The Howie Carr Radio Network

Joe and Mika Sing the Blues: Lovebirds Return to MSNBC to Whine | 7.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Between Mika, Joe and Joy Reid-- there is no shortage of craziness at MSNBC. Plus, Toby Leary joins the show to talk all things Second Amendment.

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We were just talking about the melting pot that was the RNC last night. You had Silicon Valley, billionaires, you had Teamster, union guys like Sean O'Brien, you had rappers, porn stars. It was a real cast of characters and I didn't mind it. I don't want every, the world would be very boring if everybody were the same. Like not everybody's gonna be a straight laced goody two shoes conservative and that's okay. And so now a person 71 and I totally understand this, said Grace, I'm kind of torn with Sean O'Brien. I know him from way back. The speech hit home and it's for the greater good, but he is a thug who represents a lot of thugs and a lot of criminals and corrupt ex-state police. I'm hesitant to say this 'cause I don't want it to be used against me in the future. You can disagree with somebody and you cannot like every single thing they do and you can like a speech that they gave. You can think it was a good speech and for the time being he might be a punk, but he's our punk, right now he's a maga punk and I don't think the guys ever committed any crimes or ever done anything like that. And so yeah, he might not be your favorite person in the world, but we've all got a unite behind saving the country and getting ourselves back on the right course, not the perfect course, but a course that leads us back to some sanity in the United States of America. That's how I feel on it. Now I do want to talk a little bit about the reactions last night from the mainstream media and also I would be so saddened if I didn't talk about Morning Joe and how yesterday if you missed this they got booted off the air. I put their reaction up on the Grace Curly Show so you can check it out at But this morning they had to come back with their tail in between their legs and explain why the head honchos at MSNBC didn't trust them to be on the air on what some people would say was the biggest news day in the last, at least the last decade. I mean, it's the Monday after an attempted assassination of a former president and the Republican candidate for president and you don't have your flagship morning show on the air because you're so afraid that they're so unhinged and they're so part of the problem of this violent rhetoric and this Trump derangement syndrome that you pull them off. You tell them, and this is my favorite part, Joe kind of tries to explain how they set this up for him, how they let him down softly. Can I have cut four? This is Joe Scarborough. - I wanted to briefly talk to our friends and viewers that watch us every day and talk about what happened yesterday, we were told in no uncertain terms on a Sunday evening that there was going to be one news feed across all NBC News channels yesterday. That today's show would be Lester Holt, other people that you worked with on Sunday and that that was going to be one news feed across all NBC News channels that we were going to stay as a network in breaking news mode throughout all day yesterday, that did not happen. We don't know why that didn't happen or... - I know why. Can I answer the question? I know why. It's because you've been comparing Trump to Hitler for eight years and Donnie Deutsch and all of your other guests are just as nutty as you are and MSNBC realized that they don't want to be held liable for this kind of stuff and that they can't trust you. You're not trustworthy enough. You're not good at your job. So even though they pay you millions of dollars to sit there and lecture us about how Trump supporters shouldn't be able to use like a blender in their kitchen or whatever condescending, sticky thing you want to throw at us, they didn't feel like yesterday was the right day for that. And so they told you that they were going to do it throughout the course of the day to make you feel better because your ego is so massive and they hoped that maybe that would throw you off the scent but the truth is they just didn't want you on the air. And if that doesn't sting Joe, what really should get you is that they allowed Joy Reid on the air. If you're watching Joy Reid, and I hope Joe and Mika were sitting next to their giant portrait of Robert Mueller in their kitchen and had the TV on and they were watching, Joy Reid's coverage of the RNC and her breakdown of the attempted assassination. And I hope they were watching that all the while thinking, this woman in the minds of the head honchos at MSNBC, this woman is less insane than we are. We are crazier than the woman comparing Donald Trump to George Wallace 48 hours after an attempted assassination. Let that one sink in. Can I get Joy Reid? This is what she thinks is the universal fear right now. It's not that the president was almost, the former president was almost just killed. Joy Reid has a different take cut one. - Universal kind of reaction that I'm getting, whether it's civilians or, you know, professionals, is really a deep concern and lack of confidence in not us at this table or us at MSNBC, but us as the media writ large. And a fear that what's going to happen now is that the Republican party will do what they do. They're in the middle of a campaign. The convention started today. But the media will acquiesce to trying to convince people that the things they've been experiencing for the last five, six years didn't happen, that the greatest purveyor and promoter of political violence, really, you know, since anyone can remember, since George Wallace, I think, that we just haven't experienced that kind of open, you know, sort of inciting or sort of incitement of violence or sort of luxuriating in the idea of violence. - I'm glad that we're toning it down. I'm glad that we've done away with the hyperbole at MSNBC. You know what is so beautiful to me watching? Never, never doesn't make me crack up is how all of these reporters or these talking heads, they always find a way to make themselves a story. It's a real gift they have. It's like, no matter, it doesn't matter who's killed, it doesn't matter who's almost killed, it doesn't matter what's going on in the country, they're like, you know what I'm really nervous about? I'm really nervous about us. You know what I think is who's the real victim in all of this? It's not Donald Trump, it's Joe Scarborough. - No, no, this, this whole thing, all of this. It's all about me. - Really, that is, think about how nutty that is, Taylor, that Joe Scarborough is off the air on Monday and he starts the show off on Tuesday, like, I know why you're all here. Obviously, there's something on your mind. Where were we yesterday? - The level of narcissism, they would be better off just going through with the show, but to stop everything and say, let me explain to you what happened to us, because that's the real story here. - Well, to be fair, the amount of viewers, MSNBC, retains, that is the core group, people that are just infatuated by the personalities that are on that channel. - But to say it, to have that, like, oh, I know that, I'm not gonna lead off with the fact that Trump was almost assassinated. I'm gonna lead off with what happened to me yesterday in my sob story. Now, I do wanna play one more from Joy Reid. This is cut two. - And people are concerned and expressing concern that we won't be the guardians of memory. And that we will allow Donald Trump, as he is bathed in the glory and grandeur of his party, to rewrite himself as both a hero and a victim, that people who are the most vulnerable to not just the things he's done, but the things he's promising to do, and that that will then happen without a guardian saying, wait, stop. And then the media will acquiesce to this rewrite. - Yes, yes. I think that's really a brilliant take from Joy Reid, that if there's anything people in this country are concerned about right now, like this is just really, it shows you how her finger is on the pulse of what the American people care about. If there's anything we care about right now, it's that the media is going to be too nice to Donald Trump, because they have such a track record of treating him so well. Right on the money, as always. And also the media being the guardians of memory. That is a whopper, if I've ever heard one. I would say you guys have the shortest memory. Your memories rival that of a goldfish. You don't remember anything. You don't remember the fact that you called the hunter by and laptop Russian disinformation. You don't remember the fact that you ran with the Russia hoax for like two and a half years and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, because you were so consumed with Trump colluding with Russia. You don't remember the fact that your own party, all your Democrat friends are all election deniers, but all you do is accuse Republicans of being election deniers. I would say your memory fails you more often than not. I don't think any of us are depending on you to guard, to be the guardians of memory. One other thing, Taylor, I want to hit here before we start two-way Tuesday. Jack Black is in a band. I didn't know this. I know he likes to sing. I remember School of Rock. I didn't know that he had his own band. Seriously? It was a big deal when we were in high school, Tenacious D. Was it? Oh, yeah. What was the-- their big song was a tribute to the greatest song in the world. I just remember, if you want to be the teacher's pet, I remember School of Rock. And he has this band, I guess, they're pretty successful. And they were in Australia, right? This is where the performance happened. And they were performing. And I think it was one of the band members' birthdays. Well, there's only two guys in the band. It's Jack Black and Kyle Gas. And so it was Kyle's birthday? Kyle, yeah. He's the fat bald one. And so they allowed-- Jack Black is the fat one with the hair. So they decided to sing him Happy Birthday on stage. And this is what he said. Is this audio-- I listened to this already, and it wasn't great audio, but can people make it out? Yeah, you should be able to make it out. OK, so this is Tenacious D's Kyle Gas telling us his birthday wish. Happy Birthday to you. Make a wish, man. Don't miss Trump next time. All right, so since that has happened, there's actually been a lot of backlash over this. Now, this is a joke that I saw everywhere. Like, I saw that there's been school teachers and budget administrators and plenty of people who have lost their jobs now from making this joke that, ha, ha, ha, you had one job. Why did you miss Donald Trump? It's a despicable joke to make. I think that once this happened, I don't think Jack Black expected that level of backlash that, in fact, there was a request that he be deported from Australia that the ban be forced to leave because of these comments. And now he's made a statement. And he says that he was blindsided by the statement. To be fair, he didn't make the statement. But I will say this. If Jack Black did not receive the amount of outrage that he did, I don't think he ever would have apologized. Like, if this was well-received, Taylor, if this joke was well-received by Hollywood and by everyone else and if people thought it was funny and cutting edge, Jack Black never would have said anything. He's not commenting on this now because he feels bad that Kyle Gas said it. He just understands that he's in a lot of trouble. Right. That's the standard. If there's a big enough backlash you've got to apologize. If not, you can slip under the radar unnoticed. Yeah. And like I said, there's been several people who have said this exact same thing. It doesn't make it right. But it's actually kind of amazing how dumb people are, that especially if you're a teacher or if you're in some sort of job where you can be held accountable for what you put on social media, that people were so comfortable just ha, ha, whoops. In fact, FBI employee in gun background check unit expressed disappointment that Trump lived. This was, this is from the Federalist, Jenna Howles. She put up memes that were saying, you know, ah, so close. And she said, y'all, gun-toting, second amendment, loving hillbillies better just sit down and stay quiet unless you're going to change your mind on gun control. This is a woman who works as an FBI employee. And she's making these jokes. And it's really, really just disgusting. It says Jack Black's, it says Tenacious De-Australian toward date postponed after comment about Trump. Tenacious De-Australia concert postponed after Trump shooting joke, Jack Black's Tenacious De-facing deportation after Donald Trump assassination joke. 844-542-42, but this is how it always starts. People think it's, people think it's outrageous at first. They say, oh, that was really way too far. The same thing happened with Kathy Griffith. Then you give it a couple weeks and then people will start to make them the victim. Like it's not fair that Tenacious De-was attacked for their freedom of speech. I thought Republicans were in favor of freedom of speech, huh? You just wait, all this is going to come around. All these people who are being told, hey, you took it too far, they will be heroes within the month. I guarantee it. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls for Toby Larry. Don't go anywhere. You sure got nice teeth, Jack Black? Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Joe Biden got a lot of heat for not taking any responsibility for his own rhetoric, including the tweet, where he talked about putting Trump in the bull's eye. He tried to explain to Lester Holt that he didn't say cross-air. He said bull's eye, meaning focus on Trump. You know, it's an expression. And the funny part about that is that whenever Trump says anything, whether it's a joke or whether he, they'll distort anything to take Trump literally. He says bloodbath talking about the auto industry. He meant bloodbath literally. He meant blood in a bath. That's so crazy. But when Biden says something, he's like, oh, that's just, you know, that's just how you talk. It's political speak. Words matter. It's amazing how they can understand what his intent is. Doesn't matter what he actually says. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you like Trump's pick of JD Vance for vice presidents? Yes, yes I do. 86% say yes. And I agree with Nicole Wallace. I want six debates between JD Vance and Kamala Harris. Maybe more. Joining us now is Toby Leary from Cape Gunwork. Coming! Coming! Joining! Now, Toby, thank you so much for coming on the show. I do want to start by playing you a cut from the view yesterday. This was Joy Behar giving her hot take on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. She's choosing to focus on how the shooter got access to the gun and also how he got access to his rounds of bullets. Can I have this cut? OK, I just want to add that the shooter. Yes, it was a 20-year-old kitchen worker from nearby Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. According to a CNN reporter, senior law enforcement officials said that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition from a local gun store hours before the rally. Shouldn't that have been reported? Somebody buys a 20-year-old white guy? I mean, we've seen that many times now. Young, white men with guns. Nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition. Toby, what do you say to that? Oh, man. I don't even know where to start with that. You know, that's like if Joy Behar is getting a dozen red velvet muffins at the local bakery, someone should immediately call her doctor. I mean, it's insane. There's people that-- I mean, 50 rounds is what comes in an average box of ammunition. That's one box of ammunition. In the case of rifle rounds, it is a little bit of an anomaly because most rifle rounds come in 20 round boxes. But there are 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6 boxes that are 50 round boxes. So it could have still been one box of ammo. And that is just ridiculous that people out there think if somebody's buying a box of ammo, they need to be reported to authorities. It's insane. All right, Toby, thank you for giving us your quick reaction to that. When we come back, we'll take your questions for Toby Leary. The number is 844-542-42, or you can text in to 617-213-1066. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. It is time for 2A Tuesday with Toby Leary. And it's brought to you by Eastern Security Safe, New England's largest safe source, Eastern Security Safe has gun safes by Fort Knox safe, and Browning gun safes offering an economically priced safe that still offers quality, not offered in big box stores. Protect your Second Amendment rights. Go to Mention you heard about them on 2A Tuesday and receive 5% off your entire safe purchase. That is so exciting. So go to and protect your weapons. All right, joining us now is Toby. And we're going to go to the calls first, Toby. And then I do have a few questions of my own. But if you want to call in, it's 844-542. Let's go to Charlie. You're up first today. Go ahead, Charlie. Hi, Grace. Hi, Toby. How are you doing today? Good. What's your question? Toby, I wanted to see if you had any info about the masks and going to prove roster and been updated since December of last year. And also there was a lawsuit court case about getting rid of it if you had the info about that. Yeah, great question. And you're 100% right. We haven't seen a new roster come out since December. Even though the state is supposed to come out with them quarterly, don't let this ruin or tarnish the reputation of the state doing what it's required to do when it comes to Second Amendment or gun laws in the state. But anyway, I have heard that there have been lots of guns tested recently and passed. So I assume it's just them getting together and adding them to the list. And that's probably very difficult these days to get all the people from the gun control advisory board together to put it all in writing and get it issued so that we can have some extra guns to be able to buy here in Massachusetts. And the court case that he's talking about is called Granada v. Heli, I believe it is. And there has been a lot of movement on that case. There's some briefs to do in the next month. There's some oral arguments to early this fall. And so there's movement on that case. What the case is, it's a case specifically challenging the legality of an approved weapons roster and limiting what guns you can and can't buy in Massachusetts. And it was upheld. The state law was upheld in district court as it has been in multiple other district court rulings and throughout time. But this time it's different because it's in direct defiance to ruin. So hopefully, we'll see. And there's a big-- a lot of commentary on legal strategists out there around the Second Amendment community about losing quickly in courts that don't matter. In other words, we're probably going to lose-- we already did in district court. When it goes to the first court of appeals, they're very anti-gunned. They're very anti-civil rights. They will probably give us the L. And that's OK. Do it quick. Get the L quick so we can petition certiorari before the Supreme Court instead of trying to just rely on injunctive relief and some sort of temporary restraining order or preliminary restraining order, which probably won't happen anyway because they're not going to go after the status quo. They're not going to overturn the status quo unless the likelihood of winning on the merits of the case are very, very good. And I don't think anyone in the first circuit court of appeals or district court is going to think that way. So I say take the L quick and get it up to the Supreme Court where we could actually have a pro-Second Amendment ruling in our favor. And hopefully, that's the strategy of all the lawyers working on it. But I'm not in the inner circle, so it's speculation on my part. But it's something to watch because we have very few cases in any type of Massachusetts court rooms. There's a big case out of Rhode Island that has already been dealt a loss in district court and is going to the first circuit court of appeals as well on magazine capacity bans. So that's something to watch because that could have immediate impact on our state if there is a pro to a ruling coming out of the first circuit or going up to the Supreme Court. So a lot to look forward to. Unfortunately, it moves slower than any of us like, but that's the way it goes. Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate the question. Let's go to Dennis, your next up with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Dennis. Good afternoon, Grace and Toby. Hey, Toby, I'm sure you're aware of the new three-day waiting period for purchase of firearms going into affected Maine. This is where I'm from. And it was funny because I was just thinking the same thing. You're not going to get a favor of ruling on two-eight in the first circuit. That's not going to happen. But my real question is that we were reporting earlier about this crooks guy or whatever is the assassin on a ladder just before this attempt. Is Maine going to ban ladders? He's going to make you wait three days to get a ladder? Yeah. The problem is your argument is logical. And anti-gun arguments are illogical. So the truth is, if you extrapolate the way people apply law to the Second Amendment, it would ruin life as we know it. Like, we would all end up eating yogurt with sparks in a padded room. And that's the way life would become if you ban everything that's dangerous, right? I forget which politician it was that says he prefers dangerous freedom over safety. And that's the truth. Really, freedom is not safe per se. And that's OK because you have to have common sense. You have to rely on good behavior and morality in order to make sure that your society doesn't crumble under the weight of freedom. And that's where we've lost our way in the past 40, 50, 60, maybe even 100 years, unfortunately, is we rely on government to tell us yes or no or right or wrong and dictate to us when, really, those are all these prohibitive laws that are created by man and it's illegal because we say so. Instead of that malum-insay law, which is evil on its face, we all know what those are. That's the murder, rape, and whatnot. And those are-- you don't really need the past laws too much outside of those because it's obvious. It's axiomatic to everyone that it should be illegal and it's not right. It's immoral. But now we've gone down the other road of the malum-prohibitive where it's illegal just because we say so or we think it's in government's best interest to enact a law. And the problem is they lack the constitutional authority when it's specific to the Second Amendment. So this law you're talking about in Maine will fall because there's no way it can stand up to the scrutiny of the text of the Second Amendment. And government has to prove that there's an analogous law based in 1791 that shows that people were given a three-day waiting period to buy a gun. That didn't happen and won't happen once it's had it stay in court. Hopefully if the district court there in Maine won't overturn the government interest, then I'm sure the first circuit court of appeals won't and it'll go back to the Supreme Court. But we need a lot of movement in this. And by the way, I get tons of questions all the time, even on this show grace of people who say like how come you own a gun store in Massachusetts and stay in Massachusetts? Here it is Maine, the way life should be, right? Free state, constitutional carry state, great state to live in. I love the state of Maine, vacation there every summer. But here we are as a knee-jerk reaction to a horrible tragic event. They are instituting a three-day waiting period, which we know there's empirical evidence of how this has been tried and failed in many other states over time. And yet they're just doing something to make themselves feel better instead of placing a blame where it should be and where it squarely should be on the guy who committed the heinous act in the first place and the fact that government, if you want to give any type of blame, government had a massive failure in helping this guy with his mental health illnesses. And the warning signs that he gave off. So that's always the case with these mass shootings. But instead, we're going to restrict the people you don't need to worry about, as always, the knee-jerk reaction to all gun controllers. And also, Toby, there's been this reaction. And I saw it today. There was an FBI-- someone who supposedly works in the FBI who was saying she's an FBI analyst or an FBI employee. And she said, y'all gun-toting Second Amendment loving hillbillies better just sit down and stay quiet unless you're going to change your mind on gun control. But I would argue that what we saw over the weekend-- and I know you were just referring to Maine. But if we switch back to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the successful murder of a poor, innocent father who was attending the rally, I think that actually makes a case against gun control. Because if you have all of those secret service agents, you have all of those police, the local police there. And even with all of that protection, they're not able to stop one person with evil in their heart. Then what kind of cases that make for adding more loss to the books and relying on more people to protect you instead of yourself, if you have really a giant force of protection and someone's still able to do harm? That's a great point, Grace. And that's so true. If you can't protect the most likely candidate to be president in this country, then how the heck can we expect government to protect us? Nobody is coming to save you. You are your own first responder, period, full stop. There's no other way around it. It's like that woman up in New Hampshire, when David Hogue or Hogg, however you pronounce his name, gave a little debate or speech or whatever up there. And she was Vietnamese and she said, can you guarantee me that this government will never be tyrannical? And he said, no, I can't guarantee that. And she goes, OK, then the gun control debate is over. If you could take the batteries out of evil and it would never exist ever again, then sure, let's all talk about rainbows and unicorns. But until then, I want to be able to protect my family and my own life and my house and my friends and those around. And not to mention that this state constitution says the right to keep them bare arms for the common defense. It's about being a good neighbor. It's about your state of taking pride in your country and not just allowing tyranny to where it's ugly head. Really well said. Toby, we have to wrap there. We do have the car crossover coming up. But I want you to let people know where they can follow you and where they can visit you with Cape Gun Works and really experience going into such a wonderful place, such a non-judgmental place, especially if you're someone who's just getting interested in the Second Amendment and exercising your rights. It's a great place to start. And if you're someone who is an expert and you think you know everything, well, then that's also a perfect place for you. So tell people where they can visit you in person. Yeah, I want to be real quick on this because I want to say one other thing if it's OK. But go to You'll find out everything you need to know about us. And we're here to help come in or give us a call or visit us online., thanks so much for that grace. But real quick, the conference committee was supposed to come out and emerge with their new gun control ban for Massachusetts yesterday. They still haven't come out. You have a couple days, probably, to call and let them know that you vehemently oppose more gun control in the state of Massachusetts. And you will hold them accountable on election day this November. I urge everyone in your listening audience to do it. Reach out. You can find out who they are on's website. And hammer them hard on write an email, send a text-- sorry, send an email, a tweet, a letter, and give them a call. And don't let them rest for a minute until they know how you feel. Yeah, definitely voice your opinion on that Thank you, Toby Leary. If you sent it candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home, well, you should stop. Because you're not fooling anyone. We're on to you. We know what you're up to. You're not masking the smell. You're actually making the smell kind of worse, because now it's just funkified. Now it's not just the smell. It's the smell plus, like, cupcakes or Christmas tree. That's no good. What you want is the Eden Pure thunderstorm. It's going to eliminate odors. And if you're someone who doesn't have pet odors, or tobacco odors, or kitchen odors-- I don't know how someone's not going to have any of those. But let's just say that your house is magical, and those things don't exist. Well, you probably have allergens and pollutants in the air. And it's going to work for that, too. So there are so many reasons to get your hands on a thunderstorm. And the three-pack special is a great time to try this. You can keep one in your office. You can keep one in the car. You can keep one in the kitchen. They work quietly and quickly. There's no air filter, so they don't cost you more money. You just buy it, and then you're ready, set, go. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. And we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is The Grace Curly Show. You know, if you go back and listen to those figures, JD Man said about Trump. Well, he said some things about you, yeah. Well, well, he said something about me, but see what he said about Trump. That's with you guys. Come on, man. He was getting-- that was Joe Biden, and he was very upset with Lester Holt. He thought he was going to get the Lester Holt in North Korea treatment. And Lester Holt had seen the light. He wasn't lying to anybody. He wasn't falling for the propaganda. And how he was getting really testy. I actually want to play one more cut for you here. Can I have cut 16, Taylor? But have you taken a step back and done a little soul searching on things that you may have said that could incite people who are not balanced? Well, I don't think-- look, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real? When a president says things like he says, do you just not say anything? He's a man inside somebody? Look, I am not engaged in that rhetoric. Holt went on to say it doesn't sound like you're turning down the temperature. And he didn't like that either. What did you make of the interview? I thought it was worse than the debate for Biden. They're all pitiful. How about the fact-- most people didn't pick up on this, but he said twice. He mentioned Clarence Thomas' dissent in the Supreme Court decision. It was a concurring opinion. In other words, I agree with the decision, but I want to add a few things. And he called it a dissent twice. I thought he was the smartest guy in his law school class. I mean, all I needed to see was in the first paragraph of the Clarence Thomas story, concurring opinion. I knew what it meant. Also, kind of to go along with what Joy Reid was saying, he was really questioning Lester Holt. Why aren't you guys pointing out all of Trump's lies? And when did we get to this point where their argument is you guys are too nice to Donald Trump hit? Does anyone in their right mind think that the people at MSNBC or NBC or CNN are giving Trump the kid the glove treatment? How about when he just kind of drifted off and just couldn't even think of anything to say? That was when his answer when he mentioned Clarence Thomas's dissents, he just drifted away. Well, there was an interview before the "Wome Lester" Holt that came out, and it was with Speedy Mormon. And I wanted to play something that Taylor tells me-- Oh, is he the rapper? I don't really know. I've never heard of him, but Taylor-- Not these, Speedy Mormon. Taylor told me this is a line that Biden tries a lot. Can I have cut seven? There are some people who have made their mind up, and they've decided that they are voting for former President Trump. What do you say to those people? Lots of luck in your senior year. Come on. No, Halle, I don't want to make you feel old by any means, but I don't understand that expression. I don't understand that either. I didn't know if it was something that older people, if that's an older expression, that maybe I'm just missing out on. It's older than me. Not trying to make the VIPs feel old, but have you ever heard that lots of luck in your senior year? My aunt Maybolva had never used that line. Very, very bizarre. Hey, so I want-- That's my coach. That's OK. That's fair. As my football coach used to say, lots of luck in your senior year. Is that the guy who played for the Green Bay Packers? Only he didn't really play for the Green Bay Packers. Halle, what did you make of the first night of the RNC? It was good. I mean, I didn't watch very much of it. But it was good. I liked the fact that Don Jr. gave some grief to that guy, that MSD and C guy who was trying to make up for being a white male by being a nasty guy. It's not going to do him any good. I'll give him a hint. But you know, my only regret about Don Jr. is when he told him to get out of here, I wish it had said, "screw." Yeah, he got a little emotional, too, when Trump first came out. It seemed like the whole family was getting a little teary. I'd watching Trump come out. And it was-- you don't want to overuse it, but it was a historic moment. The Band-Aid, walking out, all the Secret Service, they really brought out the real Secret Service this time. They didn't have the e-squad. They had the real tall guys come out-- They had strapping guys, to the face of that. Yeah, that's what you need. I'm like, where were all of you on Saturday? Oh, my gosh, it looked like a football team, which is, I think, really what you'd want in that situation. But it was quite the moment. And from all reports, it was electric. There was a lot of energy. And you can't say that the GOP right now isn't extremely unified. Like, they want to preach unity in the media. I don't understand this thing about the Democrats. This is put down the rebellion against Joe Biden. I wouldn't say of anything. They got to get rid of him more urgently now than they had to before Saturday night. I would agree with that consensus. All right, howie car is coming up next. You don't want to miss it. I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks for listening. [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music)