Revering the Word

Romans 5 Jesus died to save you and me because we needed saving.

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03 Jul 2024
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Good morning, everyone. We are in Romans chapter five this morning and what a chapter it is We ended chapter four of Romans Realizing that we have been brought into the family of God through Abraham's family through faith and that as a result of Abraham believing and being made righteous through faith now All who believe in Jesus have been made part of the family of God and have also have been made right by faith It begins chapter five in this way therefore Having been justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ I want to stop there. That's a really marvelous verse. So we've been justified Meaning God has placed us in a position where he says you're good with me You are you are right with me. What a blessing that is, isn't it? I mean and as a result of being right with him that we have peace with God Like between God and us. There's peace Because of what Jesus did to take the sin God is holy. God is holy. God is good. God is just and You know mankind if you think about the Old Testament for a moment There's always a separation between God and his people in the sense that you know there was a tabernacle with a fence-like structure and a common Israelite couldn't come inside that tent only the priests could come inside the Fenced area and then there was the tabernacle as you're aware and you know the priests could go into the first chamber of the tent of the tabernacle but only the high priest on the on the day of atonement So there was always like a separation or even like you know when the Israelites were in the desert and And you know God met Moses some of them up on the mountain But no one was supposed to go near the mountain. They had to stay it down at the base of the mountain You know there was a separation and that's because people are unholy and God is holy and God can't be in in the the midst of unholyness but it's incredible now that Because of what Christ did to justify us or make us right that now we have peace with God Were good in our relationship with God because of the fact that we've been forgiven in fact Now because of the peace that we have with God God has been able to come so near that he actually literally lives inside of believers He gives his Holy Spirit to dwell as a tabernacle inside those who believe and It began because we the enmity that was in the way between us and God was removed and and we now have peace with God It's a glorious thing to know that we have peace with him Through whom also we have obtained our introduction By faith into this grace in which we stand the grace of God is really An important and magnificent thing. I think many times we shortchange Because we're in this grace which we stand we stand in grace and it you know there's some words that just don't translate well in English and Grace is one of those words where It's got such a rich meaning that one word doesn't capture all and it means that we have the favor of God God is God is for us. We have the mercy of God God because of the bloodshed of Jesus. He's given us mercy He's given us forgiveness. That's part of God's grace that he's given but he's also given us gifts and power and We have a unique and special power from God We have gifts from God to serve his kingdom You know when you see someone ministering unto God or even serving God in any capacity and they're doing it with Joy and they're doing it with God's strength We could say that grace of God is upon him or the grace of God is upon her Because grace means the power of God at work in us It may be in at work in us to forgive those who are hard to forgive or to love those who are hard to love Or to serve of ourselves even though we still have a flesh nature God's grace over powers us and helps us to Embody who he is in this world. It's it's a special power that we have And we stand in that that grace that forgiveness all of that and we exalt in hope of the glory of God You know one day we're gonna be with our Lord and we have great things to look forward to even when this life is over so we live in hope today and Not only this but we also exalt in our tribulations knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance and Perseverance proven character and proven character hope and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out Within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us and I was commenting on that Holy Spirit Just a little while ago that because we have peace with God the Holy Spirit has been given to us notice That it says poured out It's been poured out. You know one of the lies that the Christian church sometimes believes that it needs to rid ourselves from is that when you became born again and Got poured out his Holy Spirit. He didn't just give you a teaspoon the word there poured out is It's like there was a vase like an alabaster jar of oil and it was broke. So all the oil poured out and We just need to embrace the fact that God in his grace poured out his Holy Spirit into us He's given us all of it and we just need to believe it You know one of the things that AWS told your talked about regarding the Holy Spirit is he's like sometimes it's just been snowed under and you know I'm looking at green grass and this season of the year right now, but you know come middle of winter I might not see anything green, you know as far as the grass anyways, but it's still there It's just become snowed under and unfortunately sometimes The Holy Spirit to the church has become snowed under we know it's there but we're not really experiencing it the way that we should and You know toes are made it really simple and he was a guy a Chicago creature from the mid-1900s anyways He's he made it really simple and I agree with him. He just said you know what the key to To sensing and living in the fullness of the Holy Spirit that's been poured out is to believe it's been poured out To believe it believe that God has given you the fullness and in Hallelujah believe that and God will be at work with you and then remember that you know day by day hour by hour moment by moment and That's what when you have that and you have the hope of heaven and you have God's Holy Spirit in you That's what allows us to exalt in our tribulations knowing that even the difficult things that we face God is still there with us and it brings about perseverance and perseverance character and proven character hope Hallelujah When when we sense the poured out Holy Spirit in us and with us even when we're going through hard times God gives us hope and Hallelujah that we have that May you never forget John God on the mountains or in the valleys He is with you which is hang on hang on Because it's likely to get better here on earth When you're following God you won't stay in that season of sorrow forever he will lift you up and lift you out But ultimately he's gonna lift us out and lift us up to a new place to be with him in heaven and no matter What's going on earth praise God that we have that hope and that hope will not disappoint For six for while we were still helpless at the right time Christ died for the ungodly It's it's so important to realize, you know, we didn't have anything to do with it Christ died for us before we were born even when we were ungodly and grew up Maybe not believing or living our own way. He's still died for you and you know what even if you have turned away and You're living an ungodly life right now Christ died for you. He wants you to recognize him as your lord and savior and he can wash your sin away And he can give you a new life in him and he can give you purpose Hallelujah For one will hardly die for a righteous man But though perhaps for a good man someone would dare even to die But here's such a great verse But God demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Hallelujah You know we don't have to get our lives right to come to God We come to God and he helps us get our lives right. He he died for us. He wants you to embrace him What's needed is not That you've lived perfectly But that you want to recognize him as Lord and that you do want to repent you're in a position where you say I've had enough and I believe in Jesus and I want to follow him now and he died for you right in the midst of your own ungodliness and That's great love you know Hallelujah give your life to Jesus so that you can get the Holy Spirit poured out into you So that he can strengthen you to live a new life in him. You got to come to him first Hallelujah much more than having now been justified by his blood You know there was always a blood sacrifice in order for there to be forgiveness You know there was blood on the first Passover when you know God Spirit of destruction came over Egypt and the firstborn of Egypt lost their lives But all the Israelites were saved because they had the blood of the lamb over their door post and then there was blood At the tabernacle when people would bring their sacrifices and bring their lamb The animals blood had to be shed in order for there to be atonement And now we've been justified by his blood by the blood of Jesus because he's the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world And but you got to believe in him much more than having now been justified by his blood We shall be saved from the wrath of God through him And this is something that's been taught throughout this book and There is a wrath of God And you know a lot of people want to sugarcoat things and just make it seem like God is love That's all he is he's only love all the time When they don't realize that apart from the sacrifice of Jesus and faith in him There is going to be justice do sin and Either Jesus can take the justice or we will meaning we will either pay the penalty of eternal instruction away from our lord forever Because we are denying the one that he sent to die for us Or we can believe in Jesus and he essentially then takes our wrath The wrath that would be on us because of our disobedience and our sinfulness Gets placed on his son hallelujah and God designed it that way What a wonderful love that is that he would allow his son to take our wrath so that we could be made the righteousness of God For if verse 10 while we were enemies see we were enemies of God when we haven't accepted Jesus For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son Much more having been reconciled shall we be saved by his life And we're promised eternal life those who have believed in Jesus We're going to be saved by his life one day You know we're going to go from this life to to be in home with our lord in heaven And not only this But we also exalting God through our lord. Jesus christ when we have now received the reconciliation And that's such a beautiful word reconciliation You know if you think about what that means it means two things were apart And something was done to restore or bring two things back together You know picture a husband and wife who are maybe Separated They're not living together But their husband and wife and then they learned to forgive and to come back together And lord willing with god's help they have a sweet Beautifully restored marriage and now they're reconciled they're back together again And what jesus christ did is he came to take what was in the way of our peace with god And he helped reconcile us and bring us back into a relationship with god because of what jesus did hallelujah It's a sweet reconciliation too Therefore, this is a really important understanding what we're about to get into here Therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world And death through sin so death spread to all men because all sin What is going to begin to be relayed to us is that adam and eve sinned in this beautiful garden that god had created and as a result they were kicked out of the garden and Most commentaries believe you know what adam and eve wouldn't even had to die if they wouldn't did that sin But as a result of what they did they got kicked out of the garden and now they had to face death And god was with them in the garden by the way They had the proximity of god in their midst and and that that removed god because of their sin They got removed to this from this beautiful place where god was and so man had been separated from god And and and now Because we are part of that race. We are part of you know, we were created human male and female like god created us We've inherited the sin problem that adam and eve brought into the world Uh, and that happened before the law. So you it's going to say here well before the law So we're going to see in verse 13 for until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there Is no law and basically what he's trying to say is The law which came later which gave us all the guidance and rules of the old testament Um, mankind Didn't know entirely what all of sin was until there was a law because the law of god The commandments of god and the old testament let us know we are sinful but adam and eve They do new new one law. They knew they weren't supposed to eat of that tree He god told them specifically and they did it anyways. So Their Sin came into the human human race and you know, that's one of the reasons why You know, if you have been with us in this journey we're in romans five, but in the first two and a half chapters of romans Uh, paul was making the case that we've been all caught up into the net of sin And now he's telling you why we've all been caught up into the net of sin And why we need a solution in jesus because we're all part of this human race and we all have this sin problem That uh, we inherited from our forefather adam adam verse 14 nevertheless death rained from adam until moses even Over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offensive adam who is a type of him who is to come um So We were all guilty anyways, even though the law didn't exist until moses's day Uh because we we sinned in the likeness because we inherited the sin problem of adam now what's going to happen here is that adam is actually an example or a type Um of one who is to come and what we're gonna learn in a moment is jesus is what's called an anti-type a type is like When something is similar to something else um When someone is an example of what Later in history of what someone was before but there's also what's called an anti-type where There's someone in history before and now there's someone in history that's coming in the future and it's the actual opposite of the first Type if that makes sense. So we're gonna learn what that is in a moment verse 15 But the free gift is not like the transgression For if by the transgression of the one now that he's talking about adam The many died meaning we all inherited this sin problem through adam Much more did the grace of god and the gift by the grace of the one man jesus are bound to the many So jesus is the anti-type of adam and just as adam sin and it brought sin and condemnation to all Jesus is the opposite type where because of the one man jesus who came to die for us Any who believe in him can now be forgiven So as adam brought sin in the world, jesus brought grace mercy and forgiveness into the world hallelujah The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned For on the one hand judgment arose from the one transgression resulting in condemnation that's really basis uh that's Separation from god that's the wrath of god Through adam that's what we received but on the other hand The free gift jesus who came and died before we were ever born A rose from the many transgressions resulting in justification So just as we were all caught up in the net of sin because we inherited from our forefather adam in the same way jesus died and he can give the gift of forgiveness to all who believe and then they can be justified or made right verse 17 for if by the transgression of the one adam death reigned through the one Much more those who received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness Will reign in life through the one jesus christ So just as we were all caught up in the net because of adam sin we all can receive the gift of god and the grace of god and the righteousness of god and the forgiveness of god Through the one whom god set jesus christ who died for us verse 18 So then asked through one transgression adam and eve They're resulted in condemnation to all men This is why your you and I are all caught up into the net of sin until we come to jesus because Through adam sin they're resulted in condemnation to all men Even so through the one act of righteousness jesus christ coming living as the perfect man dying As the lamb of god they're resulted justification of life to all men now What jesus did he died so that all men could be forgiven But not all men are forgiven because you've got to receive that gift through faith jesus died for you but You have to credit it to your account through faith. You got to believe that's why just as abraham believed and it was Accredited to him his righteousness It's important that you confess with your mouth jesus's lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead and place your faith in him And I would say in the bible does get baptized into the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins And and that way you receive justification that way you are made right by god verse 19 For as through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners Even so through the obedience of the one Many will be made righteous hallelujah The law came in Which came in much later after adam So that the transgression would increase Meaning so that people could see how sinful they were but where sin increased Grace abounded all the more Hallelujah, you know what doesn't matter what you've done how far you've gone how much you've sinned and false or the glory of god In your life if you just but turn to jesus you can be forgiven of it all hallelujah So that has sin rained in death even so grace would reign through righteousness To eternal life through jesus christ our lord hallelujah Jesus brings grace forgiveness and eternal life I pray that any here listening Now or in the future that you would Come to believe that jesus is the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world That you'd be saved from all of your sin That you'd be forgiven that you'd be justified made right and that you would know that you have peace with god And that you have the promise of eternal life We've all been caught up into the net of sin But god sent a savior to rescue us all hallelujah place your faith in jesus [BLANK_AUDIO]