CWC Dinuba

Growing Larger & Smaller - Audio

A place for all races, all backgrounds, all generations serving one GOD
Broadcast on:
05 Jan 2025
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It better be because this message is going to speak to all of us. We began a series last Sunday on growing larger and smaller, and I've subtitled this life with glow, flow, and overflow. Life with glow, flow, and overflow. I want you to go with me again to the book of Acts, this time we're going to Acts chapter 2, verses 41-47, and I'm reading it out of the New King James Version. Acts chapter 2 verses 41-47 says, "Then those who gladly received this word were baptized, and that day about 3,000 souls were added to them, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believe were together, among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of art, praising God and having favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. The late revivalist and preacher Leonard Ravenhill wrote, "Is the fire and fervor of the early church revealed in the Acts of the Apostles the norm for the church of Jesus Christ? We believe it is. Jesus came that we might have a life more abundantly, life with glow, life with glow, and life with overflow." He continues, "Let us remind ourselves again that the early church revealed moved in moving something or somebody must be left behind. A modern ananias and sapphira will find the pace too hot and the price too high. To keep the fire of revival burning, meet together daily. Meet together daily for prayer and praise. This was the church in Acts 2, 42 to 46. Meet together daily to break bread. We understand that not only meant to share a meal, it was also speaking of gathering together to celebrate and to partake of the Lord's supper. Then he writes, "Meet together daily for prayer. This was their pattern and then in harmony with the Spirit, this was the glow of the first church." Someone else noted, "We need to follow the New Testament church patterns. If we want to experience progress and power in the church today, we need to follow New Testament church patterns if we want to experience progress and power in the church today." Someone else noted, "If you try to preach Peter's gospel without Peter's power, you will soon Peter out." What does that mean? We need the Holy Spirit to carry out the work of the church because the church is not a man-made institution. It was birthed in the power of the Holy Spirit by God himself and therefore the work of the church can only be accomplished through the Spirit. Now in this series of growing larger and smaller, my aim is to instruct us through the word on how as a church body, if we're going to progress and experience God's power in our lives individually and corporately, then we have to follow the pattern of the early church and the church sets the pattern of how to experience the progress and power of the Spirit of God at work in our lives. And so as we focus on this aspect of growth, I want to highlight two very important principles if you will that I find that are essential for our growth. Here's principle number one. Growth happens at both an individual and corporate level through rightly responding to the word of God. Let me say that again. Growth happens at both an individual and corporate level through rightly responding to the word of God. Look what the Scripture says again in Acts 2, 41. It says, then those notice who gladly received his word. Notice they didn't resist, they didn't reject, they received. They didn't resist, they didn't reject, they received. Every Sunday that you come here to church, you have a choice as well as I to make. When the word of God is presented, I could either resist it, reject it, or receive it. The early church was powerful because when they came collectively together, their hearts were open to what God had to say. And they set out, if you would, the welcome mat to the word of God. And therefore God's word worked in them effectively. They didn't resist, they didn't reject, they received. Now this is the first of 52 Sundays of this year of 2025. And when you decide along with myself to come to his house, my disposition towards his word is going to determine what's going to happen in my life, in its growth, in its development. The way I relate to his word will determine whether or not I will advance, progress, experience the power of God in my life. Now this word where it says they gladly receive, the Greek word for receive there, it means to take fully, that is welcome persons, approve things. It means to accept or receive to gladly. Now the Apostle Paul, when he wrote to the church of Thessalonica, he said this regarding how they received the word in 1 Thessalonians 2, verse 13, he says, for this reason. We also thank God without ceasing, because when you receive the word of God, which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also notice effectively works in you who believe, did you touch it? Their attitude toward the word determine how the word worked in them. What was their attitude? He said, you received it and you welcomed it. You received it not as words of men, but as the word of God as his truth. And you set out the welcome mat. What was the result? The word worked effectively in them. And this word effectively, enogaleo, it means to work, be at work, be operative, be effective to avail. Watch this. The Greek enogaleo is where the English verb to energize comes from. Watch it and get ahold of it. This is more than a historical book. This is living and active because as Paul would point out to Timothy, this is what he called theonestos. This is God breathe. These are more than words of men. It's the breath of God that moved men to put on paper, God's principles, precepts and promises, God's dictates and desires are here in the word. He breathed it out upon men. And then they were able to write out God's thoughts, God's ideas, God's words, put them on paper. And when you and I receive it, we welcome it. The result is it works energy in us. Do you need an energy drink? And I tell you, this is better than five hour energy. This doesn't run out after five hours. This will keep you energetic all day. When you read it, you reflect on it, you meditate on it, you apply it, it will move energetically in you. It will help you be better than the energizer bunny. You will keep going and going and going no matter what, why? Because this word will build you up. This word will nourish your soul. This word will give you the mind of God. This word will give you peace in the storm. This word will fill you with the confidence that only comes through God, his word. But in order for you and I to experience it working effectively, we have to be willing to welcome it in our lives. Bible teacher, Dr. Warren Wiersby. He writes, the word of God within us is a great source of power in times of testing and suffering. If we appreciate the word, the heart, appropriate the word, the mind, and apply the word, the will, then as a whole person, we will be controlled by God's word and he will give us the value of victory. Again, if we appreciate the word, the heart, in other words, we give it the welcome, Matt. And then we appropriate the word, the mind, we mentally assent and believe what it is stating. And then we apply the word to our will, we carry out what it instructs us to do, then as a whole person, we will be controlled by God's word and he will give us the victory. Now, currently in my Bible reading, I'm starting the Bible plan again to read the Bible through in a year, but I'm reading it through chronologically. So I began my Bible plan reading the first 11 chapters of Genesis. And now for us period, we're going to the book of Job. If you didn't know, Job is actually the oldest book of the Bible. Now, so as I'm reading Job, I've read today, yesterday, chapters one through five. Now, I'm reminded of the fact that Job went through intense time of suffering and testing. And during that time of testing and suffering, he testifies the fact that there was a season when he was looking for God in the midst of his testing and suffering. And he says, no matter where I looked, no matter where I went to look for him, I didn't find him. Have you ever been there in a time of testing where you look for God and there seem to be no evidence of him being around? Have you ever not felt God? That's what he went through. In fact, let me show you, in Job 23.8, he says, I go east, but he's not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I look to the south, but he is concealed, and he says this, but he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. Notice, for I have stayed on God's past. I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food. Did you get it? He says, I look for God in my trouble in my testing. I couldn't find him. He says, even though I didn't see him, he had the right perspective, which was this. I may not see him, but he sees me. He knows the way I'm going, and he's testing me, and this testing is not for nothing. When I come out of this, I'm going to come out as pure as gold. And then he says, even though I didn't sense him, even though I didn't see him everywhere I looked, it seemed like he wasn't present, I stayed on course. I didn't astray from God. I stayed true to God. How? He tells us. I treasured his words more than my daily food. Can I tell you if you will feed on God's word, it will give you the power. It will give you the perspective that you need in any trouble and trial. When you're on his word, you're meditating on it, day and night, whatever comes your way, you know all things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to his purpose. You can stay like Joe. It's hot in here right now. But when I come out of this thing, I'm going to come out like gold. I'm going to be more valuable. I'm not coming out the way I went in. I'm going to come out stronger, wiser, I'm going to come out powerful in God. That's when you're in the Word. When you stay in the Word, when you appreciate it, he said, I treasured it more than my daily food. Now, how many of you like to eat? Thank you for being honest. I'm not really a neater. See, yes, I am. Y'all can call me out. See, these are all my mentors now, they're calling me out. I have to be as committed to having my daily feeding in his Word as I am committed to fuel my money. And if I want to grow, do you get this? Now, you're going to love me. It's going to be hard to love me throughout this message. But I love you. Now, watch this, Psalm 11911, the psalmist says, I have stored up your Word in my heart that I might not sit against you. You want to stay on course, even when you don't see God, store up his Word in your heart. Then Psalm 1 verses 1 through 3 and the new living says, oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with sinners or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit, notice each season. Their leaves never wither and they prosper in all that they do. And then James wrote this in James 1, 22 to 25, but don't just listen to God's Word. You must do what it says, otherwise you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the Word and don't obey it, it's like cleansing out your face in the mirror. You see yourself walk away and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free. And if you do what it says, and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. It is no secret. If you want this year of 2025 to be better than what it was in 2024 in your walk with the Lord and in your spiritual development, then treasure the Word of God more than your daily food. Make it your aim every day, just like I'm feeding myself in the morning. I'm going to feed on the Word, just like I'm feeding myself in the noon time. I'm going to feed on the Word, eat just like I'm feeding myself at night. I'm going to feed on the Word and I'm telling you. And then you take time to reflect on it. You meditate on it. You speak it to yourself. You declare it over your life. And then you commit by the power of the Holy Spirit. I'm going to put to practice what God told me today is necessary for my development. The Bible then says God will bless you for doing it. So again, growth happens at both an individual and corporate level through rightly responding to the Word of God. Secondly, growth happens through mutual connection and participation rooted in devotion. We say that again. Growth happens through mutual connection and participation rooted in devotion. Do you know what the difference is between commitment and involvement? Just look at a plate of ham and eggs. The chickens were involved. The pig was committed. The purpose of today's message is to challenge you this year of 2025 to become committed, not simply involved. Still, let me. You better if you want to make it happen. Now watch. Look how in the living Bible how Acts 2.42 reads in the living Bible. It says they joined with other believers in regular attendance at the Apostles' teaching sessions and at the communion services and prayer meetings. Notice they joined with other believers. And then it talks about the participation in regular attendance at the Apostles' teaching sessions and the communion services and prayer meetings. So you see there was connection connecting with others and then there was participation in the practices that bring about spiritual development. It tells us there both connection and participation. The life application Bible footnote on this first state. About 3,000 people became new believers when Peter preached the good news about Christ. These new Christians were joined with other believers, taught by the Apostles and included in the prayer meetings in fellowship. New believers in Christ need to be joined in a group where they can learn. God's Word, pray and mature in the faith. If you have just begun in a relationship with Christ, seek out other believers for fellowship, prayer and teaching. This is the way to grow. Now look at Acts 2.42 again with me now in the Passion Translation. The Passion Translation. It says every believer was faithfully devoted to following the teachings of the Apostles. Their hearts, watch this, were mutually linked to one another, sharing communion and coming together regularly for prayer. Notice I love that phrase, their hearts were mutually linked to one another. Now one of the things that we're known for up here in the Northern California area is the huge redwood trees. They're amazing. They are the largest living things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them are 100 meters high and they're even more than 2,500 years old. Now you would think that trees, that large would have a tremendous root system reaching down deep in the earth, but that is not the case. Redwoods actually have a very shallow root system. The roots of these trees are however intertwined. They are tied in with each other. They are interlocked. Thus, when the storms come and the winds blow, the redwoods still stand. Once an interlocking root system, they support and sustain each other. They need one another to survive. So do we. You and I are not the body of Christ by ourselves. We're the body of Christ together. There are over fifty one another commands in the Scripture. Thus God emphasizing you and I were not meant to do life alone and we can't grow alone. We need others for our growth. Now look with me again at Acts 2.42 this time in the new living translation. It says all the believers notice devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and to sharing in meals, including the Lord's Supper and to prayer. It says they devoted themselves. Now what's going to come up on the screen next? I want you to get it, memorize it, and apply it in your life because this is the key. You want to grow? You want to grow in your walk? This is the key. Devotion doesn't happen by emotion, but rather through decision supported by determination. Now, we preachers, we often say not at this church, but at other churches, but I'm going to tell you in this church too. There are what I call stop and go Christians who wonder why they never grow, because they stop and they go. Then they stop and they go, you know why? Because they're led by emotion. And some of them are what I call, you know, conference junkies, because they're looking for that conference where the magic bullets going to strike them, or the anointed preacher is going to touch them, and all of a sudden, they're going to be new. Don't happen that way. It happens through determination. I've learned this in my journey. You've got to come to a place where you're not led by emotion. And you say in yourself, today I decide, no matter what happens, I'm going to press. No matter what kind of season I'm in, I'm going to pray. No matter what kind of trial besets me, I'm going to worship. I'm going to praise. I'm not going to be run by emotion anymore. I'm determining now that there's nothing that's going to stop me from pressing. When you come to that point in your journey, then what you discover is, the enemy has only been able to defeat you by intimidation, making you think you couldn't go on. But then you realize that when you resolve in yourself, this time I'm pressing on, then God's power kicks in to back your resolve. That resolve is backed by a power that can overcome any type of resistance. I want you to know, your pastor is not unsympathetic. Like I've told you often, I've gone through depression, I've gone through anxiety, I've lost loved ones in my life, I've experienced harding, I've experienced trouble time. But the reason I'm here is that there came a point in my journey when I said, I'm not going to do it because it feels good, I'm not going to do it because I feel anointed, I'm not going to do it because I got the right words, I'm going to do it because he is worthy of it, regardless of what I'm facing. And he then gave me the strength to realize you can make it no matter what. Now, someone you like, I came for a TED Talk and I feel like I'm getting a silicon. I said, it's getting, let me ease the atmosphere by telling you one of my fave stories of today. Bob and Frank, crashed their private plane on a deserted island and both survived. Bob ran all over the island to see if they had any chance of survival. When he returned, he rushed up to Frank and he screamed, this island is uninhabited. There's no food, there's no water, we're going to die. Bob leaned back against the plane with his arms folded and said, we're not going to die. I make $250,000 a week. Frank said, Bob then said, I'm telling you, we're doomed. There's no food, there's no water, we're going to die again. Frank responds, we're not going to die, I make $250,000 a week, upset. We're going to die, there's no one else on this island, there's no food, there's no water. Frank calmly responded saying, he'll make me say this again. I make $250,000 a week and I tithe. I promise you, my pastor will find us before next Sunday. Can I tell you, I will find you because I'm devoted like that is. It takes devotion, a decision supported by determination, but listen to me. Even though devotion to discipline results in our development, let me be clear, the aim of devotion to disciplines is not fulfilling a checklist, it's about experiencing more of Christ's life. Let me say that again. The aim of devotion to disciplines is not fulfilling a checklist, it's about experiencing more Christ's life. I like what Pastor Chris Valleton posted recently. He posted the following, the goal of spiritual discipline is intimacy with God, not bondage to practices. He goes on to elaborate, the word disciple means learner, but it's rooted in discipline. Spiritual disciplines aren't about enslaving ourselves to routines or rituals, they're about growing roots and cultivating intimacy with God. And he concludes with this, here's the truth, discipline isn't the goal relationship is. These practices are tools to align our hearts with his and transform us into his likeness. So let me wrap it up by rehearsing, here it is, growth happens at both an individual and corporate level to rightly responding to the word of God. A lady by the name of Kathleen Norris tells the story of a South Dakota rancher and his bride who received a leather bound Bible as a wedding gift from the groom's grandfather. They wrote a thank you note and then they stowed it away on a closet shelf out of the way. As time passed, the grandfather repeatedly asked a couple how they liked the Bible. The rancher was confused as to how to respond, hadn't he already expressed his appreciation? But the grandfather persisted, eventually the young man dug out the gift and as he leafed through it, twenty dollar bills fluttered out, sixty-six in all, one at the beginning of Genesis and the following sixty-five in each book that followed. Some of you like, I want that as my wedding gift, but can I tell you more than that money, the greatest treasure of God's word is its power to transform your life. When you read it and you heed it, here's the second truth principle. Growth happens through mutual connection and participation rooted in devotion. These words that I came across by John Piper are spot on and I want you to consume them with me. He says, "If God designed the church to function like a body with every member, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit to other members in regular interpersonal relationship, then would it be surprising to find that the neglect of this regular interpersonal spiritual ministry cripples the body in some of its functions and causes parts of the body to be weak and sick? Isn't that what you would expect?" And then he writes, "Psychological problems, marriage problems, parenting problems, self-identity problems, financial problems, career problems, loneliness, addictions, phobias, weaknesses." I wonder if the epidemic of emotional and psychological woes is not the symptom of an organic flaw in the way most Christians experience Christian church life. Some of us could save a lot of money if we would just get connected with believers that are growing in their walk that we could draw straight from. You heard Cassandra. She's been part of the church, you said 16 years, right? But she hasn't grown like she's grown the last three years. When she made a decision, I'm going to connect with others, and I'm going to get honest. I'm going to get real, and I'm going to connect with others that are growing in areas that I know I need to grow in, and I'm going to let them mentor me. I'm telling you, I've seen her grow, encourage, and confidence, and that can happen in all our lives. You know what keeps me going? It's not just my relationship vertically with God, it's my relationship horizontally with other believers, including members of the clergy. Your pastor, I'm diligent in this. Why? Because I know I wasn't meant to do life alone, and I need others in my life, and there's others that I'm connected to, some of whom that you don't even know, that are people who are further along than I am. I could be one of those that I've already graduated with. I've been in this for over 30 years, and therefore I don't need any help. Oh, yes, I do, because I'm breathing, so I want to encourage you today. Make up your mind. This year of 2025, it's not going to be like a repeat of 2024. This year, I'm going to grow further. I'm going to advance in my walk because I'm committing to connection, participation. I'm going to get part, I'm going to participate in prayer, I'm going to participate in fellowship, I'm going to participate in coming to the Word to services with an open heart to receive the Word. I'm going to set the web to the Word of God, whether it's Pastor Angel, Pastor Dave, Pastor Jason, any other church leader, or it's a guest speaker, I'm going to come with an open heart, receive. If you need to come that way, you're going to be transformed every time, and you're going to get an energy boost to his Word. So Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your Word doesn't leave us in the dark. In fact, the psalmist was right when he said, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." God, Your Word illuminates. Your Word reveals Your will. Your Word reveals Your ways. Your Word imparts to my mind your thoughts so that I can have the right perspective to whatever trial I'm going through in life. Your Word imparts power in me so that I don't go off course, I can stay on track even in the midst of questions or doubts, as I stay rooted in Your Word, as I meditate on it, as I reflect on it, as I read and heed it, as I apply it, as I do it, I experience it working energetically, effectively in me, giving me, giving me staying power. So Father, I pray for C.W.C. life, Lord, our body here, I pray for those in this room, those in the overflow, God, I pray for those online that have tuned in, Lord, with a desire to make this year count. I believe I've spoken to people today, God, who don't want to repeat of 2024 in their journey, they want to grow, they want to grow. Lord, we've learned today it requires having the right disposition toward Your Word as well as being devoted to connection and participation, connection with others and participation in those practices revealed in Your Word that will lead to spiritual development and growth, not only individually but corporately, Lord, I pray for that, I pray for that. That devotion, Lord, that is the result of a decision supported by determination. I pray for that, God, today, pray for that, Lord, that You work that in our hearts and our lives. Now, I'm going to do what I did in color, I'm going to invite those of you, not just in this room, those of you in the overflow that would say, Pastor Angel, I'm ready to make 20, 25 count, I'm ready to have the right disposition towards God's Word. I'm ready to set out the welcome mat to God's Word in my life, whether it's when I come to hear it here or when I'm opening it in my home or whether I'm opening it in the parking lot before I go to work or even during breaks, setting my will to have an openness to the Word, then you're also saying, I'm ready to be devoted to connection and participation. If that's you, I want you to stand on your feet and I want you to make your way forward and stand in this front area, we're going to stand before the Lord. This has happened in the Word of God. Throughout the Word of God, there's people, the people of God would come and just stand before God after to say, Lord, I'm ready to take to heart what You've spoken. I'm ready Lord, I want, I want to experience your blessings, but I realize it requires a commitment for me as well and I'm committing to walk in your ways as revealed in Your Word so that Your will can be done in me this year in 2025. I'm ready. That's it. I'm ready. In the Old Testament, when they would anoint the priest, they would anoint their ear, they would anoint their thumb and they would anoint their big toe, why, because this thing about walking the Lord requires that we have the right ear, that we listen. We have an ear that is receptive to hear the Word of God and then the reason they would anoint the right thumb is so that whatever I do, Lord, it's done according to Your will and way and through Your power. They would anoint the big toe of their foot, why, because they're saying, Lord, help me to walk the way You would have me to walk, help me to walk out Your commands, help me to walk out Your will, they understood, they need the power of the Spirit of God to do that. And as you're standing here, I'm believing your ears are going to be anointed, your hands, your feet, the Father, we stand before You right now. We're here before You, God, in our hearts, Lord, our set. We set our will, God, to have an open heart, to set out the welcome mat to Your Word, to receive it like the early church did, gladly, not resisted, not rejected, but receive Your message, Your Word as it spoke into our hearts, O God, not just in this house, but also at our workplaces, Lord, when some of us make it a practice, before I go in, I'm going to spend some time in the Word, others of us during great times, we say, I'm going to go to my car right now and I'm going to just read, I'm going to go to my office, I'm going to just read right now, and we set our will now that whatever You say to us, we're going to say, yes, Lord, I receive, and yes, Lord, I will heed, I will apply that in my life. I pray right now, Father, for You to anoint our ears so that we can hear what Your Spirit is saying, and anoint our hands, God, that the work of our hands would display, Father, work in our lives, that the way we carry out our responsibilities, Lord, represented by our hands, Lord, the work that we do would be a reflection of who You are, and a reflection of the change that You're working in our lives, and Lord, our feet, may they be anointed, empowered by You to be able to stay on course, that even when we don't see You, God, when even when we don't see evidence that You're present, that we wouldn't fear off, we wouldn't go astray, we would stay on course, Lord, we would stay in Your path this year of 2025. I'm praying that, Lord, over each one here, Lord, over those in the overflow that are making the decision, over those online right now, Father, that even they're in their living room, Lord, even there as they've stopped in their car and they're just saying, Lord, I want this year to be different, God, anointing, anointing from Your Spirit, let it fall on us, let it fall afresh on us, Lord. You've got the power to change us from the inside out, and here we are, God, before You saying, Your will be done. Your Word says in Philippians 2.13, for it is God who works in You, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. And I pray over everyone at this altar, God, those online, those watching, God, those right here, Lord, in this building, I pray, according to 1 Thessalonians 5, 23 and 24, God of peace, sanctify us through and through, and may our whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I declare 1 Thessalonians 5, 24 over us that states faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it. I thank You, God, that as we stand before You, we can be confident that this good work that You're beginning today on the first Sunday of January, Lord, as we stand before You and submission, that You're going to carry it on, and You're going to continue it on in our lives throughout this year, because we make a determination today. We are not going to falter. We are not going to Lord slack, and we are not going to pull back. We're pressing forward, and through the help of Your Spirit, we will not stop and go. We're going to go, and we're going to keep on going by Your power, God, through Your strength, because we're going to keep Your Word as priority in our lives. God, we're going to make it, Lord, as essential in our lives as our daily food, and we're going to be committed, God, to connection and to participation in the practices that will lead to our spiritual development growth, not only individually, but corporately, God. I declare that today, Lord, a good work is being initiated that will continue, and You're going to complete it, God, in our lives, because it's before You that we stand it, it is to You that we yield, and thank You, Lord, that You do not abandon the work of Your hands, but like a potter with the clay You keep on shaping, You remake when necessary, You remove what's necessary, You replace it with that which will be enduring, thank You that You're doing that, in each one a day, Father, that stands before You in submission and yield in this. Now we pray for each other, Lord, here at this altar. Blessed my brother, blessed my sister, God, we're a family. This is the body of Christ. I pray, God, help me to be a blessing, to my brother, my sister, to my left, to my right, I pray, you're blessing over them. I pray this year, God, that their lives will be enriched through Your Spirit. I pray this year that they would not lack because of the supply of Your Spirit continually, Lord, being released in their lives. I thank You, God, that this year of 2025, it's going to be greater for them than 2024 was. I pray that God, we are going to grow together, we're going to grow stronger, we're going to grow wiser, and we're going to grow more effective, Lord, not just at relating to each other in this building and this family, but God, our impact and influence for the good of Your Kingdom is going to cause the expansion of Your work outside of this building, in our city, in our communities, God, to Larry County, Fresno County, God, it's not going to be the same. We're going to make a difference through You, through Your Word at work, and through Lord our commitment, devotion, by the help of Your Spirit, to connection and participation. We're going to see growth happen, Lord, in Jesus' name, You believe that? Amen. Amen. Babe, can You bring me the oil? Alina, I'm going to pray for You, okay? I'm going to pray for You. I know, next couple of weeks, you're going to be out, not only going to pray for God to continue to give you the grace or the gifts, either given you, but also for His power at work in your body. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray over Your daughter right now, Lord, over and over again, You have spoken over her, Your words of life, You've made it clear that Your hand is upon her and that You have graced her, and that, God, You want to work through her life as You have been, to make an eternal difference in the grace that You've given her. And I pray right now that You be with her, God, You strengthen her, and I pray right now for Your divine power to flow in her body. I pray for healing. I pray, God, as Your Word says, that same power, that raised Christ from the dead, Lord, it works in us. And the Bible says in Romans 8, 11, that that same Spirit would give life to our mortal bodies. I pray that right now that You're so way life. Your life would flow powerfully in her. And I pray that You would experience Your divine touch in her physical being. And I pray that You be energized in her spirit, in her soul, in her body. And Lord, we declare, God, the greater, the greater, the greater unfolding, God. Father, I pray You continue to use her to communicate as Your ambassador the good news that She's seen, Lord, bring change in her life. Use her to speak that into others, that their lives would be transformed because of it. In Jesus' name, Amen, Amen, Hallelujah. Would You raise up Your hands to the Lord, and I want You to just stay with me, Heavenly Father, I'm Yours, You are mine. This year, that Your will be done, in me, through me, and around me, for the glory of Your name, in Jesus' name, Amen, come on, give Him praise. Bless You. [MUSIC PLAYING]
A place for all races, all backgrounds, all generations serving one GOD