The Howie Carr Radio Network

Secret Service Director's Excuse? Blame it on the Roof | 7.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace discusses U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle's pathetic excuse for not having Secret Service on the roof of the building that was later occupied by Matthew Thomas Crooks. Also, Darvio Morrow joins the program to talk Amber Rose, the RNC and more.

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Happy Tuesday, and thank you for joining us. We have a wonderful program prepared for you. I'm gonna be speaking with Darville Morrow at 12.30, and then we have Ari Hoffman joining us from Milwaukee to give us an update on all things RNC. Last night was The Kick-Off Night, and there's a lot to report. It was a really fun event, I'm gonna get to all of that, but first I wanted to give you all a rundown on what we now know about the Secret Service's handling of the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally/attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump, which has been all over the news, and the more that comes out about this, the more I end up scratching my head. Now, first of all, the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheetel, or as Joe Biden likes to call her, Kim, she was a very, she had a big fan in Dr. Jill, Dr. Biden. I remember yesterday a caller waited, and he said, "I heard that Dr. Jill also had an event nearby, or, you know, in Pennsylvania, and the Secret Service had to go to protect Jill, so, you know, they were shuffling things around in order-- - Dr. B. - Dr. B. - To offer protection to Jill and Donald Trump, and just to get the facts straight here, 'cause this is like morning Joe. We just deliver the facts. The Secret Service is denying that, so that's worth mentioning. But, now we're getting reports. - That's the word. - That when Dr. B was the second lady, when Joe was Vice President, which I think he told us in another interview he did yesterday was in 2020, but the dates are a little murky. When Dr. Jill was Vice President, was second lady, see? This is what happens. - Teacher, teacher, what do you see? - Maybe she was, Vice President, who knows? - Her and Trump, her advisor, Anthony Bernal, and he was the one a couple months ago, follow me here, where the New York Post wrote a story. At the time, this was the kind of story I was loving. I was like, ooh, a little palace intrigue, some rumblings in the White House. Compared to what we have going on right now, this story wouldn't even cross my radar. But at the time, maybe it was a slow news week, and I was excited about it. Anthony Bernal has been working, you know, in DC for decades. And he was the one who came under fire back in March for allegedly making inappropriate sexual comments in the workplace and bullying his colleagues. He's known as Dr. Jill's work husband. She loves this guy. Doesn't matter how much he bullies his colleagues, or, you know, talks about inappropriate things, he's got the protection of Dr. B. And I guess he is a big fan of Kimberly Cheadle. Because Kimberly Cheadle is a big fan of DEI. And in fact, she's such a big fan of diversity that she prioritized making the agency, the Secret Service, 30% female by Taylor. Do you wanna guess what date? What year does she wanna make the Secret Service? 30% female by. What's the end date here? What's the goal? - 2035. - 2030. 2030 is gonna be a crazy year because everything's happening. Like all gas powered cars are going out the window. You know, all of these green New Deal initiatives are kicking off in 2030. It's going to be wild. And 30% of the Secret Service is gonna be female. And if based off what we saw on Saturday, that's not good news for anybody who needs the Secret Service. And I should clarify here, 'cause I am woman, hear me roar. I am sure there are talented qualified women who are in the Secret Service. I really have no doubt about that. But the ones we saw on Saturday were not it. (buzzer) They were not it. In fact, I have been a little bit transfixed with the video of the one Secret Service female trying to holster her gun for what feels like, feels like an eternity. She was just, she was struggling. It would look like, I think if I were holstering a gun, it would look pretty similar. And that's not good. That's not what you want. You don't want Grace Curly looking at a Secret Service agent and thinking, I wonder if I could do a better job. That's when you know we're in a bad spot. - I think it was Jerry Callahan who tweeted out, somebody talented, a talented male that was actually qualified for this job was passed up for Melissa McCarthy. - And I feel bad, 'cause it's, you know, it's not this, it's not this woman's fault that she was put in a position she's not qualified for. I don't want to make fun of her. I know she's getting a lot of heat on the internet, but there is an issue when you have such a high-stakes job and you have people who don't know what they're doing. And are kind of vocally saying, what are we doing? Like asking that question. Now, I want to make something like Josh Filler who we had on yesterday who was an excellent guest, Homeland Security expert. He said, listen, nobody knows how they're going to react in a panic situation. My whole thing is, I don't want to make fun of this lady. I don't want to make fun of any of the ladies who are doing this, but you have to be taller than the guy you're protecting, right? Don't you have to be bigger than him? - Yeah, at least cover most of his mass, exactly. - That's really the issue here. And again, I feel this way about most jobs. It's like, there are situations where it's hard to fault the person who just took the job when really they should have never been put in that position to begin with. That should have never been an option. That woman never should have been out there. If you don't know how to holster a gun, you should immediately not be on, you know, the final list of people protecting the former president. Yeah, so my overall point is the women we saw on Saturday, and that actually makes me feel like if I were a woman in the Secret Service, they wouldn't want me. Let's, I think we can all say that pretty confidently. You've all seen me move a chair into the studio, move it out, not a pretty sight. But if I were a woman and I were strong, I were fit, and I were a Secret Service agent. And again, I'm saying this, I bet there are plenty of them. I would say, in my mind, I hope they fire these other women because that is not a good representation of what we do. It's not making you look good if they keep these ladies on board. So the blame game has already started. Cheetah, the head honcho here, who Joe Biden thinks is a man. But you know what, that's his own issues. That's his own bias. He has to work that out on his own. He's sad to believe you have still not heard, at least publicly, from the Secret Service director. Well, I've heard John. Interesting, tell us more. So Cheetah made a bizarre comment about how the roof was sloped. This is a real, like everyone's pointing fingers. There's a million different excuses. And the buck stops, this is a theme since Joe Biden has been president. The buck stops absolutely nowhere. No one has ever held responsible. You know, Molly Hemingway tweeted out, how many people are gonna be fired for this and Ben Wyantgarten retweeted it and said, about the same amount of people that were fired for Afghanistan. In other words, goose egg. Everybody gets to say in their jobs. It's what my nanny used to say about the phone company. You have to kill somebody to get fired and you have to do it during your shift on site. These are facts, check them out. Otherwise you're good to go. That's the Biden administration and all of these other agencies under his watch. So Cheetah was saying the roof was sloped and it doesn't make sense for us to put a sniper on a sloped roof. That doesn't hold up to me at all. She blaming the roof. Like, oh, is that who we're supposed to, is that who we're supposed to hold responsible here for this utter failure? Can we take it up with the roof? Is the roof gonna get the pink slip? So she blaming the roof. Now yesterday, the Secret Service says it was the local police who were tasked with securing the building. I did ask Josh Filler about that. And he told me, he said, to be fair, it's a necessary part of securing an event that the Secret Service is gonna have to delegate certain areas to local law enforcement. But now the county police are saying, well, the building was not in our jurisdiction. It was actually the state police that were supposed to sort of say, everybody's like, don't look at me. Wait, I think it was supposed to be, this is what they say when you go to a swimming pool and you bring your child to a swimming pool, they say, always make sure somebody's watching, you have a designated person watching the children swimming because if everyone thinks everyone's watching then nobody's watching. In this case, everybody thought somebody else was in charge and nobody was in charge. It's not funny. I'm just laughing at the craziness of all this. So the police say, the county police say it was the state police. See, it wasn't our jurisdiction, the state police had it covered. Now the state police, the deputy of the state police in Pennsylvania said, Secret Service always has the lead on securing something like this. In other words, the buck stops the Secret Service and I do tend to believe that. I have to imagine that it doesn't matter how many excuses you have, your goal here is to not let a bullet get near the former president and one got very close. In fact, it grazed his ear. So that's your fault. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that you can find a loophole that we told so-and-so to look this over. At a certain point, if you're the head of this, you have to have some answers. Now, a local police counter sniper team was stationed inside the building. This is a big story today. Everyone's saying, oh, so there was a sniper team inside the building that the shooter ended up climbing on to the roof of, but I guess it doesn't really do you any good if you're inside the building and someone's on top of the building and you don't know it. I would think you would be concerned about that perch up above. Now the post had a story about how one of the police, the Butler Township Police, one of their police officers climbed, I couldn't even believe I was reading this. Did you read the story? - Yeah. - Climbed on a fellow officer's shoulders to see the roof and then had to back away- - Wait, I didn't know that they were playing chicken. - It sounds like the little rascals, like if the little rascals had a police department. He climbs on his shoulders and then he can see the shooter but he's in a vulnerable position because he's kind of clinging onto this roof on somebody else's shoulders and he can't grab his gun. So he has to back away 'cause the shooter is looking at him like, "Okay, I'm gonna shoot you." I feel stupid even explaining this because it's so bananas that this is what's happening with our secret service and the law enforcement surrounding it. Massive, massive. And my favorite, I don't mean my favorite part but the craziest part. - I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. - That's just standard practice though now. The craziest part was when they ask about this stuff and the powers that be, the people who are supposed to be in charge are like, "Well, we can't speak to whether or not "this was a security failure yet." - Really, you can? I'm all for investigations but can't we all start at the same point? Can we just, can we establish? Like can't we have a little bit of common like settled science before we break into the investigation? I would say that the obvious takeaway from Saturday, besides the fact that Donald Trump was one lucky, lucky dude and that bullet was very, very close to his head, I would say the other takeaway is something went wrong. It was too close. It shouldn't have led to that point. And I don't think we need to have, we need an investigation but I don't think we need an investigation to establish that fact. And so then the question becomes, will Kimberly Cheetel resign? Or be fired? And of course not, let me know. Why would she? 'Cause she's incompetent? So is everybody else. That's no longer a reason why people lose their jobs. It's because you failed at your one designated mission. It's a sad state of affairs. When we come back, we will take your calls and say four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We're also gonna have some fun. We're gonna talk about the RNC. It was a great first night. I know that that is up for debate for some people. Some of the real cranky conservatives out there, they're not happy with the way the RNC handled night one. They think it was too crazy and it was too far off the agenda and it was too inclusive. It's like, oh God, Archie bunkers, let it go. Have a little fun, loosen up. It was a fun night. And you know the sense I really got was not only that the Republicans had this second wind of energy and they really did seem unified. But also there was a tremendous amount of joy in the room. And I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that we did just, and this is a pun here and I don't mean it, but we dodged a bullet. We all did by the fact that Trump is okay. And I think that you got that sense. There was a lot of people in that room that could feel this appreciation for DJT and for the Republican party and for where we're at and hopefully for the future. And so we're going to break that down. We're going to play you some cuts. It also helped that while the RNC was going on, it was coinciding with the Lester Holt Joe Biden interview, which I'm going to make the case was worse than Joe Biden's debate. I think it was way worse. And we'll talk about it when we come back. Don't go anywhere. I want to take your calls and your reactions to everything from JD bands to the RNC to Joe Biden. We'll be right back. - This ain't England. We throw England out of here a long time. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪ Oh say can you see ♪ ♪ By the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪ ♪ By the twilight's last gleaming ♪ - Yeah, okay, so give me the scoop on this. This is Ingrid. What's your last name? She's a country singer. - I don't know much about her. - I think I know one of her songs. - Ingrid Andrus. - And she was singing in a baseball game. - The Home Run Derby. - This is the biggest national anthem club since Fergie. ♪ We were so gallantly streaming ♪ (singing in foreign language) - Yeah, this is just reinforcing that I will not accept any invitations to sing the national anthem because there's a lot of room for error and she definitely showed us that. And I think the players were having a hard time keeping a straight face and I don't blame them. It doesn't come close to Fergies though. If we put up Fergies next to that one, Fergies was so much better 'cause Fergie did a lot of like (sings) she did a lot of-- - Oh, that was just the first part. There'll be other times we hear. It's pretty bad. - I'll listen to the whole thing and then I'll make my judgment. Ed, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ed. - I had a question of you, Grace, about the two police officers. The one of them was on top of the other one's shoulders. - Yeah, go ahead. - Have they spent a lot of time in Canton, Massachusetts? - That's not a bad-- - Were they spent coming from the hillside of the waterfall? - That's not a bad question. Ed, I was thinking the same thing. And you know, we had a caller yesterday. He was, I think he was a cop. And he said a lot of the issue is that there, law enforcement, and this isn't a slight at any of our cops out there. You know, I love police officers. But a lot of times there's people who are not trained properly and if you have the Secret Service relying on those people in a situation like this and not overseeing it properly, there was not enough oversight here. You can't just say, okay, we designate you guys with this building and hope for the best. And then you leave it up to people who are in no way qualified or who are just, you know, taking on the job without really understanding the full responsibility of what they're being tasked with. There's so much room for disaster. And that's what we saw on Saturday. And, you know, I give props to James Comer. I give props to some of these Republicans in the GOP who are talking about investigating this because this should scare everybody. I was thinking about this the other day. I'm like, this isn't just something that should scare Donald Trump as far as security goes. This should scare Joe Biden. This should scare Jill Biden. This is not, and I did notice that yesterday they brought out the A team with Donald Trump when he was at the RNC. And we are gonna talk about that entrance 'cause damn, that was something else. With the bandage on his ear, he came out. Did anyone else think that maybe there was a little moment there where the former president looked like he was getting a little emotional? Or was that just me? I thought I caught just a tiny bit of a glimmer of a tear in his eye. Could be wrong. I'll take your calls on it. 844-542 plus! Morning Joe is back today and they're reacting to getting pulled off the air yesterday. We'll have that for you when we return. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. [MUSIC] You never know what people are gonna cling to when we play sound cuts here. A lot of people are talking about this national anthem. And Taylor and I think we figured out the issue. One of the textures says this is the problem when you have someone who's good in a studio, but who's not good in real life. Like without the auto tune, without the crafty, production value, they can't really cut it. Taylor thinks the issue is when you have someone who's trying to add too many, what do they call them? Taylor, music runs, is that what it's called? Yeah, it runs. Okay, runs. And she was trying to get too fancy with it. And you gotta keep it simple with the national anthem. I don't even think she was trying to do the runs off. I think she knew she wasn't doing well and she was trying to save it. Like with the final notes. The way I talk, the way I sing when I go out and do my gigs, if I'm not having a great night, I know that even if the song is kind of just iffy, if I can end and hit the right note at the last very end of the song, people are gonna think I did a great job because that's the last thing they're gonna hear. You leave 'em on high note. So not, okay, sure. That's the expression. But she was trying to do just that. ♪ Oh say does that ♪ ♪ kind of those ♪ ♪ But not yet ♪ ♪ Wait ♪ You know what kind of sounds like? It sounds like Andy Bernard doing "The Baby Voice." It sounds like she doing "The Baby Voice." That's such a deep cut reference. We'll play it later. Okay, okay, okay. Well, you know what? We're looking for everyone's calling for unity right now. Maybe this actually is a little bit of unity. People are unified at the fact that they didn't like the sound of that. Joining us though to talk about something very serious is Darvio Morrow. There's no one I love having on board to talk about civil discourse and the ability to disagree with people and still welcome them into the Republican tent. Darvio has that down pat. Now Darvio, let's start though. Let's back up here. You've got an excellent piece in Newsweek and you said we have to love our country more than our right to be offended. And you talk about something that I think is very important right now. That's demonizing one another and also dehumanization and how that started to pervade our politics. Darvio, welcome to the show. Give people a little bit of a summary of what you wrote about Newsweek this week. Thanks so much for having me. I always appreciate it. And also as an aside, yeah, that national anthem was horrible. (laughing) For the record. But yeah, so that was with the events of everything that has taken place over the weekend. That was the thing that kind of really stuck with me and was really kind of on my mind. And in my heart is that when you stop viewing people as people and just as your opposition as political entities, people do bad things when you do that. And my piece was largely about dehumanization. And the other thing too is like, nobody as far as both sides, nobody's hands are completely clean. Everybody has a little bit of dirty hands on this because the right has plenty of examples of the left saying nasty things about them and vice versa. And the point of being able to put down your right to be offended, that's the only way that people can actually come together because everyone has a reason why they should say, no, you're wrong because you said this about me, that about me, et cetera, et cetera. And I think we're in a position. And a lot of times we don't understand this that the way that our politics is set up, the way that our country is set up, we are in mutually assured destruction. Either we win together or we will lose together. There is no middle ground here. And one of the things I mentioned in the piece, the reason why dehumanization is such a big problem is because it's a conscience blocker. We have that still small voice that tells you right from home, but when you dehumanize people, the loudness of your ideology overpowers that still small voice. So things that you know are wrong or things that in other situations and other circumstances you would do, you find a reason and excuse to do it because you don't view your enemy or your political opponent as a human being anymore. It's just this nameless, faceless entity. - Right, and it's the end to justify the means. And I think we've seen a lot of that over the last few years. I will say that you're on the money about the fact that nobody here is perfect. Nobody's got a clean record. I do think that part of what drives people, at least my listeners, crazy, is that you have Democrats who disparage their opponents. You have Republicans who disparage their opponents. But the media, which is for the most part, very, very liberal, they behave as though it is all Republicans all the time. Even after Donald J. Trump was almost killed in an attempted assassination, last night I heard Joy Reid comparing him to George Wallace. I heard Van Jones calling J.D. Vance a virus. So for these people who get on their soapbox and lecture us constantly about dialing down the rhetoric, they don't do it at all, Darvio. And I think that that hypocrisy is what really bothers the right and maybe makes it hard for us to acknowledge anything that, you know, any problems with our own party because we're so focused on the, you know, stunning hypocrisy of these people in the media. - Well, and I think that's a legitimate argument, right? I mean, there is a case to be made that, you know, the media does what it does. I mean, I saw people saying this the same day, like right after he was like, I'm sorry, there's only one presidential candidate that just took a bullet, right? Like, so we gotta fit, you know, we gotta be honest about that part as well. But I also think that people have to, to some extent, people have to start looking past that you can't allow the court jesters to dictate your reaction to certain things. And it's a very difficult thing to do. And both sides need to do it because both sides have their set of clowns. And I think sometimes the clowns are the ones that are dictating the conversation. And when the clowns dictate the conversation, then everything becomes a circus. And we're all trapped in the circus. I think it's a legitimate argument to be made about the media's role in all of this. And it's also legitimate to call them out on it. I think that's above board completely. But at the same time, we have to decide to no longer allow those people to dictate the terms of the conversation. - Yeah, Darvia, I didn't wanna ask you. We've covered now the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and people's reactions to it. Last night was the first night of the RNC. And this was really interesting 'cause I've had you on before and we've talked about this idea of Republicans, you know, opening up the tent to different people from different walks of life. And I think there really has been a desire on the part of Republicans to do just that. It's the actual, you know, making it happen and putting it into practice that has proved more difficult, whether that be, you know, grassroots efforts on the ground, the game has to be, you know, increased. But last night we saw a real glimpse of that. We saw Amber Rose, she's this TV personality, social media star rapper, you know, you name it. And she's part of Hollywood. We saw Silicon Valley coming out for Donald Trump. We saw a Teamsters Union head coming out for Donald Trump. And something that kind of discouraged me that was after this, there was this pushback on social media, especially with Amber Rose. And I saw that you were tweeting about it as well, that maybe she is not representative of the conservative movement and it was a mistake by Republicans to put her up on that stage. I wanted to play a little bit for everybody in case you missed this. This is Amber Rose last night. The first person I knew who supported Donald Trump was my father. I was shocked. My entire family is racially diverse. And I believe the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist. My father said, no, he's not Amber. What are you talking about? And when I insisted, he said, prove it. So to prove my father wrong, I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump. (audience cheering) People have to do their research. (audience clapping) I watched all the rallies and I started meeting so many of you, his red hat wearing supporters. (audience cheering) I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight. It's all love. (audience cheering) - So Darvio, and I saw Matt Walsh was one person, but there were other conservatives who didn't like her message or really didn't like her politics before this. They don't think that she ideologically fits the conservative agenda enough for them. How do you respond to that? - I think it's outrageous and ridiculous and this is why they lose. I mean, the foolishness, particularly, like you said, there were others, but Matt Walsh, the way that they are attacking her for that speech, that very heartfelt, thoughtful speech, expressing her view, supporting that candidate is a reason why a certain segment of the country views the conservative movement the way that they do. This is why, when you have comments like that about Amber Rose, when people were attacking her, another one is Harmony Dylan, who led a seat prayer in the benediction, and people have been attacking her identity. Like, this is why, if people ever wonder, well, how come the Republicans are always called racist and bigoted, this is why? You have to, once again, silence the voices of these clowns. This is a seemingly unhelpful. If you're trying to win elections, and this is the thing I think conservatives need to understand that there are a lot of people on the right who have influence, who don't actually care about winning elections. They don't actually care about getting in a position to govern so that the things that you, that your listeners care about, can actually become law. They don't actually care about that. What they actually care about is making money off of division, making money off of separation. And that's what they do. So the attacks on Amber Rose, the attacks on Harmony Dylan are put in that perspective to me because the majority of the people that I see doing it, or amplifying that, are the same people who are always the most devices because that's how they make money. So conservatives, if conservatives want to do something about this, is take stock in the people that you listen to. Take stock in the people that you follow. A lot of those people are not in your best interest, even politically. They don't care if you win or lose. They just care about making money off of division. - Really well said. Yeah, there's plenty of grifters out there, that's for sure. Everyone, I want you to follow Darvio on Twitter at D, the kingpin. I want you to read his latest at Newsweek. If you can, I would appreciate it. It's a really great piece. And it's titled, "We have to love our country more than our right to be offended." Darvio, thank you so much for joining the Grace Curly show, my friend. I hope to talk to you soon. - Thank you so much. I always appreciated my friend. - Last time I visited Perfect Smiles, I had a few things on my mind. I had to get my teeth cleaned. And I was actually looking forward to it because unlike most places, you get your teeth cleaned at Perfect Smiles. It's painless, it is quick, and it is efficient. Like your teeth are never going to feel more clean than after a trip to Perfect Smiles. Now the second thing though, I was a little bit less excited to talk about, and that was my jaw was killing me. I had tried Botox, it worked the first time, didn't take the second time. So I told Dr. Houghton, and I was open to any ideas. 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But if you feel better about your smile, you feel better about yourself. And that's a really, really great thing. So I want you guys to check out Perfect Smiles. Check out their video testimonials at Change your smile, change your life, go to and get the ball rolling. We'll be right back. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua. Call 1A44 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, do you like Trump's pick of JD Vance for vice presidents? - I love it. I love it. I'm a huge fan of JD Vance. And I've been trying to think about why I like JD Vance so much. And I always go back to, oh, he's just really smart. He's able to handle the media. That's huge for me. He's able to handle the media. You can tell that there's an anger there, that he doesn't like the media, but he's able to do it in a way where he doesn't lose his cool. He just kind of destroys their arguments. It's very similar, I think, to Tom Cotton, to Vivek Ramaswami, there's a lot of strong conservatives right now in the party that are able to do that. I also like that he's young. He's 39 years old. He's a young guy. He could someday be president. It could usher in a whole new generation of conservatives. He will be, I think, the second youngest VP if Trump wins this election, the youngest was Breckenridge. But Nixon was really young too. One of the textures pointed that out. He was 39 when he became VP. I just think it's a good thing. Obviously Nixon's political career was over. That wasn't the main headline in his political career. But I think having a young VP is good. It actually makes good on this idea of passing the torch, which politicians love to talk about, but don't want to actually put into practice. And this is a way to do that. So I love it. I know people have issues with it. Some people, John Hinderocker and Powerline Blog is not happy. He doesn't like his foreign policy stances. He doesn't think he has enough experience. So this is just how it goes. There's going to be plenty of people who disagree. Bob Hedlund wanted Tulsi Gabbard. A lot of people wanted a RFK junior. I happen to think J.D. Vance is a great pick. He's someone who made his bones outside of politics. And I really think for me that is a great sign. I think it's a sign of a productive member of society. If you can write a book that turns into a movie about your life, that people actually want to read, and you can have a successful career, and then you enter politics, does it remind you of anyone? I like it. - Turtle Boy. - Yeah, that's exactly who was on my mind. How'd you know? That's who I was thinking of. Boy for VP. - But yeah, I like it. - Yes, 90% say yes. - All right, let's go to Jamie. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jamie. - How basically are you doing, Grace? I actually think that the Secret Service needs to be held they need to be held accountable for what happened to actually be former president because they should have had more Secret Service should have been on those rooftops. - Yeah, no, Jamie, great point, and thank you for the call. I wasn't sure if Jamie, I talked to Jamie before he came on, 'cause I wasn't sure what he wanted to discuss, and that's a really great point. The Secret Service should be held accountable. They at least should have to answer questions, Jamie. They at least should have to hold some sort of presser, and they haven't been at any of these. They're not being very responsive. You have the head of the Secret Service, Cheetos, saying that the roof was sloped as if that's her get out of jail free card. It's ridiculous, and thank you for the call, Jamie. I appreciate you listening, and I appreciate your perspective. We'll take more of these calls. People wanna talk about what happened on Saturday, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. I also really wanna discuss his entrance and just the mood of the RNC last night. Did you think it was a successful first night? What I really loved about it was that there was so many different parts of America brought into that room, and it doesn't mean that all those people agree with each other on everything, but they agree that the country was better off under Donald J. Trump, and that's the point of this. So we'll talk about it, we'll take your calls, to play more sound when we come back. (upbeat music)