The Howie Carr Radio Network

Joy Reid Compares Biden Surviving Covid to Trump Surviving Assasination Attempt | 7.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace takes calls on the latest reporters that Biden is getting ready to pass the torch to Kamala. Plus, breaking down the Secret Service failure--incompetence or something worse.

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18 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you, too. Contact them today at ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. Well, you don't want too much Grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly Show. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today. We have an excellent show prepared for you as there is no shortage of news. So, let's start with what broke yesterday. Biden canceled a speech in Las Vegas that he was supposed to give, but he could not because he tested positive for COVID. Now, as we always do here at The Grace Curly Show, and I mean this sincerely, so no sound drops, we are wishing the president a speedy recovery, no sarcasm. That's the difference between conservatives and Democrats is that I have not seen anyone on social media putting out ghoulish tweets about Joe Biden. We hope that the president is okay and that he is able to recover. He looked very frail yesterday walking towards Air Force One, scary to see the president in such bad shape, so again, praying for his speedy recovery. Now, of course, the timing of this has drawn intense speculation, and now reports are out saying that he may drop out of the race as soon as this weekend. So, this is a huge shift. I want to read you this. It says several top Democrats privately telling us, us being Axios, the rising pressure of party congressional leaders and close friends will persuade President Biden to decide to drop out of the presidential race as soon as this weekend. He is now self-isolating because of his COVID test and the 81-year-old president remains publicly dug in, but privately, he's resigned to mounting pressure bad polls in untenable scrutiny, making it impossible to continue his campaign. Now, it should also be noted that there was a story, and Pelosi's team is denying this, but there was a story in Politico that she talked to Joe Biden. Now, yesterday, Adam Schiff put out a statement to the LA Times saying he thinks it's time for Biden to pass the torch. And right when I saw that, I knew it had Pelosi's fingerprints all over it because Adam Schiff is not doing anything without his fairy godmother's permission. And it was the biggest name of a, it was the biggest Democrat name that I had seen so far, publicly calling for Biden to resign. And I did think after seeing that, more so than after the COVID test or after anything like that, seeing Adam Schiff and his name attached to the statement, did make me think, all right, they're going all in and pushing him out. They are not going to deal with this. He's also met with Chuck Schumer and Hakim Jeffrey separately. They both said the same thing according to these reports. Hey, listen, we don't think we can win with you at the top of the ticket. Now, it's worth noting that Joe Biden also yesterday, because there's no subtle to hear with the Democrats. When it rains, it pours. They have lost the nuance. They lost the nuance a long time ago. It's worth noting the evolution of Joe Biden's comments regarding what would pull him out of this race. At first, at the NATO press conference, he told the reporters that if he were to see polls or information or be explained to him that he could not win this race, that he would pull out. Then that changed where he told George Stephanopoulos, and it's kind of confusing because those things I think happen on the same day, but he told George Stephanopoulos that the Lord would have to intervene in order for him to bow out of the race. That changed again this week in BET interview number one, where he told the man, Taylor, help me out here, Speedy Mormon, he told Speedy Mormon that he would have to be hit by a train not to run. And then yesterday, and I posted this at Then yesterday, we get this major pivot right before the COVID announcement drops. And the major pivot was when in a second BET interview, he explained that he might consider bowing out of the race if a medical condition emerged. - I mean, on a more practical level, Washington Post just reported in the last hour that Senator Mark Warner is assembling a group of senators together to try convince you to stand down because they don't think you can win. - Well, Mark is a good man, we've never had that. He also tried to get the nomination to. Mark's not, Mark and I have a different perspective. I respect him. - And if Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries and Nancy Pelosi come down and say, we're worried that if you stay in the race, we're gonna lose the house and the Senate, how will you respond? - I'm going to detail with him. I've spoken to all of them in detail, including Jim Clyburn. Every one of them, they all said I should stay in the race, stay in the race. No one said none of the people said. I shouldn't be. - But if they do. - Well, aside, we're not gonna do that. - Well now we're getting reports that that's exactly what they did, that Hakeem and Chuck and Nancy have all met with Biden and have all told him, the writing is on the wall, it is time for you to move on. I like to envision in this scenario, in this back and forth between Pelosi and Biden, that maybe she also lectured him on how the party needs youth and vigor. Because I love the idea of 84-year-old Nancy Pelosi being like, we need to keep the party young, Joe. We need to keep it spicy. And so now they're all saying the same thing. But Biden's team is still claiming that he is not going anywhere. And now the Washington Post, I'm sorry, these keep breaking as I'm speaking, I'm seeing new chyrons about leaks coming out. The Washington Post is reporting that Obama is telling allies that Biden needs to seriously consider his viability. Now, keep in mind, Barack Obama wasn't crazy about this in 2020. He was the one who said to Joe, you don't have to do this. So needless to say, in 2024, he's not going to suddenly think that Joe is the right man for the job. I don't think he was ever too keen on Joe being at the head of any ticket. Even being his VP, the more I see of these two together, the more I'm thinking, he made that choice begrudgingly. I don't think he's a big fan of Joe Biden. But of course he's telling his allies that Biden needs to consider his viability. Because he also consulted with his best buddy, George Clooney, before that op-ed dropped in the New York Times, where George Clooney said the guy I saw at my fundraiser three weeks ago and at the debate is not the same guy that I saw in 2020 or 2012, or the big bleeping deal Joe Biden. All of these people now are telling us things we've known for years. Willie Geist today on Morning Joe said, you know, we've known for a while that Joe is losing it, some variation of that. To which I would tell the people at Morning Joe, so why did you lie about it for so long? If you've known this, Willie Geist, isn't your job as a journalist to tell us the truth? Now you're telling us you've known this for a while. I think it was like two weeks ago, Joe Scarborough was still pushing the Joe Biden as a Socratic thinker down my throat. So I'm curious when you all came to this decision and why you chose not to tell us about it. It's also worth noting as we talk about this and the timing of everything, that Miranda Divine posted a day before Joe Biden announced he has COVID, the no-fly zone alert for pilots showed he was flying to his beach house in Rehobith Wednesday night until Sunday night. In other words, this four day recuperation was pre-planned. Coincidence? Did he know he had COVID when he flew to Nevada Wednesday and met with people without a mask? No, I would argue that if we're gonna go with the fact that it was, the no-fly zone was booked prior to this COVID test or this positive COVID test that they booked this just knowing we're not going to have him in the public eye for this entire week. So let's put in the no-fly zone. And I don't wanna accuse, I don't wanna suggest that maybe he doesn't have COVID or anything like that, but I would suggest that they were adamant that he's getting out of town and he's gonna be in Rehobith and he's going to be recuperating in one way or another. Now, there are two schools of thought as far as what's going on with this recuperation, the self-isolation. You can either think, or two ways this is gonna go, you can either think that this is the beginning of the end of Joe Biden's political career. And like these reports say that he's going to be dropping out by this weekend. Or you could think that this is a time buyer, that this is gonna buy him just a little bit more time where he doesn't have to do interviews, he doesn't have to be seen in public. I tend just because of the Adam Schiff of it all to go with the first one. Now, I do wanna mention that one of the cuts from last night, like seeing the media grapple with this, seeing the Chuck Todds and the Nicole Wallace's try to understand how their party, how their leaders that they love so much are in such disarray has really been a delight. And a standout cut, and this one's gonna be really hard to beat for the rest of the week. This for me, if there is a person who manages to be crazier than Joy Reid was last night on TV, hats off to you, you deserve all the money in the world. Because this is the kind of entertainment that we need to see more of. This is Joy Reid comparing Joe Biden getting COVID to Donald Trump surviving an attempted assassination, cut 11. Here's the question that I have on that. These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take a iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation, we'll figure that out one day. But his survival of that and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. This current president of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days? Doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? That he's strong enough older than Trump to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. So if he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same? I mean, it's not exactly the same. It's not the same incident, but it's an elderly man coming through out of an illness. It should. I don't know if I would classify a bullet grazing in your head as an illness, but I'm not going to get into semantics here. I'm just going to take Joy Reid. I'm going to take her overall point. I'm not going to miss the forest for the trees. And I just want to say chef's kiss. Like there is nothing better than that. Comparing Joe Biden dealing with COVID to Trump surviving an assassination attempt is so peak Trump derangement syndrome. It's hard for me to even put it into words. And I just want to point out, and it's hard to tell on this, maybe I'll post this one on the site. Part of the beauty of this cut is that on this panel with Joy Reid is Jen Psaki, who is Biden's original Baghdad Bob. And when Biden's original Baghdad Bob thinks you were propagandaing too close to the sun, that's a sign. You need to get help. You need to stop. Jen Psaki was looking at Joy Reid, like she was on another planet. And Jen Psaki's on another planet. That's how outrageous this has become. They truly think that Joe Biden, and I want to give, I'm putting Joy Reid in the Whoopi Goldberg category of people who are so loyal to Biden, that I have to respect it. Like I have to respect the fact that you are so deep in and you believe your own BS, you were like George Costanza. It's not a lie if you believe it, that you've cultivated this bubble of delusion that no one can pop. Bravo, keep it up. You're doing great, sweetie, as Chris Jenner might say. 844-542-42, I want to take your calls on this. What do you think is going to happen as far as the reports that Joe Biden is going to step out of the race? And it actually has a lot to do with our poll question, which I encourage you to go to and vote in that now. We'll be right back. We've got so much sound to get to, so much to talk about a great night at the RNC. Again, so many powerful speeches, whether it's JD Vance or Donald Trump's granddaughter, Kai Trump, or the Gold Star families who were able to voice their pain and how proud they are to be part of the Trump movement. We've got it all for you coming up next. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Speaking of the RNC, we are going to get into all of the speeches. JD Vance did a wonderful job. We're going to talk about JD Vance and why he's-- and I'm using air quotes here-- scared, according to the left of debating Kamala Harris. Share Jan, I have a story on that, by the way, at But before we get to any of that, I have to read you the latest from The Washington Post. It says, Obama has only spoken with Biden once since the debate, and he has been clear in his conversations with others that the future of Biden's candidacy is a decision for the president to make. He has emphasized that his concern is protecting Biden and his legacy. Can I throw out a challenge flag on that? No one's concern is protecting Biden. That much is clear. If anyone was concerned about protecting Biden-- and I'll throw Dr. Jill under this as well-- if any of you were concerned about this man, the human being behind all this, we would have never gotten to this point. We would not be months away from an election and having this utter meltdown in the Democrat Party if you were concerned about the person that is Joe Biden. You are not concerned about that, and you are certainly not concerned about his legacy. The only legacy that people tend to care about is their own legacy. I don't even think Barack and Joe are actually BFFs as BuzzFeed tried to convince us for so many years. So he's not concerned about Joe's legacy, and he's definitely not concerned about Joe. He's concerned about what all the Democrats are concerned about. Power, and that Joe is the obstacle in their way to power. And now that he is not a useful idiot for the left, they want to see him move along. Nick, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Nick. No, we're going back to 1966, or '65. Liar, Liar, P. and Son fire. It was a great song, by the way. Also, "Lies Lies" by the Nickel Blockers, 1966. Anyway, they're casually admitting today, this is Secret Service, that at 5.52 PM, that guy was spotted on the roof by Secret Service shooters, whatever, on other roofs or other elevations. So that's 19 to 20 minutes before he was shot. That's even before-- remember the guy with the visor cap on the right here? He talked about a three or four minute time span. When they first spotted him, right? Yeah, so hold on, Nick, just so people can follow. Nick's talking about the BBC interview. The guy had the Trump visor on with the red hair, and he said, you know, we were alerting the police, and we were yelling that there was a guy on the roof. Now, Nick is saying that they knew, you know, minutes before. But actually, what I'm getting is that they-- you could see a video. They just showed it on Fox of him walking around in the distance an hour before. And they were on high alert about him from the second he walked in, because he had a rangefinder when he ran through security. So there were multiple times that this happened. And what I loved yesterday was Jesse Waters said the obvious thing about the Secret Service. He said, every Secret Service agent, every local officer, knew there was an armed threat on the rooftop. Secret Service protocol requires the president to be evacuated immediately. But they let the president step on stage like a sitting duck. And later, he said, all they had to say was, Mr. President, sit tight for five. Don't take the stage yet. We have a threat. We need to handle it. And I keep going back to her. But Peggy, who called in a few days ago before I understood that it was a 30-minute time span, that they already knew about this. And now we're finding out more like three hours that they had them on the radar. Peggy said, why couldn't they have just said, hang out here for a minute. We have to secure the perimeter. We have to make sure everything's safe. Why send him out there? If you have all these red flags, if you know that you lost track of someone who walked in with a range finder and was acting weird, why not tell him, take a beat, Mr. President? Have a glass of water, chill out for a minute. We got to figure something out. The last thing you should do is send him out there and try to figure it out as you go. And I should mention here, since Nick brought it up, and it's a very important story, Kimberly Cheetell, the director of the Secret Service, for a reason I do not know, was at the RNC last night in Senator Marcia Blackburn, and others confronted her, and we're asking questions about what the hell happened. We have that sound and your reactions when we come back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Just about a couple minutes ago, these senators came out of this briefing with Secret Service. They've been asking for it for days now. Finally got it with the director and Secret Service staff. In the top headline that has come out of it, according to Senator John Barrasso, just spoke to him as soon as he hung up on this briefing, he said that apparently the Secret Service had identified as a character of suspicion, this man, the shooter, because they saw a range finder on him as well as a backpack. And this all happened more than an hour before the shooting actually occurred. So they saw the guy, and they identified this guy as suspicious. That was from Fox News. And I keep repeating myself here, but the more information we get about Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, the more shocking it is, and the more concerning it is over the safety of Donald Trump, who are now hearing also, there's attempted threats, or there's attempted assassination plots by Iran. They also wanna take Donald Trump out. And so the fact that the Secret Service has given us virtually no answers. They held a press briefing yesterday, and it was pathetic. And actually John Barrasso from Wyoming, who was part of the group of people, including Senator Marcia Blackburn, who were interrogating Kimberly Cheetoh. Yesterday at the RNC, he said about that press briefing, this was a 100% cover your ass briefing. No one has taken responsibility. No one has been held responsible. Someone has died. The president was almost killed. This head of the Secret Service needs to go. And I had a close friend of mine text me this morning and said the same thing, said this is utterly reprehensible that we have received really no answers from the Secret Service as to how this happened. And the timeline doesn't make any sense. If this man came in with a rangefinder, was acting suspicious, was put on the radar of the Secret Service, and then they lost track of him only to spot him an hour before roaming around near this building. The idea, as Joe Biden would say, the idea that he's able to get up on that building with a rifle via a ladder. He's mind-blowing. Unless you think that some of these dropped balls were intentional, and then that opens up a whole new can of worms. And for a very long time when it came to conspiracy theories, I would always say, you know, I don't want to sound like a conspiracy there's. At this point, if you're looking at what happened on Saturday, and you're not suspicious of the information we're being given, and it doesn't cross your mind that maybe there were other layers to this. Maybe there was something more nefarious to this than I think you're in the minority. I think you're the one with your head in the sand. I think you're, in fact, for me actually at this point to believe that this was just a big whoopsie, that requires more of a tin foil hat than the other way around. Let's go to the collars. Actually, you know what first though, I do want to do the poll question, and then we'll go right to everyone on the lines. Timmy's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at We're getting all these reports. Axio says Biden will be out by the end of the week that he's going to drop out of this race. Politico says Nancy Pelosi had a heart to heart with Joe Biden, and she told him it's over, Joe, you've got to move on. And now the Washington Post is saying that Obama is telling his aides that he's very concerned about Joe Biden's political viability here. And that all brings us to a hypothetical that's becoming more and more likely, which is we're going to have Kamala Harris as the top of the ticket pretty soon. Taylor, what's the poll question and what are the results this far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if Biden passes the torch to Kamala Harris, who will she choose as vice president? J.B. Pritzker, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or other? Now, I got this list because there was a story going around that J.D. Vance was too afraid to debate Kamala Harris. And I immediately thought, what do you think I fell out of a coconut tree? Well, why would he be afraid of debating Kamala Harris? Unless the questions are only based on Venn diagrams and electric school buses, I'm pretty confident J.D. Vance would know how to handle this. And then I dug in a little bit more and it all started to make sense. What actually happened is that the Trump team doesn't want to send J.D. Vance out for a debate against someone who's not going to be the VP. And so they put out a statement, this was from Brian Hughes from the Trump campaign, we don't know who the Democrat nominee for vice president is going to be. So we can't lock in a date before their convention. To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, J.D. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate. Now, Taylor, before I answer this, I gotta ask you a question. Did you ever watch a beep? - I did not. - I would highly suggest it. It is very, very funny. And it definitely leans a little bit more left, but they make fun of everyone. It's really just more about making fun of politicians. But there's a great scene in beep where she has to pick a VP and she keeps having people come in for this big meeting and they're really trying to figure out who are we gonna have, who's the best option. And every single time they bring someone in and they say, "We want you to be Selena's VP." This is a huge honor. The person says, "I don't want it." And she grows increasingly more frustrated as everyone rejects her offer to make them VP. I have a feeling this is gonna go down in the same way. Kamala Harris is going to be offering this to a lot of different people. And I wouldn't be surprised if you're a Gavin Newsom if you say, "I'm not being tied to this." I'm not being tied to this disaster. It would be one thing if they said to Gavin Newsom, "You step in, you're gonna run for president." That would be different. But to say, "You step in as the right-hand man "to the disaster that is Kamala Harris." - Right. - I don't see that as appealing to someone like you. - She was the insurance policy and now she's the leaky life raft. No, thank you. - I think a lot of people are gonna say, "No, which makes me go towards the option of other." I don't think any of those people. I don't think they'd offer it to Gretchen Whitmer. I think that one woman on the ticket for the Democrats, that checks enough boxes. I don't think they feel like they need to bring on another woman. - Physically wincing at the thought of it, yes. - It would be too much. I'm here to tell you, it would be too much. And Gavin Newsom, I guess, they're both from California, so the geography of that, whether or not he's gonna bring in any new voters, that's something to consider. Again, though, I just think Gavin Newsom is way too ambitious and he does not wanna be tied to Kamala Harris. And Pritzker, maybe, Pritzker's, Pritzker, I'm not writing off, but I'm still gonna say other. I think it's someone we're not thinking of. - 34% say other, 32% say Newsom, 29% say Whitmer, 4% say JB Pritzker. - All right, let's go to Rob. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Rob. - Hey, Grace, I am in fear for the president in Melania. I fear that he, President Eng is too many higher option these stupid agencies, that he said he wants to clean house once he get in, and these deep state people, they allowed 26 seconds from that first shot until they took that, neutralized that threat. He got off five shots. And also, the reason you haven't seen Melania is because the Iran threat was directed at her, because they want to get back to hurt President Trump. They want to take out Melania to get that. - You're breaking up a little bit, Rob. I didn't read that part of it that it was directed at Melania, so I do have to double check that during the break, but I will say she has not been seen at the RNC yet she was expected to be there. I'm not sure if she was slated to speak at all, but she was definitely expected to be there, and Melania and Barron have not been seen at the RNC yet. Now, I want to play, and I'm glad you brought up the Secret Service, I do want to play some of this sound of Marsha Blackburn and John Barasso, senators, respectively, from Tennessee and Wyoming, confronting Kimberly Cheetos. And I also want people's ideas, does anyone know why she was there? I haven't been able to find it anywhere, why she was there. I don't think she was covering Donald Trump. I don't think that she's actually someone who's on the ground covering people, if she's the director of the entire Secret Service. So was this an attempt of hers to get in good with the Republicans and make it seem like she didn't drop the ball? Was she there for business? Why was the director of the Secret Service at the RNC and not in Washington answering questions about what a tremendous disaster this was? That's my word of the day, word of the day, by the way, disaster. - She probably wanted to show that she was personally overseeing the security of the Secret Service at the RNC rather than being a distance away back in DC. - Well, she's responded to the subpoena, she's going to cooperate. So I think she just wanted to save some face and show that she's there. - Safe to say it backfired? - Yes. - Okay, as long as we're on the same page about that. Let's play a sound cut here. This is John Barasso and Marsha Blackburn, confronting Kimberly Cheetos cut three. - This is exactly what you were doing today. - This was a disaster, and I showed a tamp. You owe the principal answers. You owe a press on the drop dance. - Yeah, and we haven't received them. And something else I want to say about conspiracy theories here or just pointing out what went wrong and how this could have happened is that now I'm seeing esteemed members of our media like Joy Reid floating their own conspiracy theories. You notice in that cut where she was comparing Joe Biden getting over COVID to Trump dodging a bullet on stage. Joy Reid said he was able to take a photo. There was nine seconds where he was able to take this photo. She's alluding to this idea that she thinks that there's something fake about this. And that's another part that I want to point out is that all of these networks, they get very skittish if you ask normal questions. Like how in the hell did we not have a sniper up on that roof? How in the hell did someone get 400 feet away from the former president of the United States with a rifle? But if they want to flow conspiracy theories about whether or not Trump actually had his ear grazed or whether or not he needs to be wearing that kind of bandaid or you want to go back further, the Russia hoax, the Russian hookers peeing on Trump, whatever conspiracy theories they want to flow, they're fine with running with that. But it's when people like Corey Mills from Florida or like John Barasso from Wyoming, it's when people like that ask questions that they get very nervous. You know, we can't run with that. This is CNN. Let's go to Chris. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Chris. - Hey, Grace, thanks for calling again. So I am in the minority. I don't think it was conspiracy. I think it was just utter incompetence and DEI striking again. When I saw the photo of the Secret Service woman trying to pull the gun out of her holster and I was just like, what are we doing? What are the requirements? Maybe you know this. What are the requirements for the Secret Service? Are you supposed to be ex like marine special forces? Or like, are we getting the best people here? Are we just like, oh, you're a lesbian, you're a woman. Okay, you're part of the Secret Service now. Like what's going on here? - Well, I really don't know, Chris. So I can't answer that with anything to really back it up. But I will say if what is required is what we saw on Saturday, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say not much. I don't think you have to be ex-anything. It didn't seem like a lot of those people had any experience, as you pointed out, the woman couldn't holster a gun. So Chris is going with the Occam's razor, you know, that if you hear hoofbeats, it's probably horses, not zebras, that there's the easier explanation, the more logical explanation is, this was just stupidity. And I tend to be someone who, when given that choice, I go with incompetence too. I've learned that from Howie. I used to go into Howie's office and be like, did you hear this latest thing? Did you hear it? And Howie would say, if I got to choose between, you know, whether it's the state police or whether it's the White House, whether it's any of these people messing something up versus some conspiracy or plot, I'm gonna choose the stupid factor. But this one is too much stupidity. And maybe, yeah, maybe they had the holster lady. Yes, maybe that adds to the idea that there is a real problem as far as the incompetence in the Secret Service. But it still, it doesn't explain everything that we're now finding out. It does not explain why there wasn't anyone on that roof. It does not explain why an hour before they spotted this guy and they still let Trump get out there. It doesn't explain why it took so long to take that shot to return fire. There's a lot of this that I don't understand. I'm not ready yet to write it off as, oh, like every other agency in the world, they're just dumb. I'll get there if the evidence points me there, but right now I'm not ready yet. Can we ask Ukraine for some of that money back to funnel back to the Secret Service? That's long gone, sir. That is long gone. It's unfortunate. You can't claw that back. Jeff, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jeff? Hi, how are you? I'm good, what's going on? Okay, this whole thing was Biden stepping down. I don't think he's gonna quit. You'll just say, I'm not gonna run for a second term. I'm gonna let the process work out and it'll have, then the Democrats will all line up and have kind of a mini primary where Pritzker and Newsom and Kamala and Gretchen and anybody else you can think of that's deplorable can all see if they can get people to vote for them, somehow, some way. That way they don't have to look like they're beaten up on poor Kamala with the minority communities. Well, here's Jeff. So I'm glad you brought this up because in, and I actually suggest, I don't usually recommend people read Axios, but this is a pretty good piece. They lay out, it's Jim Vanderhel and Mike Allen, they lay out some of the hypotheticals and one of them that goes to what you're saying, Jeff is the most likely scenario is Biden bows out and endorses Harris, but also flicks to letting the delegates sort it out if the party feels otherwise. That would aim to defuse any criticism that the Democratic party was being undemocratic. Harris would be hard to stop, perhaps impossible if the Obamas and Clintons joined Biden and the Congressional Black Caucus is backing her. It's not clear the coronation will be so fast and clear, however. The bottom line, don't underestimate how badly some Democrats simply want a ticket that can win in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, win those and Democrats, likely win the presidency, lose them, they're toast. Thank you for the call, Jeff. And I think that's a little bit of insight into what they might do if Joe Biden truly is gonna be out of the race by the end of the week, which is a report that we've been seeing now floated around in different publications, including Axios. We'll be right back, we'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. A lot of people on the lines want to talk about what happened Saturday, the fallout, the scrutiny that the Secret Service is getting. So let's go to Chris, your next stop on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Chris? - Hi, I think I'm a former Secret Service agent from the '90s under the Department of Treasury and the gentleman they called before, like what it takes to be a Secret Service agent back then. 90% of the candidates were former military, it was former Marine or former law enforcement. However, we did have an accountant in our class, a female, we did have a makeup artist in our class, but basically what the Secret Service does over a year, it took a year to get screens. You have to go through all the screening and they're looking for a certain type of personality background and you not necessarily have to be. The biggest thing about the Secret Service, what they're looking for is people that never fail. That's the mantra to come to super A type personalities and their mindset is we will never fail. And they screen, I think there's 2,500 applicants every one selected. So it's pretty in depth and then they get to train you all about guns and everything, even if you never touched one before and you become very proficient. - Chris, can I ask you what is your reaction to what happened on Saturday, the more details we get? - I was embarrassed, at first I was shocked what happened and I was embarrassed because we were always taught. As soon as something happens, you evacuate the president. I would have had the Armand Lumizi or the SUV backed up right to the stage and evacuate him immediately, let the Congress All Team come out, cover their evacuation, or it's always another thing unofficially, we would say is you might get one shot at the president, are you not gonna get two? So get him out and distance him from the action that's happening. - Chris, thank you very much for the call and for that information. We really appreciate it and please call back because I'd love to hear more about your experience in the Secret Service and how things have changed obviously. We'll be right back, we've got a lot more to get to, Don't go anywhere! (upbeat music)