The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's on The Horse Or So He Says | 7.16.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Biden Spoke at the 115 NAACP National Convention today and he introduced us to his best friend. Then, in an interview yesterday he claimed he's on the horse, but Howie highly doubts that.

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16 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Burna non-lethal pistol. Now more than ever, you need a Burna. To learn more, go to Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'd like to give my peeps from the greatest state in the nation, Massachusetts, some profs. What's up? That's cool. I can dig. Come on now. Don't let me hang in for a hug. Come on. Said that roof had been secure period. The decision was made to your secure building from inside. Because the only way out is up a gentle slope. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. That still believes in the King of Kings and the Lord of Wars, the Alpha and the Omega. Whoo! We let deal it. Let me see it right. Jack fired, settle for good. And I'll be having a hard time holding these alligators down. Whoo! Hey, hey, this song made me think of you. So, wait, let's hear this song. Okay, y'all, y'all, you're drunk. Okay, you're drunk. Give me a key. From swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. All right, eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Our VIPs got a the usual Tuesday afternoon spread from Kowloon, the premier Asian dining experience in Boston. It's on Route 1 North in Saugas, Massachusetts. It's owned by the Wong family. It's a great, great Chinese restaurant. Was it good, guys? They loved it. They love it too. It was just a fantastic place. If you ever have a hankering for a great Chinese cuisine, get yourself to the Kowloon restaurant on Route 1 North in Saugas. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Someone just texted me this. Merckan said he will reach a decision on the matter by September 6th. Trump's sentencing will occur September 18th at 10 a.m. Quote, if such is still necessary, Merckan ruled. It's what a joke. They still can't tell you what he did. 'Cause he didn't do anything. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. So anyway, Biden was delivering remarks during the NAACP National Convention. And a lot of this stuff you've heard before. It's just like I said, it's he's... There's so little left of his mind, he just keeps repeating the same lies over and over again. But he did have a, he did have a new, I don't know, a new fable, a new, a new tall tale, a new fairy tale today. And as you know, he was a, he was a lifeguard as he puts it in the projects. That's where he ran into corn pop, who was a bad dude, as we all remember. Corn pop later, later went on to, to meet Corey Booker's imaginary friend, T-boned. And they got together and they double dated with, with Barack Obama's composite girlfriend. What is it with these Republicans, these Democrats? I mean, you know, if you think of JD Vance had composite girlfriends and made up people, you know, gangster types like, like corn pop or T-boned, he, they would be called out forever. But the Democrats just get away with it. But so today, corn pop took a backseat to a new, a new Biden imaginary friend, cut 30. And one of my best friends who used to, when I was a lifeguard in the projects, he was a, his name is, his nickname is Mouse. I thought it was Squirrel or Chipmunk. Mouse. What kind of ghetto nickname is Mouse? Come on. Oh boy. Okay. Now, and then this is the old, this is the same old BS. Cut 29. He's all in. He's a lifetime member of the NAACP. I remember when Romney said he was a lifetime member of the NRA. Remember that? I think he probably was just because it cost like 35 bucks or something. And I don't think he owned a gun, but he was still a member, a lifetime member. I don't even think Biden is a lifetime member, because if he was a lifetime member of the organization, you would think he would know the acronym, would you not? But again, this isn't the first time he screwed it up, cut 31. For the race, riots in Springfield, Illinois in 1908, the NAACP was formed. That's where started it. The NAACP was started. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. Cut 36. Look, folks, think about this. Think about it. I stated Delaware. If you're not many don't know my state. My state of Delaware has a Delaware River, runs up along and it's jagged. But at the top of the state, there's a half moon and it comes up along more oil refineries on the other side of that half moon in anywhere in the country, including Houston. And guess what? The wind blows southeast. We had the highest cancer rate for the longest time. Do you know, it was affected fence line communities. You know, the fence line communities are black communities. Not many of you don't know my state. That's what you always cautioned about by your early education English teacher. Double negatives. No, no, no. Not many of you don't know my state. And it's a half moon. There's a half moon at the top of the state, not at the northern part of it, at the top of the state. Don't jump, don't jump from the top of the state. Justin says, Justin from Boyles Body Works says, Biden's fake tough guy bit reminds me of the Mandel bombs on Seinfeld. How about, how about all of the all of it? He's always the tough guy. Remember, he wanted to take, he wants to take Trump out behind the the high school gym. Do you really, you think he's ever been in a fight? I don't, I don't see it. Okay, let's have him yelling about gun violence. 32. We're going to speak about violence. We're going to speak about guns. More children in America die of a gunshot wound than any other reason that studying and that is sick. It's also not true. Yeah, I mean, how many times has that been shot down? What they do is they have to take it to get that number of more kids being killed by guns, by, by guns than by cars. They have to go up to saying 19, age 19. So, you know, you know, people who are just, that's young males, just, you know, coming out of high school or dropping out of high school. If you, if you have it for kids under, under 17, there's no, there's no comparison between the number of kids that are killed by guns as opposed to the number of kids that are killed by cars. 844, 542, 42. So, let's have some more slurring. Cut 33. And they are 15 was used to shooting down Trump. Just it was, they saw all of it, they killed so many others, including children. It's time to outlaw them. I thought he, I thought he said, keep a shotgun. Didn't he say keep a shotgun? And if you have a problem, go and fire the shotgun twice. And then he brag about, he kept, he kept his son, Bo's shotgun. Cut 34. And you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder. Donald Trump called the National Guard to go after you. Peacefully protested. Peacefully protested? There were, there were maybe hundreds, there was hundreds of billions, maybe billions of dollars in property damages. People were killed in, in the Chas takeover of downtown Portland, Oregon. That cop was killed in St. Louis or East St. Louis. And I, I just know in Boston, they, they were, they were firing shots at police cruisers on Tremont Street. They were, they were breaking out windows on Newbury Street. I remember that. They arrested 50 people, 50 hippies. And, and that was when they, they had the big lockdown for COVID. And then Charlie Parker was asked the next day, well, they, they weren't wearing masks when they were rioting and looting. And he said, oh, it's, it's okay. It's racism is a public health. Remember that? And he was the only knit wit that was saying that. 844, 500, 42, 42. Here's what you wanted. Here's another lie. Cut 38. Not a joke. In common, I have a constant fight. She says, she says, Howard's the best. I said Delaware State's the best, because that's, because that's where I got my start. Not a joke. He got his start at Delaware State. It's a tell, you know, whenever he says not a joke, it means he's lying. There are a lot of those tells, not a joke. That's where he got his state. His start. 844, 500, 42, 42. Mark, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, Howie. Thanks a lot. I was at work today, thinking about everything that was going on. And, you know, the seriousness of what we're in and what just happened. And we're so like inoculating to thinking that, you know, I don't know. This is such a big deal. Trump, the attempt to assassinate him, I'm terrified that this is just the beginning of multiple attempts. And now they're throwing out this Iranian threat. And that, you know, I mean, my work has just granted RFK, Jr., you know, security and, and then allow Trump to get beefed up security. And then he announces, you know, that there was an Iranian threat. I think they can throw a bunch of like, lost leaders out there to say that, Oh, it was Iran. It was Russia. It was, it was China, you know, it's North Korea. It's just, I think, I think Trump should just like, he should be in the Pope mobile. You know, I mean, anywhere he goes, I think the guy needs to be protected because I think the beast is a lot. The beast is basically the Pope mobile, isn't it? Yeah. Hey, he likes to do that. He likes to do the rallies. We'll see how many he does from here on out. But you know, you're right about throw throwing out all these groups that want to kill them. I mean, it's the same. It's the same thing with the Kennedy assassination. Do we really know who killed Kennedy? Even now, the mafia? They had a reason to do it. Fidel Castro, he was trying to kill Fidel Castro, right? The Russians that just been humiliated at the with the Cuban missile crisis. Roger Stone thinks LBJ did it because LBJ was about to be pulled off the ticket because he was embroiled in all these terrible scandals with with Billy Saul Estes and Bobby Baker. You know, so I mean, there's a list of suspects, a very, very lengthy in JFK. And there would be a list of suspects. Well, it'd be a shorter list here because the thing is here every all of the in the deep state, all these people are somehow connected. You know, they got the Iranians get payoffs from Biden when he takes over as the agent of the deep state. The red Chinese are giving billions to the Biden family. They would certainly want Trump gone, you know, who and look what they did. Look what the Chinese did in 2020 with the virus. I mean, it was they told us it was, you know, you got canceled for saying it was released from a lab, but now it was released from a lab. And it's pretty obvious. And the lab was not in Argentina. It was in China. Red China. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. He's Howie Carr. This several horse songs about horses. Well, we've got, we've got a couple queued up here. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best selling every day earbuds. Now you get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity. Get 15% off plus free shipping at by Matt, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? If you were a Democrat, would you think it is more imperative or less imperative to drop Biden after Saturday night? More imperative. More imperative imperative is leading with 76%. All right. So let's play before we go back to the NAACP cuts, let's play a little bit of Biden with Lester Holt last night, cut 26. Would you be open to doing one in the next few weeks? I'm going to debate him when we agreed to debate and I'm going to debate him in September. But if if the opportunity came up to do one between now and then, is there a sense of wanting to get back on the horse? I'm on the horse. Where are you banned? He's on the horse. I've got two major events and thousands of people. He's on the horse. If you want to ride, don't ride the white horse. If you want to ride, don't ride the white horse. I don't think Joe's getting up on the white horse or old paint or any other horse. He's on the horse. No, no. Hunter's on the horse. So he got into trouble. 844, 542, 42. Scott, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Scott. Yeah, he's on the horse. All right. Maybe I'll marry you. Go around the horse. First time, long time. First time, long time, you know, I was thinking, you know, why can't you put a drone in the air three or four hundred? I know. Everybody's saying the same thing, Scott. I mean, isn't Amazon delivering packages with drones now? They can't have a drone to just take pictures of rooftops, even if they're sloped. Yeah, I had one 10 years ago. It wasn't even 100 bucks and it took the most beautiful pictures. Yeah, I know they have at Deerfield, they have these reunions. Every, you know, every five year, like all, like all schools do. And one of the guys has gotten into drones. And so he takes, he takes pictures of the whole, of the whole campus, you know, and it goes into the, into all the nice forested areas, the woods around Deerfield. I mean, what's the big deal? Every, you're right. You're right, Scott. Everybody in the world has got a drone now. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, Scott. David, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, David. Oh, he's listening to Biden. He's a racial optimist. More black babies are alone, are killed by his abortion policy. That's the number one killer in America's children, you're born and falls up until the ninth month. But, uh, you know, a Chinese balloon, how he would have seen that sniper. And then they said it wasn't in the perimeter. So what was the perimeter, how he second base? What is it? This is mom. You really, they're, how this isn't like a, they're a gun that fire a mile to a mile and a half. Oh, I know. Yeah. His, his Joe Biden, how he's saying that Trump is the enemy of democracy. He's a tyrant. So they say how he never defines, uh, democracy. It's his democracy. He doesn't say he's an image of our democratic republic. He always, well, see, the democracy is the tyranny of the majority. Like Ben Franklin said, it's two wolves in the sheep deciding who's having to dinner. Joe Biden's democracy is the tyranny of majority. That's why he's saying he's a threat to democracy, not to our republic. Yeah, I got to play it. When we come back, I'll play a cut from the, him with the, this guy, Speedy Mormon. The day before Trump got shot, he's calling him a threat to democracy. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So, you know, they all, they've always got a big hoax going on, you know, whether it's the Russian collusion hoax, uh, or COVID or a Hunter Biden laptop is rushing this information. Well, this year's hoax is Project 2025. I haven't even gotten into it very much, but they, it's just this project by the Heritage Foundation. Trump had nothing to do with it. And it's got all these suggestions, so they just lie about it. You're already reading lies about it in the globe. But, you know, it's hard, it's hard to put across another hoax after you've put across 8, 10 in a row that have been totally debunked, right? But it's even more difficult when the guy, the head hoaxer can't remember the actual name of the project. It's Project 2025. And he's, but he can't get, he can never get it straight. And he screwed it up again today. Cut 37. This project 2024, Trump's 2025 Trump's deal. He studied it closely. This project 2024, 2023, what I want to, when he was, when he was Barack's vice president back in 2020, he started studying this project carefully. And then, of course, we played the cut earlier where he's talking about the Clarence Thomas's dissent, which wasn't a dissent. So he's, he's obviously a scala. He's a legal scala. Cut 39. And guess what? Come hell or high water, we're going to restore Roe v. Wade's the law of the land. Roe, we weighed. Or as Al Schopner would say, resist, we much, resist, we much. How about this cup 40? We're going to bring rent down. As I said, we're going to build 2 million affordable homes and cap rent increases at 5% a year. So corporate landlords can't cut 40 again. We're going to bring rent down. As I said, we're going to build 2 million affordable homes. The cap rent increases at 5% a year. So corporate landlords can't guard. Anyway, I don't want to get going. I mean, you get very upset. He gets very upset, that teleprompter. Give him those big words. He has to read. Has anyone noticed that it's easier to buy a home now with the interest rates through the roof and the housing prices continue to rise with all the illegal aliens getting vouchers to live on the arm? Has anyone, so has it gotten easier or more difficult to buy a home since Brandon was installed as president? Cut 35. We're putting home ownership. Home ownership within reach. How do you generate generational wealth? No matter what community you're from. On how we did everything got stuck in Scranton. We know jobs, moved to Delaware. Dad worked like healthy. You can get down payment to buy a small house. That's how you build equity. Too bad you can't do that since you became president. Brandon, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Brandon. Hey, how are we also going? Good. So I was calling because I've been to numerous Trump rallies in New Hampshire at New Arena, and I've seen the security at these places, and that's an indoor arena. I've been there too. I was there election night. They had snipers on buildings across the street where Trump wasn't even, he wasn't even outside. They had snipers on buildings hundreds of yards away. How did they not have secured that building at that rally? And then also, how did that kid know that that building wasn't going to be secure? How did he know a building that 150 yards away wasn't going to be secured by Secret Service or any cops? How did he know that? That's a really good question. Nobody's asking those questions. This kid was, it was pre-planned. It had to have been. The kid looks like he was scared to walk outside. He's going to show up to a Trump rally and try to take a president, a former president, and a future president, not knowing what's going to happen. I mean, it just doesn't add up. And I hear liberals, I heard somebody at my work today saying that it was staged. I couldn't even believe my ears. It was just, these people will believe anything. No, I just, I just. No, you're right about the snipers. When he was president, Mar-a-Lago has three floors, and you're eating dinner down on sort of an outdoor patio that comes out from the main house. And if you go out to the end of the outdoor patio and you look up onto the third floor, there would be snipers up there. Even though it's just membership only, and they have security all around the damn place, they would have snipers up there. My daughter occasionally would stay there because we're members, so you just pay to stay in the building. But if you're in the building, she would always say, "I don't even have to lock the door at night because there were guys in the outdoor hallways. There was Secret Service out there. It's crazy." And again, but Brandon, look at it this way. It was announced today that the FBI has the shooter's phone. So we'll be getting to the bottom of this, right? Because we all know that the FBI is on the level. Fidelity, bravery, integrity, not. Peter, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Peter. Hi, Howie. Listen, I just, at that last poll, I agree to have the same question about the guy knowing what building to go to. You said something earlier today about just being a conspiracy and not being a conspiracy, just security. But I think this is criminal negligence. I think they have to be proven. I think the burden of proof on them is to prove that it wasn't staged trying to give an assassination because it was so egregiously error-laden. It's hard to believe that we're that bad. Yeah, but I mean, what leads you to believe we're not that bad in any aspect of federal government or state government, for that matter, Peter. Yeah, I know. When you look at Afghanistan and all these other things, but this to me, this is a Secret Service and they can't see a guy that people on the ground saw. I mean, it's hard if we're that bad. How does it want to work? Don't you think that's what the Chinese are asking themselves? Don't you think that's what the Russians and the Iranians are thinking, you know, that there's no need to worry about the United States anymore, that we can't do anything right? I mean, you're probably right, but I just feel that negligence can be criminal. And if you don't prosecute this, I don't know what should be prosecuted. Nobody gets fired though. Nobody gets fired under the Biden administration. I mean, think of, you mentioned Afghanistan earlier. I mean, what about Afghanistan? I mean, what about what about all the lies during COVID? But they bet the lies during COVID benefited the Democrat Party. So of course, nobody's going to be punished for that. What about the fact that they've spent how much 42 they appropriated $42 billion for Wi-Fi and the FCC commissioner, Brendan Carr, no relation. I wouldn't mind if he was because he seems pretty good. But he says they haven't they haven't extended internet service to anybody for $42 billion. And what was it for the building the building, the charging stations? That was seven, $8 billion. They have eight charge, no, what? 700 million. I thought it was built. I thought it was in the billions. But anyway, it's whatever it is, they have eight charging stations, eight charging stations for all that money. I mean, this is this is the country that that built the Empire State Building in what 13 months that built the Golden Gate Bridge, the Hoover Dam. Even the bridges down on the Cape, the Sagamore Bridge and the Borne Bridge, they were built in like 30. You know, you look at the sign, 1933, 34. You think you could build one of those bridges today in two years or 18 months? Hell no. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, 508. Howie, my sister moved from West Roxbury to New Hampshire. She's starting to see governor signs up there. What do you think is Kelly Ayot, someone that will support Trump policy? If not, who do you recommend? She walked away from him in 2016 after the Hollywood access tapes. But you know, the question is, you know, you got to ask yourself, who's going to hurt you least? The less, lesser, less. And it's got it. You got to vote for Kelly Ayot. There's no, if you vote for a Democrat, the last, the last bastion of any kind of free enterprise and liberty in New England fails, falls, and you'll have an income tax. You'll have a sales tax. I know property taxes are high up there, but it can be worse. It can always be worse. And I would say there's no question. And you know, Kelly Ayot is running against Chuck Morris, who seems like a decent guy, the former legislative leader in Concord. But I think he would be hard pressed to defeat the former mayor of Manchester. She's the Democrat. She ruined Manchester. And now she, but that's, you know, that's, that's the, that's a resume enhancer for Democrats to ruin a smaller venue. You know, then you run to ruin a larger venue because you've proven your compassion. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm Howie Carr. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, or text the word Howie, followed by your message to six one seven two one three ten sixty six. Howie Carr is back. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, shooter brought a ladder. Why he knew a high, he knew a high place to shoot from. How did he know that? I don't know. Again, I don't, I don't have a lot of confidence in the FBI. I could have made that the poll question today. Do you have a lot of confidence in the FBI's investigation? It would have been, I'm going to say 97 to three, something like that. 71, the post has a new story that says a person who met the shooter could not tell if he was a boy or a girl. Well, I mean, we, we, Robert Hedlund, the, the, the mayor of Weymouth posted that thing yesterday, separated a berth, a picture of, of the kid, the shooter, and Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian. And I'm telling you, they, they did look very similar. Sandra, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Sandra. Hi, Howie. I was just thinking this reminds me a little bit of the Capitol Police sort of look in the other way and letting people in, different agency, but like chapter two. Yeah, I think it's, yeah, I think it's a little different. It's, I don't know, I, I don't know what the, you know, what the reality is. I, again, I go back to what my, my old neighbor said who worked in the State Department, if you have a choice between conspiracy and incompetence in the government, you take, you take incompetence 99% of the time. And I, and I think that's, that's pretty much the right way to look at things. But it's just, it's, it's just so unthinkable. I mean, that again, this is a kid. I keep calling him a kid. He's a shooter. He, he didn't make the, the high school marksmanship team. And yet he goes out there and if Trump doesn't turn his head, he's dead. And I know, I know with a, with a rifle like that 130 yards is not a lot because you can take out a guy at a mile. We hear, we hear about it all the time. We heard about it in, in Afghanistan and Iraq and they do it. The, the, the Israelis do it, do it in, in Gaza now. But, but still the, how did he, how did he come up with, how did he do that much, do that good of a shot? That close of a shot. 844, 542, 42. Andrew, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Andrew. How are you? Good. Hey, I've been at your restaurant down the Cape. I'm up here in New Hampshire. Fresh out of Michigan Hill, 1980. My parents moved us up there with what I was 13. Hey, what's getting in? Because she has a lot of the Democratic people for the state of New Hampshire on her side. The union hall is the first time a Republican banner has been hung out there with her name on it. And she put away Addison for life, Addison the cop killer. I remember him. Yeah, in Manchester. Yes. Yeah. And then, and then I saw you in your up here in Concord. You heard it right here. A.O.T.S. is shoeing all day. I hope so. I hope so. I, I just worry that, you know, the state is, the state has changed and all these, all these nitwits who moved up from Massachusetts. I mean, I have more confidence in the people moving to Florida, you know, from New York and New Jersey and Massachusetts that they know how bad things are. And you know, the Republican registration edge in Florida now is a million, a million people, a million, there are a million more registered Republicans than Democrats in Florida, just because people understand. But I've never gotten the feeling that the people moving up to New Hampshire have any clue what they're doing. Same thing in Maine, you know, they've, they've screwed and Vermont. Yeah, we got some people here from Vermont. I mean, Vermont used to be like this solid rock ribbed Republican state. I mean, every, everybody had a, had a head, head on their shoulder and a brain. Remember, George Aiken, the Senator, he's the one who said the famous thing. He said, about Vietnam, he said, he was a Republican. He said, we'll just declare victory and then get the hell out. I mean, that was a Vermont common sense. Calvin Coolidge was a native Vermonter, you know, who was elected president and governor of Massachusetts, but he was a Vermonter and the Vermont, it's gone. All in New England is gone. You know, they used to, my relatives used to say they're 36. FDR only lost two states, Maine and Vermont. And they said they Maine voted early as Maine goes, so goes Vermont. That's what my relatives always used to say. Now I think about it's still true. Only now it's true the opposite way. They're both insane. Both states are insane. 844, 542, 617, very strange. This kid purchased a five foot ladder the morning of the shooting and knew exactly which building was not being watched. Isn't it also very strange that he doesn't have any social media? Nothing. I mean, kids that age don't have Facebook, I don't think, or many of them don't, but they have other things. They have TikTok, Instagram. They have something. He has nothing apparently. They say they can't find anything. I guess the New York Post actually hired three people to scrub all of what could be as accounts and do it in the usual fashion that they do it in a police investigation. They can't find anything. I mean that in itself is a little on the eyebrow raising side, isn't it? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. Did you see that the shooter was in a Black Rock ad coincidence? You know who discovered that? What's your name? Lara Loomer down in the woman in Florida who's kind of like, she has a bad rap, but she found it. And at first I thought that was some kind of AI, but it was announced that Black Rock took it down. They were making investments in his little hometown and they took some pictures in his advanced placement class in high school. How about Ethan Allen? Yeah, the Green Mountain Boys. The Green Mountain Boys aren't coming through Through that door, I'm how we car.