The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Kamala Conundrum Plus Trump and Tucker Bring RNC to Tears | 7.19.24 -The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace discusses the highlights from Trump's RNC address. Plus, how can Biden drop out without endorsing Kamala? And is he taking all of this time to cut deals with fellow Dems?

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19 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you, too. Contact them today at [music playing] Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Well, you don't want too much Grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Grace Curly. [music playing] One story I really like today is by Sean Davis in The Federalist. And I'm actually-- I'm a little surprised it's in The Federalist. Only because I think they tend to go with-- I don't want to say safer stories. That's probably not the right way to put it. But he's definitely pushing the idea that there's stuff we're not being told, and that maybe what happened on Saturday was less of an accident and was more intentional. And it really tailored. He was able to weave in a lot of the things that we talked about yesterday on this show, everything from how did the shooter get up on that roof? How did he bring a rifle in? How did they have him and then lost track of him after they knew he had a rangefinder? How were the Secret Service not moving faster? Look, all of these different questions. And now that we know that these whistleblowers are saying, well, one, we were understaffed. And we had people going to protect Jill Biden. We had people that had been used for the NATO summit who weren't available. And on top of all that, a lot of the people we saw on Saturday, according to these whistleblowers and according to what Senator Josh Hawley wrote to Alejandro Mayorkas, weren't actually Secret Service. They were from the Department of Homeland Security Investigations Unit. So there are so many different facets of this story that should raise your eyebrows. And Sean Davis does a really good job of putting them all together. I will be reading from it. I don't typically read an entire story on the air, but this one's really worth hearing. But before we get to that, we have people on the lines. Whether you want to talk, it's Friday, you know, we're having some fun. If you want to talk about if Joe Biden's going to stay in the race, if he does bow out, will he endorse Kamala Harris? Will this be as easy as some Democrats want it to be? And especially if you want to call in and request one of the cuts from last night's RNC, whether it was Trump speaking or Tucker, or the Hulkster, we've got it all for you today. So let's go to the callers. Ronnie, you're up first. Go ahead, Ronnie. Hey, thanks, as always, for taking the call, Grace. Chuck Schumer is not the kind of Democrat that asks another Democrat for anything. He's the Democrat Party's most powerful enforcer. So when I heard that he went to visit Biden personally, I knew right then and there that Biden was dropping out. This is straight out of the Irishman, Grace. They asked Joe's friends, asked him nicely. He refused. So they sent Schumer to deliver the final message. Joe, it's what it is. And that's what Schumer went to say. And that's how I know he's dropping out. Yeah, Ronnie, I want to read this for people in case they haven't heard this story. It says this is from Fox News. Schumer forcefully told Biden he should drop his reelection bid. Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer reportedly told President Biden in a blunt one-on-one conversation Saturday. It would be best if he bowed out of the race. According to an ABC report, Chuck Schumer had a blunt one-on-one conversation with Biden Saturday afternoon in Rojoba. Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be best if Biden bowed out of the race. Schumer's office wouldn't comment on the specifics of the conversation, telling me only leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus. So he showed up at his house in Rojoba to say, "Dude's gotta go. It's over, Joe." And I think when you keep in mind that it's Schumer, it's Pelosi, it's Schiff, again, one of the only people that's sticking by Joe Biden is AOC. I want to play this cut for you from AOC. This is, this was from her social media. This is Cut 50. Donald Trump is also very old and a racist and a neo-Nazi. But anyways, I'm not even gonna talk about Trump right now. - Right, because you have no evidence to back any of that up. So it's probably best that you move on to another topic after throwing out those egregious claims. But I would add in here to AOC, one, I thought we were gonna tone down the rhetoric. If that's toning down the rhetoric, it's just good to know. It's just good to know how we're going to lower the temperature. But besides the fact that those kind of accusations against Trump, and I don't know what she would use as a citation, a lot of people on the left, they don't like citations, period. They tend to prefer inadequate citations, just ask the former president of Harvard, Claudine Gay. There's so many people in academia. So maybe she has no citations to give us as far as what makes Trump a neo-Nazi. But beyond the fact that it's dishonest rhetoric, you know what I find the most offensive about it? It's so tired. It's not even like, oh, she's lying about Trump and she's using all this hyperbole and she's exaggerating about him and she's trying to rile up people for political gain. It's not that, that is a part of this conversation. But what I find as someone who's been following this for so long, what I find the most troublesome is how tired it is. Like, we have done this so many times. Don't you get tired of hearing yourself trot out the old neo-Nazi? Trump's worse than Hitler. Blah, blah, blah, white supremacy. Don't you get tired of talking about it? Not only because it's not true, but just because it's so old and lame. It's been used so, it's like a dead horse that you guys just keep beating and it didn't work. And you haven't let it go. There's nothing fresh and is that your explanation as to why Joe Biden's the best candidate is 'cause you think in your delusional mind, you don't even know how to work a garbage disposal, but you think Trump's a Nazi and so that's the reason why your entire party, by the way, there's 30 congressional Democrats now and there's a few senators as well who are saying, Biden needs to exit this race. But AOC thinks because Trump's a neo-Nazi according to her. That means Biden's still the best guy for the job. What an endorsement with endorsements like AOC. You don't even need Trump. Jim, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Jim. - Thanks for taking the call, Grace. Just got a quick point that relates the left's actions over the past few years to violence. And I think none of that speaks louder to that than when Nancy Pelosi tore up the speech in front of the entire world. How would that not only was directed at her progressive and the progressive movement in kind of normalizing violence, but it was also a message towards subcomp supporters that they don't count. It was a very, very violent act. Kind of subtle, but very violent. - Yeah, and Jim, there are so many montages now of all of the violent rhetoric that we've heard from the left. Who can forget the magazine photo shoot of Kathy Griffin holding up the bloody Trump head? Who can forget Madonna saying she wants to blow up the White House, Johnny Deb making assassination jokes? There have been plenty of instances, and that's just Hollywood. I mean, if you get into these people like Joe Scarborough and the actual politicians like Dan Goldman wanting to eliminate Donald Trump, there's way worse than that. You get into the Lincoln Project, guys. I could spend a whole show on all the violent rhetoric, but I think the important part of it is that people aren't going for it anymore. It's not having the same effect it did. At least I don't think as the last time around. It's hard to gin up that kind of hatred for someone, especially when people are busy worrying about how they're gonna pay for groceries, how they're gonna pay for gas, whether or not there's gonna be some major tech outage and they can't take their flight to see their family, whether or not another war is gonna be breaking out, whether or not they're ever gonna see family members who are being held hostage by Hamas. There's so many things that are on people's minds right now that I don't think Trump being a neo-Nazi or whatever AOC wants to say. I don't think Pelosi tearing up a speech like, I just don't think it has the same punch that it once did. 844-542-42. Thank you for calling in. I wanna play another cut here because I thought it was really wonderful that Trump took so much time and he gets a lot of heat for making things about himself. I think that's pretty normal for a politician. They like to be the bride at every wedding and you know the rest. But I thought that Trump did a great job last night of making himself less of the story. He really made the story more about the people that were there, the movement that he's created, the country that he loves. And what was so important is he talked about the man who lost his life. He talked about the man who was murdered by that shooter on that roof from merely attending a political rally. And he did a great job. This wasn't like a two sentence. Oh, you know, we're sorry about that. He really dedicated a chunk of time to this man and his life. And I wanted to play a cut for you here. This is cut 33. - Tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow Americans, Corey, comparator, unbelievable person. Everybody tells me. (audience applauding) Unbelievable. And seriously wounded two other great warriors. Spoke to them today. David Dutch and James Copenhagen. Two great people. I also spoke to all three families of these tremendous people. Our love and prayers are with them. And always will be. We're never gonna forget them. - Yeah, let's play cut 34 as well. - It was a highly respected former fire chief respected by everybody. Was accompanied by his wife Helen, credible woman I spoke to today, devastated. And two precious daughters. He lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was. (audience applauding) - Yeah, and I think that really hits Trump very hard that someone who was just there to support him, someone who was just there to support the maga movement, that he lost his life because of it. And not because of it, but because of the shooter, I just think it's really, you can tell how much it's changed Donald Trump, it's changed his tone, it's changed his entire way. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, John? - Hey, how are you? Thanks for checking my call. There's one point that I'm surprised no one's brought up before is I think what's been going on in camp Biden since the debate is he's just negotiating his head to the package, you know, how much he's gonna get. He's a career politician 50 years in Washington, D.C. Now he's a sitting president, he's a candidate, and if you want me out, you know, he wants to negotiate his head to the package. He wants his and hers book deal for him and the wife, Netflix content deal like the Obama's lifetime immunity for Hunter. And I'm surprised no one's brought that up before. I don't think there's any other discussion going on as far as appeal to party or appeal to country or anything else. I actually did hear that today from a friend who called me up early this morning and said the same things and I think this is a lot of this delay in this announcement is Joe working something out for Hunter. And we know that Dr. Jill is like Edith Wilson, like his right hand woman and she's kind of the one leading this, driving this car. And so I'm sure there are things that she wants to make sure in place before they finally relinquish or take their hands off the torch and pass it to somebody else. I think it's a really good point, John. But John, my question then becomes, will he endorse Kamala Harris? Because that's what Mark Halperin is reporting and Mark Halperin's not the end all be all. But there is something weird about that to me that that's even a rumor that's floating around is that he would think that that would be a possibility that he wouldn't throw his support behind Kamala Harris. Do you think that's a possibility? I think that would just be another line item on his exit package, you know, endorsed with the Kamala Harris. That would cost you XYZ. But I think she's the only logical choice, to be honest with you. At this point, all the Biden campaign workshops can't go to anyone else. And I don't think anyone else has enough time to raise money between now and August. So I think she's a logical choice. And I think that's part of his exit package too. You know, gonna cost you X amount of dollars for an endorsement for Kamala. Now, you think so? Yeah, I don't think you're far off. Now, John, I have a little more question for you. If November comes around, Joe Biden's not on the ticket. He steps aside this weekend. They're reporting that it might happen as soon as Sunday. And they put Kamala Harris in. She picks, let's say Shapiro as her VP or maybe a Bashir. And then she loses to Trump. Does everyone still blame Joe Biden? Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I mean, the comparing, the contrast between Biden and Trump. I mean, Trump's got the momentum of a free train right now. He's unbelievable performance of the convention last night. You know, after the assassination, I mean, he's just been elevated so much. And then Democratic Party is just a complete disaster. Yeah, it's in disarray. That's what they keep saying. And now, doesn't it make sense why JD Vance didn't want to have a debate with Kamala Harris? It's looking more and more like that was a smart move considering she might be at the top of the ticket come Monday morning. Thanks for the call, John. I appreciate your insight. We'll be right back. We're going to talk Secret Service on the other side. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. When he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied, and put his hand up, I thought at that moment, that was a transformation. This was no longer a man. Well, I think that. I think it was divine intervention. But the effect that it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party's nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. [APPLAUSE] That was Tucker Carlson last night at the RNC. No notes, no teleprompter. That's pretty wild. No socks. I couldn't do that. I don't think that surprises anyone. I mean, I'd talk for three hours, but that level of eloquence and having a real clear-- it's easy to start talking at one of those things and go off the rails and end up talking about something that nobody's really interested in. He really stayed on message. Why are you making a face now? I think you could do that. It was 10 minutes. You don't think you can do that and deliver a concise on-- Not as good as Tucker. Not as good, but I think you could do it. You could come close. I don't want to do it if it's not as good. I only want to be Tucker level or nothing. No, I'm just-- I'm very impressed by his ability to just go off the cuff. Sometimes when Trump goes off the cuff, it really-- it can go into a lot of different areas. But Tucker was able to keep it with 10 minutes and just deliver it, and he did a great job. Tom, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah, so I don't think that there is going to be a different strategy for whoever the Democrats put up against Trump. They have one strategy. It's always been the same strategy. As you said, as AOC said, he's a liar. He's a Nazi, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so Joe has been surrounded for four years being told what a great job he's doing, and they've been able to hide him. Their only issue is they can no longer hide him. So every time when you talk about when everybody talks about what the different options is, oh, they couldn't-- they couldn't not put Tom Allen there. They can do anything they want. Think of all the things you said that they could-- oh, they could never do that. They could never do that. They certainly can do it. And the strategies are in place. When Dr. Jill came out after the debate and was so proud of her two-year-old, they answered all the questions. They between the lines colored over all the numbers. And she said, and what did he do? What did Trump do? They all said in unison, he lied. That's what this-- yeah, that's right. That's what this strategy is. Yeah, no, I don't disagree with anything you just said, Tom, that they can run this playbook and just hope for the best, and they can just put in anybody. And the other part of Kamala Harris that I don't want people to underestimate is that there's a lot of young people on social media who see her go viral for these, like, coconut tree moments that become trends online. And they don't dislike her. They think she's goofy, and they think she's silly. But I don't think goofy and silly would stop a lot of these young Democrats from voting for Kamala Harris. I think she's harder to beat than Joe Biden. In a sane world, she wouldn't be-- I'm sorry, Donald Trump. In a sane world, Donald Trump could beat Kamala Harris just as easily as he could beat Joe Biden, but we don't live in a sane world. We live in a very political one. We'll be right back. [THEME MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. I have some breaking news, Brian, that I want to get to regarding President Biden. And this is a statement that's just out coming over the Reuters wires for us. Biden says he looks forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week. And he says Donald Trump's dark vision is not who we are as Americans. It's not much of a statement, but it is notable, because, again, there are increasing calls for him to drop out of the race, including a number of lawmakers today, five congressmen, lawmakers, and one senator, at least. Katie Turr doesn't seem very excited about that. From MSNBC, she almost sounds down and out that Biden says he's going to be back next week. I would think that they would receive that with a little bit of, oh, good. We'll see you then. He's going to hit the trail. He's going to bring back that Biden-Jwada-Vivla that we're also used to. But you can tell that Democrats are really hoping that the rumors are true and that Joe Biden is going to announce his exit on Sunday. All of this stuff, though, that's coming out, hit General Malley, his chair. Anita Dunn saying, hey, none of it's true, so get a good night's sleep. We're coming back next week. All of that could just be their attempt at throwing people off this cent. They might just at this point be thinking themselves, let's just keep up the line until we actually drop the news on Sunday. You've gone this far. There's no point in giving up the bit this far in. 844-500-42-42. I really want to get to this piece by Sean Davis, because I think he hits on a lot of the concerns that my listeners brought up yesterday on this show. And he lays out all of the things that went wrong with the Secret Service. And he kind of piggybacks on what Corey Mills was saying to CNN shortly after the attempted assassination, which is, we deserve answers, and I'm not crazy for thinking that too many things went wrong for it to be a coincidence or a mistake. But first, let's go to the callers, the numbers 844-500-42-42. Let's start with Doug. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Doug. Hi, Grace, good afternoon. I wanted to bring up two points. First one is, while everyone's focus on Joe Biden, all the Democrats knew what they were getting. They had been silent to us. They knew all along his demise. And all of those who are coming up for election, they've not said a word. And we need to have them pay at the ballot box. That's one. And so Elizabeth Warren got a piece of the puzzle when she dropped out, booted judge, Bernie, got a piece. All those people, that is not what American needs right now. So I'm hoping that we as voters decide that it's-- anyone that believes that Joe Biden's making decisions has not been paying attention. For my money, he's like the old man in the Muppet Show in the corner. Yeah, and I don't also-- I don't agree with some people who are commenting that maybe Newsome or booted judge or any of these people who we heard from a lot in the last campaign, that maybe they'll try to leapfrog Kamala Harris and get the nomination. One, the money thing is too tricky, I think. To move that war chest over, it's a lot easier to move it over to someone who's already on the ticket. And two, if they weren't courageous enough to make a move in the last year when Biden was so vulnerable, every time he got up on stage, he couldn't get a sentence out. There were plenty of things they could have pointed to and said, listen, I'm going to be the one, I'm going to make the move here, I'm going to go against Joe Biden. Sure, could they have ended up like a Bob Menendez or an Eric Adams and had the feds knocking on their door? Of course. But if you weren't going to be courageous and bold when Joe Biden was being led around by the Easter Bunny, I don't know why you would try to do it once Kamala Harris, a black female, is going to get her chance to be president. I just don't see that courage sparking up at this last minute's notice. Debbie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Thank you for the call, Doug. Go ahead, Debbie. Hi, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. I'm coming in a little bit late, so I don't know if you've discussed this or not. But regarding Trump's speech last night, I've just been so engaged in the whole convention. And I think it was the best convention ever. And the fact of unity and all of his opponents getting behind him. But frankly, and I'm hoping that you'll ease my concern, I was disappointed in his speech. I thought that he started out with humbleness and showing that he is a changed man. But then as he went on, I thought he went on too long and went on to some tangents. And even to things that would lead one to believe that maybe he has changed. And maybe we can get that vote that's undecided. Things such as not accepting the election results. That type of thing that would come up that would tend to make those people that are on the fence not come over because he was too strong. The whole of his opponents and everybody who spoke made a better case for him. And then last night, I think less would have been best. And I'm concerned now where I thought, oh gosh, this man can't possibly lose. And last night I thought, you know what? He's alienated some people again with some of the things that he said. Debbie, well, here's what should ease your concern is you're definitely in the minority as far as conservatives and even independents go. I saw some independent voters on CNN being interviewed who were giving Trump speech an A. And I'm not discounting how you feel or your takeaway, but I will let you know that overall the consensus was it was a slam dunk speech. And there was actually a great piece by John Daniel Davidson who I have on the show quite frequently. And he talked about this speech and how Trump handled this moment. And he said again, nothing like this has ever happened at a political convention in America. It was remarkable, almost unbelievable moment in American politics. In fact, the whole convention, coming less than a week after the assassination attempt, had an air of myth, a palpable sense that we are caught in the tide of larger shores. He went on to say, but there was nevertheless an air of something larger at work at the convention. And he suggested something is happening right now that seems bigger than mere politics. This was Tucker. Tucker is right, events are unfolding that seem to go beyond mere politics. Something is moving in America and among its people and we are not in control of it. We live in a world of miracles. None of us know God's plan or where life's adventures will take us. But if the events of last Saturday make anything clear, it is that every single moment we have on earth is a gift from God. We have to make the most of every day for the people and country we love. Part of that was from Trump's speech there at the end. I think that he took the moment as a chance to explain what happened to him on Saturday, Debbie. But this is a presidential election and he is going to use it to talk about his campaign. And I'm always a fan of a shorter speech. That's just how I roll. It's less work for me if a speech is shorter. But I don't think that there's any question that the juxtaposition of what Donald Trump did on that stage last night, coming back from having a bullet grazed by his head versus Joe Biden who's taking a week off because he has COVID. I mean, right there, it's, you know, you can nitpick if you want, you can Monday morning quarterback him. If you want, there can be parts of the speech you don't like. He's never going to have a speech that everybody likes. But I think it's hard to deny that yesterday was a success. And I really do think that the more subdued, and it wasn't just last night we saw the more subdued Trump. I also noticed it when people were speaking about him and he was watching, there was just a different energy. It's kind of hard for me to explain in words, but you do get the sense that this is a guy who came very close to losing it all. And it's like this second wind, if you can believe it. And I want to play one of the cuts that I really liked of Trump last night. This is cut 47, please. And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you, Wisconsin. And God bless the United States of America. A great country. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. - Yeah, I thought there were a lot of great moments. And I wouldn't worry too much about, you know, if it was too long. The way this stuff works now is people catch most of it on social media anyway. They get the clips they want to see. And there were plenty of those. And people wanted to hear from him. You have to remember that this convention is a few days long. People are watching, you know, the bulldog on stage. They're watching Trump's granddaughter on stage. They're watching J.D. Vance on stage. They're seeing all these different characters, but they're there for the main act. They're there to hear from this guy. And to get up there and talk for that long, it's a sign of strength. I know you said it used too much strength. I don't think that's gonna be an issue. I've never heard of a candidate not going pretty far because they show too much strength. I want to play another cut here that I really, really liked. And this was a moving moment where Trump told the crowd quite simply that he was not supposed to be there. And the crowd set him straight pretty quickly. Let's hear this. - I'm not supposed to be here tonight. - Not supposed to be here. (crowd cheering) (crowd chanting) - Thank you. But I'm not. And I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. (crowd cheering) - Karen, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Karen. - Hey Grace, how are you? - I'm good, what's going on? - I have not heard anyone talking about the great possibility that they will push Kamala for the first Black, first Indian woman president of the US and they will use the bankroll they have and slide her in. And then they will take her out. She will have a health issue. She will have a family issue something. But there is no one who believes that she will handle this any better than Joe has. - No, but I don't think, here's Karen. I don't think that's going to happen and here's why. - First of all, I don't think they're in the business of doing that and I also don't think that it matters to them if Kamala is capable. What we've seen over the last four years is they're really just looking for someone who they can use as a vessel to put forward whatever the far left radicals want. And you could almost argue that as incapacitated, as incapacitated as Joe Biden has seen for the last four years, Kamala might even be more of a useful idiot. Like she might be more willing to say whatever they want. I don't know how you become more of a sellout as much as devout Catholic Joe Biden has been over the last couple of years, but there's always a way to push the envelope even further. And I think Kamala Harris would serve them very well. She would be willing to push forward this radical agenda and I don't think she's as, I don't think she's as committed to working across the aisle. I mean, Biden really wasn't either, but I think she's even more progressive than Joe Biden and she's even more willing to just do what she's told and to take the marching orders and roll with it. So I don't think if they are able to get her in, that's all they care about. It's really, the president, when it comes to Democrats and their leaders, it's really a figurehead position. It's all the people behind the scenes, the wrong claims, the Ben Rhodes is, it's all the people who have this background in academia who are going to change the world and base it off their vision for how things should be, the Pete Buttigieg's, like those are all the people who are calling the shots, the Barack Obama's. So I don't think they care who's actually in there. It's just about retaining that power and Kamala Harris, if she's able to do it, I don't think she'll have any issues. Rob, you're up next. Actually, no, Rob, stay on the line. We'll come right back to you after the break. Don't go anywhere. If you use scented candles, cover-up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home, we'll stop. Just stop it. You're not masking the smells. We can still smell wet dog. Now it just smells like wet dog mixed with lavender. - Lavender, lavender. - Yeah, it's nasty. And I appreciate what you're trying to do because you're putting in the effort, you're trying to get rid of the smell. If you just cook something in the kitchen and you spray one of those flowery smells everywhere, you're trying, you know, you're making that effort. But it's not working. But I have a solution for you. It's better than candles. It's better than air fresheners. It's the Eden Pure thunderstorm and it's the three pack. And it can destroy odors. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. And it starts working in seconds with no filters to buy. So place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, your kitchen or your basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200. That's right. $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code grace3. That's Discount code grace3. And we will be right back with your calls. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is the Grace Curly Show. And the second thing I noticed, which I don't think anyone has remarked upon in public, but I'm just going to since I've run the script, like why not, is that he turned down the most obvious opportunity in politics to inflame the nation after being shot, to inflame the nation, which is an opportunity that almost every other politician I've ever met and certainly his opponents would have taken instantly. And they would have said, well, what is this? How did he get shot? How did this happen? And those are real questions that we have to get to the bottom of. But in the moments, the days, the week after the shooting, he did not say that. He did his best to bring the country together. And I thought, this is the divisive figure, this is the irresponsible person, no. This is the most responsible unifying behavior of a leader I think I've ever seen. Yeah, he could have definitely pounced and seized and weaponized on what happened last Saturday. It's crazy, it's almost been a week. What happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, but he did not. Now, I do have a lot of questions. And every single day, I have more questions than I have answers for you. And the whistleblowers who came out and who talked to Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley, they definitely have left me with even more questions because now they're telling us that not only were they understaffed when Trump was in Butler, Pennsylvania at that rally, but also that some of the Secret Service agents weren't even part of that agency, they weren't Secret Service agents. They were from the Department of Homeland Security's Investigation Task Force. And when you add that to how many people were trying to make the Secret Service agents or these DHS agents, whatever you want to call them, how they were trying to make them aware of what was going on. And still, this 20-year-old was able to get off so many shots at the former president, it does not make any sense. And then on top of that, you've got the Secret Service telling us how they're appalled at the fact that DEI in the agency has been under attack. That's what they're worried about. Dare I say you have other things that you should concern yourselves with at a time like this? Maybe start replaying the tapes of Saturday and start brainstorming how you could avoid that in the future. Don't worry so much about right-wing Twitter. It's always right-wing Twitter. It doesn't matter how big the calamity, it always comes back to how are right-wing agitators or meme makers on Twitter handling the story? What's their reaction? Whatever the actual story is, in this case, the president almost having his head blown off, that's not the issue. The issue is always what is Tucker Carlson's reaction to it? What is DC Drano or Jack Passobic's reaction to it? How are people on Twitter using the photo ganda of Donald Trump with his fist up to try to get likes? It really does show you where the priorities are at for these agencies. The New York Times says VP Harris is to address Dem donors today. We'll keep an eye out on that. But as Katie Turtleless, Joe Biden says he'll be back next week on the campaign trail. We're getting a lot of mixed signals right about now. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? Well, the original Flip Lock is the answer. Get a Flip Lock of your own at half the price. Go to and click store to order now. This also makes a great gift for anyone in your life. Go to and click store to order now. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will the Democratic Party have a new presumptive presidential nominee come Monday? I'm going to say no. 60% say no. Yeah, and I don't know what. Mark Halperin's tweet, Joe Biden's statement. I'm getting all these different signals, and I don't know what to do. So I'm just going to stick with Joe so far. We'll be right back.