The Howie Carr Radio Network

JD Vance Changed His Mind About Trump Plus Biden's Bizarre Interview with Lester Holt | 7.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace talks about Trump's VP choice JD Vance with Ari Hoffman. The pair also discuss the RNC and the future of the Republican party. Plus, more questions emerge about Saturday's rally.

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. We have a lot to get to in this next hour, but first, a little bit of breaking news for everyone. New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez was found guilty Tuesday of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes, including gold bars in exchange for using his powerful post to enrich and protect three businessmen in the Egyptian and Qatari governments. So that is the latest. I don't know if he gets any sort of special exemptions because he did it for love and he did it for, you know, his wife, or maybe if they'll have some leniency because he, what was the other thing he said, something about his heritage? Or, you know, he's the son of an immigrant, something along those lines, that there's a reason he keeps gold bars in his home. But that is the latest as far as Bob Menendez goes. I did want to switch gears here and talk about the RNC. We've talked a lot about the secret service so far. We'll keep you posted on that. We are going to talk more about it. - I love gold. - He loves gold, he loves karaoke. He loves his wife, loves a nice Mercedes and some ripped jeans. And everything's not coming up Bob Menendez thus far, but I'm sure there'll be more news on that as we go. Oh, you know what it was? It was his Cuban history. I wonder if his Cuban history is going to get him any sort of special treatment in this case. I'm going to guess not. I'm going to guess that, you know, he's really unlucky because if it had just been a little bit, like I feel like if he had just kept his mouth shut as far as Joe Biden goes, if he hadn't ticked off Joe Biden, if he hadn't been so outspoken about things like the Iran deal, he probably would have gone under the radar, but it was just bad timing for Bob, for gold bar Bob. I do want to talk about JD Vance 'cause there's an amazing cut from last night. The mainstream media was truly melting down. Like if you thought even for a moment that there would be a little bit of self-reflection, that is not done in the Democrat party or in the mainstream media, but I repeat myself. There is no time for self-reflection. And so rather than dialing down the rhetoric as we were told had to happen, and really the onus of that was on Donald Trump, the guy who just had his ear blown off in an attempted assassination. The responsibility of dialing down the rhetoric was really up to Donald Trump and Steve Scalise and all the victims of this political violence. They were the ones who were expected to come out and denounce it and lower the temperature. And the media was pretty adamant that they had nothing to do with this. There's no blood on their hands. They don't take any responsibility. And as they're lecturing about the need of kind of cooling things off, they managed to Van Jones called Donald Trump, or I'm sorry, called JD Vance, a virus. Joy Reid compared Donald Trump to George Wallace. And that was all within the first like 15 minutes. But my favorite part of the whole thing, it wasn't Joy Reid explaining how people keep telling her they were afraid that the media will stop being the guardians of memory. It wasn't that she talked about how she's afraid that Donald Trump will be the victim in all of this. Let that sink in for a moment. Joy Reid worries that the man who was just almost assassinated on Saturday might be the victim in this story. And that the media is gonna be too nice to him because that's something that they're really well known for at this point, is being too nice to Donald Trump. But none of that. And then you had Nicole Wallace saying, she really hopes JD Vance challenges Kamala Harris to six debates. You and me both sister, why stop at six? Let's make it 10. She thinks Kamala Harris is gonna wipe the floor with JD Vance. (laughing) She's gonna be burdening and unburdening and burdening. His head's gonna be spinning all sorts of ways. He's not gonna know which way to look. But my favorite part of the whole thing, it wasn't Rachel Maddow, Nicole Wallace, Van Jones, all these people. My favorite part was knowing that Joe Scarborough was sitting at his house, watching Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow and thinking to himself, MSNBC trusts these lunatics on the air more than they trust me. They are more reliable reporters or commentators than I am. My network would rather this panel of whackadoodles than me and my wife Mika. And that just made me really happy. And Joe did react to it today. I'll play that sound for you too. But first I wanna take some calls here. Let's go to Nancy. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Nancy. - Hi, Grace. I'll try to be quick. First of all, I love Darby O. I've heard him several times. And he's so wise, I really enjoy him. - Oh, I'm glad. - Second. - I love, I absolutely adored what Amber Rose said. I think they should have more people like that who weren't fans of Trump and then saw the light because they actually paid attention. And second of all, third of all, the Secret Service is definitely in charge of the whole operation. And they screwed up. If there was a screw up, it's their fault. And it didn't seem like the police had any way to communicate with them. They were like running around, I guess, and the Secret Service was there, but they had no way of communicating with each other to tell them what was going on. - That's a really good point. - That's a really good point, Nancy. I wanna go through some of those points you just made. And I'll start with that last one because there are reports out now and I think they're gathering this from all the videos leading up to the attempted assassination that I guess the first alert from a person who saw this shooter crawling up onto the building happened two minutes before a shot rang out. So somewhere along the two minute mark. So they had two minutes to act on this. And two minutes when it comes to protecting a former president is a long time. It's more than enough time to eliminate a threat, to react and figure it out. So that's number one, Nancy, is that you're on the money about that. There was some sort of communication issue that needs to be investigated. And I wanna go back to what you said about Amber Rose because you make a great point and Jared made it this morning, I was talking to Jared about it and I said, you know, I saw this tweet from out Walsh where he said that, you know, it was a really bad idea to put Amber Rose up there and he's entitled to that opinion and I've disagreed with him before. But I don't really understand this knee-jerk reaction to not want someone in the party because you don't agree with them, for example, on abortion. Like, isn't this what we're always saying? Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. She wants to be a part of the team here. She wants to, she's seen the light in one way or another and she's at the beginning of her journey. She's at the beginning of kind of uncovering a lot of the lies that she's been fed from the media and she might not be where you're at right now. She might not be the level of, and you know what word? I'll use the level of woke. She might not be there yet as far as conservatives go. She might not be as red-pilled as other people, but she's trying and she's making a case for Trump and she seems to agree with us on a lot of fundamental things, including making the country great again and to discard that or to mock that person and say, why do we have her on stage? Well, aren't we always talking about how we want more people to understand that the Republican party is good for Americans? She's an American. And I was talking about it with Jared and Jared said, if you have people who are converting to the Republican party, they're gonna be different from you. They're not gonna have the same journey in life as Matt Walsh or as one of these conservative people, like they're going to have come to this in their own way. And that's the beauty of it is that she has opened her eyes. And so yeah, you can disparage her. She's a porn star, she's this, she's that, but that kind of judgment is not gonna win people over and it's not gonna win elections. Let's go to Richard. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Richard. - Hey, Grace. Hi, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. I'm gonna add my theory, conspiracy theory, to the pile of theories that I haven't heard discussed a lot. I'm gonna call it the Cerpico theory. If you recall, the true life story about Frank Cerpico was a New York City police detective who was a whistleblower. He was blowing the whistle on corruption within the New York City Police Department. And what they did to him was they didn't, they couldn't fire him. What they did was they put him in harm's way. They put him out on drug busts and other runs and stood back as the bad guys enclosed on him. He ended up getting shot in the face. My theory is that Trump got Cerpicoat. The DHS, my orchus, has been pulling back on the details to the very bare minimum. And if you do that enough and you do a lot of outdoor, big venue gatherings like Trump has done historically, you're just opening the door for the bad guys. They didn't know Crookster was gonna be there Saturday, but the door was open. And I think they just put him in harm's way. - Richard, and this is part of the reason why an investigation needs to occur and why I think Kim Cheetoh should resign, resign being best case scenario for her worst case. She should just be fired if she refuses to resign because we do need answers to this. And because Richard just said, he goes, I haven't thrown this conspiracy theory on the whole bunch of conspiracy theories. This is the issue. When you're not forthcoming, when you don't allow the sunlight in and you don't tell people what's going on, then it becomes this breeding ground for conspiracy theories and I don't blame people. I don't blame people for going, how'd someone get 400 feet away from the present with a rifle on a building? And the Secret Service had two minutes to figure it out and you're telling us that you didn't have a sniper up there because there was a sloped roof? Give me Kim Cheetoh cut 14. - Does that roof have been secure, period? - That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof and so the decision was made to secure the building from inside. - I gotta give credit to these, whether it's DEI hires or whether it's just far left radical progressives in the Biden administration or any of these federal agencies, there's no shortage. There's a shortage of competence, there's a shortage of intelligence, but there's no shortage of excuses. They have them ready to go. And it's never even the ones I think it's gonna be. Like even if I had to come up with, what's their excuse gonna be in this case? Sloped roof, like a Secret Service agent being afraid of being placed on a sloped roof, that-- - We don't want to put them in danger, that's their whole job. - Right, right, so you decided instead to put the former president in danger, I'm confused. - Now if you said, yeah, we don't want them dangling from a helicopter with their bare hands. Okay, I can go along with that, but it's a roof, I mean, come on. - Pick someone with good balance in the crew. Like, hey, don't pick the holster, lady, and don't pick any of those other ladies. - There's some rubber-soled boots. - Don't pick any of the ladies that were there, because they didn't seem like they were steady on their feet, but if you pick somebody who's, you know, done something like that before and has good balance and put them up on the roof, and there you go, but the other part is, whatever happened, you're just saying yes. Like answering, would that be the craziest thing? Because I guess if you say yes to that one, he says, should there have been someone up there? And if you just say yes, it was an oversight, then the next logical step is should you step down? But it's really stunning to me how nobody ever takes accountability for anything. It's like, well, it was the county, it was the county cops, the county cops, but it was the state police, and the state police go, it was the secret service, and the secret service says, it was the roof, it was the roof. Our hands were tied. Peggy, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Peggy. - Hi, Grace. I was just thinking about this, and they said that there was people, like people that were there, just regular people that saw this guy up in the roof, they notified police officers that were on the floor. You know, there was people talking about it, pointing, taking videos. He's up there, he's up there, he's up there. How about this for an idea? At this point, if this is 30 minutes prior to the president going out there, how about telling the president, just stay put for a minute. Don't go out there till we check this guy out. That's all, simple, simple. They don't even do that, and they get 30 minutes notice. - Well, I think they had, unless I'm misunderstanding this, I think they had two minutes notice, Peggy, of when they saw this guy crawling up on the roof. That's what I, the alerts started going out from the people on the ground about two minutes before, but that's plenty of time for someone to communicate that to the secret service and to get the president off that stage, and it's plenty of time to eliminate the shooter on the roof. And we did hear that one of the local cops there in Butler got on the other cop shoulder, one of my callers hit the money on the head, it does sound like something out of Canton, got on the other cop shoulder to try to see the shooter, but then by the time he kind of perched himself up and pulled himself up, the shooter was pointing a gun at him and he couldn't reach for his gun, it all sounds like the three stooges. And I don't wanna blame the local cops either because it really does fall to the secret service, but this totally makes me see everything differently now. Like I never was one of those people who was that nervous when a politician was in front of a big crowd 'cause I thought, well, we don't even understand all the lengths the secret service goes to to protect these guys. We saw a little bit of it on Saturday and I don't think any of us are impressed. - It's told to me like the crime scene. - We'll be right back, we'll take more of your calls. Thank you for the call, Peggy. It's 844-542-42. Jimmy Felia from Fox News, he's a comedian, he wrote, "The contrast couldn't be clearer. Trump got shot and showed up to a convention 48 hours later, Biden took a week off and couldn't stay awake through a debate." Yeah, the juxtaposition of this system does not look good for Joe Biden. We'll be right back. - I don't wanna be locked into a statement where later on you show me that it's somebody else. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - I wanna issue a formal apology to Peggy. Peggy was right. I was getting all my stories confused here. There's been so many different news reports and I'm not making excuses, I blame the roof. But there have been a lot of different reports about when this guy was spotted, and I was going based off the videos of the people who started screaming right before the shots rang out, but Peggy was on the money. I guess there had been a report, an officer reported the suspicious person on that roof 30 minutes before the assassination attempt. And I apologize for getting that one wrong. That is insane. How Taylor does Kimberly Cheetah not step down? Does being Jill Biden's BFF save her in this situation? Does being a woman save her in this situation? Does wanting to diversify and have 30% female secret service agents by 2030 save her in this situation? This just feels like someone has to take responsibility. And you know what I should play here? Is Joe Biden's reaction to it? Because he has confidence in the Secret Service and he's not worried. He also says he heard from Kimberly Cheetah. He calls her him. But can I have a little bit of Joe Biden talking about the Secret Service Taylor with Lester Holt? - Is it acceptable that you have still not heard at least publicly from the Secret Service director? - Oh, I've heard from him. - I'd have heard from her publicly? - Publicly, I've sat down in a situation from downstairs. Secret Service, the FBI, the national security agencies, the Homeland Security, all the major elements. - Yeah, and Mayorkas has full confidence. Now, all these people have full confidence in everything. The world is burning. Trump almost had his head blown off. And these people, though, the borders wide open, inflation's running rampant. And these people are so confident in everyone. It's like, if this elicits confidence, if you've never felt better, then I shudder to think what would have to happen in this country for you guys to lose confidence in these people. If you feel as though Kimberly Cheetah and the other Secret Service agents that were on the ground on Saturday did a bang-up job and that nothing went wrong, then what has to happen for you to admit that there was a massive failure? Is the only way you'd admit there was a massive failure if the shooter succeeded and Trump was killed? Or even then, do you think they would have said, "Well, we gotta, the investigation's ongoing "and we can't really speak to it right now." And honestly, if you gotta look at the roof, it was really slanted. It could have been slippery. A lot of things we don't know. The lack of accountability in our society right now never ceases to amaze. We've got Ari Hoffman next, and we're going right back to your cause with a whole two o'clock, so don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - You know, part of the reason that JD Vance matters isn't for these kind of short-term electoral calculations. He matters because of what he means to the Republican Party long-term. This is cementing a kind of nationalism. Now, Trump, to your point, I agree with you, he's an instinctive, impulsive, intuitive nationalist. JD Vance is an ideological nationalist. That's a much more dangerous virus because he can make this, he can polish this stuff and make it seem palatable to people. - What a beautiful example by Van Jones of toning down the rhetoric. And, you know, bringing us back to earth here by calling JD Vance a virus. You know, I don't think that if a Republican were to use that verbiage, it would be applauded. But that's what's happening at CNN. And to be fair, if you compare it to the coverage we saw from MSNBC, I would say CNN's coverage was far less aggressive than MSNBC's. Joy Reid was comparing Donald Trump to George Wallace. It really was like the lack of self-awareness of these people who are lecturing us on how Republicans need to work on, you know, bringing down the political violence while they talk like this is not surprising, unfortunately. Joining us now to talk about JD Vance, to talk about the RNC, it's one of my favorite guests, Ari Hoffman. Ari, thank you so much for joining the show. I know you're at the RNC right now. Give us your overall reaction to last night. What did you make of the speakers? What did you make of the overall vibe? And definitely tell us what you thought of Trump's entrance into the stadium. - It was historic, absolutely historic, Grace. And I think that word's getting overused, but it's true, it's exactly what it was. I mean, there are people who have been coming to every single RNC since they were old enough. And they're talking about how they've never seen anything like the circumstances that led up to this and what happened in that room last night. I gotta tell you, in that room last night, it was electric. And I was sitting away from all the delegates. They keep us pressed and in upstairs, not near anybody. And you could feel the electricity even up in the rafters, which is where we were. The mood when Donald Trump walked into the room was something I've never experienced before. I mean, think about the precedent. I don't think there is one, except for maybe Bob Marley, when he got shot on stage, I feel like a bear's that I could draw. But you have a man who is as beloved and as hated as former President Trump surviving an assassination attempt only by the grace of God. And then entering a room of his supporters to just amazing cheering, to God bless USA, by Lee Greenwood. It was an amazing moment and it was an inspiring moment. And I'll tell you something else. I took a lousy cell phone video of it from up in the rafters down below, and I sent it to my relatives and all of them just kept saying, wow, I wish I was there. Wow, I wish it was there. If that can come through in a grainy, lousy, terrible video that I took for social media, imagine what it was like in the room. And I think what the Democrats that you played before, like Van Jones are reacting to, is the fact that they know they've lost, they don't know what to do. So they're going back to their old playbook, which is just he's the devil, he's the devil, he's the devil, he's the devil. Yeah, and you just said, inspiring, electric. I think it was also very emotional. I saw Donald Trump, Jr, kind of getting misty-eyed. I think a lot of people in the crowd were getting emotional. And I'm curious if you think that resonates with people who might not be part of the MAGA base. I mean, if you're at a convention, your David Marcus put it well today in the morning wire, that's about as base as you can get, if you're at the convention, at the RNC. But as far as people watching at home, do you think this translates? Do you think people understand the gravity of what happened over the weekend and the fact that Donald Trump came out relatively unscathed? Yeah, I really think they do because last night, I saw something from former President Trump. I saw a crack in his armor. You saw a guy who was vulnerable when he first came into the room, thankful, and maybe just a surreal experience. I mean, we think of him as inhuman. We think, and I mean that in the best possible way, like he can take anything, but somebody tried to kill him and almost got him. And we think of his steely exterior where he can tell off CNN and tell off world leaders, but somebody tried to kill him. And by one inch, one inch was the difference between life and death. And don't forget he hasn't been in a public space around a crowd this large since it happened. And there's gotta be some fear, even though you're surrounded by the Secret Service and the walls that it took to get in here and the 10 levels of security took, I took me half an hour to get in here yesterday. So even then, you're talking about a guy who's just been through a terrible trauma, and you saw him thankful to be alive. You saw him thankful to be here. You saw his kids thankful their father wasn't killed. And we think of Don Jr as another guy who's tough. We think of Eric as another guy's tough. The entire Trump family, sure they're tough. They can take it, they can dish it out. But you saw the humanity in that family. And I think that resonates with a lot of suburban voters where they go, he's a human. And he was almost killed. And everybody says he's a threat to democracy. And somebody tried to kill him. What does that say about the people who are supporting taking out Donald Trump? - No, you're absolutely right, Ari. And I was thinking about that when I was watching Donald Trump's entrance. I thought as courageous of a guy as he is and as kind of crazy as he is. And I mean that in a good way. Like you're never gonna find somebody like this again in politics. There's gotta be a part of somewhere in the back of his brain where he is nervous. Like any of us would be that this was able to happen once and could it happen again? And thankfully, it seems like now they have the A team working with Donald J. Trump. I wanted to ask you about J.D. Vance, Ari because that was obviously what Van Jones was reacting to. But he's going to be put under the microscope now. He already has been the last couple of weeks as it's become clear he was the front runner. But now it's like game on. People are gonna start combing through his history. People are going to start criticizing every part of his life. And right now the issue that seems to be at the forefront of the media's attack on him are his previous comments that he made about Donald Trump. I wanna play his back and forth with Sean Hannity and then get your reaction to the way he's handling this thus far. This is cut nine. - You know, Pat, you literally said you texted a friend that Trump is a cynical a-hole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad and might even prove useful and that he's America's Hitler. And you compared him to a cultural heroine in the Atlantic Monthly. And I'll tell you Trump's response, but you said that then. - What do you say to people that say, well, wait a minute, what did he mean? - Well, Sean, I don't hide from that. I was certainly skeptical of Donald Trump in 2016, but President Trump was a great president and he changed my mind. I think he changed the minds of a lot of Americans because again, he delivered that peace and prosperity. If you go back to what I thought in 2016, another thing that was going on Sean is I bought into the media's lies and distortions. I bought into this idea that somehow he was gonna be so different, terrible threat to democracy. It was a joke. Joe Biden is the one who's trying to throw his political opposition in jail. Joe Biden is the one who's trying to undermine American law and order. President Trump did a really good job. And I actually think it's a good thing when you see somebody, you were wrong about him, y'all to admit the mistake and admit you were wrong. - What do you make of that, Ari? Is that gonna be enough for him to move past those comments? - Well, I think the Democrats are hanging on to that 'cause they got nothing else. This is a guy who has a lot of common sense, moderate policies, and they are freaking out because he's an unknown. Donald Trump didn't pick somebody who's a firebrand who's well known like a Marjorie Taylor green to be his running mate that they could demonize. This is a guy who's got Hollywood popularity because of the movie, "Hillbilly Elegy." He's got book popularity because of the book. And this is a guy who Americans don't know a lot about. But they're gonna find out that his policies are very common sense and that a lot of them are very, very moderate. And now a lot of Donald Trump's policies are also very, very moderate. And that's what's appealing to a lot of old school Democrats, a lot of true classic liberals. And it's freaking them out. I saw a battle on "B" headline that right before they named him, oh no, it was right when they named him. It said, "20 unnamed women come forward to accuse JD Vance of crimes he never committed." Because that's just what they do, they destroy. So here they're trying to say, oh, we're woeing dissent in the Republican Party. But you know what else scares them more? The fact that Donald Trump is bringing in people who used to disagree with him. That since 2016, look, I didn't vote for him in 2016. I didn't vote for Hillary, but I sat that one out. I think I voted for my father-in-law. But and then in 2020, I happily voted for him. And now you're seeing more and more Americans, not just voting for Donald Trump, but defecting to the Republican Party. And you're seeing pure research saying that people under 30 are defecting to the Republican Party. That's what they're really freaked out about. And this unity that has come in the wake of the attempted assassination is scaring them more than anything else. - Yeah, it's such a great point because I was thinking about that this morning and I thought there's very few of us out there who were on the Trump train since day one. Like I know a lot of people would love to claim that they were like, oh, I always knew. But there was a lot of skepticism of this guy this real estate tycoon who came in. And he had thrown out the idea of running for president for decades and then he said he was gonna do it and he was outlandish. And there were a lot of people who had to see him, including Greg Gutfeld. Greg Gutfeld said, once I started going based off his actions and not his tweets, I really started to like him. And so in a weird way, I think JD Vance's evolution into becoming a MAGA supporter is going to resonate with a lot of people who are gonna go, I don't hold it against him. I was the same exact way. And I think that's part of this that the media is nervous about is that it's actually not going to repel people because Ari, you know as well as I do, there's nothing wrong with changing your mind. And actually, the left would be much better suited if once in a while they did the same thing. - Yeah, I completely agree. And now look at it, Dems are in disarray. So when they point to the Republicans and they try to say, oh, Republicans are fighting with each other, anytime the Democrats accuse the Republicans of something, it's something they're doing. Look what's happening right now. They can't even agree if Joe Biden should stay in the race. They can't agree on who would replace them if he does get out of the race. None of them like Kamala Harris. I mean, the advice I've been saying, I'm not a Democrat consultant, but I would say them, take the loss. Then you get rid of Biden and Harris at the exact same time and you can start fresh the next time around and run against Donald Trump in 2028, run against him in 2026 and probably do okay for the Democrats, but what they're really worried about is that Donald Trump's message is now resonating and it's not like it used to be where people see how bad things are now with the economy, now they have the comparison of how bad things are at the border and in the international stage. Once they get a look at that and compare it with Trump's policies, they're gonna see, hey, maybe I belong with the Republican party instead. - Yeah, no, I think that's a really great point. The last thing I wanna ask you is Nicole Wallace last night said she hopes JD Vance challenges Kamala Harris to six debates because Kamala Harris is going to wipe the floor with JD Vance in a debate from what you've seen of JD Vance thus far, from what you know about him. Would you agree with that statement? - I think I put up a tweet yesterday of the two pictures of both them side by side and I said, this is gonna be the do not miss event of 2024 because JD Vance will absolutely destroy her. I mean, she'll be thinking of, you know, what has been unburdened by what has been or whatever nonsense she's spewed out. She'll start talking about how much she loves space or the passage of time or whatever nonsense quotes her staff give her, I really think a kindergartner is running her speeches or one of her staffers is just playing a drinking game with what can we get her to say? And I think she's gonna have a pre-prepared talking points and JD Vance who actually knows the issues is going to absolutely destroy her and I hope they agree to six debates. I do because she will say after the first one we're not doing that again. - Yeah, Ari Hoffman, we love having you on. Everyone follow Ari on Twitter at The Houghfather. He is the best. You can also read his work at The Post Millennial. We love having him. He's such a great resource for us and enjoy the rest of the RNC. We might check back in later this week. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. For example, I love to stream The Kardashians. My husband hates watching it, but I say, hey, I can just pull it up. I can watch it whenever I want. You can do that with podcasts. You don't have to wait all day on the radio for your favorite show to come on. Well, guess what? The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a certain price and then start negotiating. You don't have to do all of the things that people assume you're going to do when you sell your real estate because a lot of it has evolved. And that's good because processes evolve and times change and things get better. And that's exactly what's happening with real estate. You can sell your home in a well marketed auction with JJ Manning and it's under your terms. And best of all, there's no contingencies. Times have changed. The way to sell your real estate is changing too. JJ Manning uses their own 30, 30 marketing plan. 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. And I want to encourage people, first of all, to go to, call Charlie Gill, 800-521-0111 and start that process. Just make contact and begin the process of figuring out a way to sell your property that's going to make you a lot of money and it's going to relieve a lot of stress. But I also would encourage you to check out the Meet the Experts podcast that Justin Manning did with Howie Car. It's a really great podcast and you'll understand the level of expertise that Justin Manning brings to the table. And I think that it will offer another reason for you to call Charlie Gill to get in contact with the crew at JJ Manning. So it's 800-521-0111 or go to to get your real estate sold. When we come back, I want to play some of these joy read cuts. I want to play the cut of Morning Joe explaining why they were pulled off the air yesterday and they're very, very mad about it. They are not happy that they got pulled off the air. And actually my takeaway from this entire attempted assassination is that the real victims in all of this are Mika and Joe. Donald Trump with the bandage on his ear, no. The real person we need to take out the violins for is Joe Scarborough because he has been wronged. And we'll talk about that. Plus take your calls when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪ Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ So that was Ingrid Andress, she's a country star. I think I've heard of a couple of her songs, but she went viral after a really terrible performance of the national anthem. And she has posted on social media, she said, I'm not gonna BS y'all, I was drunk last night. I'm checking myself into a facility today to get the help I need. That was not me last night. I apologize to MLB, all the fans into this country. I love so much for that rendition. I'll let y'all know how rehab is. I hear it's super fun, exo Ingrid. So happy to hear that she's getting herself the help she needs. It's unfortunate that she went out there and performed because this is how the internet works. People get wind of it. Just ask for you, it takes a little while. But you know what people do move on? And I give her props for being honest and for trying to get help. And we wish her the best. Eddie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Eddie? - Hey Grace, thank you for taking my call. - Yeah, I'm a long-life producer. I'm gonna retire in about five years. And I couldn't be any prouder than our president of O'Brien coming out and sticking out here. Thumbs up for Trump because it's been a long time to pick up my money going to the little warrants and the series in the caries of the world and following back the Kennedy help maybe you can do to go into those people. But I am a prouching story now and I am so happy. (applause) - I'd like to give my peeps from the greatest state in the nation, Massachusetts. Some props, what's up? - Yeah, that was Sean O'Brien. And you know, I'm glad you brought this up, Eddie. I appreciate the call because again, it goes back to this tent that we've created where you have, I mean, who would have thought 10 years ago even that a Republican national convention, you'd have the venture capitalist, David Sachs. You'd have Elon Musk donating all this money to Trump's Super PAC. You'd have Amber Rose, rapper/TV personality, talking about how her dad convinced her that Donald Trump actually wasn't racist after all and she did her own research. And then you'd have the head of the Teamsters up there given props to Massachusetts, the greatest state in the union. You never would have seen this coming. And you know what? It's a party of people that have changed their minds. It's a party of people that have witnessed a lot over the last four years and they don't like what they saw and they decided to course correct. And it doesn't mean that everybody in that group, the David Sachs's and the Sean O'Brien's and the Amber Roses agree with every part of the other person's agenda. But we can agree that the direction we're going in is not good for Americans and American families. And so we wanna course correct. And I think that's a wonderful thing. I have had my fair share of criticism for Sean O'Brien. And for David Sachs even, like there's been plenty of times where I'm sure I've come on this show. If you could pull the cuts, you could of what things I've said that I don't agree with them. But some things are more important in saving this country and putting this country back on a course that we can be proud of is very important. And so I was thrilled last night to see all of these people come out and give their support to Donald Trump. And I was glad to just have him enjoy it. And I think Ari Hoffman hit the nail on the head with that where you did get the sense that it was a, yes, it was a presidential candidate. Yes, it was a former president. Yes, it was someone with a lot of courage. But it was also someone who just went through a traumatic life-changing experience. And I think you could feel that in the air at the RNC last night. We're talking morning Joe, enjoy, read, and more craziness when we come back. Some problems, let's go! (upbeat music)