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Adam Schiff Bails on Biden Plus POTUS Zoom Call Goes Off Rails | 7.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

The reports about Biden's latest Zoom call are damning. Rep. Adam Schiff tells LA Times he thinks Biden needs to pass the torch.

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17 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I do have a bit of breaking news on the Joe Biden front, but before I get to that, I wanna read a tweet from someone who I wasn't expecting to hear from, but I should have known. You know, when big events, like what we saw Saturday, horrific events go down in American history, there's always a few people who immediately wanna give us their two cents. Before he passed away, it was O.J. Simpson. He never missed kind of a cultural shift that he didn't wanna tell us how he felt about. And it was usually while he was on the golf course. Well, now we have John Hinckley Jr. who thought that maybe people would wanna hear from him. And by the way, he's got like thousands of followers on Twitter, he doesn't follow anyone else. So he knows that there's people out there waiting to hear what he has to say. And here it is, he said, "Violence is not the way to go. "Give peace a chance." ♪ Well, I don't know what is wrong with this world ♪ ♪ I wanna see some love ♪ ♪ Everybody's fighting here and there ♪ ♪ Wanna see some love ♪ ♪ Can't we get along all day long ♪ ♪ Think it's time we do ♪ - All right, all right, John. - Johnny Boy, I think we get it. And I also think that he, I'm not sure if, yeah, he, there's a piece in the Washington Post about how a perspective, a shooter shows it's not just political violence, it's gun violence. And the words of aspiring assassin, John W. Hinckley, junior, tell us what we know. This is a post in the Washington, this is a story in the Washington Post. Okay, so now the big news that just came across the wire. Another Democrat is saying that Joe Biden needs to exit this race. And thus far, this is the biggest name I've seen come out against Joe Biden. And last week I was keeping tabs. I think we had like 18 representatives. We had one Senator, Peter Welsh from Vermont. And I was telling the listeners that none of these people are heavy hitters. And people took issue with that. Like, what do you mean? And there's, but you know what I mean. It's the Democrats who make national news, who you know from, for example, the J-6 investigations. These are the people that have a lot of pull in the Democrat party. One of those people is Adam Schiff. Representing Adam Schiff, he's one of Trump's biggest enemies. I think Trump called him pencil neck for a long time. He has now, according to the LA Times, called for Joe Biden's exit. This tells me a lot. This tells me that Adam Schiff made this decision and probably, I can't say this definitely, but probably got permission from Nancy Pelosi, maybe from Gavin Newsom, from the real heavy hitters in the Democrat party, that it was okay if he came out and called for Biden's exit. And what that signals to me is that this is the first domino to fall, that we are about to see. I've been waiting, I've been waiting for the shift. I've been waiting for the person who was going to, remember Taylor, we talked about how at right now there's two teams. There's the team that wants Biden to exit and there's the team that's kind of holding the line for Joe Biden. And I said once the team that wants Biden to exit offers more protection for moderate Democrats than the keep Joe Biden team, you're gonna see a massive shift to that side. And Adam Schiff declaring or telling the LA Times that he thinks it's time for Biden to exit is huge, make no doubt about it. And it brings me, it's a perfect segue for this story about the Zoom call that we're all waiting to hear. And if you voted, oh no, we're not gonna get the Zoom call, this should change your mind on that. Adam Schiff saying Joe Biden needs to drop out a major player in the Democrat party. Potentially Senator Schiff, if he beats Garvey, which seems likely, but who knows what the polls look like right now if he's making this move? This is a bit strange. This makes me wanna check out how he's polling against Garvey in California. But he is kind of the heir apparent for die-fi seat and he's saying enough with Biden, it's time to move on. That means something. And I do think we'll get the Zoom video now. Now that Schiff wants it, I'm sure Pelosi wants it. We're gonna get this video. But let me read you just a little bit here. This is from Puck and it's a publication. It's kind of like an Axios or a Politico. And I'm just gonna skip around here, but it said right before the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a group of moderate Hill Democrats held a 10th Zoom call with the White House to express their concern about Biden's ability to win and their ability to win should he tank and take them down with him. The call was even worse than the debate. One of the participants told me he was rambling. He'd start an answer, then lose his train of thought. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Then would just say whatever. He really couldn't complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him. A second participant in the call confirmed this characterization. The president was rambling, dismissive of concerns, unable or unprepared to present a campaign strategy. - How's an old guy do that? - And here's the key. Had a particularly troubling exchange with Jason Crow. Now Jason Crow is a congressman from Colorado. He served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was in battle. This is a man who is the real deal as far as a person serving his country and now a politician. He wouldn't be the person if I were Joe Biden that I would start hurling insults at. It says Biden said to Jason Crow, tell me something you've never done with your Bronze Star like my son. Had the assassination attempt not occurred an hour later. I imagine 50 people on that Zoom were ready to come out publicly against him. Biden ended the call on Saturday just around 5 p.m. by saying his staff told him it was time for mass. The attempted assassination happened shortly after 6 p.m. Now some people, some Biden loyalists, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz, are saying no, he was sharp and he was forceful. Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't have a great reputation for being honest. And actually, if you remember, she had to resign on the eve of the convention as the chairman of the DNC for not being very truthful, for not being very reliable. And so I tend to believe the people who said that Biden had this weird sparring back and forth with Jason Crow. In a video of the Zoom that I was able to view, this is the woman from Puck Julia Ioff. I don't know why she's able to view this and doesn't feel like she can share it. I just have to imagine that's just one final favor to Joe Biden before maybe all the dominoes fall here. In a video of the Zoom that I was able to view, you can hear Biden yelling at Crow or chastising Crow who asked about the importance of national security to voters. This is what Biden said. And this is why I always find it amusing when people come out and say like oh, that's a totally, that's a totally false description of events. The transcription tells you everything you need to know 'cause we've all seen him talk so many times that you can just read the transcription and you can see it in your mind. You have such a visual of how this went down. Okay, so this is what Joe Biden says to this combat bet. First of all, I think you're dead wrong on national security, the emotions at times garbling his words. You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I'm not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me, tell me who the hell that is. Tell me who put NATO back together. Tell me who enlarged NATO. Tell me who did the Pacific basin. Tell me who did something that you've never done with your Bronze Star like my son. And I'm proud of your leadership 'cause he always backs, he always says it, he throws it out there and then he immediately is like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. So he says, tell me who did something that you've never done with your Bronze Star like my son. And I'm proud of your leadership, but guess what? What's happening? We've got Korea and Japan working together. I put August together. Anyway, things are in chaos and I'm bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who's an ally of ours who doesn't think I'm the most respected person they've ever. And that's when Crow chimed in. I wonder if he was gonna say the most respected person they've ever met 'cause that's some of these people who've met like the queen before she died. - Imagine that you know what you have to have in order to say I'm the most respected person anybody knows. - And he is-- - How do you compute that? - And he is the highest IQ. That's the craziest part. He's not just the most respected. Like he's hit, he hits so many of the jackpots as far as the genetic lottery goes. He's good-looking, he's smart, he's the highest IQ. He's so respected, it's amazing. It's amazing that more people don't like him. And then Jason Crow chimes in and says it's not breaking through Mr. President to our voters. You know what he said to him? You ought to talk about it. - Holler, holler. - It's just good to know he's not taking anything too personally. But yeah, and then on top of that, we have the news that Adam Schiff has turned. So in my mind, this is pretty much game over for Joe Biden, but here's the weird part of it. The DNC is trying to run out the clock for Biden according to Axios. So there's a story out, remember how they were talking about their national convention? And when you think about this, they're gonna do a lot of virtual roll calls and stuff. That's gonna play off, that's not gonna play well right now. You've got the RNC where they have these gold star mothers and they have Rachel Morin's brother and they have all these people telling their stories. And it's a really great mix. It's a great mix of heartfelt stories from Americans who have struggled and Americans who have persevered through the last four years of Joe Biden's dangerous border crisis, dangerous crime crisis, high inflation. You have all these people who have come out of that and with the clarity of mine to say, "I want Donald Trump to be the next president." And then you also mix it up with the fun, with the energy, with the fact that Governor Justice brings his bulldog on stage and you have Amber Rose up there. Like it's a real great mix of not just reality about where we're at and how important this moment is but also hope and also energy and fun and joy. And then you juxtapose that with the DNC where they don't know what they're doing with Joe Biden and they're trying to figure out like this Zoom call thing. And based off what I've seen, the virtual side of things for Joe Biden don't seem to be going well. If this Zoom call with Jason Crow and these other moderate Democrats is a little bit of a teaser as to what we're gonna see at the DNC, yikes. - We're gonna call it do it for baby dog. - Baby dog, that was the bulldog. Baby dog has my heart. I mean, when that camera panned to baby dog, baby dog was commanding that convention center. There was no doubt, baby dog got up there and was like, "Uh, watch out, Justice. I'm stealing the show." And we're gonna put in quotation marks what Nathan said before and that was, he said, "Save a life, change a life." - There was a tweet out there that said, "Nothing prepared me for the last four seconds of this video." And it's just a tight shot of Justice going on this really serious rant. And then at the last four seconds, the camera just bends to the bulldog in his little own chair. It was so wonderful. And by the way, this brings me to another point. Not nearly as important as everything else, but I saw a lot of fat shaming going on of baby dog. And when did that become okay? Like, why, it feels specious to me that you can't fat shame people and you guys know I'm so against fat shaming. But you can fat shame dogs, or cats even, cats get a lot of fat shaming. I don't get that. It's like, I saw people writing, "Oh, this is gross, baby dog is morbidly obese." First of all, you're not baby dogs doctor or veterinarian. You don't know, you're not doctor Matt. You can't make that call. You have no idea. You could be big-boned and healthy. But also, why is that okay? Leave baby dog alone. Get out of baby dog's grill. Can't have anything nowadays. This is why we can't have nice things. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking those smells with more odors. It's not working. - Especially smells from fat smelly dogs. - Big-boned smelly dogs. If I hear any baby dog slander, I will lose it. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. Well, you have a pretty full-figured cat, no? - She's quite slender. - Oh, she is. - Yes. - Okay, well, she's smelly too though. - When she wants to be. - Well, you need to destroy those odors. Whether you have a skinny cat or a hefty dog, you want to tackle those odors. It also works great for kitchen smells, tobacco smells, musty-basement smells. It's great in offices where you can't open the windows and get in that fresh air. It gives you the fresh air wherever you are. If you're in your kitchen, in your car, in your basement, you bring the fresh air to you. The thunderstorm starts working in seconds. There's no filters to buy. Doesn't cost you a lot of money. You pay for the thunderstorm. In this case, you get a great deal in the 3-pack, and then you're done. It's easy, it's quiet, and it's effective. Get $200 off a 3-pack today for a whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This hour of The Grace Curly Show is brought to you in part by Moby Dix in Wellfleet. For 40 years in counting, they continue to provide the freshest oysters, fried fish, and lobster salad online at Moby' This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high-quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its full's potential. Say 50% on a 30-day supply at and click store. Taylor Cormier, what is the poll question? What are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden had a disastrous Zoom call. Will we ever see the recording? Yes, I think we will. This news about Adam Schiff, a lot of people in the text line are pointing out that this also makes them very curious about the Garvey shift polls. The latest one I was able to find was from June, and the poll said that Garvey was not within striking distance politically of Adam Schiff, that he was not posing a threat to Adam Schiff in any way. But maybe Adam Schiff internally is getting different information and is nervous, and this is a political move to show people that, hey, you know, I know that you're not happy with Biden. I'm nervous that you're not going to come out and vote for me if he depresses turnout for down-the-ballot candidates. And so I think it's time for him to move along. I don't think that's a crazy leap to make. But yes, I think Adam Schiff coming out against Joe Biden, I think this report about the Zoom call is really damning. People are going to want to see it. People are going to want to understand why these journalists have access to it, but that they're not releasing it. So I'm going to say, yeah, we're going to get the Zoom call. 10% now say yes. You guys are very, very skeptical. Let's go to -- oh, first of all, I just want to say Happy National Hot Dog Day. Well, thank you. And the same to you? Yes. Is that the appropriate way to wish someone a Happy National? I don't know. Some of these holidays, it's like, you don't say it right. Never been wished a Happy National Hot Dog Day before. How do you like your hot dog? Steamed. Yeah, but like what condiments? Mustard. I'm very good. Very good. Tom, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Grace, I just want to go back earlier that I forgot Trump used to call Adam Schiff "Penful Neck." That is so funny. That was one of his favorite nicknames. Yeah, yeah. That's an old line from an old wrestler from back in the '70s, Freddie Blassy, who used to scream at Vince McMahon, the ring-side announcer. McMahon, you're a Penful Neck geek. Anyway, I digress. Anyway, the reason why I wanted to call is that the Secret Service, they all wear Bluetooth stuff, all high-tech gear, and for at least six minutes prior to the kid firing the shot, as well as three minutes, law enforcement was informed there was a shooter on-site. What I've asked of my two U.S. senators and Congresswoman, why did the Secret Service did not immediately rush Trump off stage? And to me, I truly believe the Secret Service is compromised. And I did call a Washington D.C. office, gave him my name, and told him that I think your agency is compromised. And that's how I feel whether you want to hear it or not. And the Secret Service agents that I spoke with did say that, yes, they wear essentially Bluetooth-type stuff, or where they can communicate back and forth very easily. So this wasn't like what happened on 9/11 when the firefighters were in the tower that collapsed when they were told to retreat. The firefighters never got that because they couldn't get the signals from the Motorola radio, so I just wanted to share that with you. Yeah, Tom, great call. And you're on the money about the timeline here. It just doesn't add up. The Secret Service spotted Thomas Crooks at the Trump rally three hours before the shooting. And in that three hours, there were several red flags that you would think would, at the very least, have one of these Secret Service agents say, "Mr. President, you're not going out on the stage. We got to figure some stuff out. We need an extra 10 minutes." I mean, if they know at 5.30, there's a photograph circulating of this sniper on the ground crawling around, and Trump goes on stage at 6.05. There was no reason for him to go on stage 35 minutes after this photo starts making the rounds with the Secret Service. Or law enforcement, where would that might be? We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Well, as you all know, today is National Hot Dog Day. And perhaps you also know that Hot Dog is my favorite meat. I love hot dogs. I love them in buns. I love them outside of buns. I love them with baked beans. I just like hot dogs. It's the best meat there is without question. Was that Mayor Romney? Why did you have to do that to a National Hot Dog Day? We were having such a great time. And, you know, I couldn't help but notice Taylor that when I asked you how you like your hot dogs, you didn't feel the need to say, "Hey, Grace, how do you like your hot dogs?" Which I think is kind of the polite thing to do with that situation. Well, as you all know, today is National Hot Dog Day. I'll tell all of you, even though Taylor does care. Grace, what do you like on your hot dog? It's good to be curious about other people, sir. Never done me any good, but go ahead. I like, all right, I like mustard relish and ketchup. And, occasionally, none of those things are just sauerkraut. I love it. Oh, yes, yes, sauerkraut. But it's got to be a really good hot dog for sauerkraut. Like, I'm not putting that. If someone's giving me an average hot dog, I'm not putting sauerkraut on. It's got to be like somewhere that has like a snap hot dog or something where I'm really feeling like this is an event. Otherwise, move along. 844-542-42. I just got this great text message and I want to read it because, again, we keep hearing now about this plot or multiple plots from Iran that they wanted to assassinate Donald Trump. Strange, we only hear about it now. Like, there was no reason for us to know about this. There was no reason for us to be concerned. But now, all of a sudden, after this 20-year-old almost kills Donald Trump from a rooftop 400 feet away, now we're getting reports that Iran also had hopes of assassinating Donald Trump. And I got a text from a friend of mine who said, Trump has these supposed huge Iranian threats and they send the sea team to Butler, Pennsylvania. This is all so suspicious. And that's the crux of this, is that if you are telling us the truth now, and I question everything we get from the Fed, I know that would make the anchors on CNN nervous that I have the audacity to say that, but I'm pretty sure if you're listening to this show, you might be questioning the feds at this point in your life too. I really do question all the information we get. I have zero faith that any of these agencies are telling me the truth at this point in my life. And what you're telling us is true now, that there were all these plots from Iran. Why did you have the woman who couldn't holster her gun and the rest of the JV team protecting Donald Trump? Why wouldn't you have someone on that roof? And don't tell me because it's sloped because I don't want to hear it. The whole, oh, the roof was slanted. Excuse might be the worst of the worst. Now, this is from Politico. It says, US officials have gathered increasing amounts of intel about Iran plotting to assassinate Trump. Iran is supposedly actively working. I'm just grabbing you a couple of the main points of this article. US intelligence community has received an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that Iran is actively working on plots to kill former President Donald Trump. Two senior US officials said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence acts that could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details. And so you have credible information that there are threats from Tehran that they want to kill the former President, and this is how we protect him. This is the level of competence we have on the ground. Now, according to this story, Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for killing Soleimani in 2020. But the official said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months, and officials have become more confident in Tehran's intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump's life in the coming weeks. Both officials were grant they were able to be anonymous to speak about sensitive intelligence. I feel like Corey Mills, I want to play this last cut from Corey Mills because I don't care how uncomfortable it makes people. Is it a scary premise that maybe we're not getting to the truth of the matter and maybe we'll never have the answers and maybe? And I do think that there's a world in which it's not a really a grand plot, but maybe there was an intentional lack of effort here. Maybe there was an intentional dropping of the ball. I think all the big events in American history, JFK, 9/11, there are at least plausible conspiracy theories there now that are pretty commonplace, and people are able to ask questions over that, and they're not looked at like they have three heads. It's not unreasonable to question this either. And if you really don't want conspiracy theories, and listen, if there's a conspiracy theory that is outlandish, I'm the first one to say, give us the answers so that these things don't pop up, so that when someone does call in, I can say, "Well, no, we have intelligence that shows us that that is false," or, "No, we have plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise." I would love that information, but time and time again, especially over the last 10 years, when things go wrong, we do not get the answers. We're kept in the dark. And when people are kept in the dark, they're going to come to their own conclusions. This is Corey Mills, Congressman from Florida. Give me this last cut, cut three. Right. That's how it is. But I don't know. I'm just saying, what if you talk about maybe in an investigation, and what if you are presenting on live television? I don't know. Well, so listen, I'm a public official. Anything that I do, anything that I say in the public, I don't try and hide it in private. I think that the American people need transparency, accountability, and accessibility to the elected officials, not to try and hide behind what we want to look at. And I also think that if the American people know that we're questioning these things as well, it puts them at rest to at least know, why aren't they at least looking into this? Why we should look at every single situation, which is of this significance, we should look at it from multiple angles to ensure that nothing is left out. Nothing could be potentially claimed as being covered up. We need to have more transparency to the American people. And I think that's what everyone deserves. But a full investigation for anyone points that that's exactly right. You know what else isn't lost on me when I hear anchors like this on CNN? And I'm the same as Taylor. I don't know this woman. I have no idea if she's, you know, a mainstay at the network, but this is the same network that they had no issue. So when they, when they start clutching their pearls about like, Oh, you better be careful about saying that. That gets me very nervous that you would suggest that they were platforming this. This could be a conspiracy theory. Just keep in mind, these people had no issue with Adam Schiff, who's also in the news today, calling for Joe Biden to step aside, they had no issue with Adam Schiff showing up every other day saying, I've got compliments that will prove that Donald Trump colluded with Russia. And they never push back on that. Like, do you actually, do you want to show it to us? You keep saying this, we can't have you on the air if you're going to keep pushing this conspiracy theory with no proof. They didn't require any proof of Adam Schiff. They still don't require any proof. They don't even ask any follow ups. So when it's the conspiracy theories they like, when it's a conspiracy theory that's going to put Trump in harm's way or hurt him politically, they're all for it. You don't have to cite anything. You don't have to come with any receipts. You say whatever you want, if it makes Trump, I mean, the Russian hookers peeing on Donald Trump in a hotel room. None of these people cared how ludicrous or slanderous or outrageous conspiracy theories were. Okay. And what's the nature of the compromise? When it made Trump look bad. But if it's something that's going to make their friends at the FBI, or the CIA, or the White House, if they think it's going to make anyone in the executive branch look bad, they get their panties in a bunch. They get Trump. They have to really start crossing their T's here. We got to be very careful about what we say. You know, it's amazing. I wish you guys had been so careful when you were smearing Nicholas Sandman for wearing a MAGA hat and having the audacity to smile. Nobody was really fact checking things back then. But then you have the American people watching something with their own two eyes and saying this was weird. How did this happen? And just like we did with Joe Biden, just like we said about Joe Biden, he doesn't seem to be able to put his hands together. Oh, we can't put that on the air. How dare you? Caroline Levitt got thrown off CNN was a CNN or MSNBC. I think he was CNN. Just a few weeks ago for stating the flip in obvious. Caroline Levitt said, Jake Tapper is not a moderate person and he shouldn't be moderating the debate. He's compared Trump to Hitler. She was tossed off the air for stating a fact for stating something that's true. People get tossed off the air for commenting on Joe Biden's cognitive decline. They have no issue throwing people off the air or questioning people when they're telling the truth. But if it's a conspiracy theory that out in left field that they have no evidence of, oh, Maxine Waters, come on the show and connect the dots about how Trump has colluded with Russia and Putin. And you know, he's working with Putin behind the scenes and he's this double agent. You can go on as long as you want. They're not worried about it. They're not worried about any lawsuits. They're not worried about getting in trouble. It's just it's a one-way situation. Tom, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Tom. Grace, good afternoon. At least for me, what contributes to the conspiracy theory. You hear something as ridiculous as we couldn't put any agents up on that roof because it was sloped. All the time, the sniper that took out the shooter was set up behind the stage with a tripod on a slope roof. There were two of them up there with tripods. If you take a back look at that video, that roof is pitched. So I mean, on the one hand, they're set up on a slope roof. On the other hand, we can't put somebody up there because it's sloped. I haven't heard anybody ask the question and I hope next Monday she gets that question because that's ridiculous. Yeah, let's play this cut, Tom. I'm glad you brought this up. This is Kimberly Cheeto, director of Secret Service, talking to ABC yesterday. And this is her explanation for how this all went wrong on Saturday. So that roof have been secure, period. That building in particular has a sloped roof at the its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. Yeah, the atoms on the money that that doesn't make that does not pass a smell test. You don't even have to have any understanding of how like, you know, all these networks and I don't blame them. Fox, for example, they'll bring on people with homeland security expertise. We on Josh Filler at the beginning of the week, you can check that out where you get our podcast. And it's great to have people who have inside information about how these things work. Because for example, Josh Filler said to me, for the record, it is normal for the Secret Service to delegate certain tasks to local law enforcement. They have to do that. They're a small agency. They have to be able to tell people, you need to clear this area. You need to clear that area. But it doesn't excuse the fact that there was this massive security breach. So it's great to have people who have that sort of inside information. But you don't need to have that information to hear Kimberly Cheeto say, well, it's a sloped roof and go, wait, the Secret Service agents who are supposed to be given their life. If a bullet comes towards the president are afraid of a slanted rooftop, is that what you're trying to sell to us? Jim, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Jim? Hey, Grace, thanks for taking my call. I had a couple of quick things. First of all, ketchup never belongs on a hot dog. And I think Taylor would agree with me on that. Secondly, you started the hour with John Hinckley. And I remember, or I'm just curious if you recall the one reference in Seinfeld, but John Hinckley. I'll refresh your memory. It was when George and Jerry went to NBC to, I think, pitch their show when they ran into crazy Joe Devola and Joe Devola walked away. And Jerry says, give my dust to Hinckley. But that's not why I called. Wait, hold on, Jim, can I pick you back off that, though, because crazy Joe Devola is such a great character in Seinfeld. And it actually brings up, I think my top one of my top three favorite quotes is Elaine, when she's getting cornered by crazy Joe Devola in the apartment. And he says, do you want to come see my dark room where he keeps his photographs? And she says, no, no, I got to get going. I'm a day person. Everyone needs to check out that episode. It is so good. All right, Jim, go ahead and make your second point. I was going to talk about J.D. Vance, being from Ohio, J.D. Vance, his book, Hillbilly Elegie. My son went to school at Miami of Ohio in Oxford, Ohio, which is very close to Middletown, Ohio, all, you know, kind of not necessarily important to your listeners. But it was a very outstanding book. And it's a movie on Netflix, too, if anybody wants to check it out. I think he's going to be a great, a great pick for Trump. He's an excellent pick, Jim. I feel the same way. He's a populist. There was a really interesting column about him yesterday by Daniel McCarthy, explaining how, you know, this is a guy who could have easily taken his talents and taken his, you know, kind of lukewarm opinions on Donald Trump at the beginning. Actually, he was, he disliked Trump a lot. He could have taken that and parlay that into a very successful career as a never-Trump conservative, like a Bill Crystal or Liz Cheney. And he could have made a lot of money and had a lot of respect and, you know, running those circles. And instead, he became a populist and he changed his mind on Trump. And I love when people change their minds. I love when people see the error of their ways or, or they see something where maybe, maybe I was wrong on that. They have a little humility. And now he's in a really great position to speak for those people who maybe didn't trust Trump at first and then came around. And you're right. His background, his, his writing experience. I mean, the fact that he was a successful writer before he was a politician, all these politicians have books, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Valerie Biden, for God's sakes. But to write something that's so impactful that people want to read it and it becomes, you know, this national bestseller and then later becomes a movie that I think Glenn Close was in, that's amazing. And how he just bought the book, he has it on his desk. My sister and I are going to read it at the same time as kind of a curly girls book club. And I can't wait to learn more about him. I think he's a family man. I think he's, he's very stubborn in a good way. He's not going to be bullied by these people in the media. He's not going to answer questions based off false premises. He's going to stop it before it even begins. And I don't think there's any doubt he's going to wipe the floor politically with Kamala Harris during those debates. Hopefully there are six of them. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls and JD Vance, by the way, I should mention this speaking tonight at the RNC. So that's going to be something to watch. We also have a lot of clips that I want to get to from last night, not just from baby dog, baby dog. It's tricky because there's not a lot of sound of baby dog. It's more so a visual thing, but we have some great sound from the brother of Rachel Maran, from the mother Madeline Braim who was speaking last night, who really was moving the crowd. We will get to all of that when we come back. So don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone. To The Grace Curly Show, we've got a really exciting last hour plan, John Deaton, who's running against Elizabeth Warren for the Senate. She's running for her third term as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. He's going to join the show. And so if you have any questions, you can text them into 617-213-1066. I know I want to ask him a little bit about the book he wrote and some of the crazy stories in that book. And if he's worried that that's going to be used against him in this political campaign, plus we're going to talk about some of those Cape Cod bridges. I don't know if people saw the big announcement that a lot of money is going to go towards fixing those bridges that came shortly after he did a press conference. But I wanted to read everyone this update from Axios. It says, "The Democratic National Committee is quietly steaming ahead with plans to technically nominate President Biden weeks before the party's convention next month. It's the latest effort by Biden's team to stamp out the Democratic rebellion that's been pushing for the president to step aside. Once Biden receives votes from a majority of the nearly 4,000 delegates, it will become exceedingly difficult to remove him from atop the Democratic presidential ticket. So they're moving forward with this virtual roll call that it's going to happen two weeks or weeks before the actual, the actual DNC convention, which is a bizarre move. It makes sense that they're trying to beat the rebellion back and they're trying to get him in there before it's too late. But with this latest move from Adam Schiff, I'm not sure it's going to work. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.