KCBS Radio In Depth

Responding to the unhoused student crisis in East San Jose

There might not be a more important… and sometimes complicated… conversation to be had in the Bay Area then the one about homelessness… It’s a crisis that every county is facing… and many are trying to find a solution that works for everyone…  The city of San Jose recently pushed to speed up the building of 200 tiny homes to be put on a VTA-owned lot… to help provide shelter for those who are unhoused… But in the meantime… the number of people who are homeless seems to continue to grow… and that’s being felt especially in East San Jose… and for a specific group of people – high school students. So… what’s behind this increase in students being homeless in East San Jose… and what’s being done to help them? For a closer look at this… we’re going to start our conversation off with Sergio Diaz-Luna… director of communications with the East Side Union High School District… Next... some of the support that unhoused students in East San Jose receive comes from the East Side Education Foundation… and so we’ll turn to Carlos Singh…who is the executive director of the foundation… and a lecturer at San Jose State…
Broadcast on:
10 Dec 2023

There might not be a more important… and sometimes complicated… conversation to be had in the Bay Area then the one about homelessness… It’s a crisis that every county is facing… and many are trying to find a solution that works for everyone…  The city of San Jose recently pushed to speed up the building of 200 tiny homes to be put on a VTA-owned lot… to help provide shelter for those who are unhoused… But in the meantime… the number of people who are homeless seems to continue to grow… and that’s being felt especially in East San Jose… and for a specific group of people – high school students. So… what’s behind this increase in students being homeless in East San Jose… and what’s being done to help them? For a closer look at this… we’re going to start our conversation off with Sergio Diaz-Luna… director of communications with the East Side Union High School District… Next... some of the support that unhoused students in East San Jose receive comes from the East Side Education Foundation… and so we’ll turn to Carlos Singh…who is the executive director of the foundation… and a lecturer at San Jose State…