The Howie Carr Radio Network

Mayor Bob Hedlund Joins Show To Talk About The RNC Convention | 7.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Mayor Bob Hedlund joins the show to talk about the RNC convention, and Howie talks about how the left leaning media is describing the assassination attempt on President Trump.

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15 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Burna non-lethal pistol. Now more than ever, you need a Burna. To learn more, go to Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Most importantly, I mean this in the bottom art, Trump is a threat to this nation. If you want to really see something that's said, take a look at what happened. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio, there's no place in America for this kind of violence. Sick. We cannot condone this. Trump and his MAGA friends are determined to take away your freedom. I think everyone is underestimating Donald Trump. He is one dangerous man and we need to take him really seriously. Take him out now. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. And with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. I am going out there to take out Donald Trump. I don't respect these MAGA Republicans. But there are a lot of people to do what I call quote, the wet work, unquote. So CIA term. Take a guy out. Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history. They said, well, do you think Trump is responsible for what happened? I said, well, look, I mean, obviously he didn't pull the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. Most importantly, and I mean, this is wild and hard. Trump is a threat to this nation. I mean, obviously he didn't pull the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's. Howie Carr. 844-542-42. Apparently, that's a hat that guy was wearing. I was wondering about his hair. I'd never seen a hair like that before, but I guess it was just a sort of a visor cap with a fright wig on it, I guess you'd call it. All right. 844-500. That guy was pretty smart, though. He seemed to know what he was talking about. It seemed weird that a guy with hair like that would be. Not that you can judge a man by his hair, I understand, but that was a weird get up that guy was in. But he seemed to know what he was talking about, and he was very articulate, coherent for someone who just seen someone get his head blown off as the BBC guy was some reason objecting to. 844-500-542. We're going to take nothing but calls this hour, but I do want to play some more of these cuts. You notice all the words they were all going to use, and let's just go over at some of the phrases that they were going to use. This is on NBC. Again, you knew these phrases were coming. Cut 16. We'll have it here in a moment. His supporters, though, are using images like the ones we're seeing on the screen, including both of his sons, pinning those images to their ex-accounts, the website, formerly known as Twitter. Pointing out the idea that their father, the Republican nominee in waiting, if you will, is a fighter and kind of seizing on this moment to elevate him politically. He had a choice, this hack from NBC. He could say he was seizing or he was pouncing or he was weaponizing. So this is Wolf Blitzer, the German-born 76-year-old anchor of CNN. He's with Scott Jennings, and Scott Jennings puts him down brilliantly. Cut 18. We're also hearing from Trump, very, very strong statements of condemnation of Biden, the worst president, the most dangerous president, and all of that. He's speaking very, very strongly against President Biden. Who's in the hospital? Well, we do. This is an assassination. Look, I agree with you. You say calm things down. I agree both sides should come. This moment is, if there was, if we, what other wake-up call could there be for everybody in this country right now? I am, I am mortified. I mean, this will live on forever. These pictures we're seeing today will be in the history books of our children and our grandchildren. Now, we're living through a historical moment, and we have to recognize it for what it is, and we have to change. You have to pull the rhetoric on both sides. You have to change. Because it's really dangerous and it foments what we've, we've just seen over the past couple hours or so, and it's a really, really scary situation. Especially if you're a Republican, Wolf. Maybe, maybe you don't understand the way things work around here, even though you've been here for a very long time after you came in from Deutschland. But, you know, what do you expect? If someone shoots you, do you think they're going to, do you think you're going to be happy with the, with the people who shot you? So Margaret Brennan, she's a real hack. She's taken, you know, CBS had Katherine Harridge, but she got fired by that black woman who just got fired herself last week, the Dominican, who was trying to do away with all the, trying to get all the white people off the, or seem to be getting all the white people off the, the network and said she wouldn't hire white people or you'd have a lot, she told a woman, a white woman, you'd have a lot of easier time getting hired here if you were a, if you were a different color. So woman who comes in from, she's an immigrant from the Dominican Republic and she's, she's saying she doesn't want, she doesn't want white people working for it. Now, now she's, now she's not going to be working there anymore. But this is Margaret Brennan trying to apparently suck up to this, a Dominican born race, it races to hates whites, even though she's gone now. So this is, this is Saturday night after, after Trump's been shot, cut six. And he closes with God bless America and we saw him raise his hand in the air defiantly blood on his face as he left the stage. He is recovering from these injuries now. This was a traumatic event, no doubt for him, but I did notice there was no call for lowering the temperature, condemning all political violence and really trying to signal to his supporters as well, not to retaliate or to have any kind of escalation here. I, I just, I'm looking at these statements. Well, there's a belief in his inner circle that he's under siege. I understand, yeah, he attacked and his rally. So there's what is under siege? Is this a belief? Where did this belief come from? He just got shot in the head literally every single one from Trump sources is outraged and they're outraged. Their guy was shot in the head, the highest ranks of the Republican party speaking to CBS News tonight. I gotta, I gotta tell you, you know what they were saying in the lowest ranks of the Republican party? That would be me. I was outraged. Were you outraged? If I'll be through a lot of independence and Democrats who were outraged. She didn't notice it. There were no calls for lowering the temperature. The guys, the guys probably just got filled full of fennel and the doctor, he said, he said to Michael Goodwin that the doctor in the emergency room said this was a miracle. It never seen anything like this. A guy gets shot in the head and you know, basically nothing wrong with him other than, you know, he's going to have a cauliflower ear, I guess from now on. So, you know, she, she even took, took grief from, from the left wing media about being such a, such a, uh, probed to ask Soviet court as an journalist. So the next day, she's on the face, deface the nation and she's trying to walk back her comments. Cut eight. Yesterday's assassination attempt against Mr. Trump confirmed our greatest fears. Oh, right. Last night, we reported on inflammatory statements made by some of our elected or political leaders and some of those who had called for calm. Mr. Trump issued a statement after his traumatic experience. And I noted that his statement did not include a call to lower the temperature. It was not meant as a critique, but rather an observation I made in the moment of that breaking news. Today, he said that quote, in this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united. So in that spirit, let's all hope for a safe campaign for all of those involved and the former president and his family deserve our empathy after what happened. I wish him and his family the best as he recovers from the attempt on his life. Oh, it's mighty nice of you. You're rooting for him to recover. She was ripping him. He's literally in the emergency room issuing that statement after being shot by a rabid partisan, shall we say. And she's criticizing him. And then on NBC, they're saying they're seizing, but not weaponizing and pouncing. So, you know, one of the some of the other things they always say, they always say, the shooter was a lone wolf. That's in the Wall Street Journal today. They're saying that's a headline in the Wall Street Journal. A shooter was a lone wolf. You know what else they always say? The shooter was bullied. That's a headline in the Wall Street Journal too. I'm sure every other paper in America. And then what else do they always say? You know what they say. We know what about the motivations? Lester Holt, what about the shooter's motivations? Cut 19. We don't know what the motivation was for this, but it certainly comes at a time that we're all keenly aware of the deep divisions and the risk of political violence. Oh boy. 844-542-42. Listen, this is Jen Pesaki, who's not a journalist, by the way, has never been a journalist. She's a journalist like George Stephanopoulos or Jake Tapper or F Chuck Todd. You know, she's just a Democrat operative who was given a huge contract for her services to the party, capital T, capital P, the party. And now she's become a journalist and she's well For anyone out there who has a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party, you are feeding into the danger. You are making it more likely there's retaliation. I'm incredibly scared. I'm scared for journalists. I'm scared for people who have public platforms of all parties. And that's how people should feel. She's incredibly scared. Was anyone incredibly scared for me when Democrats were chasing me around with C4 that they got from the FBI and I was taken out graveyards trying to shoot me because I was writing about Democrats at the State House? I don't recall any great concern in the state-run media. So this is Juliet Kayem, another Democrat operative from Massachusetts on CNN. Listen to this nonsense. Cut 9. Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves to be under threat. And that's all that matters. That is that is not legitimate. That is wrong. It's not legitimate. You hear the screens from the audience. People are terrified. One of them was killed. Maybe you didn't hear about that guy. He was a volunteer firefighter 50 years old with two daughters. Did you hear about that guy? His fears were not legitimate as the bullet crashed into his brain and killed him. Let me hear that one again. That's the most ridiculous. That's even more ridiculous than Jen Pasaki or Margaret Brennan. Cut 9. Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves perceived under threat. And that's all that matters. That is that is not legitimate. That is wrong. You hear the screens from the audience. People are terrified. Pay no attention to those to those bullets whizzing by you and killing people in the stands. Pay no, that's not legitimate. There's no, you are, you're not under any threat. How dare you be offended by that. 844-542-42. I'm how we car. How we will be right back after this short break. I'll be car is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? What saved President Trump's life Saturday night? Good luck or divine providence? Divine providence has 79%. All right. 844-542-42. People who discussed it with what Juliet Kiam said, that that's not legitimate, that he has fears just because he got shot. That was after he got shot, by the way. They see him, he's bleeding and they see him being taken out by the secret service, including the woman who can't even figure out how to put the gun back in her holster. She's saying it's not legitimate. I happen to have met that woman one time, at least once, at the video link studio in West Newton, before Zoom came and took over all the live shots on TV. She was running for something. She's from Harvard. Of course, she's from Harvard, Juliet Kiam. I know a lot of these crazy people. I used to work all the time with Martha Raditz when she was Martha Bradley. She'd been married two, three times. She married to Ben Bradley, Jr., when I knew her. Then she divorced him and got married to some guy in Obama, went to her second wedding, and she got divorced from that guy. Now, she and Steffi Stephanopoulos were on ABC yesterday, jenning up more fake news with this bloodbath. It's all very fake news. But here's Martha Raditz, another woman I used to know. Cut 15. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and destruction if you were charged by the Manhattan District attorney. I don't think he said that. Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful. Trump in January warned of Bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. Of course, in March, he said, "Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole. That's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it," he said. He was partly joking and that that was taken out of context. Brandon said just now. Oh, God. By the way, Margaret Brennan was so concerned about the retaliatory violence. Well, you know what happened, right? All the looting and rioting that went on in the Republican areas. I don't know about you. I lived near their big total wine in Natick. We went over and looted it. It's just a hulk. Now, we burned it out. Then we hit a couple of CVSs in Framingham. That's what Republicans do. It was our moment. We're going to demand that July 13th be made a national holiday now. We want it to be a national holiday to commemorate our struggles and our oppression down through the centuries. Vilma, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Vilma. Hi, Howie. How are you? Good. Thank you for taking my calls. Yep. What I don't get with these useful idiots is, what if they would have happened to Biden? What would they say once again, no matter what Trump does, the Democrats left, right, up, down. Many way you put it, it will always blame him. Right. And there's a whole crap lot of montage of damn shooting violence. I mean, it's from the first moment he came down that elevator. I just don't get it. Why did I please forgive me? No, I know. Let's play Maxine Waters here. It's in the intro, but you should hear it again. Cut 14. And with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out tonight. Chris Christie, a Republican. Cut. I am going out there to take out Donald Trump, but here's why. I want to win. And I don't want him to win. Christie, why don't you stick to take out extra cheese pepperoni pizza? Forget about Trump. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. All right, 844-542. This is the opening night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. And, of course, there is a delegation from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And one of the people in it is Bob Headland, the mayor of Weymouth and formerly a state senator. Bob Headland, tell us what's going on out there in the in the beer city. Well, Howie, I have no idea because my mother passed away earlier this week and my trip got delayed. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize. I'm sorry. I got held up a little bit. So, what are you looking to? Why do you want to go to the convention, Bob? I mean, you kind of miss what little excitement there was in terms of the vote, not that there was any actually. Well, I didn't anticipate my mother dying when I agreed to go and book the room and book the flight. So, you know, I pushed it back a couple of days. But it's a pretty good question, Howie. Actually, I was recruited. I mean, I've run for delegate in the past. And it's really sort of what sparked my career a little bit. I got talked into running as a delegate back in 1988 by a guy you might remember Bob Samonian. And, you know, I ran a couple times since then. I don't think we ran caucuses this time around. It was a little bit of a low-key situation this year, I think, for the Republican Party in mass. And I think they just pretty much sent invitations out. And obviously by virtue of my office, I guess I received one. Yeah, it was a, you know, in 2016, I remember it was kind of a contentious process. You know, they were, there were fights at these caucuses. And this year, there was none of that. Howie, I used to walk into the room, knew everybody, you know, because I've been in the trenches for a long time. I went to the 2016 caucus. I knew nobody. I mean, Trump brought a whole different group of people out to the caucuses. And I was defeated that year. And as you recall, I ended up spending some quality time with you on election night. I popped in at the last minute at the Trump election party. And it was very sparsely attended, if you remember. There were, yes, I was, yeah, the guests were outnumbered by the bartenders and waiters and the bus boys. Yes, well into the evening. Yes. And you and I were broadcasting out in the hallway. And then the results from Wisconsin came in. And we both looked at each other, kind of shocked. And next thing you know, the bandwagon jump started pouring in at midnight. Yeah, you know, it was it was amazing. There was nobody there. And then as Trump started winning and it looked like he was going to win, they the the the front runners started coming in. I you know, I've seen front runners in the past, Bob, but that was the that was the front runner's night to of all time. By by like 1231 o'clock, you could have had a you could have gotten a quorum of the Republican state committee. And there there was literally there was zero people zero Republican state committee members there at eight thirty or nine. I remember very clearly you. Well, there were there were a couple there were a couple. Janet Fogarty actually booked the room and put that put that party together. But you're right. Generally speaking, it was pretty sparse. But I remember you turning to me after the Wisconsin thing and we were excuse me remarking about some of the people coming in. And you said, Trump's going into this owing nobody nothing. I clearly remember you saying that. Yeah. And then you said to me, do you think I could get to be the ambassador from Finland? Well, don't laugh because they actually approached me on that four years later. Bob Hedlund is a Finnish descent. You may or may not know that, but that's true story. They came to me four years later prior to the last election. Yeah. In like 20, I think 2018 or so. But yeah, this is going to be one heck of a ride. Howie. So, you know, I agreed to go. It's going to be, you know, being a little bit of part of history. I didn't anticipate only being there for three days. But, you know, I've missed a little bit of action thus far. But it should be interesting for the last few days. Are you happy about J.D. Vance or would you have liked somebody else? You know, I didn't do a deep dive on some of these folks. My gut was telling me, Chelsea Gabbard, I thought that would be a really dynamic pick. And watching her debate, Kamala Harris would have been something, you know, two Polynesian women going at it. And I think Chelsea would have mopped the floor with her. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I'm kind of, I'm kind of up in the air about J.D. I mean, he's got a great story and all that. But I thought maybe there was a couple of better candidates. Like who? Like Chelsea. You know, even though even though she was with Bernie Sanders in 2016. Hey, J.D. Vance was torturing Trump. He was. You know what? You got a point there. We've been in that, Howie, right? Yeah. I'm looking at the tweets that have been coming out all afternoon since he got picked. I mean, he said he said some horrible things about Donald Trump. Right. Right. And you're going to see a lot of those replay it, I'm sure. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So anyway, so yeah, I'm sorry about your mother, Bob, and I hope you have a good time out there. And we'll check in with you later on. And if you see, and can I tell people about your tweet yesterday? Yeah, you know, unlike you, I got a photographic memory. I mean, I do that all the time when people come to my office, I'll say, Hey, you look like so and so, you know, I have a lot of fun with that. And the minute I saw that picture of the would be assassin, it's the first thing I thought of. I think it's a remarkable resemblance. It is. I wasn't doing it to be. I wasn't, you know, one woman attacked me, but you know, I didn't think I was being mean. And by the way, my inspiration was the Boston Herald, because you guys used to run that feature, I think, on Sundays, right, but many, many years when I got a big kick out of it, separated at birth, two pictures that looked alike. We stole it from spy magazine, and then we used it more than spy magazine did it. And yeah, as I told you, I said, I wanted to do, I wanted to do John Deaton, the Republican Senate candidate and Brian Albert, the owner of Chloe, the wonder dog on whose front yard, John O'Keefe died. And you, and I told, I said that back to you. And then I ran into Deaton later in the afternoon, and he was laughing about it. What I said, Deaton was that I saw him yesterday, and I mentioned it to him. What was your favorite separated at birth of all the time? I can remember one. What's that? What's that? Going way back when Dukakis had the the tank ride with the helmet? Yeah. You guys put Rick Moranis up from Spaceballs. I remember that one, and that had to be what? That was a long time ago. Then there was a guy, there was a, there was a team killer from Somerville named Eddie O'Brien, and someone put in me and Eddie O'Brien said, here are the similarities. They're both from Somerville, and nobody likes them. Then, of course, speaking of Somerville, there was Buddy McLean, the first head of the Winter Hill gang, and Billy Bulger and his youth. They were both blond, and they both combed their hair the same way. I mean, it's amazing how many people you can do that with if you're really looking. I don't think we went off the track. We didn't mention who I put up in the picture. Oh, that's right. Go ahead. Tell people. Well, it was the would be a fasten, as we mentioned, but he appears to be like a very young Elizabeth Warren. He's not wearing any feathers in his hair, though. That's the only different. He really does, though. It's really amazing. I'm not going down that path because don't forget, if I do get the nominated to be ambassador to Finland, I need confirmation of the Senate. It's going to be nice here. Will she be introducing you, or would you prefer Eddie Marquis to introduce you to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? You know, as mayor, that's kind of tough question. No, as mayor, I've had to work with both of their offices, and on that level, I'm fine. Obviously, I don't agree with a lot of the votes, and most of the votes and policies that they push, but we've had a decent working relationship, and well, you know, even though the Republicans might be in control of the Senate by then the way things look. That's true. That's true. Then who would introduce you, I guess? I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know the... Well, I think generally, if you're home state senator supports you, they'll carry it, you know, they'll introduce you. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't have done much good when Jesse Helms was running the committee, and to have Ted Kennedy introduced Bill Weld, or it didn't do him any good. That's for sure, going back to the old days. But anyway, Bob Hedlund, mayor of Waymouth again, so I'm very sorry, very sorry about your mother's death, and you know, we'll talk to you again before the end of the week, and you know, you're always a good guy, and I'm glad you're going out there. Hey, Howie, last point when you mentioned Jesse Helms and Ted Kennedy, when I had a rock and roll radio show one night a week down here in the South Shore, back in the 90s, and when well got torched by Helms on that thing, I called down to his communications director, and I said, could the senator cut a promo for my rock show? Because I had other notable politicians do introductions to songs and things. We had a lot of fun with that. I wanted to do a thing that said, when I'm not derailing Bill Weld's nomination as ambassador to Mexico, I listened to the rock ball with Cliff Stone, my suit. And did he do it? They got back to me, and they said, no, we're not going to do that. That's a shame. You don't know unless you ask, though, right? Hey, Weld did one for me. Salucci did one for me. They were pretty good. All right. Hey, Bob Hedlund, thanks again, condolences to the passing of your mother, and we'll talk to you again soon. Always good this year for me. Thank you. Your ratings went down by one listener after that, Howie. How are you, my dad? I'm Bob. I always hate to lose. I hate to lose anybody who listens to the show or reads my column, but we're doing pretty well with Karen Reed, I must say, to be very crass about it, Bob. Right. Well, if anything happens down there, we'll check in with you, Howie. Okay. Thank you, Bob Hedlund, mayor of Wayma. Thanks for checking in. He's been a good guy. He was a senator for many years when Bulger was running the show. 844, 542. We'll be back with questions and take it all the way to the top of the hour. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show returns after this. He's Howie Carr. 844, 542, 508 says, "Can you win the show with a couple of Billy Bulger stories, please?" You know, I was down last night at yesterday afternoon, actually, at the fireside in Middleboro. Kelly Dunner, the city counselor from Taunton, who's running for the open state senate seat down there. It's been held by Pachico, a real empty suit for more than 30 years. She was having, I wanted to just go down there and support her. I went down with Senator Peter Durant, and there were a bunch of good Republican candidates down there for state wrap-in for the state senate, including Matt Muratore. I think I hope I'm pronouncing that right. He's from Plymouth, and he's running for the open senate seat down there in Plymouth. Chris LaZone was on. L.A.U.Z.O.N. down on the Cape, and of course, Kelly Dunner was there. You know, I told the story that I just heard that we had the hearing yet last week on the cannabis commission, which is in total dysfunction, a real hacker ram, and never was any need to set that thing up. They could have put it under the ABCC or the state gaming commission, which was not really needed to be set up. They could have put the state gaming commission under the lottery commission, but these wanted more places to put hacks. And I guess, somehow, Karen Spilke, the president of the senate, is connected or, you know, allied with Treasurer Goldberg. And I've been told that Spilke told all of her members, the Democrats, 36 of 40 members in the senate, 36 of 40. It used to be 37 of 40. Not to go. She ordered them not to go. And I said at this event for Kelly Dunner this time, they said, you know, this is like Billy Bulger days. You know, she's ordering senators not to go to a hearing, a public hearing about a disastrously mismanaged agency. I mean, who are these senators working for? Are they working for Karen Spilke or are they working for their constituents? I mean, you know, you know, the answer. It's a rhetorical question, but it's like Bulger days. Nothing's nothing's really changed. I mean, Karen Spilke doesn't have a brother who's a serial killer in a cocaine dealer. But other than that, what's the, what's the diff? 844-542-42. I'll tell some Bulger stories some other night, but I just wanted to mention that. And again, if you can help out Kelly Dunner, and help out any, help out any Republican who's running, we can't have a continuation of this one party state. It's just, it's a disaster. Nick, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Nick. Howie, thanks for having me. Sure. It's an honor. It's an honor to be here. A long time listener. Love what you do for media and thought in America. It's important. My comment today was, you know, one of observation, of course, I'm reacting as everybody is. But my experience, you know, I served in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I can tell that those shots were, were dialed in. They were very accurate. It speaks towards their training and their preparedness. So they missed. They were accurate. And Trump, Trump, Trump dropped instinctively. And he saved his own life. And then the, the other comment I had is, I think some pundits are calling it a security failure. And there's a lot of people who seem to be subject matter experts on security. I just wonder where they all were when the wars were going on, but be that as it may. But I mean, what about the, what about the local cop, though, Nick, that they say, that they see went up the ladder. And then he saw the guy with the rifle. And then he didn't want to confront him and shoot it out with him. And I have this feeling that, you know, there was a case, we were just talking to the mayor of Weymouth. There was a police officer killed in Weymouth a few years back. He had a gun and this perp had a rock and he didn't want to shoot the guy. And so the guy killed him with the rock. I mean, don't you think that police officers are, are, are skittish about using their weapons, even in, even in cases where it's a life and death situation. I do. And I think it's a double edged sword when we, when we look over police shoulders, and that gives them a cause for concern that they're ending up in jail now. Right. Like the guy in Minneapolis that he didn't, and by the way, he didn't kill George Floyd. He didn't kill despite what you read in the newspapers every day or online. The coroner ruled that he died of a heart failure brought on by addiction, you know, and he's still in prison for it. Yeah, there's a, there's a lot of evidence for that, but that's not what the mainstream news media carried. I think this is all funneling and, and my take home point here, how you, if I may, this is all funneling towards you can't depend upon others for your security. You have to be capable yourself. Right. It's the old saying when seconds matter, police are minutes away. And that's not a knock on police. They're, they're honorable men and women, but you have to be prepared. And when bad, when bad people want to strike, they're going to find a way. It's, it's how people react that in the seconds that wins the day. Yeah. You know, you can't, you can't wait four minutes for a response call in it. And that's the best that police can do. And they're, they're asked to do superhero stuff. And it's not possible. We have to do our own heavy real shit. Yeah, we do. Look at burn up, b y r n a dot com. If you don't want to have a gun, if you just want to have a less lethal pistol, or have a flip lock, if you want to protect yourself in your house, I'm Howie Carr.