The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Attempted Assasination of Donald J. Trump and Miranda Devine calls in from RNC | 7.15.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace covers the attempted assasination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA. Miranda Devine talks about Melania's reaction to the shooting, dialing down the rhetoric and Jack Smith.

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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- Today's podcast is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton, Dr. Tam, and the whole team has helped me. They can help you too. Contact them today at (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in The Boston Herald and The Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of The Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. - You either have Grace, or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show, everyone. Thank you for joining us on this huge news day. Obviously the story that we will be covering for the next three hours is what happened over the weekend. And probably for the foreseeable future, this will be the main story. The attempted assassination of former president, Donald J. Trump. At around six o'clock on Saturday, Trump took to the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania for a rally. And about 10 minutes in, maybe less, shots erupted, gun shots erupted. And I think Taylor that we should play the sound of Trump speaking. Do we have that? - You see something that said, take a look at what happened. (crowd cheering) (crowd cheering) - By this point, I would guess that almost all of my listeners, if not all of you, have watched the video, Trump hitting the floor. And then after the gunfire stops, the Secret Service is taking him off the stage. We are going to talk a little bit about that, about the Secret Service's performance in that moment and what led to that moment. Trump breaks out of the pack of Secret Service members and shows his face, blood dripping down the side of his face from his ear, and he raises his fist and he tells the crowd, "Fight, fight, fight." The crowd goes crazy. It erupts into a USA chant. The more I'm describing it, the more I realize that if you told somebody, like, "Hey, I want to make a movie," and this is the scene, somebody in Hollywood would say, "This is just not believable. "There's just no way this would happen." Because there were so many factors involved here that I was in shock by. And I at first didn't say anything. I think it's always good when something like this happens to let a few of the details come out before you jump to any conclusion. So I didn't want to be the first one, criticizing the Secret Service. What do I know about the Secret Service? But the longer time has gone on, it has become very obvious that there was a huge security failure here. One that's hard for me to even wrap my head around. And since that surreal moment on Saturday, the moment the nation and the world watched an assassination attempt on a former president and a current presidential candidate play out in real time. There have been so many questions. You know, how does a shooter get 400 feet away from the former president? How was that building that he crawled up onto? How was that not secured by the Secret Service beforehand? How was there not a Secret Service agent on that building at that time? How was he able to fire off multiple shots, even though there were civilians nearby warning the police in the area that, hey, there's a guy with a rifle crawling up the side of this building? Why was Trump on stage for so long after the first shot? Why did the sniper take so long to return fire and eliminate the threat? I'm not sure if any of these questions will be answered or if anyone will have to answer for this security failure. But we will keep you updated at every single step of the way as this entire ordeal is brought under a microscope. And of course, then there's the human reaction to the shooting, how we got here as a nation. And I've always been adamant because unfortunately, since I started this show, there's been plenty of acts of violence that we've covered. I've always been adamant that the actions of a crazy person are just that. The person to blame is the monster with evil in his heart who crawled across the roof and aimed and shot a rifle at 45. But what I've realized after seeing so much of this violence and polarization pervade our country over the last eight to 10 years is that that logic that I just talked about, about put the blame, put the owners on the person who pulled the trigger, that only applies when it works for Democrats and when it works for the media. When it's a conservative who is shot at, who has a bullet just grazed by their ear, or maybe it's a successful mission for the nut and they're shot at a congressional baseball game, Allah, Steve Scalise, well, then what we get is, it's time to turn down the temperature. Republicans need to take accountability too, you know? You have some responsibility in this too. What about papa loci? There's a lot of that today. What about January 6th? Now when the gunman or the attacker is going after the left, if there's any sort of, even a death threat, forget actual violence, but any sort of threat, then it's Trump's fault, then it's your fault. If you're listening to the show right now, it's your fault, it's my fault, it's our fault. It's the right's fault. And there's no ifs ands or buts about it. We always need to take responsibility, it's always our fault. And it bothers me, and here's the real crux of the issue. And I can only speak for myself in this moment, but I have never wished violence on anyone, on Joe Biden. I've never fantasized about getting Joe Biden at all costs. Like the left is done with Trump. I've never talked like politicians have about eliminating people for my political benefit or for my political gains, or blowing up the White House like Madonna. I've never done that here on this show. So when something happens in a lunatic does something crazy and my listeners or just Trump supporters in general are forced to go through these kind of manipulative guilt trips about how we are to blame. It always is flummoxed me because I always think, well, wait, I criticize politics. I criticize, you know, I criticize personality sometimes. But why is being critical of someone or poking fun at someone? Why does that make me liable for the actions of a psychopath? How dare you, as Tucker Carlson once said, how dare you try to put that on me? And the reason why I feel as though I can say this now with confidence is because the left does need to own up for their part. Not because that's typically how I would react to this, but because they hate Donald Trump and Donald Trump's politics and they hate his personality and they hate his mean treats tweets, but it's become so much more than that. They have fantasized about what we saw this weekend. They have compared him to Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini. They have pushed this idea that getting Trump is the end all be all and the ends justify the means at any cost, get him. Biden wrote two weeks ago on Twitter that Trump needed to be put in a bullseye. And so I don't wanna hear about how I need to dial down the rhetoric from people who have been calling the former president, Hitler, for the past nine years. And I don't want lectures or, you know, these moral diatribes on their soapboxes from people who have been basking in like the bloody Trump effigy magazine photo shoots who've, you know, made assassination jokes. I don't think Trump needs a lecture. That's the real beauty of it. Is Trump's getting lectured now by like Margaret Brennan and all these people immediately after the blood isn't even dry in his face? And they're like, well, did he ask to tone down the rhetoric? Well, why don't you let him check out his ear first that just got almost blown off his head? Why don't you let him check in with a doctor for free as to come out and make you feel better about being the worst people in the world? Like they immediately wanted him. Well, while he's being brought out by the Secret Service, he was supposed to look at the camera and go, "By the way, I don't blame Margaret Brennan for any of this." By the way, there's no blood on Joe Scarborough's hands. Like they wanna free pass the second it happens. The guy who you've compared to Hitler who just got shot is supposed to make you feel better in this moment and tell everybody that you're not to blame and he's supposed to dial down the rhetoric. How about this? How about this crazy idea? Why don't you offer him an apology? And it brings me to another issue and I wanna give Seth Dillon credit for this because he was the first person I saw on social media to highlight this predicament that the left is now in. Everyone from Kamala to Barack to Joe Scarborough, we'll get to morning Joe being pulled off the air in a second. They're all wishing Trump a speedy recovery. And that's very nice. That's wonderful. It's good to see. Reminds me of the old days reaching across the aisle. Yada, yada, yada, yada. They're even praying for Trump, which I didn't think was allowed anymore. I thought that was not done in our current society to pray after an incident like this. But Seth Dillon asked on Twitter, "Why would you wish Hitler a speedy recovery?" And isn't that kind of the elephant in the room now? If this guy is everything you've told us he is, a threat to democracy, the new republic, not that any of my listeners read that, but the new republic published a cover on July 7th of Trump as Hitler, haircut, toothbrush, mustache, the whole nine yards with the title, American Fascism. You all talked about this and now you wish him well. Why? It's either and Matt Walsh broke this down brilliantly. Matt Walsh wrote, "Dems are in a real conundrum. "If Trump is really an either super villain dictator "who wants to destroy our system of government or whatever, "or whatever, then assassinating him "would be morally justified. "But they don't want to justify this, "which means they're confessing that everything they said "about him for 10 years was nonsense. "They either have to openly defend this assassination attempt "or admit they are full of bleep. "There is no good option, they're screwed." Which is why morning Joe, Mika, Joe, they're not in the air today. The airhead, fearmonger, Mika Brzezinski. They couldn't be trusted to be on the air. MSNBC has such little confidence in the morning Joe brain trust and their ability to not be inappropriate ghouls on a day like today. That they're not having them broadcast on what you could argue is one of the biggest news days in American history. They're not on the air. Let that sink in. As Trump Jr pointed out, that's an admission. That's an admission that you can get up there and you can tell us how Trump needs to do this and Trump needs to do that. But you know the part you played in all this. Otherwise, if they're so brilliant, if they're so morally superior to all of us, if they have no way you could blame this on them at all, then put them on the air. Let us hear from them. What are you so afraid of MSNBC? You so ashamed of these people? How embarrassing. Imagine if Howie Carr said to me today, "I don't think you can handle a news day like this. "We can't trust you to be on the air." It is shameful. And the media have known this whole time that they were fomenting Trump to arrangement syndrome. They know Trump is not any of the things they have said or if they spent the last eight years painting him as. He is in Hitler. He is in Stalin. He is in Mussolini. Joe Scarborough loves to call Trump a coward. He loves to talk about how scared Trump is of this or that. He's small. He's weak. And then Joe Scarborough and fake tough guy Donnie Deutsch, they want to sit behind their desk and sniffle and whine and criticize Donald Trump. Now, there are a lot of questions about Saturday, but any question of whether Trump's a tough guy, I think was put to bed. He's the man in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. He is relentless. He is unafraid. And as they say in the wire, I know this quote has attributed to a million different places, but my favorite's the one from the wire. You come at the king, you best not miss. We'll take your calls when we come back. I want your reactions. We've got a plus guess for you. This is a show you do not want to miss. This is The Grace Curly Show. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - He closes with God bless America. We saw him raise his hand in the air defiantly, blood on his face as he left the stage. - He is recovering from these injuries now. This was a traumatic event, no doubt for him, but I did notice there was no call for lowering the temperature, condemning all political violence and really trying to signal to his supporters as well, not to retaliate or to have any kind of escalation here. I just am looking at these statements. - Well, there's a belief in his inner circle that he's under siege. - I understand, yes. - Yeah, well, I'll pause it there. - So there's a lot. - I wonder where that belief comes from that he's under siege. Could it be because someone just tried to shoot him in the head? Hmm, maybe. I feel like we're putting the pieces together pretty slowly at CBS. I'm so sorry, Margaret Brennan, that Trump didn't offer you an apology note after he almost got shot in the head fast enough. That should have been number one on his to-do list. Write to CBS and make sure they understand I want to lower the temperature. And there's all these calls for him to change up his speech at the RNC. Obviously it's kicking off this week. We're going to talk to Miranda Devine in the next segment who's in Milwaukee. But I really appreciated Ben Dominitch from Spectator, his take on this. He wrote a lot about Teddy Roosevelt 'cause Teddy Roosevelt got shot before a campaign event. He went on with it anyway. And Ben wrote for historical precedent, Teddy Roosevelt got shot, then blasted his opponents. He said it is a very natural thing that weak and vicious minds should be inflamed to acts of violence by the kind of awful mendacity and abuse that have been heaped upon me for the last three months by the papers. Teddy Roosevelt let his opponents have it, accusing Republican party bosses of stealing the nomination for Taft, of Wilson being a state's rights thinly veiled racist and advocated for his agenda forcefully. Not some let's all get along approach. And while if Trump wants to go out there and he wants to try to unify the country and he wants to be the bigger man, I'm never going to say that's a bad idea. I think it's a safe bet. But I don't like the way it's being framed as though this is his responsibility. I've never heard of anything so ludicrous. He gets attacked on stage. And immediately he's the one who's somehow in the wrong or he's the one that needs to apologize and Biden gets up and Biden does this presser, this disaster of a presser. They've all got to try to figure out the motivation, whether or not it's an attempted assassination. And then he does this address in the Oval Office. And he can say whatever he wants. He can say that we got to figure it out at the battle box as he put it. He can say that he wants to lower the temperature. You know what I say? Your actions speak louder than your words. I'll believe it when I see it. We were told you were the unifier in chief when you showed up. Now we've got people being shot and you won't give RFK Jr secret service protection. So why don't you do something? That would be a really good start for Joe Biden. You want to prove to people that you want to lower the temperature? Give RFK Jr some secret service protection. Lord knows with his family history, he could use it. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to I can't even believe that cut. There's this idea from Trump's team that he's under siege. Where would they get that idea? Well, how do they come to that conclusion? That's weird. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is will Biden grant RFK Jr secret service protection following the assassination attempt on President Trump? - Yeah, I think you will. - 61% say no. - Okay, so pretty close. Let's go to the callers here. Jim, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jim? - Hey, Grace, thanks for taking my call. Jim from Ohio. First of all, I think you did a great job with your opening. You set the right tone. This is an amazing day, honestly. And the, you know, large media is not exactly closing themselves in glory, are they? I mean, it's unbelievable the reactions that are coming from this. You just pointed that out. I just, it's amazing to me. I mean, we would be living in an entirely different country today, this morning, had, you know, Trump not turned his head. It's just, it's a really, I, you know, infamous moment to be sure. Yeah, and what you just said, Jim, is so important because thank the Lord above that that shooter was not successful because not only, obviously it's, it's a human life, you know, obviously it's Donald Trump would be dead. But also, I don't really think the country would be able to withstand that. You think about JFK, how much that changed the country? We are in such a tense, polarized time. I think the country would have burned. We'll be right back with Miranda Divine. She's coming from us live in Milwaukee. You don't want to miss it. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. (audience cheering) USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA. I can't watch that, that part of the video without getting chills. I have them right now in my arms. It was just, it was so surreal to watch that and to think that Donald Trump's mind works that quickly, that when he hit the floor, he knew, he knew in his head, this is a moment right now. People need to see me. People need to know I'm okay. I just don't even understand how your mind works that quick 'cause for most of us, you'd black out. You'd end up in the car with a secret service and you'd say, what just happened? You'd be in a fog. But he's definitely in the right line of work because he is meant to do something like this. Joining us now, also someone in the right line of work, Miranda Divine is calling us from Milwaukee. Miranda, I loved your latest piece because there have been so many reactions about what happened over the weekend in Butler, Pennsylvania and you really highlighted Melania Trump's and you wrote something here that stood out to me. You said, you could hear the voice of the immigrant who understands America's intrinsically gentle nature and appreciates the courage and common sense of its people. Why did that stand out to you, Miranda, that the voice of the immigrant Melania Trump? - Well, because that statement was just so profound in so many ways and it really met the moment. It was spiritual, you know, she talks about, beyond the earthly realm. She talks about, you know, about America. There's a violent bullet that struck my husband and she understands what political, she in fact talks about political demonization and the sort of machine, the political machine and the dehumanization of her husband and of political opponents towards each other. And with such an understanding that I thought to myself, of course she understands deeply like a lot of Americans might not or Australians or, you know, people who live in, you know, relatively peaceful countries. And it's because she was born in Slovenia, which was then a communist country and has been buffeted by the great powers throughout the last century. Both world wars, it was in the center of it was, you know, repressed by Stalin. She saw concentration camps, show trials, political persecution of opponents. So she understands exactly what her husband's been going through, probably like few other people. And yet she's been so dignified. And so you know, she was silent about all the attacks on her and her husband when she was really provoked throughout the four years of Donald Trump's presidency and she maintained this quiet dignity. And then in this statement, she kind of let the guard down and she talked about her love for her husband and it was a real love because she talked about the things she loves about him, you know, things like his love of music, his generosity, who he really is. And so I think we saw the real Melania Trump and we saw she has a steel spine and she's well matched to him. - Absolutely. And you're right, she talked about his humanity and how that's been lost over the last few years, how that's been lost in the narrative, being pushed by the media. And no one has a better understanding of our media's desire to obfuscate the truth than you, Miranda. And I wanted you to comment a little bit about the reactions you've seen thus far, whether it be MSNBC polling morning Joe off the air, which I just think is an embarrassment for the entire network, whether it be people on social media, what is your response to the members, the journalists in our media, who are now saying it's time to dial down the rhetoric and really taking no responsibility for their own actions over the last eight to nine years? - Well, exactly. And I would put at the very top of that pile, Joe Biden, with his really, I mean, characteristically repellent statement yesterday in which he's talking about we should unite as a country and we're better than this and dial down your violent rhetoric. What has he been doing? What has his wife been doing calling Donald Trump evil? The two of them saying that he's going to end democracy, the entire Democratic Party, their whole playbook was to continue to demonize Trump and turn him into Hitler in the eyes of their followers who they're brainwashing. And I think it was very telling that after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, they took down their advertising. And why would that be? If their advertising was just promoting what a great job Joe Biden's done the last three and a half years and how wonderful the economy is going, then there would be no need to take it down. No, they took it down because it's more of this violence inciting hate-filled rhetoric. And that was why morning Joe was pulled off air and he cannot be trusted by MSNBC. What a humiliation. He cannot be trusted not to further incite violence. And I hope very much that MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, get sued for the lies that they've told. Talk about inciting violence. You know, Donald Trump is currently supposedly being prosecuted for inciting the January 6th riot, which went on for a few hours. And, you know, none of those people, all who are second amendment lovers, brought guns to the Capitol. And he's being prosecuted for inciting violence. He said, go and protest peacefully. So how do you contrast that with the hate that's spewed by morning Joe every single day? And I hope they get sued for it. Yeah, I don't disagree. And now the RNC obviously is beginning this week and there's a lot of calls for Trump to change his speech or to, you know, change his approach to this. I wonder what you make of that. Well, I think Trump's himself is doing that. But, you know, it means nothing when it comes from the likes of Axios or these other media hypocrites who say, you know, it's like they've forgotten that Donald Trump is the victim in this. They're all, you know, like hope that imagine if Trump got up and he announced that we have to dial down the violent rhetoric and that he suddenly realises that his words have consequences. I mean, really, don't say that to Joe Biden. It's incredible the blind spot they have there. You know, they are really like brainwashed robots themselves. Yeah, and I was thinking about this weekend 'cause Steve Scalise, who's been shot before by a political nut job, was on with Margaret Brennan and she was saying the same thing about dialing down the rhetoric. And Miranda, I'm not one for cursing, but I really did wish that in that moment, Steve Scalise just said, are you bleeping kidding me, Margaret? Like, Donald Trump was just shot and now you're, and I was shot and now you're asking us to dial down the rhetoric? Maybe it's your turn to partake in this in bringing down the temperature a little bit. They really, the lack of self-awareness from the media never ceases to amaze. You're so right, absolutely. It's the lack of self-awareness. I mean, they are the ones that have control of the temperature dial and they have been turning it up to lethal levels. And so it's no surprise that some unhinged person has taken them seriously, it was just a matter of time. And if you look, it's not a both sides thing that they keep on trying to draw some moral equivalents. The political violence comes from the anti-Trump side and you've seen that, you just mentioned Steve Scalise, we had Justice Brett Kavanaugh, we had an assassin almost, went to his house intent on killing him. You've got the Trump, you've got Lee Zeldin, had some crazy left winger jump up on stage with a knife. You know, all they have is January 6th, which as I said, was a few hour riot. It was bad, it was terrible, windows were broken, but the only person killed there was the poor Ashley Babbitt, the Trump supporter, who was shot dead by a cop who, a capital police officer, who then was allowed to remain anonymous and to get off scot-free with an internal examination after we just had the whole year of George Floyd anti-cop democrat fueled hatred. - Yeah, you're on the money, Miranda, and you just were talking about investigations that actually just piqued my interest in asking you about the investigations that I think are gonna have to go on with a secret service. You know, different things stuck out about this moment to different people, and when you watch that, were you confused by the way the secret service acted? And now we have videos of people alerting the police, "Hey, there's a guy on the roof." Do you think that we'll ever get real answers on this or anyone will be held accountable? - Look, I know when I first saw I was actually at Fox in the makeup chair watching television when that bullet almost killed Donald Trump. And I remember when he was being bundled off stage thinking, "Why is there a tiny woman?" They're sort of helping him off the stage, ridiculous. And, you know, no offense to her, she's probably fantastic, but she should not be in that position. And then B, very shortly after that, there was the BBC reporter managed to get the guy in the crazy, you know, orange-haired Trump hat saying that he'd seen the killer, the shooter on the roof, and that they yelled at police to do something about it. And so obviously the question of why the secret service allowed that rooftop to be unprotected is a huge question, but I really don't have much faith that we are going to get to the bottom of it. The history of these kinds of investigations with Democrats protecting their own is not good. And so I hope that in Congress, I hope that the Republicans managed to do something themselves have their own investigation. There will be whistleblowers. We're already hearing about whistleblowers coming forward from within the secret service, talking about a really poisonous culture. There's talk of a petition internally. They're concerned and have been concerned for a long time about the possibility of insider threats. You know, in fact, like having a treasure inside the secret service. And also about this DEI programs which are devastating. Every industry, every field of endeavor in America. - Now, Miranda Divine, we love having you on, but I know how busy you are. So after this question, I'm going to let you go. I did want your initial take on the breaking news today. It's going to get buried because of everything else that the judge Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against Donald Trump. I know you've been following this. Give the audience a little summary of what you're thinking right now. - Well, I'm thinking that somewhere in America, there is a Democrat white board that is weeping because all their clever strategies and cunning plans to take out Donald Trump, whether it was through law fair or through put pulling him off the ballot or just through demonizing him, have all come to naught. It's just made him stronger. And now the assassins bullet has made him even stronger because not because of the bullet, because of his reaction and because the whole of America could see his strengths, his courage. And so I just think that this is just another domino falling legally. Of course, we have, you know, Jack Smith. The reason that this case fell over was because judge Cannon agreed with Trump's defense motion that Jack Smith was an illegitimate special counsel. But then there's another judge, judge, judge in Washington, D.C. And she's in charge of the J6 case likely she will reject it because she's a D.C. leftist. And, but then both cases will go to appeal. Either way, it's good for Donald Trump because it just delays these things beyond the election, which they should be. He should not be tied up in courtrooms during an election campaign. It's just wrong. Miranda Divine, please let people know where they can follow you, where they can read all of your excellent work. - Well, I'm at the New York Post, New York My column's there all the time. I'm in Milwaukee this week. So I'll be writing a lot from here. And then I'm on Twitter, of course, at Miranda Divine. - Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. - X, I have to call it X now, don't I? I think that word. - We still call it Twitter here. You're fine. Thank you, Miranda Divine. We love having you all. We hope to have you on again soon. When we come back, I'm gonna give you a little update on whether or not this has been a eureka moment for the mainstream media. Spoiler alert, it has not been. They are up to their old tricks. It is really, really abhorrent how these people have no shame. We're going to get to that. We're gonna play some of that interview that Miranda just alluded to from the BBC. What an amazing account from this witness who has now revealed or exposed just how many questions there are regarding the Secret Services behavior during this. It was strange and I'm glad she brought up the women because again, I don't wanna sound sexist. I don't wanna sound cruel or anything, but these ladies were so much shorter than Donald Trump. Like don't you have to be taller than the person you're protecting? One of them was standing behind him. One of them couldn't get her gun in her holster. It looked like it didn't look like what I pictured from the Secret Service. I pictured, you know, 007 style, very decisive, quick acting people. This looked like the B team. This looked like the JB team. Like they had no idea. And you can hear in that Cut the Tailor played, one of them saying, what are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing? It sounds like if I were up there in a full blown panic, that's not what you want protecting a former president. Well, we'll talk more about this when we come back. Don't go anywhere. - Follow Grace on Twitter at @g_curly. - This is The Grace Curly Show. - In case you thought, well, maybe now everyone will let cooler heads prevail and we'll stop with the hyperbole. We'll stop with the comparing Trump to Hitler, Mussolini. I'm sure I'm missing a few. David From from The Atlantic, from The Atlantic, wrote, "The gunman and the would-be dictator." That was his headline about what happened over the weekend. Let's go to Ronnie, your next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ronnie. - Hey Grace, first of all, let me just say how good it is to hear your voice today and how grateful I am that we woke up to a country that's relatively calm today with no rioting or anything like that because we're not Democrats, Grace. We're conservatives who love and respect this country and we want to see Democrats lose elections at the hands of voters. We don't want to see them lose their lives. - Well said. - At least the assassins. It's just, it's not who we are and not who will ever be. And I just wanted to say that, and forgive me for being a little emotional, I'm not like an emotional dude over politics, but when I saw Trump go down and I saw him get back up again and raise his fist, bloodied like that, it got me in the soul in a way that I just never could have predicted or seen coming because while I'm very passionate about my politics, I'm not an emotionally invested zealot like so many of our contemporaries on the left, you know, and the outpouring that I felt, the first thing I did was I prayed to God that I would feel every bit as heartbroken if God forbid it had been the other guy. You know, I prayed that I'd feel every bit as terrible. And I'll tell you something, Grace, you know, the absolute toxic, just despicable rhetoric about Trump and about us that's just been pouring into the body politic of this country for years and years. You know, the moment that bullet missed, thank God, you know, was the moment that our media doesn't get a free pass on this anymore. You know, they're up to their old tricks today, but they don't get a free pass anymore, America's watching, and I take it as a very good sign that Joe Scarborough and these other zealots that have just spewed this unforgivable rhetoric without any consequence into our politics for years, you know, that those days are over, whether our media realizes it or not, it's not people like you, Grace, that need to watch what you say moving forward. You've always been dignified, you've always been classy and good and decent, you know, it's them that has to watch. And I have nothing but faith that Trump is going to deliver a magnificent speech to the country tonight. And that's all I wanted to say. And God bless you and this country, and just God bless everyone listening, and just thank you as always for the time, Grace. - Beautifully said. Thank you, Ronnie. I appreciate your voice. And I don't think there's a lot of people out there who weren't emotional seeing Donald Trump hit the floor and then rise again and, you know, tell us to keep fighting in the chance of USA. I don't think it's a moment anyone's going to forget anytime soon. Thank you, Ronnie. We'll be right back.