The Howie Carr Radio Network

Secret Service Director Hounded at RNC plus Goldstar Families Finally Have Voices Heard | 7.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

In this last hour, Grace and Taylor disagree. Plus, the Goldstar families backing Donald Trump had their voices heard at the RNC last night.

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - The blame game continues as we continue to cover the fallout from Saturday's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where the president was almost killed by a would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks. And I have more information for you now. This story gets worse and worse for the Secret Service. And they can blame the local police. First they claimed, hey, that was their responsibility. They were supposed to secure that building. And I did talk to a homeland security expert, Josh Filler, earlier in the week, and you can check that out where we get your podcasts. And he set me straight. He said to be fair, Grace, that is something that happens. When you're in the Secret Service, it's a small agency. They do delegate to local authorities and they do need help from other people. But then he quickly went on to explain how the buck still stops with the Secret Service. It's their job to protect, in this case, the former president of the United States and they clearly failed to do that. Now, I want to read this latest from the New York Post. It details how Crooks rode his bicycle around the former president's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and ditched it in full view of cops and a crowd before he climbed on top of a roof and opened fire. Law enforcement sources and witnesses confirmed to the post. Exclusive photos show the gunman's bike parked beneath a tree just yards from the building where he fired up to eight shots, grazing Trump's ear and killing a hero firefighter and wounding two other supporters. A witness first noticed the bike at 5.30 when Crooks was busy scoping out the perfect spot in more than 40 minutes before he fired gunshots. - Why is it every single answer that they provide? There are just more questions. I thought he drove there. Wasn't there a van parked nearby full of explosives? - Yeah, and that's where he had, I think that's where he went back and got stuff and got other supplies. You're right, it did talk about his car. And also, I'm confused about this timeline because I keep seeing the picture where it shows the roof and the stage and it draws a line and it says like 400 feet from the roof to where Trump was. And then it shows you some other buildings and other things in that area, which there's not a lot of. But I would prefer a timeline at this point. When he came in, did he leave? Did he come in and get through security? They saw the range finder, he walks in. They put him on the radar and then he leaves the area and then they just do not follow him or they don't figure out that he's near this building. I want all different markings of when people saw this guy and what was reported to the police and I want it laid out in a timeline because I think that's a huge part of this. I've heard 30 minutes, I've heard an hour, I've heard three hours, there was so much time for someone in the Secret Service or for someone in local law enforcement to do something beyond lose track of this guy. And that's another part of this that I want to discuss. I keep reading, though they took note of him when he came in. He had a range finder, he was, you know, excessively checking his phone, he was acting weird. All the red flags that one might think would garner a lot of suspicion from the Secret Service but it did, they said like he was on our radar, he was acting weird. Then it keeps saying how they lost track of him. They lost track. They had him there for a little while and then they lost track. I could understand losing track of your car keys. I could understand losing track of your sunglasses. I could even understand losing track of time. But to lose track of a weird guy who came in with a range finder who was checking his phone and then is bicycling around the area, cycling around the area. I don't know what the correct verbiage is there. To lose track of that to me is so unacceptable and so suspicious. Like how do you lose track of this guy? And it's not like keep in mind, and this is something that really stuck with me, that the morning after, so the Sunday morning after this horrific tragedy occurred. Lawrence Jones was outside the perimeter. He said we can't get anywhere near it. He had the buildings behind him. So we can't get anywhere near it. This is still an active investigation. And one of the guests, or one of the hosts, I think it was Will Kane asked Lawrence Jones, he said are there other buildings around? How many buildings were in the area? And Lawrence Jones made it clear that first of all, there's not a lot of them. It's a pretty empty area. It's a pretty rural area. There's not a lot of, it's not like you were in the city. But Lawrence Jones also made the point of, even if there were multiple buildings, that is not an excuse. The Secret Service sometimes has two secure areas where buildings are active, where people are coming in and out, and they're able to do that. So something went wrong here. This is not as simple as, you know, oops, this guy was some sort of genius. This never should have happened. And you watch celebrities, and you watch big performances, and you see the security, and how even like a professional sporting game tailor, like a professional sports game, whether it's football or anything like that, if anyone gets near those players, the decisiveness, and the quickness, and the way that it works, that it's very hard to disrupt something like that, it is top notch. I would have taken that over what we saw. It was so disorganized, it was so slow, the response, and it just makes you wonder how it's even possible that that much went wrong. Like so many different things had to go wrong for that guy to get up on that roof and actually take multiple shots at the former president. - All right, so what I'm gonna say is uncomfortable, and just like the guy on CNN, or MSNBC. - You sound like Cory Minnes. - Yeah, exactly. I think the Secret Service, they knew about this guy for a while, and they had their eyes on him, and I think they probably told President Trump, there's a security risk. We'd rather you not go out there right now. And I think Trump said, we're gonna go anyway. That's something Trump would do. - That would definitely be part of the story. - And I think that's maybe why Kimberly Cheetall was at the RNC yesterday meeting with Trump saying, I don't wanna throw you under the bus, but we need to be saved here a little bit too. Can you come out and say that we told you about this? And Dean Musk just a little bit saying that we did our jobs and warning you, and you said that you wanted to go out there in spite of that threat. - Okay, now here's what I'll say. I'm gonna say one point that I think could, or could add some backing to what you're saying, and then I'm gonna say one against it. Everyone at first did come out and were very, very reverential towards the Secret Service. Like thank you so much. The Secret Service, all his kids came out, the Secret Service did a great job. Like this whole narrative of what was happening with the lady, with the whole stir, how did it take so long, that all came later. And that's just, part of that is just natural, like when you're in such shock and you just see something, and it's before you start really thinking about all these questions. So maybe that explains why a lot of people on Trump's team were very, very respectful and grateful to the Secret Service. Maybe they did know that he was pushing the limits, but what I would say against that is, nobody in DC, nobody in any of these agencies is worried about their own Trump under the bus. If they think that that's something they can do, they are utilizing that within hours. Secret Service is a different animal though, they're not supposed to be biased, they're sworn to protect, the motto is, you elect them, we protect them, that's-- Kimberly Cheetah was very much pushed into this position because she was liked by Dr. Jill Biden, she was liked by Dr. Jill Biden's work husband, who has a history of being a bully and making inappropriate comments, but we won't get into that right now. She was pushed into there because she's big on DEI, she wanted to diversify the Secret Service, she wanted to have 30% women in the Secret Service by 2030. This is not someone who's worried about throwing Trump under the bus, especially this far in. The complete meltdown that everyone's been having and throwing heat at the Secret Service, I think that if Trump had anything to do with it in the sense of he wasn't taking orders as he was supposed to, I think we would know about it by now. - What I would say to that is hiring policies is one thing in making a change up at the Secret Service, but it's a totally different animal to change however many years of president of commenting on a former president's demeanor and decisions involving Secret Service intel. - But it would have been leaked, it would have been leaked by now, like it's the same thing with Merrick Garland, he doesn't go out and say, hey, just so you guys know, he leaks it to the Washington Post, he leaks it to the New York Times, it would have 100% been leaked. - I don't think Secret Service leaks like that, Grace. I could be wrong. - Yeah, I think you sound naive, I think everybody leaks, I don't think. And you know what, let's put this to the callers, are you team Taylor or team Grace, who are you agreeing with here? Do you think Taylor's on to something, do you think Trump defied the directions from the Secret Service and said I'm going out there anyway and furthermore, to even add more, I would say craziness to Taylor's theory, do you think he defied the Secret Service and now the Secret Service has his back and is meeting with him to try to come up with some sort of PR optics explanation for how this went wrong and to not throw him under the bus but to get him to admit to the press that the whole attempted assassination was a little bit on him as well. Who do you think sounds more sane here? - Taylor, Cormier or Grace Curly? - Five of Waits is fine, Taylor, but they still should have covered the roof. I completely agree, this was a foul up by the Secret Service. - Or, absolutely. - Even if you are right, which I don't think you are, but if you are right and they told Trump, they told Trump, hold on, even if they told Trump, hey, we really don't want you to go out there, there's a security threat and Trump says, hey, I'm gonna let you, you pretend to be Trump, you say. - We're gonna go anywhere, gonna have the greatest rally that anybody's ever seen and I don't care what you think. - If you're the Secret Service, it doesn't matter what he says. If there's truly a threat and you're truly concerned about it. - I agree, no, listen, it's just a theory. - You can't let Donald Trump push you around if you're a real Secret Service agent and you care about protecting him. You would say, you know what it's like? It's like with George Bush, he was-- - Do you remember what I did to those other Secret Service agents on January 6th? I will go full karate chop on your ass right now. - Yeah, maybe they're afraid he was gonna go like he did in the beast according to that woman. I do wanna say this, there's a great-- - I'm a Beverly Hills ninja. - There's a great documentary about George Bush when he was throwing out the first pitch after 9/11 and he was getting tips from Derek Jeter. He was below the stadium and Derek Jeter told him, like, don't bounce the ball. It's a really cool documentary. And the Secret Service looked at him and said, you have to wear a bulletproof vest. And he said, guys, I wanna be able to make it over the plate. This is really gonna obstruct what I'm able to do. The Secret Service didn't care. They're like, we don't care that you wanna get it over the plate. We don't want you to get hurt, so you're gonna wear this. I would say it's the same thing. I don't think they care, you know, that Trump is really looking forward to his rally. I think that if they felt, and if they're good at what they do, and if they're honest, and they felt like there's a threat out here, it's a non-starter what Donald Trump wants to happen. We will be right back. We'll take your calls on this. Don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. This is The Grace Curly Show. (buzzing) We still don't know for sure whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet, whether he was hit by glass fragments, whether he was hit by shrapnel. We don't have those details. We actually have no details from his physician, even though this man is still a secret service protected, you know, and presidential candidate. Barely. We knew almost nothing. Why? That's Joy Reid from MSNBC. She took a break from-- She forgives that keeps on giving. She took a break from comparing Joe Biden dealing with COVID to Donald Trump almost being assassinated to explain to us her latest blue and on theory, which is that maybe everything we've been told thus far about Donald Trump isn't true. Now, of course, the difference with this and a lot of conspiracy theories that, for example, I've thrown out in the past, is that there's plenty of evidence to suggest a bullet whizzed by Trump's head and did in fact hit his ear, including-- For instance, the photo of the photo whizzing by. The photo, the video, or as a lot of these journalists are calling it, the photo ganda. Maybe Joy Reid is suspicious of this photo ganda, but we have full lines right now and a lot of text messages. We are having a debate. Taylor thinks, and Taylor, if I summarize this-- I theorize. I don't know if I believe this. I theorize. Oh, the back pedaling has begun, sir. Believe in your theories and have a little bit of faith in yourself, because if this turns out to be true, if you're right, I have to come on here and I have to do the biggest tailor was right of all time. So I think you should be proud of this. There's a chance I'm going to have to come out here and be embarrassed. It's not enough for me. OK, well, here's what Taylor's saying. He thinks that somewhere in the Secret Service, or maybe multiple people in the Secret Service, gave Trump the heads up. We don't feel the area is secure. We wouldn't like you to go out there, and he went out there anyway. We're going to do it. I'm saying that's ridiculous. It doesn't matter what Trump wants, the Secret Service has to protect him, and if they truly think there's a threat, he's not getting up on that stage. We're throwing it to you. You tell us what you think. Let's start with David. Go ahead, David. Grace, two things real quick. Some things are so obvious. One thing, from a layman's perspective, if you could lay down on a roof and not slide off, it's not a steep pitch. That's in your face back. Any cop or who would know that? Number one, number two, in New England here, whose body would be more important to protect? Tom Brady's or the next leader of the free world. So why-- I've never saw a 5'6" or 5'8" woman protecting Tom Brady from being tackled. Never mind cue at you with a bullet. Well, why are they common sense to say, why don't they have 6'6", 6'8", 300-pound guys protecting Donald Trump's body? Well, the conversation around the size of the Secret Service men and women has been, I think, a very valid point, that if you're going to protect someone, you should be able to cover them. Thank you, David. He didn't weigh in on who he agrees with, and that's really what I want to get to the bottom of. So let's go to, let's start with Jonathan. Go ahead, Jonathan. Grace, I totally agree with you. First off. Music to my ears continue. I want to let it go way back to the AFK assassination that if you want to kill a president, you've got to have the Secret Service in on it. Have you seen the documentary, The Octopus Martyrs? I have not. Is that on Netflix? Yes. Well, there's a woman there, and she was shown-- claim she was shown the actual, it was a Pruder film, where it was slowed down to the point where she could see the Secret Service guy driving the car, turn around, and shoot Kennedy. And she said, you can see the bullet coming out of the gun. It was slowed down so much. And with all their blunders that day, there's got to be something to that. So I mean, if you're going to kill a president, you've got to have the Secret Service in on it. All right, Jonathan. Was that the agreement you were hoping for? No, I don't know if the Secret Service is in on it. I don't know. I don't think these are ridiculous questions to ask. All I heard was I agree with Grace, and I'm going to take that one to the bank. I don't think I'm going to take the guy who agrees with you on here just yet, because I'm not going to be able to give him enough time. And I want your supporters to have their moment in the sun. Chris, stay on the line for all that is good in the world. I will say, the text line overwhelmingly is agreeing with me and saying things like Taylor sounds ridiculous. Taylor sounds like a fool. I think you're making these up. I don't see these. Taylor, this Frank Sinatra loving guy was born last night. He has no idea what he's talking about it. I didn't just fall out of a coconut tree. What do you think? You just fall out of a coconut tree? We'll talk more about this. And sound from the gold star families when we come back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. I'd like you to take a moment and tell Black America what you want them to know. Why should they turn out for you? Because you know where my heart is. You know where it is. By the way, if you notice whether it's young Blacks or young Whites or when it's Spanish or no Asian Americans, they've never focused until after Labor Day. I mean, the idea is they're focused and it will tell me how the election right now is not there. Am I crazy or is that kind of a dig, too, in its own way? They're not focused right now. There's no way that they'd be paying attention to this. All the young people out there. It's not as bad as what Kamala said, which is young people are stupid. There's a reason we keep them in dormitories. I haven't forgotten that, Kamala. But you know what all this gets me thinking is, so Joe Biden, now there's reports out that he might be out of this race by the end of the week, so maybe by Sunday. He's in her hope with right now recovering from COVID. And let's just play the game that they move in Kamala Harris. She picks a VP. I don't think it will be Gavin Newsom. I think the California situation that they're both in California and they need more diversity as far as geography goes will be his out because I don't think he wants to be attached to this. But let's say she picks her VP and then Kamala Harris is the top of the ticket. There's one more debate scheduled. Does Trump debate Kamala Harris? I almost think he doesn't even have to. I almost think that his first debate with such a success, he can only really lose. So I would say no, but that could be another conversation for tomorrow. For today, the conversation is, do you disagree with Taylor Cormier? Taylor has said that he thinks the Secret Service gave, I'm sorry, let me correct that. And keep in mind Taylor Cormier probably disagrees with you. With me? With anybody. Yeah, that's just kind of a standing headline. That's just kind of how the world works. But yeah, Taylor thinks that the Secret Service maybe gave Trump a heads up and said, hey, it's not safe out there. We can't secure the area. And Trump said, I'm going out anyway. We're going to make America great again. I think it's a little far fetched, but I want to hear from you. So let's go to Chris. You're next up. What's going on, Chris? Hi there. So yes, I agree with Taylor. And the reason why I agree with Taylor is if that, in fact, happened, which I could see it happening. The Secret Service, if they could not persuade the president to not go up there, and he insisted and did go up there. They should surround at him, preceding him, after him, on all sides, up there on the stage and not leaving that area wide open like they did. Wait till you agree with Taylor or you disagree with Taylor? I agree with Taylor. Oh, that he went out despite the Secret Service? If he had got-- Right, if he had got insistent and gone out anyway, number one, the Secret Service should not have let him do it. And number two, if he did it, they should have been surrounding him as he walked up to the stage. Right. But that makes me think you agree with me, which is that it's too far-fetched. There's no way that went down. Either way, I mean, if it happened-- Wait, no, you don't tell-- See, Taylor put you up, Chris. I'm going to tell you-- No, you can't convince the father on the line. I'm going to tell you something right now, Chris. And I don't want this to destroy your faith in Taylor Cormier, because he's really a good guy. But he put you up on the phone line as Chris agrees with Taylor. And I'm here to tell you, Chris, I don't think you do, though. I think you agree with me. And in fact, Chris, because I think you agree with me-- It's going to sound like a comedy speech. --because I think you agree with me, and you did not fall out of a coconut tree, I'm going to end the call here. And we're just going to mark you down as a Grace Curly supporter. And I thank you, Chris. I thank you for all of your help. Wow. What an autocracy. Let's go to Andrew. Let's go to Andrew, who I also think agrees with me. Tell us why, Andrew. Hey, can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah. So I have a couple of caveats with my rebuttal here. First is my sources. Wikipedia is to take that with a grain of salt. And second is, the supplies to presidents, I would assume that it applies to former presidents as well. But according to Wikipedia, it's federal law that a president cannot deny secret service protection. So I would also assume that that means that the president cannot deny protective orders from the secret service as well. Now, that's also a little caveat that denying secret service protection outright versus denying a specific protective direction from the secret service. So I'm not exactly sure the distinction there. But I would tend to agree with you, Grace. Thank you, Andrew. Really, really well-spoken, great point that you're making. And I appreciate it. It seems like all the people who agree with me really have their heads on straight. They get it. They're not naive. They're not living in the dark. I think, out of all the crazy things Taylor said in that theory, is that he doesn't think the secret service leaks. And one of the textures said everyone poops, comma, everyone leaks. I agree with that. It's part of the swamp. It's part of being in any of these agencies, any part of the executive branches. Everybody's leaking. Even if it doesn't seem like it's coming from them. You don't leak and leave a trail. You give it to somebody who gives it to somebody who gives it to somebody, it's going to get out. They have no issue with bad news about Trump getting out. I don't care what agency we're talking about. Let's go to Phil. Oh, so now we're not even putting down who the person agrees with. I like this. OK, Phil, tell me what's on your mind. So I think no matter what, if they would have told Trump that he was in danger, I still think he's going out because he cares about the people. And that's who he's there to show people he's there. So yeah, I guess that would lean towards you. But so here's the deal. I don't understand why he can't. I wouldn't trust the Secret Service as far as I could throw any of them, even the shortest one. But why does he have to use them? Can he use his own security detail of his own picking or hire his top nut security guy and let them pick? Whatever. And I also want to mention, a lot of people talk about how it was the grace of God that President Trump is still here. And that's very, very true. But the unfortunate thing is that I don't feel like we've-- that's really been mentioned enough is there was assassination attempt, but it was successful because we lost an American that day. Absolutely. A father. And that's what pisses me off more than anything is not that somebody took a shot at our former and hopefully future president, but somebody killed an American, a father, and took him away from his family. That's what really irritates me. Really important point to make, Phil. And we did talk a little bit about that around the 140 mark talking about how when you discuss the idea or the belief that God intervened and was looking out for Trump, you never want to make it seem as though you are forgetting the fact that a father, a volunteer firefighter, a wonderful person, by all accounts, lost his life, was murdered in cold blood for attending a political rally, which he was so excited to do. He had put it out on Twitter that day. He was so looking forward to it. And you're right. And I think that because of the historic nature of that event and the fact that it is the attempted assassination was on arguably the most famous person on the planet, that is going to become the main story. That's just how the news works. But I'm so glad you brought that up because it cannot be talked about enough that this young father lost his life and it should have never, ever happened. And as far as your first point about private security, I do think Trump has, he had his own private security that day. I know that because there's a local reporter who was on the ground and she talked about how the guy protecting her was one of Trump's guys. So I don't think he's going to decline Secret Service protection. They're able to offer a higher level of, or at least, you know, they should be, able to offer a higher level of protection than a regular private security firm, but I do think he has both. So he's covering his bases on that front. 844, 542, 42, we will continue to take these calls. But Taylor, I did promise one of our listeners that we would play some of the amazing sound from these Gold Star families. And this was the, this one was really incredible. I want to play this, Taylor, can you explain the cut to people because for some reason my computer is blanking out here, but this is one of the Gold Star mothers. - Yes, the mother-in-law of Sergeant Nicole Ann Gee, or Gee, this is one of the military members that was killed, I believe, in Afghanistan at the Abigayt, at the open Abigayt. So this is her on Joe Biden's refusal to even mention them, or, you know, even during the debate saying that no members of the armed services have died under his administration. This is, this is the mother-in-law. - Hello, America. I'm Kristie Shamblin, my daughter-in-law, Sergeant Nicole Leanne Gee. (audience cheering) It was a United States Marine, and she was killed at Abigayt in Afghanistan, alongside 12 of her brothers and sister-in-arms. While Joe Biden has refused to recognize their sacrifice, Donald Trump spent six hours in Bedminster with us. - Yeah, you can tell every time one of these Gold Star family members was able to say the name of the fallen service member, how much it meant to them, to have that microphone, to have that moment, to say their names. And it might seem small, you know, if you haven't been in that position, but I can't imagine losing someone and then really a president acting like it's a dirty little secret, like that he doesn't want to acknowledge it, 'cause it's gonna make him look bad. I mean, these people lost there. In this case, it's Christy Shamblin's daughter-in-law, but we heard from so many different people, and it was really powerful. And give me one more of Christy Shamblin, please, Taylor. - Donald Trump knew all of our children's names. He knew their stories, and he spoke to us in a way that made us feel understood like he knew our kids. - Yeah, unlike Joe Biden, who was checking his watch and talking about his own son. Do you use scented candles cover-up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover-up sprays must be bought over and over again, because they are just covering up the problem. We'll start saving money and get yourself a thunderstorm and eliminate those stubborn household odors for good. The thunderstorm starts working in seconds with no filters to buy. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. And get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. All right, we don't have a lot of time left, so I'm gonna go to each caller. You give me one point, you tell us who you agree with. Team Grace, Team Taylor, you give us your point, and then you gotta hit the road. Let's start with Scott, your next up. Go ahead, Scott. - Team Grace, this is why I think they saw the guy up there, but they were worried that he was a cop that was supposed to be on that roof and they just delayed taking the shot. It's as simple as that, no conspiracy. - Okay, I don't think that's a crazy idea, Scott. That actually- - Nor do I, Scott. Very plausible. - Very plausible. Let's go to Lee, you're up next, but I will say that was Team Grace. Lee, you're up next, go ahead. - Hi, Grace. I agree with you, and I will make a point, is that I don't believe the incompetence lies completely, maybe about 20% with the Secret Service, but definitely with the director, and she should be fired. And I believe firmly that anyone, any Secret Service agent guarding President Trump, thinks he hit the lottery. I believe that they're very loyal to him, and the people, the Secret Service people who threw the short straw and got Biden. It's like funeral home duty. - All right, Lee, I appreciate your take. And I don't know how the Secret Service feel about who they're covering, but let's go to Tom, you're next up. What's going on, Tom? - Hi, Grace. Yeah, I don't think there's any way Trump knew of any potential threat. And the reason I say that is if he did know, he would not have gone out there, because he would have knowingly been putting other people in harm's way, and there's no way Trump would have done that. - That's a great point. So we have two really good points here. I thought Tom, out of all those last collars, I thought Tom's point is very, very important to know. And I also think that point about, they probably thought it was a cop up there, they knew the cops were supposed to secure that building, maybe they thought it was a local authority. It still doesn't explain how often they saw this guy and how he was on the radar, then they lost track, but it's something that I could wrap my head around. And that's oftentimes all I'm looking for. - Well, like I said, this was just a theory of mine, not a hard and fast belief, just a theory. - Yeah, but it's a theory that no one agrees with. And that's important to me to point out. - I think at least two people agreed. - One of the ladies that agreed with you, she didn't understand that you were actually, no, I think she agreed with me and she thought she agreed with you, but we set her straight. - If that makes you feel better. - Chris, don't worry. - You're asleep better at night. - Chris, you're in good hands, okay? You're not on Team Taylor, don't worry about it. We'll be right back, we're gonna talk to Howie Carr, and we're going to get his take on the news that Joe Biden might be out of this race by the end of the week. We'll get Howie's take before he starts his show after the break. - The Grace Curly show will be right back. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly show. - And so, it's all about, it's all about treating people with dignity. And it's about making sure that we want to come here, for example, look at the heat, I'm getting it. - Because I named a Sir True Defense Blackman, I named Katanji Brown, I mean, because of the people I've named. - Oh, yeah, that was, I mean, he's been doing so many interviews, and each one is worse than the one before. It's like his only strength is that you don't spend too long unless you're Howie, focusing on one, because another one's hitting you in the side of the face. - Well, you know, he also said that he's hurting with black voters 'cause he doesn't get to walk into the projects anymore. - No, was that something he used to do a lot? - He said, but now it's unsafe 'cause I can't go in on a company. Which I thought, you know, was, I don't know, that's, again, we come back to the soft bigotry of low expectations. He just wants to go in and help him get driver's licenses and learn how to use the internet, you know? - Yeah, to be fair, he probably can't go to the bathroom unaccompanied these days. - Howie, I did want to ask you about a story because we were just talking about it during the break and then we kind of went down a different road, but there's a headline in NBC News. And I've been following this. It says Paris mayor swims in the sun to show the long polluted river is clean enough for the Olympics. So this mayor has been trying to convince people that, hey, we can do all the water sports in the sun because it's actually clean, but in June, it came back, they did a test and it still had a bunch of E. coli. And I guess people in France, like it's notoriously a stinky river. So a lot of the people are going, no one's going to want to swim in that. She took a dunk and I watched the video. She dumped in fully. Like, you can't do that thing where you have the water up to your shoulders. You got to stick your head in. And so if you were an Olympian, which I know you were close, but no cigar, and you saw this woman, the mayor, would you say, okay? - It meant too much to spit, so I just decided to let him have to have it. - But if you saw this going down, would you say, oh, well, if she went in, it must be clean. - I remember when Weld was governor and he dove into the Charles one afternoon when he was in a suit and wing tips and all that. - Oh. - And he was trying to convince everybody the river was safe and everybody looked around and said, you know, I guess he really is drinking in the daytime, 'cause rumors are true, 'cause you'd have to be drunk to dive in with all your clothes on. - Right, because if I'm looking at the mayor, I'm going just because you're willing to stick your head in that river doesn't mean that it's clean. It just means that you could be crazy. - Right, like the L Street brownies. - And then you reminded me, Howie, that we almost had the Olympics here in 2024. That was a proposal at one point. - Yes. - And what river were they gonna use? - They were gonna use the Deerfield River because it was a walking Olympics. And so I thought to myself, as someone who has lived in Boston and has swam in the Deerfield River, I never walked to Boston when I lived next to the Deerfield River. - You didn't take a little dip and then walk it off? - 90 miles, it's kind of a track. - All right, now, how last question for you, there are reports that Biden is going to be out of this race by the weekend. Do you want to say anything to Biden? - Say it ain't so, Joe. - I think it's the elites. They're pushing out. - It is, I put your foot down. Do not downsize to Mary and manner, Joe. So I've dedicated my column to it. It could be my last weekend at Brandon's column in the Herald tomorrow, and it would be a sad moment, if it is. - No, actually, last question here. If it's Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, who's her VP? - I do not know that. - Oh, he's dumped him, everybody. All right, Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got an excellent program prepared. I'll see you all tomorrow for our Friday show. - Four hours in this job, and I'm a full inch toner.