The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Team Denies He is Dropping Out This Weekend, Plus Hulk Hogan Takes RNC | 7.19.24 -The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace covers everything from the Microsoft outage to the RNC. Plus, will Biden back Harris?

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19 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you, too. Contact them today at ♪♪ Live from the Eviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. Well, you don't want too much, Grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, A Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. ♪♪ Hello, everyone, and a welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in, and happy Friday to all of you. Thank you for letting us usher you into what I hope is a wonderful weekend. Where shall we begin, my friends? You know what I actually want to talk about right off the top, and we're going to get into the RNC. We're going to talk about Biden, but there's an outage going on, a Microsoft outage that is causing major issues for banks, airlines, hospitals, companies. You name it, and they're dealing with this problem. And the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike is the party at fault, or that's what we're being told as of right now, to where the blame is falling. Some poor soul gave the go-ahead on a software update that was faulty, and now different industries all over the world are at a standstill. Now, I actually doubt there's like one guy. I don't think it's like when you get an iPhone update, "Hey, do you want to make sure you plug this into a charger, and we'll update it overnight?" I'm sure there's a lot of people involved. But imagine if it was just one guy, the level of stress that person is feeling. Isn't that what we were told for? What was it, the Delta outage that took place? It was just one guy who accidentally deleted the entire database. You're like seeing in Berlin that all these flights are grounded, and you're going, "Oh, sweet Jesus, what have I done?" Well, anyway, the CrowdStrike CEO, George Kurtz, he was on the Today Show, and he was understandably rattled by the outage. He couldn't give any reassurance as to when it was going to be fixed, but they keep saying it was not a cyber attack. And whenever I hear about how something is not a cyber attack, I start to wonder, "Is it a cyber attack?" But that's what they're telling us. They're saying it was a content update, and if it makes George Kurtz, who as I said, he was getting all choked up on his words. He could barely get a statement out of today on NBC. If it makes Kurtz feel any better, I'm here to tell him that if Biden drops out of this race by Monday, you will be old news. The news cycle, this is the one thing I want to tell people when they're going through it in the news, whether it's a content update turned, you know, major outage, whatever your cross-to-bear is, it will be short-lived. The news cycle moves so fast. It's hard, and I'm following. I can't imagine how fast it moves tailored for people who have other things to worry about besides the news cycle. Like think about it, this is what we do day in and day out, and we can barely follow it. Imagine people who have jobs where they're, you know, creating a product or they're, you know, they're a doctor or a lawyer, and you just zone out for a little bit, and you're like, "Wait, what's going on now?" Joe Biden's gonna drop out of the race. Kamala's gonna... They weren't Secret Service agents who were protecting Trump. Who are those other DHS people? Biden's mentally unstable, what? One day you're tuning in and you're hearing how this guy is Socrates, how he carries around leather-bound books, and he likes to ask a lot of questions, and his White House is very similar to the West Wing. You know, Rob Lowe is rattling off questions all day long. They have this, you know, witty dialogue back and forth, and then you turn on the TV and you're finding out that, eh, probably by Monday, they're going to be giving him the hook. Now, there's plenty of rumor swirling, and it's hard to figure out what is actually happening. I do tend to think that he's going to exit the race. Mark Halpern put this out yesterday. He said, "Breaking news and take it with a grain of salt." It's Mark Halpern, so I'm not saying it's, you know, it's the honest truth, it could be something in between. Multiple sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time. Plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend with Sunday, most likely. John Meacham polishing up remarks. Biden will not resign the presidency. Biden will not endorse Harris. Open convention with Harris and about three others. Super delegates will not be allowed to vote on first ballot. Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro. More on this fluid situation at six, and then he plugs his YouTube. I'm curious if people think that that's a logical move here, because then on the other hand, you have Anita Dunn. You have Biden's campaign chair, this General Malley, who are saying, "Absolutely not, he's still in it. "He's not going anywhere. "That's not happening." And so I will be focused on Sunday on whether or not this is actually gonna go down, because if they do this, if Joe Biden says, "I can't do it," and then he doesn't endorse Kamala, that's the part of this. If it was everything else, Taylor, every other thing in Mark Halpern's tweet, I would say, the John Meacham, the historian, writing up his speech, I believe it, he plans on announcing it on Sunday, all this stuff I would believe. But him not endorsing Harris, this late in the game to me, is nuts, and I wanna point something out, and then I wanna get into the Secret Service, because they're living in my head red-free. But something I wanna say about Joe Biden is, this is a really bad situation for Joe Biden, not because I think he really is with it enough to care how these media people report on his legacy, or who likes him or who doesn't like him, but when you really think about it, if he drops out now and they plop in Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom or anybody, and that person loses, which there's a good chance they would, because of just what an utter disaster this has been. Everyone's gonna blame Joe Biden. It's gonna be like with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, when Donald Trump got a conservative on the Supreme Court and everyone said, "Why didn't she just retire "when she knew she was old? "Why did she wait so long? "This is gonna be the same exact thing. "People are gonna be so angry. "Why did Joe Biden wait until basically August "to give it up? "Why did he have to be so stubborn "and leave us with such little time? "Unless we're gonna start to hear, "and I want everyone to keep their ears open for this as well, "we need more time. "We need to delay the election. "I don't wanna get people nervous "'cause I really can't imagine "that they'd be able to pull that one off, "but I wouldn't be surprised "is some of the nuts like AOC. "Start floating that idea. "Oh, we need more time. "Oh, there's just not enough time. "He's left us without a plan." But whether or not he stays in the race and loses, or if he leaves the race and the person who fills in for him loses, he's getting blamed for all of it. They are going to come back to this and go, "Why couldn't you just have stepped aside "from the beginning? "Why did you drag this on for so long?" And so we'll talk about this. I'll play some sound from the Biden team that are assuring us. He's not going anywhere. We also have great sound cuts from the RNC, Tucker last night, Hulk Hogan, and of course, Donald J. Trump, who brought down the house. I really didn't see any criticism of Donald Trump's speech, at least from conservatives. And I follow some conservatives that aren't huge Trump people. And even they said, "All right, I'll admit it. "It was a good speech. "It hit the right tone. "It hit a lot of the right points and themes." And he brought up, got a lot. He brought up miracles. And he just, he seemed subdued, but in a way that wasn't low energy. It was just somebody who had gone through a traumatic experience. And after the attempted assassination, I remember thinking, he's so crazy, Donald Trump, that I don't think it's going to change him at all. But I don't think I fully understand, understood at that point, what had occurred. Like, I was still kind of trying to understand it myself. I don't think you can be a human being and not be affected in one way or another. When a bullet goes grazing past your head, and one of them hits your ear, and by some miracle, you survive it. So we're definitely seeing a different Trump up there. And when you have Van Jones sitting on a panel saying, "I haven't seen this kind of energy "at a convention since 2008 with Barack Obama," you know things are not going well for Democrats and are going pretty good for the Republicans. We'll get to that, but the most shocking story I read today didn't have to do with the outage, didn't have to do with Biden maybe stepping down. And that's what all the networks are running with. They're obsessed with this story about whether or not Biden is going to begin his exit plan. Does he have an off-ramp here? But I think the biggest story actually has to do with the Secret Service. Because I saw this tweet today, and it was from NBC, it was a story from NBC, it says, "Secret Service says it's appalled by DEI rhetoric "against female agents after Trump rally shooting. "Saturday shooting is the latest instance "of right-leaning social media accounts, "trying to link diversity, equity, and inclusion programs "to deeply troubling news events." Is there anything else the Secret Service is appalled by besides DEI or the criticism of DEI, right about now? Maker, is anybody appalled by the fact that your agency almost had let the former president of the United States have his head blown off in the middle of a speech? Or are you guys just saving your anger for right-wing social media accounts, pouncing and seizing and weaponizing on the holster lady? Seems like maybe we could focus in on the giant security laps and not so much agitators on Twitter who are putting out memes you don't like. Maybe, if you guys didn't care so much about the pouncing and seizing and weaponizing of Republicans on Twitter, you could have protected the former president and he wouldn't have been on a stage with a bullet whizzing past his head. - All right, hold on, nothing to see here. - And it actually gets worse, it actually gets worse in that because now there's whistleblowers. We call them whistleblowers. The left is probably gonna call them leakers that are coming out in saying that the Secret Service was an understaffed. We had heard this rumor that the Secret Service had been forced to send people to Dr. Jill who was having kind of like a last minute, kind of weird, right? Like this last minute campaign event nearby. So they sent some people to Dr. Jill. I'm sure they sent the A team to Dr. Jill. They left the B team with the guy who's being plotted against by Iran and is running against Joe Biden. But for the first lady, they sent the A team. You almost hoped that everybody was the A team, that's where I stand. I wish everyone could get a little piece of the A team, but that's not what happened. So they sent some of the Secret Service to Jill Biden's rally allegedly and also they were running low on resources because of the NATO summit. And now that's one thing. Okay, that's one thing the whistleblowers filled us in on and that was to Jim Jordan. He let people know yesterday through the House Judiciary Committee that whistleblowers had told the committee that the Secret Service was understaffed. And so right there it's like, okay, well now things are starting to make sense a little bit how something like this could happen. And then we find out through Josh Hawley, the Senator from Missouri, that most of the security detail for Trump's Butler event were not even Secret Service. But they were a Department of Homeland Security investigation unit members. So now that makes a lot more sense. We're sitting here going, how could the Secret Service have let this happen? Well, if they're not even Secret Service, then that fills in a little bit of the mystery, does it not? And so these whistleblowers, I'm sure we're gonna hear about how they can't be trusted and their right wing Trump supporters or something along those lines, the same with the IRS whistleblowers who came out against Hunter Biden. But it is staggering how many things went wrong. And I'm going to read to you Josh Hawley's letter to Alejandro Mayorkas and how he lays this out and these allegations from these whistleblowers when we come back. The number, I have no guess today 'cause I just wanna hear from the callers. I think it's a day that we have so much to react to. We have the news about Biden. We still have questions for the Secret Service. And we have all of this wonderful sound from the RNC that I wanna play for you and get you up to speed with. So it's 844-542-42, we'll be right back. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President 'til I think she's not qualified to be President. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - It's worth continuing to fly as very brave Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and they really did, they rushed to the stage. (audience applauds) These are great people at great risk, I will tell you, and pounced on top of me so that I would be protected. - Yeah, I wanna play a lot of the sound cuts from Trump's speech last night. Something that I appreciated that he said, because right after the assassination attempt, I don't think I was alone as far as looking at the video, rewinding it, looking at it again, rewinding it, and just watching the people behind him and seeing their reactions. And if you wanna go to the joy read, the blue and on theories, they think that it's really weird that the people back there just paused and they didn't stand peed and they didn't do all these things. But Trump talked about that and how brave and stoic and calm those people were, and I was really happy he pointed that out, because in most situations, if you hear a bullet, or if you hear a gunshot, people tend to panic, and there was a real calmness in that crowd and you could tell that they were, even if you watch it, you watch the husbands covering their wives, you watch people immediately, if there was any kids in the background, making sure the kids get down so that they won't get shot, there was so much there, there was so much humanity there and so much courage there. And I was really glad Trump brought that up. Do we have that cut-tiller? - The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later in almost all cases, as you probably know, and when even a single bullet is fired, just a single bullet and we had many bullets that were being fired, crowds run for the exits were stampeded, but not in this case, it was very unusual. (audience applauds) This massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn't move an inch. In fact, many of them bravely, but automatically stood up looking for where the sniper would be, they knew immediately it was a sniper, and then began pointing at him. You can see that if you look at the group behind me, that was just a small group compared to what was in front. Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved. - Yeah, and I think you can tell a lot about the crowd based off their immediate reaction to that. He's absolutely right. There was this air of just calmness and civility and stoicism. And I think a lot of people were able to to get the situation under control faster because of that, including the Secret Service. And another part of this that I thought was so moving were his words of remembrance for the father who was at that rally and who died, who was murdered while he was there, and Trump did a beautiful job with his words of remembrance. We'll get to that. We're gonna play all of this sound from Trump's speech last night, but first I wanna do today's poll question, which is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. So get a Flip Lock of your own at half the price. Go to and click store to order now. Taylor, what is the poll question on this Friday afternoon and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question which you can vote in at is will the Democratic Party have a new presumptive presidential nominee come Monday? - Yes. Well, I definitely think Biden will be out by Monday, but I don't know if they'll have a nominee. And so I'm gonna say no, actually, 'cause I don't think that Joe's on board with Kamala. And I have a theory on that when we come back. - 34% say yes, 66% say no. - Oh, so I'm in the majority today. Who would have thought? All right, we've got a ton just now. We're gonna take your calls. I wanna hear from you. We're gonna talk Secret Service when we come back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Look, absolutely the presidents in this race. You've heard him say that time and time again. And I think we saw on display last night exactly why, because Donald Trump is not going to offer anything new to the American people. He's the same person he was in 2020. He's the same person he was at the debate stage. He's the same person he is that is about himself and not about the American people. And Joe Biden is more committed than ever to beat Donald Trump. And we believe on this campaign, we are built for the close election that we are in. And we see the path forward. The president is the leader of our campaign and of the country. He is clearly in our impression and what we've built and in our engagement with voters, he is the best person to take on Donald Trump and prosecute that case and present his vision versus what we saw last night. - That queen of delusion was Jen O'Malley Dylan, whose Biden's campaign chair. And she was on, I believe morning Joe Taylor, do I have that right? She was on Mika and Joe. And a lot of people on team Biden who wanna make sure that they have job security and maybe they don't feel like they're gonna get another shot at this if Biden isn't the president. If it becomes Donald Trump. I don't think he's gonna have, I don't think Trump's gonna be in the business of holding people over from this administration. And so they are just digging their heels in. Like he's not going anywhere. Now, meanwhile, plenty of sources. You know, the usual suspects, we got Politico, Axios, Mark Halperin, all these DC beltway insiders are telling us, not only is it happening, it's going to be happening probably by Sunday. So I guess it's just who you wanna believe. Now, I will tell you that this White House lies quite often. Like they lie about big things, small things. They lie about dog bites, they lie about COVID. They lie about, I shouldn't say that lie about COVID. I don't have that as a thing. I'll say they lie about dog bites and they lie about inflation. There you go. Those are two I can prove. So they lie plenty. So I don't know why we believe them that Biden is still in this because these are the same people who have been telling us that Biden is as sharp as a tack for the last four years. So they're not in the business of telling us what's actually going on. I do wanna throw this out there because I gotta call, not from an inside source, just from a friend of mine, who heard me say the part of Mark Halperin's tweet about Joe Biden will not endorse Kamala Harris. I think that's weird. I think that if you're confident enough in having someone as your vice president and you've been telling us that the reason you picked her is because if anything were to happen to you, you would have the utmost confidence that she could do the job and she could meet the moment and she's the right person for it. And then you decide no longer that you decide you're not gonna run anymore and you don't endorse her. I don't understand how they could explain that to people. But this little bird that just called me said, is there any chance that that's part of their deal where maybe Dr. Jill is saying, we'll leave and we'll let you guys take over. We'll let the DNC and this convention and these delegates, we'll let you fight it out amongst yourselves, but he is not endorsing that woman. 'Cause we know the Dr. Jill hates Kamala Harris. Otherwise I can't understand why. Like what's the political purpose of Joe Biden stepping aside but not endorsing Kamala Harris? That makes no sense to me. That's what Mark Halperin's reporting. Maybe he just got it wrong. But I don't understand how you go out there. She's good enough to be your VP for four years. The VP, I know it doesn't usually go down this way but it has in history. The VP has to be there if there's an emergency, if something happens to you. If God forbid, there is, like we saw this weekend, an assassination, the VP is supposed to be the person that you have full confidence can do the job of a president. And so he's been saying that for four years. He loves Kamala Harris, that's why he chose her. He's called her Trump a couple times but besides that, he's her biggest fan. Sometimes he even calls her the president. But now you're gonna step aside a few months before the election. You're not gonna throw your support behind her. I just don't buy that. I think that if they do that, it's just a sign that the Biden team hates Kamala Harris more than I even suspected. Or B, I just think Mark Halperin got it wrong which is always a possibility. Brian, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Brian. - I don't understand for the election, by the way, great to talk to you, but I don't understand for the life of me what people can't remember. Short four years ago, when everyone was trying, all the Democrats trying to figure out, okay, who's gonna be the candidate to run for this election that Biden won? Of the 24 people going for it, the person that was first kicked out, the first Democratic Party and the people of Democratic Party did not want was Kamala, they kicked her up. And in my opinion, that's why Biden took her as a running mate. She'd be somebody he could just push in the background, but she's a woman, she's a minority, she's gonna get folks. And the last part of this is, I don't believe that any Democrat wants to run against Trump now because it's gonna put a black mocha on their resume. They wanna get anyone in there to run against him because they know they're not gonna win anyway. - That is such an excellent point. Brian, and you should be writing for the Federalist because David Harsani put out the same thing today, he had a column out and it says, why would any legit, dem presidential prospect jump into this mess? And he writes, anyone who gets in now would be compelled to make a convincing case in a condensed timeframe relying on Biden's terrible campaign people in what is likely the most tumultuous presidential election in more than a century. For another thing, one would need to leapfrog the very first black/Asian American woman vice president in history for the nomination. Is any white, repeat, is any white Democrat with a bright political future going to rely on a flash convention to sideline Kamala Harris? - You're white, then you've been asking. - Yeah, I don't know if anyone wants to partake in that. ♪ Racism ♪ - Or sexism. I don't think that that is what you wanna be known for because most likely you're gonna lose. And then not only do you lose, but you're known as the hair gelled governor from California who tried to leapfrog Kamala Harris. By the way, I need to give a shout out. I hope I can find this. The Babylon Bee, before I forget, had such a funny headline today about Gavin Newsom and it was just wonderful. I'll try to find it during this. But before we get to what's gonna happen with Joe Biden, is he gonna drop out? Is he gonna stay in? I wanted to talk a little bit about what happened on Saturday. Now, obviously we heard from Donald Trump at the RNC. He gave a very moving speech. Tucker Carlson also gave a speech, did a great job. And what I really liked about Tucker's speech is that Tucker pointed out that after the attempted assassination, everything changed. Like nothing will ever be the same after that. It was a historic moment. Trump has changed, but more, but even more so, the country has changed. I think people understand the stakes more than they ever did. It was an inflection point. Indeed. Now, while Trump and Tucker, they didn't make their speeches about the Secret Service, which I think was a great move. I don't think it's time to get out there and start, you know, putting on your, I don't even wanna say putting on your tin foil hat, but, you know, throwing out theories. I think that the moment was really meant for something bigger and it was a triumph and I have no notes. I have no notes. I'm not going to Monday morning quarterback. God forbid I'm Monday morning quarterback Hulk Hogan. Like shame on me if I tried to do that. So all you criminals, all you lowlights, all you scumbags. Yeah, Trumpomania. You know what's amazing too is that Biden's social media team, it's on Twitter as like Biden, Harris HQ. They retweeted Hulk Hogan saying that as if it looked bad for Trump. Now, they're tweeting out the coolest moments from the RNC and that's why you're supposed to hate Donald Trump is because Hulk showed up the Hulkster and gave him an endorsement. I really don't understand the strategy, but good luck to you. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it works out for him. Let Trumpomania run wild brother. Let Trumpomania rule again. Let Trumpomania make America gray again. Iconic. I mean, it really was. And this is what I really liked about this convention. And you know it's bad when you've got Van Jones saying, ooh, there's a spirit here, there is an energy. Can I have that cut, Taylor? This is cut 48. Minutes away, minutes away from Hulk Hogan, Dana White and Donald G. All right, so who do they want to run it yet? Let's talk about that. I want to say something. So we can have an academic. You see something, I want to say anything. I want to say anything. This spirit that this guy has, you guys think this guy, he's drunk. He's not. This whole thing is like this. And he was on the pay guys. The last time I was in a commission that felt like this was Obama 2008. There's something happening where-- What a headline, by the way. You just read a headline, but that's not right. Yeah, there's something happening. And John Daniel Davidson said something very similar. He said it's difficult to describe historical moments as they're unfolding. But let me give you a few initial observations from Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention. Watching a presidential candidate describe his near assassination less than a week after a bullet came within millimeters amending his life is quite simply the most captivating, awe-inspiring thing that has ever happened at a political convention in this country. Lisa, you're next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hello, Grace. I wanted to say that I think that even if Biden backs out-- then even if he works who endorse Kamala Harris, I think it's too late. The infrastructure, the ads, the money, just the motivation of all the activists and the volunteers. And I don't think Gavin Newsom, Governor Kenicki, out there in California, I don't think he wants the sense of the 2024 Democrat presidential run. Lisa, is that a-- Is that a Greece reference? Oh my god, he is with the toothpick. Oh my god, can you picture him with the toothpick and the leather jacket over the shoulder? I absolutely can. I call him Governor Kenicki. I have a nickname for everyone. I like that a lot. If you don't mind, I'm going to use that. Yeah, you can have it, Grace. You may have it. Your first point about the infrastructure, about the amount that goes into this, is not lost on me. And actually, I've heard a lot of commentators this morning saying the same thing. Like, we talk about this. Like, oh, are they going to swap in? This would have been hard to do six months ago. There would have been a lot of logistics, a lot of issues with it. We're very, very close to-- In some ways, we're far away from it, and in some ways, we're really not. And when it comes to making a move like this, and getting people-- and here's the other part. Here's the other part that Lisa just reminded me of, which I think is important. I don't know how, as a party, you convince people that they should get on board with whoever you bring in next. You just lied to them for four years about Joe Biden. You just told him Joe Biden was all these wonderful things. And then at the last minute, pivot. Throw Joe Biden out of the car, and you put someone else in, and you speed away. And you're thinking that people are going to-- that, to me, is going to-- it's not going to sit right with people. It's going to leave people feeling unsettled. What is going on? What is this clown Joe? You just told us that this guy was alive and well, and vibrant, and vivacious. And he's clearly not. And I don't mean that as an insult to Joe Biden. He's just-- he's clearly an old man who's been taken advantage of. And they didn't want to tell us that. They lied to us. They didn't want us to believe our own eyes. And I just think you lose a lot of credibility after trying to pull such a massive lie over on people, and essentially being caught. Essentially, having being caught red-handed, trying to do this during the debates. There was no way out for them. And so now I don't care who you sub in. Anything you say about that person-- come on here. She's so wonderful. She's the first black woman who's going to be president. And she's this. And she's that. Every single thing you say, people are going to be taken with a grain of salt. A massive grain of salt. People are going to be going, well, how do we know that the accolades that you're giving her aren't similar to the accolade? You were giving him. Why should we trust all the compliments you're paying to her right now and all the praise you're keeping on her? Because you clearly have a very low bar for keeping praise on people. And one more thing I want to say. If Kamala Harris is the nominee, if Joe says on Sunday, I'm out, and he throws a support behind Kamala Harris, the first question she should get from every single reporter, not just Peter Doocy, not to Steve Nelson, every single reporter should be, when did you know that Joe Biden was not capable of running for president? When did you know? And why didn't you say anything? How long did you lie to the American people about this? She's having lunch with this guy. What is it? Once a week, she has lunch with Joe. And up until about 48 hours ago, she was telling us all that he's solving equations on the white boards. And he's the smartest guy I know. He might be the smartest guy she knows. But she definitely knew that he wasn't right. And she lied to people about it. And so I false it. You know false and omnibus. I don't know why anyone would trust anything that comes out of her mouth, period, let alone with this weekend at Bernie stint that they've been pulling for the last four years. You're a liar. So why don't you try to convince us why we should believe anything you say about yourself. You've got to go. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm. Air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. You know, you buy candles, you buy cover up sprays. And your heart's in the right place, OK? You're trying to get rid of the smell. But you're not fooling anyone. We know what you're up to. And we don't like it. You're making the smell actually worse. If you have dogs or cats or if you cook a lot or if you have tobacco smells or musty basement smells or just a view of allergies, the eat and pure thunderstorm can tackle it at the root. And so what you want to do is you want to get the 3-pack. Get $200 off a 3-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. Again, that's $200 off a 3-pack today. Go to and use discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back with more of your calls and your theories on what's going to happen this weekend. Is Joe Biden going to be out of this race come Monday? Let us know what you think this is the "Grace Curly Show." Follow GRACE on Twitter at g_curly. This is the "Grace Curly Show." [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back. I also saw Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, who strangely enough has been one of the holdouts as far as Joe Biden's supporters. Who would have thought Adam Schiff would turn on Joe before AOC? I thought AOC was like this renegade, socialists, communists, whatever she is, woman of the people. I am woman. Hear me roar. She's against the establishment. And here she is, a Biden hack carrying water for this guy. But her complaint now, besides the fact that she's calling Trump a neo-Nazi, so much for toning down the rhetoric, right? Her complaint now is that she doesn't think Democrats will back Kamala if they make Kamala the nominee. Let's hope she's right. I hope there's more in fighting in the Democrat party. I hope they really have a hard time getting themselves organized. And the longer Joe Biden puts off dropping out of the race, the better. Mike, you're up next on the "Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Mike. Grace, you and Taylor do a great job in this show. Become a regular fan. Thank you. My theory on this is, look at the four people that are running in behind the scenes that are dictating what happens with Joe. The number one culprit is Obama. Who's Obama want to put in office? Who keeps saying she doesn't want to be in office? It's like. So how do they get rid of a black female vice president without replacing her with a black female president's option? I really, in my gut, am I gut's been wrong. But as Trump says, I've also been right a lot. In my gut, I don't think Michelle Obama wants this. And my reasoning is simple. I think she really enjoys her life. I think she likes going to Hawaii. I think she likes buying expensive boots. I think she likes hanging out with celebrities. I don't think that she wants to step in, especially right now, to all of this. And the more I read about Obama, because yesterday it came out in the Washington Post, that Obama's telling his aides that he's questioning the viability as a candidate, I don't know how much he's involved right now. I think he might be given Joe Biden a little bit of distance. Like he doesn't really want to, he can't be the one to say it. He cannot be the one to come out George Clooney style. He cannot tell George Clooney not to do it, if you catch my drift. But he's not going to be the one to actually do it. And I don't think he wants Michelle Obama to be president. And I don't think she wants to be president. I think they like their Netflix deals and their Spotify deals and hanging out with Prince Harry and writing books and making money. I think that they're good on that front. I don't think people need to worry about Michelle Obama being the nominee. If Michelle Obama was the nominee, do I think that she could be Trump? Yes, and I would be worried about that, but I just don't see it happening. It's almost like Republicans wanted to happen. That's how often it comes up here on the show. We'll be right back. We're talking Secret Service. What Biden's up to and we'll take your calls on the Grace Curly Show.