citizen right now who knows what's going on, if they have any questions, they could come up with 10, and we got four? It is insanity, and no one should feel good about it. And what is the Secret Service concerning itself with now? They're concerning themselves with the attacks on DEI. The people are making fun of the female Secret Service agents who didn't do a great job on Saturday. The people are pointing out the obvious, which is, oh my God, is this the 18? Are these the people that, the president's life is in these people's hands? The Secret Service Chief of Communications said in the statement, "We stand united against any attempt "to discredit our personnel "in their invaluable contributions to our mission, "and are appalled by the disparaging "and disgusting comments against any of our personnel. "You don't get to be appalled by anything, okay? "We get to be appalled right now "that the former president was almost killed on stage. "You don't get to play the appalled card for a while." We stand united against any attempt to discredit our personnel. Why don't you stand united against shooters who are 400 feet away with rifles pointing at Donald J. Trump? How about you stand united against that? Sean, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Sean. - Hi Grace. I was just wondering if everybody's mentioned the Minterian candidate yet. I know you're a little young if you don't know that movie or not, but... - I know the premise of it. I've actually never seen it, but go ahead. - Yeah, that's the rest of the way to say. Talk about it with the Minterian candidate. What do you think about that kind of a situation? If there's, you know, the Minterian candidate was somebody that the government, whoever tried to drug or hypnotize or whatever, to go in a South of Maine. I forget who the president was. It was 1962, the movie came out. - Yeah, I don't think that's happening, Sean. I appreciate the call though. Dave, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Dave. - Yeah, probably it from me to cast any kind of aspersions on first responders, okay? But what gets me is, I know the first thing that came to my mind was, where was there mindfulness to maybe just put around in the ground or around in the year? That gunshot would have been plenty of warning for everybody to hit the ground. And they still had time. After he fell on the ground, his pot, could have just put around in the year, everybody would have been down and covered, and the snipers would have located that sound really a lot quicker, too. You know, I just, it's just too bad that they didn't have that mindfulness. I hope the next set of people I was supposed to guard the president to be are better at with their jobs. You know, even get the proud boys to do with the kind I love, you know? - No, I don't think they should get the proud boys to do it. Oh, loony colors there at the end. 844-500-42, I don't know what the protocol is for when something like that goes down, but I do not think they should have the proud boys guarding the president. I don't think that's a good idea. 844-500-42, we will be right back. We're going to talk to Howie Carr, so don't go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. - What I see right now, and I want you to, you all to know, is that over the last several weeks, there've been lots of Democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalist, to print, and I'm not here to knock the press on it. I'm here to knock my colleagues on it, because to me, I think that's, and I'm sorry, I'm gonna say it 'cause it's after midnight, that's (beep) like if you have an opinion, say it with your chest, and say it in public. - That was AOC. She's notably one of the only people as far as, you know, now a lot of Congress people are calling for Biden to step aside. She's notably someone who has not done that. She seems to be backing Joe Biden still, and she doesn't think that moving him along so that Kamala Harris can take over is a good idea, Howie. What do you make of that? - I was concentrating on, say it with your chest. It's another one of those expressions I've never heard before. - Oh, really? - Like settling your disputes at the battle boxes. - Well, you also didn't hear about the coconut tree until yesterday, and I was pretty dismayed about that. - No, I didn't. You know, I mean, the English language changes over the years, and I guess I'm not getting out as much as I used to. I don't know these new expressions. - Howie, I want your take. I know everybody is gonna be tuning into your show in just a few minutes to hear it, but what does your gut tell you as far as Joe Biden? I know what you wanna see happen. You want Joe Biden to stay in the race. I agree with you. I think Trump has the best shot at beating Joe Biden. But what do you think is going to happen after all these mixed signals we're getting? - I think they're gonna get him out somehow. I think they have to get him out. The New York Times had a story today that they're taking polls. And this is the New York Times, you know, which told us about, he leaves the Socratic dialogues. - Mm-hmm. - They say that only 18% of the people that were polled think that he has the mental capacity to be president. That's Democrats, Republicans, independents, 18%. And again, comes the recurring question. - Who are these 18%? - These are the people who haven't been paying any attention whatsoever. - Those are the people we need to study. We need to get them in a lab and study their brains. Yeah, no, I don't disagree with you. And I also wanna get your opinion on last night. So the RNC, the last night at the convention, we had Tucker Carlson speaking. We had Dana White, we had Hulk Hogan. And then of course, the main act Donald J. Trump delivers his address. What did you make of it? - Well, I thought it was unprecedented. You know, we've never had anything like this before. I mean, you know, Reagan was shot and he survived, but I mean, he didn't make his acceptance speech for three years, you know, so it was different. I mean, this was like five days later. And he was still wearing the bandage on his head. And he's telling us what happened. I mean, it was remarkable. And you know, like your earlier caller said, I don't care what he said later on. I mean, personally, I fell asleep. I just, I wanted to hear what he had to say about the shooting. - Yeah, and he had the pictures behind him, the bullet was in my head. And I think once he wrapped that up, there was a lot of people like yourself who said, "Okay, I've got the gist of it, I'm going to bed." But another thing I wanted to ask you how well we have you here is, are you worried at all? 'Cause Trump is hitting this stride. I mean, when you have man Jones saying, I haven't seen anything like this since 2008 with Barack Obama, are you worried at all he's hitting it too early, that there's still a lot of time left in this election? Or do you think he's going to coast like this into November? - I don't know. I mean, I'd always rather be ahead than behind, you know? I mean, so I'm not too worried about that. And you know, they're saying, don't be too over caught, but I don't think anybody that's following it, that's involved in any kind of politics after seeing what happened in 2020 can ever be over-caused for that. - That's a really good point. Howie, I was discussing all of the mistakes using air quotes here, that the Secret Service made on Saturday, and I was reading a piece by Sean Davis about how these three letter agencies have a habit of not always telling us the truth, and sometimes things go wrong, and perhaps the FBI or the CIA could have been involved in this. And you gave me this story from the New York Post. CIA admits it's falsehood to Congress. This is about the spies who lied. This is about the letter, the Hunter Biden laptop letter. - And they said that the guy that organized it, Morrell, Mike Morrell, the former director, was not on the payroll at the time. That was a flat out lie. That was a flat out lie. And they admitted it on the night that Trump was going before the Republican convention. They knew, and Biden's getting all this grief, and they just, they threw it out. They buried it on a day when no one would notice. And I just googled it just to see who else picked it up. Nobody. - Well, until you had handed me the little cutout from the New York Post, I hadn't heard anything about it. But I definitely think today, especially considering people are scrutinizing what happened on Saturday. This is something worth bringing up. Howie Carr is gonna get into it when he comes on the air in just a few minutes. I will see you all on Monday. Thank you so much for listening. If you missed any of our podcasts, check them out at Have a great weekend, everybody. - Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? (upbeat music) (upbeat music)