The Howie Carr Radio Network

When's The House Committee On The July 13th Insurrection? | 7.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie starts the show talking about the assassination attempt on President Trump over the weekend. Then, we had breaking news JD Vance will be Trump's running mate.

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15 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Burna non-lethal pistol. Now more than ever, you need a Burna. To learn more, go to Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom art, Trump is a threat to this nation. If you want to really see something that's said, take a look at what happened. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio, there's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick. We cannot condone this. Trump and his maga friends are determined to take away your freedom. I think everyone is underestimating Donald Trump. He is one dangerous man and we need to take him really seriously. Take him out now. Donald Trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. And with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. I am going out there to take out Donald Trump. I don't respect these maga republics. But there are a lot of people to do what I call quote the wet work, unquote. Say CIA term. Uh huh. Take a guy out. Because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history. They said well do you think Trump is responsible for what happened? And I said well look, I mean obviously he didn't pull the trigger but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. Most importantly, and I mean this is why our Trump is a threat to this nation. I mean obviously he didn't pull the trigger but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... How a car. And let us not forget the trust-funded pablum puking rich boy freshman congressman Dan Goldman. He has to be eliminated. That was his comment. He has to be eliminated. Taken out. Wet work. Came very close, didn't they? Someone came very close. Are they... Are the people who did this or who exhorted the shooter? Are they a threat to democracy? Are they an existential threat to democracy? When is the July 13th House Committee on the insurrection going to be impaneled? 844, 542, 428, 444, 542, 442. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. And it's just such a lucky moment for the United States, for all of us, including people who hate Trump and don't even know that he helped their lives, will help their lives if he's reelected. It was such a fortunate moment for all of us that he was spared, that he turned his head and just took a bullet to the air. And then just the the the lies of the mainstream media though are just unbelievable. I just made a I just made a list here of you know just I wrote wrote the list down. Didn't even I we have cuts of a lot of this stuff but CBS CBS news chyron Trump injured injured at rally in Pennsylvania USA today Trump rushed offstage after popping noises popping noises rattle crowd in Pennsylvania CNN. These are the early headlines. Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after he falls at rally. Howie get some breaking news. Yes, JD Vance JD Vance has been named. Okay, that's what we that's what we thought. Yeah, Charlotte told me order hillbilly elegy for me. I think I have I have it down in Florida but I don't have it here. So she had ordered before it sold out. I got it. It'll be here. It'll be here on Wednesday Charlotte would before you get you get help here from Dallas. $9.50. 49 tax with prime shipping. It'll again not a bad deal from Amazon. But anyway, that's that was expected. That that's the way it looked. I tweeted it out early last night that that's the way it was that's the way it looked. All right, that's good. I'm happy with that. We'll take some calls on that too. By the way, we'll be talking about all this stuff all day long, obviously. I know a lot of people wanted Vivek, Tulsi Gabbard. There was this crazy story that he was going to that he was talking with RFK Jr. And do you want to say something Grace? Grace is all I think Grace is happy. I'm very happy. I think people will come to appreciate JD Vance. He's still fairly new to people. They're not that familiar with him. He's a really strong pick. He's really smart. He's like Tom Cotton or one of these guys who can go and really handle the media. And I think that's going to be his main job is to put people in their place when they start coming up with lies about Donald Trump. You know, the one thing I liked about him on Saturday night is he wasn't mentioned any words about the mainstream media, about how they had they had with their violent, dangerous, insurrectionist rhetoric that they had helped bring on this terrible moment and this near catastrophe with the shooting of President Trump. And you know, he was getting criticized for that. But I like the fact that he was willing to come out there. That's what they need is a tough guy. I mean, maybe on the margins, Tim Scott would add it a little bit more to the ticket brought in some, some different votes. But, you know, I mean, I think he could handle Kamala. But, you know, is he is he really has he really got the fire in his belly? Again, he takes, he takes or he's taken orders for a long time from Mitch McConnell. He's just, you know, he's he's a go along to get a long guy, a congressional lifer. So I'm, I'm fine. I think it's, I think it's pretty good. I think it's pretty good. And you know, I know some people, I just I don't like Yale. Okay. I like, I trust distrust. Yale even more than I distrust Harvard. And I know some people don't like Peter Theo, you know, the billionaire who was his big, big money guy when he was running for the Senate in Ohio. And, you know, they think, you know, he's a Silicon Valley guy and all that. And I don't know though. And see, he's he's pretty, he comes from a poor background. You know, that's the whole premise of a hillbilly elegy. And so he's he's the guy. Did you see Trump last week? I didn't know this until this morning. Vance versus Kamala will be insane. Yeah, will be. Yeah. Yeah, she, you know, she she she spends this woman who was born with a silver foot in her mouth. And and she but she claims to be the victim. She was she went to high school in Canada for cripe's sake. You know, both of her parents are college professors. This guy's a real hard scrabble guy. And she's going to be calling him a, you know, a product of white privilege and all this stuff. It's just and that's that's one thing I do like about him. He doesn't he doesn't brook any of that BS. He knows that the that if you're if you're working class, it doesn't matter what color you are. You're you're you're looked down upon by the powers that be and I like that. But he Trump said, someone asked Trump last week about him and said this. I forget who it was. Was it someone on Fox said, does the does the beard bother you thinking about the bullpen with that crazy handlebar mustache that he's got to get the food caught in? Because he's just too it's too long. It's too it's too it's too bushy. And he said no, he looks like he said something to the effect. He looks like a young Abraham Lincoln. So that's that's pretty good. I'm glad I'm glad he got it. 844 542 42. Okay, so here's a few more. Washington Post. Again, these are the initial headlines. Trump escorted away. He was escorted away. That's one way to put it. He's got blood on. He's got his he half of it not a half but a little bit of his ear was shot off. Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pennsylvania rally. How about the new new Republic last week had a picture of Trump as Hitler? A Hitler cover. The New York Times, the next day, the New York Times, they're on the front page of their opinion section. He failed the tests of leadership and betrayed America. Voters must reject him in November. That was a that's a good good timing for a story like that. But then you know what? They had a story on September 11th. They had a story about on the front page about Bill Ayers, the weatherman. No regret for a love of explosives in a memoir of sorts, a war protester talks of life with the weathermen. No regrets for a love of explosives. All right, so here here's Trump's statement. After lengthy deliberation and thought in considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the great state of Ohio. J.D. sir honorably served our country in the Marine Corps graduated from Ohio State University in two years summa cum laude and is a Yale law school graduate where he was editor of the Yale Law Journal and president of the Yale Law Veterans Association. J.D.'s book, Hillbilly Eligi, Eligi became a major bestseller in movie as a champion the hardworking men and women of our country. J.D. has had a very successful business career in technology and finance and now during the campaign will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for. The American workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and far beyond. Notice those all happen to be battleground states with the possible exception of Minnesota, which seems to be a battleground state this year. So you see, he's going for the, going for the Midwest, the Rust Belt. That's what he took in by narrow margins in 2016 when he won before the Democrats discovered mail-in ballots and harvesting of ballots. Still got to, still got to get the J.Valentine stuff to the Trump campaign just to keep them informed. I don't think this thing is over by any stretch of the imagination. If the Democrats were willing to play by the traditional American rules, then I would say it was over. But they're not and you know they're not and they know they're not. So we have to keep going here. We have to keep moving. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. You know, I heard, I think someone said this is a joke, but they said if J.D. Vance becomes vice president, then DeWine, the Republican governor gets to appoint a new senator. Please, God, tell me it's not John Kasich, the mailman's son. If, if, if that's in the cards, then cut, cut, where's Bergum? Where's Scott? Where's anybody? I don't want to, I've seen the last, I want to have seen the last of John, the mailman's son, Kasich. After the horrific events of the weekend, now more than ever, you should consider getting a burner. We live in crazy times and you never know when you will have to take matters into your own hands to defend yourself and your loved ones and having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. Introducing the burner, less lethal pistol launcher, developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. 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That's for 10% off and to check out the latest news about burner. And if you haven't checked out my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Brian Gantz, listen today wherever you get your Howie Car Show Podcasts. I'm Howie Car. Become a Howie Car Show Super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Car Show. Just enter your name and email at He's Howie Car. It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated. It must be nice to grow up with $50 million in a trust fund, maybe $100 million. Dan Goldman. Is that whatever the hell you please? You can buy yourself a seat in Congress. You could be a counsel for one of the phony baloney impeachments of Donald J. Trump, and then you can just go on about your merry way, and nobody's ever going to say anything to you, about anything. 844-542-42. Let's see. I love My Pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you could enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream Sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what saved President Trump's life Saturday night? Good luck or divine providence? Gerard Baker today in the Wall Street Journal said, don't attribute this to divine providence. It's easy for that limey to say. I'm attributing it to divine providence. So a 74% of the audience, 26% say it was good luck. All right. 844-500. I'm not a religious person, but I mean it was just a little too close. They say, first they said it was a half an inch. Now they're saying it was a quarter inch, a quarter inch. Look how little that, how small that is. A quarter inch the other way and it'd be dead. 844-500-4242. Happy Rubio wasn't picked. Vance is a great pick to succeed. Very relatable. Smart and humble guy. There's a lot. He's 39 years old. 39 years old. 844-542-42. Odd how the jackass party proclaimed January 6 is a bigger onslaught than the attack on Pearl Harbor. Not to mention the attack on Fort Sumter, but then they were behind the attack on Fort Sumter. But a presidential candidate is nearly assassinated and it's Trump injured. I think the Indiana star, the Indiana Indianapolis star put that Trump was startled or the crowd was startled. This paper used to be owned by Dan Quales family and now they've come to this. I mean I'm sure there's nothing much left of the paper, but that was the headline startled. 844-500-4242. When will the sexual assault victims start coming? 3-2-1. I actually texted that, tweeted that out a couple hours ago. I said stand by for the violin slot in 3-2-1. I would assume he's been vetted more than somewhat though. I'm pretty sure about that. Dennis, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, I heard that to boost their poll numbers, Biden and Harris are going to announce that they'll be voting for Trump in November. Well, you know, somebody said that since Biden. I think what Sean Spicer said that since Biden said that Trump was his vice president last week, maybe Trump should have picked Biden as his vice president, you know, just, you know, returning the favor. Kind of like one of those yankie swaps at Christmas. Thanks, Dennis. 844-500-4242-917. Advanced seems like the polar opposite of Mike Pence. Hallelujah. I think he is. I think he is. It's, you know, Mike Pence, they wanted to give a radio talk show host a chance to be vice president. It didn't work out. So now we move on. Now we have a combat vet and a best-selling author. 844-500-4242. We're going to take all your calls. We're going to just do nothing but calls all day long. And we've got a lot of, we've got a lot of Brandon stuff too. Brandon had another stellar performance last evening about the former Trump and of goal of goals. Much more, I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242. Breaking news, Trump wins Republican. Stop the presses, baby. All right. 844-500-4242. 944-500-4242. So now Grace is here with the nose. Yes, Howie. A lot of news we're still looking to find out about what happened on Saturday as far as the security failure at this rally. It's an ongoing investigation, Grace. Yes. But we can't, we can't release the social media just like the transgender shooter in Nashville. You know, it's part of an ongoing investigation, sources and methods. Well, the Secret Service is blaming the local police for failing to secure the rooftop from which the gunman attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. This is from the New York Post. The Secret Service was only tasked with covering the grounds where Trump's rally took place with local police being recruited. This is just what you want as people, uh, bureaucrats pointing the finger at one another. Yeah. And I do. This isn't like who, you know, who clears the, the trash after the Thanksgiving day football game, you know, it's a little more serious than that. Yeah. And I think if your task as a member of the Secret Service is making sure nothing happens to the former president, it doesn't matter who you put in charge of securing the buildings. It's going to come back to you. And when these people are screaming, you know, those people screaming and yelling about the guy, the, the shooter on the, uh, the act blue donator on the roof, that could have, that could have been the modern Zapruder film. I mean, and that was, they start that, that tape that you see of those people screaming, that starts, I've seen this online, it starts at, they go back to where Trump was speaking, it starts at 506 in his Trump speech. And the, he doesn't fire the gun, the, the, the rifle until 706. So that was two minutes. They were yelling for two minutes for the cops to do something and they didn't do anything. Yeah. When I, I was calling Howie throughout the course of this weekend after the attempted assassination on Saturday and you did bring up to me that when you look back at a lot of the photos of JFK's assassination, that you can tell that a lot of it comes down to where people were pointing at that point where people were hearing the gunshots from. And it's not, it's, it's not what we were eventually told. Many of the, many of the pictures you see, you see, they're, they're not pointing at the schoolbook depository where Lee Harvey Oswald was, or supposedly was, they're pointing at the grassy know. And in some pictures, you actually see little, what appear to be wisps of smoke coming up where, you know, where a rifle could have been fired. Do you think because of your extensive curiosity and knowledge about the JFK assassination and the lack of answers that we have from that all these decades later, do you think we'll ever really know what went on here as far as who dropped the ball, how this happened? I mean, the guy was 400 feet away from a former president and the candidate, the presidential candidate going into this election, 400 feet away with a rifle, how there's got to be more than just, we let the local police secure that building. I think it's just the, the, the overall incompetence of, of the federal bureaucracy, and it's not just a conspiracy. And people were saying, you know, they were on, on Saturday night, they were texting out, "Will this in the Kennedy assassination, the secret service was in on it?" But you know what happened was that most of them were invited to Jack Ruby strip club that night, and they were up all night, and they were, they were badly hung over. They hadn't gotten to bed till three or four in the morning. And so, you know, maybe, maybe Ruby was, was in on it, you know, to, to make sure that they were Logan, and they, you know, hung over. But you don't need everyone in on it. Yeah. And, and we, we never know about, we never would know about Jack Ruby because, because he's, he got this mysterious, very virulent cancer and died shortly after he was put in prison in jail. Yeah. And he always said, he always said, he, he went that, I think it was a Gerald, Gerald Ford may have been the guy who went down there with Chief Justice Warren, and they, they interviewed him in the jail, and he said, "I'll tell you everything that happened, but you got to get me out of this jail." And they said, "Well, we can't get you out of the Dallas jail." And he said, "I'm not saying anything unless you get me out of here. They're going to kill me in here." Right. And guess what? Something happened to him, cancer. Yeah. I think that something else that struck people is odd, is that original press conference that happened right after the attempted assassination, where the Secret Service, they didn't send a representative or anyone to, to speak at it. And the person who was there, the point person, for I guess maybe the local police, I'm not even sure who the, the man was, they said, is this, was this a massive security failure? And he said something along the lines of, and I'm not quoting directly, but, you know, it's too soon to say or we have to investigate, you know, the same things how we hear all the time, you know, it's an ongoing investigation. Right. And I thought, well, if you can't acknowledge right away that the former president almost having his headshot, his head blown off, is a security failure, then I have very little faith in what you're going to investigate, because that should be point, point one on the sheet is we messed up, because this shouldn't have happened. Where the hell is Christopher Ray, by the way? I mean, he wasn't there. And I mentioned this during the crossover. I mentioned this during the crossover that Bobby Kennedy later said that, you know, when he got the call, he was the attorney general, and it was his, his brother had been killed. He said he got the call from Jay Edgar, Hoover, the FBI, that then the FBI director, and he said, he gave me the message with all the emotions as if he had been telling me he had just discovered that a Howard universe, not Harvard, Howard University law professor was a registered communist. In other words, it was not a big deal, just another, another small item on the agenda. Yeah, he didn't care. He didn't care. And then I think he went to their track the next day with with his boyfriend, Clyde Tolson. Well, the part of this that I think garnered a lot of attention over the weekend was all the different responses. And Melania Trump put out a statement. It was a very well written statement that really expressed how Donald Trump, how she feels his humanity has been disregarded over the last decade with people attacking him around the clock for his politics. You also had Ivanka Trump, and this plays in a little bit how we do your poll question today, saying that she thought it was her late mother who was protecting Ivana, protecting Donald Trump when he was on that stage. Well, I guess, I guess Ronald Reagan thought the, you know, he came, I don't think he was not a religious guy either. And he came to the conclusion that, you know, that there was divine prominence and involved in saving his life. Although he got it, he got it hit, hit a lot worse than Trump did. I think it's probably like being in a foxhole. If you survive an assassination, you're not going to turn your nose up at the idea that maybe someone was watching out for you. I also wanted to mention here because while we are so incredibly grateful that Donald Trump was not killed in this attempted assassination, it should be noted that a beloved Pennsylvania father was killed protecting his family during this, and just a horrible story. Corey, Corey Compemper, Compemratory, who is 50 years old, he was, I believe he worked at a plastics manufacturing company, but he was also a volunteer firefighter. He was a wonderful father, loved his family. He was so excited to go to the Trump rally. He had posted about it on X, you know, going to the Trump rally today. And just just absolutely awful that this is what's happening in the United States of America. They have a picture of him with his daughter's 20th birthday and they're holding one, holding up a two and the other one's holding up the zero. It's just like he's in a happy, happy mood. Yeah, he looked like a very sweet, sweet man. And but some, some good news here, the Marine vet who was in a medically induced coma has been upgraded to stable condition after being shot at this rally. So those are just some updates for everyone. And as I mentioned, Secret Service is blaming the local police. By the way, would you like to know what the headline was in the Washington Post on Saturday, just like the New York Times had a story about the love of explosives on September 11th, Washington Post headline on Saturday, Biden trains fire on Trump trains fire. That means that he supposedly was, you know, in fine fiddle at his Michigan rally, so called, when he forgot the names of all the members of the congressional delegation, even though he's reading from a teleprompter. You know, I really appreciated because obviously there was this knee jerk reaction from, you know, everyone from Margaret Brennan to Nora O'Donnell to Joe Biden to suddenly come out and condemn the right and ask for all of us to turn down the temperature, and to unify. And I really appreciated John Davidson from the Federalist basically saying in his latest piece, I don't want to unify with these people. I don't want to unify with people who celebrate when a president almost gets killed. That you know, you're no friend of mine. And I saw a lot of that how he it's there was someone in Eric Adams administration who was who was suspended for celebrating what happened over the weekend. More breaking news. RFK Jr. is going to get Secret Service protection. Good. That's what Mayorkas has announced. It's about damn time. God, we mean, these people, these, these people are shameless. And we should talk about morning Joe. You know, and there he is. And you know, I understand that, you know, you know, Trump has said he's going to rewrite his speech and you know, he's going to, I think he's going to let the Bidens, you know, continue lighting themselves on fire in the Democrats. But you know, people like us who are deplorables, all I don't mean just people with a microphone, but I mean, all of us, I mean, there's no reason for us to stop talking about what jerks these people have been, how despicable their behavior has been, especially and not the least of which, not especially, but not the least of which is criticizing us for responding in kind to their vile attacks. Yeah, read this. This is the headline from David Frum after the assassination attempt. The gunman and the would be dictator. So there would be dicta, he's a would be dictator. There's no lessons learned. And how to, to your point about the RNC and about how everyone's telling Trump that he should tone down the speech. And if he wants to do it, if that's what Trump wants and feels is right, then he absolutely should. But Ben Dominich, who's no real, you know, he's not a super fan of Donald Trump. He came out today on Twitter and he said Teddy Roosevelt was almost assassinated and he gave a speech right afterwards. And he did not mince words whatsoever. He came out as angry as possible. And he really laid it out for people and said, of course, of course, you have these vicious feeble minds who are going to try to attack me with all the garbage that you're publishing in these newspapers. So I kind of agree with you. It's like, if Trump really feels that that's the best thing for the country, then far be it for me to tell him he's the one who's which is in the line of fire. But I also don't think that we have to be delusional about, Oh, Kumbaya, because if this were a Democrat who was on that stage, the pouncing and seizing and weaponizing, it wouldn't be, it would be all around the media right now. Oh, yeah. Definitely. And, and, you know, another one of the weird moments of the weekend was when that Margaret Brennan, she brings on Steve Scalise, who, I mean, Steve Scalise, they didn't get his ear knocked. Steve Scalise almost died. And she's going to lecture him about toning down the right of it. Yeah, she's worried about retaliation. She's, he's probably still carrying lead in his, in his body. And she's still in blood dripping down the side of her face. And she's like, is he going to come out and, you know, tell people not to retaliate? I don't know, Margaret, he might have to get a towel first and wipe the blood off the side of his head. I really, in that moment, Howie, I'm not one for, you know, cursing on the air. But I really did wish that Steve Scalise said, are you bleeping, kidding me, Margaret? Do you hear yourself? I got another one, Grace, Newsweek, MAGA, responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured, injured at Pennsylvania rally. How about the guy? How about the guy? And I can't even remember what network this was, but he said, there's this idea floating around in Trump circles that he's under siege. I said, huh, where would we get that idea? Was it the bullets that were whizzing past his head? Hmm. Or the fact that he was fined $450 million for basically for nothing. Grace's news is brought to you by Tuxtrucks GMC luxury tech and safety are all built into the entire premium GMC line. Tuxtrucks GMC and Hudson Mass invites you to experience GMC Sierra, the new Acadia, Yukon or terrain, GMC professional grade, search their inventory at tuxtrucks All right, thank you, Grace. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two gonna take a lot of calls this whole day. You've spoken and now our friends at MyPillow have heard you introducing MyPillow's most requested offer yet. Get the queen size premium MyPillow for just 1998 crafted with a patented adjustable fill. MyPillow conforms to your individual needs regardless of your preferred sleeping position. 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In light of this weekend's events, the president has directed me to work with the Secret Service to provide protection to Robert Kennedy, Jr. The 617 text, wow, after witnessing the 5'3" out of state shape midgets, little people guarding Trump Kennedy may think twice about accepting Secret Service protection yikes. It's all DEI, the diversity, equity, and inclusion. Apparently, this female who runs the Secret Service now, Kim Cheetel was on Jill Biden's team of protectors when she was the Mrs. Vice President, the second lady, whatever you want to call it. They bonded, so they gave her the job. It's all about DEI. Remember a couple of months ago, Kamala Harris, some woman on her Secret Service staff just had sort of a breakdown while she was at the Naval Observatory or headed to the Naval Observatory, and it turned out that this woman had departed the Dallas Police Department or some DFW Police Department under extremely dubious circumstances. But they hired her. They hired her because, again, DEI, didn't earn it. That's what DEI stands for. Dr. Luke, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dr. Luke. How you doing, howie? Good. You know, they've been going way back to Trump. I mean, with all these allegations or the this law fair that they're trying to put them in jail, it went back from Stormy Daniels for years. Yeah. You know, and they're making the case. It's always a criminal. He's not a criminal for one, too. Anybody, any one of these news outlets, they claim that they're ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN news who carry anyone who makes a disparaging comment, like putting a target on somebody or you know, like a basically a threat. Yeah. But I think that they should be able to go back and go out with the networks. Well, I don't know. I mean, you know, it's public figures and it's free speech and all that. But I mean, what about the fact that just the other day, he was speaking to donors and he said, it's time. He said, we're done with the debate. It's time to put a bull's eye on Trump. Biden said this. This was reported by state-run media, Politico, The New York Times, and no one batted an eye. And remember when Sarah Palin had her fundraising sheet and she had little targets on various congressional districts and then Gabby Giffords got shot, and it was the end of the world. It was the end of the world. It's like tar baby. Kerry says tar baby. Nobody cares. Mitt Romney says it. It's rampant racism. I mean, they're the double standards. Once again, if it weren't for double standards, they would have no standards at all. Ron, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ron. I have. Yeah. Yeah. Two things. First of all, I heard the shooter's dad whenever he got it, the gun. Yes. Okay. The day of, which was the rally, he purchased the shooter, purchased 50 rounds, two and two together. You get it? You know, something like that. It's like, there's an alert. He's probably right around the area. And the other thing is- But he was a shooter. I mean, he didn't make the, it's one of these places, Western Pennsylvania, where they still have marksmanship rifle clubs at high schools. He didn't make it. He was terrible. That's what his classmates were saying. He didn't make the squad. Thank goodness. Thanks for the call, Ron. I'm highway car. Big turn baby out there.