The Howie Carr Radio Network

Cory Mills Says What Everyone is Thinking About Trump's Attempted Assisination | 7.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace discusses the major Secret Service failures that occurred in Butler, PA. Other topics include Biden's disastrous Zoom call and Babydog's RNC appearance.

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17 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at [MUSIC] >> Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. >> We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. >> You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. >> Well, you don't want too much Grace. >> Here's the millennial with the mic. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Grace Curly. >> Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. >> You either have Grace or you don't. >> Especially Grace, Grace Stand up. >> Grace Curly. [MUSIC] >> Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today. We've got a great three hours planned for you, where to begin. The RNC continues. There is talk of a disastrous Zoom meeting that Biden held hours before the Butler rally on Saturday, where according to reports, and I'm still waiting to see, I still have hope we're going to get this video. If this were five months ago, I would say we're never going to see this video. It's going to be like the Robert Her tapes, it's never going to happen. But now that the knives are out politically speaking for Biden, I think that maybe we might end up seeing this Zoom video. And if you haven't heard about this, it's purported that in this meeting he had with moderate Democrats, Biden actually was super, he was on the offense. And he started verbally attacking a congressman who also happens to be a combat vet and who has a bronze star, and he started kind of giving this guy a dressing down and think about what you'd think about compared him to his own son. What have you done with your bronze star? It reads terribly for Biden, like just reading it makes you think what is happening and it's not so much that I think, oh, Biden doesn't like veterans. You know, I'm not going to try to pull the suckers and losers thing, but it's more so that it's part of the conversation that a lot of people have called into this show about when someone's going into cognitive decline, when someone's going through that, that they tend to get angry and they tend to get frustrated and they tend to lash out. That is something that we've consistently heard from people who have a lot more experience with this than I do is that these fits of frustration or rage are not uncommon for people who are dealing with dementia or Alzheimer's or, you know, I'm not going to try to diagnose it, but some sort of cognitive decline. And so we will talk about that. I want to hear from you whether or not you think we'll get the Zoom video. And I'll just read you the actual story from Puck who had the original, not to mention that also in today's show, we're going to be speaking with John Deaton, who's joining the show to discuss his attempt to beat Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who's running for her third term. We're going to ask him some questions about it, you know, whether or not he really thinks he's going to be able to do it, why he thinks he'll be able to beat Elizabeth Warren. And also he's got a book and that book has some crazy stories. It's Hunter Biden-esque when it comes to providing a blueprint that your political opponents can look at and say, is all of this true? Why'd you put this in a book and how do you explain this? And so we'll talk to John Deaton about that. But I want to start today with more updates on the attempted assassination of the former president. It's almost, and I'm curious if anyone else has this feeling, because when it first happened, people were texting me, are you in shock? Are you in shock? Oh my gosh. I'm so, and I really wasn't the further out we get, and the more I really sit and think about not only how close that bullet came to killing Donald Trump, but also how insane it is that we ever got to that moment. And I don't mean as far as evil people out there wanting to do evil things. Nothing surprises me on that front. It's 2024. I know there's plenty of lunatics out there. We see it all the time, unfortunately. But logistically, this is a man who should be the, if not one of at least the most protected people on the planet, and that this was able to occur the further out I get from this, the more I'm kind of stunned by this massive failure as far as the people who were meant to be protecting Donald Trump. And it is the Secret Service. It is the law enforcement that were brought in. It is Cheetah, the director of the Secret Service. There's so many questions I have. And I think that that shock comes from not just the sheer amount of detail that we're getting concerning the gross incompetence of everyone involved in protecting Donald Trump, but also the number of red flags that occurred prior to this shooting, it's mind blowing. It's really, there's no other way for me to describe it. And I want to read from the Daily Mail. And I'm glad that my textures are on top of this, because this was someone just texted it in before the intro rolled. Secret Service spotted Thomas Crooks at Trump rally three hours before shooting. Now, yesterday we talked about how 30 minutes before the shots rang out, that someone suspicious was spotted on the roof. And one of my callers said, why didn't they just have at least say to Trump, don't go on stage yet, where we're trying to figure this out? Yeah, it wouldn't be. I've gone to Trump rallies before where he comes out an hour late, two hours late. It's the people are there. It's not something that if you wanted to take an extra 15 minutes just to double check everything that you would have had people, you know, stampeding the stage, people would have been fine with that. But for whatever reason, that didn't happen. So that 30 minutes was in my mind. And then we get reports that there was at least a minute and like 26 seconds where people were screaming, he's getting on the roof. He's getting on the roof. He's got a gun. He's got a gun and nothing happened. And that's too long, even a minute and 30 seconds. That's a long time for the secret service. But now we get this number, three hours. And I want to read you a little bit of the details here. Donald Trump's would be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks was that the former president's rally three hours before shooting him and sparked the suspicions of the secret service because he was carrying a rangefinder used by hunters to take long shots. The 20 year old gunman told his boss that he needed the day off from work on Saturday and gave colleagues a final chilling message that he would be back on Sunday. I don't think that's I understand what the Daily Mail is trying to do here. And you know, I've written for the Daily Mail. I appreciate the publication. I don't think that's a chilling of a message. I'll see you Sunday. I'll be back on Sunday. I don't think that's that crazy. But anyway, that's not really the point. Says at around 3 p.m. on Saturday, Crooks was spotted at the rally security screening area and tried to pass through metal detectors with the rangefinder, which is used by shooters to measure distance. The device looks like a small pair of binoculars would not have prevented him from getting into the rally, but it did put him on law enforcement's radar. The secret service watched him, but lost track of Crooks when he left the secure area. Now, if someone's on your radar, if you if you have this young guy coming in, you've got a rangefinder, you're sitting there going, that's kind of weird. Let's put him on the radar. That's weird. Why do you bring a rangefinder to this thing? I don't think losing track of him is an option. I think you lose track of him. And that's when you have to say we got to take the president off the stage. We can't let him go on. A guy came in here with a rangefinder. I understand that they can't block someone from coming in because he could just say, Hey, I'm a hunter or whatever, you know, those situations happen. But I don't think losing track of this guy is an option. I think you have to, if a red flag goes off and you think someone is suspicious and could harm the president, you don't lose track of them. It then says he is then believed to have collected the rifle he used to shoot Trump, kill a rally attendee and wound others from his car. So he, this is phrased weirdly, but he collected the rifle from his car. So again, I'm very confused as to how, how this security worked. Do people park their cars, come in through security where the, was the parking law considered part of the secured area? I have to doubt that because then you have to check the cars. So how does he go out to his car and come back? Then about 40 minutes before the shooting crooks was back on the secret service radar, a photograph showing the sniper appearing to crawl on the ground while scouring the area was circulated to law enforcement as a suspicious sighting at 5 30 p.m. Around 6 11 p.m., crooks took up his position on the slanted on the sloped. That was the excuse from Kimberly Cheetah, why they didn't have a sniper. Doesn't he know how dangerous it was up there? Apparently he didn't care. Apparently he was, he was not afraid of the sloped roof. And that's when he started shooting a secret service counter sniper team code named Hawkeye also spotted him looking at their position through the range finder. I know I, I use this a lot, but if you were making a movie and the only movie I can really think of the movie that's coming to mind for me right now is the bodyguard or Kevin Coxner. He's always the story in the bodyguard as he was working for Ronald Reagan. He took the day off when Ronald, it's, it's a little ludicrous, but he took the day off when Ronald Reagan, when the attempted assassination happened and he lived with regret and then he goes on to be the bodyguard for Whitney Houston. But in that movie, you see, he's always scanning the area. He's always, and you watch the movie and you think, this is a little corny, like this is not how it actually works. There wouldn't be people with such red flags where you would see that they have like a laser beam pointed at their target. That movie is less insane than what I'm reading right now. This is insane. The guy comes in with a rangefinder. He's scouring the ground. He's crawling up on the roof. He's, you already flagged him as a suspicious person. And then at five 30, you have a photograph of him crawling on the ground and it circulated to law enforcement and nothing happens. And that brings me to my star of the week, Corey Mills, representative from Florida, who said what everyone is thinking. Every conversation I have with, with family members, with friends, since Saturday, somebody in the group is going to say, I know that I'm not supposed to say this. And it's a scary thought. But was this purposeful neglect? Like, was this a, was this incompetence or was this something more nefarious? And Corey Mills is going towards nefarious. And I think that it's refreshing to hear someone stating the obvious, which is this, this amount of things going wrong. It's like the same thing I say about the mainstream media. They say, oh, we made a mistake. Oh, oh, we reported that wrong. Oops. Sorry. We have to issue this correction. It all goes in one direction. And finally you say to yourself, why are all your mistakes all happened towards, you know, they all seem to hurt Donald Trump. This is the same thing. Now his parents, the government's parents are saying they called the police on the day of the rally. So maybe one, maybe two things I can explain away as, oh, you had a bad agent who didn't take that into account or somebody dropped the ball. But for this to happen, this is layers of people dropping the ball. This fell through so many different cracks. It's hard to even comprehend. Listen to Corey Mills. Actually, you know, I'm going to save it. I'm going to save it for after the break. We're going to play Corey Mills, the congressman from Florida. And he's on CNN of all places. And he is explaining to the host how he's starting to lean towards this being intentional and obviously we had the news yesterday about the plot from Iran to supposedly they want to kill the president. I have thoughts on that as well. I will share them with you. I will take your calls. We're going to open up the lines. It's eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. What sticks out to you? What part of this are you trying to wrap your head around? I'm happy to chat with the listeners in this first hour. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles at a few things on my to-do list. I wanted a teeth cleaning. I got it. Lori is the best dental hygienist in the game. She's so awesome and she loves what she does. You can tell she's just a delight. Um, the second thing I wanted to talk to Dr. Houghton about was my jaw. I didn't know if I was going to need some sort of surgery, some sort of mouth guard. I was very nervous. My jaw had been killing me. I had, I had received Botox. It was not working. And Dr. Houghton looked at my teeth and he said, Oh, I think it's just a bite issue. And he was able to figure it out really quickly and give me some much needed relief. And the third thing on my list, which I am so excited to tell you guys about. Invisalign. I talked to Melissa yesterday. I've got my appointment for next week. I'm getting my trays, the whole process, because I just want to tweak my bottom teeth. They're a little out of whack. I just want to get them straightened out. The whole process took 10 minutes. I, Dr. Tam has the state of the art technology. He's so good at what he does. And he stays on top of all of the latest innovation when it comes to Invisalign. He was able to do it in 10 minutes, no pain, so easy. And now I'm going to get my trays and I'm so excited about this. So I'll keep you guys posted on that journey. There's no judgment, no pain and no stress at Perfect Smiles. They're located right off route three in Nashua. Tell them you heard about Perfect Smiles on the Grace Curly show. And let me know what you think because I love everybody there and I really trust them and I think you guys will too. Take the first step, check them out online at Change your smile, change your life, we'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. The next two. This is the Grace Curly show. Here's another question I want to throw out to the audience. I'm seeing this debate happening in conservative circles and social media. About some of the people who are getting fired now, there was one in Eric Adam's office, one person, I think involved in the budgeting there. There's been teachers, nurses who have been fired from their jobs or suspended for posting memes or I guess they would describe it as jokes about Donald Trump's attempted assassination. And David Marcus was just on social media and he, and I'm just paraphrasing here, said, you know, be careful as conservatives for celebrating people being fired for political speech because now we're acting like the left. And this is, this is a criticism conservatives get sometimes where it's, hey, I thought you were all for free speech. These people are exercising their freedom of speech and they're getting fired and now you seem to be on board with cancel culture. And I don't have a set opinion on this yet. I'm really, I'm really trying to think it over because on one hand, I think, yes, I always like hearing how people feel about things, even if it's ghoulish and gross because I just know that I don't want to be friends with you. And I just know that I don't want to take you seriously anymore. So that's why I always say, keep the ladies on the view, keep Joe Scarborough in the morning slot. I love hearing from the morons, you know, I want them to keep digging. I want people to understand what we're up against. But I do think that you cross the Rubicon at a certain point where you're not, you're no longer, I wouldn't classify wishing death on someone or wishing that this shooter had succeeded. I wouldn't classify that as political speech. That seems to be on a different level. Um, and I, I don't love the idea of hate speech getting anyone fired either. But I mean, if you put something on Facebook and the FBI is going to have to come and make sure you're not a threat to the former president, that to me is a fireable offense. But again, I'm open-minded. So I do want to hear from people on this, maybe throughout the course of the show, where you stand on that. Should people lose their jobs? Joy, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Joy? Oh, Grace, I love your show. Thank you so much. Um, I have not from the view from above. You have three roofs. Why two roofs full of secret service people can't identify a guy on the third roof as a potential threat is, uh, it's just alarming. It's despicable, despicable. Yeah. And now that we're finding out that, uh, Joy, that a lot of people did see him and that actually at five 30, there was a photo circulating with law enforcement of this man, uh, this shooter. And now my question goes to what was the chain of command here and what were the orders given because if you're the sniper and if you watch the video, Trump, and he turns his head in the nick of time, there's a sniper near or above where that screen is that Trump was turning his head towards. And if that person is waiting on the go ahead from another person to take the shot, I do think that's something we should know. And now the department of Homeland Security is saying they're going to open up an investigation, uh, it was a posting to their website. Red State had this. The department's inspector general said that the objective of the investigation was to evaluate the United States Secret Service's process for securing former president Trump's, uh, campaign event. And whenever I hear about these investigations by the department of Homeland Security, I can't help but roll my eyes. It reminds me of NBC investigating Matt Lauer. Like, Oh, okay. I'll wait with baited breath to see what you guys come up with. Is it, is the investigation going to take as long as it did to investigate whether or not those border agents whipped the Haitian migrants while they were on horseback? Cause I didn't hear much about that investigation when it didn't come out with the narrative that Mayorkas and these other guys want. So I have no faith that one, this investigation is going to turn up anything. Cause I don't think they're actually going to try to investigate. And two, that even if they did find out anything, that they would share it with us. Cause we don't seem to get a lot of information out. They don't seem to think that we are either capable of handling it or we deserve to know it or they are required to tell us. So I'm not holding my breath for Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security to investigate these failures. And I'm certainly not holding my breath that anyone, whether it be Kimberly, they were afraid of the slope cheetah all the way down is going to be fired for this because firing people for incompetence doesn't seem to be something that happens anymore. We'll be right back. We'll take more calls. We'll play the sound from Corey Mills, the Congressman from Florida. So much more of the Grace Curly show after this. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Hey, everyone. So Donald Trump has picked his new running mate, JD Vance. Trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, JD Vance will be loyal only to Trump, not to our country. Wow, what a claim against the first military veteran to appear on a presidential ticket since 2008, at least on a major one. And she's saying he won't be loyal to our country. Could we have some tight citations for that? I would say that's a pretty bold accusation to make against someone who served in the military that he's not going to be loyal to our country. What makes Kamala Harris think that or did she just fall out of a coconut tree? And again, I would like to reiterate what Nicole Wallace from MSNBC said, I am on board for as many debates as possible between JD Vance and Kamala Harris. I don't think that she will be able to take on JD Vance in any way, shape or form. I think it would be a brutal Smackdown as far as politics go. And I would be watching it from start to finish. And it wouldn't be like I watched the Trump versus Biden because Trump gets me nervous. Like I always am saying in my head, oh, stay calm, man. Stay calm. Don't don't get too riled up. JD Vance doesn't get me nervous. I'd be nervous for Kamala. I would actually feel bad for Kamala if she wasn't such a horrible, horrible politician with it with an extreme agenda. I would actually feel sorry for her. That's how I think this is going to go. Let's go to Nick. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Nick? OK, this is the penis thing with the so-called director of Secret Service. If she blocks at the subpoena, right, first thing they should do. Louis promised that in the wake of the debacle of 14, excuse me, 12 Republican Congressmen, not voted for the inherent impeachment to find him with a $10,000 a day and to put him in jail, right? 12 of them didn't show up. Four of them said names. OK, so what I'm saying is she promised that when these people are available within two weeks, she's going to do it again. So what she should do is immediately they send a notice to the idiot there, the imbecile garland, that malignant dwarf. We're coming after you here. You better, you better make sure that she she gets thrown in jail. We're looking at Navarro. We're looking at Steve Bannon, right? OK, so now. Well, Nick, hold on. Let me stop you. Let me stop you there. I think that as far as Cheeto ignoring any sort of subpoenas, I really don't think that's going to happen. I don't think she's in a position right now to not sit down and give answers. I'm glad you brought up Peter Navarro, though, because you gave me an excuse to tell people the good news that Peter Navarro has been released from prison. He left Miami. He's out of jail after defying a subpoena. He served just a little bit more time than other people in the past have served for, you know, being held in contempt. There's there's plenty of times you can just ask Eric Holder. Say, Eric Holder, how much time do you spend in jail for ignoring a subpoena? Hmm. That's weird, but Peter Navarro after four months has been released from a jail in Miami. He's on his way to Milwaukee, which is very great news. And I do want to go back to this conversation about the director of the secret service. And I want to read you just a little bit more from the Daily Mail. The gunman was also acting strangely around the metal detectors that attendees were forced to walk through before entering the event grounds. It seems like there wasn't there wasn't really a point Taylor from the moment they laid eyes on this dude that he wasn't acting suspicious. Like there wasn't a point where they thought, Oh, no, actually, he just seems like he's here to attend the rally. He shows up with a rangefinder. He's checking his phone nervously. He's walking around like surveying things and then he goes missing. There, there was no part of this story where they're like deep breath. All right. I think he's actually just a normal dude. He was so suspicious that people in the crowd who weren't trained to look for suspicious activity were saying, this guy's acting suspicious. I don't think he's one of us and I just got an email. I'm glad you said that. I just got an email from one of the listeners and he said, Grace, it's so unfortunate that we're always told see something, say something and then you say something, you scream something, you alert people, you take photos. You go, Hey, over here. This dude is weird that he's up to something. He has a ladder. He has a rifle and nothing happens. You see something. You say something. They do nothing. I mean, I don't know what the details are yet, but apparently the parents did try to say something, Thomas Matthew Crooks, his parents were looking for him on Saturday in the hours leading up to the Trump rally shooting and eventually called law enforcement to indicate that he was missing and they were worried. Yeah, the amount of red flags here, it's just it's hard to even understand. And that's where that brings us to Corey Mills. And I do want to get to that, but just give me one sec. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Say 50% on a 30 day supply at grace curly and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at grace curly is Biden had a disastrous zoom call Saturday. Will we ever see the recording? You have to read about this zoom call to believe it. He goes after a combat vet and starts yelling at him. What did you ever do with your bronze star? Never think about what you'd think about. Never. Everybody's entitled to be an idiot. That's not something you want. That is something that once you hear it coming out of your own mouth, you should back up and reassess. But I don't think he even understands what's coming out of his own mouth nowadays. Now, there's plenty of reports about the zoom call that the original, I think, was in puck. Now it's been picked up by, you know, all the likely suspects in New York Post. And the question is, do they still want to replace Joe Biden as the nominee? Because if they want to replace him, if the media still thinks they have time and it's the better move, then I think we get this video. And I'm still not convinced that they've given up on the idea of someone besides Biden. I think that it's been on pause since Saturday for obvious reasons. But I don't think it's left anyone's mind as far as in the corporate media. I think they want him to step aside. I think they prefer Kamala at this point. And if I'm right, I think we'll get the zoom call. So I'm going to say yes. You and I are in the distinct minority of 6% who say, yes, we'll see the recording. If we're five months ago, even, no, you know, if we're five weeks ago, I would say no, but today I say yes. I want to play this sound of Corey Mills, because finally somebody says it and he says it on CNN of all places, Corey Mills, Congressman from Florida. Let's have cut one, please. The amount of negligence, the amount of mistakes that was made here, I have a very difficult time not meeting myself towards this was intentional as opposed to fecklessness. Well, wait, talk to me about that. I actually heard you say this right the day after, which I wanted to ask you about what do you mean intentional, you know, intentional failure on the part of? No, I wouldn't say an intentional failure on the part of it. But I got to just, you know, I sit here and I scratch my head. You don't want to be the conspiracies. You don't want to be the person I'm telling you, because that's what it's leaving. No, I know. No, and CNN has no space for conspiracy theories. Unless it's about how the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, unless it's the actual Russian hoax, unless it's about how the coronavirus started in a wet market. Those conspiracy theories, they're cool with, but this one, which is on everyone's mind, like there's, there's no person, at least who follows politics, who this has not crossed their mind. Would you agree, Taylor? I haven't run into any person who hasn't said to me anything. Correct. No, it's a huge question. But also if you're this report, I don't even know her name, but if you're the Kate Baldwin, okay, so I'm not going to remember that. If you're her and you have a seated member of Congress on your program, and he is saying what you think is cuckoo talk, you let him say it. That's his sword he's falling on. Right. This is an elected official. You let their statements stand for themselves. You're not giving him a platform. He's already got a platform. But I think that what you're talking about is in a world where people on CNN were journalists and not activists. Again, that's my, my folly. My sort of always following, following on is, I think people think logically. Yeah, because, and I know exactly what you mean. I never understand why they get so defensive. Like, oh, we can't put this on the air. We can't put this cut off Caroline Levitt. Cut her off right now. She's on for too long and she's saying bad things. Let them make news for your channel. Right. And no one's going to attribute it to you. You're supposed to be kind of the calling balls and strikes. I mean, this was, that ship sailed a long time ago, but you're absolutely right. It's like, you don't have to worry about what he's going to say. It's his POV. I do it sometimes too, with callers, where if someone says something that I think is a little outlandish. I walk a bit. They're not elected officials. Right. If I have a guest on and they want to say something crazy, they want to make Kuku talk. Go ahead. But here's, here's the real story. Is it Kuku talk? I don't think so. And you know, what else makes me think it's not Kuku talk that this giant story drops yesterday, that there have been all these plots or, you know, the, the feds have had information that Iran is plotting to kill Donald Trump because he killed Soleimani or, you know, I'm sure they, in their minds, they have plenty of reasons because they hate America. That could be one of the reasons as well. And that story comes out about how there could be more attempts on Donald Trump's life. Iran's been plotting this and immediately I read that and I think. So what happened on Saturday, this massive security failure also happened at the same time that all of these members of the Secret Service, and I don't know how much they know. I don't know how much information they're given, but it's at the same time where the Biden administration and all of these agencies know that Iran is going to try to kill the former president and this is the level of security and now they're saying, well, well, this shooter had nothing to do with the Iran and let's just say that's true. It's still crazy that there were supposedly this imminent attack going to happen, this imminent assassination attempt from Iran. And this was the high level of security we had for the president when he's on stage in Butler, Pennsylvania. That also makes me question everything. Let's give Corey Mills. We're going to give him a platform here. This is cut to. Is it, is it not dangerous? Is it not reckless to use it to even be throwing around the word intentionally? So to question things as we do an investigation is reckless this because at that point, then should we never question anything? My point is this. I'm not trying to be and I'm not trying to be easy. My point is in the political environment that we're in. What would it have taken? Right. Let's just say that resources was limited. Let's go with that as a reasoning. So how many times have you seen where they just put a police car inside of a parking lot with not an officer in it and just leave the lights on as a deterrent? Why couldn't that have been a simple thing that was placed in? Why couldn't we have said to the owner of the actual AGR company, hey, look, we don't want to disrupt your business, but we also want to make sure your parking lot is clear of people trying to park in there for the rally. Why don't we place an officer there? My point is that this was too easy of a solution. And when I think about 106, I'm just so uncomfortable with even having to say it. Trust me, my whole point is is that I would like to look at this and say, where was the mistake made? How can we correct it in the future? Why was this actually done? I'm amazed at how weak these journalists are. I'm uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable with this. Well, be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable. Like, sorry, everyone's thinking it. Every, and this is, this is CNN's MO. It's like anything that everyone is thinking makes them uncomfortable and they can't say it out loud. Don't you dare. Don't you dare suggest that you can get the vaccine and still get COVID. That will, we will not allow that slander on our programs. And then two years later, it turns out you can actually get the vaccine. You can still get COVID and you can still spread it. Don't you dare say the Russian, the Hunter Biden laptop was real and full of naked pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack in a bathtub. We will not platform that kind of slander. Oh, actually, it turns out that the 51 intelligence agents were wrong and it wasn't anything to do with Russia. And it was actually just a very real laptop that Hunter Biden left behind. Like, do you ever start to just think maybe whatever the common sense idea that's floating around might be the best way to go? Like maybe all of these people aren't crazy. They're just putting one plus one equals two. We give people a lot of grief, or at least I do even in my personal life for being headline readers, like they'll just read the headline of a story. And to them, that gives them all the details they need to know. These people on CNN, on MSNBC, on all the other channels, they're headline makers. They don't bother to fill in the gaps in the rest of the story. People like Kate, what's her name? Budwan, whatever her name is. She she's just we don't want to know anything else. We just want to know that this is a black and white thing. There's no alternative narrative here because then if there is or if we have to entertain that possibility, then we actually have to do our jobs. And do some investigative journalism and suss out the actual story here. That is plausible. And then we have to go down this dark road that not everything is as it seems here in La La Land. Yeah. And also, and I'm glad Corey Mills brought this up. That if this is the if this is the mindset you have when something goes wrong, you say, Oh, we can't question that. Or God forbid we ask this question or that question, that's dangerous. Then it's insulting to the American people, first of all, that like, Oh, we can't hear something. We just watched a former president almost have a head blown off. Like we're all big boys and big girls here who are watching CNN. And there's not a lot of them, but they can handle this idea that how did all of this go wrong? Is it possible that something was intentional? I don't think that that's going to cause a CNN viewer to go off the rails and do something insane. But also, what about that expression? Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Like, OK, if you don't want conspiracy theories, if you don't want a hotbed for people to come to their own conclusions, then why not for once in your lives find some answers? Kate, bold win. Why don't you do some digging? Why don't you bring us back something that we can actually look at so that people aren't trying to piece this together in their own minds? And I'm not talking about an investigation from the DHS. I'm talking about real answers. I'm talking about the Secret Service, the director of the Secret Service, having to sit down and answer real questions about this and explain to us how this happened. I'm talking about people being held accountable. If no one's held accountable, if this is a massive security, if nothing was intentional and it was just a massive security failure, then why is anyone getting fired? We'll be right back. And some people are saying is the Iranian thing just a smokescreen so that you have somebody to blame this stuff on in the future. Well, we told you guys that he was already, you know, he was already under attack from Iran. I don't even know if I believe that. But again, I want to sound like a conspiracy theorist. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. If you thought there was going to be any sort of self reflection from the media after what happened on Saturday, you would be mistaken. Axios actually put out a story about how a lot of photographers are worried and in private conversations with Axios, they talked about how the viral images from the rally, you know, the one of Trump lifting up his fist, it's become this iconic picture. Now he's got blood on the side of his face. They were worried that was going to turn into photo ganda and that the Trump campaign was going to use it to further their agenda despite the photographers intent of capturing a news event. Photo ganda. Now I did give these photographers, these journalists, a lot of credit when they came out with these photos, including the photo of the bullet whizzing past Trump's head, incredible photographs. But now that I'm hearing that they're nervous about photo ganda and the pictures helping Trump, I take it back. Forget it. I gave you credit and now I want it back. You don't deserve it. This is pathetic. It's like, like you were just saying Taylor about CNN. Why are you worried about how it's going to be used? Isn't your job to get the photo, to get the shot? You got the shot. What people decide to use it for, whether it be the, the cover of the Washington Post or a Trump t-shirt, doesn't, it's not supposed to matter to you. You have a job that can be pretty cut and dry. They're the guardians of memory craze. The guardians, the guardians, the guardians of memory. As Joy Reid told us yesterday, we'll talk more about this. Um, I want your take now. I just read that Jack Black's bandmate from Tenacious D. Did you see his agent dropped him? He's, I think he's out of the band. They kicked him out of the band for making a joke about Donald Trump on stage. A horrendous joke, of course. But we'll talk about, does this count as canceled culture? I don't know. We'll be right back. - You sure got nice teeth. - If you should sort about your own financial future.