She Likes It Heavy

She Likes It Heavy_Show 521_042334

Broadcast on:
23 Apr 2024

0:25-6:18 REPLICANT (NJ) Reciprocal Abandonment — A best of 2021 band with members in Putrascension, a best of 2023 band.  Baritone and screech charges like a warrior within octane intricate technical death and angular tempos.

7:41-15:08 SELBST (Chile) The One Who Blackens Everything — Rich instruments stack and become jammy.  Epic, plaintive and demanding with vocals that beat its chest on a mountain.  

15:35-21:52 NECROT (Oakland) Dead Memories — Sinister yet warm death with swift galloping grooves and twists and riffs. 

22:16-25:47 LOCRIAN (Chicago) Chronoscapes — Lush and meditative, balanced with bitter edges and explosive leadups. 

26:07-32:49 MÆRE (GER) Think Of Me As Fire — Acrimonious vocals war with psychedelic, abstract instrumentation in a horror death.  

33:05-37:42 DIABOLIC OATH (Portland) Winged Ouroboros Mutating Unto Gold — A death rumbling baritone vocal in a wicked suffocating hypnotic death.  These guys were on my list of the Best of 2020.  

38:03-44:44 AUSTERE (AU) Cold Cerecloth — Chilling black metal dropping stars within the layers and shroud of tremelo guitar and wailing vocals. 

45:23-49:26 ATRÆ BILIS (CAN) Salted In Stygia — Groove-infested precise complex gnarly bits of death.  

49:52-52:58 COUCH SLUT (NY) Ode To Jimbo — Bleak grind with a lot of groove and attitude and sometimes just hilarious.

53:19-57:31 HORNDAL (Sweden) Calling Labor — Guitars, organ, horns, synth in a theatrical melodic jamming sludge.  

57:56-END ANTICHRIST SIEGE MACHINE (VA) Piled Swine — Ash and bones in a frenzy of teeth.