Revering the Word

Psalm 47 God is worthy of our reverence and praise.

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16 Jul 2024
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Good morning everyone this morning. We are in Psalm 47 Remember that psalms are Hebrew songs that would have many times rhymed and Really sounded beautiful if we were singing them in Hebrew Which is how they were written obviously when we Translate those into English. They're not going to rhyme like they would in Hebrew Keep in mind that psalms goes over a massive amount of history meaning Moses is the author of Psalms in particular Psalm 90 and Many of the psalms were written by David about half of them were written by David now those would have been written at a time when God was giving military victory to Israel when he was giving them the promised land and they were seeing God's hand Really be with them and bless them after they got out of the desert and You know had miraculous victories. So that obviously was going to influence What they wrote about is they saw God Provide for them in amazing ways. There are some psalms that are written after the exile meaning After they got deported to Babylon many many many years later. So we're covering a History of around 900 years from one from the first psalm written to the last song written However, the majority are written in the day of David the sons of Korah wrote 10 psalms now You might recall we talked about Korah in the book of numbers because there was a rebellion that Korah was a part of but and most of his family died but some of the sons of Korah lived and they were ones who then entered the promised land and later generations of the sons of Korah Even though their their lineage was unfaithful in the desert some later Probably with what they saw happened to their Their forefathers who were Unfaithful turned to God and ended up becoming worship leaders for God so although there was a rebellion in the sons of Korah they became known to be worship leaders and here we have ten psalms written by them later and This psalm is one of the psalms from the sons of Korah In looking at the psalm it appears to me. It's definitely well It's definitely in the time of victory. It's that in a time of when they have begun or may be largely Conquered the promised land so therefore you're gonna see Their praises to God for how he has provided for them and indeed God is a provider and indeed God has provided for Israel Now they are not gonna be singing these psalms when they see the waywardness of their sin and later on when we see The prophets of the Old Testament who you know are calling trying to call Israel back to God because they've been so unfaithful to him You know those are our different times in history. So it's good to Think about the context as best we can now. We don't know the exact year This is written or exactly what was going on But I'm trying to give us the context that this is very likely in a good season of Israel when they have had military victory with that let's move forward in Verse 1 Oh clap your hands all peoples shout to God with the voice of joy for the Lord most high is to be feared a Great king over all the earth. Let's stop there. What a wonderful word for the Lord most high is to be feared Shout to God with the voice of joy, and you know no matter what's going on in our lives No matter what hill no matter what valley we're experiencing in the end. We know that God is coming again He's gonna bring a millennial rain one day. He's gonna bring the new heaven and new hearth out of heaven and create eternity For those who believe in him for those whose names are written in the book of life So no matter what temporary pain or difficulty or challenge that we go through in this life we can shout to God with the voice of joy because we know the end hallelujah and That is to give us strength to face the joys and the difficulties of this life And while we live this life for the Lord most high is to be feared I really think that's one of the greatest concepts one of the greatest things in all the Bible the beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord and When you have a proper respect and this is why we call, you know this podcast is called Revere in the Word and and you know Revere sometimes is a a translation people will use that to translate the word for fear whether it's either the Old Testament Hebrew word or Yari which is probably what's used here and then or the the Greek word for fear phobia actually many times is the word used But it's translated sometimes by some as Revere and I mean Revere is to have reverence to have an awe to have a fear of God and you know what I want to honor him I believe God is real God is alive God knows God sees God has desires for us to obey him and follow him and when you have that kind of reverence for God It keeps you on track with him hallelujah He's a great king over all the earth He subdues people's under us and nations under our feet and this is why you can see very likely This is a time when they are beginning to get prosperous and get Victory and you know, this is true when they were in Babylon, too I mean even when you know through their waywardness they were punished and they lost their nation God still provided their nation prior and gave them the land prior It was only because of their unfaithfulness that they were in Babylon or overtaken by the Assyrians earlier than that So we should no matter what situation we're in here on earth be praising God and know that he is God It's just their seasons where it's different It's seasons where you know, mankind goes through hardship and challenges And that's part of the lot in life and we need to keep our faith in God whether we're in a season of prosperity or a Season where due to waywardness we're receiving What's due us for our sin? Ultimately, the believer in Jesus is going to be rewarded and that helps us to keep our faith in him No matter what we're experiencing he chooses our inheritance for us the glory of Jacob whom he loves and you know, of course they're they're Being victorious God promised Abraham the land. They're getting that land and they're just in a season of lavishing the love of God and the provision of God in their In their country God has ascended with a shout the Lord with the sound of a trumpet Sing praises to God sing praises sing praises to our King sing praises and hear the sons of Kora You know, they're leading worship and singing praises to God and it's so awesome when you have a gifted worship leader Get caught up in the worship of God and the people of God singing together God's praises hallelujah For God is the king of all the earth sing praises with a skillful psalm That's what they're doing here God reigns over the nation. God sits on his holy throne Isn't it interesting to think about this? New heaven this new earth and God is Preparing it and he's sitting on his throne and one day he's gonna bring it down hallelujah And God reigns and he's sitting on this throne and at times He provides bountifully for his people from his throne and at times He lets us suffer the consequences of our own waywardness But in either case God is still on his throne He's still preparing a place and he's still gonna bring it down out of heaven one day Hallelujah, so he is ruling and reigning no matter the immediate outcome of what we're experiencing here know that the Lord is king of the earth The princes of the people have assembled themselves as the people of the God of Abraham For the shields of the earth belong to God. He is highly Exalted and you know it is good and right to worship our Lord one of the things that I do before I Preach the passage that we are covering that day as I have worship music on and I take time to pray Sometimes more sometimes less but almost every morning. I have worship music on which just helps me to get into the position to Proclaim his word and to proclaim his praises and hallelujah. God is worthy to be highly Exalted. I love how as we're going through the word for those of you are going through a three-year journey And I encourage you to take in the whole Bible go to reviewing the word calm See the schedule that we're on and we're going through the whole journey of the Bible and what we do is we sprinkle in Psalms So you may be just finding Psalm 47 and listening to it or maybe you're going through the journey with us through a three-year Journey at some time in your life And you now have come to this place and we we sprinkle in Psalms all about every 10 15 days or so We do a new Psalm and it's good and right to Praise the Lord and to sing these songs of praise. He is worthy of our praise May we have a proper reverence and worship of our God for one day He's coming again hallelujah God bless you all