0:25-5:01 DEMISER (SC) Phallomancer The Phallomancer — Joyfully careen over a cliff with gleeful catchy thrash and flying magical fingers.
5:59-14:45 AMIENSUS (MN) Acquiescence — Second album this year, this is Part 2. Another black metal shredder.
15:06-22:04 GUTVOID (CAN) Shodar — Psychedelic groove and proggy death with doomy space, texture and atmosphere.
22:23-25:40 TEETH (CA) Blight — Gloriously brutal death that totes chugs.
26:31-32:44 MODERN RITES (US/Swiss) Veil Of Opulence — Melodic black metal crashing down from a storm of clouds.
33:00-34:52 NAILS (CA) Every Bridge Burning — A vicious blade of relentlessly brutal death and grind.
35:22-43:52 OTHER WORLD (CA) From Innocence — Post-black metal with gruff death aggression.
44:20-46:17 NILE (SC) To Strike With Secret Fang — Another technical, brutal and precise death with the Nile relentless signature sound.
46:43-END SUR AUSTRU (Romania) Strânsura — Folk-heavy Romanian black metal.