Celebrate Cultivate

How to Bring Vacation Vibes to Daily Life

You can’t always be on vacation, but you can infuse life with more carefree energy. Listen for 7 simple ways to bring vacay vibes to everyday life without leaving town! This quick episode will inspire you to relax and invite a little more magic into your days.

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11 Jul 2024
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You can’t always be on vacation, but you can infuse life with more carefree energy. Listen for 7 simple ways to bring vacay vibes to everyday life without leaving town! This quick episode will inspire you to relax and invite a little more magic into your days.

Work with Kaileen:

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(upbeat music) Summer is in full swing and I am already starting to feel like the end of summer is approaching. This always happens, right? Like you get excited and look forward to something, the something comes and you're like, oh my gosh, I wasn't totally ready for this. And then before you know it, the something is over. And right now that something for me is summer. So today we're gonna talk about how to bring vacation vibes to daily life because maybe you've already been on vacation. Maybe you have vacation coming up or maybe you have no plans to leave where you are this summer. No matter what you have going on, there are ways to get some of that energy that comes from travel and unplugging and bring it to the life that you have in your everyday routines. So we're gonna get into all of that really soon. But before we do, I just wanna say hi. I'm your host and intuition coach Kayleen Elise Seuss. This is the Celebrate Cultivate podcast and you are listening to episode 173. Things have been really good around here. I am feeling happy and content in the season of life that I'm in, which is refreshing because like I said, at the beginning of summer, I was really kind of spun by all of the changes in the schedule and just how much attention and detail, it felt like my calendar required just to get the kids to their different camps and be ready for all of the changes that summer brings. Now that we've been at it for a while, I'm feeling like I've finally found my footing and in work, I've been creating and updating and making things to help you find your footing and your center as well. So I'm gonna share a few of those with you. First, we have a summer of ritual, which is a seasonal bundle of rituals to help you get into the spirit of summer. It's $22 and when you sign up, you'll get access to 10 lessons that include prompts to set intentions. There's a vision boarding circle so you can learn how to create a vision board with your intuition for the season. There are guided meditations, there's so much in there and all of it is in bite-sized pieces. So you could definitely set aside like a few hours to dive into this and give yourself a little mini retreat or probably more likely for most of my community. You can pick up your phone, drop into a ritual, bring it to where you are in the moment and just get more of that summer energy that you're craving as you're living through the season. It's great if you wanna get it now so you can enjoy it through the summer or if you wanna use it as a way to wrap up the summer. If you're listening to this a few weeks from now, it'll be there for you as well. All of the things that I'm mentioning are gonna be linked in the show notes for today's episode. So if anything is intriguing to you and you wanna check it out, just go over to and click on the latest podcast episode and it will all be there for you. I also have a new collection of meditations. This is something that has been in the works for a while and some of you already have access to these but it's called the meditation collection and right now it is five meditations that you can choose from, you get all five but you get to choose whichever one you listen to based on how you wanna feel. The collection is only $10 and as I add meditations, if you buy it now, you'll just get the meditations as it grows. So my idea with the meditation collection is to be an affordable, easy access to your inner spirit, your inner calm, your inner voice. Again, not something that you have to set a lot of time aside to do the most of the meditations are around 10 minutes. There is one that's about 17 minutes long and all of them you can listen to on the go or you can listen to them in complete stillness, lane and bed. There's no right or wrong way to meditate and that's something that as we talk about bringing vacation vibes to your everyday life is really important because there isn't a right or wrong way to go on vacation, everybody does it differently. But what I've noticed in myself and the people I work with is that oftentimes when we're on vacation and we're having a great time, we're really allowing ourselves to let go of some of those expectations because there is kind of this understanding that when you're traveling, when you're away from home, when you're outside of your normal routines, the stress of your normal routines doesn't always find you, it doesn't follow you. And so you don't grip so tightly to a specific thing. And the same is true when you meditate or you're connecting to your inner voice, you don't have to do it a specific way. So when we say meditation, people often think about sitting rigidly in silence unmoving, but my guided meditations are created for the busy perfectionist, mom, business owner in mind. And I give you full permission to be doing the laundry or watching the dishes or driving your car or going for a walk or being off to the side while your kids play and also listening to the meditation because you can access that meditative feeling in a million different ways. And then finally, I just wanna mention that I do have some openings for single sessions. I've had quite a few people book sessions with me recently, which is so exciting. I've really enjoyed working with some new clients and some old favorites have come through. And so if that is something that you're interested in doing, you can always just go to for its slash coaching to learn about the different coaching sessions that I offer. I have an hour of intuition, which is 100% focused on you listening to your inner voice and really getting into that place where you can access your inner wisdom and releasing any emotions that are in the way of you really believing what your inner voice has to say. And then I also have a session specifically for past lives. So if you feel like you have a past life that is coming through that is making something difficult in your current life specifically, that's usually what happens with the past life is that it surfaces, it brings something to your attention that maybe you don't mentally feel like you should have a problem with or should have a struggle with. And then you just kind of get this inkling, this knowing that maybe it's related to a past life. That is the perfect time to book the past life integration session. It is a little bit of a longer session and you do get a follow up call with me included. So if that's something that you're curious about exploring, check out the website or reach out to me on Instagram. I'm @kalenealise and we can chat all about if that's right for you. All right, now there's seven ways that you can bring vacation vibes to your daily life. And if this is something that you're very curious about or intrigued by, I would invite you to experiment with these small shifts just to open the door. You'll make that little adjustment to see how you can kind of tap into your vacation self in your home life. And if you are getting ready to go on vacation or just returning from vacation, see how you can play with these concepts too. Because we sometimes take a little while to get into our vacation vibes. Let's say you're just going somewhere for a few days and you really want to squeeze the juice out of it and make the most of that trip. Doing some of these a few days before and a few days after instead of stressing about packing and stressing about unpacking and all of the things that come with the before and after a vacation, if you can add some of these rituals and activities into your everyday life now, before your trip or after your trip, it's going to make the whole thing go a lot smoother. So the first one is to set an intention. Usually with vacations, the intention is to have fun, is to relax, is to enjoy yourself. So when you're in your daily life, what intention would you set if you were on vacation today? If you could just wave a magic wand and instead of being in your work life and schlepping kids around to camp or whatever it is that you've got going on, what would your vacation self intention be? And can you set that intention today? Give yourself permission to have that same intention. So for me, if I tune into my intuition right now, the intention is to rest and do less. Ah, and of course, my mind, I have to tell you, in this exact moment, my mind doesn't agree. I want to do more. I've been really in the flow with work and I've just, I've really been working so much. It's been giving me so much joy. So to rest and do less, that means my interpretation of that is that I'm probably not going to go to the coffee shop this afternoon. I'm going to go up and hang out and work from bed and maybe just like do one of the things on my to-do list instead of trying to accomplish eight. (laughs) So set the intention to have fun or set the intention to rest, to do less, set an intention for your day that gives you some of that vibe of vacation. Number two, is relax your attitude and your schedule. Very much in line with what my inner voice just shared with me and I have to tell you that I did not read that line before I tuned into my inner voice. So just a funny little alignment there. But when you're on vacation, oftentimes there is that aim to relax your attitude and to relax your schedule. Sometimes we travel and we pack a lot into a schedule, sight scene or whatever the case may be, but oftentimes there is that looser grip because you can't control everything on vacation the way that we often try to control in our everyday life. So relax your attitude, however that means to you, relax your schedule, loosen your grip on all of the details and allow some of that vacation energy to come through in your everyday life. Number three is simplify to what's important. So if you've ever tried to pack for a trip and you have like this big stack of clothes or toiletries or books, this happens to me with books all the time before I leave for a trip. I'm like, "Oh, I'm gonna read eight books." And then it's like, maybe we shouldn't pack so many books. It's a lot to carry. You're probably not gonna read all of them and it's just not realistic. So you simplify to what's important. The one book you actually want to read that you actually want to give your attention to. And the same thing is true in everyday life. When you wanna bring vacation vibes, you focus on that one thing or the three things that are actually important instead of getting so distracted by the millions of possibilities and things that are pulling for your attention. Number four is indulge. Indulge in whatever feels good and right for you. When you're on vacation, there's definitely a lot more permission and freedom to indulge. And so if you wanna bring that vibe into your daily life, go for it. Experiment, play with it. When you know that you have permission to indulge over a longer period of time, what indulging means will shift and change. One of the reasons why, if we're gonna talk about like eating specifically, if you give yourself permission to eat ice cream while on vacation, but then not when you're at home, then you might end up eating more ice cream than you need when you're on vacation because it's like a limited opportunity. But if you give yourself permission to indulge in ice cream whenever you want, when you're at home in everyday life, you might only want like a few bites of ice cream because you know you can have it again tomorrow night if you want. So indulging doesn't have to be related to food. It can be in a myriad of ways. And when you use your intuition, your inner voice to check in and connect on what does indulge mean to me, it is totally different than what your mind might be guiding you towards. So also notice when you indulge, who is the indulger? Who is the who within you is leading that charge? And can you bring more intuition to indulging? And what does that look like in your life? Number five, spend time outdoors. That is like something we often do when we travel that we don't always do when we're home. So that might be going for walks or swimming or exploring nearby nature spots. It might be walking more between places, whatever it looks like, just get yourself outside. And if the weather isn't great, but you can still get out on a patio or a porch and enjoy a little bit of fresh air, it really is such a grounding, reviving thing to do. And this isn't something that I honestly do as much as I would like, but whenever I intentionally get myself outside, I'm happier for it. I don't regret it. And so this is as much of a reminder for me as it is for you that when we get outside, it feels good. Even when it's hot in Texas in the middle of summer, making it a priority to get outside in the morning before it gets too hot, that's something that we do when we're on vacation. If we're specifically in my family, we've got little kids and we don't spend whole days at the beach or at the pool yet. And so we try to get out early before it gets too hot before a lot of sunscreen is required. And we enjoy that fresh air and that time outside early in the day. And it really does set the tone for a really nice, connected feeling for the rest of the day because we've literally just spent time outside. And oh, one thing I'll say is that when my husband and I were traveling before we had kids, we traveled quite a lot and we took a trip to Australia and prior to flying, I was actually pregnant with our oldest when we did this Australia trip. And I had read that one of the ways to help with jet lag is to spend time outside and specifically to take your shoes off and get your bare feet in the ground on the ground when you land to help your circadian rhythms connect back to the earth. And so we did it. We went to Australia, we flew, gosh, knows how long. And then when we got there, it was daytime. And so we took our shoes off and we had a little moment putting our feet in some grass that we found. And I still do this in my everyday life at home now. And sometimes I remember that moment in Australia, like sometimes I connect back to that energy of that vacation, that big trip. And so when you do some of these things in vacation and then you bring them to your everyday life, you can tap back into that energy, that feeling that you had on that trip. Okay, so number six is visit museums and other sites when you travel. You know, it's like all new when you're on vacation, you have different things that you do. And so what are the things that you haven't done where you currently live that you would do if you were a tourist, a vacationer coming into your town. For me here in Austin, it might be going to a museum that I've never been to. There's still a fair amount of those and new restaurants and climbing up to the top of Mount Bonnell. That's something that we always love to do when we have people in town to show them the views. And so doing that in my everyday life connects me to that same energy. And then number seven is feeling appreciation and savoring the little moments. When you save up your money for a trip, when you take time off and travel, you know, there is this baked in appreciation for all that it took to get there. And then when we live our everyday lives, we often don't feel that same reverence and appreciation for all that it took to get you to where you are right now in this exact moment. But you could have that feeling. You could appreciate and savor the little moments a little bit more. And if you did, what would that look like? What would that bring to your life? How would that enhance your experience? Just explore those seven ways over the next few days, you know, as you're kind of going about your everyday life or if you're on vacation listening to this, how can you kind of tap into that infusing more of who you are on vacation into your daily rhythms and how do you want to carry that forward? Always, always, always coming back to your inner voice, your intuition and checking in. What does your inner voice have to say about this, right? Like, how can you specifically bring vacation vibes to your daily life? That's a question that you can ask your intuition. And ask 15 follow-up questions after you get whatever answer you get to get more clarity, more understanding on what that looks like for you. And if you want support in that process, of course, like I mentioned at the beginning of the call, I have a few new ways to work with me and also to access some of my supportive rituals. I also have a free summer self-care guide. So if you are looking to take better care of yourself, practice more self-care this summer, that's gonna be perfect for you. And I'd love to work with you privately, one-on-one, if this is something that you want a little bit more guidance and support with, whatever you do. I hope that this little conversation inspires you to infuse and sprinkle some more vacation vibes into your everyday life. I would love to hear how it goes. You can send me a message on Instagram. I'm @KelenaLease, and I'll be back soon with the next episode. Talk to you then. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]