The Howie Carr Radio Network

Obama Turns on Biden Plus WWII Vet Brings House Down at RNC | 7.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace discusses the traitors in DC who are now turning on Joe Biden. Plus, the RNC had so many highlights. Woke or Joke is full of crazy stories including racist clocks and superpowers.

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18 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at [MUSIC] >> Live from the Eviva Tretria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. >> We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. >> You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. >> Well, you don't want too much Grace. >> Here's the millennial with the mic. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. >> You either have Grace or you don't. >> Especially Grace, Grace stand up. >> Grace Curly. >> Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Just a programming note, we are going to have Walker joke at 130. And throughout the rest of the show, we will be playing a lot of clips from the RNC last night. There was a lot of great moments. A World War II vet got up and he explained why he supports Donald Trump. It really does, not that anyone was believing the suckers and losers story, but if you believe it after what you saw last night, all the gold star families up there, the World War II vet saying he'd re-enlist if Donald Trump were president. I mean, if you believe that this guy in secret hates the military, then you probably also think that Joe Biden is doing a bang up job. You probably also think that everything's coming up by it. Now, some of the big moments J.D. Vance gave a speech, shouted out his mother. He has such an incredible backstory that I think a lot of Americans, especially those Americans in the Rust Belt who feel forgotten, are going to relate to, are going to appreciate. Plus, Kai Trump, Donald Trump's junior, Donald Trump's junior's daughter, got up on the stage to talk about her grandfather. And this was a really great moment. This, this went viral because people were just so happy to see or to hear about a different side of Donald Trump than we normally get in the media. This is Kai Trump, one of the standout cuts, cut 30. He calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. But then I had to remind him that I'm in school and I have to call him back later. When we play golf together, if I'm not on his team, he'll try to get inside of my head. I don't know. And he's always surprised that I don't let him get to me. But I have to remind him, I'm a Trump too. She did a great job and what was awesome about this speech was that Donald Trump junior got up before and said, you know, she came to me and said, I want to speak at the RNC. I want people to know what my grandfather's all about. And she didn't try to paint him. It was Trump as a grandpa. So it was sweet, but it was also very believable that he's calling her up, asking about her golf game and then quickly saying, let me tell you about my golf game and going into his own, you know, story. But here's the MSNBC headline, Forgetful Trump, a noise granddaughter during school hours, plays psychological mind games with her, brags about his golf game. Oh my gosh, it was awesome. And then I do want to play this cut from JD Vance, who I also thought was just, he just killed it last night. And you cannot tell me this guy's afraid of debating Kamala Harris. He doesn't want to debate Kamala Harris because he doesn't think she's going to be the VP. So why is he going to go up against someone? You tell us who the VP is. This is how crazy it is. Okay. Not only do Republicans have to accept all of the terms that Democrats propose. So Kamala Harris wants to debate on CBS, but Republicans aren't even allowed to say, well, can you make sure that that's going to be the VP? Can we wait until after the virtual roll call that now you're all fighting it about? Or do I have to agree to debate someone who might not even be the person I'm going up against? We're not allowed to ask for that either. It's like, it's all on their terms all the time. And it's insane. So here's a little bit of a moment that you're not going to see in the mainstream media. This was JD Vance. And for people who aren't familiar, JD Vance has an incredible story. He grew up in poverty, he grew up in Ohio, and then in Kentucky as well. And his mother was a drug addict. His father left them. They did not have a lot. He somehow managed to get a wonderful education. It was very intelligent. And he really, he's the personification of the American dream. You really can't find a more compelling story and a story that I think differs from Trump in a great way. These two men have very different upbringings, but they've come to the same conclusion about what needs to happen to keep this country great and to make it even better. And I think the fact that unlike Trump, he has struggled. He has grown up without a lot of resources, without a lot of privileges. Despite the fact that he is white, believe it or not. I think it contrasts really beautifully. And I think that they're going to make a really great team. So take a listen to one of the more emotional parts. JD Vance giving his mom a shout out on the stage, cut 31. And I'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here. Ten years, clean and sober. I love you mom. Yeah, and you could tell his mom was very emotional. It was a big night for the Vance family. His wife introduced him. And then of course, since we're talking about the RNC, I want to play the World War Two vet who got up on stage and just brought the house down. This is William Peckroll, cut 27. And President Trump, back in Commander-in-Chief, I would go back to the re-enlist today. (Applause) And I was storm. Whatever beach my country wanted to meet you. (Applause) You know what's been wonderful about the convention thus far and I'm sure it will continue tonight and tonight we're expected to hear from Donald Trump himself. He's going to be addressing the RNC in Milwaukee is that all of these people, they all come from different walks of life, but they all have a really inspirational story. And they don't need to explain it by vilifying anyone or, you know, by tearing down anyone. They all have something to share and you just get it. You hear them speak and you get why they're there. You get why it's important for people to hear from them. And something that I think is worth noting, and I did play this cut of Joy Reid comparing Donald Trump surviving an assassination attempt to Joe Biden battling COVID, which is bananas. But the other thing that was happening on MSNBC, which was really despicable, like the Joy Reid when I can laugh at that, because it's clown world. It is Kyle Becker put it really well. He said, "This is clown world." And you can't beat them. Don't join them, but you can definitely laugh at them. But what happened when the Gold Star families took the stage really upset me, because none of these networks even want to carry this video. And the Gold Star families of the 13 U.S. service members who were killed in the attack on Abbey Gate. And remember, it wasn't just that, again, we go back to the incompetence. We go back to the lack of preparation, the lack of intelligence that guided that mission, that withdrawal from Afghanistan. But also the fact that our commander-in-chief was more concerned with a PR stunt to be able to say that he got all the troops out of Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11. He was more concerned about that than he was about these American soldiers, these U.S. service members. And he was so callous during the dignified transfer that he was checking his watch multiple times and then went on to talk to these families, not about their children, not about their husbands or their brothers or their sisters or their sons or their daughters who they lost, but about his son and his story and himself. And to have these families finally get their chance to speak all this time later, an MSNBC can't even keep the camera rolling on them. They would rather go to their panel of lunatics talking about nonsense. So Taylor, play me a cut of what MSNBC decided to roll with instead of the gold star families. I just want to echo something Nicole said because I think a lot of Democrats have been under a great deal of attack online and otherwise. And the reason that people are having this conversation is because of the threat of Donald Trump and now JD Vance who will read the Project 2025 plan and be a more effective implementer. It's not because they don't like Joe Biden. It's not because they don't think he was a great president. It's because they're scared that they could take over and what they would do to our country. Yeah, I would argue that the people behind you talking while you're spewing your nonsense. Don't think Joe Biden did that great of a job considering they lost their loved ones in an embarrassing disaster, which was the Afghanistan withdrawal. So no, I don't think that those people that you don't have time to listen to because you're too busy squawking on about your your hysterical hypotheticals. I don't think those people are too loud by Joe Biden or the job that he did. Janice, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What say you, Janice? Are you there, Janice? Yes, I am. Hi. Thank you. I just have a very brief comment. I was infuriated when you read Joy Reid's comment. And did she forget that President Trump also had COVID in October of 2020 and went into Walter Reed Medical Center, stayed there for three days, got monoclonal antibody treatments, and a couple of months later acknowledged that he eventually did get the vaccine, the booster. But no one is talking about the fact that this man recovered within three days from COVID as well. I think that's something that should be mentioned. Yeah, and he was working in the hospital, by the way, Janice, while he was recovering from COVID. It's a great point that you make. I will say this though, based off what I'm seeing from Joy Reid, as far as the attempted assassination of Donald Trump goes, and her despicable reaction to that, this is a woman who definitely subscribes to a lot of QAnon, or BlueAnon theories, as far as the president goes. So she might have either forgotten that Trump struggled with COVID, or she, or, you know, not even struggled that he was able to survive COVID and get right back to work, or she may have a theory on it. You know, that might also be one of these weird tinfoil had Joy Reid moments. I don't know. Maybe she was busy collaborating with her homophobic blog hacker at the time. I don't have the answers. I can't explain the wonder that is Joy Reid. That is above my pay grade, believe it or not. Roy, your next stop on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Roy? Hi, great. Thank you so much for taking my call. First, I just wanted to talk about the Gold Star family's last night. My wife and I almost lost our son in Afghanistan in 2006. Thank God he's home. Of course, he's, his wounds, he has 90% disabilities. But just the way the honored those parents last night, my wife and I watched that, and we pretty much cried all through that. It was really, for anyone that's had experience with war, either with your children, going off the war, or personally going there, you just don't get it until you actually live it. Our son was at Walter Reid for over a year after that experience. And because Biden doesn't even know those brave men and women who gave their lives for us, it's just unreal. And for them to do the roll call and the crowd to say every single man and woman that gave their life for our country to do that mess that Biden caused in Afghanistan, I don't know how you can not just have your heart broken by what those families have gone through. I'm just going to leave it at that grace. Man, you take care. I appreciate your time. Roy, Roy, hang on the line for one second. Can you do me a solid? Sure. Can you tell your son on behalf of myself, on behalf of everyone listening on behalf of the Howie Car Radio Network, we thank him for his service. And God bless him and God bless you and your entire family. Thank you for calling in. I know it's hard a lot of times people to call in, especially when they're dealing with something so emotional like that. But we appreciate it. People need to hear it. And I'm going to tell you this, Roy, in the two o'clock hour, we're going to play some cuts from those gold star families so people can hear exactly what you're talking about. Thank you, Roy. Call back and again, tell your son. We said, thank you for his service. We appreciate it more than we can say. We'll be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. So contact him at local silver Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is if Biden passes the torch to Kamala Harris, who will she choose as vice president? JB Pritzker, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or other. Now, obviously, a few things inspired this poll question. One is the report that Biden is going to be passing the torch as soon as this weekend. That's how early they think we could get word from Biden that he's moving on, that he's going to let someone else take over. And while I would love to see Biden stay in, I appreciate how he has drawn this out as long as possible and really put Democrats in a tough situation, no matter what. But as far as if Kamala Harris is the next person at the top of the ticket, she's going to have to pick her own VP. And that is why JD Vance hasn't agreed to a debate with her yet, because he's not sure that she's even going to be the person running against him for VP. I know that's not really how it works, but you know, his counterpart. And so Tom Lomis from NBC News was asking the Trump camp spokesperson, Daniel Alvarez, about this. Keep in mind, Brian Hughes already put out a statement saying, JD Vance is not going to take away the opportunity from Pritzker or Newsom or Whitmer or whoever Kamala Harris chooses as her VP to debate him. He's going to wait until he knows who the VP is going to be. And so listen to Alvarez, shut this down real quick, cut 32. I'm here on the campaign floor with Daniel Alvarez. She's a campaign spokesperson for the Trump campaign. My first question to you is why, why has the campaign decided not to debate Vice President Kamala Harris? From our understanding, the Vice President called Senator JD Vance, left a voicemail, then said, let's do this. They spoke. And then the campaign put out a statement and they say, you guys don't want to debate. Why is that? Well, first of all, I would point out that President Trump did accept the debate on behalf of the Vice President with Fox News. And so Kamala Harris is certainly welcome to accept that debate. But I would also point out that the Biden camp and Democrats overall are in disarray. We have no idea who will be at the top of their ticket. There have been so many calls for Joe Biden to step down. And so would it really be fair if Kamala ends up at the top of the ticket to accept a debate with a potential VP nominee that doesn't exist yet? Yeah, I think that's a perfect explanation. I think that makes perfect sense. And also this idea that he scared of debating Kamala really does. It really does make me giggle. I mean, what's he scared of? He's scared that she's going to talk about coconut trees and then diagrams and electric school buses and the moon. And he's going to have to talk about things people care about. Or is he do you think that maybe he's scared that she's going to have a spicier word salad that he's not going to be able to come up with one? Like, what would he be scared of? And by the way, he's also just a brilliant guy beyond the fact that he's a New York Times best selling author. He's a Senator that he's a former vet that he's a veteran. It's it comes down to he can put a sentence together. Like, I don't think I'm not really courageous Taylor when it comes to debating people. If you said to me, Oh, go on a panel and see and then debate someone, I worry I would get flustered. But I don't think I'd be nervous debating Kamala Harris it's just a matter of can you put a cogent sentence together? And if the answer is yes, you're good. That's about as much prep as you really need. Deborah, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Deborah. Hey, Grace, thanks for the kind words you gave the gentleman who called in before me. His son clearly paid the sacrifice to keep us safe. When Trump first announced JD dance, I was like, wow, he's got the one thing Trump doesn't have, which is youth. But then when I started reading about him, I'm a little concerned about his lack of experience. I was just wondering about your comments on that. Yeah, it's not a unfounded concern. He is definitely he's definitely new to the game. I will say that when you look back on Trump, that was Trump was an outsider too. Trump didn't have a lot of experience in the political world, but he had a lot of life experience. He had a lot of common sense knowledge. He had a lot of ideas and a lot of inspiring messages to give people. And I think JD Vance is the same way. And I would argue that I always felt this way even when I was younger and people would say, sometimes people would ask me, oh, you're not going to do an internship. You're not going to do an internship because a lot of kids I went to school with did internships. And I said, I feel as though when I get to a point where I'm applying for a job, the people hiring me will be excited that I was a server because it means I actually had to work and make some money. And that was life experience. And I think that's a good credential to have. I think JD Vance, far and especially for a 39 year old, has so much life experience in the private sector as a writer, as a veteran. I mean, to me, that means a lot more than being a lobbyist or being a Congress person. Thanks for the call. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back, everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles in National New Hampshire, I had a few things on my to-do list. I wanted to get my teeth cleaned, which is easy, peasy, one, two, three, and no problem there because Lori the dental hygienist is so wonderful. She does a great job. And also though my job was really hurting me, I've struggled with TMJ. So I talked to Dr. Houghton. He checked out my smile. He said, it's actually a problem with your bite. So that Botox you've been getting, that makes sense why it's not really working for you. So he was able to fix that quickly and painlessly give me some much needed relief. And three, I'm very excited about this. My Invisalign trays have come in. I talked to Dr. Houghton. He brought in Dr. Tam. I digitally had my mold made for my trays. And I'm going to have Invisalign by the end of the month. And my teeth are going to start to straighten out, which I'm very excited about. There's a reason people love Perfect Smiles because whether you're going in for a simple cleaning, which I thought I was, or if you're trying to transform your smile, they're with you every step of the way. No judgment, no pain, no stress. They're located right off route three in National New Hampshire. So take the first step and check them out online at perfect That's perfect Now it is time. You know what time it is. It's 1.30 on a Thursday, if you can believe it. And that means it's game time. Jared, play that funky music. Everything woke turns to sh*t. Okay, I started a joke. Take care, wokeers. The word walk means looser. All right, this is a little bit of breaking news before we go to Woker joke. I was very curious why the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheeto, who now infamously told us the reason they didn't have a sniper looking out from that roof was because it was a sloped roof. Well, Kimberly Cheeto was at the RNC and she was confronted by, to name one person, Marcia Blackburn. Now we're finding out she was there because she met with Donald Trump. I will find out more information on this. I'm not sure how the meeting went, but Trump's amazing like that. He really doesn't shut anybody out. Even when you think like, oh, he would never talk to that person or he must be so angry with that person. He's actually a pretty forgiving guy. I would say sometimes too. Yeah, he's, he's not opposed to he being an open mind. Jared, he was going to say something and then he did that old, not worth it, not going to go there. All right. Well, Woker joke is brought to you by Aviva Tratria. A gift card to Aviva Tratria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you go to Aviva You guys know how this works. Taylor Cormier is in studio. He's going to read you a headline. You tell us, is it woke as in it's real or is it a joke? Did someone here make it up? Let's start with Mary, your first stop on Woker joke. Are you ready for your headline, Mary? Yeah. All right, Mary. Here's your headline. Dog gone. Santa Fe City Council to replace hot dogs in school cafeterias with veggie dogs. Um, joke. It is a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Mitt Romney is so relieved. All right. Let's go to Tony. Your next up. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I sure am. All right, Tony. Here is your headline. In BET interview, Biden reveals he became lifeguard because he knew, quote, blacks can't swim. Um, that's going to be a joke. It is a joke, but he came close to say something that bad. Did he? Well, he said, he couldn't, he called, I know he couldn't remember. Lloyd Austin. Lloyd Austin. He just referred to him as the black man. I mean, that's pretty bad. Yeah, but it's not that bad. That would have been, that would have been headline news, I think. Well, Lloyd Austin was the headline news. He has said things before, like very, uh, soft bigotry of low expectations when it comes to minorities using the internet, just as smart as white kids. Yeah, he does put out a lot of these stereotypes. So I wouldn't be shocked if he threw that one out there. Michael, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Are you ready for your headline, Michael? I am ready. Thank you. All right, Michael. Here is your headline. Gaetriets why LGBTQers are flocking towards conservatism. That is a joke. It is a joke. Oh, everyone's really on the money. That was a joke. That's not true. Okay. Mark, you're up next on Walker joke. Are you ready for your headline, Mark? Yes. All right. Mark, here's your headline. God did not save Donald Trump. That would be woke. It is woke. I'm, uh, I'm, I'm striking out here. Not a joke. Not a joke. It is woke. So did that person have a line to God and got the word? Hey, you know, I've done a lot in my time, but I can't take credit for this one. That is such a bold thing to say. Either way, really. I mean, we don't, we don't know what God's plan is. We don't know what hand he had. I will say it's nothing short of miraculous. What happened? And I will say it's nothing short of tragic. What happened? Somebody died and people were shot other than Donald Trump. So that's the argument that this person makes in a commentary in the New York Times, I believe, or could have been at late times either one. But either way, they said that, um, it, we can't have this sense of a God who is infinitely bigger than our imaginations and be able to say what he did and did not do. One of the few things we can say definitively about God is this, God is love. The idea is that at the heart of Christian faith, the New Testament says no one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God abides in us and they go on to say that there's, there's just no way to predict and there's no way that maybe God didn't use, you know, the dodging of a bullet to kill another person is saying that a miracle and a tragedy are both God in one is, is, uh, oxymoronic. Well, I remember when I was in school, uh, at Providence, we take theology. And one of the big questions people would have is if there is a God, why does he allow bad things to have? Right. And then you get into the question of free will and, you know, how much God is involved in what's going on here. So I mean, I think it's, it's a pretty arrogant thing to say that God isn't involved, but I understand why some people might feel like when people say God was looking out for Trump, then the family of that Pennsylvania father might say, well, that, that implies that God wasn't looking out for him. And I don't think that's what anyone means to do, but I could understand a little bit that train. Somebody asked me this on my personal Facebook page today, like how, how could anybody say they said actually Trump saying that this was God's hand at work is such a ridiculous thing to say and really hurts the family of the person that was killed. And I said, well, I don't claim to know how God works, but I do know that there are examples throughout the Bible where God has used tragic circumstances or evil circumstances for the greater good. There is always something good to be seen, especially in today's world in tragic and terrible circumstances or things that happen. And who's to say that that can't happen here, where you have the survival of a president of the United States who is currently the leading candidate. And who's to say that the life of that man that was killed, that 50 year old man, his life can be used as an example for others, the people that he touched, the girls that he raised, the wife that he loved, and they can all spread his love and his example through their lives now. I'm not saying it's not a tragic thing, and I hate to get so theological and serious on this, this portion of the show, but a lot of good things can come out of something that was horrifically tragic. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that did take a turn. I did not expect that for Walker joke. Let's go to John. John, you're next up on Walker Joker. Are you ready for your headline, John? Yeah. All right, John, here is your headline. Get ready for the boy, Keni, Paxson introduces men's two-piece swimsuit. Ah, so I'm going to go the opposite of what I think. Yoke paid off for you today. It is a joke. Very good job. That was a joke. That's not true. Hallers are crushing it today. Amanda, Amanda, you're up next. Are you ready for your headline, Amanda? Yeah. Okay. All right, Amanda. Taylor doesn't want you to win. Here's your headline. Behold the racist roots of the analog clock. Well, I got one. Oh, by the way, that was a joke. That's not true. That was good. I do find that if you can just take any object or anything and just say racist roots that they're probably- Yeah, and you can't use that one too often though. That's that's so once per quarter headline. I'm just double checking that one to make sure that it is an actual. Oh, I'm sure it's definitely a woke somewhere. It's colonialist. Oh, so you know, what's happening when I enter this in is that it's giving me options of clocks I can buy that are anti-racist clocks that say like make racism wrong again on the clock. Oh my goodness. So yeah, it's going to I'm going to have to do some more research to find this. Ed, your last stop on today's Walker joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Yeah. Hey, one thing quick. My wife was the first caller in today. It's her first time to call Walker Joe because she actually got the question right. I hope I'm so lucky. Oh, one entry per household. This is no and can play. Well, he can play, but it's just one entry per household. Man, you are such a joy. He's calling in because his beautiful wife played their lovebirds. They clearly are trying to steal her thunder. A lovely couple and you come in like the grim reaper, one per household. He could let her have this victory. He had to establish one himself. I feel you and I'm rooting for you and I'm rooting for love, which is more than I can say for here we go. All right, Ed. Here's your headline. Vice contributor wonders, does Trump now have supernatural powers post assassination attempt? Allah, Stephen King's the dead zone. I'm gonna say joke. It is a joke. Yes. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. All right, Taylor, thank you. It's crazy. Thank you very much for your participation in Walker joke. Thank you to everyone who played. We will be right back. We have a lot more to get to and we will be playing some of those cuts from the gold star families who took the stage at the RNC. But the question remains, and this is, this is what I'm throwing out to the callers, what will happen next? We're getting reports that Biden is going to bow out of this race by this weekend. He's in Rehobith recovering from COVID. There's been plenty of outlets, Axios, Politico, places that do have sources close to the White House that are saying, this is the end of the road politically for Joe Biden. He is about to pass the torch after decades and decades of telling us that he's going to pass the torch. The moment may have finally come. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. That opens up so many other possibilities as to how this presidential election goes down in November. We'll take your calls, your thoughts when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. You know what could have been a Walker joke headline? What Rachel Maddow was saying about J.D. Vance yesterday. There's so many things that I don't understand are connected to the far right. Maybe I'm just not like other Republicans. Maybe I'm just different. I don't understand that in order to be a true conservative, you need to be a fan of the Lord of the Rings. I never got this memo. My husband's going to be over the moon. He's got the full collection in the basement. I never knew that. If you tell me that we also have to read Harry Potter, I'm gonna be very upset because I don't have the time and I don't have the interest or the curiosity. I had no idea that every time someone was a Lord of the Rings fan, it also meant that they were a fan of the far right. Take a listen to this explanation from Rachel Maddow. It might make more sense when you listen to this, how she could fall for something like the Russia hoax, how she's able to connect these dots that don't actually exist. Here's Rachel Maddow from MSNBC. Cut 15. Like Mr. Teal, who has named his companies after things in the Lord of the Rings series of J.R.R. Tolkien books, Lord of the Rings is a sort of favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of far right and alt right figures both in Europe and the United States. Peter Teal names all these things after Tolkien figures and places like his company Palantir, for example, like his mentor, like Peter Teal, who had given him all his jobs in the world. Mr. Vance also, when he founded his own venture capital firm with help from Peter Teal, named it after a Lord of the Rings thing. He called it Naria, N-A-R-Y-A, which you can remember because it's Aryan, but you move the end of the front. Apparently that word has something to do with elves and rings from the Lord of the Rings series. Okay. I have a lot to say here. One is whenever I hear about a Tolkien character, I just think of the episode of The Office where Dwight keeps thinking that small man in New York City is some sort of wizard, but he's just, you know, short and stature. As far as Lord of the Rings, I need Taylor's help here. And I don't think you're a Lord of the Rings fan either, are you? Never read the books. I've seen the original trilogy though. Is she trying because she talks about Aryan with the N, but she's also talking about how Lord of the Rings. Is she trying to say the Lord of the Rings are racist and that that's why Republicans like the Lord of the Rings, or is she trying to imply that J.D. Vance is racist for choosing that name? Do you know what I'm saying? She seemed to cram a lot in to that observation. It seemed like she was just trying to play anagrams with something like it didn't exist. Naria, I don't know what that is. I don't know where and Lord of the Rings mythology it comes from. I don't know the origins of it. I can't speak to it, but I don't think it was J.R. of Tolkien's belief that this would be construed one day for Aryan. Yeah, well, that's a weird way to have people remember it because if you bring up the word Aryan, you're like, it's Aryan with an N in front of it. You are kind of trying to send a message to people that that was somehow thought of in the process of the names and the Lord of the Rings. Why are they talking about this when the RNC is going on? Is this what they're veering away from the Gold Star families to talk about? Like, oh, I'm sorry. Kai Trump is giving a speech, or J.D. Vance is giving a speech, or Gold Star mothers are giving a speech. Let's go to Rachel Maddow trying to draw some link between Lord of the Rings, J.D. Vance and the Aryan race. I mean, it's... There's got to be something better here. This is a pretty interesting convention to cut away from it for that. It wouldn't be my programming choice. What, you seem like you have something on your mind? Just very out of Rachel Maddow to speak of ill of other elves. Oh, Taylor. I should have known when you were standing there, you're like with this expression on your face. Controlling, controlling myself. That's when I got my microphone. He was coming up with something mean. Okay, let's go to 844-542-42. I do want to play this cut of Joy Reid as well. MSNBC last night. You know what? No, I'm going to save that. I'm going to save the cuts from MSNBC. I also do want to talk more when we return about who's at fault when it comes to this failure. I keep going to the Secret Service as far as this attempted assassination, but we do need more. We need more information. We need answers. Now we're finding out that Kimberly Cheetah, who told us that they couldn't put a sniper up on that roof that was 400 feet away from Trump because it was sloped. Well, she was at the RNC. She was confronted by Marsha Blackburn. She was confronted by Barroso, the senator from Wyoming, also a doctor. And she was there to meet with Donald Trump, how that meeting went. I have no idea. I know if it were, if I had been the one up on that stage and I had the bandage on my ear, I wouldn't be too happy when I saw Kimberly Cheetah, but maybe he had a little bit more patience than I would. We'll be right back.