Living on the Edge of Art

Zachariah, the Christmas Prequel

Zachariah was the first to learn about the great changes God had in store for the world – Christ was coming. Before we start drowning in jolly Christmas songs, we’ll learn about the one that was sung before it all began. God is at work and waiting is worth it. Luke 1:5-25 and 67-79 are the texts for this podcast. Was this helpful? You can contact me at
Broadcast on:
15 Nov 2024

Zachariah was the first to learn about the great changes God had in store for the world – Christ was coming.  Before we start drowning in jolly Christmas songs, we’ll learn about the one that was sung before it all began. God is at work and waiting is worth it. Luke 1:5-25 and 67-79 are the texts for this podcast. 

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Zachariah was the first to learn about the great changes God had in store for the world – Christ was coming. Before we start drowning in jolly Christmas songs, we’ll learn about the one that was sung before it all began. God is at work and waiting is worth it. Luke 1:5-25 and 67-79 are the texts for this podcast. Was this helpful? You can contact me at