The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Update plus John Deaton is In-Studio to Talk Senate Race, Liz Warren and His Life Story | 7.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

John Deaton is running against Elizabeth Warren for US Senate. He joins the show to talk about his agenda, his chance at winning and his life story.

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - We told you this yesterday, but I think it's worth reiterating that Senator Bob Menendez, gold, Bob, Bob, it's gold was found guilty in his corruption trial on 16 counts. Now, they're saying he faces decades in prison. I don't know how long he'll actually spend in prison. - I love gold. - And if he doesn't resign from the Senate, they're going to have this expulsion vote unless he opts to resign, which doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon. I would hope that he would see the writing on the wall. I will say this, if you don't understand what he's being, what he was charged with, what he was convicted of, we've done several different podcasts on that during this show. I will give you a little refresher. He was on the take, essentially. He was on the take and this is a story from Politico. It says he used his power and influence to benefit his associates and the governments of Egypt and Qatar in exchange for cash, gold bars, and a Mercedes Benz for his wife, Nadine, who was also charged but did not stand trial because of a cancer diagnosis. Later in this article, it says, "Prosecutor said he dropped his long held concerns about human rights to help quickly deliver American weapons and military aid to the Egyptian government at one point, Menendez even helped ghost write a letter, intended to persuade his fellow senators to back off their concerns about the country's human rights record." At another point, he tipped off Egyptian officials to questions they would face from fellow senators about allegations they helped Saudi Arabia kill an American journalist. And later in this story, it says, "Prosecutors were able to let reams of text messages, emails, and testimony from some of Menendez's closest associates do the talking for the senator." The FBI in 2022 raided Menendez's North Jersey home and they seized hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and over a dozen gold bars, which prosecutors said they were linked to bribes. Now, his sister did defend him. She testified at the trial and she explained, and this is reminding me of when we watched the Fannie Willis hearing with Fannie Willis and Nathan, I book lots of cabins, Wade, where they talked about how Fannie Willis kept all this cash in her house, but it was just the way she was raised. It was something that white people can't understand. Well, "Bominendes's sister tried to bring out the same excuse. She told jurors that it's a Cuban thing and it stemmed from their parents fleeing communist Cuba. So that's why he had $480,000 worth of cash in gold bars hanging around the house. The cover of the New York Post, if you haven't seen it. 'Cause at first, when I saw Bob Menendez's face on the cover, I was like, yeah, I don't know. I still don't think this is the big, it's not the biggest story of the day. It's the biggest story is still Trump. It's still whether or not Biden will drop out. But then I saw the picture of the boot with the wad of cash in it. And I thought, that's hard to pass up. That's just a great photograph. It's just this wad of cash with a 50 on the outside in one of his shoes. It's like something at a good fellas. 844-542-42. So there's an update for you on Bob Menendez. And the amazing part about Bob, what about Bob? Well, I'll tell you what about Bob is that he got away with it the first time around. But like the skin of his teeth, like he just managed to get away with corruption the first time. And then he did it again. Like right off of a win, where a normal person would have thought, ooh, I can't believe I got away with that. And I'm not gonna go into that case. You can do your own research. It feels like a million years ago. But then he went back for more. And what is how he always say about these officials? It's not enough to eat from the trough. They have to lick the plate clean. And that was certainly gold bar, Bob. Another story that I wanna cross off my list before we bring on John Deaton at 2.30, Karen Reed lists her Mansfield home for $849,000. The colonial has four bedrooms and three full baths and sits on just under an acre. This is in Mansfield. That's like 20 minutes away from Canton for people who are listening, who aren't from Massachusetts. My question about this, and I'm throwing this one to you, Taylor. Does it hurt the sale of the home that Karen Reed? Because sometimes there'll be a piece of real estate, right? And it's involved in, this is probably not a great example, but let's say the home where the Mans and murders happen, okay? And you look at that situation and you go, no, no, it's to buy that house. That's like, ooh, spooky. Is this a situation where the affiliation with Karen Reed, the fact that she lived in this home, does that hurt or help the sale? Are people gonna be more interested in checking it out? And a similar one that is less, I guess less intense, is that there was a real housewife of New York, her name's Sonia Morgan. She was married to one of the JP Morgan offspring. And she had this townhouse in New York City on the Upper East Side. And she couldn't get rid of it because people had seen the house in the show and it just kind of, it lost its appeal to people because of its association with her and her reputation. Is this similar thing gonna happen here with Karen Reed? Or are people gonna go, this is a nice house? I looked at the pictures online, it's a very nice house. - I think it's gonna make it more difficult for the realtor to sift through actually serious people who want to see the house for the purpose of buying it. But I don't see, I mean, look, the Alberts were able to sell their house without a problem and a cop died in the basement, so. - Yeah, and I looked at the pictures of the house more just to see if I thought it was worth $849,000. - Where is it located? - Mansfield. It's a very nice home, it's got a big, it's sitting on a big chunk of land and it's very nice. But I will say that I would prefer to see the pictures of the Albert home. I'm more curious about that. We don't know much about, her house was- - Have you not seen the inside of the Albert house? - No, I haven't, I haven't looked at it. - Really? - Or is it all over the internet? Do we have it on our site? - I'm not sure if we ever did anything. There was a Zillow listing for it back and there are pictures you can check out. - But her house was never really connected to the case in any way. Like she left the supposed crime scene and she went to his house. - Correct. - And so this really wasn't involved in it. - Yeah, I don't think you're gonna, I don't think she'll have the problem selling it. - Now, another update for people, there are supposedly these private deliberations going on. I would call this a Hail Mary proposal that Biden's putting together and it involves everything from term limits for the Supreme Court. Let me read you a little bit of what Joe Biden has on his mind. This is from Politico, it says, "President Joe Biden is weighing a slate of proposals aimed at dramatically reforming the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits and establishing an enforceable code of ethics according to a person familiar with the matter. I can't take credit for this because I was watching the five last night. But Dana Perino took the words out of my mouth. She said, "Should Joe Biden be proposing term limits for anyone? Is he really the appropriate face of term limits? But here's the even crazier part, to me at least, because you know they're going to try this stuff with the Supreme Court. They don't like the rulings that are coming out, although they should be happy. There's been some rulings that are in their favor. But it says Biden has also discussed calling for a constitutional amendment to limit immunity for presidents and certain other officeholders. With the way Joe Biden has handled, not just the Southern border, which has been a complete dereliction of duty, but the way he has ignored the Supreme Court when it comes to student loan debt, the way he handled the Afghanistan withdrawal. This guy should be clinging to presidential immunity with every fiber of his being. He shouldn't be trying to take away immunity from presidents. Dude, you're probably gonna need it pretty soon. - That's what I've been saying. Like this goes for you too. This is yours as well. You can partake in this. - Yeah, you're probably going to want this very, very soon. 844-500-42, what? - By the way, Grace, a couple of stories that are developing. Biden did an interview with BET News, I guess that was filmed yesterday. And you know how he said last week that it would take the Lord Almighty to come down and tell him to drop out of the race then he would? Well, now he's thrown in a different caveat. - Some medical condition that emerged. If doctors came to me and said, "You got this problem, that problem." But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate. And look, when I originally ran to my remember head, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate. And I thought that I'd be able to move from this just to pass it on to someone else. But I didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. And quite frankly, I think the only thing age brings a little bit of wisdom. And I think I've demonstrated that I know how to get things done. - So the headline there is that if a doctor diagnosed him with a medical condition and urged him to suspend his campaign, he would. - So now we have a list. Okay, so I'm gonna, I'm going to, this is just fresh in my mind, Taylor. This is the list so far. 'Cause I know he told the gentleman from Complex that if he got hit by a train, he said, "Unless I get hit by a train." So hit by a train, a doctor gives him a medical condition. Somebody in his campaign shows him information that says that he cannot win this election and Kamala Harris can. - Lord Almighty. - And the Lord Almighty. Now we've got four. - Four. - Okay. - This is good to keep track. - Other breaking story, Donald Trump has confirmed that he will be attending the funeral of Corey Caprittore, the firefighter that was killed at his rally. - And I've seen a lot of, a lot of fundraising for that Pennsylvania father. Just an awful, awful story and so devastating for his family. By all accounts, a wonderful man, a volunteer firefighter and just a great citizen. And I'm really glad that Donald Trump is going to attend that and give that family, his thoughts, his prayers and his time. I want to play a couple cuts here from the RNC 'cause we haven't talked too much about last night. And there were some standouts. There were some people who really brought the house down. And what I love about this convention is the energy is electric. There's some really fun moments. Like the Republicans aren't taking themselves too seriously. There seems to be a really fun, Zwadaviva in the air and I love seeing Governor Justice's dog, baby dog on the stage. I thought that was so cute. You can't go wrong with a dog. Most people are going to, it's going to put a smile on their face. But then on a serious note, they tackled some really, really tough issues that have been a major part of the Trump campaign thus far. And one of those was tackled by Madeline Brain. Madeline Brain is the mother of an Afghanistan war veteran who was murdered in New York City. And she did a fabulous job. She brought the house down with a powerful condemnation of the far left's dangerous, soft on crime policies and disastrous agenda. And I want to play a cut here from Madeline. This is cut five. Good evening, everyone. My son, Sergeant Hassan Korea, an Afghanistan war retired veteran. He received enemy fire from the Taliban only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of New York City. The four assailants responsible for his death initially were facing justice. But that changed when District Attorney Alvin Bragg was elected. I want to play one more, Taylor. Can I also get cut seven? The Democratic Party that poor minorities have been loyal to for decades, including myself, all right? They betrayed us, they stabbed us in the back. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who claim to represent us, have abandoned us. They neglected the poor minority communities across America. She was fabulous. And I have more of that. We're going to talk about how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have abandoned the minority communities. And also now, how some of these people who are speaking at the RNC are being attacked. For exactly what you think, for the color of their skin, for everything that the left claims to care so much about all the identity politics that they cling to, they're now attacking Amber Rose. They're attacking these women who are getting up there and voicing their opinions. And they're doing it in the most despicable way possible. So we will get to that on the other side. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air. You don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day, although you can feel free to. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. 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(dramatic music) This is "The Grace Curly Show." ♪ Now you wanna meet my little buddy ♪ So, if Baby Dog could come on out here. (crowd cheering) - Baby Dog, baby Dog. - Now, as the world watches, you didn't really expect that, did you? (crowd laughing) But with that being said, let me just say just this. She makes a smile and she loves everybody and how could the message possibly be any more simpler than just that? - It was so cute. I mean, you can't convince me. You cannot make me hate that dog. I'll tell you that right now. That big old bulldog. I don't care what people say. I don't care if they say that bulldog is morbidly obese. I love Baby Dog and I'm not afraid to say it. - Now, another thing I wanna mention here is also at the RNC. There were some very serious moments. Rachel Marin's brother got up and spoke. The Maryland mother who was murdered by an illegal alien, Madeline Braim who he just played did a fabulous job. Really holding Democrats' feet to the fire on their soft on crime policies and agenda. And she mentioned how the Democratic Party is abandoning minorities. And there was a similar message from Amber Rose who's this TV personality and rapper. She was the first night of the RNC. But I just wanted to give people a little update on some of the drama that unfolded there because Joy Reid was attacking Amber Rose and said, I don't wanna say she's black because she has said she's not. So I don't wanna say this black woman Reid in reference to Rose calling herself both white and black over the years. Amber Rose does not meant words and she's not afraid of anyone. So she wrote back to Joy Reid, hi @Joy Reid. I've never said I wasn't black. I said I identify as biracial. I'm not going to invalidate my white father to make you feel more comfortable. Stop being a race baiter. Your president does enough race baiting for all of us. Thought that was a really nice post on X. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Say 50% on a 30 day supply at and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Biden had a disastrous zoom call. Will we ever see the recording? Yeah, I think that the recording of Biden yelling this democrat combat vet with a bronze star and kind of going off on this random tirade. I think about what you'd think about. If the democrats really want Joe Biden to step aside, this could be the final straw. This could be what they need. So yes, I say we're going to see the video. No, 11% say yes. Almost doubled from the first hour we read it. Now speaking of Biden stepping aside, Kamala Harris is speaking now. She's at an event. Do you notice she seems particularly enthusiastically? Jolly. She's always pretty jolly. I will give her that. You know what I'm going to give her that. She's always laughing. She never wastes an opportunity to let out a big belly laugh. But even so, she's got a certain pep in her step. And I don't know why. It's almost as though maybe she thinks Biden's going to step aside and it's going to be her turn to be the star of the DNC, to be the star of this party. We shall see. Only time will tell. When we come back, John Deaton is running against Elizabeth Warren to be a senator in Massachusetts and we're going to talk everything from term limits to the burn bridge when we come back. Sometimes and she would say to us, I don't know what's wrong with your young people. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. All right, we are very excited. We have a guest in studio today, John Deaton, who's running against Elizabeth Warren for the Senate in Massachusetts. John, thank you so much for coming on the show. It's always a pleasure, Grace. Thank you for having me. And we were just talking about term limits because Biden is proposing this idea that maybe the Supreme Court justices should have to deal with term limits. It's pretty rich coming from him, obviously, but you brought this up to me before we came on here. You said that you think that term limits for someone like Elizabeth Warren, that she's the perfect case for this, explain why. Sure, obviously I've said my first bill as a US senator will be term limits. Someone like Elizabeth Warren, you get two terms, six-year terms. So you get 12 years to effectuate change, all right? She's the epitome of what happens in Washington DC. If everybody remembers 12, 13 years ago when she was running, she was outraged that the bankers, that no banker went to prison from the 2008 financial crisis. She pounded the table, she promised the voters, she was gonna go to Washington DC, she was gonna hold those bankers accountable. If you look at who wrote her last bill, who do you think it is? It's the banking policy in the United States. Those same bankers that she went to hold accountable now write her bills in the US Senate. That's exactly what happens. She's the epitome of Washington DC. She couldn't beat 'em, so she joined 'em. And it's interesting that you talk about this because I think another reason, and I've made my opinion on term limits pretty clear. I always like to think that the voters can figure it out and say, "Oh, this person's been here too long and they're not doing a great job." But something that does sometimes change my mind is how important money is and how sometimes when these people get a war chest and they have that name recognition, it's really hard for anyone else to come into the fold. Even in their own party, it's hard to kinda pass the torch. Money is the name of the game when it comes to these elections, especially here in Massachusetts for the Senate. Fundraising-wise, how do you feel? What do you say to people who go, "You don't have a chance in hell about beating Elizabeth Warren?" - Well, I explain to 'em that a successful campaign comes down to three things. One, money, just what you're talking about. Two, message, and three, work ethic. Elizabeth Warren can outgaslight me and she can probably outfund raise me, but she'll never outwork me. And the message is on point. Illegal immigration, debt, opioid crisis, housing, inflation, all the things that are happening, chaos in the world with wars overseas, but the greatest crisis is crisis of leadership. And so, the message is on point, the work ethic's on point. And fundraising has, I've done well. You always wanna do better, but she's my number one fundraiser because of her reputation. Her bill that I just told you about, bans Bitcoin and crypto in the United States of America. And thankfully, I've been involved in that industry. I did a pro bono, I've represented 627 token holders here in Massachusetts and sued the United States government. And one, on their behalf and I did a pro bono. And so, a lot of those people want change and they're helping me. And I think that my biggest problem grays, the perception is liberal Massachusetts, you can't be an incumbent like Senator Warren. And we might like John and we might not like her, but they don't wanna donate to a lost cause. It's not, when you look at the records, she has a 41% approval rating. She's only passed one bill as primary sponsor in 12 years. If we go to that poll against Charlie Baker, former Republican, she would be crushed 49% to 34. It doesn't directly translate to me because I'm not governor Baker, I don't have that name recognition. But it shows you how vulnerable she is to the right type of candidate here in Massachusetts. And 57% of readers immediately said that she is definitely vulnerable to John Deaton. And so, I think as people see that this race is winnable, the fundraising's gonna even get better. - Let's talk about the bridges for a second. Because something that I think is worth noting is that you held a press conference about two weeks ago, I think it was, on the bridges and how, you know, these politicians in Massachusetts, they just can't get it done as far as replacing these, a lot of times to crepit Cape Cod bridges. And I think it was either yesterday or today that voila, it comes out, you know, Marheel, Elizabeth Warren, they're all celebrating. They got the money for the bridges, they're gonna replace them. Do you have anything to say about that? Is the timing a little coincidental? - Here's the thing, Charlie Baker, a Republican governor, tried to get money from the federal government while he was governor. Where was Elizabeth Warren, right? But he's a Republican, she's a Democrat. She doesn't want a Republican to get any kind of victory, despite the fact that those federally owned bridges, the Army Corps of Engineers said they're functionally obsolete, right? And so she puts partisan politics and she puts her loyalty to the democratic cause and agenda above everything else. President Biden had a $1.7 trillion infrastructure building. Not a single dollar went to those bridges. Why wasn't she there lobbying for those bridges? It just so happens, coincidentally, several months before her re-election. In an election year, they found money. And they didn't find enough money, but they found some money. So, listen, that's why people don't believe and have trust in our elected leaders. They play too many games with politics. I think people are ready for someone to have one test. Is it good for Massachusetts and America? If it is, I'm all in. If it's not, don't count me in. - You know, it's funny because sometimes when a newcomer's on the scene as far as politics goes and you look into their background, it's pretty vanilla, you know, it's like they worked at this company. Maybe they worked as an intern somewhere in aid and they're usually a little bit younger than you and they come on the scene and they're trying to make a name for themselves. Your background, John. - Not vanilla. - There's a lot of things. It's definitely not vanilla. And I wanted to ask you about it because a lot of times in these campaigns, you'll have oppo research. You'll have the other person dig up dirt on it. You kind of did all the work for them on the oppo research front as far as your book goes. You were very honest about your background. And listen, you know, I've read a few chapters of this book and I understand that there's, it's a lot more than what the headline is. I mean, there's highs, there's lows, there's successes, there's failures, but let's face it, the media doesn't care about that. They're gonna drill it down to whatever works for them. And the two things that work for them are, one, that you may have shot someone and you don't really know if you did. And two, I think the way it was phrased was coke fueled sex bender. So I'm gonna give you the opportunity while you're here to add a little bit of color to those headlines so that people see them and they can understand it a little more. - I appreciate that. Listen, my book is a completely transparent, raw memoir of my life experiences. I come from one of the most violent neighborhoods in America. You can look it up, Highland Park, Detroit. And six years old, my mother was stabbed in front of me. First day of high school at a 38 shoved in my mouth with the hammer cocked. Became a high school dropout for a while, just like everyone else in my family. And unfortunately, between ages of 9 and 11, I was brutally raped by a predator for over a period of two years. And when I say brutally, I mean, at knife point beaten, he threatened to kill my mother. It would drive by the house point and my mother sitting on the porch. And so as he raped me, he would tell me if you say anything, I'm gonna kill your mother. Now that's following after watching her get stabbed and almost losing her. And so I pushed all that stuff down, Grace. And I said, I gotta get out of poverty. And if I'm gonna be a father one day, I'm gonna be a good one, not like my deadbeat dad who left us in that hellhole. And so I pushed it all down. No one ever knew about the rape for 40 years, never uttered it to a soul. My family never knew, my ex-wife, who I'm friends with today, never knew. And one day I woke up and I'm successful. And my daughter, I'm a great father. My daughter's here in college. I have money in the bank. I'm a millionaire, right? Successful businessman on the living American dream. And I'm starting to wake up at three in the morning and I'm crying and I'm crying about the rapes and I'm crying about my mother stabbed. I'm crying about my best friend. I'll tell you about the shooting that's related. Who died in my arms at 17 who protected me in that neighborhood. That's the one topic I get emotional about. I can talk about the rapes and I get so emotional, but when I talk about losing my friend at 17, it still hits home. But all that stuff, I press down and I'm waking up, my mom's dying unfortunately. And I try to avoid thinking about it. So trying to act out, I engaged with recreational cocaine and was promiscuous with women. I'm trying to prove something to myself because I keep waking up with all those visions. And so the book was a cathartic exercise to say, listen, this unexamined trauma, you could be a tough guy, right? And push it down and say, I'm not going to be a victim and I can't change anything that happened in my life. So why worry about it? And I didn't seek treatment. I didn't seek therapy. And it stuck up on me and it all came crashing down at the same time my mom was dying and so the book was explaining why I did those things. And I thought it was important to be honest with people because I don't want them to do it. I don't want to sneak up on them. If you have unexamined trauma like that, deal with it. It's okay to admit you were scarred. It's okay to admit that it damaged you as a person and it affects how you are in your relationships or how you view life. And so that's the part about the Coke, Sex, Fueled kind of thing and that's why I described it that way. When I was 17 years old, I had a friend in the neighbors, five years older than me and he protected me. I was one of only three white students in the entire school district. And so he protected me, he was a drug dealer and he was somebody mainly pot and stuff like that but he would tell me not to do that stuff and he protected me from getting a lot of beat downs in my life. And so later on, I'm 17 years old and I see him get shot four times in a drive-by and I rush over to him across the street. He's in my arms, bleeding. He's not dead yet, we're talking. And I hear, and this is what's in the book, they're backing up and I look up in the car that shot him is backing up at a high speed at us and they're gonna finish the job. They're gonna obviously kill me too because I'm right there. So I reach behind him and I know he has a nine millimeter with him and I put up the gun and I pointed at the car that's coming at us and I unload the clip and I hit the back window and I see someone sort of drop. They could have ducked or they could have got shot and I'm just being honest to this day, I don't know. And so that's the scenario. I wouldn't be here today if I didn't do that. And so there are some people out there that trying to describe that as potential murder and I think that's nonsense. But it's 40 years ago, 17 years old and I wouldn't change anything that happened on that day. I defended my friend and I defended my life. And but that's the things that are happening in those type of neighborhoods in this country. And I wanna give people like me who are poor, who were poor, an example, I wanna be an example. Listen, your childhood and your birth doesn't have to dictate your fate. That if you have an opportunity and you're willing to work for it, you can dictate your own fate in life and you can keep fighting for the life you deserve. And it may be harder than you think sometimes and there may be very bad days but if you keep fighting for that life you deserve, you can do it, you can overcome it. And I'm proud of the book. - Wow. Well, I have to say, we weren't able to get to a lot of policy or anything like that but as far as your goal for this interview, which I think is to explain to the voters what you're about and who you are as a person, I think this was a success. I think we can wrap it right here. I think people are able to understand who you are and where your moral compass lies and I thank you. I really appreciate the honesty. I really admire the honesty and the vulnerability and you're welcome back anytime. We love to have you, John. Thank you so much and please let people know if they're interested in finding out more about you, where they can go. - Sure. If you can go to, it's J-O-H-N-D-E-A-T-O-N for And thank you for having me. I look forward to coming back. - Thank you so much, sir. We'll be right back with Howie Carr. Don't go anywhere. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and Me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I don't have the text line in front of me right now, but I have to imagine that people were, are having some reactions to that interview with John Deaton who's running against Elizabeth Warren. Howie, I know you were listening in your office. What did you, what did you make of John Deaton? But it was very honest and very refreshing for a politician. - Yeah, no, I think he's in pretty good shape. You know, I tweeted out the FEC reports which came out earlier this week. And, you know, I mean, money is the mother's milk of politics, as they say. And he's got like about a million bucks and his opponents have bump cuts. - There you go. That tells you a lot. Howie, what are you, what's your vibe right now? Or what's your take on whether or not Biden's going to it? 'Cause it changes. It really does change like hour by hour. This morning I'm thinking, eh, they're stuck with them. The DNC, they're gonna do this virtual roll call. And then all of a sudden Adam Schiff comes out and I'm back to, oh my God, they're gonna give him the heave ho. - Well, now he's giving himself that other out, you know, when he said that, you know, he's gonna follow doctor's orders. And these cuts we've got today, I mean, Jared went through and you, we played a lot of them last night from the NAACP. But they're even worse and this morning, I gotta tell you, this is one of the all-time greats that I'll play right out of the box. - Give us a little tease. - He talks about a hardworking item of clothing. He like, obviously, blanks on a word. They get, they'll please, please, it's not on that sheet. - No, no, no, no, I'm not gonna play it, but I was thinking about his other friend who he told us about yesterday. - Mouse. - Mouse, 'cause we knew about corn pop. We've talked about corn pop at length, but we did not know about mouse. - Corn pop killed mouse, you know why? - Why? - He was a rat. (laughs) - Hey. - I worked that, I, you know, I refined that joke a little bit from the yesterday afternoon. I thought it, I kind of went-- - That was a refined version of the joke. That was after some revisions. Howie, I did wanna ask you, last night, obviously, the RNC was a big night. They had a lot of great speakers tonight. They're having JD Vance. But one of the standouts was Governor Justice's dog, baby dog, this big bulldog. And as someone who's had a dog who's been fat shamed before, do you wanna come on here and say something in defense of baby dog? People are saying, these bulldogs morbidly obese, it's disgusting. - Well, obviously those are people who don't see a lot of bulldogs. You know, I see 'em every day when I'm out walking Roscoe. And that's the way a bulldog is built. Look at the University of Georgia bulldog. I think it's Uga, UGA. I mean, he's huge, you know? And that's the way bulldogs are. - Yeah, stopping haters. Just enjoy the dog on the stage. What else do you have planned for your show? You said you have a lot of Biden that you're gonna get to, what else is going on in your brain right now? - I think we're gonna talk to a couple of the Massachusetts Republicans that are out in Milwaukee. And we also have some mass state police updates from their Facebook pages. They're always abusing the comments on the mass state police Facebook pages. - Well, now that you brought up the mass state police, it gets me thinking. So Karen Reed's house is on the market. Do you think that it being a home that is attached to someone who is now so out in the public eye, people are so obsessed with this case? Do you think that hurts or helps the sale of the house? - I think it helps. It's not a haunted house. - Yeah. - I think it helps it. And, you know, they're already like going over at the globe message. You know, of course the globe is, you know, being all in on the deep state. They all hate her. - Yeah, right. - You know, they wanna convict her 'cause she's a white heterosexual woman, you know? So they're all going, look at her family room. Look at all the booze she has in there. She even has a bottle of Jameson. - That's what, I'm telling you. You look on the, look on the comments on the globe. Jameson. - No, are you like-- - Yeah, you know, she was coming on to Brian Higgins, right? I mean, that's the way to a man's heart is through his Irish whiskey. - Can I ask you a question, sir? Are you still commenting under a pseudonym on the globe? - No. - You've given up your commenting days. - No, I, no, I used to call up the globe, the ombudsman. This is Tronci Dryhills from the North Shore. - Howie Carr is coming up next. You don't wanna miss it. I'll see you all tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)