She Likes It Heavy

She Likes It Heavy_Show 541_092424

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024

0:25-6:15 BLIGHTED EYE (Seattle) The Wounding — Hot muscular vocals with noodling guitars and complex melodic layers.  

7:26-13:55 MORK (Norway) I Tåkens Virvel — Jaunty thrash-infused dramatic black metal made for vampires. 

14:21-19:05 TYPHONIAN (GER) Towards The Chamber Of The Omnipresent Mind — Rumbling, melodic, proggy death metal with glorious guitars and massive riffs.

19:32-28:12 OTHER WORLD (CA) From Innocence — Burning, desolate, atmospheric black metal with distorted guitars and a blistering death metal vocalist. 

28:37-32:18 GLACIAL TOMB (Denver) Voidwomb — Khemmis members in a way more brutal death metal with melodic build-up. 

32:43-39:13 SERVANT (GER) Magick — Rippling guitar in a moody mix of tremelo-heavy black metal and an expressive lead singer.

39:34-47:39 GROZA (GER) Dysthymian Dreams — Romantic bleeds into cold blast beats and pleading black metal. 

48:13-53:27 KANONENFIEBER (GER) Der Maulwurf — Frantic, groove-tastic and richly instrumented symphonic black metal inspiring the rage.

53:57-56:55 DREAMLESS VEIL (VA) Cyanide Mine — Artifical Brain and Inter Arma members in an intricately layered black and death metal with spooky shrieks and blistering death rhythm.

57:29-END DAWN TREADER (London) Idolator — Post-black metal with exciting, building technical prowess that evolves into acerbic black metal.